Astm B 426 1983a
Astm B 426 1983a
Astm B 426 1983a
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Book of A S T M Standards, Copyright ASTM
If not listed in thecurrent combined index, will appear in the next edition.
6,1.3 Density shall be determined in accord- same conditions, and submitted for inspection
ance with Test Method B 328. at one time.
6.2 Porosity: 10.2 Chemical Analysis-If required by pur-
6.2.1 When specified, the intercommunicat- chase agreement, at least one sample for chem-
ing porosity by volume shall not be less than ical analysis shall be taken from each lot. A
18 % for Type I. representativesample of chips may be obtained
6.2.2 The porosity shall be determined by by dry-milling, drilling, or crushing at least two
Test Method B 328. pieces with clean dry tools without lubrication.
In order to obtain oil-free chips, the parts se-
7. Mechanical Properties lected for test shall have the oil extracted in
7.1 The manufacturer and the purchaser accordance with Test Method B 328, if neces-
shall agree on qualification tests for the deter- sary.
mination of mechanical properties. 10.3 Mechanical Tests-The manufacturer
7.2 These tests shall be performed on pro- and purchaser shall agree on a representative
duction parts. number of specimens for mechanical tests.
7.3 The tests shall be determined after con-
sideration of the function of the part. 11. Inspection
7.4 The limits and sampling plan shall be 11.1 Unless otherwise specified, inspection
agreed upon between the manufacturer and the of parts supplied on contract shall be made by
purchaser. the purchaser.
7.5 All shipments of parts subsequent to the
establishment of testing conditions shall con- 12. Rejection and kehearing
form to the limits agreed upon. 12.1 Parts that fail to conform to the require-
NOTE2-The mechanical properties that may be ments of this specification may be rejected.
expected from standard specimens molded to size are Rejection should be reported to the producer
given in the Appendix to this specification. or supplier promptly, and in writing. In case of
dissatisfaction with test results, the producer or
8. Permissible Variations in Dimensions supplier may make claim for a rehearing.
8.1 Permissible variations in dimensions
shall be within the limits specified on the draw- 13. Certification
ings describing the structural parts accompany- 13.1 When specified in the purchase order
ing the order or shall be within the limits or contract, a producer’s certification shall be
specified in the order. furnished to the purchaser that the parts were
manufactured, sampled, tested, and inspected
9. Workmanship in accordance with this specification and have
9.1 Structural parts shall be uniform in com- been found to meet the requirements. When
position. specified in the purchase order or contract, a
9.2 When parts are cut or fractured, the report of the test results shall be furnished.
exposed surface shall be of uniform appear- 13.2 The purchase order must specify
ance. whether or not the certification includes chem-
10. Sampling 13.3 Upon request of the purchaser in the
10.1 Lot-Unless otherwise specified, ä lot contract or order, the certification of an inde-
shall consist of parts of the same form and pendent third party indicating conformance to
dimensions, made from powder of the same the requirements of this specification may be
composition, molded and sintered under the considered.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.l Data for the mechanical properties of cop- tests are made on flat specimens approximately % by
per-steel molded specimens are given in Table X 1.1. % in. (6.3 by 6.3 mm) in cross section with a gage
The data do not constitute a part of this specification. length of 1 in. (25.4 mm).
They merely indicateto the purchaser the mechanical XI.2 Hardness values are given as apparent values
properties that may be expected from specialsubsize sincethe readingis not a true readingwhen compared
tension and compression specimens conforming to to a solid material of the same composition. It must
the density and chemical composition requirements be understood that hardness values on powder met-
s ecified. It should be thoroughly understood that aliurgy parts are usually lower because the hardness
tle values represent specimens molded to size and reading is taken over a composite of pores and solid
not specimens cut from commercial parts or speci- material.
mens machined from sample blanks. The tension
A S T M Bq2b R E V * A 83 0757530 0 0 0 5 7 0 b T W
t##j B426
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in
connectionwith any itetn mentioned in this standard. Usersof this standard are expressly advised that determinationof the validity
of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringementof nich rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible techtrical commiftee and must be reviewed everyfive years
and ifnot revised, either reapproved or wilhdrawn. Your comtnents are invited eitherfor revision of this standard orfor additional
standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful considerationat a meeting of the
responsible technicalcomtnittee, which you may attend. ìfyoufeel that your comments have not received afair hearingyou should
makeyour views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia,Pa. 19103.