Research Paper-5
Research Paper-5
Research Paper-5
With advances in deep learning and natural language processing (NLP), the analysis of medical texts
is becoming increasingly important. Nonetheless, despite the importance of processing medical texts,
no research on Korean medical-specific language models has been conducted. The Korean medical text
is highly difficult to analyze because of the agglutinative characteristics of the language, as well as the
complex terminologies in the medical domain. To solve this problem, we collected a Korean medical
corpus and used it to train the language models. In this paper, we present a Korean medical language
model based on deep learning NLP. The model was trained using the pre-training framework of BERT
for the medical context based on a state-of-the-art Korean language model. The pre-trained model
showed increased accuracies of 0.147 and 0.148 for the masked language model with next sentence
prediction. In the intrinsic evaluation, the next sentence prediction accuracy improved by 0.258, which
is a remarkable enhancement. In addition, the extrinsic evaluation of Korean medical semantic textual
similarity data showed a 0.046 increase in the Pearson correlation, and the evaluation for the Korean
medical named entity recognition showed a 0.053 increase in the F1-score.
In the field of clinical NLP, the medical history of patients, diagnosis, and treatment information are crucial for
text processing. Therefore, word-level language representation models such as B ioWordVec1 have been developed
and studied using W ord2Vec2 and Fasttext3. However, medical text is extremely challenging to analyze because
of the complexity of word representations and jargon. Therefore, the adoption of a domain-specific approach is
required for the development of deep-learning-based language models in medical text processing.
With significant progress in deep learning over the past few years, natural language processing (NLP) models
have been developed to overcome the limitations of existing models used for language processing. Bidirectional
encoder representations from transformers (BERT) is a deep learning language model constructed using the
encoder structure from the t ransformer4. BERT has shown impressive performance in various NLP tasks and
has revolutionized the NLP domain. Numerous language models are being developed using BERT5–7.
BERT is a pre-trained language model that focuses on English. Furthermore, a multi-linguistic version of
BERT architecture can be developed by modifying the vocabulary of the model and using relevant data used
for training4. However, this approach does not sufficiently reflect various properties of a language8. Therefore,
language-specific BERT has been studied in various languages. The Korean-based BERT (KR-BERT) is a rep-
resentative language-specific model of the Korean language9. This model has shown remarkable results and
excellent performance compared with other models trained using the Korean corpus. However, the model still
has a chance to improve language understanding for text analysis in the specialized domain when the existing
domain-specific English models are c onsidered10–13. Domain-specific BERT models have been studied in the
medical, financial, and legal fields. In particular, BioBERT showed a performance increase compared to the
existing BERT model by training the model with the biomedical c orpus10. This demonstrates the requirement
for domain-specific training for BERT.
School of Computer Science and Information Engineering, The Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon, Republic
of Korea. 2Korea University Research Institute for Medical Bigdata Science, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of
Korea. 3Department of Biostatistics, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 4Department
of Linguistics, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 5Department of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Center, Korea
University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 6Department of Medical Informatics, Korea University
College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 7School of Interdisciplinary Industrial Studies, Hanyang University,
Seoul, Republic of Korea. 8These authors contributed equally: Yoojoong Kim and Jong-Ho Kim. 9These authors
jointly supervised this work: Hyung Joon Joo and Sanghoun Song. *email: [email protected]; sanghoun@
In this paper, we describe the Korean Medical BERT (KM-BERT) model that has been trained for the Korean
medical corpus from the existing BERT model by combining language-specific and domain-specific approaches.
To demonstrate the validity of the KM-BERT model, we performed intrinsic and extrinsic evaluations on a
Korean medical text dataset. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of KM-BERT in comparison with exist-
ing language models.
Related works
BERT. BERT performs two unsupervised pre-training tasks to improve the language understanding of
machines. The pre-training tasks consisted of a masked language model (MLM) and next sentence prediction
(NSP) using an unlabeled corpus (800M words from BookCorpus and 2500M words in English from Wikipe-
dia). BERT used a WordPiece tokenizer composed of 30,522 subwords14.
BERT adopts the encoder structure of a deep learning model, transformers, which consists of the encoder
and decoder15. BERT architecture is composed of bidirectional encoders, and the structure is constructed by
stacking the encoders. BERT architecture uses three types of embeddings as input. These are token embeddings,
position embeddings, and segment embeddings. After the input layer, encoder layers with multi-head attention
based on the scaled dot-product. Finally, a fully-connected layer is added to the last layer of the stacked encod-
ers. When BERT performs fine-tuning for a specific NLP task, such as question-answering, the fully-connected
layer is replaced with the proper layer.
Similarly, multilingual BERT (M-BERT) uses an identical network structure and two types of pre-training
methods. However, M-BERT uses different data sources, such as Wikipedia, in the top 104 languages, including
English. To cover a wide range of languages as a single model, M-BERT uses a shared word-piece tokenizer with
the vocabulary size of 110K.
Korean‑specific language model. M-BERT has demonstrated unparalleled optimization for NLP tasks
using various languages. However, language-specific BERT models generally outperform multilingual models8,16
because the multilingual models are hard to consider linguistic properties of the local language separately. KR-
BERT9 is a state-of-the-art language-specific NLP model developed for Korean. It adopts a BidirectionalWord-
Piece tokenizer based on forward and backward byte-pair encoding for subword segmentation. The vocabulary
of the KR-BERT tokenizer contains 16,424 subwords, reflecting the different properties of the Korean language.
KR-BERT can therefore enhance the Korean language understanding of the model and has shown a slightly
improved performance compared to other existing Korean NLP models such as KoBERT and KorBERT (not
Limitations of KR‑BERT in the medical domain. Despite the suitable performance of the Korean-
specific BERT model, it has several limitations in terms of its application in the medical domain, where incor-
rectly tokenized words are more frequently observed than in common contexts. For example, the medicine
‘ibuprofen’ should be recognized as a single token, but it is tokenized into ‘i’, ‘##bu’, ‘##pro’, ‘##fen’ (‘ib’, ‘##up’,
‘##ro’, ‘##fen’ in case of English). This type of incorrect tokenization can degrade the language understanding
of a model. Furthermore, domain-specific medical terminology makes understanding the context difficult even
for humans, owing to its unfamiliarity. These terms are used intermittently, and training language models in
an adequate manner is challenging. To resolve these problems, the training of language models using domain-
specific corpora is required.
Dataset. Three types of Korean medical documents were collected. Clinical research articles were selected
from domestic scholarly journals published in Korean. Health information news articles were selected from
well-known newspapers targeting common readers with no expert knowledge. Medical textbooks were selected
at an intermediate level because they introduce expert knowledge to medical students, and the documents were
well-structured and of very high q uality17. (1) Medical textbooks: Two Korean publishing companies provided
textbooks for this study. Each publisher had a classification system for the subject of books, and textbooks from
54 subfields (e.g., internal medicine, emergency medicine, orthopedics, dentistry, pharmacy, and public health)
of the medical field were selected. Finally, 518 text files from Korean medical textbooks, published between
2010 and 2020, were used. (2) Health information news: NAVER, a widely used internet portal site in Korea,
distributes news articles from general newspapers, internet newspapers, and broadcasting stations. We col-
lected all news articles from a section called ‘Health Information’ in the ‘News’ section of the NAVER portal.
Approximately 72,844 health information news articles published from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2020,
in NAVER were collected through Internet crawling. (3) Medical research articles: 72 journals (e.g., Journal
of the Korean Society of Integrative Medicine, Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine) pub-
lished in Korean were selected from the journals listed in the Korean Studies Information Service System, and
15,698 medical research articles published between 2010 and 2020 were collected. The text files were parsed and
modified for further investigation. Consequently, we were able to build a Korean medical corpus consisting of
approximately six million sentences and 116 million words.
Korean medical language model. We present KM-BERT trained on the medical corpus to overcome
the aforementioned limitations. We adopted the KR-BERT character tokenizer and the pre-training framework
used in BERT to train KM-BERT for medical language understanding. For efficient training, the initial weights
of KM-BERT were replaced with the weights of the pre-trained KR-BERT, rather than starting from scratch.
In the pre-training process, KM-BERT was trained for the MLM and NSP tasks following the BERT strategy
(Fig. 1). The MLM is a token-level task only for masked tokens, and the NSP determines whether two sentences
have a prior relationship. Both tasks aim to classify the correct label by minimizing the cross-entropy loss of the
model for two sentences.
In the MLM, 15% of all tokens were randomly masked for each sentence, and only the masked tokens were
considered for prediction. Among the masked tokens, 80% were replaced with the [MASK] token, 10% with a
random token, and the remaining 10% were unchanged. The labels that masked the tokens were limited by the
size of the vocabulary. In other words, the size of the MLM labels corresponded to the entire vocabulary size of
the model. Let c be a one-hot label vector for a masked token and p be the predicted probability. The MLM loss
for a single masked token can be defined as
lossMLM = − ci log pi ,
where V denotes the vocabulary size. We used the average MLM loss for all masked tokens in a paired sentence.
The NSP contains two labels: IsNext and NotNext. Let cIsNext and pIsNext be the label and predicted probability
of the next sentence relationship, respectively. The NSP loss can be defined as follows:
lossNSP = −cIsNext log pIsNext − (1 − cIsNext ) log 1 − pIsNext .
Subsequently, the total loss can be derived by the summation of both losses, and the weights of the model
are updated over the total loss.
Extended vocabulary. Frequently, incorrect tokenization may interfere with language understanding. To
reduce the number of these cases, we supplemented the vocabulary using a tokenizer. We collected 70,415 medi-
cal terms by crawling the medical terminology databases released by the Korean Association of Medical Journal
Editors (KAMJE) (53,511 entries) and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) (16,904 entries). We con-
sidered 69,206 medical terms by eliminating terms that overlapped between the two databases. Although the
terms in the KAMJE and MFDS are potentially informative or meaningful depending on the context, several
words are rarely used, even in medical corpora. To eliminate rare words, we considered the number of appear-
ances of each term in the Korean medical corpus. We considered the terms of the main ingredients and additives
from the MFDS drug datasets and removed words that appeared less than three times in the entire corpus. From
these, we selected the top 10,000 words that were frequently used in the Korean medical corpus. In addition,
1629 words were added from the similarity and relatedness experiments and merged into the extended vocabu-
lary. The details of the similarity and relatedness experiments are described in the previous w
Finally, 10,562 medical terms were obtained, excluding duplicates with the KR-BERT vocabulary. To improve
linguistic understanding in the medical domain, we adopted this extended medical vocabulary of 26,986 words
for KM-BERT (KM-BERT-vocab). The weight of the token embeddings for KM-BERT-vocab was initialized by
It was expected that through training the KM-BERT-vocab model, the model’s understanding of the medical
field language would improve. For instance, the Korean Romanization of ‘systemic sclerosis’ is ‘censinkyenghwa-
cung’ and that of ‘nephrosclerosis’ is ‘sinkyenghwacung’. Both these Korean terms are comprised of the same
Figure 1. Pre-training process for KM-BERT. A pair of sentences joined by two sentences with special tokens is
used as input. (A) MLM task. (B) NSP task.
root morpheme or lexical head, and the meaning difference is because of the prefix ’cen’, which is dependent on
the head. Therefore, the morphological complexity of medical terms is critical to the performance of tokenizers.
The extended vocabulary contains both the medical terms that are tokenized into their corresponding single
tokens. KR-BERT could not appropriately tokenize the corresponding terms into ‘cen’, ‘sin’, ‘kyeng’, ‘hwa’, ‘cung’
tokens and ‘sinkyeng’, ‘hwa’, ‘cung’ tokens. It must be noted that ‘sinkyeng’ means nerve in Korean. This exam-
ple suggests that including a supplement to medical vocabulary can be beneficial for NLP in professional and
complex medical fields.
Both KM-BERT and KM-BERT-vocab are available at https://g ithub.c om/K U-R
orean-M edic
Through NLP experiments, we evaluated the language understanding capability of KM-BERT and compared
its performance with that of other language models. The M-BERT and KR-BERT models were considered as
baseline models in the experiments.
Experiments. We performed pre-training, two types of intrinsic evaluation, and two types of extrinsic eval-
uation. The Korean medical corpus was used for pre-training; the corpus was randomly split into a training set
of 90% and a validation set of 10%. The model was trained on the training set and its performance was measured
using a validation set.
Additionally, we collected an external dataset to intrinsically evaluate the models. The dataset comprised three
sets of 294 sentence pairs, with the next sentence relationship. Sentence pair examples in each set were extracted
from medical textbooks, health information news, and medical research articles after manual inspection for
errors, such as encoding failures. We selected informative sentences by manual investigation to exclude mean-
ingless sentences, such as sentences that were extremely short and only human names. However, there was no
overlap between the Korean medical corpus and the external dataset. The medical textbooks used in the external
dataset were not from the two mentioned publishers. In addition, we only considered health information news
uploaded in January and February 2021 and medical research articles published in 2009.
Finally, we acquired the Korean medical semantic textual similarity (MedSTS) dataset, wherein each sentence
was translated from the original MedSTS, which consisted of 3121 English sentence pairs and a corresponding
similarity score of 0–518. First, we translated each English sentence in the MedSTS dataset into Korean using the
Python library of Google Machine Translation. We manually reviewed each translation result and refined the
mistranslation and low-quality translation results. During this process, the similarity scores for each sentence
pair did not change. We used 2393 sentence pairs for the training set and 728 for the test s et19,20. We also acquired
the Korean medical named entity recognition (NER) dataset consisting of 2189 Korean medical sentences with
tagged clinical terminology21. We used 5-fold cross validation to evaluate the medical tagging performance of
each model. Table 1 shows an overview of the evaluation and datasets used.
All the experiments were performed on an Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS server with two Intel (R) Xeon (R) Silver
4210R CPU 2.40 GHz, 256 GB RAM, and dual GPUs of RTX 3090.
Pre‑training. The collected Korean medical corpus was used for the pre-training of BERT for the MLM and
NSP tasks. The MLM task aims to predict an appropriate token label for each masked token, and the NSP task
performs classification using two labels (IsNext or NotNext). Each task follows a supervised mechanism during
the learning process. However, the required data can be constructed from an unlabeled corpus by randomly
joining two sentences and masking the token. Half of the sentence pairs were replaced with two irrelevant sen-
tences. In other words, the ratio of IsNext to NotNext labels was one-to-one for the NSP task. Next, the sentences
were tokenized into tokens, and each token was randomly masked for the MLM task. Therefore, we built a six-
million sentence pair dataset for pre-training based on the Korean medical corpus.
Considering the computational specifications, we used a batch size of 32 and a maximum sentence length of
128 tokens. In addition, we used a learning rate of 1e−6.
The change in performance during the pre-training process over the epochs is depicted (Fig. 2). For compari-
son with the baseline language models, we measured the performance of pre-trained KR-BERT and M-BERT
over the validation set. M-BERT achieved an MLM accuracy of 0.547, an NSP accuracy of 0.786, an MLM loss
of 2.295, and an NSP loss of 0.479. KR-BERT achieved an MLM accuracy of 0.619, an NSP accuracy of 0.821,
an MLM loss of 1.869, and an NSP loss of 0.916. KR-BERT showed slightly better performance than M-BERT,
except for the NSP loss. Both KM-BERT and KM-BERT-vocab showed improved performance compared to the
Figure 2. Pre-training results of KM-BERT and KM-BERT-vocab for MLM and NSP tasks over epoch. Dashed
line representing KR-BERT and dot-dashed line representing M-BERT denotes the performance of the final pre-
trained models. (A) MLM accuracy. (B) NSP accuracy. (C) MLM loss. (D) NSP loss.
baseline language models. A performance gap appears even after one training epoch. This implies that training
with domain-specific medical corpora enhances language understanding of medical texts.
Intrinsic evaluation. Intrinsic evaluation was performed for MLM and NSP on external Korean medical
text that consists of medical textbooks, health information news, and medical research articles to compare the
language understanding capability of the model.
The MLM task was performed on three sets of 294 sentence pairs. In this evaluation, identical rules were used
to mask the tokens. The rules contained random aspects. Thus, performance was measured using 100 repetitions
of the MLM task.
The MLM accuracy of each language model for the external Korean medical corpus was evaluated through
repeated experiments (Fig. 3). KM-BERT outperformed the pre-trained language models on MLM and KM-
BERT-vocab, regardless of the corpus type. M-BERT exhibited the lowest performance. The performance of
the four identical models can vary depending on the type of corpus used. Except for M-BERT, the overall
performance of the models was higher for health information news than for other medical textbooks and medi-
cal research articles. Considering that medical textbooks and research articles are specialized and difficult to
decipher, it can be inferred that these models performed better for general and popular health information news.
This suggests that the development of domain-specific NLP models is necessary, highlighting the effectiveness
Figure 3. Distribution of MLM accuracy by 100 repetitions for each language model over each corpus type. (A)
Medical textbook. (B) Health information news. (C) Medical research article.
and urgent requirements of pre-trained models (KM-BERT and KM-BERT-vocab). Furthermore, the difference
in the performance on health information news between KM-BERT and KR-BERT was 0.067, whereas it was
0.119 for medical research articles.
Additionally, we performed the NSP task on the same external dataset used in the MLM task. For the NSP, we
generated three additional sets of 294 random sentence pairs with no next relationship. In other words, for each
type, there were 294 sentence pairs that needed to be classified as next sentence relationships and 294 random
sentence pairs that should not be.
We measured the predicted probability for the NSP sorted in increasing order for each model (Fig. 4). Each
model classified three groups of next sentence pairs for medical textbooks, health information news, and medical
research articles. All samples in the three groups were constructed to have the next sentence relationship. The
remaining three groups consisted of random sentence pairs for medical textbooks, health information news, and
medical research articles. Overall, NSP performance was high in the next sentence groups (Fig. 4A–C). These
four models showed error rates of less than 10% for binary classification over the next relationship. By contrast,
NSP performance was lower in data groups with no next sentence relationships (Fig. 4D–F). KR-BERT showed a
considerably large error for the NotNext label compared with an extremely low error for the IsNext label. Despite
this degradation, KM-BERT and KM-BERT-vocab showed relatively low errors for the NotNext label compared
to the other models. The results clearly show that domain-specific pre-training can influence language under-
standing of the corresponding domain corpus.
This overall tendency coincides with the results of previous studies on the effects of pre-training using an
unsupervised NSP task. It has been reported that BERT representations become increasingly sensitive to dis-
course expectations, such as conjunction and negation, in biomedical texts when BERT architecture is further
pre-trained on biomedical corpora using the NSP training objective22. Specifically, BioBERT trained on PubMed
articles and abstracts showed some improvements in understanding the underlying discourse relations suggested
by the Biomedical Discourse Relation B ank23.
The details of NSP accuracy shown in Fig. 4 are presented (Table 2). The NSP accuracy was evaluated by
determining the next sentence relationships with a predicted probability of 0.5, as the threshold. KM-BERT-vocab
showed the highest NSP accuracy among the groups with the next sentence relationships. In the same group,
M-BERT exhibited the lowest NSP accuracy. The gap in NSP accuracy by model was greater in data groups that
had no next relationship than in data groups with the next relationship. The language model with the best NSP
accuracy was KM-BERT. KM-BERT achieved slightly higher NSP accuracy than KM-BERT-vocab. KR-BERT
showed the lowest accuracy in the same data group, with performance differences compared with KM-BERT.
This can be interpreted as a limitation in the sentence relation inference of KR-BERT for medical domain texts.
Extrinsic evaluation. Extrinsic evaluations were performed for the MedSTS dataset and the Korean medi-
cal NER dataset to demonstrate the performance of fine-tuning for downstream tasks. We investigated the Pear-
son correlation and Spearman correlation between the similarity measured by each language model and the
similarity measured by human verification of MedSTS. We measured the F1-score for the tagging task of the
Korean Medical NER dataset. Each model was fine-tuned using the training set, and their performance was
Figure 4. Distribution of the predicted next sentence probability for the NSP task. (A–C) Medical textbook,
health information news, and medical research article with the next sentence relationship. (D–F) Random
sentence pairs for corpus types that correspond to (A–C) with no next sentence relationship.
evaluated using the test set. We used a batch size of 32 and considered learning rates of 2e−5, 3e−5, and 5e−5,
and training epochs of 2, 3, and 4.
Korean MedSTS task. For the MedSTS task, the best performance of each language model trained using
hyperparameter candidates is presented (Table 3). The best-performing language model for the sentence similar-
ity measurement task was KM-BERT. By contrast, KR-BERT showed the lowest measured correlation with the
predicted sentence similarity. This indicates that the sentence relationship in the MedSTS dataset was properly
trained through pre-training on Korean medical corpora.
We explored two cases of similarity measurements using KM-BERT and KR-BERT with examples from the
MedSTS dataset. Two cases of sentence pairs that showed performance differences in sentence similarity meas-
ured in each model are presented (Table 4). In the above example, the similarity score predicted by KM-BERT
was comparable to the similarity measured by human experts. This is probably because the embeddings for the
drugs and formulations are different between KM-BERT and KR-BERT. The bottom is a case in which KR-BERT
measures the similarity closer to the human score. This example is related to the general instruction of patient
care in the management of medical systems or hospitals, and therefore, it may not require expert knowledge to
understand the instructions.
Korean Medical NER task. In addition to the MedSTS task, we evaluated the pre-trained model using
the Korean Medical NER dataset. The dataset was composed of three medical tags: body parts, diseases, and
symptoms. The performance of the Korean medical NER was measured using the averaged F1-score for the three
medical tags (Table 5). KM-BERT showed the highest F1-score with a performance gap of 0.019. A performance
increase was observed in comparison with KR-BERT and M-BERT. This implies that pre-training in the Korean
medical corpus is effective for Korean medical NER tasks.
In this study, we presented a pre-trained Korean medical NLP model. The pre-trained model, KM-BERT, was
trained on the Korean medical corpus collected from three types of articles (medical textbooks, health informa-
tion news, and medical research articles). The Korean medical corpus consists of six million unlabeled sentences
and 116 million words. KM-BERT was used to pre-train the language understanding of the medical domain
written in Korean using an unlabeled corpus for the MLM and NSP tasks.
Sentences Similarity
Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Med STS KM-BERT KR-BERT
Qsymia 3.75–23 mg capsule multiphasic release 24 h 1 capsule by
Aleve 220 mg tablet 2 tablets by mouth one time daily as needed 0 1 3
mouth one time daily
Patient requires extensive assistance in the following activities: toilet- Patient requires limited assistance in the following activities: bathing,
2.75 4 3
ing, transfer to/from bed/chair, mobility dressing, toileting
Table 4. Examples of the MedSTS dataset containing the true MedSTS similarity and similarities measured by
KM-BERT and KR-BERT. Sentences were translated from the original English MedSTS sentences into Korean.
Model F1
KM-BERT 0.866
KM-BERT-vocab 0.847
KR-BERT 0.847
M-BERT 0.813
To demonstrate the superiority of KM-BERT, particularly in the Korean medical domain, we performed
intrinsic and extrinsic evaluations. We investigated the performance of the pre-trained model and baselines for
a new Korean medical corpus and the MedSTS dataset. The results demonstrated the superior performance of
the pre-trained language model compared with the baseline language models. The KM-BERT model showed an
overall improved capability for language understanding.
Domain‑specific perspective. It has been suggested that domain-specific BERT embeddings such as
SciBERT13 and LEGAL-BERT11 outperform BERT in several tasks that require an understanding of special-
ized terms and usage. For instance, LEGAL-BERT showed improvements in predicting the labels of legal terms
that specify the details of commercial contracts and legal cases. Similarly, SciBERT becomes more accurate in
recognizing clinical entities and scientific concepts when BERT architecture is pre-trained using journal articles
and abstracts. These empirical findings confirm the efficacy of the domain-adaptation of BERT for capturing the
linguistic structures of legal texts, scientific articles, and clinical narratives that are scarcely observed in generic
Lee et al. proposed BioBERT, which is a representative pre-trained model specialized in textual analysis in
the biomedical domain10. Because BioBERT uses an identical tokenizer, there is insufficient consideration for
professional medical terminology. Huang et al. developed a ClinicalBERT model of clinical notes in h ospitals12.
ClinicalBERT focuses on readmission prediction rather than on general usage.
Limitations. The present study has several limitations. First, there are limitations in terms of the computa-
tional power and data resources. In contrast to the current deep learning trends based on large-scale computing,
the pre-training task in this study was performed using a common computational resource, incurs excessive cost,
and is time-consuming (approximately one month). Nevertheless, this type of deep learning research is believed
to be advantageous because it can be conducted in a single laboratory without the use of large-scale computing
resources. Second, KM-BERT was not pre-trained from scratch. KM-BERT used the initial weights from KR-
BERT. The pre-training approach adopted in this study is expected to help develop language-specific models for
domain-specific models. However, it has to be stated that if the model had been pre-trained from scratch and
then used for comparison and analysis, more meaningful results may have been obtained. Third, the advantage
of applying an extended medical vocabulary, KM-BERT-vocab, to a language model is unclear. The KM-BERT-
vocab showed a slight increase in accuracy in the NSP evaluation of IsNext label; however, it did not improve
performance in the other downstream tasks.
Although there was no performance deterioration owing to the embedding layer weight initialization for
KM-BERT-vocab compared with existing models, KM-BERT showed better performance than KM-BERT-vocab.
Extended vocabulary can help the model handle medical terminology as it is but can decrease the model per-
formance because we initialized the weight of the embedding layer. Therefore, careful strategies for selecting
extended vocabulary are required to improve a language model by supplementing its vocabulary. Furthermore,
another downstream task study is needed to elucidate the benefits of KM-BERT-vocab. In future studies, the
effectiveness of KM-BERT will be validated via word vector representation in a specialized medical context,
and the collection of Korean medical text will be thoroughly designed based on appropriate data s tatements26.
The present study demonstrates the feasibility of domain-specific pre-training using a pre-trained language-
specific model. This study demonstrated that the language understanding of the model improved when the pre-
learning approach was used. Furthermore, the intrinsic evaluation demonstrated the language understanding
capability of the model, and the extrinsic evaluation demonstrated its applicability to other NLP tasks. KM-BERT
showed the best performance for the pre-training, intrinsic, and extrinsic evaluations in this study. The results
show the feasibility of pre-training for domain-specific text using a monolingual language model rather than an
English model. We expect that KM-BERT will be beneficial to Korean practitioners in the medical domain. In
the future, we expect our approach to be applied to the development of language models specialized for specific
domains in a variety of other languages.
Data availability
The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are not publicly available due to not public text
sources but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
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This research was supported by a grant of the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health
Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (Grant
Number: HI19C0360) and by a grant of the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (No. 2021R1I1A1A01044255).
Author contributions
Y.K. wrote the main manuscript text, and prepared figures and tables, and prepared responses (the revised manu-
script, rebuttal letter, revised cover letter) with respect to the revision. S.S. and H.J.J. have supervised the overall
contents of the paper and writing. Y.-M.K. supervised the extrinsic evaluation. J.-H.K. contributed to acquiring
the materials. Y.K., S.K. and U.S. have implemented the proposed model and performed the evaluation experi-
ments. J.M.L., M.J.J., Y.J.Y., S.K., and U.S. have refined data. All authors carefully read and revised this manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to H.J.J. or S.S.
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