5es Lesson Plan
5es Lesson Plan
5es Lesson Plan
Inquiry-Based Instruction
I. Objectives
Cognitive (Paste here the code from CG for reference)
III. Procedure
1. Routinely Activities
1.1. Prayer
Let us pray! Amen
1.2. Greetings
Good morning class Good morning sir/mam____
1.3. Attendance
Let’s check the attendance
1.4. Giving of Classroom Rules
1. Be Positive
2. Be Productive
3. Be Polite
4. Be Prepared
5. Be Respectful
2. Drill
3. Review
Who can still remember the lesson
Yesterday? (The pupils will answer)
4. Motivation
(The teacher will give a motivating
activity to reinforce learning) (Students will do the activity)
1. Pre-Activity
2. Activity Proper
1. Post-Activity Discussion
2. Values Integration
1. Generalization
(The teacher on this part will now focus entirely on
the lesson being presented and ask more lead questions
to lead the students in reinforcing what they know and
should know more. The student here starts to feel
more the importance of the lesson to her and see
the necessity of it to his/her life.)
2. Application
E. Evaluation
IV. Assignment
(The teacher will give an assignment somewhat
related to the topic as a fixing skills activity) (The pupils will copy the
Are you done copying your assignment class? Yes sir/mam_______
Keep all your things in your bag (The pupils will follow)
To add, this format will best affect learning when we facilitate more rather than placing the
lesson in their heads. We aim to keep them at phase but not to the point of dragging them to
what we would like them to achieve. And last but not the least, Mastery of the Lesson – when
the teacher is prepared and has mastered the lesson it will surely surprise you with good
Prepared by:
B. Exploration
Suggested Activities
• Perform an Investigation
• Read Authentic Resources to Collect Information
• Solve a Problem
• Construct a Model
What the Teacher Does
• Encourages the students to work together without direct instruction from the teacher.
• Observes and listens to the students as they interact.
• Asks probing questions to redirect the students’ investigations when necessary.
• Provides time for students to puzzle through problems.
C. Explanation
Suggested Activities
• Student Analysis & Explanation
• Supporting Ideas with Evidence
• Structured Questioning
• Reading and Discussion
• Teacher Explanation
• Thinking Skill Activities: compare, classify, error analysis
D. Elaboration
Suggested Activities
• Problem Solving
• Decision Making
• Experimental Inquiry
• Thinking Skill Activities: compare, classify, apply