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Name : Kevin Septianus

NIM : 2330207020074

Jurusan : Ilmu Administrasi Negara

Link video : https://youtu.be/CnwNiDu9s7Q?si=-hwGKDkFB-v57vfn

What is public policy, how is it made, and what is the impact of public policy. One of the
most important things that we must remember when we talk about public policy is that
public policy is the government’s choice to do or not to do something. Public policy is not
only what the government does but also what the government does not do. So, when the
government requests, when the government regulates, when the government manages
something, that is public policy.

Similarly, when the government decides not to ask for something, not to manage
something, not to do something, that’s also policy. Examples are many. When the
government for example decides to subsidize one group or one class, and not another
group. Or for example when the government chooses to prioritize one thing over another
in development priorities, for example.

Public policy is the government’s choice to do or not do something. Never forget this
second part. Because, so far we understand public policy as an active choice of the
government to do (something). No, it is not. It is not like that.

The government’s active choice not to do is also part of public policy. Public policy is
always related to one specific issue, always related to one specific problem, always
related to a specific topic. Why? Because the purpose of public policy is to respond to
the problem or issue. Ideally of course solve. But we also know that not everything can be
resolved. Therefore, the earliest goal, or the most important goal, of public policy is to
respond to something. ‘addressing an issue’.
Here we begin to see that when the government decides to do or not to do something, in
other words when the government makes public policy, there are limitations. Why?
Because of course the government’s point of view, way of thinking, perspective, lens to
see things is limited. Therefore we must realize that it is impossible for the government to
solve everything.

This is the second thing in the discussion of public policy that we need to underline. The
first is the active choice of doing or not doing; the second is that the Government has
limitations in this choice. The world in which we live is getting more complex, the
problems are more diverse, more complicated. Disasters are not only natural; there are
also many non-natural disasters. Development problems vary. In this increasingly
complex world, it is increasingly unrealistic for us to expect the government alone to
figure things out. It is impossible.

Problems that occur in the private world, in the business world, the business world
understands the details. Problems that occur in indigenous peoples, problems that
occur in communities, only activists there understand. Likewise in labor, in the media, in
research. If we expect the government to understand all this, and then make the right
public policies for it, we are wrong. If we expect the government to do it all, solve all the
problems, and fail, it’s not the government’s fault. It’s our fault. Don’t believe that. That’s
why there’s an adage: The government should be criticized as much as possible, But it
should also be helped as much as possible. We can help in the process of the
government making public policy.

How is public policy made? Of course there are many stages, of course the process is not
simple, because it is necessary to get input from various parties, the government must
know what the problem is. Because the government has limited glasses, because its
horizon is limited, what it sees is limited, it needs input from non-government parties in
making public policy.

Here, it is necessary to underline one thing that is key to public policy making, namely
‘evidence’. So evidence-based policy, Evidence-based policy, is a norm that is arguably
adopted, taken up, carried out by almost all governments on this earth in making policies.
One of the criteria for a good policy is when it is evidence-based. Although, of course we
know that the policy-making process is not the process of preparing evidence itself.
Because, what is called evidence in policy making – Evidence arises from research,
Evidence arises from an exercise of ideas, by thought, intellectual exercise, And research;
born from that intellectual moment. Meanwhile, the policy moment is always political:
Discussions with ministries, Discussions with Parliament, Determining how much to
budget, determining what to build. In policy meetings, about poverty, for example, it is not
uncommon to have meetings in 5-star hotels. Policies are often made, the formal
meeting is in the meeting room, but the agreement has been made on the golf course
maybe, while eating. That’s reality.

So now we can understand, This is an intellectual moment: Producing research,

producing evidence; This is a political moment: producing policy. Example: For example,
cigarettes. We know the research: How much can be produced, how many farmers’ lives
depend on tobacco, how much state revenue from cigarette excise, but also how much
the state is responsible for when BPJS has to pay for diseases caused by smoking. This is
an intellectual moment. The policy? This intellectual moment provides information; the
cool language, ‘informing the process’. But the policy-making process is political.

One example: It is clear that until now the Indonesian government has not ratified the
FCTC (International Convention on Tobacco Control). This decision not to ratify is public
policy. Research and policy are not always connected. There is a distance between
research and policy. Policy is a political domain. It is not an epistemic domain. This
understanding is important for us, so that we not only misunderstand how policy-making
is done by policymakers; but also so that we understand where the limits are, where the
fences are, where the areas are that we can expect the government to do policy, and
where the public, if necessary, should drive the process.

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