Simulasi SNBT 2023
Simulasi SNBT 2023
Simulasi SNBT 2023
3. What is the tone of the thread regarding in the ocean. Plastics should not be going
the school competition? into the ocean in the first place. But now, if
they do, this new plastic can become food
(A) encouraging
for microorganisms and not harmful trash.
(B) passionate
(C) objective Adapted from: https://www.sciencedaily.
(D) biased com/releases/2022/09/220922103215.htm
(E) humorous
Text 2
Questions 4-6 are based on the following
passage. Plastic is everywhere and important to the
growth of many industries, such as packaging,
Text 1
building, and automotive. About 83.5% of
In 2010, researchers estimated that 8 consumer products rely on plastic in some
billion kg of plastic entered the ocean in a ways. Food without plastic packaging would
single year, and that number would sharply spoil long before it reaches consumers’
increase by 2025. When it enters the ocean, fridges. PVC pipes made of plastic are an
plastic waste disrupts marine ecosystems, essential building part that reduce leakage
travels to central locations, and forms a trash and corrosion to conserve water and energy.
island which can cover an area of more than Plastics make cars dramatically lighter,
1.6 million square km. These plastics never which increases fuel efficiency.
degrade, but rather break up into smaller
Researchers have been working to
sizes. They eventually become microplastics
improve the plastic recycling process since
that stay in the environment for hundreds of
it was realized that plastic was harming the
environment. Recycling plastic not only
Scientists at the University of helps the environment and reduces trash.
California San Diego have invented a new but it also creates more jobs. The recycling
biodegradable material that is designed to sector generates up to 30 times more jobs
replace the commonly used plastics. The than the common disposal sector. In fact,
material started to biodegrade in seawater Tellus Institute reports that over 1.5 million
within four weeks. The team found that new jobs would be created if the national
various marine organisms colonize the recycling rate could be increased to 75%.
material and break it into nutrients for their
Modern recycling techniques can
transform plastic into more useful products.
The research of this new plastic is by Some experts have seen the opportunity to
experts in biology, chemistry, and marine make jet fuel from plastic. However, even
science. They have shown that it is possible a simple recycling strategy has commercial
to make durable plastics that also can degrade benefits. Over 3 million plastic bottles have
already been converted into pillow fillers by (D) Text 2 explains how new plastic
IHG Hotels & Resorts. Customers are happy material mentioned in Text 1 is
to sleep well and use a product that benefits recycled to create more jobs.
the environment, according to IHG. And it is (E) Text 2 discusses the plastic
all thanks to plastic. recycling process that has been
improved by the research findings
(Adapted from:
explained in Text 1.
6. Based on information from the two
texts, which of the following will most
4. Which of the following statements is an
likely happen in the future?
opinion from Text 1?
(A) Plastic waste in the ocean is
(A) These plastics never degrade, but
rather break up into smaller sizes.
(B) It is impossible to preserve customer
(B) Recycling plastic not only helps the
food without biodegradable
environment and reduces trash, but
it also creates more jobs.
(C) Disposing plastic waste into
(C) Plastics should not be going into the
seawater will create more job
ocean in the first place.
(D) They eventually become
(D) Marine organisms can be used to
microplastics that stay in the
recycle plastics into pillows.
environment for hundreds of years.
(E) There is no need to completely ban
(E) Customers are happy to sleep well
plastic usage from this world.
and use a product that benefits the
Informasi berikut untuk menjawab soal panjang tali untuk kambing kedua tidak
nomor 5 sampai 7. boleh lebih dari … meter.
Informasi berikut untuk menjawab soal 9. Poin minimal yang harus diperoleh
nomor 8 sampai 10. Napoli di pertandingan tersisa untuk
menjamin tim ini sebagai juara Liga
Berikut ini adalah tabel klasemen sementara
Seri A tahun 2022 adalah ….
lima klub teratas di Liga Seri A Italia tahun
2022. Setiap klub melakukan tepat dua (A) 4
pertandingan dengan setiap tim lain di mana (B) 6
terdapat 20 klub yang bermain di Liga Seri (C) 8
A. Poin yang diberikan di bawah ini adalah (D) 10
setelah klub memainkan sekitar tiga puluh (E) 12
Klub Pertan- Menang Imbang Kalah 10. Jika di pertandingan tersisa Atalanta
dingan memenangkan dua pertandingan
Napoli 32 29 1 2 dan sisanya imbang, kemungkinan
Atalanta 32 24 2 6
komposisi menang – imbang – kalah
31 23 5 3 untuk AC Milan pada pertandingan
sisa untuk menjamin bahwa AC Milan
Roma 32 21 3 8
Lazio 32 20 2 10
menempati posisi kedua pada klasemen
akhir adalah ….
Untuk setiap kemenangan, klub akan
(1) 3–3–1
mendapatkan nilai 3 poin, imbang 1 poin,
(2) 3–2–2
dan kalah 0 poin.
(3) 3–4–0
(4) 3–0–4
8. Total banyaknya pertandingan di Liga
Seri A Italia adalah … pertandingan. (A) 1, 2, 3 benar
(B) 1, 3 benar
(A) 190
(C) 2, 4 benar
(B) 200
(D) 4 saja benar
(C) 380
(E) semua benar
(D) 400
(E) 760