Communication and Religion
Communication and Religion
Communication and Religion
The author gives thanks to the presence of God Almighty because it is thanks to His
grace that this paper can be completed by the author in accordance with the predetermined
time. This paper was created in order to deepen understanding of the facilities and
infrastructure used in the learning process.
The process of preparing this paper, of course, the authors get guidance, direction,
corrections, and suggestions. For this reason, my deep gratitude goes to the honorable lecturer
who has guided us in making the paper making process, and to all of my friends.
It is only to God Almighty that the writer asks for prayers so that help from various
parties is of worship value. The author realizes that as an ordinary human being is not free
from mistakes and shortcomings so that only this is what the author can provide. The author
also really expects criticism and suggestions from readers so that the author can correct
mistakes in the preparation of the next paper. Thus this paper, hopefully useful for all of us.
COVER ......................................................................................................................... 1
FOREWORD............................................................................................................................................ 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................................ 3
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................
A. Background........................................................................................................................................... 4
B. Formulation Of The Problem.............................................................................................................. 4
C. Writing Purpose.................................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................
A. Definition of Communication............................................................................................................. 5
B. Definition of Islamic communication................................................................................................. 7
C. Principles of Islamic Communication................................................................................................ 7
D. Communication Ethics in Islam.......................................................................................................... 8
E. Functions and benefits of communication.......................................................................................... 9
F. Management of Islamic education communication......................................................................... 10
CHAPTER III CLOSING .......................................................................................................................
A. Conclusion........................................................................................................................................... 11
B. Suggestions.......................................................................................................................................... 11
A. Definition of Communication
Some communication experts say that communication is the process of sending,
receiving and understanding ideas and feelings in the form of verbal or nonverbal
roles intentionally or unintentionally.
We can conclude the components in the communication process, namely:
1. Communicators, which include factors such as communication skills, attitudes,
knowledge, and social systems, as well as cultural, socio-cultural and psiocultural
influences. In learning communication, teachers are the main communicators in
the classroom. However, when students discuss discussing a topic, the speaker
becomes a communicator.
2. Messages, which are composed of certain elements, contents, structures which are
the result of the transformation of thoughts / ideas / feelings in the encoding
process carried out by the communicator which are then encoded by the
communicant. In learning communication, messages are learning materials that
contain cognitive, effective, and psychomotor loads that make all parties involved
in learning.
3. Media or communication channels that are used to convey messages that are
perceived through the five senses. In the context of learning communication, the
communication media used are quite diverse, ranging from conventional media
such as blackboards to technology-based media such as LCD projectors.
4. Communicant, which contains factors such as those of the communicator. In
learning communication, communicants are students who become the subjects of
communication carried out by their teachers or fellow students who listen to their
friends' exposure.
5. Effects, which are the consequences of communication activities which are
usually formulated as changes or affirmations of attitudes, opinions and behavior.
Effectiveness is sometimes referred to as a communication goal or to demonstrate
successful communication. In learning communication, the effect of
communication is in the form of strengthening / affirming or changing cognitively,
effectively and psychomotor.
6. Feedback, is a communication response during the communication process from
being able to change communication messages, communication media or
communicators. Feedback in learning communication, for example, in stopping to
say a hand to ask for further explanation or giving a different view from what was
conveyed by the communicator.
7. Communication disorders, distractions in view of making communication
ineffective. These communication disorders can be in the form of psychological
disorders physical disorders or semantic disorders and mechanical disorders.
Disturbances in learning communication are basically the same as disorders in
other communication, such as psychological disorders in the form of divided
learning concentration to noise disturbances because there are students chatting in
class or there is noise from the road.
8. The environment is an influencer of the human communication process because
the communication process does not take place in a vacuum. In general, the
learning communication environment is formal and non-formal educational
institutions in which learning activities are realized with a unique culture that is
owned by educational institutions.
The communication process can be classified based on the form or kind. Based
on the results of systematic analysis of experts, the classification of communication
forms can be differentiated based on the principles, components and communication
techniques that are adjusted to the communication interactions in the field. Among
benthics or the like are:
1. Face to face communication
This communication process is also said to be direct communication, which is
when communication takes place between the communicator and the
communicant facing each other and seeing each other, so that the communicator
can pay attention to the response (feedback) of communication right away. This
communication is often referred to as feedback or feedback, that is, the feedback
occurs directly.
2. Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal communication (interpersonal communication) is communication
between communicators and communicants (one by one). This type of
communication is considered the most effective in an effort to change a person's
attitudes, opinions and behavior, because it is dialogical or the back-flow
conversation is direct. Communikatos know the communicant's response right
away. When communication takes place, the communicator knows for sure,
whether the communication is positive or negative, success or failure. If not, he
can try to convince the communicant right away. Because yes, it can provide the
opportunity to respond to the broadest possible way of responding to the
communicant. Furthermore, this interpersonal communication will be discussed
more extensively in a separate discussion.
3. Group communication
Group communication in it includes face-to-face communication and direct
communication, because communicators and communicants are in a situation of
facing each other and seeing each other. This form of communication is the same
as interpersonal communication, which both causes direct backflow. The
difference is the number of communicants involved in the communication process
Dedy Mulyadi is a communication expert in Indonesia who formulates the
following communication principles:
1. Communication as a symbolic process.
2. Every behavior has the potential to communicate.
3. Communication has dimensions of content and relationship implications.
4. Communication takes place at various levels of gaps.
5. Communication takes place in the context of social and psychological space-time.
6. Communication involves predictions of participant communication.
7. Communication is systemic.
8. Communication is more effective if the cultural background is similar.
9. Communication is non sequential.
10. Communication is procedural, dynamic and transactional.
11. Communication is irreversible.
12. Communication is not a means to solve various problems.
D. Communication Ethics in Islam
From a number of moral aspects and communication ethics, there are at least four
ethical principles of communication in the Al-Qur’an which include fairness,
accuracy, responsibility and welfare. In surah an-Nuur verse 19 it says:
““Indeed, those who wish (the news of) such heinous deeds will spread among the
believers, for them a painful punishment in this world and in the hereafter. And Allah
knows, is, you do not know "”
” Oh you who believe! If someone who is wicked comes to you with news, then
examine the truth, so that you do not harm a people because of ignorance
(carelessness), which in the end you will regret your actions.”
The Al-Qur’an also provides ample space in explaining the ethics of constructive
criticism in communicating. One of them is listed in surah Ali Imran verse 104:
“And let there be among you a class of people who call on virtue, command (do) what
is wrong, and prevent what is wrong. And they are the lucky ones.”
able to live, but in essence they are just a moving corpse with a dead soul as well as without
communication it is said that humans can be crazy if they don’t speak for 15-20 minutes
However, the synergy of the two most important aspects of life can be seen where in religion
the concept of communication from both Islam and other religions is always poured out,
where this communication can be shown in the context of Hablum minalllah through prayer
and Hablum minannas in socializing.
Even the concept of communication can also be reviewed further where greeting each other,
being friendly, and establishing friendship has become a recommendation in one of the
beliefs, namely Islam.On the other hand, communication is not always synonymous with a
loud voice, but in the heart or in a low voice it is categorized as communication if we feel
that we are talking and have a chat partner, in this case it is God.
So that religion and communication are two things that cannot be separated because they are
bound, connected and support the implementation of worship itself. As mentioned when we
pray is a form of our communication with Allah or in other words mi’rajul mu “minin.
1. Information function
To notify something (message) to a certain party, with the intention that the
communicant can understand it.
2. Expression function
3. Control function
4. Social functions
For the purposes of recreation and familiarity of the relationship between the
communicator and the communicant.
5. Economic function
For the purposes of business transactions (business) related to finance, goods and
6. Da'wah function
There are many benefits that can be obtained by communicating properly and
effectively, including:
In addition, there are eight principles that need to be carried out so that
communication can be carried out effectively, namely as follows:
1. Think and speak clearly.
2. There is something important to say.
3. There is a clear purpose.
4. Mastery of problems.
5. Consistent understanding of the communication process and implementation.
6. Get empathy from the communicant.
7. Always maintain eye contact, voice unnecessarily loud or weak or avoid bully
8. Communication must be planned (what message you want to communicate, who is
the intended communicant, make a clear scenario, and should prepare yourself to
master the problem)
messages in communication, communication environment, communication media, and
so on. .
All of this conditioning is to communicate that can actually change the behavior
of the communicant, whether the teaching staff, / educators, employees, students /
students / santri, or anyone who is in a position to communicate with, including
student guardian / student guardian / student guardian .
Some communication experts say that communication is the process of sending,
receiving and understanding ideas and feelings in the form of verbal or nonverbal
roles intentionally or unintentionally. We can conclude the components in the
communication process, namely: communicators, messages, media or communication
channels, communication, effects, feedback, communication disturbances,
The conformity of communication values with the dimensions of the creation of
human nature is beneficial to human welfare. So that in this perspective, Islamic
communication is a process of delivering or exchanging information using the
principles and methods of communication in the Koran. Islamic communication can
thus be defined as the process of conveying Islamic values from communicators to
communicants by using communication principles in accordance with the Koran and
Islamic communication is the process of delivering Islamic messages using the
principles of communication in Islam. With this understanding, Islamic
communication emphasizes the elements of the message, namely the treatise or
Islamic values, and the method, in this case about the style of speech and the use of
language. The rules, principles, or ethics of Islamic communication are a guide for
Muslims in communicating, both in intrapersonal, interpersonal communication in
daily life, preaching orally and in writing, as well as in other activities.
Communication has several very important functions, including information
functions, expression functions, control functions, social functions, economic
functions, and da'wah functions.
In Islamic education institutions, principals / madrasahs / tertiary institutions /
pesabtren in their capacity as managers should strive to implement truly effective
communication by first conditioning the quality of communicators, communicants,
messages in communication, communication environment, communication media, and
so on.
With this paper, it is hoped that students will find it easier to understand in depth
about matters related to the material being studied in Islamic Education Management.
This is all to help and facilitate the work of students in understanding from the
explanation above.