Electronics Hobbyist 1973 Fall Winter

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0 i Cs
FALL- WPPNTER 1973 $1.25

Solder your way

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(See page 21)

Practical Projects
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FALL - WINTER, 1973 1

TRY A QUICKIE 46 Regulated 9 -Volt Power Supply

62 Load Matcher
82 Groove Booster
82 Keep a Light Flashing in the Win-
91 Scramble Phone
101 Visulert
108 Diaper Snooper
SAFETY AND SECURITY 27 Electronic Alarm Generator
38 Disaster Alarm
103 Auto Alarm for Your Cartridge
TUNE RADIO ACTION 29 Build Mini -Maxi
43 VHF High -Band Converter
58 UHF Action Band Signal Shifter
77 Super Stable Aero -Band Receiver
TOOLS FOR TESTING 47 Instant Patch Box
59 A Designer's =15V Power Supply
--, 63 Build Cap Rapper
HOME HELPERS 33 Hour Master -a Super Timer
71 Double -Duty Skyhook Helps Flag
Down that DX
95 Super SCA Adaptor
SOUND INVESTMENTS 21 Multivibrator Music Box
41 U- Pick -It
74 Vibra -tone
56 Put that Clock Radio Back on the
68 Getting 8 -Track Players Back on
the Level
PLUS MORE . . 32 Antiquing an Old Tube into
48 Compass Galvanometer
83 Super BCB Booster


5 Ask Hank, He Knows
12 New Products
13 Literature Library
15 Reader Service Page
cocEi rn Puri 'pH ia, IJcABD sTEDIo 20 Cartoon Page
Reg. U.S.

and Electronics Circuits
Pat. Off,

Now Includes
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terested in Electronics.
FALL - WINTER, 1973 3
International EX Crystal and EX Kits

a ° B 8WEIliT
Dedicated to America's Electronics Hobbybeta I

Editor -in -Chief


Technical Editor
controlled transistor type. from 3,000 KHz to 60,000 Project Editor
Lo Kit 3,000 to 19,999 KHz KHz. Supplied only in HO STEPHEN B. GRAY
Hi Kit 20,000 to 60,000 6/U holder. Calib. is
KHz (Specify) $2.95 x-.02% when operated in Service Editor
MIXER A single tuned or its equivalent. (Specify
circuit intended for signal frequency) 33.95 Workbench Editor
conversion in the 3 to 170 BAX-1 BROADBAND AMP.
MHz range. Lo kit 3-20 May be used as a tuned Citizens Band Editor
MHz. HI kit 20 -170 MHz. or untuned amplifier in KATHI MARTIN, KAI0614
$3.50 RF and audio applications
SAX -1 TRANSISTOR RF 20 Hz to 150 MHz. $3.75 Art Director
AMP. Amplifier to drive JIM MEDLER
MXX -1 mixer. Lo kit 3 -20
MHz. Hi Kit 20 -170 MHz.
INTERNATIONAL Cover Art Director
POWER AMP. A Single Associate Art Director
tuned output amplifier to CRYSTAL MFG. CO., INC. ANDY STEIGMEIER
follow the OX oscillator. 10 NO. LEE OKLA. CITY, OKLA. 73102
3,000 to 30,000 KHz $3.75 Write for FREE Catalog Advertising Director
Production Director
Production Manager

Assistant Production Manager

Tape Recorders- Kits -Everything in Electronics
- Instruments Division Manager
1901 McGee Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64108
Newsstand Circulation Director

Subscription and Marketing Director


Send For FgFf President, Chairman of the Board (1957 -1972)

New Color ORDER FREE President and Publisher
48 Pgs. New Items IN 24 HOURS' Vice -President and General Manager
4219 E UNIVERSITY AVE. SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92105 Vice -President and Treasurer

advertising eonthbuled for the outdo good éï1*

of ixe PEOPLE,
ELECTRONICS HOBBYIST is published Semi -Annually by
AND FOR Davis Publications, Inc. Editorial business offices: 229 Park
Ave. South, New York, N.Y. 10003. Advertising offices: New
York, 229 Park Avenue South, 212 -OR 3 -1300; Chicago, 520
N. Michigan Ave., 312-527 -0330; Los Angeles: J. E. Pub-
THE PEOPLE. lishers' Rep. Co. 8732 Sunset Blvd. Back issues available at
New York office prepaid $1.25 per copy. Copyright 1973 by
The American Red Cross. Davis Publications Publishing Co.
exacti what
You need

Xcelite, first with color-coded

Fast Count nutdrivers, offers you a size
and type to drive any hex head
How do I count up to eleven in the binary sys- screw or nut. Yes, metrics, too.
tem of notation?
-V.P., Utica NY hex sizes from 32" to %"
The decimal system requires that you kick off and 3 mm to 17 mm
one shoe to get to eleven. However, the binary 3%" Midgets to 21"
number for eleven requires only four fingers. "Super Longs"
Nope, I can't give you a quick course on binary nickel chrome plated or
numbers, but I will give you the decimal and plastic-dip-insulated
binary equivalents for the first eleven numbers shanks
-see if you can figure it out. with clearance hole or
full hollow shafts
Decimal Binary tough, cold drawn,
0 0000 accurately formed sockets,
regular or magnetic
1 0001
2 0010 fixed -handle or

interchangeable shanks
straight and tee handles
regular or ratcheting
6 0110
available individually
7 0111 or in handy kits and sets
8 1000
9 1001 Made in U.S.A. to highest
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11 1011
It Can't Happen
1 found the height of my antenna above sea
level and the height of a Channel 2 antenna
over 65 miles away. 1 receive the TV image
fairly good and that's my problem. Our math
teacher tells me the antennas are not in line
with each other, the curvature of the earth puts
solid ground in the way. He hasn't called me a nationwide
liar, he just claims I can't measure the height availability through
of my antenna correctly. He says it is 10 feet local distributors
higher than I say. What gives?
-K.L., Monroe NY
Bend a little to the teacher, the teacher will

Hank Scott, our Workshop Editor, wants to

professional nutdrivers
share his project tips with you. Got a question
or a problem with a project you're building
ask Hank! Please remember that Hank's col-
Send complete tool
catalog, which includes information on
umn is limited to answering specific elec- all Xcelite nutdrivers.
tronic project questions that you send to him.
Sorry, he isn't offering a circuit design service. name
Write to: address
Hank Scott, Workshop Editor
229 Park Avenue South In Canada contact Charles W. Pointon, Ltd.
New York NY 10003 J
CIRCLE NO. 12 ON PAGE 150 OR 117
FALL - WINTER, 1973 5

Ask Hank,
E jr He Knows
bend a little, and you'll both find out that TV
signals do bend a slight amount. TV signals do
THE SHOPPING CENTER FOR ELECTRONICS not cast hard shadows as light does. Instead,
(our catalog index of Mfrs extends from ADC to XCELITE) the signal goes from very good, to fuzzy with
EXPERIMENTERS ... SERVICE snow, to nothing. And it takes more than 10
feet in vertical height to make a difference.

lb.* %1, Your Satisfaction is Our Target

% illt
Top Name Brands
Low Prices
AMPLE STOCKS-including
those hard -to-find Parts
Can't Find It
You guys listed a Solitron integrated circuit
BHA0002 for an amplifier circuit and I can't
whether you want a 15 capacitor, find it. What do I do?
a $50 FET -VOM, or a $450 stereo
system-you can get it at EDI!
-H.D., Willow Grove PA
You did it, Harry, you wrote to us. Just send
1. Send for your FREE catalog Today. $12.25 to Solitron Devices, 256 Oak Tree Rd.,
Tappan NY 10983 and you'll get yours.
One For the Metric System
Name What is a bayre?
-L.M., Detroit MI
Address It's the c.g.s. system unit of pressure equal to
one dyne per square centimeter (10.5 Newtons
City State Zip Code per square centimeter). You're not going to see
ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTORS INC. much of this term in the U.S. until we swing to
Dept. TA -2, 4900 Elston Chicago, III. 60630 the Metric System whole hog. I've seen the
bayre mentioned in English electronics maga-
CIRCLE NO. 5 ON PAGE 15 OR 117 zines when the subject was on phono pickups.

Look Again
1 can't find White's Radio Log. What ever
happened to it?
Build -T.S., Newark NJ
White's Radio Log is part of COMMUNICATIONS
a better WORLD, a shortwave and DXer's magazine. In
fact, CW is on the newsstand right now. Pub-
tomorrow. lished by the same people that bring you this
delightful mag, you can get your copy via the
mail if you can't find it on the newsstand for
only $1.25. Check our mailing address on page 6.

What's in an 'IC
I know nothing about IC's and learn practically
nothing from most magazines on this subject.
Can you help me?
-B. N., Conneaut OH
Two letters in the alphabet stand for a lot of
electronics. For example, phase -lock-loop cir-
cuits have been known for many years, in fact
a few were assembled into specially ordered
receivers for the government a few years ago.
However, the cost was high. An ordinary short-
wave receiver would require about $3000 worth
of tube circuitry to do the job. Transistors
brought the price down to about $1000. An IC
made by Signetics lowered the price to under
$5. That's what an IC is-a dollar saver. Actu-
Take stock in America. ally, all the transistors, many of the resistors,
Wrth higher paying US Savings Bora some capacitors and internal connections for
complicated circuits such as the phase -lock -loop
can be etched onto a chip with the surface area
less than that of a dime. To get knowledge on
the subject, I suggest you build a few circuits.
Pick up a copy of 101 ELECTRONIC PROJECTS
(1973 Edition) and build a few of the 30 IC
projects in it. You'll learn by building.

Look in the Scope

1 know what Lissajous figures are, Hank, but
I'm not sure what 1 should see when the sig-
nals on the.vertical and horizontal plates are of 1974 CATALOG 740
the same frequency. Is it a circle or a line
slanted 45 degrees?
-B.V.C., Miami FL
Both are correct including an ellipse whose
major axis (longest dimension) is 45° from the Mme"
horizontal (or vertical). Phase determines what
you get. If the vertical and horizontal inputs
are connected together and an AC signal sup-
plied, a straight line will form. Shift one signal
input from the other by 90° and a circle will
form provided the gain controls are at equal
settings. All other cases of phase shift and /or
varying amplitudes form ellipses.

Likes CB and Us
I just finished reading the CB YEARBOOK 1973
and can't wait till 1974 for the next copy. Where
can I get CB coverage every month as I got in
K., Woodbury NJ -J. The World's Largest
The staff that prepares the CB YEARBOOK works
on this magazine -ELECTRONICS HOBBYIST.
Consumer Electronics Catalog
It's the exact same great team and I'm happy to Everything In Electronics for
be a part of it. In every issue we have Kathi
Martin, our liberated CB editor telling it like it Home, Business, Industry
is. Our CB Coffee Break column is written by Stereo /Hi -Fi Components Musical Instruments and
different people each issue, the Editor, a member Amplifiers CB & Ham Equipment Tools and Test Equip-
of the staff or some invited guest. This way the ment Police and Fire Monitor Receivers Public Ad-
dress Systems Photography Equipment Semiconduc-
tors, Books, Parts Plus Much More!

Your Complete
Electronics Buying Guide

Send Lafayette Radio Electronics

P.O. Box 10, Dept. 47103
Today! Syosset, L.I., N.Y. 11791

end FREE 1974 Catalog 47103 1


\I I, H
II 11
I1 mew CITY

"It helps me while away those LsTATE ZIP J

long, cold winter months!"

aÌ1111111111111111111 I 111111111 I I I I I I I II I I I I 111111111111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1111111 I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ll ll ll l r CIRCLE NO. 7 ON PAGE 15 OR 117
Ask Hank,
Electronics Hobbyist
from the Editor of
He Knows
column always has something to be said rather
When you play your recordings you want the
best hi -fi components you can get. HI -Fl
than saying something because another deadline
STEREO BUYERS' GUIDE tells you what they has come around. Add to that sparkling CB
are, and whose equipment to buy. In addi- editorial from time to time, and wham! Read us,
tion to useful, authoritative articles on hi -fi you'll dig us!
componentry, every issue includes a new
products Show Case, unbiased Tested in the Troubles with PC Board
Lab reports on quality hi -fi components, and How do you unsolder a component from a
Record and Tape Reviews on the Classics printed circuit board? Do I need any special
and Pops." tools?
Let HI -FI STEREO BUYERS' GUIDE into your -K. H., Binghamton NY
music life right now. Published four times a I use the same iron to remove a part as I used
year, every issue is jammed full to solder it in place. Sure, there are special
of information to aid you in a tips, even special irons with suction attachments
fuller enjoyment of your records that slurp up solder when molten. But, The
and tapes.
average Joe just needs some common sense and
Make certain you get each ex- he'll do fine. First, to remove defective re-
citing issue by taking advan- sistors and capacitors, cut the part in half with
tage TODAY of a special a hand cutter. Now, heat the point where a lead
MONEY- SAVING introductory connects to the board and gently pull the part
offer. Instead of receiving four
issues, a full year subscription at the regular out with a long -nose plier. Pull slowly so no
$5.00 rate, you receive an extra issue, an solder splatters. Now, remove all solder from
immediate saving to you of $1.25. Just mail the iron's tip and pick up excess solder from
the coupon below, with your payment, to the connection until the PC board hole reap-
HI -FI STEREO BUYERS' GUIDE, P.O. Box pears. Sometities you can heat the point and
2600, Greenwich, Conn. 06830. tap the board from behind. Be sure the hot

PAY CASH & SAVE UP TO $2.50 solder splatters down to the table. Also, you can
heat the spot and blow gently through the hole.
Again, be careful of flying solder. Most parts
HI -Fl STEREO BUYERS' GUIDE, with leads can be removed this way. Sockets and
P.O. Box 2600
electrolytic cans are tougher. I rock these out of
Greenwich, Lunn. 06830
the board by heating a contact point and lifting
Special Introductory offer for Elemen- carefully, rotating around the part until it lifts
tary Electronics Readers. off. Remove as much solder beforehand as pos-
sible to make life easier. If you are a repairman,
Okay! Enter my subscription to HI -FI
STEREO BUYERS' GUIDE at the money-
then I suggest you pick up some of Unger's
saving cash payment rate below: specially designed desoldering tips.
One year (4 issues) PLUS ONE BONUS Indoor Car Radio Needs Power
ISSUE. I enclose payment of $5.00 and I would like to power a 12 -volt
save $1.25 off the newsstand and regular
car radio from
subscription rate. the AC line in my den. Do you have any dia-
grams I could use for this purpose?
DOUBLE MY SAVINGS! I prefer a two -R. H., Estes Park CO
year subscription (8 issues) PLUS TWO Sure I have, but I'm not giving them to you.
BONUS ISSUES, a total of 10 issues. I The reason is simple, the parts for these circuits
enclose $10.00 and save $2.50 off the cost more than the Sears 28H7108 3-Ampere
regular rates. B406 charger that sells for only $7.95. It's a 12 -volt
Cl Enclosed is $ rig only. If you want 6 and 12 -Volt operation,
then get Sears 28H7182 4-ampere charger for
only $12.95. They have other units for up to
Name (please print) 10 amperes continuous duty for only $34.95.
Why build? You may need some filtering, but
Address then you may not.

Never Down
City State Zip Code 1 heard rumors that the price for an FCC Class
L D CB license will go down to $15. Is that true?
-L. K., Chicago IL
I heard the price will go up to $25. Want to
bet? Also, Ham licenses will be $10 each. The
FCC is on a "pay-as- you -go" policy and that
means you pay.

Sky Hook Lawyer

My neighbor tells me that the airports will take
over the licensing of all ham and CB antennas.
Isn't that a bit way out?
B., Fort Worth TX
No, it is closer to the truth than you think.
Actually, the day will come when all antenna
masts will be limited to 20 feet, and that in-
cludes TV home antennas. If the antenna goes
higher than that, the FAA must be informed
and permission obtained. I guess the SST plans
to fly low.

Silly Question, Silly Answer

1 just finished installing a burglar alarm system
for the entire house. How can I be sure it is
working properly?
-H. F., Detroit Ml
Turn the system on and try to break in without
tripping it.

A Question on Audio
I have a dual -channel stereo and I would like to
know exactly what dual- channel is.
D.P., Detroit, MI
That's the stereo set you have, Buster, that's
what dual -channel is! Seriously, hi-fi manufac- wEgS
turers are notorious in assigning vague, mean- NE
1E 51
ingless names to audio equipment. The word sn t ,mes
stereo, or stereophonic means two channels of
audio. The very nature of balanced audio out- rame
put for stereo sound production demands "dual-
channels". But here I go sounding like a hi -fi
A superstore of electronics at your fingertips
Stereo /4- Channel Sound SystemsTape Record-
ers and Accessories Radios Phonos Kits
Amateur and Shortwave Gear Citizens Band _
Antennas Police /Fire VHF -UHF Radios Electronic
Calculators and Timepieces Security Test
Equipment 1000's of Parts, Tubes, Batteries,
Wire, Hardware
Exclusive TELEDYNE and OLSON Audio Products
mail this coupon today
Electronics Dept. CO
260 S. Forge St., Akron, Ohio 44327
Send me my FREE 1974 Olson Catalog
Name Apt

City State >ip

Send a Catalog to my friend

Name Apt

City State Tip

nunn uumuunuunnuununum uu nuun uu w uu uu un w unnn uu un un uu uununmF CIRCLE NO. 11 ON PAGE 15 OR U7

FALL -WINTER, 1973 9
Ask Hank, In a Rush
I plan to fix TV sets for a living. I'd like to

He Knows
manufacturer. Why don't you pick up a copy
start collecting tubes now before l finish the
course. In fact, the first lesson came today.
-S.D., Brownsville TX
Hold on, how sure are you of completing the
course. Take it easy. Put all your time and
of Ht -FI STEREO BUYERS' GUIDE and get the money into the learning process. In fact, why
inside facts straight. not apprentice yourself out to a TV repair shop.
Old for his Age
They have everything you need to fix a set plus
I'm a shortrave listener and I tune the bands the knowhow. Between books and practice,
every night. I have a book of stations but it is you'll soon be telling me what tubes to put into
in kiloHertz and I need it in megaHertz. How a caddy. And when you do, you'll be driving a
can I convert to megaHertz? By the way, I'm Caddy.
only 16, but I'm in advanced electronics.
-S.D., Victoria TX Wise Guy
Just divide by 1000 to convert kiloHertz to Hank, if you are so smart, what is "isochro-
megaHertz. That's the same as moving the nism"?
decimal three places to the left. By the way, -L.M., Walla Walla WA
this info was covered in basic electronics. Two periodic phenomena are said to be isochro-
nous when their frequencies, or periods, are
Needs Help equal. They need not, however, be in phase, or
Does anyone have a copy of the Globe Scout identical in shape. See, I'm not so dumb.
Model 65A manual? If you send it to me, I will
make a Xerox copy and return the original to 4- Channel
you. What's the difference between SQ and QS?
Jon Apfield WB4POT -F.B., New York NY
1679 Virginia Drive To the listener, practically nothing. You can't
Eau Gallie FL 32935 tell one system from the other except by the
Lend a hand, friends, and old Hank thanks you patent numbers. In fact, they are reasonably
in 'advance. compatible, so much so, that SQ and QS en-


343. MINIMOST is an 8' outboard
sports hydro you can build in just 15
hours, and at a cost of less than $25
for materials. Its advanced underhuil
design makes speeds in the 30 mph
range possible with a 10 hp motor.
L.O.A., 8'. $5.00
Full -size pattern set 344 $15.00 a.


371. JAMAICAN is a sailing surfboard

of unique construction. Fiberglass and
Dynel cloth are stretched and stapled
in place over a wooden framework,
then resin is applied. No special build- 69.
ing jigs or forms are needed. Foamed - ut
in -place polyurethane adds stiffness.
L.O.A., 12'; beam, 3'. $5.00 vlu
ó w
U 2 >-

coded recordings can be played on both sys- No, I doubt you can make the conversion. I'm
tems and only the musical director will be able sure, because most hobbyists who write to me
to tell the difference. As for me, I like CD -4, do not have an iron model shop at home to do
but that's another question. the job.

More on 4- Channel
What is CD -4 Quadraphonic Sound?
-B.K., Syosset NY
CD -4 means Compatible- Discrete, 4-channel
sound. This LP encoded technique to produce
truly 4-channel discrete sound is the forest sys-
tem for quadraphonic listening on the market-
place today! It is totally compatible with your
present stereo records so that you can listen
to full stereo on CD -4 and lose nothing. CD -4
encoded discs (at no increase in price) bring
full four -channel sound to your listening area
if you have the CD -4 demodulator. Also, if you
only have a stereo system, buy CD -4 records.
They cost no more and give perfect stereo per-
formance playback.

Keep Asking
Ihave a four-track tape cartridge player and I
wondered if there is any way to convert it to
an eight-track cartridge player. If not, is there
any way I can use eight-track tapes on my tape
player? If that is not possible, would you know
where some good four-track tapes could be
bought? Thank you very much. "Land on the corner of Lexington and 53rd.
-W.T., Randolph WI These Earth people will just think you
Give up the ghost on four -track and swing to are another fast rising office building."
eight -track by buying both the unit and tapes. 11111111n111111111111111111t11111111w1111i11111111m11111111Ni11wt1111i111111in1111111111111111111111111111i


Prepare at home without risk to job!
An alarm dealer in California reported in a right at home in state -approved training that-
trade publication that he had installed 200 qualifies you either for your business -or a
residential alarm systems in one year with highly -paid position in the alarm industry.
little or no sales effort. They just kept call- Not only can you make big money -but
ing us faster than we could handle them all." you can have the personal satisfaction of
Make no mistake about it, there is great helping make America a better, safer place.
demand for new security and alarm installa- The course is complete in every way. There
tion businesses everywhere in the U.S.A. Yet, are no extras. Even the special professional
now you can learn everything necessary tools and equipment enough to do your first
about the installation and servicing of sys- job are included. Mail coupon for full infor-
tems, about getting customers, making esti-
mates, running your business profitably,


mation, FREE! No salesman will call.
r Security Systems Management School
Div. Technical Home Study Schools
Division of Technical Home Study Schools Little Falls, N.J. 07424. Dept. 7480-093
Dept. 7480.093 Little Falls, N.J. 07424. RUSH ME FREE INFORMATION ON OPPOR-
N.J. State Approved Diploma Awarded INDUSTRY and about your home training. No
obligation! No salesman is to call.




State /Zip


FALL- WINTER, 1973 11
Telephone Amplifier
The Heathkit GD -1024 Acoustic -coupled Tele-
phone Amplifier makes it possible to carry on
a conversation without being tied to the
phone -orconduct long-distance "confer-
ence" calls with the whole family taking part.
The GD -1024 works with virtually any type
telephone-conventional, Slim -line, Princess,
etc. To use, the handset is simply placed in

changes, polarity can be changed to elimi-

nate the unwanted interference. DX listeners
can switch back and forth and follow a con-
versation without the usual fade-out. Com-
munication can be carried on with mobile
units or vertically polarized base stations,
then switched to horizontal if desired to con-
tact horizontal bases. In addition to the ex-
ceptionally high power potential, Moonraker 6
specifications include 17 dB gain over iso-
tropic, 44 dB rejection, 24 dB side rejec-
tion, and 1.2:1 VSWR. For more information,
circle No. 42 on Reader Service Coupon.
the amplifier cradle. The incoming voice is Double Jacks
then reproduced at the external speaker.
Saxton Products has a patented quick -con-
Loudness can be adjusted to suit the listen-
nect "Double- Jack" 2 -way telephone outlet.
ing area. There is no gain on the outgoing
Simply inserting the "Double- Jack" into any
signal, as the telephone mouthpiece is suf- convenient telephone wall jack, transforms the
ficient to pick up your voice at any reason-
able distance. Other features include all solid -
state circuitry for low no- signal drain; 8 -ft.
speaker cord to reduce feedback, and low -
cost 9 -volt battery operation. Assembly time
is one evening and the price is only $14.95,
mail order. For more information, circle No.
1 on a Reader Service Coupon.

Dual Polarity Antenna

A new "super power" CB base antenna fea-
turing a 311/2 -ft. boom has been announced
by Avanti R & D. Called the Moonraker 6, it
is a 6- element, dual polarity beam combining wall jack into two jacks. The "Double- Jack"
five sets of crossed dipole type elements plus permits two phones to be connected from
a quad type reflector for better rejection and one original jack with no reduction of power.
gain. Tunable gamma matching on both the Ideal for bedroom (his & her) extension
vertical and horizontal elements handles over phones. No tools are required and no wires
2,000 watts of power, gets the lowest pos- need be connected. For further information,
sible SWR, is said to provide excellent light- circle No. 44 on Reader Service Coupon.
ing protection and to be virtually trouble -
free. With the antenna's dual polarity it is Micro -Mini -Microphone
possible to follow or avoid skip signals This completely self- contained microphone
bounced off the ionosphere; when the skip transmitter is only 17/8 x 1/2 x 5/8- inches. It will
101. Kit builder? Like weird prod- 113. EDI (Electronic Distributors) electronics enthusiasts has 180
ucts? EICO's 1973 catalog takes
care of both breeds of buyers at
has a catalog with an index of man- pages, colorfully illustrated -a com-
ufacturers' items literally from A to plete range (kits & wired) of hi -fi,
prices you will like. Z (ADC to Xcelite). Whether you CB, SWL equipment and parts.
want to spend 29 cents for a pilot -
102. International Crystal has a free light socket or $699.95 for a stereo 124. It's just off the press- Lafay-
catalog for experimenters (crystals, AM /FM receiver, you'll find it here. ette's all -new 1973 illustrated cata-
PC boards, transistor RF mixers & log packed with CB, hi-fi com-
amps, and other comm. products). 114. Get all the facts on Progressive ponents, test equipment, tools, ham
Edu -Kits Home Radio Course. Build rigs, and more.
103. See brochures on Regency's 20 radios and electronic circuits;
1973 lineup of CB transceivers & parts, tools, and instructions in- 125. Mosley Electronics reports that
VHF /UHF receivers (public service/ cluded. by popular demand the Model A-311
business bands -police, fire, etc.) 3- element CB beam antenna is be-
115. Olson Electronics' 244-page ing reintroduced. Send for the
104. A pamphlet from Electra de- fully -illustrated 1974 catalog car- brochure.
tails the 6 models of the Bearcat ries leading national brand products
Ill, a scanning monitor receiver. in all electronics categories. 126. RCA Experimenter's Kits for
hobbyists, hams, technicians and
105. Send for freeliterature of R. L. 116. Trigger Electronics has a com- students are the answer for suc-
Drake's receivers -"For the ulti- plete catalog of equipment for cessful and enjoyable projects.
mate in Shortwave Listening." those in electronics. Included are
kits, parts, ham gear, CB, hi fi and 127. B &F Enterprises has an inter-
106. Before you build from scratch, recording equipment. esting catalog you'd enjoy scan-
check the Fair Radio Sales latest ning. There are geiger counters,
catalog for surplus gear. 117. Get the HUSTLER brochure il- logic cards, kits, lenses, etc.
lustrating their complete line of CB
107. Get Antenna Specialists' cat. and monitor radio antennas. 128. Avanti antennas (mobile and
of latest CB and VHF/UHF innova- base for CB and VHF/UHF) are
tions: base & mobile antennas, test 118. Teaberry's new 6 -page folder fully described and illustrated in
equipment (wattmeters, etc.), ac- presents their 6 models of CBtrans- new cataolg.
cessories. ceivers (base and mobile): 1 trans-
ceiver for marine -use, and 2 scan- 129. A new free catàlog is available
108. Want a deluxe CB base sta- ner models (the innovative "Crime from McGee Radio. It contains elec-
tion? Then get the specs on Tram's Fighter" receiver and a pocket -size tronic product bargains..
super CB rigs. scanner).
130. Semiconductor Supermart is
109. Compact is the word forXcelite's 119. Burstein -Applebee's 1974 cata- a new 1973 catalog listing project
9 sets of midget screwdrivers and log has 276 pages of radio /TV elec- builders' parts, popular CB gear,
nut -drivers with "piggyback" handle tronics bargains. Selling for $2, it and test equipment. It features
to increase length and torque. A is offered free to our readers. semiconductors. -all from Circuit
"show case" serves as bench stand. Specialists.
Cat. 171. 120. For a colorful leaflet on the
Golden Eagle Mark Ill SSB receiver 131. Heath's new 1974 full -color
110. Bomar claims to have C/B and the Mark Ill SSB transmitter, catalog is a shopper's dream
crystal for every transceiver ... for write to Browning Laboratories.
every channel. The catalog gives list
chockful of gadgets and goodies
everyone would want to own.
of crystal to set interchangeability. 121. Edmund Scientific's new cata-
log contains over 4000 products 132. E. F. Johnson's 1974 full line
111. A Turner amplified mike helps that embrace many sciences and of CB transceivers and accessories
get the most from a CB rig. This fields. equipment is featured in a new 16-
free brochure describes line of page brochure. A 4 -color folder on
base & mobile station models. 122. Cornell Electronics' "Imperial monitor scanner line is also offered.
Thrift Tag Sale" Catalog features TV
112. Midland has recently pub- and radio tubes. You can also find 133. If you want courses in assem-
lished a 4 -color brochure illustrat- almost anything in electronics. bling your own TV kits, National
ing and describing over 40 CB and Schools has 10 from which to
scanner products. 123. Radio Shack's 1974 catalog for choose. There is a plan for GIs.
r ELECTRONICS HOBBYIST 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110,
1 1
1 Box 886 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 1
1 Ansonia Station 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 1
1 New York, N.Y. 10023 l'
131 132 133
1 Please arrange to have this lit- 1
1 erature whose numbers I have Indicate total number of booklets requested 1
circled at right sent to me as Sorry, only 12 circled items maximum. 1
soon as possible. I am enclos-
ing 25 to cover handling. (No Are you a subscriber to this magazine? Yes No 1
1 stamps, please). 1
1 NAME 1

1 1
F/W-73 1
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Not Valid After March 15, 1974 1

FALL -WINTER, 1973 13

pick up the slightest sound and transmit it or cigarette lighter flame. No soldering iron
without wires, up to 450 feet through any needed! According to Radio Shack, Tape Sold-
FM radio. Tunable from 88 to 108 MHz, the er is ideal for on-the -spot wiring and repairs,
Micro Mini Mike is ideal for use as a silent installing light fixtures, automotive accessor-
monitor, burglar alarm, music amplifier, in- ies, while camping or practically anywhere.
tercom, baby sitter, etc. The unit furnished Archer Tape Solder comes in a re- sealable
complete with batteries on a money back plastic pouch of 100 pre -cut pieces for 89N.
guarantee. Only $13.95 plus 50c for postage Available from more than 1800 Radio Shack
and handling. Additional information is avail- and Allied Radio Stores in all 50 states and
able from AMC Sales, P.O. Box 2923, Pasa- Canada, and through Radio Shack Author-
dena, CA 91105. ized Sales Centers, nationwide. For more in-
formation, circle No. 48 on a Reader Service
Drill Anywhere Coupon.
A new cordless electric drill that gives
/4 -in.
Every Bench Should Have One

power where there is no power has been in-

troduced at $49.99 by The Black & Decker Recurrent sweep with automatic synchro-
Co. The new cordless unit, Model 7077, is nization and a phasing control are included
priced 33% below the previous Black & Deck- in the new LBO -511, wideband solid state
general purpose oscilloscope /vectorscope
now offered by Leader Instruments Corp.,
Long Island City, NY. Sweep frequency of the
Model LBO -511 is in four ranges, from 10Hz
to 100KHz while the phasing control is con-
tinuous from 0 to 140 °. In addition, the unit
has a calibrated vertical input and with
20MVp -p /cm to 10Vp -p /cm sensitivity. FET
input stages plus DC coupling and push /pull
amplifiers are said to account for unvavering
stability and distortion -free displays of this

er cordless drill model. The 7077 is the re-

sult of productivity improvement programs
and technological advancements. The #7077
is driven by a self- contained power pack. A
charger unit that fully recharges in 16 hours
is included as standard equipment. The new
cordless tool drills at 800 revolutions per
minute and weighs under 31/2 pounds. Circle
No. 46 on Reader Service Coupon for more
facts. new entry. Special inputs are also included to
Cool Solder allow use as a vectorscope. Bandwidth is at
Ever wish you could solder a connection DC to 10MHz. Power requirements are
with a match? Now you can with Archer Tape 115/230V; 50/60Hz; 25VA (approx.). The
Solder, from Radio Shack. Simply twist your LBO -511 weighs 15 lbs. and measures 7% -in.
wires together, wrap them with a piece of H x 9% -in. W x 161/2-in. D. Price is $349.95.
Tape Solder, and melt it with a match, candle Want more facts -circle No. 32 on Reader
Service Coupon.

Stereo on the Go
The Lafayette "Auto Mate" is equipped with
powerful solid -state circuitry to provide qual-
ity stereo sound playback of prerecorded cas-
sette tapes. It is so compact it can be in-
stalled in the glove compartment of most
cars. Measures only 6 -in. W x 1% -in. H x
a o BE
:111') :,PI N ill ;Mel
The Editor of ELECTRONICS HOBBYIST offers readers an
easy way to get additional information about products and
services advertised in this issue. Also, if you would like more
information about any new product mentioned in our new
products column, it's yours for the asking. Just follow the
instructions below and the material you requested will be
sent to you promptly and at no cost.

The coupon below is designed for your convenience. Just circle the
numbers that appear next to the advertisement or editorial mention that
interests you. Then, carefully print your name and address on the
coupon. Cut out the coupon and mail to ELECTRONICS HOBBYIST, Box
886, Ansonia Station, New York. N.Y. 10023. Do it today!

6- Void after March 15, 1974


Box 886, Ansonia Station, New York, N.Y. 10023
Please arrange to have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
literature whose num- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
bers have circled at

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
right sent to me as
soon as possible. un- I
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
derstand that this is a 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
free service offered by
the magazine. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Name (Print Clearly)

City State Zip Code

FALL - WINTER, 1973 1 "i

Placing a
61/2 -in. D. cassette into the front Ultrasonic Intrusion Sensor
panel slot will start playback automatically "The Informer ", prepared by Heath Com-
and light goes on. Features separate tone pany, may not make the bestseller list, but
and volume controls, plus slide lever balance will be a valuable addition to any bookcase
because this book keeps a vigilant watch on
home and belongings. Between the bogus
covers of "The Informer" is the Heathkit
GD -39, a sophisticated solid-state ultrasonic
sensor that can be used to trigger an alarm,
turn on a light, or both should it detect
movement in the area under surveillance. To
install, the homeowner simply plugs it into a
120 VAC wall outlet, then plugs the alarm
and light into the receptacles provided. "The

control for adjusting proper sound level in

each speaker. Includes fast forward and eject
buttons. Operates on 12 -volt negative ground
systems. Speaker impedance 4 -8 ohms.
Mounting brackets included for only $39.95.
Two 3 -in. x 5 -in. matching speaker systems
are also available at Lafayette at extra cost.
For more information, circle No. 34 on Read-
er Service Coupon.

Snaps are a Cinch

Time Saver Tool Corporation has announced
the expansion of its line of vise plier attach-
ments. In addition to attachments for set-
ting snap fasteners and grommets the new
Handyman's Clinch -Fast Kit will include at- Informer" has adjustable sensitivity, auto-
tachments for setting rivets, rivet removing, matic and manual reset, and a built -in 30
second delay circuit so the owner can enter
a room and deactivate the alarm. The kit -
form device can be built by a beginner in
approximately two evenings, and can be po-
sitioned to survey an entire room or an en-
tranceway. Mail order price for the Heathkit
GD -39 Informer is $49.95 FOB. For further
information, circle No. 1 on Reader Service

CB Eyeball Messages
Aset of four flags designed to alert passing
motorists to a specific need of distressed au-
(Continued on page 111)

center punching, counter sinking, and Lexan

slip -ons for clamping painted, plated or frag-
ile materials. The kit also includes an assort- HELP! HELP
ment of snap fasteners, grommets, rivets, and
one Vise Grip (No. 10R) by Petersen. Ideal for
on- the -job work and for making tarps, boat
and trailer covers, the kit can also be used
for leather work, sheet metal fastening, and HELP !

other household and shop repairs. For more

info, circle No. 36 on Reader Service Coupon.
Check these Heathkit PlusValues
in electronic equipment...
NEW Heathkit

for every interest, Acoustic Coupled

Telephone Amp.

every budget.
Heathkit 50 -watt
Your dollars buy more in Heathkit Stereo Receiver. $169.95"

electronics, hand -crafted by you.

More quality. More features.
Better performance. Added NEW Heathkit
Ultrasonic Intrusion
self- service savings. Plus Alarm. $49.95"

the personal pride and sat-

NEW Heathklt 2 -Meter Amateur
isfaction you get from Heathkit Deluxe
Metal Locator. Transceiver. $179.95'
creating something of
value with your own
Heathkit VHF /FM Band
hands. It all adds up to

Scanning 8 channel
Receiver. $119.95'
the "plus- value" inher-
ent in every Heathkit
Heathkit 6 -Digit Electronic
product. Check the Clock -Alarm. $54.95'
new Heathkit products
Heathkit 25V Solid -state
shown at right. They're Color TV with detent
power tuning. $599.95"
NEW Heathkit
just a few of the world's 8 -digit desktop
Calculator. $79.95'
largest selection of elec-
tronic kits described in
the new FREE Heathkit
catalog. Cassette Deck, with
Dolby Circuit. $249.95'

NEW Heathkit 8- tansistor

AM Radio for first -time
kit -builders. $14.95'
Heathkit 21/2 Digit
VOM. $79.95'

'ä NEW Heathkit

r 8 -digitpocket

NEW Heathkit Small.

engine Tune-up Meter
for 2-and 4- cycles,
all ignitions.

See them all at your nearest Heathkit Electronic Center...or fill out the coupon below


HEATH COMPANY, Dept. 26 -9
CALIF Anaheim, El Canto, Loa Angeles, Pomona, Red- Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022
wood City, Can Diego (La Musai, Woodland Hills: C0LO
Denver CONN -; Hartford (Avon); FLA ; Miami (Hialeah); Please send FREE Heathkit Catalog.
GA Atlanta; ILL Chicago, Downers Grove; IND.: India,
apolls, KANSAS Kansan City (Mission); MD.; Baltimore,
Rockville; MASS Boston (Weileatey }; MICH,, Detroit, Address
MINN M.noeapolic (HopKec(, M0 ; Si. Louis; N.J.; Fee

Lawn, N.Y.: Bottelle, (Amherst). Now York City, Jericho. City State Zip
L _: Rochester; OHIO. Cachalot$ (WOodlawnl, Cleveland.
PA Philadelphie. PittslSurgh, R.i-1 Providence tWerwickj:
Mail order prices; F.O.B. factory. CL -475R

TEedS' Dallas, Fouston; WASH. ;Seattle, WIS.; Milwaukee


FALL- WINTER, 1973 19
by Jack Schmidt



"Not on my bedroom wall!" "It's painted right on the building!"


"No wonder we're lost-you've ,

been following a schematic!" "There's your trouble ... three
supply circuits shorted by ..."


'How can you trace those squiggly I "Chess board my foot -it's
lines on boards, Harry, then chassis boards from my
get lost going to St. Louis ?' I- home study course!"

I replaced one Organ ELECTRONICS
Grinder and
a BB
a tin cup
with my...


by James Robert Squires
Ever see a grown man stop at the counter of a toy shop and pound
out the notes of some half forgotten song on a toy piano? It hap-
pens to all of us and usually results in a special kind of music
definitely not Lincoln Center but of our own making. Children
share this special pleasure in music and often their uninhibited
efforts at the keyboard result in something worth listening to.
To all but the sophisticated ear, tones generated by a square
wave source can sound similar to those produced by a sine wave
oscillator. The multivibrator music box uses 12 notes; unusual
chords result from combinations of these notes. The box is port-
able, has an earphone jack, and can be played through your radio
so that you can accompany your favorite music. Two speakers
connected in parallel give plenty of volume when you want it.
From Resistors To Notes. Four transistorized multivibrators are
used, each is capable of running at one of three frequencies by chang-

FALL -WINTER, 1973 21

Music Box
ing the base resistors. Depressing one of
the 12 keys connects battery voltage to a
different base resistor.
Outputs of the four multivibrators are
summed in 680 -ohm resistors and there-
after fed to an amplifier. The amplifier out-
put, the summed result of four multivibra-
Underside of vectorboard shows no monkey -
tors, is then used to drive the output business! Just a keyboard tiepoint, Q1 to
speakers -assuming that the output jack Q9 transistors and capacitors C2 thru C5.
has not had either a headset or a radio -
phono input plugged in. per tubing to cut spacers because it was
Each multivibrator is identical in design easy. You may purchase precut spacers or
to the others except for the frequency form- make your own as the mood suits you. The
ing circuits in one leg of each. The fre- switch assembly is separate and is mounted
quencies go higher, piano fashion, from left on the opposite wall from the speaker deck
to right. It establishes a sort of face value with a rectangular opening cut in the box
between piano and organ. However, here to project the lever switch arms through.
the similarity stops. Shying away from ex- This method of mounting the switches places
pensive precision values to establish exact them at about the right spacing for fingers,
note jumps (intervals), I used standard
RETMA value resistors. The table indicates
the switch, its approximate frequency, and PARTS LIST FOR
also its relation to keys on a piano. The MULTIVIBRATOR MUSIC BOX
range of the music box is roughly that of a Battery -Six AA cells in series
piccolo. Frequencies will, therefore, deviate Ca -0.1 µF Mylar capacitor, 12 VDC or better
from pure Steinway, so that those fortu- Cb -0.082 µF Mylar capacitor, 12 VDC or
nates with perfect pitch may be somewhat better
Cc -0.047 µF Mylar capacitor, 12 VDC or better
pained by the box's output. (For perfec- Cd -0.033 µF Mylar capacitor, 12 VDC or better
tionists you might add a series of adjust- C1,C6,C7,C8 -0.015 µF Mylar capacitor, 12
able potentiometers and reduce the present VDC or better
"base" resistors by about 20 percent of their C2 to C5 -5 µF non -polarized electrolytic or
value. Select a series potentiometer with a tantalum capacitor, 15 -50 VDC
J1-Jack with normally closed switch, any
resistance value about half the value of its style
associated base (Ra to RI ) resistor.) Then, Ql to Q8- 2N3703, HEP -57, RS 276 -2024, etc.
each frequency is tunable within limits. Q9- 2N428, HEP -2, RS 276 -2004, etc.
Building Hints. The entire circuit was Ra- 120,000 -ohm, 14 -watt resistor
Rb- 100,000 -ohm, 1/4 -watt resistor
mounted on a Vectorboard. The transistor Rc- 82,000 -ohm, 1/4 -watt resistor
sockets and interconnector wires are in- Rd- 68,000 -ohm, 1/4 -watt resistor
stalled first, leaving actual components until Re- 56,000 -ohm, 1/4 -watt resistor
last. Locate parts as shown unless you can Rf- 47,000 -ohm, 1/4 -watt resistor
Rg- 39,000 -ohm, 1/4 -watt resistor
find a better way. Location is not that criti- Rh- 33,000 -ohm, 1 -watt resistor
cal. When the circuit board is completed, Ri-27,000 -ohm, 1/4 -watt resistor
mount the chassis components. Rj- 22,000 -ohm, 14 -watt resistor
Rk- 18,000 -ohm, 1/4 -watt resistor
Speakers, volume control, power switch and RI- 15,000 -ohm, 1/4 -watt resistor
output jack are mounted at one end, prefer- RI ,R3,R 10,R 12,R13,R 15,R 16,R 18 -1000 -ohm,
ably near the output transistor. The entire 1/4 -watt resistor

music box is housed in a 13 x 3 x 25/s -in. R2,R11,R14,R17- 3300 -ohm, 1/4 -watt resistor
R4 to R7-820 -ohm, 1/4 -watt resistor
enclosure and can be painted to suit your R8-8200 -ohm, 14-watt resistor
own musical -color mix. Keys are any style R9 -1000 -ohm, audio taper potentiometer
of lever microswitch. Often these switches Sl to S12-SPST microswitch, lever type (see
can be picked up at the local electronics text)
S13 -SPST toggle or slide switch (ON -OFF)
store in the bargain section for a fraction TI -Miniature output transformer, 500 ohms
of the manufactured cost. Spacers are used to 8 ohms (Lafayette 33 -85572 or equiv.)
between each switch for rigidity. I used cop-


Ì 2 - °?
3.3K 8.2 K SPI
CI C2 5 F TI
IµF .O15µ C3 5 F
R4 82052
R5 82052
C4 5 F
2N3703 2N3703
R6 82052 JI
L I Ra C5

R7 82052

FROM 513 -I
r OSC "B"
r OSC"c"

R13 R14 R151

IK Cc 3.3K IK
.047µF .015µF

S4 S7
_ 2N3703
-1 Rg

S5 S8
. I Rh

S6 S9

FROM 513 -I FROM S 13 -I

r OSC"D"
R16 R17 RIB1

IK 3.3K IK 1
This schematic may look complex, but it's
C8 really four times easier than it appears!
033µF .015µF Sections A, B, C, and D differ only in the
resistor and capacitor needed to generate
the different tones. Top of vectorboard
circuit seen below clearly shows circuit
L_-72N3703 2N3703
zones for oscillator A through D. First a
S 0 pair of transistor sockets (two round ob-
Rk jects in lower left of photo) and grouped
components above them form an oscillator
S 2 zone A. You can see pattern repeated for
L J remaining three oscillators. Transformer
T1 (upper right of board) and transistor
FROM 513-1 socket for 09 below it round out the board
with an audio amplifier output power stage.


FALL -WINTER, 1973 23

Music Box
both chubby and inept.
Be careful to connect all wiring to the
lower edge of the circuit board. This will
allow the board to swing out and away for
underside servicing and hest. Mounting
screws or nuts should stand clear of any
component. Use any SPST spring return switch you have
The battery pack is wired to the power available. Often surplus units can be used
switch SI, then onto the circuit board. It's a that can be purchased quite inexpensively.
good idea to check your wiring prior to in-
stalling any transistors. You can do this by
measuring the voltage between the collector keys produces an individual note, so will
of any transistor and its emitter. You combinations of keys produce chord notes.
should have 9 volts with all transistors out I have tried to use standard resistor values.
and no key depressed. The result is that the frequency difference
The keys are assembled to a subchassis between notes does not match piano notes.
which is then mounted to the main chassis Instead, a new kind of music called stock
behind a curtain of black felt. Mount a value music is generated. This music devi-
piece of angle aluminum below the keys if ates from the old tonal scale and adheres
you wish to limit the travel or downward to a new scale named for the resistors used
motion of the keys. to generate the music. They can, of course,
Operation. Just as each of the 12 separate be purchased from any electronics parts
house as opposed to expensive precision val-
FREQUENCY CHART ued resistors that would be necessary to pro-
Key Approximate Approximate Resistor duce the old classical scale values all those
Switch Frequency Musical Value other musicians insist on using. Don't be
Number (Hertz) Note (10 %) disappointed though 'cause you're in for a
treat: Stock value music has much to offer
S1 625 E 120K
S2 716 F 100K for the growing number of fans interested in
S3 845 A 82K electronic music. Battery life? Well, it's not
S4 1030 C 68K as long as Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake nor as
S5 1220 E 56K short as the theme from Exodus. I guess you
S6 1561 G 47K can say that battery life will depend upon the
S7 1750 A 39K number of concert recitals per week. Bat-
S8 2080 C 33K
2500 27K
teries have a way of recovering after a
strenuous performance -as I am sure your
S9 E

S10 3030 G 22K

S11 3450 A 18K friends will! And now I leave you to your
S12 4150 C 15K moments of construction fun and hours of
stock valued musical ecstasy.

This project is based on the use of standard resistors. The 1/2-watt 10

percent tolerance type is usually the least expensive, but you can use
any closer tolerance or 1/4-watters. Exact pitch requires pots; see text.
Improve any
AM receiver with...
D ETECTOR One diode and capacitor added to any AM
detector will nearly double the output.
by Elmer C. Carlson

IF YOU CAN SOLDER to printed-circuit for the AM detector -doubler circuit.

boards or build a solid -state electronics kit, Circuit Operation. Basic circuits for the
you can convert any AM detector to an even usual half-wave AM detector, the AM de-

better voltage doubler circuit. All you have tector- doubler and the crystal radio circuits
to do is add two small components to the are given in the schematic diagrams. During
existing diode detector, and you can get .11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '

about double the normal audio output. An-

other big bonus is a lower detector distor- r--
tion and an intrinsic bass boost that's notice- A
able mainly on medium-priced table radios. crl

Remember, the new circuit isn't choosy. +

You can put it in CB mobiles or handi-
talkies, table radios or broadcast/shortwave IF
transistor portables. You can even put this INPUT
circuit in toy-type crystal sets.
Circuitry used for this high- output AM
detector is the same as that used as a power
rectifier for those transformerless TV power
supplies. For over twenty years the circuit B D2
has been, used to obtain about 240 VDC + C2
from 120 VAC power lines. The only differ- AUDIO
ence are the characteristics of the compo- OUTPUT
nents used. As an AM detector- doubler, the IF -n-
L -A
circuit uses high- frequency, low- current di-
odes instead of 500 or 750 milliampere
power rectifiers. Capacitors are small at the At A, Cl charges as shown for 1/2 of
higher (RF and IF) frequencies. A .01 µF each IF cycle then aids (B) second 1
capacitor is usually enough. Those 80 to cycle, charging C2 to twice the IF.
200 p.F electrolytic capacitors aren't needed

FALL - WINTER, 1973 25

When removing a diode from the

DETECTOR X2 original circuit be sure to check its operat-

ing output polarity. Make sure diodes you
put into the circuit will give the same polar-
ity audio voltage output. A diode connected
one alternation of the IF carrier, diode Dl
of the X2 DETECTOR conducts. When diode
Dl conducts, it charges capacitor C 1 to the
peak IF voltage of that half of the cycle of
the modulated sine wave. During the sec-
ond half of the cycle, diode D2 conducts.
Capacitor Cl discharges through diode D2,
adding its briefly stored charge to that of
the peak voltage of the second half of the
input sine wave. At the time of discharge,
the voltage across Cl is in series with the
voltage applied to the secondary of the
transformer during the second half of the
sinewave alternation. Just as with two dry
cells connected in series, these two voltages
add and produce about twice the voltage
that would be obtained with one diode.
Modification Tips. A pair of identical
diodes will work best in this circuit. Any
Simple three- terminal design using two new
two diodes will work, but identical diodes diodes and additional capacitor. Selecting
will give better audio fidelity. Check the a matched set of diodes drops distortion.
forward and back resistance of diodes with
an ohmmeter. Select two diodes that are as
to the circuit in reverse may upset the bias
similar as possible.
applied to the base of a following, direct -
coupled transistor or electrolytic capacitor.
r -----1 DIODE
It's a lot easier to check the polarity first
than to replace a transistor or electrolytic
OUTPUT capacitor.

Q._f If space permits, larger -sized diodes
and capacitors can be used just as effec-
tively as the miniaturized units.
p The two diodes and the capacitor
This basic AM detector is found in nearly can be formed into a neat, compact 3
all AM radios. Diode can be connected as terminal package as shown in the photo -
shown or reversed with anode at out line. (Continued on page 116)


7r DI


Add just a diode and capacitor to the basic circuit shown above and turn an ordinary AM

detector into a doubler. It boosts audio quality by reducing distortion since the load seen
by the last IF transformer is equal for both half-cycles of the IF output waveform.
Cl- Capacitor, ceramic or mica. Size depends Dl- Diode, IN34A or 1N60
on C2, see text. D2 -Diode in original detector circuit, see text
C2- Capacitor in original detector circuit.
nuununnununnnumunuuumuuunnnmuminuuulmluuuuuununuuuumumium nllluununumnuunnuuuuunnuuuuumnuuuunuuuuuuumuuuuuuununnmmimr-



by Gary McClellan
are times to make noise in these ates a series of low frequency pulses. The
days of noise abatement concern. Of output of this oscillator appears across R3 as
course, an ambulance must have a wailing a corresponding series of voltage fluctua-
siren to help clear traffic. A volunteer fire tions. R3 also biases the second oscillator
department depends on a raucous blast (consisting of C3, C4, Q2, R4, 125 and R6)
from a horn for its efficient operation. to a point just below oscillation. This resistor
And certainly no one would deny a new- must be adjusted to suit the characteristics
year's eve merrymaker his hour to howl. of the unijunction used for Q2. As the
So whatever your interest -burglar alarm voltage across R3 drops, it will reach a
to wake -up alarm- here's an electronic level where the second oscillator fires and
alarm generator with an extra low -fre- its output frequency starts to rise with the
quency modulation oscillator that produces voltage. As the voltage across R3 in-
a "yelp- yelp -yelp" that's sure to attract creases, the output frequency drops. Poten-
plenty of attention. tiometer RI controls the repetition rate of
Both the pitch and repetition rate of this the output, while pot R5 controls the fre-
generator are variable over a wide range, quency.
so you can create other unusual sounds. If Putting It Together. I built my version on
you want to experiment with the circuit,
you will probably discover other hookups
that give even more strange sounds.
What Is It? It's an electronic alarm gen-
erator that's inexpensive and easy to build.
The parts are all common and inexpensive.
There are no oddball integrated circuits to
buy, and you will probably have most of
the parts in your junkbox. If not, you
shouldn't have to spend more than $4 for
new parts. Construction? It's very easy! The
parts layout is noncritical and you can build
it in any way, shape, or form you wish.
Our generator uses two unijunction tran-
Great for attention-getting emergency type
sistor oscillators which are DC coupled to alarms. So easy to build, it's recommended
produce the strange sounds. for beginners. Inside the case just a dozen
Electronically, the first oscillator (which parts put a warbling squawk of a sound into
consists of Cl, Q1, R1, R2 and R3) gener- your hi -fi, PA amp -even drives earphones!
FALL- WINTER, 1973 27
9VDC 02 C3 QI CI

a l %8 -in. x 21/4-in. scrap of perfboard and

enclosed it in a Radio Shack Mini Case.
This arrangement worked very well and
you might want to duplicate it.
Start construction by laying out the
capacitors on the perfboard. Note that Cl
and C4 are positioned near the ends of the
board. Next, insert all of the resistors but
R3. The value of R3 will probably have to
be optomized by experiment, so just ignore Locate parts on this photograph as you put
it for now. On our version potentiometers parts together. Also, see page 115 for the
R1 and R5 were left off the board to save complete wire layout under the perf- board.
space. These pots are mounted on the front box. Drill two 1/4 -in. holes in one side of
panel of the box and connected to the cir- the box for the power and output leads.
cuit via short leads. You should now be Next, the front panel: drill two holes for the
able to wire up most of the circuit, and pots and two holes to mount the board.
you might want to add push -in terminals Clean up the panel and apply decals if you
for the pots, output, and power leads. wish. Install the two pots and temporarily
These terminals will make external connec- wire them to the rest of the circuit with
tions to the board much easier. long leads. Also connect the power and out-
When you have finished the wiring, in- put leads to the module. This completes
sert the unijunctions. Be careful to check your mechanical construction of the genera-
out the leads on your particular unijunctions tor.
before you solder them in. The location Putting It To Work. By now you should
of the E, B I, and B2 leads may vary with be all set to fire it up. In place of R3
the type of unijunction you use. connect á
series combination of 330-ohm
Finish the construction by "working" the (Continued on page 115)

R3 9 VDC
R2 R4 _L..
8.2K 10K e
B2 E 62 BI
R1 R5 02 C4 E-
25K 50K BI .05uF

-C2 C3

25llF T0F 2.2K


C1 -25
µF electrolytic capacitor, 12 VDC or 271 -000 or equiv.)
better (Allied Radio 926 -1547 or equiv.) R3-1000 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor, see text (Rodio
C2 -10 µF electrolytic capacitor, 12 VDC or Shack 271 -000 or equiv.)
better (Radio Shack 272 -1002 or equiv.) R4- 10,000 -ohm, 1/2-watt resistor (Radio Shack
C3-0.022 µF tabular capacitor, 50 VDC or 271 -000 or equiv.)
better (Radio Shack 272 -1056 or equiv.) R5- 50,000 -ahm potentiometer, linear taper
C4- 0.05 µ.F capacitor, 12 VDC or better (Radio (Radio Shack 271 -1716 or equiv.)
Shack 272 -1068 or equiv.) R6- 2,200-ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor (Radio Shack
01, 02-Unijunction transistors, exact type not 271 -000 or equiv.)
critical (Radio Shack 276 -111)
1 R1- 25,000 -ohm potentiometer, linear taper (Ra- Misc.- Perfboard, knobs, spacers, wire, solder,
dio Shack 271 -094 or equiv.) case (Radio Shack 270-230), 9 -volt battery or
R2 -8,200 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor (Radio Shack power supply, etc.
Nllllllllllu umnuuu m1 uI11111111111111111u111111111111111111111n111nn11nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnepp ppOn nII010nII1011111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111110111111111111111111111111n lnnlnr:

OUR MINI MAXI is a nov- The audio signal devel-
el superregenerative re- oped across .resistor R4 is
ceiver, covering the 80 to directly coupled to the base
175 MHz band. Though de-
signed with minimum cir-
BUILD of transistor Q2, which is in
a complementary configura-
cuitry, it provides good sen- tion with transistor Ql. Out-
sitivity and output. This put of transistor Q2 is de-
simple and easy-to -build
receiver is unique in that no
INI- veloped across R6 and is
coupled via transistor Q3,
coupling capacitors or trans- which takes the place of a
formers are used between
stages and almost any im-
pedance speaker or ear-
MAXI coupling capacitor between
transistors 02 and Q4. A
high beta silicon transistor
phone can be connected to used for Q3 will provide a
the output. Of course, a small amount of gain as well
low- impedance one will have as a means of coupling tran-
higher output. Another fea- sistors Q2 and Q4. The au-
ture is the use of non -critical dio is further amplified by
components which can vary transistor Q4 and its output
in value to permit using a is applied across a suitable
wide range of readily avail- earphone or speaker that
able parts without impairing may be plugged into jack
performance of the receiver. J2.
The Mini -Maxi will receive Construction. The rec-
television, FM, aircraft, am- ommended layout and wir-
ateur, and police transmis- ing of Mini -Maxi as shown
sions with just a 2 -ft. whip in the photograph can be
antenna. A smaller version followed provided compo-
of the receiver, using sub- nents identical to those spe-
miniature components, was cified in the Parts List are
built into a little metal cuff- used and it will fit in a 21/4
link box that could be car- x 21/4 x 5 -in. minibox. If
ried in a pocket. you build the receiver in a
How It Works. Transistor different container, it must
Q1 is a superregenerative be a metal one to avoid
detector. The resonant cir- hand capacitance effects de-
cuit (inductor L1, capacitor tuning the receiver. Mount
C5, and tuning capacitor J1, R3, C4, Si, and J2 be-
C4) is tunable over the fre- fore wiring in the remaining
quency range mentioned components. The lead
above. Capacitor C3 pro- lengths on 01, L2, C2, C3,
vides feedback for oscilla- C4, C5, and L1 should be
tion and capacitor C2 cou- by William F. Splichal, Jr. kept as short as possible to
ples the signal from the minimize stray capacitance
antenna to the tuned circuit. A novel vhf effects. Layout and lead
Potentiometer R3 is used as superregen receiver length of the other compo-
the regeneration control to that can tune in nents are not as critical and
set transistor Q1 to the point stations from can be varied to suit the
of oscillation. 50 to 200 MHz builder. (Turn page)
FALL -WINTER, 1973 29
MINI -MAX I stead of the three previously specified, the
receiver will tune from 50 -100 MHz, and
with two turns it will tune from 100 to 200
Transistor Ql can be almost any pnp Receiver Operation. Almost any speaker
germanium vhf type transistor capable of os- or earphone having an impedance from 4
cillating at 175 MHz. Many types of small and 2000 ohms can be connected across
signal npn germanium audio transistors can Mini -Maxi's output. The lower impedances
be substituted for Q2 and Q4 with satisfac- will give higher output. After turning switch
tory results. S1 on, regeneration potentiometer R3 is set
The battery is connected to a battery plug by first turning it clockwise until oscillations
obtained from an old discharged 9 -volt bat- are heard and then turning it counterclock-
tery. One terminal of the plug is soldered to wise until the oscillations stop and hissing is
one of the switch terminals via a small strip heard. Tuning capacitor C4 is then tuned to
of flexible metal which is insulated with tape a station. The setting of the regeneration
to prevent shorting out to the box. control will vary with the frequency to
The 2 -ft. whip antenna was made by re- which the receiver is tuned and will require
moving the insulation from a length of #14 resetting for optimum operation. By experi-
wire and soldering it into the end of a tip menting in tuning in various type stations,
plug (P1) which will plug into J1. A more the dial can be marked where the following
compact antenna can be made by attaching different types of transmissions occur:
a small telescoping antenna (similar to La-
fayette 18E54009) to a tip plug which will 54 -88 MHz Television
plug into J1. 88 -108 MHz FM
Overall tuning range of the receiver can 108-136 MHz Aircraft
be changed by using different sizes for in- 144-148 MHz Amateur
ductor L1. By making it with six turns in- n- 148-175 MHz Police and Fire

R4 R5 C6 C7 SI 81

C4 C3 L1 C5 Q2 R6 R7

Underside view of Mini -Maxi reveals location of virtually every

component it contains. Whip antenna plugs into jack J1 at left,
When receiving very strong stations, the station to reduce volume further. A nice fin-
regeneration control may have to be turned ishing touch is to identify the controls, using
counterclockwise to reduce volume and pro- press -on letters (Datak or equiv.) covered
duce an undistorted output. In some cases it with several coats of clear, spray -on lacquer
may also by necessary to slightly detune the for protection.


B1-Transistor radio battery (Eveready (Sprague 2N2401) (see text)

216 or equiv.) Q2, Q4 -Npn germanium audio transis-
Cl, C6- 15 -uF, 15 -VDC electrolytic tor (RCA type 2N388) (see text)
capacitor (Sprague 1152 or equiv.) Q3 -Npn silicon, high beta audio transis-
C2 -5itor-pF,(Sprague
1000 -VDC ceramic disc capac-
5GA -V50 or equiv.)
tor (Motorola type 2N3565)
(see text)
C3- 15 -pF, 1000 -VDC ceramic disc ca- P1 -Plug to fit tip jack
pacitor (Sprague 5GA -Q15 or equiv.) R1-47,000-ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor
C4 -3.7 to 52 -pF variable tuning capaci- R2- 220,000 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor
tor (Hammarlund HF50 or equiv.) R3- 1000 -ohm, linear taper, potentio-
C5-0.001 -uF, 1000 -VDC ceramic disc ca- meter (Mallory U4 or equiv.)
pacitor (Sprague 5HK -D10 or equiv.) R4, R7 -4700 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor
C7-50 -uF, 15 -VDC electrolytic capacitor R5-3900 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor
(Sprague 1160 or equiv.) R6 -2700 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor
C8-35 -uF, 15 -VDC electrolytic capacitor R8-1500 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor
(Sprague 1159 or equiv.) S1 -Spst toggle switch (Cutler- Hammer
J1 -Tip jack, nylon insulated (H.H. 8280 -K -14 or equiv.)
Smith 240 or equiv.) 1 -21/4 x 21/4 x 5 -in. minibox (Premier
J2- Subminiature phone jack (Lafayette PMC 1004 or equiv.)
99E62119 or equiv.) 4- Transistor sockets (Lafayette
L1 -3
turns #18 bare copper- tinned wire, 32E42211 or equiv.)
Misc. -Wire, solder, bolts, nuts, earphone
3 /16 -in. ID x 3/8 -in. long (see text)
L2 -55 -uH RF choke (J.W. Miller 4629 -E or speaker (any low -impedance unit
or equiv.) -see text), press -on letters or
Q1 -Pnp germanium vhf transistor

embossed tape, etc.

R4. R5 R8
4.7K 3.9K 1.5K
+ + +
C6 C7 CB
15uF 50u F 35uF

4k18 WIRE
3/1611 I.D.,
3/811 LONG Q2

pF - C5
2N3565 Q4

C3 R6
15pF JI -"s/W-

l 4.7K

CI 2N2401 I
47K l J
L- 2
C2 J2
+ 55uH 5pF
Schematic for Mini -Maxi. 4
As explained in text, num-
ber of turns on coil LI
R3 determines exact tuning
1.0K range with capacitor C4.

.l II II I I III I III I III I III I 1111111111I11II I III I III I I1111111111I 111 I III I III I III I III II I I II I I II II II I I II I I II I I II I I II I I I I II II II I I I I1111111111111111111111111111111111I1 1 1 1 1 11111 I I I I II I I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I III I I I11111I III I III I III I III I II I I II I I11111

FALL- WINTER, 1973 31

ntin as :11 !nt g
by Art Traufer

Many antique radio collectors have one or pins in the base.

more early battery radios in their collec- How To Do It. Buy a 12" length of Crown
tions which have bayonet shell -type sockets Line PCV -1120 1" white plastic pipe at a
made for OlA type tubes. The OlA tubes plumbing supply house, or buy any other
require 5 volts on the filament and draw a plastic pipe having an inside diameter the
hefty .25 amps each. Since these tubes were same (or slightly larger) than the diameter
out of production many years ago and are of the 30 tube base. Be sure the outside
becoming hard to find, it is desirable to use diameter is the same (or slightly smaller)
more modern tubes having lower filament than the opening in the O1A bayonet tube
voltages and less "A" battery drain. One socket.
such tube is the type 30 tube, which re- Saw off a 1" piece from the plastic pipe,
' quires only 2 volts on the filament at only then file the tough sawed edges smooth
.060 amps! and glue the 1" piece on the base of the 30
Type 30 tubes have the same four pin tube. If the plastic fits a little too loose on
arrangement as the old O1A tubes. How- the tube base simply wrap a turn or two of
ever, the 30's base is smaller in diameter Mystik cloth tape around the tube base be-
than the O1A's base and it also does not fore you apply the glue. Let the glue harden.
have the metal pin for use in bayonet sock- If the modified 30 base now fits a little
ets. The 30 tubes were made for use in too loose in the OlA bayonet socket wrap
"push -in" type sockets. a turn or two of the cloth tape around the
To use a 30 in an OlA bayonet socket it base.
isn't necessary to make an adapter or to To complete the job fasten a small metal
"re- tube" an OlA base with a 30 glass en- pin in the base. To do this drill an undersize
velope. All you have to do is build up the hole through the plastic and into the tube
diameter of the 30 base so that it fits the base and then twist in a machine screw
bayonet socket and then put small metal (Continued on page 113)

Shown from left to right are :

type 30 vacuum tube

unmodified, type 30 vacuum
tube modified by a wider
base and addition of a
base bayonet pin, type
OAl vacuum tube
grandfather used, and last,
the bayonet socket that is
the cause of the problem.

Fabricate an OA1 from a type 30

tube and keep your ancient rig on the air!
A Super
Turn off to

by Steve Daniels

How WOULD you like an electronic watch-

dog for your CB equipment, Channel 9
monitor or household appliances that will
keep them turned on a specified length of
time, then shut them off automatically?
Could you use something to turn a TV or
Stereo off at night after you've fallen
asleep? What about an electric nap alarm
to wake you from a snooze with music
from your radio or Hi -Fi?
Well, here's one answer. It's our elec-
tronic Hour Master. Or should we say,
Your Master! Hour Master is a wide range
electronic timer and Diac -Triac full -wave
speed control combined in one compact
unit. It will handle literally any timing job
from seconds to hours whether time-in or
time -out is required. If you wish, you can
even add a speed control by just adding
one variable resistor to the circuit; the
result is a flexibility applicable to dozens
of jobs in home and shop.
The Old Timers. Many electronic timers
up to now have been limited in length of
time delay because huge capacitors were
required. Hour Master can easily provide
delays of an hour or more with its average
Hour Master fit your needs. It was 100,000 -ohms in the
author's model giving him a minimum time
delay of 30 seconds. Capacitor Cl may
also be changed in value to modify the
sized 200 uF timing capacitor. The sche- delay time. With a 200 uF capacitor and
matic shows how it's done. Diac D1 and a 10 megohm pot, the maximum delay is
Triac Q3 form a standard AC phase con- well over an hour and over a half-hour
trol which can be turned off through the with a 5 megohm pot.
contacts of relay K1. For use as a speed Getting Busy. The author's model was
control, R4, a 250,000 -ohm linear pot, is housed in a 6t/4 -in. x 3346 -in. x
added as shown to points A and B. With plastic case with an aluminum panel used
mode switch S3 in the out position, you as the top plate of the unit. You may
have a regular speed control. When battery want to start by drilling holes in the cover
switch S2 is closed, the timing circuit is for switches, pot (s), and socket. Be sure
armed. By pressing time -start switch Si, to add an extra hole for potentiometer R4
timing capacitor Cl is charged by the bat- if you want the speed control feature.
tery; when S1 is released, Cl slowly dis- Go to work on the circuit board; you
charges through time-set pot R1 and can use about a 2 -in. x 41/2-in. piece of
source -follower Ql. perforated phenolic board. Wiring is
Time -set potentiometer R1 can be either straight -forward, but keep the triac
5 or 10 megohms. Resistor Rx sets the low circuitry and the FET at opposite ends of
limit of the timer and may be selected to (Continued on page 113)


BI-9-volt battery, Eveready 216 or equiv. RI -5 megohm to 10 megohm, linear taper po-
Cl -1 to 1000 uF, 12 -VDC electrolytic capacitor tentiometer (see text)
(see text) R2- 2,700 -ohm. 1/2-watt resistor, 10%
C2 -0.05 uf, 600V disc capacitor R3-120,000 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor, 10% (see
C3-0.1 uF, 600V disc capacitor text)
Dl -Diac, Motorola HEP -311 Sl -SPOT pushbutton switch (Switchcraft 1002
K1- Sensitive SPOT relay (Potter & Brumfield or equiv.) (time -start switch)
type LM5 or equiv.) (see text) S2 -SPST toggle switch (power switch)
01 -N- channel FET, Motorola HEP -801 S3 -SPDT toggle switch (mode switch)
02 -NPN transistor, Motorola HEP-55 501 -AC receptacle, chassis mount
Q3-Triac, RCA 40429 Misc.- Hardware, knobs, perforated board, flee
Rx- 100,000 -ohm, 1/2-watt resistor, 10% clips, wire, solder, etc.





HEP -801 HEP -55 40429

ummmumuuuwuuuummm111uuuuuuuumuumuumnununuununummmuunnumuuummumuunuuuuuuun un nn uu uuuuunnnuuuuuuuunuuuunuuuuuuuuummum
You Learn to
Make Money
...with CIE's
Now you can learn Electronics by performing
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You learn by doing! This 161-piece Laboratory includes

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It used to be that the average homeowner
wanting early warning of impending
fires through smoke detection either had
to go the expensive commercial-equipment
route or build a not-to- reliable homebrew
device. In between the two extremes was
nothing on which you'd stake your life.

This Fact is, in most instances "Joe Average"

is still being sold expensive smoke detectors
for home use he'd have to throw directly
into a fire before it sounded an alarm.
But times change, particularly when it
comes to solid state devices, and a small

Pisaster ionization detector designed to detect gas

fumes and smoke is now available for little
more than the cost of a transistor. Though
the device is often termed a "smoke detec-
tor" it also sniffs out carbon monoxide,
methane and Iso- Butane gases, in fact, any

Abriii ionized gas. A small alarm system such as

the Radio Shack Disaster Alarm Kit
( #28 -4006) which incorporates this detector
can be used as a smoke detector in the
home to warn of impending fires, as a car-
bon monoxide detector in the garage for
those of you who insist on working on a

Can running engine with the garage doors closed,

or as a gas fume detector in closed areas.
The Disaster Alarm Kit has an approxi-
mate sensitivity to carbon monoxide of 500
PPM, and 2% to 4% smoke. Unfortunately,
it does not incorporate heat detection -for

Save there can be fire before smoke. However,

we'll show you how, for just pennies and
two extra wires, the Disaster Alarm can be
converted to a smoke, gas, heat and burglar
Start With a Prefab. The basic Radio
Shack Disaster Alarm Kit is AC powered

Your and is housed in a small white plastic cabinet

that is mounted high on a wall near the bed-
room area (or inside a garage or closet).
The alarm sound is produced by a loud,
raucous buzzer, similar to the warning horns
used as interior remote fire alarm horns in

Life commercial equipment. Once triggered, the


b:i Herb Friedman

Assemble the printed circuit board exactly

as described in the manual. Modifications
are added to a complete and tested board.
alarm can be silenced only by operating a
reset switch. Should the gas or smoke be
temporarily blown away by wind the alarm
will not be silenced: only the user can sil-
ence the alarm.
The kit consists of the plastic housing,
power transformer, buzzer -horn, a small
printed circuit board and much less than a
handfull of components. Cnstruction time
takes about one hour.
On the PC board is a small wire jumper
labled "J" that is used only for initial setting
of a sensitivity control. After the sensitivity
is adjusted the J- jumper is normally cut
through. However, by bringing out the two
J- jumper connections to a screw type ter-
minal strip positioned near a hole pre -drilled
on the alarm's back panel both fire and
intruder detectors of the open circuit type
can be connected into the Disaster alarm.
Thus, the buzzer -horn sounds when there is
gas, smoke, excessive heat or a forced entry
through a door or window.
The alarm must be completed and tested
before the fire/ intruder modification is
made. Only after you are absolutely cer-
tain the alarm is working properly should
the following modifications be added to the
Fire -Intruder Modifications. The PC
board is held to the cabinet by three plastic
studs. Gently snap the board off the studs
and flip it over. Unsolder the J- jumper
which is now cut in two. In its place solder
a 6 in. pair of insulated twisted wires. Then,
re- install the board on the studs. Position
a two terminal strip so it half covers the
"extra" hole in the cabinet's rear cover, mark
the mounting holes and drill for #4 or #6
screws. Bend the terminal strip's solder lugs
outward so they will be horizontal to the
cabinet and install the terminal strip using



Best location for alarm
is high up in the
bedroom area. Make certain resetting switch
points down so that it is very convenient.

a I/z in. spacer or stack or washers between

the terminal strip and the cabinet. (You
must be certain the terminal strip does not
short to the metal cabinet cover.) Solder the
two wires from the J- jumper connections to
the terminal strip. That's the entire modifica-
The Disaster Alarm will work normally
with or without connections to the terminal
strip. If you connect open circuit type heat
and fire intruder detectors (such as magnetic
switches) to the terminal strip the alarm
will sound when ambient heat is excessive
or when an intruder forces a door or win-
dow. Standard open circuit heat /fire detectors
The heat and intruder detector switches can.be installed in all living areas,
are connected in parallel as shown in the above the furnace and in cellar and attic.
schmatic diagram. Because it's a parallel
connection there is no practical limit to the Final Set-up. After your complete secur-
number of protective devices you can use. ity system is installed, check it out in the fol-
You can place a heat detector in every lowing manner. Blow some cigarette smoke
room and a magnetic switch on every d'in- at the alarm. If the alarm doesn't trip cali-
dow. Heat detectors come in two standard brate the unit as specified in the supplied in-
values: 135 °F which is used in the living structions, but where the instructions call
areas and 190 °F (or 195 °F) used in furnace for a J- jumper simply connect a clip lead
rooms and attics. across the terminal strip. Similarly, where
Take extreme care that you do not obtain the instructions call for cutting the J-jumper
closed circuit detectors for these cause the just remove the clip lead.
alarm to continuously sound. The magnetic Applying a match near the heat detector
detector usually sold in electronic parts stores should sound the alarm. If it doesn't you
is the closed circuit type. Do not let a sales- have made a wiring error. (As soon as the
man talk you into these devices. The heat detector cools off it automatically resets it-
and magnetic switch specified as open cir- self.)
cuit has its contacts open when safe and Check a magnetic switch by opening the
closed when activated. If you or the sales- door or window. If the alarm doesn't sound,
man are in doubt as to whether you are get- look for a wiring error.
ting the correct detector simply check it out It is a good idea to periodically check the
with an ohmmeter. Open circuit detectors are system by deliberately tripping each detec-
usually available from security equipment tor-contacts do go bad. If you discover an
distributors and many electrical supply inoperative detector replace it immediately.

The alarm system with modified

circuits can have any number
of additional detectors added
to expand system to cover
the entire house, even the
garage. Terminal strip is (DETECTORS
added, after alryrm is built, IAND SWITCHES
in place n4' L
Your axe swings to a different beat
with a six buck gizmo we call .. .

by Steve Daniels, WB2GIF

Would you spend about six bucks to tailor twangy, smooth or raunchy at the twist of
vv the sound of your guitar? Especially if your wrist. Furthermore, U-Pick -It's bass
you knew- you'd have the great sound of that boost will allow a regular guitar to be used
group you know is heading to the top. Or, as a string bass by giving those low notes
maybe, you're not satisfied with the sounds an extra boost.
you're getting, and want to be able to PSO With a Difference. Check the sche-
change the tone of your guitar to suit the matic; it will ring a bell for many of you.
mood of your music. We're not saying that Basically, you'll see a phase shift oscillator
our U-Pick -It will make a Segovia out of with a few necessary changes. Note the net-
you. But it sure will make your guitar sound work consisting of components R1, R2, and
great, and who knows, maybe it will help R3 isolates transistor Q1 from the loading
you on to fame and fortune. effect of the guitar pickup. Also, potentiom-
What does U- Pick -lt do for your instru- eter R6 is used to lower the stage gain to
ment? It gives you a choice of bass, treble the point where the transistor will be am-
or midrange boost just by turning a single plifying rather than oscillating. The phase
knob. You can make that old guitar sound shift network peaks the response within a
Parts placement within
U- Pick -It presents
R9 R7 R5 R3 C2
S2 no problems
SI got choice of switch
Si in Parts List.

R6 C3 QI R4 CI RI R2

FALL - WINTER, 1973 41

4. -IT
no substitutions! Besides; the one we used
ISII t GAj.1GUsLVe, Ju thG1G really Isn't a good
reason to fiddle with dime -a-dozen transis-
fairly narrow range, depending on the set- In the phase section, use good quality
ting of potentiometer R8. disc capacitors rated 50 VDC minimum or
You Pick it's parts. We housed U- Pick -It, better. Seems we found that low voltage
including its own self-contained battery pow- ones sometimes may leak too much for
er supply (a 9 V transistor battery) in a this application.
4 X 21/4 X 21/4 -in. Minibox. All of the com- Drill mounting holes for the two jacks
ponents with the exception of the input and in one end of the bottom half of the Mini -
output jacks, the IN-OUT switch, potenti- box. Whether you buy a commercial bat-
ometer R8 and the battery are mounted on tery holder, or make one from a scrap of
a 31/4 X 11/4 -in. piece of perfboard. Push -in aluminum, locate the battery so that it will
clips are used for input, output, battery + clear the other components when the Mini-
and ground terminations. box is closed. Drill two mounting holes; one
Although the transistor doesn't have the for the battery holder, and the other to sup-
usual triangular pin orientation, if you fol- port the perfboard that's raised 1/4 -in. off
low our layout, it can be mounted without the bottom with a spacer.
having to cross over any of its leads. A IN -OUT switch Si is located in the center
word of caution now: this circuit won't of the top half of the Minibox. It's a push-
work with low gain transistors. So please, (Continued on page 112)


° C3
A5 p F

0 F
.02p F-
1= C5
.OI0 F

Cl C2b 56K
,IpF .IpF

22K R2 22K 2K
220K C6

SI -



B1-9 V transistor radio
type 2U6 or equiv.)
battery (Burgess R5, R7, 56,000 -ohms, 1/2 -watt, R9-
10% composition resistor
Cl, C2-0.1 RF, 75 V ceramic disc ca- R6-2,000 -ohms potentiometer, 1/4 -watt,
pacitor (Lafayette 33F69089 or equiv.) linear taper (Lafayette 33F16452 or
C3-0.05 RF, 75 V ceramic disc capacitor equiv.)
(Lafayette 33F69071 or equiv.) R8- 10,000 -ohm potentiometer, 1 -watt,
C4 -0.02 µF, 75 V ceramic disc capacitor linear taper (Lafayette 33F11255 or
(Lafayette 33F69063 or equiv.) equiv.)
C5, C6-0.01 RF, 75 V ceramic disc ca- Sl -Spst rocker switch (Lafayette
pacitor (Lafayette 33F69055 or equiv.) 34F34164 or equiv.) See text
Jl, J2-Standard open circuit phone jack 1-4 X 21/4 X 21/4 -in. Minibox (Lafayette
(Lafayette 99F2135 or equiv.) 12F83878 or equiv.)
Ql- Silicon, npn, high gain transistor 1 -Battery holder (Keystone #203P or
(GE type 2N2924 or Motorola HEP 724) equiv.)
Rl, R3-22,000 -ohms, 1/2 -watt, 10% 1 -Battery connector (Lafayette 99F-
composition resistor 62879 or equiv.)
R2- 220,000 -ohms, 1/2 -watt, 10% com- 1 -31/4 X 11/4 -in. piece of perfboard
position resistor
R4-470,000 -ohms, 1/2 -watt, 10% com- Misc. Wire, solder, bolts, nuts, spacer,
position resistor knob, push -in pins, etc.
1111111111111111111111111, l i pq N
i I1 ni 1' ..' i. ,
i i l

Connect this novel circuit to your
ELECTRONICS FM receiver, and listen to police

C.1 o BBVIG4 and fire calls, weather, marine,

emergency services!

Cliff- hanging emergencies, weather fore-

casts, ham QSQ's, law enforcement patrols
in action, mobile radio telephones- two -way
TUNE IN broadcasts make listening to the VHF High
Band an ever -changing adventure. Our VHF
THE ACTION High Band Converter covers from 135 to
175 MHz, and it pulls in public safety, in-
WITH dustrial, marine, land transportation and the
2 -meter ham band signals.
You can listen to the VHF High Band
with our compact converter, which connects
to an FM -band home broadcast receiver.
The converter uses a dual -gate FET and a
UHF -type transistor in a simplified solid -
state circuit. The components are housed
in a 4 x 41/2 x 2% -in. aluminum cabinet,
HIGH -BAND with perf-board construction for ease in
building. You can build it -start today!
About the circuit. Signals from the an-
CONVERTER tenna are connected via J1 to the L1-C1
turned circuit, and fed to gate 1 (gl) of the
dual -ate FET mixer Q1. Gate 2 (g2) of
by Charles Green Q2 is coupled via C2 to the oscillator cir-
cuit of Q2.
C11 tunes L3 (and the Q2 oscillator cir-
cuit) 88 MHz above the incoming signal
frequency. The oscillator RF output is cou-
pled via C2 to the Q2 Gate 2 (g2) and
mixed with the incoming signals. The re-
sultant 88 -MHz RF output (the difference

FALL -WINTER, 1973 43


Placement of components
is critical, due to high -
frequency operation. L3
is a U-shaped coil, as
shown in the schematic
on the opposite page.

frequency between the signal and the os- mount with push -in clips close to the stator
cillator) is fed from the Q1 drain (d) to of C11. Make the connection between the
the C5-L2 tuned circuit, and then to J2 and C11 stator and L3 with a short length of
the FM- broadcast receiver. No. 22 bus wire, then mount the oscillator
The required DC power for the converter circuit of Q2 and associated components
circuits is supplied by the PSI 9-volt supply, closely around L3 as shown in the photo.
and additional filtering is accomplished by Position coils L1 and L2 and mount
R4 -C8. them inverted with push -in clips and short
Construction. The VHF converter is bus leads soldered to the coil terminals.
built in a 4 -in. deep x 41/2 -in. wide x 2 Mount and wire the remaining circuit com-
5/s in. high aluminum cabinet. Most of the ponents as shown in the schematic diagram.
components are installed on a 33/s -in. x 4- Q1 is mounted inverted with short -leads con-
in. section of perforated board, with the re- nected to push -in clips. Do not remove the
maining parts mounted on the front and shorting wire supplied by the manufacturer
rear cabinet panels. Because of the high- until all the wiring of the converter unit is
frequency operation, the component place- completed. Use short lengths of RG -58A
ment is critical. For best performance, fol- coaxial cable to connect the primary wind-
low our component layout as shown in the
parts layout photo. Suggested Frequencies for
Variable capacitor Cil must be modified Listening
9 111 a..I
before installation. Remove rotor and stator 1 1111 111 1111 111 111 111 111 111 111
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.I l.. l..I 11. 11...111. u l.I u 11111111111111111111111111111111111111L

plates until one rotor and one adjacent sta- Service Approx. Freq. (MHz)
tor plate remains. Start construction by
2 -Meter Ham Band 144-148
mounting C11 and S1 on the front panel in Tow Trucks 151
the same positions shown in the photo. Cut Taxicabs 152
the PSI cable hole and mount J1 and J2 on Telephone calls 153
the rear panel. Mount the 33/s -in. x 4 -in. Fire 154
Police 155
perforated board section on the box bottom Marine 157
with 1/4 -in. metal spacers at each corner. Trucks 160
Fabricate L3 from a length of No. 18 bus Weather 162
wire as shown in the schematic diagram, and unmuvauuunu... unuuuuuunuunnunuuununuununnunnnnmmuuunnuurr.
ing of coil L1 to J1, and the secondary external antenna and ground terminals,
winding of coil L2 to J2. These primary wind one turn of hookup wire around the
and secondary windings are made of one antenna loopstick and connect these leads
turn of No. 22 hookup wire, and are wound to the coaxial cable to 72. Be sure that
around the center of each of the L1 and L2 there is no connection to the chassis of a
coils. Make all wiring as short and direct as transformerless (AC -DC type) receiver to
possible, except the leads to Si. Position the prevent possible electrical shock. Connect
Si leads under the perf board and close P1 to the AC line and set S1 to ON.
to the box bottom. Connect a signal generator to 71, and ad-
Alignment and Calibration. Tune your just the generator controls for a 150 -MHz
FM receiver to a selected clear frequency at modulated output. Most FM receivers em-
the low end of the band (our receiver was ploy a ratio detector and will detect a strong
tuned to 88 MHz), and connect the con- AM modulated signal. Therefore, a standard
verter's J2 to the receiver external antenna AM- modulated signal generator will be OK
and ground terminals. Use coaxial cable for alignment of this converter. Adjust C11
for best results. If the receiver does not have until you hear the signal in the FM receiver,



C1,C2-5.25 -pF, 12 -volt ceramic disc capacitor L3 -see text
C3,C4,C6-300 -pF, 12 -volt ceramic disc capaci- P51 -9 -volt
DC power supply (plug -in module
tor type) (Calectro N4 -057 or equiv.)
C5- 27 -pF, 12 -volt ceramic disc capacitor 01 -3N141 field -effect transistor (RCA)
C7,C16- 500 -pF, 12 -volt ceramic disc capacitor 02- HEP -56 transistor (Motorola)
C8- 1500 -uF, 12 -volt electrolytic capacitor RI -120,000 -ohm, 1/2-watt resistor
C9,C10-5000 -pF, 12 -volt ceramic disc capacitor R2,R3,R5,R8- 220 -ohm, '/ -watt resistor
Cl 1-Modified Hammarlund HFA-15 -B (original R4 -51 -ohm, 1 -watt resistor
capacity 2.8 to 16 pF), plates removed to R6-I0,000-ohm, Y2-watt resistor
leave rotor and 1 stator (see text). Lafay-
1 R74700-ohm, 1 -watt resistor
ette 40F28411 or equiv.) RFCI,RFC2- 0.82 -uH RFC (J. W. Miller RFC -220
C12,C13,C14- 200 -pF, 12 -volt ceramic disc ca- or equiv.)
pacitor Sl -SPST rotary switch (Calectro E2 -159 or
C15- 3.3 -pF, 12 -volt ceramic disc capacitor equiv.)
J1,J2 -Phono jacks MISC. 4x4 x 2% -in. aluminum cabinet
L1 -0.088 to 0.12 -uH coil (J. W. Miller (LMB 442 or equiv.) perforated board, push -
20A107RB1 or equiv.) in clips, 14 -inch metal spacers, No. 18 and 22
L2 -0.108 to 0.18 -uH coil (J. W. Miller bus wire, hookup wire, knobs, ground lugs,
20A157RB1 or equiv.) RG -58A coax.


LI 314141 L2 RG-58A

#22 #22
g2 9I R3
220 OFF
9V +

3 NI41 HEP
D e

--( C15

+ 51

12 V

CII L3* HEP 56 0.82 uH
I-TURN #18 5/16"
ISEF -.1
0.82uH 10K
#18 I

R5 R7 220 BUS-. 5/8".

zoo12 T 220
T 200 4.7K

FALL-WINTEß, 1973 45
commercial antenna that is designed to cover
the 135 to 175 MHz range. The antenna
VHF CONVERTER should be mounted as high as possible, with
a coaxial cable feed to J1. A whip antenna
then adjust L1, L2 for maximum signal. can be used to receive strong local signals.
Tighten Ll and L2 tuning screw nuts. The reception sensitivity and selectivity is
Tune C11 from maximum to minimum dependent upon the FM receiver used with
capacity, and calibrate the converter dial the converter unit, and a stable drift-free
with the signal generator. Our converter unit receiver is best for long -term monitoring.
is calibrated from 135 MHz to 175 MHz. Generally, a transistorized FM receiver
The tuning range is dependent upon the should be best. It can be tuned as a band -
circuit wiring and size of L3. If necessary, spread dial to separate crowded FM signals.
change the size of L1 to cover the range. Signals may not be on constantly, so tune
Operation. For best signal reception, use slowly and monitor each frequency for a
a ham 2 -meter ground -plane antenna, or a considerable length of time.

The converter gets

its power from a
9 -volt plug -in module,
which simplifies
the construction.

IIIII I II11111111111I I I I I I I l I1111111111111111111111111111111111111p pp pIl IIII IIp pp Ilppppl pp pIp pl pII pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Providing 9 volts at approximately 250 mA,

this lab -type power supply will handle many PARTS LIST FOR
experimenter projects including the VHF REGULATED 9 -V POWER SUPPLY
high -band converter above. Actually, T1 can
be a 6.3 -V imported filament transform- C1- 500 -uF, 25 -VDC electrolytic capacitor
er since they usually give approximately 12- C2- 100 -uF, 15 -VDC electrolytic capacitor

V peak at less than 500 mA output. Dl- Motorola HEP -175 50 -PIV diode bridge .

Change the Zener diode to 12 or 6 volts D2- Motorola HEP -104, 9.1 -V Zener diode
(and possibly the value of R1) and you get Q1- Motorola HEP -240, 10 -watt npn transistor
a regulated 12- or 6 -volt supply. For 12 R1 -560 -ohm, '/ -watt resistor
volts, use a 12-V filament transformer. Fil-
T1 -12 -V filament transformer (see
1-Aluminum cabinet, select size to fit compo-
tering is very good since the equivalent ca- nents or wire into existing project
pacitor equals the value of C2 times the gain Misc. -Wire, hardware, perfboard, line cord,
of G1. It can add up to thousands of uFs. solder, on /off switch optional, etc.
}or lab use, put in an aluminum cabinet. iI Il Il II II Il II II II II Il 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n





Most of the heat generated by this circuit comes from the iron losses in TI. Be sure to allow
a few vent holes above and below TI. An on /off switch may be added to Tl's primary
Speed up
substitutions with this builders aid

by James A. Fred

The INSTANT PATCH Box is one of the article since you should select parts to fit
little luxuries that simplifies electronic ex- your needs. Check your junk box for parts
perimenting and makes it more enjoyable. on hand, and pick up what you can't find at
Haywire lash -ups often get the job done, but your local electronics shop.
feedback, oscillation, or inaccurate meter When . . . you have built the instant
readings sometimes make the end results patch box, what can you do with it? Let us
worthless. This little blue box provides a suppose for a minute you have an experi-
shielded, no- nonsense method of substitut- mental circuit you are working on. You are
ing resistance, capacitance, or inductance trying to determine the correct size bias re-
into a circuit with a minimum of problems. sistor to use. Connect the box into the
Essentially, the INSTANT PATCH Box con- circuit with the banana jacks and alligator
sists of a small metal box with a cover in clips. You can now plug different size re-
which are mounted a SPST slide switch, two sistors into the banana jacks and short out
banana jacks, and two banana plugs. The the jacks if you wish. All this is possible
box is the smallest that will do the job without touching a soldering iron to the cir-
and keep distributed capacitance and in- cuit. Once you get into the habit of using
ductance to a minimum. The circuit is ex- this builders aid, you may wonder how you
tremely simple as you can see from the got along without it!
schematic diagram. A voltage is fed into Construction is simple. Secure the parts
one banana plug and either through the listed, make the proper size holes, and
switch or through the component plugged mount the parts. There is only one pre-
into the banana jacks. The switch allows caution to take and that is to be sure to use
conduction through the plugged -in compo- insulating washers when mounting the ba-
This almost too easy circuit gives you the
BANANA JACKS option of (1) adding an extra component to
your haywire circuit or (2) shorting across
the component at the flip of a switch. You
can vary the terminals to suit your needs.
nana plugs. They must not short to the
ili metal box.
Incidentally, you don't have to use the
same combination of input plugs or com-
ponent jacks that I did. You can use 5 way
binding posts, BNC connectors, tip plugs
nent, or provides a shorted path across the and jacks, or other types of hardware. Just
banana jacks. be sure and use connectors that are com-
You will not find a parts list with this patible with your other test equinent.
FALL - WINTER, 1973 47
BUDGET SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT nnunnuninninnuninuunnnunlunnunnnnn

Many electrical measuring WIND SCOTCH TAPE AROUND FORM
instruments today are
based on the design of the 25 TURNS OF #28
d'Arsonval String Galvanome- GLUED TO BASE
ter, but substitute a needle - CLIP
suspended coil riding on jew- TERMINAL
eled bearings for the hanging
coil employed in the original
precise lab instrument.
The galvanometer is not
often used to measure quantity CONNECT 10 WIRE FROM END OF COIL
of current flowing in a circuit, DC SOURCE
but rather to indicate the polar-
ity and presence of small cur-
rents by comparison to null CONDUCTING t MIRROR
methods. The compass galvanometer (made WIRE FIXED CORE
from the illustration at right) can be used Easy to build, the com-
with a Wheatstone bridge to indicate null pass galvanometer
points. (above) can be assem-
The d'Arsonval instrument suspends a bled in an hour at prac-
small coil between the pole faces of a per- tically no cost. At right is
manent horseshoe magnet. When a current hanging coil galvanom- POLE FACE OF
flows through the coil it becomes an electro- eter used in labs. AG( OF 2)

magnet and its like poles repel the like poles

of the horseshoe magnet, thus causing the of #28 magnet wire around the cardboard.
coil to turn on the connecting wire. The Heavier wire and fewer turns will work, too,
strength of the current through the coil de- with a slight drop -off in sensitivity.
termines the extent of the coil's rotation. Scotch tape is wound around the finished
A small pointer attached to the moving coil to keep the wire turns in place. Con-
coil registers on a curved dial, or a tiny nect the ends of the coil to screw terminals
mirror is attached to the galvanometer string. or clips. Slip the compass under the coil in
A beam of light is aimed at the mirror, a position where its needle comes under the
bouncing the beam off to a wall screen or coil and parallel to the coil turns.
chart to give great magnification of tiny Connect the galvanometer in series with a
current changes in a darkened room. flashlight battery and bulb, a buzzer or a toy
Making A Simple Galvanometer. A motor, etc. When the circuit is closed, the
small amount of insulated magnet wire, any compass needle will be drawn so that it is
Boy, Scout pocket compass and a 21/4 x 31/2 - at right angles to the coil. A slow swing of
in. scrap of plywood is what you need to the needle indicates the circuit is drawing
make the compass galvanometer. Cut a strip little current. A rapid swing denotes an in-
of cardboard 3/4 -in. wide and 33/4 -in. long. crease in current flow.
Score the cardboard 34 in. from each end, To show how sensitive this simple gal-
with a dull knife blade and crease so the vanometer is, connect what appears to be a
cardboard form resembles a C or bridge dead flashlight cell across the terminals, im-
shape. Now glue the cardboard to the edges mediately breaking the circuit. The com-
of the wood base. Do not use tacks! pass needle will spin at a merry clip, indi-
Bind the cardboard with a rubber band cating there is still some life in the "dead"
until glue or cement dries. Wind 25 turns cell.
Use it with any FM set
connected to your PA!
No mike line needed!

hen the FCC opened the FM band to and so at times there was poor sound. Or,
WW permit legal use of low- powered trans- no sound at all! This is very disturbing for
mitters for wireless microphones, telemeter - any performer whose roller- coaster voice
ing and for measurement, they opened a levels causes the audience to loose a tomato/
Pandoras Box for many an experimenter. egg barrage!
Within the short space of time after the Simple Magic. Our Magic -Mike certainly
FCC relaxed their regulations, there was a solves the tuning problem and so ultimately
flood of flea -power devices on the market. solves the major drawback of this equip-
Some were good, some bad, but most had ment. You may well ask what makes Magic -
one basic inherent problem. Body capacity Mike so different, especially when we note
affected the tuning of the device, which, in that a commercially- produced transistorized
turn, affected its usefullness. oscillator is used to generate the signal? Se-
No doubt about it. For a speaker or per- cret is, we added an FET (Field Effect Tran-
former to be completely free of a fixed posi- sistor) buffer stage to the output of the com-
tion- dictated mostly by the best location mercial unit. That isolated the tuned ele-
for a floor microphone in a PA system -is ments of the oscillator from the antenna and
probably the dream of all would -be orators thereby eliminated the problem of body ca-
and very- off -Broadway thespians. So, as pacity disturbing the tuning of the oscillator.
soon as the new wireless microphones were This buffer stage is comprised of compo-
introduced, there was a rush to try them out. nents R1, Cl, C2, L2 and Q1. These are
It didn't take long before it was discov- wired as an RF amplifier. Transistor Q1 is
ered that this ideal device was not so ideal. an n channel FET operating in a positive
Problem was, when tuned up on the bench, ground circuit which may appear to be a bit
the little devils worked perfectly. But, after unusual.
the bench tune-up, when concealed in the Microphone Making. Sure, you could wind
clothing of a voluptuous young chick, or, for coils and assemble transistors, resistors and
that matter, an uninteresting looking gentle- capacitors together into a basic oscillator.
man, the tuning was off. But if you're like us -a little on the lazy side
Just by walking or breathing, the signal -it's much simpler, and cheaper, to buy a
quality, as well as its output level changed, commercially -built unit to start your proj-
FALL - WINTER, 1973 49
machine screws with /4 -in. spacers raising it

off the surface of the case. The printed -

MAGIC MIKE circuit board is suspended from the perf-
board by soldering a stiff solid, wire lead
and capacitors Cl and C2 to circuit con-
ect. We used an Archer model 277 -205 FM necting points between them.
Wireless Microphone. It's available through Buffer Stage Assembly. Drill mounting
Allied Radio Shack sales outlets. The mod- holes in the perfboard to match the spacing
ule's easier to work with if you use just the of the mounting bolt holes you drilled in the
printed circuit board without the housing. plastic case. Mount three push-in pins on
Start your module mashery by prying off the free end of the perfboard for mounting
the bottom plate of the Archer module and and making connections to the FET (Q1).
removing the printed circuit board with its Resistor R1 is mounted between the pins
components from the housing. We mounted that connect to the gate (g) and source (s)
this circuit board, along with a 3/4 X 13/8 -in. pins of Ql.
piece of perfboard (on which the buffer Next comes coil L2, which is made by
stage components are mounted) and the bat- winding 3 1/2 turns of #22 bare copper wire
tery, microphone element and power switch on a 3ií8 -in. diameter. Use a /i6 in. diam-
into a 4 X 21/8 X 15/8 -in. bakelite utility eter dowel rod to form the coil. After it's
case supplied with aluminum cover panel. wound, spread it out and solder the antenna
Drill mounting holes for the switch, the lead to the center turn. When these opera-
microphone, the antenna, the circuit board, tions have been completed remove the
and the battery clamp in the plastic utility dowel rod and discard it. After winding the
case. You can see the arrangement we used coil the turns should be spread apart so that
in the photos. The layout isn't critical; how- total length of the coil is 5/16-in.
ever, we suggest you use the basic arrange- Solder coil L2 directly to the leads of
ment shown in the photos to simplify the capacitor C2 and cut off any excess coil lead
construction project. wire. One end of C2 is connected to the
The crystal lapel microphone was fitted drain (d) of Ql, and the other end is soldered
with a metal spring clip that can be bent to to the 9V plus terminal on the printed cir-
pass through a hole in the bakelite face of cuit board that connects to the center tap of
the utility cabinet. The clip's then crimped to the coil (L1) on this circuit board. Except
hold the microphone in position. A scrap of for the minus battery lead which is run from
aluminum was pressed into service as a bat- one side of the power switch to the source
tery clamp, holding it tightly inside the case. (s) terminal of Q1, the buffer stage is now
The perfboard is mounted on two 6 -32 finished.
The only other connections required to
complete the project are your microphone
and the plus battery leads. The shielded mi-
crophone cable supplied is cut to a length of
about 2 -in. Skin back the shielding about
1/2 -in. Then connect the center lead of this
MICROPHONE cable to the proper tab on the Wireless Mike
module printed circuit board. The shield of
the mic cable is soldered to the ground bus
at this same end of the pc board.
The 9V battery connector is soldered to
the assembly so that the red wire (plus lead)
is connected to the tab on the printed circuit
board where you connected C2. The black
lead (minus lead) is soldered to one side of
the power switch.
Now that the hard ( ?) work has been com-
pleted, there's little left to do. Fasten the
perfboard assembly and printed circuit
Heart of our Magic-Mike is FM wireless mike board to the case. Then mount Si into the
module shown with its cover on. We removed hole you drilled for it, insert the battery and
pc board from case to make easier assembly. you're ready to test Magic -Mike.




MM 2N5457


B1 -9V
Battery (Eveready 216 or equiv.) 1-4 X 21/8 X 1% -in. plastic mini utility
Cl, C2 -15 pF, 1000V ceramic disc ca- box with aluminum panel (Lafayette
pacitor (Lafayette 32F01514 or equiv.) 99F80780 or equiv.)
L2 -31/2 turns #22 bare copper wire (see 1 -Battery connector (Allied Radio Shack
text) 270B325 or equiv.)
MM1 -FM wireless microphone module
(Allied Radio Shack 277-205 or equiv.
1- Crystal lapel microphone (Allied Ra-
dio Shack 33B100 or equiv.)
-see text)
Q1 -n
channel FET, Motorola MPF103 Misc. Wire, solder, bolts, nuts, spacers,
or HEP 801 or 2N5457 perfboard, push -in terminals, aluminum
R1- 12,000,000 -ohm, 1/2 -watt carbon re- strip for battery clamp, etc.


One thing not mentioned -the antenna instructions that come with the Archer
discussed above soldered to the center -is module! We haven't changed the module's
tap of coil L2. It should be made from a basic how -it -works principles. All we've '

piece of #22 stranded wire about 18 -in. long. done is to provide a means of eliminating
You might try points other than the exact one of the principle drawbacks inherent
physical center of coil L2 as the final con- in all of these units. Namely, the problem
nection point for the antenna. A spot a little of a chick's body capacity broadly detuning
ahead or perhaps behind the midpoint may the oscillator.
produce a better signal.
So okay, already, how
does a smart operator like
you groove on Magic -
Mike? Just follow the

It's easier to follow

our layout although
circuit isn't critical. If (PART OF
you want to make it MMI)
small enough to hide
in performer's clothes
go ahead and try it.
The case we used
may be a little too
FALL - WINTER, 1973 51
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Earn extra part time income- test speaker.
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The skills you acquire through this unique program Oscilloscope: Professional technician's diagnostic in-
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Exclusive Electro-Lab® electronics training system resistance on large dial combines vacuum -tube volt-
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To make sure you get practical experience with in- d'Arsonval movement.
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4141 Belmont. Chicago, Illinois 60641

FALL -WINTER, 1973 55

Put that Clock
oscillator in place of the radio. It will not
awaken you to music, but it will wake you
up with the tone of your choice.
Radio -Fix-It. If you decide to replace the
AM radio chassis with working unit, it is a
good idea to retain the tuning capacitor and
audio gain control of the original clock
radio. The original knobs may then be
used without the bother of having to mate
them to replacement control shafts. The
only catch is that the tuning capacitor of
both receivers should be electrically identi-
cal for proper tuning.
Simply remove the mounting plate with
the controls on it from the defunct chassis
and wire the assembly to the replacement
By F. J. Bauer W6FPO chassis after removing the old tuning capaci-
tor and gain control. The additional lead
lengths make no difference in the perform-
When the clock radio blows, it is hardly ance of the replacement set. Also, the mod-
worth your while trying to find out ification will not affect tuning dial settings
why the radio chassis quit. Unless the noticeably, since these receivers have only
trouble is something obvious like a bad elec- an approximate tuning scale. However, play
trolytic capacitor or output transistor, why it smart, keep the leads reasonably short.
not replace the AM radio chassis with a This completes the mechanical job of adapt-
new one? If you have a portable transistor ing the replacement AM chassis to the cabi-
radio with a broken case or a bad speaker, net.
you can use it as a replacement chassis by Many clock radio chassis run on a 15-
making a simple change in the clock radio VDC supply instead of the usual 9 VDC
power supply. If you have no spare tran- for portables. If your replacement chassis is
sistor radio, you could install a code practice designed for 9 VDC, you may still use the

MECHANISM Here's a great way to salvage
a good clock that caught radio
failure! The Rx includes
either a new transistor radio
ORIGINAL chassis or your own home -
MOUNTING built one -transistor tone
PLATE WITH generator. Either way, your
CONTROLS sack -time terminator doesn't
sound quite as harsh when you
revamp it yourself. Or does it?

1000uF,15V FILTER
Radio Bach on the Job...
original power transformer in the clock dulcet tone will awaken you just as readily
radio, but it will be necessary to add a drop- as any local radio station would. A suggested
ping resistor in the DC filter circuit of the circuit for the CPO, using a minimum of
power supply. See the Power Supply sche- parts, is shown in the CPO schematic dia-
matic diagram. Experiment with the value gram. The oscillator requires 3 volts, or so,
of the series dropping resistor, Rl, until for proper operation and a series dropping
the voltage to the chassis is about 9 VDC. resistor, R1, in the filter circuit should be
Start with, say, 1000 ohms and gradually selected as described previously to give this
decrease the resistance value until the prop- output voltage.
er voltage is obtained with the AM radio The 5000-ohm potentiometer, R2, should
volume set at minimum. A convenient way be adjusted for a pleasing tone and, if you
to do this is to use a potentiometer. There is prefer, replaced with a fixed, I -watt re-
no danger of damaging the potentiometer sistor of the nearest standard value. In some
since the power dissipated is only a fraction cases, it may be necessary to add a capaci-
of a watt. Remove the potentiometer from tor, C2, across the primary of T2 to get the
the circuit and replace it with a one -watt tone you want, since the frequency of oscil-
fixed resistor that closely approximates the lation of the oscillator depends to a degree
potentiometer setting. Insert the fixed resis- upon the characteristics of the transformer
tor into the circuit and recheck the voltage. used. Do not use a capacitor larger than
Now check the performance of the re- .25 µF. It may result in unstable oscillation
ceiver at normal volume. The power supply and low output. After the capacitor is per-
voltage will drop on volume peaks, but not manently installed readjust R2 for a pleas-
enough to cause serious distortion. ing tone and check the oscillator for prompt
Add A Tone. If you have no suitable AM starting.
chassis available as a replacement, why not That's all there is to giving the old clock
install a code practice oscillator instead? Its radio a new lease on life. Pleasant dreams!
w uu nuw uu w nunu m m um nu nunu w uw w m m nunu uu nu nunuunnu uuuuu nuun m uu uu uum uuunm uu m uuumm
i i i n m m nm m unnnm m nn nn m ml ml lll lll llll
i ll llll lll




I I7 VAC +1000uF
o +9V (GND.I


C1- 1000 -µF 15 -VDC electrolytic capacitor. (Use C2-0.22 -µF, 100 -VDC disc or tubular capacitor.
capacitor in clock radio or replace.) Q1 -Audio transistor, PNP, 2N427, 2N396,
D1 -Diode rectifier, 200 PIV, lA (Use unit in SK3004, HEP -2, HEP-254, etc.
clock radio or replace.) R2 -5000 or 10,000 -ohm potentiometer, taper
RI-1/2-watt resistor (See text for selectidg value) not critical.
SI-SPST switch (Alarm switch in clock move- SPKR -Use original unit in clock radio or re-
ment) place with speaker with same physical
Tl -Power transformer (Use unit in clock radio dimensions.
or replace with 115 -VAC primary; 12 -VAC, T2 -Audio output transformer (Salvage from old
1.2 -A secondary.) transistor radio or Radio Shack 273 -1381, or


FALL- WINTER. 1973 57

by Morrie Goldman

nothing -to -build
technique puts
UHF action band signals
on any 30 -50 MHz
low band FM monitor ©MVAS

IF YOU already own a low band 30 -50 bration moves up. There is a limit to this
MHz Action Band (public service) mon- of course, but it is far enough below 450
itor and would like to tune the UHF MHz to make a hook-up like this work the
public service band as well, here's a simple way we want it to.
solution: Just connect the output of a The connections are simple. We just sub-
standard UHF TV converter to the antenna stitute the low band monitor receiver for
input of your low band monitor. Since a the normal TV set connections. With a con-
UHF television converter must cover a verter output of channel 5 or 6, tune your
broad frequency range (470 -890 MHz) and monitor to about 49 MHz. If your con-
since its IF output is also broad, it is pos- verter's output is channel 2 or 3, try around
sible to tune -in UHF Action Band (450- 40 MHz. Now tune your UHF converter
470 MHz) signals on a low band monitor. slowly around channel 17. If there is UHF
A Little More Detail? Most TV converters activity in your area, you should be hearing
are designed with an IF output on channel it.
5 or 6; a few use 2 or 3. Whenever the Final Hook -Up. A regular UHF TV an-
converter is fed into a lower frequency IF, tenna should prove suitable in most areas.
the tuning range of the converter is effec- Of course, an outdoor antenna is preferred.
tively shifted lower (the dial calibration At my home in Chicago, many UHF sta-
moves up). While tuning a UHF TV con- tions (including police, taxi, radiotelephone,
verter connected to a TV set, you may etc.) are "solid copy" using just a low -cost
have already noticed the effect. If your con- UHF converter, regular UHF TV antenna,
verter's IF output is adjusted for channel 6 and either of my two low band monitors,
and you switch to channel 3 or 4, the cali- one of which is an $18 portable!
A Designer's

Read about new standards you build into a simple lab grade supply
by Herb Friedman
WITH VERY FEW EXCEPTIONS, equipment shuts down before it's damaged. The really
and projects using operational ampli- big plus in operation is dual tracking, which
fiers require a bipolar power supply, that requires an explanation. The usual way to
is, a power source with both positive and obtain a dual voltage output is shown on
negative voltage outputs in relation to next page; a center- tapped transformer,
ground. While it is generally possible to bridge rectifier and Zener diode regulators
power an opamp from a single -ended power do a fine job in non -critical circuits. This
source, this technique requires a lot of extra circuit is usually used for audio preampli-
hardware and filtering, and more often than fiers. However, suppose you power not only
not causes more problems than it's worth. an opamp but a relay amplifier connected
The best way to power an opamp or a across half the output; the opamp might pull
project using an opamp is with a dual track- 10 mA while the relay amp pulls 60 mA
ing bipolar supply. Now, thanks to the latest from one half the supply. This will usually
in IC technology you can build a ±15V dual cause a voltage drop on one half of the
tracking supply for well under $20. supply. If the opamp is in a critical circuit,
It's Short Proof. The bipolar supply shown the voltage unbalance between each side of
in the photographs puts out up to 100 mA the supply can cause improper circuit opera-
with full overload protection; in the event tion. Further, internal power supply heating
of a short circuit, the supply automatically can change the characteristics of the Zener
FALL -WINTER, 1973 59
parts. In addition to regulation, ICI also
BI -POLAR SUPPLY features current limiting; just two I/z watt
resistors protect IC1 against damage if the
output current attempts to exceed 100 mA.
diodes, again causing voltage mismatch. Though the worst -case regulation is specified
A dual tracking supply, on the other hand, as 1 percent, in actual tests on complete
does just what it says, tracking one side supplies the regulation was better than 0.5
against the other. Any voltage change on percent.
one side of the circuit automatically corrects Construction. The entire power supply is
the voltage on the other side to match. built on a 2 % -in. x 4 -in. printed circuit
Heating effects are also compensated for board which can be mounted inside any
on the opposite side, so that regardless of cabinet along with the equipment it is
load current, ambient heat or whatever, the powering. Alternately, it can be installed in a
voltages on both sides of the supply track small cabinet as shown for use as a bench
together. In the model shown the worst-case or test supply. The cabinet shown in the
mismatch is 0.15 volts (150 milivolts) . If photographs is a DeLuxe Metal Utility
one side is -15.00 volts, the other side can Cabinet from Radio Shack priced well un-
be, worst -case, + 15.15 volts. der $3.
Two more big pluses for the bipolar sup- If you use the template available in the
ply are voltage regulation and extra, elec- parts list to lay out your PC board, we
tronic filtering. Within the power line range suggest you use the Radio Shack parts speci-
of 100 to 135 volts, the bipolar supply out- fied in the parts list since lead spacing
put will not vary more than 0.004 volt matches the printed circuit board component
(typical), nor will current output changes mounting holes. No components other than
from zero to full load (100 mA) cause more ICl, however, are critical and substitutions
than a 0.005 volt typical variation. There is can be made.
better than 120 dB filtering, with the ripple
components less than 20 uV. board. Cut a section of copper-clad board
any type, to size and scrub the copper clean
First step is to prepare a printed circuit

+15 with steel wool or a strong household

cleanser such as Comet. Place a piece of
ZENER carbon paper, carbon side towards the cop-
per, on the board and tape the board under
the full -scale template provided and secure
the board in position with a few strips of
ZENER Scotch or masking tape.
Using a sharp pointed tool such as a
-15 scribe, indent the copper at each mounting
hole by pressing the point of the tool firmly
Simple Zener -regulated shunt -type supply through the template and into the foil. The
lacks regulation, tracking ability and
stability necessary for precision use.
Smaller Caps. In short, this is an ideal
supply for the lab and experimenter as it
eliminates any worry about the power sup-
ply; you can spend your time checking and
developing the circuit rather than fussing
with power supply regulation and filtering.
Actually, the circuit is not much more ex-
pensive than a cheap diode-type supply be-
cause it doesn't require brute-force filter
capacitors which often cost more than an
integrated circuit regulator.
The heart of the bipolar supply is ICI, a
complete integrated regulator that replaces
21 transistors, 7 Zener diodes and 11 re- The printed circuit board template is
sistors. Until this IC was made available a available free. Check details at the end
dual tracking bipolar supply took all these of the parts list on the opposit page.
JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUU1111MIIII11u11111111 W 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illllllllllllllllllllllll

GN 4n. C3
TI .22uF

CI ri C5
10011.F I BP1
4 3 2
BP2 P.

_1-. 5 6 7 8 BP3
RED + C2 -15V
R2 .22uF



BPI, BP3- Insulated binding post (any style) sistor (Radio Shack 272.328 or equiv)
BP2-Grounding binding post (any style) RI, R4-4 or 5 ohms, see text
BRI-Bridge rectifier, 100 PIV, 500 mA or better Rx -Part of NL1 assembly
Cl, C2-500 uF electrolytic capacitor, 35 VDC or T1 -Low voltage rectifier transformer (Allied
better Electronics, No. 705 -0127. 401 E. 8th Street,
Fort Worth TX 76102)
C3, C4-0.22 uF mylar capacitor, 50 VDC or bet-
C5, C6-100 uF electrolytic capacitor, 35 VDC Misc.- Printed circuit materials, cabinet, wire,
or better solder, etc.
ICI- Integrated circuit regulator, Motorola for a free full -size drawing of the circuit board used
in the project, send a Self Addressed Stamped Enve-
1568R lope to Electronics Hobbyist, Template Offer, 229
LI -Neon pilot lamp assembly with internal re- Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003.
1 1111111111111111 I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I III II II I III 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111M1111111111111M1111111111111111111111111I111111111%

indents will provide the markings for the mounting holes should clear a #6 screw. Do
component mounting holes. Using a ball not make the holes larger than needed.
point pen and a lot of pressure, trace the Install bridge rectifier BR1 first, using
foil outlines on the template. Remove the extra care in orientation. The usual terminal
copper -clad board from under the template arrangement of the low cost "surplus"
and using a resist ink pen trace the foil out- bridges available to the experimenter usual-
line on the board; then fill in the areas with ly have a similar lead arrangement. Note that
resist. No foil should be less than 1 /16 -in. one terminal is marked +, indicating the
thick as undercutting by the etchant will positive DC output. Two other terminals are
produce a slightly thinner foil. generally marked with a "-," (sine wave)
Pour enough etchant into a container or the letters AC indicating the connections
slightly larger than the PC board so there's from the power transformer. The fourth
at least 1/4-in. depth. Then float the PC lead, the one diagonally opposite from the +
board on top of the etchant with the copper lead, is the negative DC output. Make cer-
side down into the etchant. Every few min- tain your bridge rectifier has this terminal
utes agitate the etchant container to speed arrangement. If it has any other lead ar-
up removal of the undesired copper. After rangement you must modify. the PC board
all the undesired copper has been removed template (if you use it) to correspond to the
(about 20 minutes) rinse the board under difference. Install BR1 so that when the
running water and remove the resist with a leads pass through the board to the foil side
small rag soaked with resist remover, resist the + lead comes through the "plus" hole.
solvent or acetone. Allow about 1/4 -in. space between the
Holes And Such. All component mounting bottom of BR1 and the PC board and solder
holes are drilled with a #55, 56 or 57 bit. The the leads to the foil. Then install and solder
board's corner mounting holes should clear IC1. ICI can fit the board both right and
a #4 screw; the transformer's and IC1's wrong. Make certain the space between the
FALL -WINTER, 1973 61
mon ground, is connected to the cabinet by
its own mounting nut (do not place an in-
sulator under the nut).
Power switch Si mounts on the rear apron
and can be any type of SPST switch. To
prevent the foil on the underside of the PC
board from shorting to the cabinet use a IA -
in. metal speacer or stack of washers be-
tween the board and cabinet at each mount-
ing hole. If desired, a neon pilot lamp can be
installed. Make certain the pilot lamp is the
type with a built in current limiting resistors
Birds eye view of the 15 V bi -polar power
supply for professional-type applications. of 56,000 to 200,000 ohms.
Service Note. If the power supply fails to
pins faces the nearest edge of the PC board, operate properly, if, for example, there is
then secure ICI with two short #6 screws. voltage on one side but not on the other, or
Install power transformer Ti and all other if both voltages are extremely low, it is most
components. T1 has several unused leads, likely that the polarity of Cl, C2, C5 or C6
simply cut them off at the transformer with is reversed. Take extra care to check that
diagonal cutters. C2 and C6 have their positive terminal con-
Current limiting resistors Rl and R2 nected to ground. If you use the Radio Shack
should be 4 ohms, a somewhat expensive and capacitors specified in the parts list, all
difficult value to obtain. You can substitute polarities are correct when the vertical arrow
two parallel 10 ohm, 10 percent, 1/2-watt on each capacitor faces the same direction.
resistors (Radio Shack series 271 -000); the But don't take chances. The capacitors you
board already has the extra mounting holes get might have the arrow misprinted or used
for two resistors at R1 and two resistors at to denote another polarity. Doublecheck
R2. The difference between the required 4 that the polarity is correct.
ohms and the resultant 5 ohms from the If the capacitor polarities are correct and
parallel resistors will have no appreciable the output voltage is nearly correct but tends
affect on the power supply operation. to wander, if the output voltage can't settle
To make a bench supply, the PC assembly down to a rock steady value when current is
can be installed in a metal cabinet as shown. drawn, it is most likely that you have used
The three output terminals are 5 -way bind- the wrong primary connections on Tl. The
ing posts. Two outside posts, used for the + proper wires are color- coded. Use a sec-
and - voltage outputs, are insulated from ondary output voltage of 40 volts rms cen-
the cabinet. The center terminal, the com- ter- tapped (20-0 -20).

Load Matcher
Most audio circuits transfer their maxi- RI
mum power at minimum distortion only
when the output impedance is matched to the . z, Z2
load impedance. But it is often necessary to SIGNAL IN SIGNAL OUT
connect equipment- of differing impedances.
For example, how do you correct an ampli-
fier with a 600 ohm output into an ampli-
R1= Z1)'
R2. Z1 Zz
fier with a 50 ohm input? Usually, if the 50 R1

ohm input is connected across the ampli- level loss through a pad, the circuit shown
fier with a 600 ohm output, the excessive provides the absolute minimum loss that
loading caused by 50 ohms will sharply can be obtained while providing a precise
reduce the output of the 600 ohm ampli- match. If the resistance values work out
fier, and will generally increase the distor- to odd values, such as 134 ohms, use the
tion sharply. closest standard value. Though 5 percent
A minimum loss pad is the device used to tolerance resistors are suggested, almost
match a high impedance to a low impe- as good performance will be obtained with
dance. Though there is always a signal 10 percent resistors.
CAP RAPPER by Herb Friedman
WITHOUT DOUBT a direct reading ca- multivibrator producing square waves
pacity meter is the fastest and prob- which are applied to the unknown capacitor
ably the most reliable way to check connected across binding posts BP1 and
and sort small capacitor values. Simply BP2. The current that is allowed to pass
place the unknown value capacitor across through the capacitor is measured by meter
the instrument's test terminals and a meter Ml, whose scale is linear (no tricky cali-
directly indicates the correct value with no bration needed). Since the capacitor's re-
potentiometers to balance or false magic eye actance determines the current flow, the
indications to confuse things. meter indication is in direct proportion to
Direct -reading capacity meters were once the total capacity.
strictly a, laboratory item. Now, using mod- Meter calibration is obtained by varying
ern solid state devices, you can build a the multivibrator output frequency from
high- accuracy model for your own shop for approximately 20 to 20 kHz. (The DC
less than $20-money you'll get back many voltage applied to the unknown capacitor
times over by sorting out those 50 capaci- is essentially 100 mV worse -case, so you
tors for a $1 in a matter of minutes, rather don't have to worry about DC voltage rat-
than hours. ings.)
Also, because the direct reading capacity Though meter movement M1 is 50 p.A, a
meter is so easy to use, you'll no longer get simple -to -make 0 to 1 scale simplifies mea-
hung up on capacitors which are nowhere surements. Three ranges are indicated as
near their indicated values. For example, .001, .01 and .1, representing full-scale
small disc capacitors can easily be 20, 50 values. If range switch S1 is set to .01 and
and sometimes 100 percent off their indi- the meter indicates .6 the "unknown" ca-
cated value. Now imagine the next oscillator pacitor value is .01 x .6 or .006 uF. If the
you build that calls for a 20 pF capacitor; range switch is set to .001 and the meter
after hours of troubleshooting you find it
doesn't work because the capacitor is really
50 pF! With a direct reading capacity meter
you can, in seconds check each and every
capacitor value before it's installed in your
The Direct Reading Capacity Meter
shown in the photographs checks capacity
from 4 pF to 0.1 uF in four switch selected
ranges. The test voltage applied to the "un-
known" capacitor is a square waveform 15
V peak -to -peak maximum, so it's safe for
just about all capacitors generally used,
and it presents no shock hazard to the user.
The overall accuracy is just about 5 percent,
allowing for the tolerance of the meter
movement itself and the capacitors you use
for alignment. In actual practice the overall This technical teething ring tells you instant-
accuracy can work out to about 3 percent. ly the value of an unmarked capacitor. All
How It Works. Integrated Circuit 1 is a but front panel parts are on a PC board.
FALL -WINTER, 1973 63
instrument capacity can rise well above 10
CAP RAPPER The most critical part of the meter is the
square -wave generator, so use a PC board
indicates .2, the unknown capacitor is .001 as specified; do not substitute point -to -point
x .2 or .0002 uF. wiring. There are no stability or accuracy
The fourth range switch position is problems if you use the PC layout template.
marked 100, meaning 100 pF full scale. Note that even though ICI is the round
This has been done to avoid answers with TO -55 type, we have used a socket. While
four or more decimal places and because the socket is not critical, the entire assem-
small -value capacitors are generally marked bly is a lot easier if the socket is used, and
directly in pF, such as 10 pF, or 68 pF. it also avoids soldering -heat damage to the
To obtain the correct value for small capaci- IC. ICI's socket is a 14 pin type with only
tors multiply the meter reading by 100 pF. eight terminals used for ICI. Before starting
For example, if the meter reads .4 the any assembly, fan -out ICI's leads so they
capacitor value is .4 x 100 pF or 40 pF. match the socket. Using only finger pres-
In actual practice you won't have to bother sure-no tools-fan out IC1 number 1
Use the exact size template found later in
article to make your PC board. This some- TO Slo
what oversized view shows component (top) POSITION:

side of board and X -ray view of copper area. t00 .001 .01 .1


1 + // // C5 / /C7
C4 C6'.-
.001 Slb
I i

R5 R6- R7_ D
Tt tt

a t.
117 VAC C3
C9 I -R2-
with the calculations as the meter reading TI CB R4 C4 R5 C5 R6
will suffice-you'll know that a .4 reading C6
on the 100 -scale is 40 pF. The same applies
to the other ranges. This procedure is a lot
simpler than cluttering up the meter scale C7
with four sets of numbers.
Putting It All Together. This is one proj-
ect in which neatness will work against you, C9
so assemble the capacity meter exactly as
described; do not try for square- corner wir- DI
ing, that's fine for military equipment but
not the capacity meter. Where short, direct KS
wires are specified, make them short and
direct even if it all starts to resemble a rat's
IC1 R1 C3
nest. With the assembly procedure specified
and shown in the photographs, the meter
can read capacitor values below 10 pF; if you Most parts are called out in this photo.
get too neat with the wiring between the Also, check the front cover for another (in
PC board and range switch, the inherent color) look at the printed circuit board.
through number 4 leads so they are in -line aside until all other assembly is completed.
to one side. Similarily, fan -out the number We suggest you use a Radio Shack IC
5 through number 8 leads so they are in- socket as it is imprinted with a white color
line on the opposite side. Take careful dot on one end; you can use this dot to
note that the lead opposite the tab on correspond with ICI's tab. When you install
ICI's case is the number 8 lead -check the socket on the PC board, the white color
with the small diagram next to the sche- dot should face power transformer TI.
matic. Using diagonal cutters, cut each group Make The Board. To make the PC board,
of leads approximately '/4 -in. below ICI's first cut a piece of any type of copper -clad
case. You should end up with two sets of board to 23/8 -in. x 37/8 -in. and scrub the
leads cut straight across. Using finger pres- board clean with steel wool or a strong
sure, line up each set of leads so they household cleanser such as Ajax or Comet;
exactly match the socket connections, then rinse thoroughly and dry. Place a piece of
insert ICI into the socket to open the carbon paper on the foil (carbon side
socket connections. Remove ICI and set it against the foil) -and tape the PC board

100K 4
CI 2(0 016
1K 3
4 R3 8
2 6
7 C2

+9VDC =
C4 100 pf 100pf R4
.Ot uF 5oK
C5 .001 r
.001 R5
.1uF 10oK
C6 Sia Sib R6
fuF 500K
C7 R7
10uF 500K


BPI, BP2- Insulated binding post (any style) equiv.)
BRl- Bridge rectifier, 25 PIV, 100 mA or better RI -1000 -ohm, 1/4-watt resistor
C1,C2,C4 -0.01 uF capacitor, 25 VDC or better R2- 100,000 -ohm, 1 -watt resistor
C3 -10 uF electrolytic capacitor, 6 VDC or bet-
R3- 10,000 -ohm, 1/4-watt resistor
C5 -0.1 uF capacitor, 25 VDC or better
R4-50,000 -ohm trimmer potentiometer
C6-1.0 uF capacitor, 25 VDC or better R5- 100,000 -ohm trimmer potentiometer
C7 -10 uF electrolytic or mylar capacitor (see R6,R7- 500,000 -ohm trimmer potentiometer (Ra-
text) dio Shack 271 -221 or equiv.)
C8,C9 -470 or 500 uF electrolytic capacitor, 35 SI- Rotary switch, 2- section, 4- circuit (DP4T, see
VDC or better text)
Dl- Diode, silicon, 1N456A Tl -Low voltage transformer, 12.6V G.T., 120
ICI-Integrated Circuit, Signetics NE531T (Avail- mA
able from Circuit Specialists Co., Box 3047, Misc. -Wire, solder, cabinet 5 %.in. -x 3 -in. x
Scottsdale AZ 85257) 57/e -in. (Radio Shack 270 -253 or equiv.), etch-
Ml- Meter, 50 uA (Radio Shack 22 -017 or ing solution, PC board material, etc.
FALL- WINTER, 1973 65
which is 50,000 ohms, is positioned closest
to Tl; then comes R5 which is 100,000
CAP RAPPER ohms and R6 and R7 which are each
500,000 ohms. The ends of the trimmer
under the full-scale template provided. In- leads have a small bend at the tip; installa-
dent the copper foil at each component tion on the board will be much easier if you
mounting hole by pressing a sharp pointed squash the tips flat with long nose pliers.
tool, such as a scribe or an ice pick, Next, install all the resistors, Cl and C2,
through the template at each hole. Then, C3, and diode Dl. Bend the D1 leads so
using a ball point pen, trace the foil out- the diode body does not touch the R7 wiper
lines. Remove the copper -clad board from terminal. Finally, install capacitors C4
the carbon paper and, using a resist-ink through C7. The mounting holes for C4
pen, fill in all the foil areas to be protected. through C7 match miniature components;
Fill a container with approximately 1/4 - that is, the printed circuit type with both
in. of etchant and float the PC board on leads out the same end. Any voltage rating
top with the foil side down (foil against the from 25 VDC and up can be used. Though
etchant). Every few minutes agitate the capacitor C7 is specified as a tantalum type,
etchant container to insure a continuous flow the circuit will usually work with an or-
of fresh etchant under the foil. After all
the excess copper has been etched away
in about 20 minutes-rinse the board under
- dinary electrolytic. The tantalum simply
insures long -term stability and is not much
more expensive than an ordinary electroly-
running water and strip off the resist with tic. Take note that tantalum capacitors gen-
steel wool or resist solvent (all PC supplies erally have the positive (not negative) lead
are available from Radio Shack). marked with a color dot.
Using the indents in the foil as guides, Panel Components. Meter M1 is 50 uA
drill all holes with a number 58, 59 or 60 Calectro, chosen to fit the cabinet. Any 50
bit. Then enlarge the Ti mounting holes uA meter can be substituted. Using the edge
and the corner mounting holes to clear a of a knife with care, snap off the plastic
number 4 or 6 screw. The two holes near cover (the front of the meter) and remove
Ti used for the line cord should be en- two screws holding the scale in place. Care-
larged with a number 50 bit. fully, so as not to bend the pointer, slide
Install The Parts. Install all PC board the scale out from under the pointer. Using
components starting with the IC socket. the same dimensions from the 0 to 50
Take particular care when soldering the marks, prepare an 0 to 1 scale and cement
socket leads that you don't get a solder it to the original scale. Slide your new
bridge across two leads. Transformer T1 is scale under the pointer, re-install the two
a miniature 12.6 V center -tapped unit at screws and snap the plastic cover back in
120 mA. You can use a transformer rated place.
as low as 25 mA. A transformer larger than Install M1, two insulated binding posts
120 mA will not fit on the board. (BP1 and BP2) and range switch S1 on the
Take care when mounting bridge rectifier panel. S1 can be anything that has two cir-
BR1. Note the diamond lead pattern shown cuits and 4- positions --whatever you can get
in the diagram. If the bridge rectifier you at low cost. For example, the unit shown
obtain has a different lead configuration, uses a surplus three -circuit 4- position switch,
you will have to modify the PC board's foil the extra terminals aren't used. No power
layout accordingly. Leave approximately 1/4 - switch is used because the unit is plugged in
in. space between the bridge rectifier and when it's needed. If you want a power
the PC board. Make certain filter capacitors switch place it on the rear apron next to the
C8 and C9 are installed with the polarity line cord.
correct. The arrow indicating the negative Final Assembly. Install the PC assembly
terminal should face the same way on both as shown; it is positioned about 11 -in. be-
capacitors. If you use Radio Shack capaci- hind the back of the meter case. The con-
tors, the arrows will face the edge of the nections to C4 through C7 should be at the
board where capacitors C4 through C7 are top, and the PC board foil should face Sl.
mounted. Note that a metal chassis mount is secured
After the IC socket, T1, BR1, C8 and C9 under one of the T1 mounting screws, pro-
are installed, mount trimmer controls R4, viding a ground connection to the cabinet.
R5, R6 and R7 on the board. Control R4, If you use a different mounting for the PC
Be sure you understand the
operating principles of this
DIRECT direct reading capacity meter.
READING Any capacitor whose value is
greater than the range to
RANGE which you have the unit
switched will peg the meter
offscale. Simply lower the
range switch until the
pointer moves back down.


board, make certain you have a connection Install a wire from the R4 "hole" to Sl;
between the cabinet and the PC board then R5, R6 and R7. Install a wire from
ground foil. C4 to Sl, then C5, C6 and C7. The wires
Install the PC- board -to -panel wiring in from the capacitor connections will prob-
the following order using the shortest, most ably cross, so just separate them about 1/2-in.
direct connection. Leave just a smidgen of Install wires from BP1 and BP2, keeping
slack to avoid strain on the wires. Plastic them at least 1/4 -in. apart. These wires
insulated, solid number 20 or 22 wire is should not touch any other wire or com-
suggested. Note that the wires from S1 enter ponent.
the foil side of the board. Make certain Twist together about 8 inches of red and
they don't short any components when they black wire (positive and negative). Connect
pass through to the top of the board. Of the black wire to the negative output PC
course, solder to the foil side of the board. board terminal -the one closest to the bot-
Since you are measuring capacitance (C) with tom of the cabinet. Connect the red wire to
this circuit, it's a good idea to duplicate the positive output (directly above the black
this template exactly to hold down stray C. wire). Route the wires along the bottom of
the cabinet, spaced about 1/2 -in. from the PC
board, to the meter. Connect the red wire
to the positive (-}-) meter terminal, and the
black wire to the remaining terminal. Then
install the linecord.
Finally, install ICI in its socket. The tab
should point towards or be directly above
the white color dot on the socket. Rotate
each trimmer control towards the IC.
On The Mark. Maximum accuracy is as-
sured if the calibration capacitors represent,
as close as possible, half -scale; for example,
if calibrating the 100 pF range, use a 50 pF
capacitor. The voltage across the binding
posts is negligible and you can change ca-
pacitors with the power on.
The calibration capacitors can be 5% or
1% silver mica, or anything else with a 5%
worst -case tolerance. Don't use ordinary
capacitors as they can be 50% off value and
still be within their tolerance. Each range
calibration is independent of the others,
what you do to one range does not affect any
other adjustment.
Note that when the calibration capacitors
are first installed, meter MI will "pin ", this
is normal. If the meter indicates a very low
(Continued on page 119)
FALL -WINTER, 1973 67

by Homer L. Davidson

Does music bust in where it is not wanted tions or at the speakers themselves. Clip the
on your auto eight -track stereo tape unit? In Leveler to each speaker and common ground
other words -two music channels are being lead. Leave the speakers connected with
heard at the same time. Man, that's cross- the Leveler in the circuit and hear the
talk! With a simple Auto Stereo Head Lev- music, or tone, as you make the head ad-
eler, which we tell you how to build, you justments.
can quickly touch up those critical playback When rotating the volume control on the
adjustments and eliminate crosstalk or co- tape deck, the pilot light will illuminate pro-
channel distortion. Not only will the Leveler portionally to the music, or sound level,
stamp out crosstalk, but it can serve as a taken from the tape. The light is brightest
balance meter, and it can give some indica- with the balance control at its center posi-
tion of frequency response. It's cheap at half tion, indicating correct balance. Height and
the price -actually less than a buck, or you azimuth adjustments can be made on a reg-
may now have the parts in your junk box ular music tape, but accurate adjustments
at no cost at all. Just clip the leads of the are made with a cartridge test tape. Since
Leveler to the stereo output speaker leads the channels of music are very close togeth-
and you're in business. But, read on 'cause er, only a slight adjustment of the height
we're going too fast. screw on the head assembly is needed to
How It Works. Most car-stereo, 8- track, correct crosstalk conditions. Generally, the
tape decks have a speaker and power output height screw may be off a smiggen -so go
plug at the rear of the unit. The Stereo Head very easy.
Leveler can be attached on these connec- Construction. A 47 pilot light, two 7.5-

A whole host of tests and

checks can come from a handful!
of junk box parts. Pep up any
8 -trackauto tape player with
hints and techniques revealed
in this article. Turn the page
for an inside view of this
simple but handy tester.

ohm, 5 -watt wirewound resistors and three swab of cotton dipped in alcohol. Also, it's
alligator clips are the only parts used. The possible to have foreign material such as
light and two resistors are mounted inside a gum wrappers and excessive oxide dust pre-
small plastic box. Drill and prepare the venting automatic or manual switch func-
mounting holes before placing the parts in- tion. Now, before attempting any adjust-
side the plastic box. Heat the tip of an ice ments, determine if crosstalk is noted on all
pick or sharp metal point with a soldering channels. If crosstalk is noted on just one
iron to make holes in the plastic. Holes are channel, a slight touch -up of that channel
made in each end and top of box for flexible may cure the problem. Recheck each and
test leads. every channel for crosstalk conditions.
Twist one end of each wirewound resistor Adjustments. Start adjustment at top or
together and bend the remaining ends so the bottom channels of the stereo tape player.
resistors will fit snugly inside the plastic box. If adjustments are to be made with a regu-
Form a loop in the remaining end in front of lar stereo cartridge, select one with constant
each hole so flexible test leads can be sol- or continuous music. A good stereo cartridge
dered and will not pull out through the hole. test tape is inexpensive and can save you
Bolt the pilot light socket in place and solder money in the long run. Recheck the bal-
a wire to the metal socket shell. Connect ance control and position where the pilot
one end of both resistors to this point. In- light is brightest. It is possible one of the
sert a flexible lead through the top hole, tie channels may be weak, throwing the bal-
a knot and solder to the remaining pilot ance control off to the side. In case the
light socket. Recheck the wiring and the balance control is way off, repair the defec-
Leveler is ready for use! tive stage before attempting to make head
Hookup Procedure. Clip the Stereo Bal- adjustments. Sometimes when using a regu-
ance Leveler to the speaker leads of the lar stereo cartridge one of the speaker
stereo 8 -track tape deck speaker leads. Now channels may be recorded a little lower re-
locate the height and azimuth adjustments sulting in the balance control off to one
near the tape head. Generally, the height side. An audio, 8-track, test cartridge will
adjustment screw is located right behind the produce accurate speaker balance and sep-
tape head assembly and the azimuth screw aration.
is off to the side of the tape head. These two When making these adjustments always
adjustments can be made on most tape units keep the tape player in upright position. If
by removing a plate located on top of the laid on its side or upside down, the tape
outer case and adjusting inside with a screw- head assembly may not be in the correct
driver. Some units have manual and screw- position resulting in improper and repeated
driver adjustments at the bottom side of adjustments. Remember, the height ad-
tape player. In most cases, the tape player justment may be off Ma inch of a turn and
will have to be dropped down from the dash- requires just a touch-up. Make the height
board to get at the top adjustments. It may adjustment with the tape playing back about
be wise to remove the unit and take it to 1000 Hz. Any band of frequencies from 750
the test bench. The height screw selects the to 5000 Hz can be used. Some audio test
correct channels and eliminates crosstalk tapes have a 7500 Hz azimuth or tilt test
conditions. Adjustment of the azimuth screw signal for azimuth adjustments. This test is
levels the tape head on the playing tape for for proper angular positioning of the play-
good frequency response. Both of these ad- back head with relationship to the tape.
justments are made for maximum bright- Make both adjustments for greatest bright-
ness of the pilot light. ness of pilot light in the Leveler.
Before making adjustments set the volume After making azimuth and height adjust-
control so the pilot light with Leveler just ments check for crosstalk on each tape
begins to glow. Turn the bass, treble and track. Turn the balance control to the far
balance control to the center position. When left and listen for crosstalk. Check the right
the balance control is at center balance po- channel in the same manner. Test each track
sition, the pilot light will be brightest. Man- with a recorded cartridge and listen for
ually trigger each channel through several crosstalk at the end of each recording.
times to see if the channel program selector Other Tests. Besides tape head alignment
is functioning properly. If not, a good you can check the tape player for frequency
clean -up of gear, pivot arm and solenoid will response, equalization, sweep frequency, in-
produce clean program change over. Use a termodulation distortion, channel identifica-
FALL -WINTER, 1973 69
Eight -Track Players 7.511,5-WATT 7.511,5-WATT


tion and separation on an audio test cart- #47 BULB

A series of tones from 70 to 8000 Hz are TO RIGHT
used for checking the overall frequency re- SPEAKER GROUND SPEAKER
sponse of the tape player system on fre-
quency response and equalization test. Ad- CLIPS
just the volume until the bulb barely glows Use a number 51 lamp for high power
and leave it. In perfect equalization the installations. Its shape is shown above.
brightness of the light should be approxi- The number 47 lamp bulb, shown on the
mately the same on all frequencies. first page, is for average power players.
A continuous frequency sweep from 8000 circuitry, dirty heads, bad speakers, etc.
down to 70 Hz is used in sweep frequency Now is the time to clean up that dirty tape
test. It will clearly indicate any serious head.
peaks or dips your tape players may have. The channel identification and separation
Don't be surprised if the tone varies up test will identify each channel and check
and down in the speakers. This sweep fre- placement of speakers. You can check the
quency test will also indicate any serious gain of each channel by turning the bal-
resonant peaks in the speaker or mounting ance control fully to each channel under
location. test. Notice the gain of each channel. All
Intermodulation distortion tests will show speakers should be connected in making
up any "buzz" or indicate trouble in poor these tests.

Simply connect the auto- stereo head leveler to the left and right speaker connections.
Clip the common wire to common speaker ground. Be sure to locate the height screw shown.

DX by Elmer C. Carlson

IF the neighborhood vigilantes come to into four separate tasks: assemble the flag-
lynch you every time they get a little squig- pole, bend the TV -mast brackets, attach
gle in their TV picture, it's time to run up the brackets to the house, and the final as-
the flag and take down your attention -get- sembly, erecting the flagpole. Actually, more
ting antenna. Don't quit! Just go under- than half of the work can be done indoors
ground with this flagpole antenna. If you with just the final assembly being done out-
carefully hide your antenna lead, the neigh- doors.
bors will never suspect a thing and go look- Flagpole Assembly. First, the lengths of
ing for someone else to blame for their TVI. aluminum pipe or thick -wall tubing must
Easy To Build. With our flagpole antenna be joined. If the "flagpole" is to be no more
you put together your own flagpole. Some- than 141 feet in length, only two sections
times it's almost impossible to find a ready - will have to be joined. For a "flagpole" be-
made flag pole, but you can put together a tween 141/2 and 21 feet, three lengths must
flagpole using the simplest of hand tools, a be joined. To reinforce the joint, drive a
little effort, and low -cost materials available tight- fitting dowel into the smaller diameter
from any well- stocked hardware or building section of the two lengths to be joined. The
supply store. length of the dowel used should be some-
For SWLing and BCB DXing the antenna what longer than the amount of overlap in
length can be as long as practical. But re- the two lengths of aluminum pipe. For ex-
member, the flagpole also has to hold the ample, if there is an 18 inch overlap -18
flag on those 8 or 10 flag raisin' holidays in inches of the smaller diameter tube tele-
each year. If you don't run up that flag, the scoped inside the larger -you should use
neighborhood vigilantees might just get sus- about 24 inches of dowel.
picious and come knocking at your door Next, mark the aluminum pipe to show
once again! how much of the smaller diameter pipe
The length of the flagpole antenna isn't should be telescoped into the larger diameter
really critical because the "flagpole" can be pipe. Put marks on the larger diameter pipe
tuned either electrically or mechanically. For at 4 and 14 inches. Now telescope one pipe
easier construction, break down the project into the other and drill a 364.-inch hole (or
FALL- WINTER, 1973 71

use a #35) at least I inch deep into the

pipe at the 4 -inch mark. Drive a #8 gim-
let -point pan -head sheetmetal screw into the
hole. Now drill the second hole, at the 14-
inch mark.
It is important to drive that first screw
into its pilot hole before drilling the sec-
ond hole as this will make sure that both
sets of holes through the sides of the pipes
are properly aligned when you drive the Items used are found in most hardware and
screw into that second hole. At this time you building supply stores. Holes through pipe
and dowel are shown drawn on the next page.
can remove that first sheetmetal screw and
separate the pipes if it's more convenient for 1imumiimiwmiim11111 wuniimuwwimimiwiwinnnmiauimimimimiwnwll .11
you to store the flagpole temporarily or to
carry it out of the workshop. Bill of Materials
If three lengths of pipe are to be used, Flag set (one with a 3 x 5 -foot flag)
8 -foot length 34-in. o.d. (1/2-in. i.d.) aluminum pipe
just repeat the procedure fox the second 8 -foot length 1-i.. o.d. (34 -in. i.d.) aluminum pipe
joint. 3 or 4 -foot length 1/2-in. o.d. hardwood dowel
Before you go running outside with the 4-inch TV mast bracket
"flagpole" be sure to attach the top orna- 25 -foot length of venetian -blind cord
ment or cap (from the flag set) to the end Small awning pulley (one required) '_

of the top section of the flagpole. And don't Small awning cleat (one required)
forget to attach the small awning pulley to Small lanyard clips (two required)
the cap. Once attached, the cap and pulley Miscellaneous. grin. number 8 gimlet-point pan -
head sheetmetal screws, lag strews, flat washers,
do not have to be removed. masonary anchors or toggle bolts F.

Bracket Bending. If you can mount the . llllll 1111111111111111111111111M.111111111111111111111111111111 3111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111a

TV antenna wall brackets on the side or
end of the house, you won't have any
bracket bending to worry about. Unfortu-
nately, such installations are rare because
they are not usually practical or architec-
turally suitable for an honest-to- goodness
But it's easy to bend the low- priced wall
brackets so they will hold the "flagpole" at
an angle when one bracket is mounted on
the house proper and the other is attached
to the eaves of the roof. Even if you don't
have a bench vise, it's still not difficult to
bend the brackets. Instead of a vise you
can use a large adjustable open -end wrench.
After both legs of the bracket are bent,
place the bracket on a flat surface to see if
the bracket has enough angle to it. (You
can put the other half of the dowel into
the clamp of the wall bracket to get a better
idea of what the angle of the "flagpole" will
be.) When you are satisfied with the angle
the bent bracket will give the "flagpole," just
bend the second bracket to match the angle
of the first bracket.
Attaching The Brackets. First attach the A small lead weight sewn into the bottom
upper bracket to the eaves of the roof. You corner of the lag will prevent it from
can use #14 round -head wood screws, but becoming wrapped during a windy day.
lag screws are a lot easier to work with on a insulate the antenna since roof flashings
ladder. The square head on the lag screw (those metal edgings) and rain gutters would
makes it easy to tighten with a wrench, while seem to be useful as conductors for added
the wood screws need considerable effort signal pick up. Sure, they can give you more
and pressure to keep a screwdriver in the signal, but sometimes they can give you less.
slot. Applying enough pressure to a screw- Those additional conductors can add direc-
driver while at the top of a ladder isn't tional effects to your almost vertical flagpole
easy -or very safe either. antenna, instead of more signal you'll get
Once the upper bracket is attached to the less signal from some directions. Be safe.
house, insert the bottom section of the mast Insulate! Afterwards you can test the ef-
into the clamp. Tighten the clamp with your fects on the SWL and BCB signals by using
fingers just tight enough to help hold the short jumpers or clip leads to connect to
bottom section of the "flagpole" while you those handy flashings and gutters. Remem-
adjust it to match the angle of the bent wall ber, these additional conductors may im-
brackets. prove signal strength on some frequency
Attach the lower bracket to the bottom bands or from some directions while mak-
section of the "flagpole" about 3 inches up ing the reception of signals worse for other
from the end. If you don't think your eye frequency bands or directions.
is good enough to set the "flagpole" straight The insulating material you use is not too
important. It should not be too soft
I/2 x *8
and it should not readily absorb wa-
ter. Wide plastic tape or strips of
SCREW plastic (cut from milk or liquid de-
tergent containers) can be wrapped
around the "flagpole" and field in
place with tape or cord. The thicker
the insulation the better, just don't
6-in. to 18-in make it so thick that it won't fit in
I r TO SUIT the clamps of the wall brackets.
1/2 x *8
Erecting The Flagpole. This last
SHEET METAL LARGER SMALLER step includes the final assembly.
SCREWS DIAMETER DIAMETER Join the lengths of aluminum pipe
3 -in. to 4-in. 3 -in to 4 -in. TUBING TUBING
and then thread the venetian -blind
DOWEL Large diameter tube fits into a
smaller tube with hardwood
to )

A dowel for support and added

18 strength.
out from the side of the house you'd better cord through the awning pulley. Be sure
use a level. While holding the level against to unroll the complete length of cord and
the side of the pipe, mark the location of the tie the two ends together to prevent their
holes of the bracket on the wall. Also mark slipping out of the pulley. Now all you have
the position of the upper bracket on the to do is slip the flagpole into the loosened
mast, and the top and bottom edges of both clamp of the lower bracket and replace the
clamps before you take the mast down. clamp of the upper bracket.
These marks will show where the antenna Finishing Up. All the hard work is fin-
insulators must go if they are needed. If ished-just a few final touches left and then
your wall is a non -conductor, like wooden you'll be all through. Drill two more holes
lap siding or asbestos siding, you may not to attach the lead-in wire and the cleat (to
need insulators if the climate is dry. Attach hold the rope) to the "flagpole" antenna. If
the lower bracket to the wall of the house. you tie down the lead-in wire with nylon fish -
If the wall is brick or concrete you'll need line or lacing cord, the lead -in will be almost
expansion anchors. For a cinder block wall invisible except for close inspection. Tie a
you may need toggle bolts if you drill into pair of lanyard snaps to the ends of the ve-
one of those open areas of the block. For netian blind cord to make it easy to attach
wooden or asbestos siding you can use lag and remove the flag. Wrap the loose end of
screws. the rope around the cleat, connect the other
Antenna Insulators. For SWLing and end of the lead-in to your receiver. Tune
BCB DXing it may not seem necessary to across the band and see who QSLs.
FALL- WINTER, 1973 73
Dig it! This pocket vibra -tone has three voices, an eleven note
keyboard, real vibrato and uses only three IC's in a real Hep
circuit. It builds with new stick -on printed circuit material.

by Darrell Thorpe

Maybe, tomake a hit at a party, to spring ever a probe is touched to one of eleven
a surprise on the boys in the combo, pads on the vibra- tone's keyboard. Since Cl
or give the kids a terrific toy, all you need is fixed for all of the notes, the pitch or
is this pocket Vibra-Tone. Made from three musical tone is proportional to the total re-
low -cost integrated circuits and only a few sistance at each position.
other parts, the vibra-tone provides a really A second oscillator, which is part of IC3,
excellent little musical instrument-and it (pins 1 to 7) provides a fixed low frequency
includes the sophisticated effects of voicing of about 6 Hz, with C3 and R1. This signal
and vibrato that you would expect to find is filtered and attenuated in R2 and C4,
only in rather expensive musical instru- and fed back to pin 12 of the tone oscillator,
ments. IC1. This provides a periodic frequency
This project is simplified by the use of modulation to the tones, which is an excel-
integrated circuits -and instant printed cir- lent vibrato. The tone output from IC1,
cuits. A new technique has recently become pins 5 and 10, passes through resistor R5
available to the hobbyist. It's a new concept to switch SW2 that selects this particular
of instant printed circuits that permits you tone when it is closed. This same output
to rapidly build projects directly from a from IC1 also goes to pin 2 of IC2, a dual
schematic diagram. This new approach con- J -K flip -flop. This integrated circuit provides
sists of a complete family of circuit sub - two flip -flops, and each of these, by the
elements and associated circuit materials. natural binary count action, can divide any
With instant printed circuits there is no input frequency exactly by 2. This division
messy etching and in most instances you by 2 produces two new frequencies exactly
don't need to drill any holes. 1/z and IA the input frequency, these are the
How -it- Works. Dual buffer ICI is the tone same notes one and two octaves lower.
oscillator. Capacitor Cl and a set of tuning Changes Tone. The first flip -flop output,
resistors -R9 through R19- provide a tuned pin 13 of.IC2, is the one octave lower out-
musical scale. A note will sound -off when- put. This goes through R6 to switch SW3.
Pin 13 also connects to pin 6 of IC2, the
second flip-flop input. This provides a sec-


and division by 2, providing a tone two
octaves lower than the oscillator. The
range switches, SW2 to SW4, are terminated
on a common line which goes to pins 9
and 10 of IC3. Part of IC3 was used for the
vibrato oscillator. However it also provides
a simple two -stage audio amplifier. One of
the gates (input 9, 10 and output pin 8)
provides the first stage. Pin 8 drives pins
12 and 13 through C5. R4 provides bias.
Pin 14 drives the 8 -ohm speaker. C6 sup-
presses high frequency oscillations which
might occur in this amplier. The circuit op-
erates on 3 volts, conveniently provided by
two C cells in series, and draws approxi-
mately 120 mA standby current.
Quick Put Down. The instant printed cir-
cuit sub -elements consists of printed con-
ductive patterns on a very thin epoxy glass
board backed with pressure sensitive adhes-
ive. Sub -elements are available for all types
\R8 IC!
1 I


of integrated circuits, transistors, and other
R9 TO RI9 components, and, any combination of cir-
cuit element configuration can be mixed on
Parts location suggestion when stick -on one board. The circuit sub -elements are all
printed circuit construction is used. pre -drilled with holes on a 0.100 inch grid.
Wiring is applied to underside of board. That is, they perfectly match the pattern of
FALL- WINTER, 1973 75
To use the conductive tape, hold one end

VIBRA -TONE and strip off its protective paper as the tape
is laid down. A knife blade is then used to
cut the tape. For best adhesion, roll the tape
0.100 inch vectorboard. down with the side or heel of the knife.
For this project, three 14 -lead dual in -line The adhesive on the copper tape is elec-
printed circuit sub -elements are used. To use trically conductive and, provided it is burn-
one of these sub- elements, strip off the pro- ished for good adhesion, will make electri-
tective backing and stick it in position, cal contact. However, to eliminate any pos-
matching the holes in the printed circuit sibility of opens or intermittents, solder is
sub -element with holes in the vectorboard. (Continued on page 118)
81-Two C cells in series R8- 1000 -ohm, trim pot
C1 -0.1 uF Mylar capacitor, 15 VDC or better R9- 1500 -ohm, -watt resistor, 5%

C2 -0.002 uF disc capacitor, 15 VDC or better R10- 240 -ohm, 1/4-watt resistor, 5%
C3 -10 uF, 10 VDC electrolytic R11, 12, 13-300 -ohm, 1/4-watt resistor, 5%
C4, C5 -1 uF, 10 VDC electrolytic R14- 150 -ohm, 1 -watt resistor, 5%
ICI- Integrated circuit, HEP -571, MC799 or equal R15- 360 -ohm 1/4-watt resistor, 5%
IC2- Integrated circuit, HEP -572, MC790 or equal R16- 430 -ohm, 1/4-watt resistor, 5%
1C3- Integrated circuit, HEP -570, MC724 or equal R17-510 -ohm, 1/4-watt resistor, 5%
R1 -6800 -ohm, -watt resistor
1% R18, 19- 620 -ohm, 14 -watt resistor, 5%
R2- 120,000 -ohm, 1/4-watt resistor SW1, 2, 3, 4 -SPST toggle or slide switch
R3- 68,000 -ohm, 1 -watt resistor Misc. -8
-ohm speaker, battery holder, printed
R4- 3300 -ohm, -watt resistor
1/4 circuit material and board, cabinet, wire,
R5, 6, 7- 22,000 -ohm, 1/4 -watt resistor solder, probe (banana plug or equal), etc.
Vectorboard and instant printed circuit material for this project are avail-
able for $4.50 from Circuit Specialists Co., Box 3047, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
R2 C4

RI -W.--
6.8K R3
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 2 3 4 5 6 7
IC -I HEP -571 IC-2 HEP -572 IC -3 HEP -570
14 13 12 II 10 9 8 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 14 13 12 II 10 9 8
SW C2_
-I R8
TIUF R5 R6 R7 R4 C5
3 VOLTS +T 22K 22K 22K 3.3K

SW 2 \SW 3 SW 4


R13 RI9 R18 RI2 RI7 R16 R15 R14 R11 RIO R9
30052 62011 62011 30011 51011 43011 360.11 15011 30052 24011 1.5K

14 10 14 13 12 9 8 10


I 2 6 7 9 10 12 13 9 6 13 12 6 7
NC 724 HEP -571 MC 799 sAC 790

Snap Project for


by Day d B. Weems
Any good speaker stould sound big, even if it's small.
Big in the sense that it is expansive-, which too often
means expensive. Another wai a speaker :an sound big,
to our conditioned ears, is with rich bais. A speaker that
combines full bass with spacious highs wi I sound big at
both ends of the audio -ange.
Th9 big nine, described here, does -Jst that. It offers
big sound at a bargain price because y: is Juild your own
wide -sound speaker system. Even with z h gh compliance
15 -inch woofer for the bass and multi -direct onal high com-
pliance mid -range speakers and dome tweeters for the
highs, your speaker cost is only about $65.00 per en-
closu-e. And you can make two big nine eiclosures from
Big Nine front of the board to receive 3/16-inch
stove bolts. If you can't find 3/16-inch T-
nuts, you can substitute slightly longer 3/16-
inch flathead stove bolts installed from the
only 11/2 sheets of 3/4 -inch unfinished ply- front.
wood. A few tools are all you need, particu- Next set up the parts on your work bench
larly if you have your local lumber yard cut to form a partial enclosure. Mark a line
out the parts for you.
After getting the parts home, mark and
cut out the speaker holes at the proper loca-
tions (see Fig. 1). The outside edges of the

A total of eighteen speakers fill your room

with a powerful sound. Fifteen inch woofer has
a polyfoam suspension and low resonance.

where the edge of a panel butts against an-

other panel. For example, you will mark
lines on the bottom and sides to outline the
edge of the front panel when the front is
flush with the front edges of the other
panels. You will also mark lines on the
bottom to show the inner edges of the
sides, and so on until you have outlined
the position of each panel. Next measure
and cut glue blocks to fit each corner loca-
tion. The approximate length of the glue
blocks is given in the bill of materials, but
you may find that minor differences in
panel dimensions will require these lengths
to be trimmed or increased slightly.
Now attach glue blocks to panels, using
glue and screws. It is much easier to install
all the glue blocks at once, with the panels
flat on your work bench, than later after the
panel is fastened to another panel. Drill
shank holes of about 13/64 -inch through
An assembled Big Nine stands a full three LEVEL ADJUST LEVEL ADJUST
feet tall, nearly two feet wide. Trim both L -PAD L -PAD
top and bottom after stapling grill cloth.

holes for the mid -range speakers and the

tweeters should be beveled off with sand-
paper, a file, or a sabre saw set at 45 °. If
left intact, the sharp edge at the outside of
the speaker panels can cause diffraction
and interference effects which will affect the
mid -range and high- frequency response.
Speaker Cutouts. Select a sample speaker
of each size and center it at each speaker
hole. Mark the location of pilot holes for
speaker mounting screws. Drill 3/32 -inch SPEAKERS CROSSOVER SPEAKERS
pilot holes for the mid -range speakers and Remove top cover to see L -pads, crossover
tweeters. For the woofers drill 1/4-inch holes network, and the four mid -range speakers.
at each mark and install "T- nuts" from the Parts substitutions are possible. See text.
the blocks at 4 -inch to 6 -inch intervals. Nail of the sides. Don't forget a line of holes
the blocks lightly in position and drill pilot about 63/s- inches below the top edge of
holes in the panel with a 3/32 -inch drill. the front and sides to bind the front and
Next apply glue to the block and the panel; sides to the glue blocks on the lower side
then attach the block to the panel and screw of the partition.
it down. Note that the blocks should be Attach sides to bottom with glue and
indented 3/4 -inch from the front and back screws. Next glue and screw the front panel
edges of the sides, 3/4 -inch from each edge to the sides and bottom. Use glue and
of the bottom, and 3/4 -inch from the back nails to join the sides to the front above
edge of the partition. The other 3 blocks the partitions where there are no glue
on the partition are flush with the edges blocks. Paint the front panel and sides with
because this panel sets inside the sides and flat black paint. This completes the assem-
front, bly of the basic box, minus the top and
Continue. Drill shank holes in panels for back panels.
assembly screws. These should be located Install The Speakers. When the glue has
at about 4 -inch to 6 -inch intervals on lines set and the paint has dried, the speakers
to match the center line of each opposing can be installed. Start with the tweeters.
glue block. For example, there will be a Smear a very thin layer of caulking com-
line of screw holes around the perimeter pound on the speaker board to seal each
of the front panel and back panels in- tweeter to the board. Silicone rubber caulk
dented about 3/s -inch from the edge. Also is ideal for this job. Set the tweeter on the
a line of holes at the bottom and the top ring of caulking material, and screw it down.

B (+H)

Figure 1. Location of speaker cutouts.

This drawing is keyed with letters A
through F to the 3/4 -inch plywood sheet
cutout guide, and to the bill of materials.

5 -in.-

92 -in,

3g-in.dia: 5-kt

36 -in. 134 -in. 14-in.

30 -In.

12 -In.

204 -in.

}F 214 in. 134-in. ---"1

i111111111111111111111111111111111II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I n11 111nOOlnnlll llllllllllllllll lll1lll llll lll1 lll llll lll llll llll llll lll lll lll lll lll lllllll llllllllllllll lllllllll11u1111111111111111111111111111
l l l l l l l

FALL - WINTER, 1973 79

Big Nine Ream the holes on the outside of the back
so that a two- terminal strip, screw type, will
fit flush against the back. Split a 12 -inch
piece of lamp cord far enough to feed the
Now install the mid -range speakers with two leads through the holes from the inside
screws and the woofer with bolts. Both mid- of the back, and solder them to the terminal
range units and the woofer have adequate strip. Install the strip with glue and small
gaskets, no caulking compound needed. The screws.
mid-range speakers should be mounted up- Install The Controls. Drill 3/8-inch holes
side down so that their terminals are pointed for the control shafts; then enlarge the
up for easy wiring. holes on the outside surface with a 3/4-inch
Install the crossover network with four drill to recess the retaining nuts. Tighten
non -magnetic screws, aluminum or brass, the nuts on the shafts, then stick the conrol
and with "spacers" between the crossover plates on the back with contact cement. In-
network board and the partition. Pieces of stall the mid -range back panel with screws
plastic tubing or rubber grommets about -no glue.
3/8-inch long will serve as spacers or stand Wire the speakers using lamp cord for
offs. After the screws are installed, tap the conductors. The logical first step in speak-
network board lightly and check for rattles. er wiring is to connect the paralleled pairs
If loose, the board will tend to "sing," but of mid-range and tweeters. Wire the left
not very musically. pair of each in parallel, and the right pair
Drill two 1/4-inch holes through the mid- of each in parallel. Use care to see that
range back (H), for the speaker leads. the same conductor on a piece of lamp

C2 C4

o II

L1, 2 L3


Figure 2, above, shows the Big Nine wiring diagram for bill of material parts.
Figure 3, below, is a pictorial wiring of the speakers, L -pads, and crossover.

1 ®, FRONT


........................................................................m...... uuuuunuuuuuuuununmuuwwummummnuuunnnuuuuuuununuunuuuunununuuuuuuummnnuumuunnunuw

cord goes to the red dot on each speaker in for positive, or vice versa. The leads to the
the pair. After the pairs are wired, connect woofer and tweeters can be carried through
the pairs together by a single conductor the partition through two 1/4 -inch holes.
from the red dot terminal on one pair to After wiring, fill the space at each end of
the unmarked terminal on another pair. the holes with caulking compound.
This puts the two parallel pairs in series Check For Phase. Before soldering the
when the four speakers are wired by con- speaker wires, hook up the system to an
necting the proper tap on the crossover net- amplifier or other source and test to see
work through the control to the red dot on if the speakers and controls are working
one pair and the unmarked terminal on right. Keep the volume low when the back
the other pair. (See Figures #2 and #3.) is off. You should bear bass from the
In order to keep the wiring straight, it's woofer, mid -range from the squawkers, and
a good idea to split several pieces of brown highs from the tweeters. Now listen to each
lamp cord and equal lengths of white lamp mid-range speaker in turn, without chang-
cord. Use the individual leads to connect ing any controls on the amplifier or the
the speaker to the network and controls, a speakers. Each of the four speakers should
brown lead for negative and a white lead (Continued on page 116)
n11 n11 n1 11111111111I1111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Bill of Materials for Big Nine

Quantity Speakers, Network and Controls
1 15 in. high compliance woofer (CTS- FR- 15 -20 -8) about $19.95 each
4 5 in. high compliance speakers (XS -510) about 3.99 each
4 3 in, tweeters (CTS-27A3) about 3.95 each
1 3 -way crossover network, Norelco (4304-07X) about 7.95 each
2 8 -ohm L -pads (Radio Shack 40 -980 or equiv.) about 1.99 each
See Hints -on -Parts for more information.

3A -in. Plywood
203/4 x 36 -in, front panel (A)
201/4 x 297/a -in back (B)
2 13341 x 36 -in, sides (C, D)
2 133/4 x 213/4 -in, top and bottom (E, G)
1 13 x 201/4 -in. partition (F)
1 53/4 x 201/4 -in. M -R back (H)

3/4' x 3/a -in. Pine Blocks

4 283/4-in. Vertical side blocks
6 201/4 -in. Bottom and partition front
and back, top rear
4 103/4 -in. Bottom and partition sides

2 133/4 x /4 -in. Top 1% x 1

1 223/4 x 1% x -in. Top 1/4

2 133/4 x 2 x 3/4 -in. Base (sides)
1 233/4 x 2 x 3/4 -in. Base (front)

Grille cloth, approx. 52 x 36-in.
150 #8 x 11/4 -in, flathead wood screws
32 #8 x 3/4 -in. panhead sheet metal screws (mid -range speaker mounting)
32 #8 x 1/s -in. panhead sheet metal screws (tweeters)
8 3/16 -in. T -nuts
8 3/16 x 1% -in. round head stove bolts with washers (woofer
Flat black paint, terminal strip, lamp cord, glue, etc.

71111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lll I1111111I II 1 I111Ì11I111111I 1 Í11I I I

FALL - WINTER, 1973 81

Keep a Light Flashing in the Window
The night is dark, rain is falling and the Hyman Wallin of Silver Spring, Maryland
parking lot is dismal. Where the heck is your did just that and sent a sample to the Editors
car? That's easy -right over there under that of ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS. He soldered
twinkling star! Well, it's not a star but one of the bulb directly to a terminal strip yanked
those 3 -volt thermal -blink lights found in so from a defective transistor battery. Next, he
many kids toys. snapped it to a two -cell battery holder that
You, too, can be fortunate if you plan in mated the snap terminals on the battery strip.
advance. In fact, plan for others. Build a It's that easy. Mr. Wallin used C cells, but any-
blinking light for your doorway or driveway, thing larger will be good and last longer. You
if all the houses on your street are similar. This can cement an alligator clip for fastening pur-
way visitors can look for the twinkling star and poses. Lights out! -Emmett Fluf In
find you pronto.

IIII,IIIIII,Imuuw11111,11111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111mu W 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Groove Booster
14 13 12 11 10 9 8

fo i
I 2 3 6 4 5 7
5pF .

C4 C5
.006yF .0015NF

Using a dual operational amplifier IC, the pins 7 and 14 to ground -and get their
Groove Booster will provide a fully polarity correct.
equalized 1 V rms output from standard J 1111111111 I II II II II II II II II II II I I II I I ll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 L
phono magnetic pickups. The terminal E:
numbers which are circled on the schematic
are the connections for one of the two in-
= C1-0.1uF, 3 VDC i
= C2-25 uF, 3 VDC =
dependent stereo amplifiers on the single = C3-820 pF, 500V VDC disc i
IC chip. The uncircled numbers are the =
C4-0.006 uF, 100V VDC disc =

terminals for the stereo second IC. Power C5-0.0015 uF, 100V VDC disc =

supply terminals #14 and #7 are common i C6-5 uF, 25 VDC i

- IC1-Motorola MC1303L =
to both stereo amplifiers. Note that the
power supply is x-12 volts to ground. Two
R1-47,000-ohms, '/2-watt
R2-100,000-ohms, '/2-watt

6 volt batteries in series can be used for = R3-1,000-ohms, '/2-watt =

each side of the power supply. If batteries i R4-750,000-ohms, '/2-watt =

are used, connect 25 uF capacitors from

'- R5-51,000-ohms,'/2-waft i
1111111111111111I11I I I I I1, II I,11111111111, III I I II I I I1, I I1111111111I1111I,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,:

Super Booster
Add this devilishly simple RF booster to any Broadcast Band rig,
and watch the once dead BC Band come alive -by
Lars Jorgensen
magine your receiver's broadcast band transistor Q2, connected as an emitter -
dial jammed from end to end with follower. This transistor stage provides
a solid wall of signals ! Pip -squeek an additional 10 to 15 dB power gain, and
stations that normally can't be heard also provides a low- impedance output
with headphones can come booming into for connection to the relatively low im-
your shack at S9. A dream? Nope! That's pedance receiver input
just the kind of performance you'll get Though intended for direct connection
with Electronics Hobbyist's Super to a receiver's antenna input terminals,
Booster. CW's super Booster can also be used
Here's a preamplifier specifically de- with "loop antenna radios" by connect-
signed for BC DX'ers. Whether you live ing the booster's output to a loopstick
in a concrete and steel tower, or out in antenna (a duplicate of L1), and then
the boondocks with plenty of space for positioning this loopstick near the
a long-wire antenna, the Super Booster radio. We'll show how both connections
will dig out signals you've never heard are used.
before. The average gain of Super The total current drain of Super
Booster is almost 42 dB- that's 7 S -units Booster is less than 2 mA. Power is
"extra" sensitivity! provided by a standard 9V transistor
As shown in our figure, the booster radio battery. The 2U6 type will last
can function either as an "electronic at least 3 months, even under heavy
antenna ", with signals received only by service. An "activator" type battery can
loopstick antenna coil Ll, or as a pre- last a year or more. With such low power
amplifier, with long -wire antenna sig- consumption, there is no reason to build
nals coupled to L1 through L2. Coil L2 an external AC power supply for Super
is supplied as part of the specified Booster.
antenna loopstick; you have no coil wind- -Construction. Though the circuit appears
ing problems. very simple, extreme care must be taken
Signal voltage appearing across L1 in the circuit board preparation. Reason
and Cl is coupled to Field Effect is, the very high gain can cause total
Transistor Ql which provides approxi- instability if a single component, or
mately 20 dB gain on top of the L1 /C1 printed foil -circuit is out of position.
resonant gain. The output of Q1 feeds We suggest that no attempt be made to
use point-to -point wiring;
use a PC board which is an
exact copy of the supplied
template. The board can be
of type XXXP; there is no
need for a more expensive
Make no component sub-
stitutions; Q1 and Q2
should be the specified
types. Through the circuit
might work with some "gen-
eral purpose replacement
type NPN and MOS tran-

FALL -WINTER, 1973 83

Placement diagram for SB's parts.
:, R3 -
If the output is fed to an AC 'DC-
type rig, disconnect the link and


ground .12's cold end separately . I./jMC

sistors," it probably won't work
with other dime -a- cheapies.
Worse yet, it might work only on
very weak signals while distort-
ing on strong signals.
-9V -- LEADS



The specified components will 1

provide distortion -free perform-

ance on signals as high as 80,000
o o
uV. You can expect Super Booster to
provide its great performance until the -Making the PC Board. Cut a piece of cop-
battery voltage falls below 6 volts. per -clad board to the size of the template
The circuit board and a very short and scrub the copper surface clean with
connection to output jack J2 are the a strong household cleanser such as
only critical assemblies. You may make Ajax. Or, use steel wool and a liquid
mechanical modifications to Super detergent. Place a piece of carbon paper
Booster as long as the general layout (carbon side towards the copper) over
approximates the unit shown in the the board and tape the board under the
photographs. Any cabinet can be used; template. Next, find a sharp pointed
the PC board has a built -in hand -ca- instrument, such as an ice-pick or
pacitance shield. For maximum stability, scriber, and indent the copper foil at
though, a metal front panel will reduce each component mounting hole by forcing
the possibility of RF instability caused the point of the tool through the template
by the signal being fed into the receiver and into the copper. Use only hand pres-
radiating back into the booster's input sure, not a hammer. Then, using a ball



This is Super Booster's
printed circuit board drawn
full -size. If you make your
own PC board, follow this
pattern exactly; RF
instability, or regeneration,
could result if you don't.
Our diagram
shows where the various
components are mounted
on this PC board. Follow the
layout carefully.

point pen, trace the outline of each cement thinner or by scrubbing with
foil area. steel wool.
Remove the board, discard the carbon All of Super Booster's component
paper, and fill in the outlines with a mounting holes, except the one for
resist pen such as supplied in the Allied tuning capacitor Cl, are drilled with a
Radio Shack printed circuit board kits. number 58, 59 or 60 bit. Capacitor Cl
Allow about 15 minutes for the resist requires a >4;" mounting hole. The holes

to dry and then immerse the board un- in the corner of the PC board, used for
der at least 1/4" of etchant. mounting the completed PC assembly,
When all the excess copper is dis- should clear #4 or #6 screws- which-
solved-about 45 minutes later -rinse ever you prefer.
the board thoroughly and remove the The PC board is best assembled in
resist with a cloth moistened in rubber the following manner: install capaci-


B1 -9 volt transistor radio battery (Burgess type R1 -1,000 -ohms, 1/2 -watt composition resistor,
2U6 or equiv.) 10% tolerance
C1 -365 pF subminiature poly -type variable R2,R3- 4,700 -ohms 1/2 -watt composition resistor,
capacitor 10% tolerance
C2,C3,C4 -0.05 ttF, 50 VDC disc ceramic S1-single pole, single throw switch
capacitor A complete set of components, including 11,12,
J1-5 -way universal binding post 51,61, and an undrilled printed circuit board
12- RCA -type phono jack is available for $13.95 (includes postage) from
L1- loopstick antenna the Electronic Hobby Shop, Box 587, Brooklyn,
L2- loopstick antenna (optinal for radios with- N.Y. 11202. Add $1 for antenna loopstick L3
out antenna terminals -see text) if needed. Canadian add $2 extra. New York
PL1- RCA -type phono plug -see text state residents must add sales tax. No foreign
Q1 -dual gate mosfet n- channel transistor orders, please. Speedy service offered when
(RCA 40600) postal money order accompanies order. Other-
Q2- bipolar npn transistor (G.E. 2N 3394) wise allow 6 -8 weeks for delivery.
.05 ;IF
,-, 01
1 BI
9V L3
2 4 PLI
C3 J2

JI 05pF
II 4

e c b
111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIII IIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Illlllllf

FALL -WINTER. 1973 85

brand or type of adhesive. Other brands,
such as Dow -Corning's Silastic, are
SUPER BOOSTER conductive at RF frequencies, and will
ruin the electrical properties of the coil.
tor Cl first, then all other components Check that the foil area outlined on
except Ql. Then push Q1's leads through the board has the indicated "breaks ".
the holes in the PC board and solder You don't want a closed loop. If you
them home. Finally, solder the two forgot and made a closed loop, cut four
power leads to their respective points breaks as indicated with a knife or hand
if you intend to check out the booster grinder. Apply a thin layer of Silicon
before installation in the cabinet. Rubber adhesive inside the marked coil
Note that Ql is supplied with a area and press Ll -L2 into the adhesive.
shorting clip around all the leads. This Make certain L1's connection terminals
clip must be left in position until the are parallel to the board, with L2's leads
booster is completed and ready for away from the board. Then allow suffi-
operation. If the clip is removed, a high cient time for the adhesive to dry.
static voltage from the tip of the We suggest you check out the PC
soldering iron, or a voltage generated assembly before it is installed in a cab-
through normal handling, might destroy inet. Remember to remove Q1's short-
Ql. ing clip ! Simply pull on the end of the
Position transistor Ql so that the tab clip with long nose pliers and the clip
sticking out from the case faces the will unwind from around Ql's leads.
nearest edge of the PC board. Position Connect a DC milliammeter rated at
transistor Q2 so that the round side of 5 mA or higher between the battery's
the case faces the nearest edge of the positive terminal and the board's posi-
PC board; the flat side faces the far tive foil. Connect the battery's negative
edge of the PC board. terminal to the board's negative foil.
Note that there are no crossed leads The meter should indicate slightly less
for Ql and Q2. When they are oriented than 2 mA. If the meter indicates 1 mA
so the tab and round end are properly or less, or more than 2.5 mA, check for
aligned, the transistor leads will plug a component mixup or incorrect instal-
straight into the board. lation of Ql and Q2. If the meter reading
Note that L2's leads have individual is correct, disconnect power and install
printed foil connections. Normally, one the board in a cabinet.
foil is connected to the boosters' ground We recommend a plastic cabinet with
through a shorting wire. The remaining aluminum panel such as shown in the
foil connects to antenna jack J1. If, for photographs. The plastic cabinet allows
some reason, you prefer a separate an- direct signal pickup by the loopstick,
tenna ground, open the shorting wire which will be more than adequate for
and install a "ground" jack on the most DX'ing. Keep antenna jack J1 as
panel. Connect the proper foil to the far as possible from coil Ll. Keep out-
ground jack. put jack J2 as close as possible to the
Because the components are mounted board's output terminals. The power
on the side of the pc board facing the and antenna input leads should be flat
cabinet panel, stand-offs must space the against the panel.
board away from the panel. You'll find, Make up a short, shielded output lead
however, that Cl's tuning shaft will be by wrapping a solid- conductor, insulated
too short to pass through the panel for wire around another wire. Keep the
application of a tuning knob. But the wrap turns against each other. Using
cure's simple enough; simply cut off a the shortest possible length of this
section of shaft from an old potentio- shielded wire, connect J2 to the board's
meter and epoxy- cement the section to output terminals. Make certain the
Cl's shaft. Or, use a plastic extension "ground" wire goes from J2's ground
sleeve (such as the type supplied for lug to the ground foil.
"insulated shaft" potentiometers) ; the Adjust L1's slug clockwise with a
sleeve is rigid to suport a knob. small screwdriver until only 1/4" of the
The loopstick coil is cemented to the slug's adjusting screw sticks out of the
board with General Electric's RTV coil form. The other end of this screw,
Silicon Rubber adhesive. Use no other (Continued on page 90)
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FALL- WINTER, 1973 89


Here's what finished PC board looks

like before it's mounted to front panel
with standoffs. Tuning dial faceplate
can be used as is; just paste it down!

(Continued from page 86)

the slug itself, will protrude about 1/4" your area, it is possible that its signal
out the end of the form. The slug is strength will be so greatly boosted that
generally secured with wax, so the first it might swamp the receiver when
turn or two might require a little extra listening to a weak signal on the other
force; don't be afraid to adjust the end of the dial. If this occurs, simply
slug if it "feels" tight. detune the booster away from the strong
Make up a connecting lead to go from local until its interference is gone. While
output jack J2 to the receiver's antenna this might sacrifice some gain on the
terminals. Any shielded wire or coaxial desired station, the actual loss will be
cable can be used. Install a phono plug slight.
on one end. For least signal attenuation, It is possible that the booster's output
the lead should not exceed 15 inches. might radiate back into the input (particu-
If the Super Booster will be used with larly when using a loopstick coupling coil) .
a transistor radio having a built -in loop You'll know when this happens-the boost-
antenna and no external antenna er breaks into self-oscillation-as evidenced
terminals, connect the free end of the
output lead to a loopstick antenna
merely an exact duplicate of L1 If the
- by receiver blocking, or signals being tuned
in and then "lost" when Cl is adjusted. If
this happens, position the booster as far
loopstick has an antenna winding, such away from the receiver as possible.
as found on the specified loopstick, And, keep an external antenna, if used,
simply unwind the few turns and con- well away from the receiver and the
nect the output lead to the coil's solder booster's output. Do this, and under nor-
terminals. Position this coil on the mal conditions, there should be no in-
radio's case opposite its built -in antenna stability.
and tape the coil in position. Under certain conditions Super
-Using Super Booster. Turn on both the Booster will provide an additional benefit
receiver and booster and tune in the de- which should not be construed as im-
sired station. Adjust tuning capacitor Cl proper operation. Some inexpensive rigs
for maximum signal strength or highest are highly prone to marine band
S -meter reading. As a general rule, the "image" interference when signals at the
direct signal pickup by Ll will be more high end of the BC band are received.
than adequate. If greater sensitivity is The booster, by providing tuned pre-
needed, connect 6 to 15 feet of wire to selection, will eliminate or supress these
antenna jack J1. If you have the space images while providing signal amplifi-
needed for an outdoor longwire antenna, cation. Do not assume the loss of image
take note that the signal level into the interference means reduced sensitivity;
receiver can be so high as to overload actually, the desired signal will be get-
the receiver. ting full boost while the image signals
If there is a strong local station in are squashed.
build e/e's...

This double -duty unit

can also unscramble
2 -way radio calls by Charles D. Rakes

Demand ultimate privacy in your telephone used today can not be decoded with this
conversations? If so, a secure phone link can decoder, but in many areas the single inver-
be yours with these three easy and exciting sion system is still in use and may be de-
steps. 1. Place your call with Ma Bell's in- coded with our unit.
strument. 2. When your party answers, How It Works. IC -1 and the associated
switch to your special scrambler phones. 3. circuitry form a stable audio tone generator
A soft buzz in the ear piece says your se- which feeds a buffer amplifier, Q1 and Q2.
curity phone link is operational. Your line The tone output is taken from the emitters of
is secure. Conduct your call in complete pri- the transistor pair to supply a carrier volt-
vacy no matter how many ears are party - age for a balanced modulator made up of
line- listening! four diodes-D1 through D4 -and T1 and
All it takes is a pair of ELECTRONICS T2. If the two transformers and the four
HOBBYIST Scramble Phones. And with diodes are perfectly matched (which is al-
this double duty unit, you can try your hand most impossible tO achieve and not neces-
at decoding scrambled conversations that sary in any case) no carrier will appear at
are sometimes heard on radio receivers cov- the input or output of Tl or T2. In a prac-
ering the VHF high band (148 -176 MHz). tical circuit, a small amount of unbalance
The basic scrambler circuit (available in kit will occur and produce a low -level carrier
form, see parts list) can be simply modified tone at the input and output of the balanced
for radio by removing two fixed resistors modulator. This tells you your scramble
and replacing them with a dual- potentiom- phone is working.
eter. A telephone carbon mike and ear piece
Wait a minute! Before your soldering iron are connected to the low impedance wind-
overheats, let me say that this scrambler will ing of Tl, with a three volt battery supply-
decode information that is encoded in the ing the necessary mike current. When the
single inversion mode only. The highly so- mike is spoken into, the carrier voltage is
phisticated scramblers that are sometimes allowed to pass, in part, through transform-
FALL -WINTER. 1973 91
I II I II I I III II II I I II I I II I I II II II II II II I I II I I II II II II II I I II I I il ll ll ll ll ll l l ll ll ll ll ll l l ll ll ll ll ll l l ll ll lll l l ll l l ll l lll l lll ll ll l l 11 I I I I I II I I II I I II I II I I II I I III I III I III I III I III I I II I I II I I II II II II II II II II II II I i ll l l ll ll ll l l ll l l ll l l ll l l ll l l ll ll ll ll ll ll le


j_ C6


¡C3 47µF 8ß
.--,-.= R71K

R2 R3 C5
2 7 2.2K
IK 4.71F C C

.01¡cF b
DI D2 c 03 c D4 =

= 9VDC 91
1K 02
R5 R6
4.7 K 2N3638 c

C4 Ti

-- 8 1K
--+ 3VDC




B1 -9 -volt battery, Eveready 216 or equiv. R4- 1000 -ohm potentiometer
B2 -3 -volt battery, two AA penlight cells in R5, R6- 4,700 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor
series R9 -Limit line current to 25mA (see text)
Cl, C2 -0.01 uF polystyrene capacitor, 100 VDC S1A, SIB, S1C -Phone hook switch (see text)
or better T1 to T3 -Small transistor audio transformer;
C3, C4 -47 uF electrolytic capacitor, 25 VDC or 8 -ohm primary, 1,200 -ohm center taped sec-
better ondary.
C5 -4.7 uF electrolytic capacitor, 25 VDC or Misc.- Surplus telephone (see Lafayette, Radio
better Shack, catalogs), battery holders, EDI, BA
C6-2 uF paper or mylar capacitor, 50 VDC or hardware, knob, wire, solder, etc.
better An etched and drilled printed circuit board is
D1 to D4- Diode, IN914, HEP -156 available for $4.95 (includes postage and hand-
ICI- Integrated circuit, Signetics N5741K or ling). A complete kit of all parts that mount on
the PC board, plus the drilled board and R4 are
equiv. available for $16.95 (one kit) and $30.95 (two
Q1 -NPN transistor, 2N2924, HEP -724 kits). Add one dollar (Canadians add $2) for
02 -PNP transistor, 2N3638, HEP -716 handling when ordering the complete kit(s).
Postal Money Order speeds shipment. Order from
R1, R3, R7, R8 -1000 -ohm, 1/2-watt resistor KRYSTAL KITS, Highway 102 East, Bentonville AR
R2- 2,200 -ohm 1/2 -watt resistor 72712.

ers T2 and T3, and on to the telephone Listening In. If the scramble phone is to
network. The only purpose of T3 is to be used for only receiver speech decoding,
match the impedance offered by most tele- then only one unit is required. The opera-
phone lines. tion is much the same as for telephone
Trim potentiometer R4 is used to make encoder /decoder purposes, with the excep-
a fine frequency adjustment of the oscil- tion that it is used only as a decoder. The'
lator so that two scrambler units may be carrier oscillator is made variable so the de-
synchronized to the same carrier frequency. coder may be synchronized to the same car-
Both oscillators must be operating at the rier frequency as is used in the encoder. The
same frequency to produce the best decoded output of the receiver is connected to the
speech quality. This control is referred to as 8 -ohm winding of T2 (T3 is not required
the speech clarity control. for this use) and the decoded information
The best overall carrier frequency range is developed across the 8 -ohm winding of
to use for speech scrambling is between 2 Ti. A small speaker may be connected
kHz and 3.5 kHz. across this winding, or a low impedance ear-
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111x 11111 x 1111111111



/ /\
GR--T3\' R2 TO R4
5 8 END)

D4 D3 p2


I i :.


BL ..


4 C3

For exact part placement on PC board, see diagram

TO 82( -) TO TO TO BI( -)
THRU MIKE EAR B2( +) THRU SIC above. View is from component (top) side of board.
AND SIB PHONE Layout below shows a completed scrambler board.
R3 R7 C4 02 R8 01 C5

.,..,,,..,,, uuuuuu. uu uu uuuu uiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuwuum 111x11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111xxx1xxxpxx xx xxxx IIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIII11111111111

FALL -WINTER, 1973 93

phone will do for monitoring the decoded
speech. No mike or 3 -volt battery is neces-
SCRAMBLE PHONE sary for decoding operations.
Putting It Together. The circuit layout
isn't critical and any suitable scheme can be
followed, but the layout shown for the PC
board would be a good one to use. No mat-
`111111 ter what construction plan is used, PC board
or bread board, extra care should be taken
when connecting the IC, diodes, and tran-
sistors to the circuit. Care should also be
taken when connecting the three transform-
T2 ers, so that the low and high impedance
windings are not reversed.
The size of the PC board allows the






Inside completed Scramble Phone. Surplus
MODIFICATION 3. phones are available from a number of mail
order firms as well as their local stores.

scrambler to be mounted in the base of a
standard telephone. All parts located inside
the phone, with the exception of the hook
8dl switch, can be removed to make the con-
struction job an easy one. Check the pic-
EARPHONE OR SPEAKER tures when mounting the board and bat-
JACK teries.
In some telephones, the hook switch con-
00 tains enough switch contacts to function as
the three switches, S1A, S1B, and SIC; but
REMOVE PHONE HANDSET AND 3 -VOLT if you have one that does not contain
BATTERY,ADD TERMINAL STRIP enough contacts, a separate switch must be
added to switch the battery power. For the
It is possible to decode some older scramble phone to automatically bridge the
scrambler systems heard on 2 -way radio telephone line when the handset is off-
bands. However, this single inversion hook, at least one section of the hook switch
mode circuit will not work with multi-
inversion systems also in use. Dual pot
must be used for S1 A.
is Allen- Bradley CJK1 N200P103U or equiv.
If a dial telephone is selected, the dial
(Continued on page 118)
St7F0ENt. by
Herbert Friedman

Hot Enough
For DXing
Best of all, this pleasant, interesting music
You can build a Super SCA detector is never interrupted by an endless barrage
that's powerful enough for DXing! It's a of commercials or the patter of an an-
two -IC circuit in an amplifier and phase nouncer in love with his own voice.
locked loop detector configuration. And it's How it's done. SCA programming is
superior to many other PLL detector cir- transmitted by a 67 kHz FM sub-carrier
cuits because it has an IC amplifier to boost that is impressed on the main FM carrier.
and lift the relatively weak 67 kHz sub- When a station broadcasting SCA is re-
carrier signal from the FM signal. That ceived by a standard FM tuner, the SCA
makes it a must for fringe areas. sub-carrier is simply wiped out-the listen-
But let's go back to what SCA is. When a er has no idea it exists. To receive SCA, the
Subsidiary Communication Authorization FM tuner's output is usually passed through
(known as SCA) is granted to an FM sta- a filter that wipes out everything except the
tion by the FCC, that station is permitted SCA sub -carrier and it's modulation. When
to transmit a second program in addition the sub -carrier is demodulated, the output
to its regular program by a special method is only the SCA program; to the SCA listen-
of modulation. A standard FM radio, even er, the standard programming doesn't exist.
a stereo radio, cannot detect these special Until recently it took a lot of expensive
broadcasts. The regular listening audience hardware to receive SCA programs: a very
hears only the standard mono or stereo pro- sensitive receiver and a rock -steady de-
gramming. In fact, there is no way of tector. (A good receiver is needed because
even telling whether or not a station en- the SCA carrier is only 10% of the total
gages in SCA programming. That is, not FM signal.) Though many low cost SCA
without a special SCA adaptor that you
can build!
If you think you'd like to tune to these
hidden broadcasts, we've provided this spe-
cial project. Special because its high sensi-
tivity permits reception of SCA signals that
other low cost adaptors miss.
What You Can Hear. For some time now,
SCA has been used to transmit educational
programs and continuous weather reports to
specialized audiences; however, it is primar-
ily used for background music -the type
heard in restaurants and shopping centers.
For example, in the New York City area
there are FM stations with SCA program-
ming in light popular music, while others Adaptor above is teamed with Rotel RT -620
specialize in music of India and Greece. AM /FM tuner and Dynaco SCA -80Q amplifier
FALL-WINTER, 1973 95
ation has come up with a phase locked loop
SUPER SCA ADAPTOR detector specifically intended for SCA de-
tection that is priced well under ten dollars.
Available in the standard 8 pin round and
adaptors have been available in project or 14 pin DIP IC packages, the Signetics
wired form, most had a tendency to burp, SE /NE565 requires virtually no external
gargle or distort on the very weak signal hardware for SCA detection. Most impor-
level of the SCA. tant, since the phase lock detector auto-
While the radio -astronomy crowd had a matically locks on the incoming SCA
great weak -signal detector known as the carrier frequency, the Signetics SE /NE565
phase locked loop, it was also true that the will demodulate SCA subcarriers of either
astronomical phase lock detector was astro- 65 kHz or 67kHz without adjustment;
nomical in price. But thanks to modern whichever subcarrier frequency the broad-
solid -state techniques, the Signetics Corpor- casting station uses will be received equally


B1,132-6-volt battery, RCA VS068 or equiv. R7- 1800 -ohm, -watt resistor, 5%

C1,C9 -470 pF disc capacitor, 15 VDC or better R8-5000 -ohm potentiometer, PC board mount-
C2 -47 or 50 pF disc capacitor, 15 VDC or better ing
C3 -0.005 uF disc capacitor, 15 VDC or better R9,R10,R11- 1000 -ohms, 1/4 -watt resistor, 5%
C4,C7 -0.1 uF disc or Mylar capacitor, 15 VDC SRI to SR4- Silicon diodes, HEP -154 or equal
C5,C6 -100 uF electrolytic, 15 VDC or better S1- Toggle or slide switch, SPDT
C8 -7 or 10 pF disc capacitor, 15 VDC or better Tl -Small filament transformer, 12.6 volt center
C10,C11 -0.001 uF disc or Mylar, 15 VDC tapped
C12,C14-0.02 uF disc, 15 VDC or better (see Misc.-6 x 31/2 x 2 -in. case, printed circuit mate-
text) rial, etchant, RCA phono jacks, push -in clips,
C13,C17 -0.05 uF disc or Mylar, 15 VDC or better hardware, wire, solder, etc.
C15,C16 -2000 uF electrolytic capacitor, 15 VDC The printed circuit board for the Super SCA
or better project is available direct from Electronics Hobby
ICI- Integrated circuit amplifier, NE531T (Sig - Shop, Box 587, Brooklyn NY 11202 for only
netics). Write to Circuit Specialists Co., Box $4.95 (includes postage acid handling). Canadi-
3047, Scottsdale AZ 85257 for IC prices. an shipments add $2 extra. New York state
IC2- Integrated circuit PLL, NE565A (Signetics) residents must add sales tax. No foreign orders,
R1,R5,R6- 4700 -ohms, 1/4 -watt resistor, 5% please. Postal money orders will speed delivery
R2,R4- 47,000 -ohms, 1/4 -watt resistor, 5% of Super SCA PC board. Otherwise allow 6 -8
R3- 470 -ohm, 1/4-watt resistor, 5% weeks for delivery.
+6 TO
+9 VOLTS +V -ro Sla
1 1

1 1

+.1 ±6 VOLT
-LC7 R7
,100µF Iµ F
1.8 K
I,OOK47_OpF 47pF
C2 -
Cg R8
-- -

_(SEE TEXT) 470pF 5K2 8 10

2 NE53IT I I
4.7K 47K
4 3
IC 2
IK .05µF
R5 R6 19 I

47K C4 47K 4.7K CII
IµF 001 C12 IK -C13 -C14
NE565A R3
.02µF µ
14 8 47052 I I

C3 _ =
.005 C5
µF 1 100µF
117 VAC

1 8

JUMPER WIRES Strong backlighting, left, shows printed
circuit wiring through a completed circuit
board. Layout above and photo on next
page show where to place components.

a Super SCA Adaptor that can receive SCA

programs on a real cheap FM tuner and an
indoor rabbit -ear antenna.
Another plus feature for our Super SCA
Adaptor is that no large filter coils are
needed to suppress the main channel pro-
well with this unit. gram. Even SCA programming on stereo
Combination Gets Results. Unfortunately, stations is received cleanly and with no trace
the phase lock detector requires at least 80 of stereo hash. And because large, bulky coils
mV for good reception, and this means are not needed, the entire adaptor can be
that usually only one or two stronger or assembled on a 2 1/4 -in. x 4 1/4 -in. printed
local SCA stations can be received. To make circuit board for which we provide the
our SCA adaptor the best there is, we have template.
combined the phase lock detector with a Because our adaptor gain is high, it must
high gain operational amplifier. The result is be assembled on a PC board exactly as

Exact PC
board size.
image to
copper clad
board using
This is
the bottom
side of
your board.
FALL - WINTER. 1973 97
How to Etch a Circuit. Your first step is
SUPER SCA ADAPTOR to prepare the PC board. Since the board
must be precise, we suggest you work
directly from the supplied template rather
described to insure complete stability. than through an intermediate tracing. Cut
Some Tech Talk. The signal from your a section of any type copper clad board to
FM tuner's detector before de-emphasis 2 1/4 -in. x 4 1/4 -in., clean the copper surface
is applied to operational amplifier IC1 with a strong household cleanser such as
through a high pass filter consisting of Cl, Ajax or Comet and place a piece of carbon
C2, R1 and R2. The filter's rollover fre- paper, carbon side towards the copper, on
quency is 60 kHz, which removes a sub- the board. Tape the board under the tem-
stantial part of the main channel informa- plate and, using a sharply pointed tool such
tion. Frequency response of the amplifier as a scribe, indent the copper foil at each
is tailored by the feedback loop through R3 component mounting hole by pressing the
and C3 to further supress main channel point of the tool through the template into
information. ICI's output is fed through the foil. (Each indent will serve to mark the
high pass filter C9 and R5 to IC2, the phase hole's location when the board is drilled.)
lock loop detector. IC2's output is passed Using a ball point pen and firm pressure,
through a low pass filter consisting of C12, trace the outline of the foil areas.
C13, C14, R9, RIO and Rll which provides Continue. . . Remove the board from
de-emphasis and noise supression. The under the template, discard the carbon
output level at C15 is about 50 to 100 mV, paper and, using a resist pen such as the
depending on the signal, and can be fed to Kepro RMP -700, available from Allied
your hi -fi or utility amplifier. Radio, fill in the foil areas with resist.
Since SCA frequency response is limited Note that some of the ICI and IC2 pins
to 7 kHz, just about any amplifier can be are not used, though they must pass through
used. the board. Place a drop of resist over the
Note that the adaptor requires a bi -polar indents so you'll know where to drill after
power supply in the range of ±6 to ±9 the unwanted copper is etched away. Simi-
volts. The power supply can be either larly, mark the indents at the corner mount-
batteries or a power line bridge rectifier ing hole locations. Make certain you mark
using a center-tapped 12 volt filament IC 1 terminal number 8; you can use a drop
transformer as shown on the schematic. of resist.
Since the adaptor requires only about 10 Immerse the PC board under at least
mA of current, any small transformer can 1/4 -in. of etchant for about 45 minutes and
be used. then inspect the board. If all the unwanted


C12 CII R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 C3

Completed circuit board. Resistor R8 easily adjusts frequency of PLL to 67 kHz.

copper has not been etched away, re- FM DETECTOR
immerse the board in five minute intervals TRANSFORMER
until all the copper not protected by resist
has been removed. Then rinse the board
under running water and remove the resist MPX OR
by scrubbing briskly with a steel wool pad 4- CHANNEL
such as Brillo. OUTPUT
Using a #56 drill bit, drill the holes for RECEIVERS TO STEREO
the connecting terminals (push -in terminals) DETECTOR
and trimmer potentiometer R8. Drill the CONNECT SUPER MONO
corner mounting holes to clear a #4 or SCA ADAPTOR HERE =C OUTPUT
#6 screw and drill the remaining compo-
nent holes with a #58, #59 or #60 bit. Always connect SCA adaptor before de-
emphasis network R, C as shown above.
You Can Buy the Board. You don't have
Most tuners, receivers do have an MPX
to make a printed circuit board for the jack for a home SCA, or 4- channel use.
Super SCA -you can buy one. The Elec-
tronics Hobby Shop is offering the PC board essentially no difference in performance
completely etched ready for drilling and a±
between 6 V and ± 9 V power supply,
assembly. This beats trying to copy the
use whatever you have available. For long-
author's board layout exactly, and the mess term battery life we suggest Burgess type
and expense of etching copper. Z4 6 volt batteries (or their equivalent).
Mount the Components. Install IC1 and The Super SCA adaptor connects to your
IC2 before any other components. Note mono FM tuner or receiver detector before
that the IC1 lead opposite the case tab is the de- emphasis. If you connect after the
number 8. Insert the leads (begin with de-emphasis network, you will find the 67
number 8) and push IC1 toward the board kHz subcarrier has been filtered from the
until there is about 3/s -in. between IC1 and signal, so you will get nothing but noise
the board. Solder the wires and cut off the from the adaptor. The figure shows a typi-
excess. cal FM detector output, the de-emphasis
Hold the PC board so you are looking at network and the correct connecting point
the top with ICI to the left. Hold IC2 so the for the adaptor. Since it is possible the
notch is away from you and insert IC2's adaptor might load down the detector for
leads into the matching holes. Doublecheck normal FM reception, we suggest a switch
the notch before soldering. It is correct if be installed, so the adaptor can be removed
the distance from the notch to the edge of from the circuit for normal FM listening.
the PC board is greater than that of the The adaptor is most conveniently con-
unnotched end to the opposite edge of the nected through a phono jack installed in
PC board. If all is okay, solder IC2. the tuner's rear apron, though you can use
Install trimmer potentiometer R8 and a direct wire connection.
solder. Make certain you use sufficient Note that if you have one of the older
soldering heat to flow solder to R8's ter- mono FM tuners with an "MPX output"
minals. you already have the correct connection as
Then install the three wire jumpers and, the MPX output is the non de- emphasized
finally, the remaining components taking detëctor output. Similarly, if you have a
extreme care that the polarity of capacitors modern FM Stereo tuner with a "4-channel
C5 and C6 is correct. Note that C5 has the decoder" or a "quadrasound decoder" out-
positive lead connected to ground. put you also have the correct connection;
While capacitors C12 and C14 are indi- they are also non de-emphasized detector
cated as 0.02 uF, they are not the easiest to outputs.
obtain in miniature size. You can substitute Connect the tuner's detector output to the
two parrallel- connected 0.01 uF capacitors. adaptor with the shortest possible length of
Simply twist their leads together and insert shielded cable or ordinary zip cord, or in-
them into the Matching holes. Do not tin stall the adaptor directly in the receiver if
the twisted leads prior to soldering as they there is sufficient room. Connect the adap-
will not fit into the holes if tinned. tor's output to any high gain amplifier; for
Set -up and Checkout. Either a bi -polar example, the microphone input of your hi -fi
battery power source or a standard bi -polar amplifier, or a utility amplifier is fine, or
power supply can be used. Since there is maybe an old tape recorder. (See page 100)
FALL - WINTER, 1973 99
If adjusting R8 doesn't bring in a clean
SUPER SCA ADAPTOR signal, it's not SCA. Note that once R8 is
adjusted there is no stereo hash interference
on SCA signals. Hash will only be heard
R8 Locks Loop. Tune in a station you from non SCA signals.
know is transmitting an SCA program (a Problems? The high sensitivity of this
call to your local station should get you the system may require desensitizing proced-
info.) and adjust trimmer potentiometer R8 ures; in the event you cannot receive any
for best sound quality. Normally, the re- SCA stations, you either have none in your
ception will be almost completely garbled, area or you have made a construction error.
then fade into a clean signal as R8 is ad- If the non -SCA program from the tuned-in
justed, then fade into garbling again as R8 station is heard breaking through the SCA
is further adjusted. Set R8's wiper so it is programming, follow the suggestions in our
approximately midway between the two troubleshooting box. If your adaptor doesn't
points of garbled sound. Usually, the best work at all, beg, borrow or steal an oscillo-
sound will occupy a broad part of the R8 scope and check input and output wave-
adjustment range, so don't try to be too forms as shown in the scope photos. Just
fussy. be sure to return the scope so we don't get
If you don't know which station(s) are in trouble with John Law for inciting a
transmitting SCA, set R8 to the mid posi- felony!
tion and tune every station very carefully What's Your Beef? Here are some hints
and slowly. When you hear anything that to help you steer clear of trouble- straight
sounds like distorted music, try adjusting toward your musical enjoyment and SCA
R8; if it is real SCA, it will turn clean as DXing!
R8 is adjusted. Some stereo stations might (L If your problem is a weak signal re-
cause sound bursts that you think are SCA. (Continued on page 117)


Oscilloscope patterns quickly locate any possible difficulty. You can use a general
purpose scope since the signals are under 100 kHz. With "triggered" scopes, set the
time base to 10 u sec /cm. Photos B and C are input and output of ICI, the 67 kHz
amplifier. If signal is clipped as in A, main channel program may break through -
see text for cures. Normal IC2 pin 9 waveform at D. Vert. sens: B, 20mVicm; C, 1V /cm.


by Robert S. Kelland

ARE there times when you'd like to turn down the telephone
bell so that baby or grandma can nap, and yet you need to know
when that important call comes in? Because high platform noise
overrides the normal telephone bell, and you're skeptical of the
effectiveness of so- called loud ringers, do you have need for an-
other means of alerting the shipping clerk to take a telephone
call? Or, perhaps you know a deaf person who can't hear the
phone bell at all.
Our Visulert, a small, self- cantained, easily constructed tele-
phone accessory, solves all these problems. And the beauty of
it is that you don't have to connect it directly to the telephone
lines, a no -no rule of most telephone companies.
An inductive pickup coil ordinarily used for recording phone
messages, placed on or under a telephone, picks up just the
ringing pulses by magnetic induction and feeds them to an am-







Cl, C2- 10 -uF, 35 -VDC miniature electrolytic 1 -AC power cord (Lafayette 12E39011 or
capacitor (Radio Shack 272 -1025 or equiv.) equiv.)
1 -2 point + ground lug tie strip (Lafayette
D1-75 -PIV, 50 -mA silicon diode, type 1N34A
I1- Panel- mounting pilot lamp assembly with 32E12073 or equiv.)
clear plastic dome lens (Lafayette 99E63406 1 -5 point + ground lug tie strip (Lafayette
for miniature bayonet base lamp 32E66194 32E12131 or equiv.)
or equiv.) (note: our model was adorned with Misc.- Hookup wire, solder, hardware, spray
the addition of a large plastic lens salvaged paint or pressure- sensitive vinyl sheet (Contac
from a toy fire engine) or equiv.), grommets, etc.
If remote lamp is used add following:
J1- Miniature phone jack (Lafayette 99E63141 11(R) -50 to 250W, 117V lamp bulb in porce-
or equiv. -includes matching plug)
lain Edison base lamp socket, 31/4 -in. diam-
MP1- Inductive pickup coil assembly (Radio eter base (Lafayette 13E1359 or equiv.-
Shack 44 -533 or equiv.)
mount on outer surface of junction box or
Q1 -GE 2N170 npn germanium transistor
cover panel of suitable box used)
Q2 -GE X5 silicon -controlled rectifier Kl -Spdt miniature ruggedized remote control
R1- 220,000 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor relay (Lafayette 99E60915 or equiv. -mount
R2- 10,000 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor on inner surface of box cover panel)
T1- Filament transformer; primary 117 V, 50-60 1 -Pane for box (Lafayette 19E37010 or equiv.)
Hz; secondary 6.3 V at 1.2 A (Radio Shack 1 -61/4 x 51 x 214 -in. Bakelite Box (Lafayette

273 -050 or equiv.) 19E20016 or equiv.)
1-4 x 21á x 21/4-in, aluminum minibox (Lafay- 2- 2- contact screw terminal strip (Lafayette
ette 12E83704 or equiv.) 32E644488 or equiv.) (7131, TB2)

plifier in the Visulert. This amplifier triggers each time Q2 is triggered on and remains
an SCR that switches a lamp on and off in on until Q2 is triggered of) by a drop in the
step with the pulsing of the ringing signal. induced signal level. Since the ringer voltage
How It Works. Provided magnetic pickup is pulsating, the Visulert will flash its lamp
MP1 is properly located within the ringer's on and of following the ringer pulses.
magnetic field an electrical voltage is in- Building Visulert. Our model is housed
duced in the coil of MP1 whenever the in a standard 4 x 21/4 x 21 /4 -in. aluminum
ringer of a telephone is energized. This minibox. Though the layout isn't critical,
voltage is fed via jack J 1 to the base of you will speed up your construction time
transistor Ql. The resulting amplified signal by following our layout as shown in our
output on the collector of Ql is coupled photos.
to the gate of silicon controlled rectifier Q2 All of the components are mounted either
and triggers it on whenever the signal ap- directly on the minibox or to tie strips, which
pears on its gate. Lamp L1 is turned on (Continued on page 114)

i4PEPLAY'ER by Herbert Friedman

police estimate that in a large city All it takes is a few dollars worth of
such as New York the life expec-
TThe experimenter's components to throw to-
tancy of an unattended Corvette is about gether an AutoAlarm that will give you
10 minutes -after that it has a new just about as much protection as you
"owner." The life e)pectancy of a mo- can get because it doesn't look like an
bile -cassette or 8 -track tape player is alarm. Tucked away in the glove com-
about 24 hours, for they are really hot partment or under the seat, a single
resale items. wire runs to the tape player's case -a
Actually, most of the fancy tape wire that looks as if it's an ordinary
player lock- alarms are useless -they are ground wire.
too obvious, too easily bypassed, and The entire AutoAlarm is assembled
are often stolen along with the tape directly on the back of a SPST slide
player! Our AutoAlarm sounds a car's switch. The assembly can then be in-
horn continuously i= anyone removes stalled in any small metal or plastic
the tape player. And once triggered, the cabinet. Silicon Controlled Rectif er.
horn can be turned off only by the SCR1 can be just about any type rated
AutoAlarm's switch. at 25 PIV (peak inverse volts), 5 -Amps
(Continued on next page)


or higher, such as the HEP- R1220. CAR HORN
To identify the SCR leads, lay it flat on
the table so the side with the metal rim
(around the mounting hole) faces up; the CAR
O c


side without a rim should be against the ta- GROUND
ble. The SCR leads will now conform to CAR
the layout shown. GROUND =
Intermediate solenoid found on most autos
in place of horn in our simple diagram does

not alter operation. Connect #1 to button.
X70 HORN WIRE Remember, the curved side of electrolytic
27K HEP -RI220 capacitor symbols, such as C1, represents
the terminal that must be connected to the
ug negative voltage (with respect to the plus
HEP -RI220
capacitor connection). In this circuit, it
METAL HEAT means the negative terminal of capacitor
SINK UP C1 must be connected to the gate terminal
of Silicon Control Rectifier SCRI at left.
ground. The SCR gate is no longer ground-
This simple circuit can be wired quickly.
Switch Si is closed for normal operation.
ed, so current can flow through R1 to the
gate. The SCR turns on, effectively shorting
PARTS LIST FOR its anode to its cathode. This means the
MOBILE TAPE AUTO ALARM horn control wire is now grounded, so the
C1 -100
uF electrolytic capacitor 15 VDC or horn will sound.
better Once the horn is sounded it can only be
R1- 27,000 -ohms, Y2.watt resistor turned off by opening switch SW1.
SCR1- HEP -R1220 or equiv (see text)
SI -SPST slide switch (alarm off)
To make it easy for the thief to trigger
Misc. -Metal or plastic cabinet, wire, hardware, the AutoAlarm we suggest that the #3 wire
solder etc. be 22 or 24 gauge stranded -thin enough to
,11111111111 III I111I III IIII IIII

be easily broken when the player is removed.

No wiring precautions are necessary other The #1 and #2 wires should be 18 gauge
than to doublecheck that the Cl polarity stranded.
is correct; its positive terminal connects to
SCR1's anode (A) terminal.
The other figure shows how to connect
the AutoAlarm. Note that AutoAlarm wire
#2, from SCRI's cathode, must connect
to the car body (ground) while the #3
wire also connects to ground but through
the tape player's case. Wire #1 connects
to the horn control wire which generally
enters at the bottom of the steering column SCRI SWI
(sometimes in the engine compartment,
Here you can see just why we say, "Build it
sometimes under the dash). fast." And a simple three point installation
How It Works. There is a positive voltage means you install it fast, too! Count 'em,
from the car battery across a horn button just four components and some wire make up
when it is open. By closing the horn button, this protective device that can save you a
the circuit is completed and the horn will lot of grief over a lost, expensive player.
sound. This positive voltage is applied to
SCR l's anode. The SCR's gate is grounded So the next time you park your wheels
through the tape player's case, so the in a rough place, lock the car and take the
SCR is normally off. When the tape player keys with you. You can't expect to protect
is removed from its mount, the auto - your tape player when the whole car is
Alarm's #3 wire is disconnected from heisted!
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FALL -WINTER, 1973 107

Diaper Snooper
It's time for a change

by James E. Lockridge
IT'S POKER NIGHT. The boys are at your diaper rash. It would be useful in initial
house. You've just drawn your fourth potty training, in training older children
King and, while your wife is playing bridge with bed wetting problems, or with geriatric
at the neighbors, you put on your best pok- patients. One major advantage of its use with
er face to get ready for the kill. children or sick people is that the alarm
Then the phone rings just as Junior is actually heard over the radio in another
starts screaming. The phone can wait, but room.
what about Junior? If it's a wet diaper it can The transmitter, limited in radiation to
wait two or three minutes; Junior's done it comply with FCC standards, will broadcast
before and besides, you can get him some- loud and clear about 300 feet. The more
thing nice with what four Kings can draw. powerful the receiver, the longer the range
What'll it be, Junior, the phone or four and the louder the signal. By varying resis-
Kings? tor R1 slightly from unit to unit, a differ-
Well, perhaps the problem would be sim- ent identifying tone would tell which one
pler if Junior were equipped with a little gad- of a multi -unit installation was transmitting.
get we call a Diaper Snooper. It's a remote Try changing R1 in 20 per cent steps; an in-
radio moisture alarm that's fun, useful, and crease will lower the tone.
easy to build. It senses moisture and pro- Inside Story. The circuit is composed
duces a tone on any FM radio tuned to its of four simple circuits working together.
transmitting frequency. Or, if you want to They are a DC amplifier, a UJT (unijunction
indicate a remote occurance, a minor cir- transistor) relaxation oscillator, a voltage
cuitectomy turns the unit into a switch divider, and an FM transmitter module. A
operated, remote radio alarm and reduces 9 -volt battery was chosen because of its
the already rock bottom cost of components. availability and compactness. The entire unit
It is completely silent in operation and pro- can easily be constructed in a space no
duces no electrical hazards such as shock, larger than the battery, with the finished
sparks, or heat build up. No relay is used, unit plus battery in a plastic box about the
which contributes to keeping size and cost size of two batteries.
to a minimun, and it uses a very inexpensive The first simple circuit is the moisture
FM transmitting module. detector -DC amplifier. The moisture detec-
The Pink Pamper. Originally, this gadget tor plate (WP1) is simply two conducting
was designed for use in baby's diapers. It's plates held close together, but not touching.
an excellent device for alerting a parent You can buy the detector for a buck from
to wet diapers as soon as possible to prevent a source noted in the Parts List or make one
from a small (1 -in. x 3/4-in.)
piece of unused printed cir-
cuit board. Simply etch, cut
Junior, upper left, points to completed snooper
or file a / 32 -in. groove down
before installation in plastic case, below.
the middle of the plated side FM module is seen in lower left of circuit board.
and connect a lead to each
When wet, some current is
passed across the insulation
and is amplified by Q2 and
Q3. Resistor R6 protects Q2
and provides for better dif-
ferentiation between wet and
dry. When Q3 is forward
biased by Q2, current is
passed to two other simple
circuits: the UJT relaxation
oscillator and voltage divider.
(The voltage divider provides
the lower voltage required by
the FM transmitter module.)
The heart of the oscillator
is Q1, a unijunction transis-
tor. An RC network consist-
ing of R1 and Cl determines BOARD
the audio frequency to be
heard over the FM receiver.
This frequency can be so low
that separate, individual clicks
are heard or it can be as high
as you desire. Values given
provide a pleasing "warning
horn" tone. The output of
this oscillator feeds through
FALL- WINTER. 1973 109
the module opposite the side the wires are
DIAPER SNOOPER on; instructions are included with the
module. In use, consideration should be
given to the fact that the capacitance of a
C2 to the audio input (mike input) of a thumb or hand on this side of the module
small FM transmitter module. will change the transmitting frequency
Low Cost FM. Let's go back to the front slightly.
of the oscillator circuit now and pick up The 9 -volt transistor radio battery lasts
where the voltage divider circuit taps off. for many weeks if WP1 is wetted only
This circuit steps down the 9 -volt battery occasionally. What leakage exists across Q3
voltage to the 11/2 -volts required by the FM with WP1 dry doesn't appear to affect bat-
module. tery life much. As battery life deteriorates
The FM wireless mike transmitter module after several weeks, simply turn the volume
is an amazing little gem available at the up on the receiver.
remarkably low price of $2.98. Its perfor- The circuitectomy referred to earlier for
mance is commendable, even for transmit- converting the unit to a switch operated
ting music. In our application, fidelity isn't remote radio alarm simply requires the
important, but the potential is there. The replacement of the DC amplifier portion of
module is a small, thick black plastic pack- the circuit (R6, WP1, Q2, Q3) with a switch
age with four wires protruding from one side. of your choice: mercury, push-button, any
The wires are: the- antenna (no connections kind will do; it depends on your application,
here), the audio input (from the oscillator needs, and imagination.
circuit), the power input (from the voltage Catch 88-108. A good example of a
divider circuit), and the common ground. potential application for the modified cir-
The module transmits on an FM frequency cuit would be a situation in which the writer
around 95 MHz. but the frequency can be found himself while stationed overseas. I
adjusted by changing the length of the short was exasperated by the neighborhood hood -
antenna wire or by placing a coin behind (Continued on page 114)

R6 =

WPI I0K Q3 _
BASE 2 _
2N2646 b
BASE I EMITTER - --0 b ---
R4 135
68051 15051

22K IK'
2N52 23, HEP-724 GROUND
-CI R3 C2
I0.IuF I50i2 0,2uF

GE -2,HEP -250


C1 -0.1 uF, 12 -VDC disc capacitor. Q3 -PNP transisitor, GE-2, HEP -250 or equiv.
C2 -0.2 capacitor.
uF, 12 -VDC disc R1- 22,000 -ohm, Y2-watt resistor, 10%
Z1 -FM Wireless Microphone Transmitter Module R2- 1,000 -ohm, 1/2-watt resistor, 10%
(Lafayette Radio Cat. #19- 55277, $2.98) R3- 150 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor, 10%
WP1-Moisture detector plate, see text (Science R4 -680 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor, 10%
Fair Electronics, 2615 W. Seventh St., Ft. R5- 150 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor, 10%
Worth, Texas 76107, $1.00 each) R6- 10,000 -ohm, 'h -watt resistor, 10%
Ql- Unijunction transistor, 2N2646, HEP-310
or equiv. Misc.- Perforated board, wire, solder, small
Q2 -NPN transistor, 2N5223, HEP -724 or equiv. plastic box (2x27/axl -in.), etc.
aaSm uuuuuuuunuanunuummisismuuuumnuus usumimnnuuwmn umssmssm suss nnuunumswmi mssmuununuismsu uuuuuununuusummuuuuuma
the Hippo 5 (Model AV -325)
New Products will handle 500 watts. The new
antenna features "Hermicoil ",
Continued from page 16 a tough ABS molded cover-
ing that hermetically moisture -
tomobile travelers is now available. Auto Dis- proofs the coil to keep down
tress Flags utilize four visual signs to indi- noise and keep performance
cate the type of aid needed: out of gas, flat up. The Hippo 5 has its own
tire, mechanical failure, or injury. Red, white, snap mount and needs no ad-
and blue colors are used to achieve maximum ditional mounting hardware. It
visibility, and each plastic flag measures is priced complete at only
16 -in. x 24 -in. All flags are backed with a $29.95. For more information
strip of self-adhesive tape for convenient on the Hippo 5, circle No. 38
mounting on rear window or bumper areas. on Reader Service Coupon.
Flags fold flat and compact for handy stor-
age in glove compartment, console, or trunk.
Great for travelling CBers -never can tell Temp Sensor
when the battery will go! Sets of four flags What's the temperature outside? In the gar-
are available at $1.25 per set, postpaid, from age? In the freezer? It's easy to find out by
Aladdin's Safety Leisure Products /A Div. of pressing one of three buttons. Olsen's de-
Aladdin's Bazaar, 4811 S.W. 44th Avenue, luxe Multi -Probe Electronic Thermometer
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33314. Satisfaction F -201 is useful for other purposes, for exam-

Telephone Answering
The Phone Butler, a telephone answering de-
vice and home message center, with a sug-
gested retail price of $99.95 has been intro-
duced by Metrotec Electronics, Inc. a sub-
sidiary of BSR (USA) Ltd. It is shipped with a
professionally pre- recorded answering mes-

ple: darkroom, aquarium, hot -house, sc en-

tific use and many others. Three sensor
probes on 15 -foot cords offer accuracies of
1/4-degree. Distances can be extended up to
1000 feet with ordinary lamp extension cord.
And the price is right-$49.95. For further
information and the Olsen catalog, circle No.
29 on Reader Service page.
sage for an authoritative, attention- command-
ing sound, and to aid microphone -shy users. Tune in FM and TV Audio
But there is also provision for home record- The new "Eavesdropper" radio from Midland
ing of personal messages with a built -in con- International receives standard VHF televi-
denser microphone. All functions are acti-
vated by pushbuttons for simple and fool- 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

proof operation. The Phone Butler can record

up to 30 messages on a special cassette, and
a "Message Waiting" indicator light is illumi-
nated whenever a call has been taped. The
Phone Butler is factory set to answer after
as many as five rings for use while someone
is at home, but unable to answer the phone
promptly every time. For more information,
circle No. 40 on Reader Service Coupon.

Powerful Hippo
"Powerful enough to brag about." That's how
Avanti describes its new 5 -foot Hippo mobile
antenna. Base loaded, with tunable tip to al-
low adjustment for the lowest possible VSWR,
II II II I I II I I II I i ll ll ll l I II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I II 111111111111111111111111111111111111c

FALL -WINTER, 1973 111

is $29.95. For more information, circle No.
39 on Reader Service Page.
Fix CB
if you don't know anything about
electronics, you can learn how to repair CB
radios if you study this course and can mas-
ter the use of hand tools. Lessons, which
can be learned in two hours or less, are
mailed to you weekly. And, they're easy to
study because they employ the step-by -step
programmed- instruction technique! Before
you start learning about CB radio circuits,
you learn about the fundamentals of elec-
tronics as explained in simple easy -to-
understand language-without pain and
without having to know math except simple
arithmetic and the most basic algebra. For
more information from CB Radio Repair
Course, Inc., circle No. 41 on Reader Service
' 111111111111111111111111 I II I I I I I I I I I i 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ill I I II I I II I I II I 1 1 III I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I l l 1111 111111

sion audio as well as FM broadcasts. Battery-

powered, the compact radio permits the lis-
tener to enjoy the audio portion of TV shows.
Radio is equipped with jack for earphone or
pillow speaker-can be used with television
video for private listening in bed, etc., with-
out distrubing others. Features include a su- "He's been broadcasting 'Mayday' on that
perheterodyne receiver, RF amplifier. In- thing for three days. This morning he found
cludes 4 "C" batteries and earphone. Sug- out that it's a cassette recorder!"
gested retail price for model 11-707 mumumm11unmumimwmniminimowinuwwuwmmummuwmuwwomwmm1i.,
11 111 11 11 11 11 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 11 11 111 11 1 11 111 111 11 1 11
1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 1

1111 11 11 111 11 11 11 1 11 11 1 1 11 111 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1

11 1 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1

hardware store. This kind of switch is nor-

U- Pick -It mally used on desk lamps and the like. We
have listed in the parts list, however, a
Continued from page 42 rocker-type switch because, on second
thought, we feel it is more practical since
button ON-OFF switch that we picked up you can tell at a glance whether it's ON or
in the electrical supply section of the local OFF. Don't care to make a rectangular
opening to mount a rocker type, either?
Then use a regular toggle switch mounted
with a marker plate to indicate its status.
After mounting and wiring all of the com-
ponents on the perfboard, check your work
to be sure you've wired it correctly. Then
mount it in position in the bottom half of
the Minibox as shown in our photo.
Getting to the Gig on Time. Connect the
battery, plug your guitar into the input jack,
and connect the output jack to the normal
guitar input on your power 'amplifier. Stan-
dard patch cords in varying lengths are avail-
able with a phone plug on one end to match
Author's U- Pick -It has input, output jacks the input jack on U- Pick -It and a choice of
mounted on minibox's end. We suggest you plugs on the opposite end so you can match
mount R6 so it's adjustable from outside. the input jack of your amplifier. (More)
Turn both units on, and open switch S1
so that the short circuit it places across Hour Master
U- Pick -It's input /output jacks is removed. Continued from page 34
After the amplifier has warmed up, adjust
trimmer potentiometer R6 with a small the board to prevent AC fields from af-
screw driver to a point just below feedback fecting the FET's gate. Regarding relay
with potentiometer R8 set at its midpoint K1, sensitive types with coil resistances of
position. 1000 to 2500-ohms will work if R3's value
Once the setting is achieved, turning the is adjusted to give the proper drive to
knob on R8 to the right or left of center relay- driver transistor Q2, (decrease R3 in
should now change the sound of the gui- 20% steps for more drive). The triac is
tar. One extreme in rotation will favor bass mounted on perforated board together with
and the opposite extreme will favor the a heatsink of 15 gauge aluminum. No
treble while R8's midpoint setting will favor insulating washer is needed, but be sure
the midrange. that other parts do not touch the heatsink.
Diac D1 is mounted under the board. It
isn't polarized so just wire it in. When the
Antiquing an Old Tube board is all done, mount it in the case on
Continued from page 32 a pair of fiber or metal spacers. Make the
bracket for the battery from a scrap of
aluminum and screw it in place.
about %2-in. in diameter letting the screw cut Operating Info. The triac specified is good
its own threads in the hole. Clip off the for 600 watts, and the phase control will
screw leaving about Vs" projecting from handle anything but fluorescent lamps and
the base and then file the clipped end of the induction motors. If you want to handle
pin smooth. more power, use a bigger triac in the same
Caution: Do not drill too deep into series. You will have to if you want to
the tube base or you might strike the extend control to such high power items as
glass inside the base and ruin the tube. household irons or hotplates. Now, wire the
Use a depth marker on the drill so you system together being careful to use heavy
will not drill too deep. leads in the power control section.
Who Has It? Possible sources for type 30 Connect a floor lamp or worklight to
tubes or other battery tubes having the same receptacle SO1 and apply primary power
type bases as the 30s and having low fila- to the system. The lamp should now light,
ment voltages and low filament drain: and if you've included control R4. the
George Haymans, WA4NED, Box 468, (Continued on page 115)
Gainesville GA 30501. George has a 111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111N1111

good stock of new type 30 tubes at this

writing. Write him for prices. He also
has type VT -25 tubes which are similar
to type 30s.
Barry Electronics, 512 Broadway, New
York NY 10012
Cornell, 4213 University Ave., San Diego
CA 92105
Steinmetz, 7519 Maplewood, Hammond
IN 46324
Transelectronic, Inc., 1306 .40th St.,
Brooklyn NY 11218
United Radio Co., 56 Ferry St., Newark
NJ 07105
Zalytron, 469 Jericho Turnpike, Mineola
NY 11501
A purist collector may say that you are
cheating when you substitute a 30 for an
OlA job. Maybe so, but your restored an-
cient receiver will be operative, and if you're "I'm running 250 watts straight
up the chimney!"
lucky, you may uncover an OIA.
FALL - WINTER, 1973 113
Continued from page 101

support them away from the metal to pre-

vent shorts. Before soldering electrolytic
capacitors and diodes, check to be sure that
you have them properly polarized. Also,
doublecheck that connections to Q1 and Q2
are correct before soldering to avoid ap-
plication of too much heat, if you must
unsolder and resolder them, since excessive
heat can damage solid -state devices. In fact,
we recommend that you use an alligator
clip as a heat sink by temporarily clipping
it to each lead being soldered.
Remote Lamp. In the event you require a
brighter lamp than the standard bulb listed,
or want the lamp located on a wall or site
outside the area of the telephone -where
it can be universally observed -make the
following modification. Remove the bulb
and connect the leads to terminal strip TB1
for connecting the remote lamp control
We used conventional round magnetic phone
leads. Mount a 6.3 -VAC relay, a standard pickup: You may have a flat version available
110 -V lamp socket, and TB2 in a container that can be conveniently placed under phone.
suitable for the remote location. Wire it as
shown in the schematic. By using low volt- cord into an AC outlet, and plug magnetic
age (6.3 VAC) the interconnecting remote pickup MP1 into J1. Now bring the pickup
control leads can be small -sized insulated near power transformer Tl. If the unit is
wire. The 6.3 V that is switched by the working correctly the radiated AC field
SCR (Q2) to turn the low voltage lamp around the transformer will produce a
on and off will now be used to operate the signal in the màgnetic pickup device, trigger-
remote relay, which will, in turn, control ing the SCR (Q2) to turn on lamp I1. Each
117 VAC to the larger lamp bulb. time you move the pickup. close to the trans-
Checking Out Visulert. After doublecheck- former, the lamp will be lit; as you move
ing your hookup for possible errors, shorts, MP1 away from T1 's magnetic field, the
or cold soldered connections, plug the power lamp will go out. When this checkup has
been completed you can close up the mini -
box and place Visulert in service.
Using Visulert. The suction cup on the
pickup coil we used serves a dual purpose.
It permits you to easily orient MP1 into the
magnetic field of the telephone ringer and
also holds it in position once the ideal loca-
tion is found. If the pickup you use is one
of the flat types, place it under the phone
near the exit of the handset cable.
Regardless of the type, you'll have to
move the pickup around the base of the
phone to locate the magnetic field of the
ringer. Remember, of course, the only time
you can locate the pickup is when the phone
is ringing. Reason is that Visulert's operation
is dependent upon the relatively high mag-
You can see how all of unit's parts are mounted
either to fie strips or directly to mini - netic field of the ringer to develop a control
box in this opened up view of Visulert. signal to fire the SCR.
(Continued from page 113) a clock into the output and noting when
brilliance should be variable. Now set power it turns off at various settings of time delay
switch S2 to on and mode switch S3 to in; pot R1, it should be a simple matter to
the lamp will go out. Press time -start calibrate the control for various settings.
switch Si, hold it for a moment and re- With S3 in the in position, the load will
lease. The lamp will light and remain on be on for the time you select. In the out
for a period determined by the setting of position, the load will turn on after the
R1, 'the time delay control. By plugging desired interval.

in my problem anyway, so I tried to avoid

Diaper Snooper the problem by keeping all loose items out
of the car. I finally solved the problem by
Continued from page 110
moving to a less infested neighborhood, but
had I built a switch operated version of
this remote radio alarm, it would have
lums who repeatedly rifled my car at night enabled me to catch 'em red handed. It
and stole anything that wasn't welded to the could easily be wired to the courtesy light
floor. The door locks didn't work because system with a voltage divider to step down
they had been broken by thieves months the car battery to the voltage required by
before. Try as I would, I could never catch the unit. Tape the unit to a car window
them in the act. The local police department on the side towards the house so the auto
didn't speak English, and wasn't interested frame won't block the transmitted energy.
11 1 111 1 11 1 1 111 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 11 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 111 1 11 1 11 11 11 11 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 11 111 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 111 1 1 11 1 111 1 1 11 1 11 111 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 11 1111 1111 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 1


Vibra -Tone
Continued from page 76

highly recommended at all points of termi-

Double Up. Note that in some instances
two pads are required at some termination
points. Be sure that these overlap and that
solder flows between the pads for a good
connection. The components terminated on
the pads .should be mechanically secure
without support from the pad. That is, re-
sistors and capacitors should be pushed
through holes in the board so that the com-
ponent rests firmly on the vectorboard.
Identify the IC's and insert them correct- ,,luuuunuuumnununununununuuuuwuwmnuuunnnnunnnnununmmuuuuuwc
ly in the board. Once the IC's are mounted,
the other parts, resistors and capacitors can
be mounted in any order. Electrolytic ca- Alarm Generator
pacitors have a polarity marking. Be sure Continued from page 28
the postive (-1-) end is properly. connected.
Tuning resistors R9 to R19 must be the re-
sistance values indicated, and be sure they resistor and a 5000 -ohm pot. Connect a
are ±5% as specified, otherwise the tuning pair of 2000 -ohm headphones (or the Aux
may be way out. The 5% resistors have a input of an amplifier- speaker combination
gold band. If the vibrato is too strong caus- to the output and connect a 9 volt power
ing a break up on the lowest two or three supply to the power leads. Now adjust the
notes, vary the size of resistor R3; an in- pot until you get a good sound. If all's
crease will decrease vibrato. well you should be able to get an attention
Tune Up. Trim pot R8 provides some grabbing sound by adjusting the pots on
adjustment of the tone over the entire scale. the front panel. If not, try interchanging
Adjust this control as required to tune the unijunctions. When you are satisfied
the vibratone. with the results, remove the pot/ resistor
FALL - WINTER, 1973 115
combination, measure it with an ohmmeter,
and replace it with a resistor of the closest Big Nine
value. Continued from page 81
In operation, the ELECTRONIC ALARM
GENERATOR works very well as an alarm
be producing sound at equal loudness. Per-
device with just headphones as a repro-
form the same test with the tweeters. Op-
R5 erate the controls to see if they reduce the
-vy~ volume of the mid-range, or tweeters, when
rotated to the left. Double check your wir-
J_9VDC ing and, if satisfied, solder all lugs. Connect
a 11/2-volt flashlight battery to the terminal
strip. Reverse the battery if necessary until
the woofer cone moves forward at contact.
Put a drop of red paint on the terminal
connected to the positive pole of the bat-
}-OUTPUT The woofer compartment should be
lined with a minimum of about 2 inches of
fiber glass batting on the walls and back
Top view of the Electronic Alarm Generator panel. House insulation grade of fiber glass
Dashed lines represent wiring underneath a is low in price and works very well, but
completed board. Unit will drive headphones first it must be stripped from its paper
ducer. If your application calls for more backing. The fuzzy edge should be faced
volume, connect it to an amplifier. Just away from the walls, toward the cabinet
be careful with the special effects. You interior. The chief purpose of the fiber
Wouldn't want to attract a flight of pas- glass is to kill reflections in the upper fre-
sionate wild ducks winging it south this quency of the woofer, but it will also help
fall! slightly to reduce any tendency toward
booming. You can experiment with differ-
ent amounts of fiber glass until the woofer
Detector X2 sound is right.
Continued from page 26 Screw down the back, then prepare the
top. The top will be installed with screws
through the sides, back, and front into
graph. Once the leads are carefully soldered blocks under the top. The blocks should be
the whole unit can be dipped in a potting cut to short lengths, except for a long block
compound to protect the leads and protect at the back, so that they can be positioned
the components themselves from damage at intervals between speaker positions. Glue
and accidental circuits. and screw the blocks to the under side of
Q: Never use a capacitance value for the top. Before installing the top, loosely
Cl that is larger than that used for the fill the mid -range compartment with fiber
rf bypass capacitor (C2) in the original de- glass pads. Arrange the pads flat so that
tector circuit. Try a value about half that their edges face the speakers.
of C2, first. A small -value capacitor will Finishing Touches. It is somewhat easier
charge to the peak voltage faster than one to stain and finish the top and trim pieces
of too much capacitance. A too -small -value before putting on the grille cloth. Sand
capacitance will discharge too soon. Neither lightly, stain, and finish to your own taste.
value will give maximum audio voltage Staple grille cloth to the back edge of one
output. side and wrap it around tightly; then staple
[[ It may be necessary to "peak" the or tack at the back edge of the other side.
detector transformer since the added com- Install the trim pieces with finishing nails.
ponents will have some compacitive loading If glue is not used, you can easily remove
effect on the transformer tuning. the trim and grille cloth later for a change
Voltage Multipliers. It is possible for ad- of cloth.
ditional diodes and capacitors to be added Now connect the speakers to your am-
for voltage tripling and quadrupling, al- plifier. Observe polarity by connecting the
though selection of capacitors becomes more red dot terminal of each Big Nine speaker
critical. system to the positive sides of your am-
DO OCil3
:1 :111]4: y4:41 y J:T
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FALL- W'l':7l'R I97:I I I
plifier output terminals. Begin listening with stereo performance.
the mid -range and tweeter controls fully Hints -On -Parts. Prices for parts shown in
clockwise. If the sound is too bright, adjust the bill of materials are for CTS speakers
the tweeters back by degrees. If the bass is available from McGee Radio, 1901 McGee
less prominent than you like, rotate both Street, Kansas City MO 64108. However,
mid -range and tweeter controls counter you can substitute similar-size speakers and
clockwise until the sound is balanced. Un- parts from other sources such as the 40 -1224
less your room is acoustically asymmetrical, tweeter and 40 -1339 crossover network
such as heavy curtains near one speaker, from Radio Shack. The crossover includes
you should try to keep the controls on the L-pads to make the job of interconnect-
both speakers at similar settings for good ing speakers an easier one. You can even
use 3/4 -inch flake board in place of the regu-
lar plywood to cut your wood costs. Grill
(48 -in.x 96- 1n.x4 -in.) cloth, hardware, terminal strips and other
miscellaneous items can be purchased from
k204- in. 4I34- in. +I34 -in.1 local hardware and electronic stores as well
as from your favorite mail order catalog.
Smart shopping and use of junk parts can
hold your parts costs to as little as $65 per
speaker, and even less.
36 -in. 36 -in. Summing Up. If you are not used to a
large woofer, you will note the difference
right away. Amplifier controls may require
different settings than for small speakers.
But the important difference is that there is
a firmness to the bass that is missing with
most small systems.
With the proper balance you will begin
298 -in. 81 SIDE SIDE to appreciate the advantage of the side
BACK 01 D2 36 -In.
facing speakers. A change of listening posi-
tion produces much less change in stereo
quality than with conventional speakers.

Also, the better dispersion produces the
illusion of a wider sound source, a big one.
A further advantage is that mid and
29 -in.
82 EI
high frequency power is divided between
4 four speakers. Each of the small speakers is
working far below its power limit, with
i ///// WASTE reduced distortion in the frequency ranges
where the ear is most sensitive to distortion.
4-in.- I34-in'l3-in.-- The result is a smoother sound. Two Big
Nines add up to impressive stereo.

4-in. Scramble Phone
Continued from page 94
36 -in, FRONT

may easily be removed and replaced with a

i metal or plastic plate. The clarity poten-

G2 F2
214in. tiometer can be mounted at any convenient
54- MR BACK Ht TITION location on the phone's base plate, but be
very careful not to let any component inter-
54 -i MR BACK H2
fere with the operation of the hook switch.
Scrambling A Phone. Connect the two
(48 -in. x48 -in. x -in.)
scramble phones together (phone line out-
This cutout guide provides you with
puts connected to each other) but separated
pieces for two complete systems. The
letters refer to those in Figure 1.
by at least twenty feet. Lift either of the
hand sets and you should hear a low level
Exact PC board
size. Transfer
image to copper
clad board
using a piece
of carbon paper.
This is the
bottom (copper)
side of your
scrambler board.

tone; talk into the mike and you should hear reached.
your own unscrambled voice in the ear Security Link -Up. After connecting one
piece. This reception of your own voice is of the scrambler phones at your location
normal and occurs when using a standard and another at the home of a friend, dial his
telephone; it is called the sidetone. number with your standard telephone. When
Have a friend or another member of your the party answers and agrees to go to the
family talk over the scramble phone. If your scrambler mode, pick up your scramble
reception isn't clear or sounds like Donald phone, and have your friend do the same.
Duck, adjust the clarity control for the best You can now continue your conversation in
voice quality. This simply puts the two oscil- complete secrecy. If either of the scrambler
lators on the same frequency. oscillators should drift in frequency, just
Scrambler Hook -Up. This job is a simple set the clarity pot for the best voice quality.
one. All that's required is to parallel the
output of transformer T3 with the telephone
lines. But before doing so, make the follow-
ing tests. If you are in doubt about which
Cap Rapper
two wires on the telephone terminal block Continued from page 67
are the telephone circuit, take a DC volt
meter and check between pairs until 24 to reading you have pre -set the trimmers in the
48 volts is measured. This test must be per- wrong direction. Set S1 to 100 (pF), install
formed with the telephone on hook. The a calibration capacitor across the terminals,
secorìd important check to make before con- and adjust R4 until the meter indicates the
necting the scrambler phone determines the correct capacitor value. In a similar man-
line current. This test is made as follows. ner, calibrate the .001, .01 and .1 ranges.
Set the VOM -to measure DC current on the Recommended calibration capacitor values
50 or 100mA range, and place the meter are approximately 50 pF, .0005 µF (500
in series with a lead from the high (1.2 K) pF), .005 µF and .05 p.F.
impedance winding of T3. Pick up the If you cannot adjust the trimmers so the
phone. If the circuit current is greater than meter indicates a low enough reading (if the
25mA, then the resistor/ capacitor network meter reads higher than the indicated capaci-
C6 and R9 must be added in series with the tor value) you had the trimmer pre -set to the
scrambler phone and the telephone circuit. wrong side. Simply rotate the trimmer to
This should reduce the circuit current to a the opposite side; the meter reading will
value close to 25mA, but if not, adjust the rise, pin the pointer and then decrease to
value of R9 (start with a 1000 -ohm, 1- the correct reading as the trimmer(s) are
watt resistor) until this current value is adjusted.
FALL - WINTER, 1973 119

Classified Ads 65t per word, each insertion, minimum 15 words, payable in advance.
For information on Classified ads -to be included in our next ELECTRONICS HOBBYIST
-write R. S. Wayner, Classified Mgr., 229 Park Avenue South, New York, N. Y. 10003.
WIN $1,000,000.00 in the New Jersey HOW To Make Money Addressing. Mail
State Lottery. Rush $3.00 for com- ing Envelopes. Offer Details 104. Lind - FORTUNES in LAND! Buy CHEAP! On
plete details and instructions. Satisfac- bloom Services, 3636 Peterson, Chicago SIGNALS! Your community or any state.
tion Guaranteed. Davidson's, Box 274 -SM, 60659. Free information. Land Signals, DLDP -3.
Belleville, Illinois 62222. Box 325, Scottsville, Texas 75688.
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