33 Loan Rabi and Kharif We We Maxi-Low: 47 Oral Oral Ansmhs

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47 Oral AnSMHS MARCH 13.

1992 Oral AnsMHS 48

it was 48 percent. but now it has come down Low Books In Hindi
to 33 percent. AIongwilh this. we are making
another effort. The banks have been ad- ·249. SHRI RAMTHAL CHOUDHARY:
versely affected as the loan waiver scheme Winthe Minister of LAW. JUSTICE AND
involved seven to eight thousand crores of COMPANY AFFAIRS be pleased to state:
.rupees. During the Rabi and Kharif season.
we coordinate with the State Govemments (a) whether any award is 9iven for
to make efforts to recover bank loans and we publishing Law books in Hindi;
have meetings in this regard at the head-
quarters as well we make efforts for maxi- (b) if so. the details thereof;
mum recovery.
(c) whether any evaluation of such books
[English] has been made during the last three years:

SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHArrERJEE: (d) if so. the outcome thereof;

Sir. in the reply it is stated that the informa-
tion on various parameters is not aVailable (e) the details of awards given during
for the same period on a particular point of the above period; and
time. In fact. it has been reported on many
Other occasions that the banking accounts (f) if not. the reasons therefor?
are in a me~s. Therefore. what I want to
know from the Finance Minister is whetheror [English]
not the Ministry is thinking of permitting CAG
auditing of bank accounts in the near future. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE
Sir. it is arising out of this question. The MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS
answer states that it is because of this AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS-
difficully•••. (lnteInfJlDns). TRY OF LAW. JUSTICE AND COMPANY
you. You come out with your question. lAM): (a) Yes, Sir.

SHRI NIRMAL !<ANTI CHArrERJEE: (b) The besllaw books written or pub-
That is the only question I win ask that will the lished in a calendar year in Hindi and other
Government agree to get the accounts of the Indian languages which are suitable for use
banks audited by the CAG. as text books ON'eference books in colleges
or universities and by lawyers and the judici-
(Translalion) ary, are awarded a first prize of As. 10,0001
-. a second prize of Rs. 5,0001- a third prize
SHRI DALBIR SINGH: Mr. Speaker. of As. 30001- and a consolation prize of Rs.
Sir. the R.B.L has laid down specific guide- • 2,0001-.
ines in this regard. I the han. Memberfaces
any problem or if he writes to me mentioning (c), (d) and (e). A StatemAnt is placed on
any specifIC instanc8 of bungling in Bank the Table of the House.
AccaunlS. we shal gat it probed. but I don'
think there is any bungling. whatsoever. (f) Does not arise.
49 Oral Ans_1S PHALGUNA 23,1913 (SAKA) Oral AnSW9tS 50

The foIbwing books wriftfInIpImIished during the caIettdtK yeatS 1988 and 1989, were
selected for award of the prize shown against each:-

Yeai' 1988

Name of the Book Name of the Author Amount 01 the Prize

1. Bharatiya Dand Sanhila Hanuman Prasad Gupta 5,000/- (second Prize)

2. Apradh Anveshan Prem Chand Sh3rma 30001- (Third Prize)

3. Chikitsa Nyayashastra Basanti Lal Babel 2,0001- (Consolation


4. Vanijyik Vidhi Ke Sidhant KailashRai 5,0001- (second prize)

5.Hastantaran, Prarupkar Krishan Aggarwal & 5,0001- (second Prize)

aur Vilekhon avam Krishan Kumar Singh
Dastavejon Ka Nirvachan

6.Sahakarita avam Adhibhar Raghunath Prasad

TIWari Kanchan Singh 3,0001- (Third Prize)
Chaudhary & Ram LaJ

7. Sanvida Vidhi S.K. Kapoor 2,0001- (consolation


8. Rajasthan Bhumi Basanti laJ Babel 3,0001- (Third prize)


9. Rajasthan, Kashtkari •
Adhiniyam, 1955 8hu- Ashkaran Aggarwal 2,0001- (consolation
Rajasav Adhiniyam, prize)
1956 avam Anya

Year 1989

1. Civil Sewa Vidhi

avam Adhbran Srikrishan Dull Sharma 5,000- (second prize)

2. Vldhi Shastra Vijay Narain Mani 3.000(· (Third prize)


3. Hatya Padam Kumar Jain 5,0001- (second prize)

4. Hastakshar Ek A.N. Ganorkar 5,0001- (second Prize)

S1 Oral AnSMteIS MARCH 13, 1992 Oral AnswelS 52

Name of the Book Name of the Author Amount of the Prize

5. Apradh Anveshan Prakash Chandra 3,000/- (Third Prize)

Avam abhiyojan Jain

6. Motoryan Adhiniyam, Ramsewak Sharma 5.000/- (second prize)


[ Translation] ( Translation]

SHRI RAM TAHAL CHOUDHARY: Mr. MR. SPEAKER: Please take your seat.
Speaker, Sir, the hon. Minister has rr",-
tioned the amount of prizes. They have
awarded prizes for 1988-89, but I would like
to know from the hen. Minister whether no [English]
law book has been translated after 1989 and
if it has been done, wIlY no prizes were given MR. SPEAKER: You are creating trouble
for the period 1990-91? This has made an unnecessarily•...
adverse impact on translation works. If tne
Government has not awarded translators of (Interruptions)
law books, then by when does it propose to
give these prizes and I would also like to SHRI C.K. KUPPUSWAMY: Do not al-
know whether the Government proposes to low this, Sir .... (Interruptions).
continue with this scheme?
MR. SPEAKER: I willtakecare of it. You
(English] first sit down please ....•


GAlAM: Sir, the first supplementary con-
sists of two parts, the first being with regard SHRI M.R. KADAMBUR JANARTHA-
to the year 1990•... (/nterruptions) ..... NAN: We want the answer to be give:l in
Tamil. Sir..... (/ntetrUptions).
( Ttanslationj
[ Translation]
If you can answer in Hindi, please do it. MR. SPEAKER: AU of you please take
your seats.
GAlAM: Okay, if it's your wish, t shaD do so, (English)
but do excuse me, if there is any mistake in
the language•••• Please sit down first.. ...

( Interruptions)•••• (/nt9frlJJlions)
SHRI A. ASOKARAJ: W. want only
India, not 'Hindia ..... (lntlltnpions).
SHAt E. AHAMED: I protest, Sir. He
cannot compel the Minister•••• (/ntelnlp- MR. SPEAKER: let us understand that
the Minister who speaks very good English,
53 Oral AnSwelS PHAlGUNA 23,1913 (SAKA) Oral Ans_1S 54

speaks very good Hindi also, and let us know taught have been Tamil and English; Hindi is
thathe speaks very good Hindi also. Any- what I have learnt by taking to all the friends.
body can talk in English, Hindi or any other If they wish to know how bad by Hindi is, I am
language he wants. But, if the han. Minister wii!ing to answer. Then the fact is that I
-on his own accord and at the request ofthe would be a little hampered but I am sure they
hon. Member - is replying in Hindi, we will would assist me also. They do have inter-
welcome it also. pretation facility. I would attempt that; but
they should not blame me for it. (/nterrIJP-
GALAM: Sir, if I may submit.... (Interrup- [ Translation]
As far as the awards for 1990 are con-
SHRI M.R. KADAMBUR JANARTHA- cerned, usuallyaftertheyearisover, wegive
NAN: Sir, we want the answer in Tamil. an advertisement for the previous year, and
( Interruptions) we ask the applications from the concerned
people for the awards and they are given
MR SPEAKER: Please sit down. Please time till the 30th April. For 1990 awards~ the
understand. last date was 30th March. A committee was
formed for the purpose of the examination of
(Interruptions) the books received after that date and for
each book the work evaluation was assigned
MR. SPEAKER: Please understand and to two members that whether the book is
keep quiet. This is a question about the Hindi worth for an award or not. For the awards of
version of the legal books. Supposing the 1990. the committee is doing the work of the
hon. Minister is replying in Hindi in a manner evaluation of books and I understand that,
which gives some solace to the hen. Mem- that work will be completed in a month or so
ber who is asking the question on Hindi. and there are 14 books of Hindi and 19books
version of the legal literature, then let him of other languages, which are being evalu-
speak in Hindi. He can speak very beautiful ated:
and very poetic Hindi and his version of Hindi
is an addition to the Hindi literature itself. As far as last year's awards are con-
cerned, we have time till the 30th April and
SHRI RANGARAJAN KUMARAMAN- for that an advertisement has been given.
GALAM: Sir, I am extremely obliged for your After 30th April, the ellaluation work of the
compliments. But I must say that the Hindi I books will be assigned to a committee.
know is only what I learnt by hearing my
friends on all sides. Secondly as far as translation is con-
cerned, these awards are not given for trans-
MR. SPEAKER: Shri Kumaramanga- lation work; These awards are given for the
lam, I can certify 1hat you speak good Hindi. self written books. Awards are never given
for translation work.
MR. SPEAKER: Not h"ke this. Please
understand and do not aeate a divide. SHRI NIRMAl KANTI CHATTERJEE:
Sir, he is telting three-language formula.
GAlAM: I do not want to gat into a contro- MR. SPEAKER: Yes, he has passed .
versy. But I must submit to the hen. Mem- form three-language formula.
bers that they would appreciate that the
school and the languages which I have been (lntemptions)
55 Oral Ans_,. MARCH 13,1992 Oral AnSW8I'S 56

(TlMSIafionl GAlAM: At. the moment there is nothing

under consideration. But I would definitely
SHRI RAM TAHAL CHOUDHRY: Mr. consider it, there is no harm.
Speaker, Sir, this work is being done from [ TtanSaIation]
the point of viewofcreating awareness about
the Laws and Justice among the citizens of SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: Mr.
the country. I would like to know from the Speaker, Sir the Law Minister is also present
Government that whether the prize money here therefore, I would like to know whether
will be increased so that the law books you have mllde efforts to find out how many
should be published in Hindi and people laws books are there which have not yet
should take interest in this work and these been translated into Hindi. Because accord-
books are published in greater number~ ing to the official languages act of which I am
a member, the books in English language
( Ttanslation] should be translated into Hindi and authen-
ticated at the earliest possible time. Have
SHRI RANGARAJAN KUUARAMAN- you made any efforts to know that how many
GALAM: We would like to increase the prize books have been translated lind have you
money. fixed any target for it and their authentica-
Sir, I think I prefer to say it in English at
MR. SPEAKER: You can do it in Eng- GALAM: Mr Speaker, Sir, through you, I
lish. You have established that you can would like to inform the hon. Member that we
speak in Hindi also. had made an effort to review the question of
translation of various laws into Hindi. We are
SHRI RANGARAJAN KUMARAMAN- taking urgent steps to see that as much as
GALAM: Special assignment for getting law possible is covered, but for final details I
books written in Hindi language on selected would need separate notice.
subjects is available, Govemment assis-
tance is available, but in those cases awards
. . nat given. We do have assistance given [Tl3Ilslation]
to an extent of even As. 50001- for books
depending on the subject oftl18 book and we
pay including per page typing etc., we also 'SHRI C.K. KUPPUSWAMY: Sir, there
have a scheme for translation. By both are fourteen languages in India as enshrined
translation ans special assignment we do in the Eighth Schedule. Hindi is not the only
assist to ensure that • encourage Hindi, we language we have to interact with. Hence I
try to do this. would like to know from the han. Speaker
whether arrangements would be made dur-
( Ttanslation) ing the question hour to raise questions and
get replies in Tamil or any other language
SHRI RAM TAHAl CHOUDHARY: among the fourteen Indian languages?
Would you like to increase the prize money?


GALAM:·Sir, appropriate action will be taken

• English translation of question originallY asked in TamH.

•• English translation of reply originally given in Tamil

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