S.J.P.N. Trust’s
Submitted By
S.J.P.N. Trust’s
This is to certify that Mr. AKASH RAJU PATIL, USN:2HN20ME001 a bonafide student of
Hirasugar Institute of Technology, Nidasoshi has carried out the AICTE Activity “Creating
awareness on Rainwater Harvesting” and earned points out of points in partial
fulfillment for the award of bachelor of engineering in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING of the
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2021-2022
Firstly, I would like to thank Ms. Savitri H Byakod the Panchayat Development Officer of
Gram Panchayat , Nidasoshi for giving me the opportunity to complete the activity on “Creating
Awareness on Rainwater Harvesting”
I am highly indebted to our beloved Principal Dr. S. C. Kamate for the encouragement
provided to accomplish this activity.
I would like to thank the Head of the Department Dr. S. N.Topannavar for extending all
support and advice to complete the activity.
I would like to thank my guide Dr.K.M.AKKOLI for his constructive criticism throughout
my work and consistent mentoring in completion of this work.
I express my warm and grateful thanks to Activity coordinator Prof. M. S. Futane, Asst.
Professor, Dept. of ME, HIT Nidasoshi for her valuable advice.
I am extremely grateful to my department staff members and friends who helped me in the
successful completion of this activity.
The paper outlines rain water harvesting is being frequently used these days,
however, the concept of water harvesting is not new for India. Water
harvesting techniques had been evolved and developed centuries ago.
Living creatures of the universe are made of five basic elements, viz, Earth,
Water, Fire, Air and Sky, Obviously, water is one of the most important
elements and no creature can survive without it.
1. Introduction 1
2. Objectives 4
4. Contributions 8
9. Conclusion 18
And the ceaseless flow of that water cannot exist without rain”
- The Thirukural .
1. Cherrapunji which receives about 11,000 mm of rainfall annually suffers from acute
shortage of drinking water. There is rain water not conserved but allowed to drain away. Thus
it does not matter how much rain we get, if we don't capture or harvest it.
The water path of an individual is defined as the total amount of fresh water that is used to
produce the goods and services that the individual consumes. It is indicator for showing food
diet and consumption patterns.
It is clear that moderating our diets especially in the developed world could make much water
available for other purposes. In semi-arid and arid areas, knowing the virtual water value of a
good or service can be useful towards determining how best to use the scarce water available.
In the last three decades an exponential growth in number of ground water structures has been
observed. This has lead to enormous withdrawal of groundwater for various uses of
agricultural, industrial and other domestic needs. This resource has become an important
source of drinking water and food security for teeming millions of the state. It provides 70
percent of water for domestic use in rural areas and about 50 percent of water for urban and
industrial areas. The significant contribution made for Green Revolution and also as primary
reliable source of irrigation during drought years has further strengthened the people‘s faith in
utilization of ground water as dependable source.
The speedy and uncontrolled usage of ground water has also created many problems. The
intensive ground water development in many parts of the country has resulted in depletion of
ground water levels and availability of the resource. The pristine ground water quality too
became its victim. Though, for the State as a whole
the availability of ground water resources appears quite comfortable but localized areas have
shown the deleterious effects of excessive ground water development. To maintain
sustainability of ground water resources artificial recharge to ground water is being practiced.
Subsurface reservoirs are very attractive and technically feasible alternatives for storing
surplus monsoon runoff. These subsurface reservoirs can store substantial quantity of water.
The sub-surface storages have advantages of being free from the adverse effects like
inundation of large surface area and no gigantic structures are required.
1) To measure the level of Awareness towards Rainwater Harvesting among the students of
Higher Secondary Schools in Perambalur District.
3) To find out the significant difference in the mean values on Awareness towards
Rainwater Harvesting between the Male and Female students of Higher Secondary Schools
in Perambalur District.
4) To find out the significant difference in the mean values on Awareness towards Rainwater
Harvesting depending on their type of schools among the students of Higher Secondary
Schools in Perambalur district.
5) To find out the significant difference in the mean values on Awareness towards
Rainwater Harvesting between the Arts and Science students of Higher Secondary Schools in
perambalur district.
6) To find out the significant difference in the mean values on Awareness towards Rainwater
Harvesting depending on their Residential place among the students of Higher Secondary
Schools in Perambalur District.
7) To find out the significant difference in the mean values on Awareness towards
Rainwater Harvesting depending on their Parents Education level among the students of
Higher Secondary Schools in Perambalur District.
Description of the activity carried out
Water (from the Anglo-Saxon and Low German word) is a colourless, tasteless, and
odourless substance that is essential to all forms of life. Only 2.5% of water on Ear the is
fresh water, the remaining 97.5 % is saline water. The fresh water supply is apportioned as
0.4% in lakes and rivers, 30.9% as ground water and 68.7% as snow and ice.
The human body contains from 55% to 78% water, depending on body size To function
properly, the body requires between one and seven liters of water per day to avoid
dehydration; the precise amount depends on the level of activity, temperature, humidity,
and other factors.
Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Wherever it travels, water carries
chemicals, minerals, and nutrients with it.
Much more fresh water is stored under the ground in aquifers than on the earth‘s surface.
The earth is a closed system, similar to a terrarium, meaning that it rarely loses or gains
extra matter. The same water that existed on the earth millions of years ago is still present
A water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected by covalent
bonds. Pure water has a neutral PH of 7, which is neither acidic nor basic. water is a liquid
at ambient conditions, but it often co-exists on Earth with its solid state, ice, and gaseous
state (water vapour or steam). Water also exists in a liquid crystal state near hydrophilic
Relevance to society
The standing water percolates into the ground and recharges the water table.
Water harvesting can serve as a supplement to municipal water. In times of low water
availability, water held in catchments/cisterns may be used for gardening or other non-
potable needs.
Using harvested water contributes to water conservation and reduces water demands in
urban areas.
Rainwater harvesting technologies are flexible and can be built to meet almost any
requirements. Construction, operation, and maintenance are not labour intensive.
Some buildings divert rainwater to help with functions such as toilet flushing.
According to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Former President of India, The future war may be for the
Water. Children and youngsters to be aware of water conservation techniques to avoid grave
water crisis in future. People are forced to buy water in plastic bottles. Bottled water industry is
worth nearly 10000
crore rupees and even big companies are involved in this bottling of water and making money.
So, it is imperative that we ought to save Rainwater.
The destruction of forests and excessive use of groundwater have contributed to the present
drought conditions in the State. The only option to tackle the situation was conservation of
water and rainwater harvesting. I had installed the Rainwater Harvesting system in my house
and wanted everyone to go for rainwater harvesting.
Mahatma Gandhi had installed a facility to harvest water at his ancestral house in
Porbandar in Gujarat. ―Gandhiji was a visionary. Gandhiji family was using it throughout
the year.
“Install water harvesting facility before building any complex. Save Rain water.”
Rainwater harvesting is gaining importance again, this time in rural areas and especially so in
many developing countries. The present situation in developing countries demands the
utilization and development of all possible sources to ensure the supply of water.
Surface water is inadequate to meet out demand and we have to depend on ground water.
Due to rapid urbanization, infiltration on rain water into the sub- soil has decreased drastically
and recharging of ground water has diminished.
Seriously consider conserving water by harvesting and managing this natural resource by
artificially recharging the system. The examples covering several dozen installations
successfully operating in India constructed and maintained by Central Ground Water Board
(CGWB), provide an excellent snapshot of current systems.
Rainwater harvesting has tremendous potential and it is up to each one of us to push this
technique further for a sustainable water situation for India
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
6.1 Photos of the activity carried out and presentations
Photos captured at Nidasoshi:
Chapter 7
8.1 Feedback
Impact Analysis
Department of Mechanical Engineering, HIT, Page 15
AICTE Activity Report 2023-24
Q.no 1 Q. no 2 Q.no 3 Q.no 4
Most of the people almost 99% found it useful as it helps them to save and
conserve water
• About 98% of the people learnt a lot many things from this awareness program
• All the people are satisfied with communication skills as I spoke in the
local language Kannada and am pretty sure they are convinced
• Am pretty sure I have cleared all the doubts of the people and found the
alternates for their problems 97% of the people is on the average for clearing
the doubt
The present study has investigated the rain water harvesting awareness among common
people of Nidasoshi. It is found that the villagers have adequate Awareness on Rain water
harvesting. Our mission should be conservation of water. We cannot produce water but save
it and protect our future. Rain Water Harvesting is today’s need of the whole world. So we
should come forward and take steps to promote it so that our future generation can enjoy the
natural resources. Rain Water Harvesting Awareness has however special significant to
India, since young persons below the age of 15 years from about 45% of total population.
The group is going to influence greatly the future of this country they will become adult and
future generation of the society. It is the urgency of Rainwater Harvesting, hence there is an
urgent need to develop more awareness about such matters, amongst the citizens in rural
Chapter 10
Evaluation Report