2.2 AFM Investment Appraisal IRR 171223
2.2 AFM Investment Appraisal IRR 171223
2.2 AFM Investment Appraisal IRR 171223
2,591 8,764
Decision Rule
So, if IRR > Cost of capital, I should accept the project
Cost of capital is my hurdle rate
Which means my project should generate a return of more than my cost of capital for me to accept the projec
So, when my DF moves from 9% to 12%, my NPV changes from 5592 to -3062
3.00% 8,654
1.94% 5,592 IRR
IRR 10.939%
You can think of IRR as a growth rate. If someone says "this investment has an IRR of 15%," they are saying that if
to this investment it will grow at a rate of 15% per year (doesn't necessarily have to be on a per year basis but that's t
As for NPV, you can think of that as the difference between (i) what you actually received from an investment vs.
(ii) what you would have received if your investment grew at some benchmark growth rate (the discount rate).
it's helpful to forget the "it's the rate that sets the NPV to 0" definition of IRR for a moment and note that NPV and
With these definitions in place, you can therefore see why investors might use an IRR instead of an NPV
Knowing "by how much is my investment growing per year" is often more helpful than knowing
"by how much is my investment exceeding some benchmark growth rate."
IRR is the rate of return at which the net present value of a project would be zero. So,
if the cost of capital for a project is higher than its IRR, then the project is not feasible
because then the NPV would be negative (as the present value of inflows will go down
due to a higher rate). Put differently, it means that for a project to be undertaken , its
cost of capital should be lower than its IRR.
DF @ 11% DCF
1.000 -100,000
0.901 18,020
0.812 17,864
0.731 19,006
0.659 21,088
0.593 23,720
** When we discount using IRR of 10.94%, the NPV should come as ZERO
However, the IRR is an approximation. So, we will rarely get NPV of ZERO
= L + [NL /(NL - NH) * (H - L)]
L = Lower Limit
H = Higher Limit NL = NPV at lower limit
NH = NPV at higher limit
= 10.94
a moment and note that NPV and IRR are just ways of describing compound growth.
DCF DF @ 15%
-6,000 1.0000 DCF DF @ 20% DCF
885 0.8696 -6,000 1.0000 -6,000
1,175 0.7561 870 0.8333 833
1,386 0.6575 1,134 0.6944 1,042
1,533 0.5718 1,315 0.5787 1,157
1,628 0.4972 1,429 0.4823 1,206
1,492 0.4019 1,206
240 -556
Year Amount
0 -100,000
1 20,000
2 22,000
3 26,000
4 32,000
5 40,000
= 10.97%
- Considers the time value of money
- is a percentage and therefore easily understood
- uses cash flows not profits
- considers the whole life of the project
- means a firm selecting projects where the IRR exceeds the cost of capital should increase shareholders' wealth
- It is not a measure of absolute profitability.
- Interpolation only provides an estimate and an accurate estimate requires the use of a spreadsheet programme.
- It is fairly complicated to calculate.
- Non-conventional cash flows may give rise to multiple IRRs which means the interpolation method can't be used.