264-. As per approval of VC&MD vide Note #261, Accounts section received a B/E from coal department for
3.23 as per
reimbursement the amount to 1.4/s AdaniEnterprises Ltd (IYDO) against to RA-11 invoice item no's 3.23 to
Phase-1 development works suliyari coal mine
spproved billing sop of 7ooomts, 75oomts, 8OOOmts & 850omts, under R&R ,
Rate value
lnv No Date Qtv
1% TDS-CGST 1,69,498.00
suliyari coal mine payabte ioiJani Enterprises,yes Bank, Ac- 000781400003508, IFSC-YESB0000007,
Poranki branch, IFSC:
pradesh Mineral oeueropmenarporaiion ito, Icrcr Bank, A/c No.236805001311,
IcICooo2368. Towards IT-TDS & TDS-IGST recovery'
ql.b2 y)
an RA)
DG (F&A)
qa-9-t W ctP b.\rt J4\ 4",
269. Kindly peruse the invoice received from M/s Adani Enterprises Limited
(MDO) for an amount of Rs.5,94A6,tOLl- (Rupees Five Crores
Ninety Four Lakhs Twenty Six Thousand One Hundred and
One Only) including GSf @ 18o/o raised against to RA - 12 item no,s
L.14, 3.27 to 3.29, 4.13 to 4.15, 4.18 to 4.19, 4.22 to 4.23,
4.26 to 4.27, 4.3O to 4.31 and 4.37 under R&R phase _ I
development works at Suliyari Coal Mine. (Copy placed at page No,s
from 21rt to_zrB,6.i.;
GM( F8H)
L-y N H6 *r.-p.-.'-r P\- lo-\16' -t\^F .9i\.-- -6*,^r.v.L I
v'-ti A'<-'liqo q.J
Yo -fl.r- p.-c- - ftr^a': I- \t---"^ $'v
/-I^F '-['"nn a f *f'*- ^4- fo'\ra'
z?r trs ffiw:i**:,J;"'
)".'' tr-.J
ct N>
^^ G,^Lil9
277. The bill was forwarded to Accounts Department for Pre-Audit. The
Finance and Accounts Depaftment scrutinized the bills and requested
to get the approval from VC & MD for further process as mentioned
in Para No. 274 to 276 N'f., and APMDC released the payments to
M/s Adani Enterprises Limited upto RA - 1t invoices against
agreement value of Rs.66.20 Crores. The details are shown below:-
Total amount 90o/o PaYment
retention as
sl. Base bills till RA - released till
Description GST SD on base
No Amount 11 RA-11 amount
278. The invoice raised by M/s Adani Enterprises Limited (MDO) for an
Lakhs Twenty Six Thousand One Hundred and One Only)
including GST @ 18o/o raised against to RA - 12 item no's L'L4,3'27
to 3.29, 4. 13 to 4. 15, 4. 18 to 4. 19, 4,22 to 4'23' 4'26 to 4'27,
4.30 to 4.31 and 4.37 under R&R Phase - I development works at
Suliyari Coal Mine.
279. The General Manager (Coal), Manager (civil) certified the invoice of
RA -12 invoice and civil Engineer of APMDC scrutinized the bill.
280. Submitted to VC & MD for kind perusal and approval to release the
90o/o paymdnt of Rs.4,53,24,9921- (Rupees Four Crores Fifty
Three Lakhs Twenty Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety
Two Only) excl of GST and balance 10o/o payrn9n'Lol!s'50,36,110/-
(Rupees Fifty Lakhs Thirty Six Thousand One Hundred and
Ten Only) excl of GST will be kept as security deposit
-:--tc a) o A rl \wD
Civil En grneer
L! -,
@ EJ A t
o \<-C.3i'-'r'Y\ -c^J a, VY
VC MD.^ *.9/ F.644)rF^
1 g, )it
283' It is to submit that, as per the Bifling Breakup Unit (BBU) items
shown below:-
> 1.14 - Total road length is 2531 mts so far completed 2000
mts for the barance 531 mts compreted and raised tne Rn
- rz
> 4.30 to 4.31 - instailation & testing of ttl0.4 KV 200 KVA pMT
(1 No's) and Commissioning of tUO.4 KV 200 KVA pMT (1 No)
282. During the visit of civil Engineer He, found all the above works has
been completed, necessary completion certificate given by the
Manager (civil) and Asst. Manager (Erec.) recommended by the
General Manager (Coal) for release the payment.
283. In view of the above requested to the VC & MD for approval para
No. 280 N.f. , please,
Civil Engineero\1"' \ttt-t
DG ) / Vice-P ide r)
far, 3k b a?Pr U,