DLL Eapp Compilation
DLL Eapp Compilation
DLL Eapp Compilation
GRADE 11 11
A. Content Standards
The acquired The acquired The learners The learners acquire the
knowledge of knowledge of acquire the knowledge knowledge of appropriate
appropriate reading appropriate reading of appropriate reading reading strategies for a
strategies for a better strategies for a better strategies for a better better understanding of
understanding of understanding of understanding of academic texts
academic texts academic texts academic texts
B. Performance Standards
The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a detailed
detailed abstract of detailed abstract of detailed abstract of abstract of information
information gathered from information gathered information gathered from gathered from the various
the various academic texts from the various the various academic texts academic texts read
read academic texts read read
A. Content Standards The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires
knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of appropriate
appropriate reading appropriate reading appropriate reading reading strategies for a
strategies for a better strategies for a better strategies for a better better understanding of
understanding of understanding of understanding of academic texts
academic texts academic texts academic texts
C. Learning Competencies Give their 1. Explain what 1. annotate, outline, 1. Discuss the writing
reactions/answers in critical reading is. summarize and process.
academic manner. 2. Discuss the question the 2. Note the proper way
strategies in writer’s claim in a of writing thesis
critical reading text statement.
2. Note the ways
how to become a
II. CONTENT Nature of Academic Texts Reading Text Critically Reading Text Critically Reading Text Critically
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Material Pages
EAPP by Saqueton pp. 3-9 EAPP by Saqueton pp. 13-27 EAPP by Saqueton pp. 13-27 EAPP by Saqueton pp. 13-27
Prepared 3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Yvette P. Learning Resources portal
B. Other Learning Resources
The learners will be Why academic papers goes Recapitulation of Recapitulation of yesterday’s
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson given time to refresh hand in hand with yesterday’s lesson. lesson ( in charge – (Learning
their minds on the research? Is critical reading ( learning Barkada 4 in Barkada 2 )
topics discussed last important in doing your charge )
research why?
A. Content Standards The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires Intended for remedial or
knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of appropriate enhancement activities ( as
appropriate reading appropriate reading appropriate reading reading strategies for a needed )
strategies for a better strategies for a better strategies for a better better understanding of
understanding of understanding of understanding of academic texts
academic texts academic texts academic texts
B. Performance Standards The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a Intended for remedial or
detailed abstract of detailed abstract of detailed abstract of detailed abstract of enhancement activities ( as
information gathered from the information gathered information gathered from the information gathered from the needed )
various academic texts read from the various various academic texts read various academic texts read
academic texts read
C. Learning Competencies 1. Discuss the thesis Give their reactions/answers Illustrate that Distinguish between
statement in academic manner. writing is a process. paraphrasing and
2. Write a thesis statement quoting and use them
appropriately in the
. paper.
II. CONTENT Reading Texts Critically Reading Texts Critically Writing Academic Texts Writing Academic Texts
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages EAPP by Saqueton pp. 13-27 EAPP by Saqueton pp. 13-27 EAPP by Saqueton pp. 31-54 EAPP by Saqueton pp. 31-54
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Recapitulation of The learners will be given Writing is a process. Why Recapitulation of the lesson
the new lesson
the lesson to be time to refresh their do you think so? to be given by Learning
given by Learning minds on the topics ( Sharing of insights) Barkada 1 in the class
Barkada 3. discussed last week.
( they will be given 10
minutes to do
brainstorming) by group
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Why thesis statement Test – Citing of the rules Presentation of the Establishing the importance
important in writing your in test taking objectives to the learners of paraphrasing and quoting
paper? ( 3 minutes ) what to expect in the in the paper to avoid
succeeding lessons. plagiarism.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Presenting samples of Presentation of a text to Discussion of paraphrasing
new lesson
thesis statement. the learners
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Theories need to know Drawing conclusion about Discussion of quoting.
new skills #1
about thesis statement and the text presented. Distinguishing the difference
presenting examples. of the two.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Aligning the discussion to Observing sample texts with
new skills #2
the objective which is the paraphrasing/quoting
writing process
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Activity: Thesis statement Activity: asking learners to
Assessment 3)
paraphrase some of the
texts provided to them
G. Finding practical applications of What have you noticed to How will you apply paraphrasing
concepts and skills in daily living
your writing strategy before? and quoting in your daily living?
H. Making generalizations and abstractions Sharing of insights learned. What is the importance of
about the lesson
Open forum will be used as following/knowing the
strategy. writing process?
I. Evaluating the learning Oral argument-Individual Unit test ( 40 minutes ) Individual performance in
task an oral argument.
J. Additional activities for application or Make a research on MLA.
remediation / Assignment
V. REMARKS The learners were too A written test was The learners were giving Participation of the learners
passive in the activity maybe conducted. No untoward their reactions during the was observed. However, it was
because they found the incident happened during discussion. Some were not so active compared to
lesson quite stressful. the activity. Rules were positive and few were previous discussion.
Learners were asked to make followed accordingly. negative. As for the negative
their own study on the thesis Rubric will be used in insights, discussion was also
statement. checking the essay type held to solve the issues
Enhancement of the lesson will test. See attached rubric delivered by the students.
be done in the
remediation time.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the GAS-11 GAS GAS
formative assessment
GAS 13
H.E.14 HE 13 HE HE
B. No of learners who require additional activities Half of the class was really
for remediation
passive, therefore
remediation will be made.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
School Principal I
A. Content Standards The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires Intended for remedial or
knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of appropriate enhancement activities ( as
appropriate reading appropriate reading appropriate reading reading strategies for a needed )
strategies for a better strategies for a better strategies for a better better understanding of
understanding of understanding of understanding of academic texts
academic texts academic texts academic texts
B. Performance Standards The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a detailed Intended for remedial or
detailed abstract of detailed abstract of detailed abstract of abstract of enhancement activities ( as
information gathered from information gathered information gathered from information gathered from needed )
the various academic texts from the various the various academic texts the various academic texts read
read academic texts read read
C. Learning Competencies Document the sources Document the sources Discuss the post writing Note the post writing
properly using MLA Discuss properly using MLA activity through the videos
the Dewey Decimal System Discuss the Dewey about to watch
and other Decimal System and
information with regards to other information with
library works regards to library works
II. CONTENT Writing Academic Texts Writing Academic Texts Writing Academic Texts Writing Academic Texts
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Recapitulation of the lesson Recapitulation of the Recap will be delivered by LB Recap will be done first
the new lesson
to be delivered by lesson to be delivered by 4 before the presentation of
Learning Barkada 2. Learning Barkada 3. the lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson How will you avoid Writing is revising (Murray,
plagiarism? 2005)
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Showing of two sets of texts Presentation of the
new lesson
one is plagiarized and the theories in post writing
other one is
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Presentation of the MLA Continuation of the Discussion /sharing of
new skills #1
discussion about MLA insights about the lesson
and discussing some presented
reminders in
using the library
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Library Lessons-DDS and Continuation of the lesson.
new skills #2
other information with Giving of insights about the
regards to using the library writing process through
video clips
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Activity: Documenting texts Activity: Documenting
Assessment 3)
using MLA texts using MLA
G. Finding practical applications of How important the proper How important the
concepts and skills in daily living
documentation in writing proper documentation in
V. REMARKS Unfortunately, the lesson Objectives accomplished. The lesson intended for this Objectives were successfully
was not able to finish day was not in full blast achieved.
because the lesson about because the learners need
MLA was too long and to watch a video after this
stressful on the part of the presentation.
learners. The learners
needed time to observe the
sample texts. Fruitful
interaction was evident
during the discussion.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the GAS 18 GAS 16 GAS 18 GAS 17
formative assessment
HE 20 HE 19 HE 20 HE20
B. No of learners who require additional activities The number of learners The number of learners The number of learners The number of learners who
for remediation
who will be given who will be given who will be given will be given remediation
remediation depends on remediation depends on remediation depends on depends on the learners who
the learners who were the learners who were the learners who were were absent
absent absent absent
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners Remedial classes will be Remedial classes will be Remedial classes will be Remedial classes will be
who have caught up with the lesson
executed after the executed after the executed after the executed after the
examination. examination. examination. examination.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies works well? The use of video clips was of
Why did these work?
big help for the learners to
understand better the
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
School Principal I
A. Content Standards The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires Intended for remedial or
knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of appropriate enhancement activities ( as
appropriate reading appropriate reading appropriate reading reading strategies for a needed )
strategies for a better strategies for a better strategies for a better better understanding of
understanding of understanding of understanding of academic texts
academic texts academic texts academic texts
B. Performance Standards The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a Intended for remedial or
detailed abstract of detailed abstract of detailed abstract of detailed abstract of enhancement activities ( as
information gathered from the information gathered information gathered from the information gathered from the needed )
various academic texts read from the various various academic texts read various academic texts read
academic texts read
C. Learning Competencies Give their reactions/answers Critique an essay Critique an essay
academic manner.
II. CONTENT Writing Academic Texts Writing Academic Texts Writing Academic Texts Writing Academic Texts
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting The learners will be given Sharing of insights learned Asking the learners to Recap of yesterday’s discussion.
the new lesson
time to refresh their minds previously before the prepare themselves for
on the topics discussed last activity. the oral argument
week. ( they will be given 10 regarding the activity
minutes to do previously done.
brainstorming) by group
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Test – Citing of the rules in Students will be grouped The teacher will make an
test taking into three. emphasis on the importance of
( 3 minutes ) establishing correct format in
writing academic
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Critique the essay. Each group will be given
new lesson
Format and mechanics enough time to discuss
will be discussed to the the output.
students. Rubric as well
will be presented.
Students will be given
enough time to do the
activity. Note!
Presentation will be
delivered the following
V. REMARKS A written test was The learners did the The learners managed their Sharing of ideas happened in
conducted. No untoward written activity. time well. the class. The lesson ran
incident happened during Presentation will be Unfortunately, stressing of smoothly.
the activity. Rules were tomorrow. some insights regarding
followed accordingly. indentions and other point of
Rubric will be used in views will be stressed
checking the essay type tomorrow.
test. See attached rubric
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
GAS 16 GAS 16 GAS 16
HE 19 HE 20 HE 19
B. No of learners who require additional activities The number of learners The number of learners The number of learners The number of learners who
for remediation
who will be given who will be given who will be given will be given remediation
remediation depends on remediation depends on remediation depends on depends on the learners who
the learners who were the learners who were the learners who were were absent
absent absent absent
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners Remedial classes will be Remedial classes will be Remedial classes will be Remedial classes will be
who have caught up with the lesson
executed after the executed after the executed after the executed after the
examination. examination. examination. examination.
School Principal I
A. Content Standards The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires Intended for remedial or
knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of appropriate enhancement activities ( as
appropriate reading appropriate reading appropriate reading reading strategies for a needed )
strategies for a better strategies for a better strategies for a better better understanding of
understanding of understanding of understanding of academic texts
academic texts academic texts academic texts
B. Performance Standards The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a Intended for remedial or
detailed abstract of detailed abstract of detailed abstract of detailed abstract of enhancement activities ( as
information gathered from the information gathered information gathered from the information gathered from the needed )
various academic texts read from the various various academic texts read various academic texts read
academic texts read
C. Learning Competencies Discuss reaction paper Explain the parts of the Give additional Adapt some writing
reaction paper reinforcement about the techniques based on the
Explain fully how to write way how to write a samples of reaction paper to
a reaction paper. reaction paper be shown.
II. CONTENT The Reaction Paper The Reaction Paper The Reaction Paper The Reaction Paper
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Recap of last week topics. Recap of yesterday’s Recap of yesterday’s lesson Recap of yesterday’s lesson
the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Establishing the objectives Strengthening the details Making a follow regarding Asking the learners how far
for this week about reaction paper the previous reading they have gone with the
assignment which will be writing of reaction paper which
used for the output. was assigned to them.
( Sharing of insights)
C. Presenting examples/instances of the How do you write reaction Parts of the reaction Giving of few reminders The teacher will show a sample
new lesson
paper? Discuss the content. paper On the reaction paper. reaction paper.
Sharing of thoughts How to write a reaction ( Then asking the learners to
paper? make an observation)
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Reaction paper- deriving its Each part will be reviewed The teacher will encourage
new skills #1
meaning. and give more examples of the learners to involve
The difference of reaction it. themselves in an open forum
paper to reflection paper. regarding their doubts,
problems in writing reaction
paper. Those learners who
knew already the techniques
will also be encouraged to
share what
they know.
V. REMARKS The lesson rendered well. The lesson was delivered Learners were too eager to Based on the activities
Learners were participative in smoothly. Learners shared learn the techniques in provided about the lesson,
the discussion the insights they knew writing reaction paper that’s the learners are now ready to
before about reaction why questions were raised continue the writing of
paper. during the discussion. Each reaction paper. Submission
question was dealt will be on Tuesday.
However some male
learners were still confused
and they were asking for
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the GAS15
formative assessment
GAS 16 GAS 15 GAS 15
HE 20 HE 21 HE 19 HE 20
B. No of learners who require additional activities Absent 3 GAS Absent : GAS 3 Absent HE 3 Absent GAS 3
for remediation
HE 2 HE 1 GAS 3 HE 2
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners For the learners who were For the learners who were For the learners who were
who have caught up with the lesson
absent remediation will be absent remediation will be absent remediation will be
applied as soon as applied as soon as the applied as soon as the
the students reported. students reported. students reported.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
Note! Reinforcement of Note! Reinforcement of Note! Reinforcement of the
the lesson about the lesson about Reaction lesson about Reaction paper
Reaction paper still be paper still be given to the still be given to the learners for
given to the learners for learners for them to them to understand it well.
them to understand it understand it well.
E. Which of my teaching strategies works well? An open forum was used.
Why did these work?
It was helpful in
encouraging learners to
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
School Principal I
A. Content Standards The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires Intended for remedial or
knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of appropriate enhancement activities ( as
appropriate reading appropriate reading appropriate reading reading strategies for a needed )
strategies for a better strategies for a better strategies for a better better understanding of
understanding of understanding of understanding of academic texts
academic texts academic texts academic texts
B. Performance Standards The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a Intended for remedial or
detailed abstract of detailed abstract of detailed abstract of detailed abstract of enhancement activities ( as
information gathered from the information gathered information gathered from the information gathered from the needed )
various academic texts read from the various various academic texts read various academic texts read
academic texts read
C. Learning Competencies Share their insights Share their insights 1. Share one’s insight to 1. Assess students’ learning
Write questions Write questions the class. 2. Answer the questions
2. Deliver their ideas correctly.
effectively. 3. Foster honesty and patience
in reading while
taking the test.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting
the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson The teacher will explain the The teacher will explain the
intended activity for today. intended activity for today.
This is entitled “ What I know, This is entitled “ What I
I Will Share”. This is a review know, I Will Share”. This is
activity in preparation for the a review activity in
examination preparation for
the examination
C. Presenting examples/instances of the The learners will be grouped The learners will be grouped
new lesson
into 6 groups. Each group will into 6 groups. Each group will
make 10 questions with make 10 questions with
corresponding answer. Then corresponding answer. Then
the group will give input after the group will give input
the writing after the writing
activity. activity.
V. REMARKS This plan was not executed The teacher let the students There were 79 learners who
because of heavy rains. to ask questions and clarify took the test. There were two
There was an doubtful ideas discussed students who were absent in
announcement of NO previously. This strategy is TVL – HE.
CLASSES by the provincial done in preparation for the
government. The plan 1st quarterly examination.
made for today will be The activity done smoothly.
executed tomorrow.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the Participation Rate Participation rate AGRI 33 or Participation rate AGRI 41 or
formative assessment
AGRI 36 or 85.71% 78.57% 97.61%
HE 17 or 77.27% HE 21 0r 95.45% HE 20 or 90.90%
GAS 16 or 88.88% GAS 16 or 88.88% GAS 18 0r 100%
B. No of learners who require additional activities Absent AGRI 6 Absent AGRI 7 Learners who did not take the
for remediation
HE 5 HE 1 test today will be guided to
GAS 2 GAS 2 take their test next meeting.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners Remediation will come up
who have caught up with the lesson
after the evaluation of test
D. No. of learners who continue to require
Weekly Lesson Plan
A. Content Standards The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires The learner acquires Intended for remedial or
knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of appropriate enhancement activities ( as
appropriate reading appropriate reading appropriate reading reading strategies for a needed )
strategies for a better strategies for a better strategies for a better better understanding of
understanding of understanding of understanding of academic texts
academic texts academic texts academic texts
B. Performance Standards The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a The learner produces a Intended for remedial or
detailed abstract of detailed abstract of detailed abstract of detailed abstract of enhancement activities ( as
information gathered from the information gathered information gathered from the information gathered from the needed )
various academic texts read from the various various academic texts read various academic texts read
academic texts read
C. Learning Competencies Evaluate their score in the test Present detailed abstract of Present detailed abstract of Present detailed abstract of
Analyze the questions information gathered information gathered information gathered from
from the academic text from the academic text the academic text read.
given in the periodical test read. read. Apply the theories learned.
Apply the theories Apply the theories
learned. learned.
II. CONTENT Test Analysis Performance Task: Performance Task: Performance Task:
Presentation of detailed Presentation of detailed Presentation of detailed
information information information
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Informing the learners to Informing the learners to get The teacher will check if revision
the new lesson
get ready for the ready for the is made.
presentation presentation
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson The teacher will inform the Reviewing of the rubric Reviewing of the rubric
students to check the (previously mentioned (previously mentioned
questions which they were before they start the before they start the task)
wrong. Learners will be task) and asking some and asking some
informed of the reason why suggestions to the suggestions to the learners
there should be a test learners
analysis like the one which
they are going to do today.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the The teacher will instruct the
new lesson
learners about the way they
should do the
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing The learners will be able to Presentation starts. Presentation starts. Presentation starts.
new skills #1
reflect on the way they
handled the previous test.
( Reflection)
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Giving of reactions by Giving of reactions by Giving of reactions by both
new skills #2
both parties both parties parties
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and abstractions Summarizing the Summarizing the thoughts Giving of the gist.
about the lesson
thoughts learned… learned…
Weekly Lesson Plan
Subject: EAPP Date: August 29- September 1, 2016 Lesson plan # : 29-32
C. Learning Competencies Apply the knowledge learned Apply the knowledge learned
about the appropriate about the appropriate
reading reading
strategies for a better strategies for a better
understanding of academic understanding of
writing. academic writing.
II. CONTENT Remediation-intended for Remediation-intended
first quarter for first quarter
lessons/activities- Dealing on lessons/activities-
the least learned skills Dealing on the least
learned skills
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Citing of the least learned skills Citing of the least learned
the new lesson
before the activity skills before the activity
starts. starts.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Encouragement will be Encouragement will be
done by the teacher. done by the teacher.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the The teacher will ask the help The teacher will ask the
new lesson
of those learners who do not help of those learners
need remediation to assist who do not need
their classmates who need it. remediation to assist their
Learners will be divided into classmates who need it.
different groups. Written and Learners will be divided
oral activity will be executed. into different groups.
Written and oral
activity will be executed.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Activity will be executed… Activity will be
new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and abstractions The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
about the lesson
learners to cite their learners to cite their
observation during the observation during the
activity. They will also activity. They will also
answer this question: How did answer this question:
you find the activity? How did you find the
I. Evaluating the learning
J. Additional activities for application or
remediation / Assignment
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
School Principal I
Weekly Lesson Plan
B. Performance Standards Write a comprehensive Write a comprehensive Write a comprehensive Write a comprehensive
review/reaction paper review/reaction paper review/reaction paper review/reaction paper
Performance Arts, Performance Arts, Performance Arts, Performance Arts,
Play, Dance, Sports, Play, Dance, Sports, Play, Dance, Sports, Play, Dance, Sports,
etc. etc. etc. etc.
Film Film Film Film
Participation in a Participation in a Participation in a Participation in a
religious or religious or religious or religious or
community festival community community community festival
Art Exhibit festival festival Art Exhibit
Art Exhibit Art Exhibit
C. Learning Competencies Watch a film. Analyze the principles of Analyze the principles of Analyze the principles of
writing effective reviews writing effective reviews writing effective reviews
II. CONTENT Film Review ( Every Child is Writing a Review Writing a Review Writing a Review
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64 EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64 EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64 EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64
4. Additional Materials from Learning http://www.wikihow.com/ http://www.wikihow.com/ http://www.wikihow.com/
Resources portal
Sample/Online-Movie- Sample/Online-Movie- Sample/Online-Movie-
Review Review Review
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Citing what to expect this 2nd The teacher will orient the The teacher will allow the The teacher will allow the
the new lesson
quarter. The teacher will students of the thing they learners to do the writing learners to do the writing
explain the content and need to do. ( Movie Review) activity in class to test the activity in class to test the
performance validity of the activity. validity of the activity.
standards. (Writing Activity) (Writing Activity )
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Citing of the objective Monitoring the learners’ Monitoring the learners’
activity activity
C. Presenting examples/instances of the The teacher will motivate Giving of the principles in Monitoring the learners’ Monitoring the learners’
new lesson
the students to watch the writing or making a review activity activity
film critically. or critique
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing The teacher will inform the Monitoring the learners’ Monitoring the learners’
new skills #1
learners about the activity activity
concept/task they need to
do after watching the film
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Showing of sample review Monitoring the learners’ Monitoring the learners’
new skills #2
activity activity
F. Developing mastery (Leads to The students will write Monitoring the learners’ Monitoring the learners’
Formative Assessment 3)
their own movie review activity activity
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and abstractions What will be the help of Checking whether the learners Checking whether the
about the lesson
knowing the concepts of achieved the intended plan for learners achieved the
critiquing in your daily life? today intended plan for today
How will you apply the
theories learned in
your daily living?
I. Evaluating the learning
J. Additional activities for application or
remediation / Assignment
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the HE – 18 or 81.81% HE- 18 or 81.81% This plan was not executed This plan was not executed
formative assessment
PARTICIPATION RATE participation rate was because the teacher was on because the teacher was on
GAS- 11 61.11% achieved. leave due to sickness. leave due to sickness.
participation rate
AFA- 88.09% achieved
B. No of learners who require additional activities GAS- 7 ABSENT HE GAS – 5
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Not yet… but remediation
learners who have caught up with the lesson
will be provided to them as
soon as they reported
in class.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
Subject: EAPP Date: September 12- September 15, 2016 Lesson plan # : 37-40
B. Performance Standards Write a comprehensive Write a comprehensive Write a comprehensive Write a comprehensive
review/reaction paper review/reaction paper review/reaction paper review/reaction paper
Performance Arts, Performance Arts, Performance Arts, Performance Arts,
Play, Dance, Sports, Play, Dance, Sports, Play, Dance, Sports, Play, Dance, Sports,
etc. etc. etc. etc.
Film Film Film Film
Participation in a Participation in a Participation in a Participation in a
religious or religious or religious or religious or
community festival community community community festival
Art Exhibit festival festival Art Exhibit
Art Exhibit Art Exhibit
C. Learning Competencies Analyze the principles of Analyze the principles of Analyze the principles of Analyze the principles of
writing effective reviews writing effective reviews writing effective reviews writing effective reviews
( MOVIE ) ( MOVIE ) ( literature) ( literature)
II. CONTENT Writing a Review Writing a Review Writing a Review Writing a Review
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64 EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64 EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64 EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64
EAPP pp. 75-78 EAPP pp. 75-78
4. Additional Materials from http://www.wikihow.com/ http://www.wikihow.com/ http://www.wikihow.com/ http://www.wikihow.com/
Learning Resources portal
Sample/Online-Movie- Sample/Online-Movie- Sample/Online-Movie- Sample/Online-Movie-
Review Review Review Review
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting The teacher will allow the The teacher will allow the Reviewing the activity done Reviewing the activity done
the new lesson
learners to do the writing learners to do the writing about Heneral Luna about Heneral Luna
activity in class to test the activity in class to test the
validity of the activity. validity of the activity.
(Writing Activity ) (Writing Activity )
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Monitoring the learners’ Monitoring the learners’ Writing activity Writing activity
activity activity
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Monitoring the learners’ Monitoring the learners’ Why do people read reviews? Why do people read reviews?
new lesson
activity activity Why are reviews Why are reviews important?
important? How do reviews change the
How do reviews change the way you look at a movie,
way you look at a product or place?
movie, product or place?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Monitoring the learners’ Monitoring the learners’ Sharing of insights Sharing of insights
new skills #1
activity activity
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Monitoring the learners’ Monitoring the learners’
new skills #2
activity activity
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Monitoring the learners’ Monitoring the learners’
Formative Assessment 3)
activity activity
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and abstractions Checking whether the Checking whether the
about the lesson
learners achieved the learners achieved the
intended plan for today intended plan for today
I. Evaluating the learning
J. Additional activities for application or
remediation / Assignment
V. REMARKS The plan was not executed The intended output was This plan was not executed Intramurals held
today- HOLIDAY not yet done. Since it was because of the general
a writing activity, it was quite meeting held with seniors in
hard for the students. The line with the Intramurals
teacher gave additional tomorrow.
pointers in
writing the output.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the AFA- 37
formative assessment
B. No of learners who require additional activities AFA-5
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of The remediation will be given
learners who have caught up with the lesson
as soon as the
learners reported in class.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies works well? The use of module and peer
Why did these work?
teaching for students who
were absent is still on the
process of evaluating
its effectiveness.
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Weekly Lesson Plan
Subject: EAPP Date: September 19- September 22, 2016 Lesson plan # : 41-44-
B. Performance Standards Write a comprehensive Write a comprehensive Write a comprehensive Write a comprehensive
review/reaction paper review/reaction paper review/reaction paper review/reaction paper
Performance Arts, Performance Arts, Performance Arts, Performance Arts,
Play, Dance, Sports, Play, Dance, Sports, Play, Dance, Sports, Play, Dance, Sports,
etc. etc. etc. etc.
Film Film Film Film
Participation in a Participation in a Participation in a Participation in a
religious or religious or religious or religious or
community festival community community community festival
Art Exhibit festival festival Art Exhibit
Art Exhibit Art Exhibit
C. Learning Competencies Analyze the principles of Analyze the principles of Analyze the principles of Analyze the principles of
writing effective reviews writing effective reviews writing effective reviews writing effective reviews
( literature) ( literature) ( literature) ( literature)
II. CONTENT Writing a Review Writing a Review Writing a Review Writing a Review
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64 EAPP EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64 EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64 EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64
pp. 75-78 EAPP pp. 75-78 EAPP pp. 75-78 EAPP pp. 75-78
4. Additional Materials from Learning http://www.wikihow.com/ http://www.wikihow.com/ http://www.wikihow.com/ http://www.wikihow.com/
Resources portal
Sample/Online-Movie- Sample/Online-Movie- Sample/Online-Movie- Sample/Online-Movie-
Review Review Review Review
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Reviewing the activity done Reviewing the activity done Reviewing the activity done Reviewing the activity done
the new lesson
about Heneral Luna about Heneral Luna about Heneral Luna about Heneral Luna
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Writing activity Writing activity Writing activity Writing activity
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Why do people read Why do people read reviews? Why do people read reviews? Why do people read reviews?
new lesson
reviews? Why are reviews Why are reviews Why are reviews important?
Why are reviews important? important? How do reviews change the
important? How do reviews change the How do reviews change the way you look at a movie,
How do reviews change the way you look at a way you look at a product or place?
way you look at a movie, movie, product or place? movie, product or place?
product or place?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Sharing of insights Sharing of insights Sharing of insights Sharing of insights
new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (Leads to
Formative Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical applications of Write a review on a place Write a review on a place Write a review on a place Write a review on a place
concepts and skills in daily living
which you have visited which you have visited which you have visited which you have visited
already? already? already? already?
H. Making generalizations and abstractions Again, give the gist of writing Again, give the gist of Again, give the gist of Again, give the gist of
about the lesson
a review. writing a review. writing a review. writing a review.
Give the importance of Give the importance of Give the importance of Give the importance of
giving a review. giving a review. giving a review. giving a review.
I. Evaluating the learning ( Activities to be given here ( Activities to be given here ( Activities to be given here ( Activities to be given here
depend on the result of depend on the result depend on the result depend on the result of
activities taken) of activities taken) of activities taken) activities taken)
J. Additional activities for application or Think of your subject that will Think of your subject that will Think of your subject that will Think of your subject that
remediation / Assignment
be used for concept paper… be used for concept paper… be used for concept paper… will be used for concept
What is a concept paper? What is a concept paper? What is a concept paper? paper…
What is a concept paper?
V. REMARKS This plan was not executed Lesson for today was not Lesson for today was not Lesson for today was not
because the teacher was accomplished because the accomplished because the accomplished because the
on leave due to sickness. teacher was on leave due to teacher was on leave due to teacher was on leave due to flu
This will used next flu flu
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
Weekly Lesson Plan
Subject: EAPP Date: September 26- September 29, 2016 Lesson plan # : 45-49
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Material Pages EAPP pp. 85 onwards
3. Textbook Pages EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61-64 EAPP by Saquaton pp. 61- 64 Eapp by Sageoren pp.89 onwards
EAPP pp. 75-78 EAPP pp. 75-78
4. Additional Materials from Learning http://www.wikihow.com/ http://philosophyofbrains.com/
Resources portal
Sample/Online-Movie- 2009/12/16/two-kinds-of-
Review concept-implicit-and-
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Reviewing the activity done The teacher will ask the Recap of the lesson ( Making a
presenting the new lesson
about Heneral Luna learners to share the Critique)
difficulties they
encountered in writing
review paper
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Writing activity The learners will be What do you think will be the
informed of the importance importance of writing a concept
of knowing the correct way paper?
of writing
a review
C. Presenting examples/instances of Why do people read ( Reading Time!) – Eapp What is a concept paper?
the new lesson
reviews? textbook.
Why are reviews
How do reviews change
the way you look at a
movie, product or place?
D. Discussing new concepts and Sharing of insights What have you noticed on Discussion of concept paper
practicing new skills #1
the way the writer did
the review?
E. Discussing new concepts and Share the similarities and Seeing some sample contexts of
practicing new skills #2
differences you concept paper
F. Developing mastery (Leads to How will you differentiate the
Formative Assessment 3)
kinds of concept paper?
G. Finding practical applications of Write a review on a place Pointing some technical
concepts and skills in daily living
which you have visited reminders in writing
H. Making generalizations and Again, give the gist of Open forum ( Asking the learners
abstractions about the lesson
writing a review. to share what they got from the
Give the importance of discussion of concept
giving a review. paper)
V. REMARKS Lesson accomplished Activity achieved. The plan intended for today was
smoothly. not followed. The teacher decided
to give the time to the learners to
finish the written
outputs given previously.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the AFA- AFA- 37 present out of 42. The
formative assessment
participation rate achieved was
88.09% in AFA.
B. No of learners who require additional HE- 19 out of 22. The
activities for remediation
participation rate achieved in
HE was 86.36%.
GAS- 15 was present. The
participation rate in GAS was
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Students who were absent will be
learners who have caught up with the lesson
asked to attend the
remediation program.
D. No. of learners who continue to require 11 learners. Remediation will be
provided as soon as the
students reported in class.
E. Which of my teaching strategies works
well? Why did these work?
No new discussion happened
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my None
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I None
use/discover which I wish to share with other