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Peran penting dalam studi bahasa diambil oleh kosa kata. Ini terdiri dari daftar kata dan aspek-aspek tertentu seperti makna, penggunaan kata,
pengucapan yang digunakan orang untuk berkomunikasi. Semakin banyak kosakata yang dimiliki orang, semakin banyak mereka dapat
membaca, mendengarkan, berbicara, dan menulis. Dalam proses pembelajaran, guru memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam mengajarkan
kosakata. Peran dalam memfasilitasi pembelajaran bahasa dimainkan oleh media pengajaran. Ada banyak teknik mengajar dan salah satunya
adalah Game. Salah satu permainan yang dapat digunakan sebagai teknik mengajar adalah permainan scattergories. Penelitian ini menguji
penguasaan kosakata siswa menggunakan game scattergories. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Data
dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes kosakata, yang terdiri dari pre-test dan post-test. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP
Pesantren Modern Tarbiyah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata post-test siswa lebih tinggi dari pada pre-test, dimana nilai rata-
rata post-test adalah (65,5417), sedangkan pre-test adalah (35,8750). hipotesis nol (Ho) ditolak, dan hipotesis alternatif penelitian ini (H1) diterima.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan dari penggunaan game scattergories terhadap penguasaan
kosakata siswa di kelas tujuh SMP Pesantren Modern Tarbiyah Takalar tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi terhadap
proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris di tingkat sekolah menengah pertama, khususnya dalam aspek kosakata. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk
membuat beberapa variasi dalam pengajaran bagi guru bahasa Inggris, untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa tentang kosakata dengan cara
yang menyenangkan, dan untuk mendorong peneliti lain untuk melakukan penelitian semacam itu di masa depan.
A significant role in a study of languages is taken by vocabulary. It consists of words list and certain aspects such as meaning, use of words,
pronunciation that people use to communicate. The more vocabulary people have, the more they can read, listen, speak and write. In learning
process, teacher has a very important role in teaching vocabulary. A role in facilitating language learning is played by teaching media. There are
many teaching techniques and one of them is Game. One of the games that can be used as a teaching technique is scattergories game. This study
examined students’ vocabulary mastery using scattergories game. This study was conducted using quantitative method. Data was collected by
using a vocabulary test, consisting of pre-test and post-test. The sample of this research was the seventh-grade students of SMP Pesantren Modern
Tarbiyah. The result of the study shows that the students’ mean score of the post-test was higher than the pre-test, in which the mean score of the
post-test was (65.5417), while the pre-test was (35.8750). the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis of this research (H1)
is accepted. Based on the result of analysis, it can be concluded that there is a significant improvement of using the scattergories game towards
the students’ vocabulary mastery at the seventh-grade of SMP Pesantren Modern Tarbiyah Takalar in the academic year 2020/2021. This research
contributes to teaching and learning English at the junior high school level, especially in vocabulary aspect. It is intended to create some variations
in teaching for the English teacher, to improve students’ knowledge of vocabulary in a fun way, and to encourage other researchers to undertake
such kind of research in the future
learning vocabulary, such as: First one is that academic year 2020/2021. The population consists of
scattergories game requires students to move actively three classes. The researcher used a purposive
and compete with others. The second, the scattergories sampling technique. (Sugiyono, 2012) explains that
game also has simple rules so that students can easily purposive sampling is a technique for determining
follow the instructions given by the teacher. The third samples with certain considerations. Therefore, the
is the scattergories game makes experience of learning researcher took one class of the population as the
become fun and less stressful. sample of the research. The sample was selected
purposively because it was determined by the teacher.
(Diana, 2010) mentions the disadvantages of using a
game in the classroom activities. First disadvantage of 4. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS
using game is class become noisy. The second one is 4.1. Findings
that the teacher has limited time to explain the subject
The research findings are related to all of the data
matter. analysis obtained from the research instrument
consisting of the pre-test and post-test. The first data
On the basis of the previously mentioned explanation, were collected through a pre-test, and the aim was to
it can be sure enough to conclude that there are many know the student's previous vocabulary mastery,
advantages of scattergories game. However, there are while the second data were collected through the
definitely also disadvantages of using this game. post-test to examine the student's vocabulary mastery
after being taught by using scattergories game. The
3. RESEARCH METODOLOGY data that the researcher used in this research was 24
students’ pre-test and post-test scores. The description
3.1. Research Design of the data is presented as follows
This research applied the “pre-experimental method in
which the data were collected through a vocabulary 1. The Distribution of Frequency and Rate Percentage
test by using one group pre-test and post- test design” of the Students’ Pre- test and Post-test Scores
(Gay, E.M, & Airasian, 2000). This research involved a
pre-test (O1) and then applied the treatment before The students’ scores of the pre-test and the post-test
giving a post-test (O2). The formula is presented in are classified into some criteria. They are presented in
following line: the table below:
O1 X O2
(33,33%) students got average scores, and 14 (58,3%) following is an explanation of the advantages of the
students got "poor" scores. scattergories game.
1. Advantages of Using Scattergories Game in
2. The Mean Scores and Standard Deviation of the
Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Teaching Vocabulary
Table 2
There are some advantages of using scattergories game
Mean Score and Standard Deviation
in teaching vocabulary. The students were enthusiastic
and delighted to play the game because it is played in
groups and created very interesting competition
between one group and another. As stated by
Table 4.2 showed the statistical summary of the
students’ mean scores and standard deviation of both (Yuliansyah & Syafei, 2018), the game makes the
pre-test and post-test. It showed that the total mean teaching and learning process more fun and less
scores of the students’ pre-test was 35.87 and the stressful. Besides, they don't need to be ashamed or
standard deviation was 16.60, on the other hand, in the afraid of making mistakes because they can help each
post-test, the mean score increased to 65.54 and the other.
standard deviation of it was 12.85. it can be concluded
that the mean score of the students’ post-test was
In addition, this game is easy to understand because
higher than the mean score of the students’ pre-test.
this game has simple rules so that students can easily
4.2. Discussions follow the instructions given by the teacher. According
This part deals with the interpretation of the findings. to my observations, students immediately understood
This research aims at finding out the extent to which the procedures in playing this game in one
the use of scattergories games improves the vocabulary explanation. They understood quickly because they
mastery of first-grade students of SMP Pesantren felt familiar with this game which has similarities to the
Modern Tarbiyah Takalar. Scattergories game is a Pancasila Lima Dasar game. This is very convenient as
game originally published by Parker Brothers in 1988. not much time is spent explaining the procedure. They
Several years later, Hasbro bought Parker Brothers and are even more confident because they have mastered
published the game worldwide under their name how to play the game.
Milton Bradley.
The other advantages of using scattergories game also
To determine the extent of the Scattergories game in came from the researcher’s observation during the
improving vocabulary mastery of the students of SMP research. First, it makes the students become active. For
Pesantren Modern Tarbiyah Takalar, the researcher instance, in the treatment process, the students
tried to compare the result of the students’ pre-test and compete to convey their answers. They provide
post-test scores. From the data analysis in the previous opportunities for each member of the group to talk.
section above, it can be interpreted that there is a Almost all students are involved in the game because
significant improvement between the pre-test and post- they take turns with each other. They exchange
test mean scores. From the hypothesis testing using the knowledge and discuss with each other in thinking of
SPSS 22 version above, the researcher got the results the most creative answers in order to earn points and
that the students' post-test had a higher score than the win games.
pre-test. It means that the use of scattergories game can
improve students’ vocabulary mastery. Second, it increases students’ confidence. They are not
shy about expressing their opinions and asking
questions about things they still don't understand. And
This increase was obtained because of the many
the third, it increases the students’ learning motivation.
advantages of using the scattergories game. The
They are motivated to study harder because there is teaching vocabulary for grade VII students of SMP
competition and they want to win it. Pesantren Modern Tarbiyah Takalar, it was effective.
This research has some limitations within which the Gay, L.R, Geoffrey E.M, Peter Airasian. (2000).
findings need to interpret carefully. Some limitations Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis
and Implementations Tenth Edition. Merill
of this research should be mentioned. First, vocabulary
Premtice Hall.
mastery in this research focuses only on word
meaning, spelling, and use of words. Second, this Hadfield, J. (1990). Intermediate Communication Games.
research applied the pre-experimental method using London: Nelson. Hadfield, J. (1996). Elementary
one group pre-test and post- test design. Third, the Communication Games. Harlow: Pearson
result of this research may not be generalizable because Education Limited
the sample was restricted to SMP Pesantren Modern
Hatch, Evelyn and Brown, Cheryl. (1995). Vocabulary,
Tarbiyah Takalar grade VII.
Semantics, and Language Education. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
In the end, the researcher concludes that based on the
results of data analysis using a scattergories game in Kemendikbud. (2017). Panduan Penilaian oleh Pendidik
dan Satuan Pendidikan untuk Sekolah Menengah
Pertama. Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Sugiyono. (2012: 126). Research Methods. Bandung:
Pembesardayaan Dasar dan Menengah. Alfabeta.
Richards, J.C. & Schmidt, R. (2010). Longman Dictionary Yuliansyah, N., & Syafei, A. F. R. (2018). Using
of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (4th Scattergories Game in Teaching Vocabulary to
Ed). London: Pearson Education Limited Elementary School Students. Journal of English
Language Teaching, 7(4).