1.5 Changelog
1.5 Changelog
1.5 Changelog
5b r6:
= Fix max sound targets calculation
= Fix issue with missing radio songs
- Removed balance breaking static item spawns
~ Further balancing of weapon stats, upgrades and box loot
1.5b r5:
* Actor can now only recruit companions one rank level above and below
* Complete damages and protections overhaul by Balathruin
* Complete economy overhaul by Balathruin. More long term economy with
progression slowed down.
* Complete environment sound overhaul by Balathruin
* Overhaul of xr_logic parse_condlist and pick_section_from_condlist for
optimization and quality-of-life.
* Reworked axr_keybind.script | Now it should be easier to bind a function
call to a key action without having to modify axr_keybind.script directly.
* changed how loadscreen.script is used by engine, now everything about tips
can be altered from script.
* damage stat on UI should now be more accurately normalized no matter the
weapon configs.
* re-enabled grass density and draw radius back into advanced game options
* restored smart:set_alarm() being triggered when npc enters combat mode.
* scope_zoom_factor now goes by actual magnification value. Ex.
scope_zoom_factor = 5 means scope is 5x
* scripts folder can now load *.script from subdirectories
1.5b r4:
+ Existing engine log is now renamed to .bkp extension when game starts
1.5b r3:
* Adjust mutant meat and food
* Allow bandit trader and monolith trader to buy artefacts since their factions
don't have access to scientists
* Beard buys aretfacts now
* Dragged icons now drop to cell at cursor position rather then the left-top
position of the icon
* Librarian buys mutant parts now
* Olivius buys mutant parts
* Spore buys artefacts now
= Fix Petrenko's trader config file being misspelled preventing him from loading
his supplies.
= Fix artefact condition not loading properly for level object
= Fix disabling helicopter spawn from crashing the game if helicopters exist
= Fix missing l11_pripyat.db and level.ai for Yantar
= Fix online exclusion radius
= Fix tell stories around the campfire
= Fixed Clear Sky outfit name/descriptions; Were incorrectly swapped
= Fixed crash with xr_box.script
= Missing "gameplay\character_dialogs"
= Reimplemented temporary fix to engine for DX8 'default shader' crash
1.5b r2:
+ Added 2 extra slots to the inventory, one for knives and the other for
+ Added 28 outfits and pieces of headgear, 26 of which from VodkaChicken's "Outfit
+ Added 2C's customisations to Yantar and Outskirts levels, expanding many building
+ Added 5 custom map spots; three for stashes, one for butterfly mines and the
other for companions.
+ Added 43 first names and 520 second names restored from all three previous
stalker games.
+ Added a post_combat_idle for mutants to utilise old engine features like dragging
bodies and eating.
+ Added a start location for bandits at the Car Park / Vehicle Station in Cordon.
+ Added a tab to game options dedicated to interface and heads-up-display options.
+ Added ability to bind a key to toggle the heads-up-display on or off.
+ Added ability to hold control and double-click to move more than a single item in
a stack.
+ Added ability to ignite or extinguish campfires at will instead of relying on
NPCs to do it.
+ Added animations for campfires, corpse searching, surrending and other scenarios
involving the AI.
+ Added callbacks "actor_menu_mode_changed", "inventory_box_can_take",
"on_achievement_earned", "squad_on_enter_smart" and "squad_on_leave_smart".
+ Added Clear Sky's hidden base as one of the start locations when playing as a
+ Added command line options "-smap256", "-smap512", and "-smap1024".
+ Added cooking feature, which allows the player to use a stove to cook mutant
+ Added debug command "debug_visuals" which spawns all NPC visuals in a line for
+ Added debug command "name" to change player name, use underscores in place of
+ Added directory abbreviation "$warfare_presets$" so Warfare doesn't need to
modify fsgame.ltx.
+ Added grass shadows toggle to the video options menu. No noticeable impact on
+ Added guide tab to the PDA, a work-in-progress recreation of the Shadow of
Chernobyl encyclopedia.
+ Added higher resolution PDA map renders of Chernobyl NPP, Darkscape, Dead City
and Generators.
+ Added kPDA_TAB1 through 6 to replace usage of kCUSTOM6 through 12 for PDA tab
+ Added logic parameter "on_first_update"; similar to "on_info" but only fires once
per load.
+ Added missing closed captions for Clear Sky and Mercenaries, thanks to
VodkaChicken and SashaRed.
+ Added missing minimap for the Monolith Control Center (l12u_control_monolith).
+ Added mutant parts "Crow beak" and "Karlik ear", both hard to obtain and
+ Bounty tasks now tell you the name and faction of the target before accepting
+ Controllers now actually hurt AI stalkers, they can commit suicide or attack
their friends.
+ Enabled more voice lines for throwing grenades and other actions performed by the
+ Item configurations have been relocated to a new folder and have been completely
+ Many doors which were locked can now be opened and closed, unlocking more safe
spots from emissions.
+ News tips icons for achievements, dynamic news, etc. are now read from a new
external config plugin.
+ PDA map spots for important areas like anomalies are now read from a new external
config plugin.
+ Restored ambient cloud shadows from Shadow of Chernobyl and pre-release builds.
+ Restored ambient night-time music from build 3844 and 3183 for Jupiter and Zaton
+ Restored ambient sound effects from Shadow of Chernobyl using Balathruin's Sound
Restoration addon (with tweaks).
+ Restored an easter egg which was accidentally removed in a previous patch.
+ Restored bandit unique animations from Shadow of Chernobyl for trenchcoat and
jackets models.
+ Restored the circular in-game crosshair from Shadow of Chernobyl.
+ Restored the Karlik mutant from earlier Shadow of Chernobyl builds.
+ Restored the "Use Direct X 10.1" video option from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.
+ Sleep deprivation item fatigue values are now read from a new external config
+ Stalker weapon loadouts have been modularised and split into separate files for
every two ranks.
+ Step sounds now make noise and the AI reacts to it, you should walk if you want
to sneak up on an enemy.
+ Trader files have been redesigned and modularised, now they make use of new trade
* Adjusted xr_danger, stalkers now properly react to new dangers and can prioritise
as necessary.
* Ammunition received when unloading enemy weapons is now randomised, instead of
using the magazine capacity.
* A-Life greatly optimised to run on all thirty-two levels at once instead of just
neighbouring levels.
* Better linkage for Call of Pripyat maps to encourage Duty and Freedom to travel
between these levels.
* Better save compatibility with smart terrains if respawns are changed.
* Butterfly mines now automatically despawn if they fall below the level when
* Can now unlock the "Down to Earth" achievement with the RG-6, RPG-7 and variants
* Cats now have the same morale value as dogs and should attack more frequently.
* Changed the respawn tick for all smart terrains to one in-game day.
* Companions can now sprint and should catch up to the player a lot faster when far
* Contacts and companions screens more efficient, now only create as many rows as
they need when updating.
* Corpses are now displayed as a light-blue dot instead of the usual grey, making
them easier to see on the map.
* Corrected alpha layers on map renders for the PDA and minimaps, though no visual
difference in-game.
* Corrected military rank abbreviations (Private, Sergeant etc.) in the PDA's
relations tab.
* Corrected the description of anabiotics as they also protect the player from psi-
* Corrected the dimensions of stash markers, as GSC had accidentally made them 2px
too small in width and height.
* Corrected the "Glory Kill" task reward, now gives a random weapon as the text
would imply.
* Corrected the name of 7.62x54mm 7N14 ammunition (the one fired by the SVD and
* Corrected the names of detectors, the detector type is now in quotation marks
like in Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat.
* Debug spawner plugin is now a blacklist rather than a whitelist, items are now
added automatically.
* Decreased the spawn rates of Fractures and Rats to be much rarer like they should
* Doubled the requirements for all ranks and rebalanced points received due to
* Drag-to-use texts in item descriptions are now much more visible and easier to
* Duty's megaphone in Rostok now plays their faction music, instead of Dirge for
* Dynamic news now only lets stalkers report on events which they have actually
* Emissions and psi-storms now take into account whether you are in an arena
* Exported ability to get addon flags for server entities that inherit from
* Exported CUIActorMenu_CanMoveToPartner and CInventoryBox_CanTake to
actor_menu_inventory and _g respectively.
* Exported enum and new read/write properties for server entities inheriting from
* Exported ray_pick function from engine, and rewrote the in-line-of-fire check to
use it.
* Exported the spawn and spawn_loadout systems from the engine to scripts for
easier customisation.
* Fetch tasks now require the player to collect less items than before to complete
* Increased speed of table_print feature whilst also decreasing RAM usage and
chance of stack overflows.
* Kruglov now has his own room, behaves like a mechanic proper and also has a new
map spot to help find him.
* Language list is now read from folder directory listings rather than set via
* Level weathers are now read as a table instead of being parsed as a string.
* Machine gun on top of Yantar bunker now always available to avoid being spawned
multiple times.
* Massively reduced memory usage by reducing bump maps, whilst preserving detail by
using Kaiser filtering.
* Memory sticks can now be found on corpses (like PDAs) and can be right-click used
to unlock guide articles.
* Mod of the Year 2015 and 2016 icons now feature on the main menu as we aren't
eligible for future ones.
* Monolith now meditate during surges instead of running for cover as they don't
need it.
* Nerfed discounts given by traders to more reasonable levels due to starting
relations with own faction.
* Non-story players in the Monolith or Zombified factions can now explore Monolith
Control Center freely.
* Opened the zat_b103 smart terrain to simulation for the Mercenary faction.
* Optimisations to simulation_objects.script and gulag_general.script to improve
* Outfit costs have been increased due to addition of so many new ones, should help
slow progression.
* Psi-zone logics now have additional checks as they didn't take into account all
possible circumstances.
* Rebalanced the prices for mutant meats and parts to make sense with their item
* Rebuilt and restored a lot of the portrait iconsheet as all the alpha levels
somehow got messed up.
* Redesigned and replaced the splash screen to include the new MOTY logo. Much more
* Reduced the volume of rain by 25% as it was often deafening during thunderstorms.
* Redistributed the PDA broker dialog to more logical choices, and changed the text
of the dialog.
* Reduced bleeding restoration from medkits, and satiety restoration from regular
* Relations tab in the PDA now accurately displays actor community goodwill.
* Renamed all trade files to include the character name and their faction in the
file names.
* Renamed Monolith trader back to his 1.2 name, from "Rabbit" to "Krolik" even
though it means the same.
* Renamed most plugin files to more suitable names and added better documentation
about how to use them.
* Reorganised the icon sheet as new items and outfits had made it rather messy.
* Replaced the "Favourite weapon" statistic with a "Guide articles" counter to show
unlock progress.
* Resized the global rectangles for underground levels displaying on the PDA to
hide weird artefacting.
* Sleeping bags are now marked on the PDA using the bed map spot so that they are
not forgotten about.
* Spawned NPCs or physics objects via the debug spawner now appear at the location
of the mouse cursor.
* Scope, sight, silencer, launcher and the weapon's probability can now be
determined in the spawn_loadout system.
* Spore's PDA now has a unique name as to not confuse it with those found on random
* Stalkers now used a knife to smash open boxes in their way instead of shooting at
them point-blank.
* Stalkers who have tasks to be turned in to are forced to talk to player when
* Standard ammo types only are spawned on player during character creation, no more
high-power rounds.
* Stash markers now increase in size as you zoom in, making it easier to find them
on the PDA map.
* Stop signs are now say "СТОП" instead of "STOP", as most other in-game signs are
written in Cyrillic.
* Traders now offer better supplies based on goodwill instead of the "Heavy
Pockets" achievement.
* Updated bins to include several fixes from Russian forums as well as HQ geometry
for dynamic meshes.
* Weapon pack sights can now be right-click attached to specific weapons, not just
current/primary slot only.