The Park Price List

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“GRC"THE PARK" IRERA REGN. NO: UPRERAPRI9204 wet 01 Sep 2023] ea PRICE LIST Hees ‘No. Uni Type Nomencatre Uni Description Super Are ofthe Uni(SOFM) 1 Type AZAGL ZBHK + 2 Toles 950/025/1060 z “ype C16 C2 TBNK 2 ToletsSty a0 3 “ype 1602 ZBHK + Toles 50 @ Tyee BHR 3 Toes 7500 = Type Fer TERK? 4 ToleterPoojavServant 180 PRICE TST BASIC SALE PRICE PER SOFT) FLOOR “TOWER AIG Bi TOWER C10 &C2 TOWER G2 a2 int 22nd a1 50000 NA mio —[€ 270000] € 10000 [¢ ann aan torah [8 és0n00| € ‘z0000 10.00 mnie mh |e e000] & sa0000] € 4.20000 aintosh [© és0000 | ¢ 20000] ¢ 4300.00 stoare |e son00 | € sso000 | 6400000 eee nen a nis evi n OTMER CHARGES ui Seca oe point ‘ROAD FACING/PARK FACING PLCs RS. 100/-Per Sqft ‘CAR PARKING-INO. CLUB MEMBERSHIP,EEC.FFCJOC BEC RS. 400/-Per Saft areas Tae —____ PAYMENT PLAN FOR AUST z [AT THE TIME OF BOOKING. 10% OF TOTAL SALE PRICE THN 45 DAYS OF BOOKING DATE 50% OF TOTAL SALE PRICE {ON OFFER OF POSSESSION ‘HR OF TOTAL SALE PRICE + POSSESSION CHARGES. Eas PAYMENT PLAN FOR CID 2 [WITHIN 45 DAYS OF BOOKING OATE 50% OF TOTAL SALE PRICE {WITHIN 90 DAYS OF BOOKING DATE 30% OF TOTAL SALE PRICE ‘ON OFFER OF POSSESSION TOR OFTOTAL SALE PRICE 3 PAYMENT PLAN FOR C262 62 [WITHIN 45 OAYS OF BOOKING OXTE ‘ON SLAB CASTING OF STH FLOOR. 1% OFTOTAL SALE PRICE ‘ON SLAB CASTING OF 1TH FLOOR ‘ON SLAB CASTING OF ISTH FLOOR 1% OFTOTAL SALE PRICE ‘ON SLAB CASTING OF TOP FLOOR TOK OF TOTAL SALE PRICE STARTING OF EXTERNAL PLASTER OF THE TOWER. TOK OFTOTAL SALE PRICE ON OFFER OF POSSESSION THRE OF TOTAL SALE PRICEs POSSESSION CHARGES TERNS @ CONDITONS: {1 [Al Payments tobe mae in favour of *W/S JNG Constructions Pt Ud The Park payable at New Ded 2 otal Sale price includes BSP+Other charges (nL PLC¥CAR PARKING etc) except possession charges 3 [6ST 5% is Payable with every instalment : Registration Charges, Stamp Duy, Electricity Meter Connection Charges and Possession charges tobe pa by the Allttee at the time of possession [Possession Charges (FMS QRS20/- pe sq On ef Ba TOL Connection Charges 5 Jes. 12,000/- and Electric Meter Connection @Rs15,000/- per KW, Annual Maintenance Charges) wil be payable atthe hime of possession ‘ |PAN No, and ADHAR is mandatory forall Applicants 1 JA kYCs tobe submited alongwith Application Farm atthe time of Booking alongwith Photograph ofall applicants [Company reserves the rights to change the price and payment plans without ole, Price/Payment Plan prevaling on the date of booking shall be applicable. There willbe no escalation for booked unit wil be provided in the Bulser-Buyer Agreement. [The terms and conditions stated herein ae only indicative and are subject to change Delalled terms and conditions

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