Earths Magnetism
Earths Magnetism
Earths Magnetism
Chapter 9 G
I ''
Before the year 1820, electricity and magnetism were c~nsidered a~ i~~ependent branches of Ph :
Oersted experiment in 1820 related the two branch~s rn a very spe~1f1e~ man~er. this chaptY5rcs. But !n
discuss about the similarities of formulae regarding dipole moment, field intensity, field potentialer We Will
electricity and magnetism. The chapter also contains the description of Earth Magnetism. energy In
➔ . \ ni =!A1J
where A~is the area vector perpendicular o-the-pl~ _ e loop. Thus, the direction gf the mapetic
dipole m6meht is p~enclic-olai:.10.J;M::plane...of:tlfe-=100p.- ~drrection is given by a curled-straight
right-haiia rule ; ~
f we grasp the loop in our rig~tteh-ffiat-the fingers curl around the loop in the
d~ection of the~ - e~t, ili_:n our e~tended thumb-.will point in th~ direc~ of the dipole moment~•
The above result 1s e for any planar current-loci\ _.._ -
- . - -( :494
field and Earth's Magnetism 11111111111 495
edC 1 . .-
~~gtl a current· oo qu1valent to a magn . .
tJence, d of rren1:}oop, there is a enc dipole.
Jf, iJl~e: ven-by' - -- -- .£11~~-canying coil havin&JLtums, then its magnetic moment
w~ ➔ ➔
___ --NI A.-
uowing observations show the similarities of bar
fo -magnet and current-loop ·
hen placed In a magnetic field, the current-loop sets itself . • ...
(I) W di . SUCh that itS magnetic dipole moment m and maane
tic field
are in the same rect1on.
(ii) TWO freel~r~ui~~;ed:~~~~:~~i~~o When brought near to each other on the same axis attract (when their dipole
,noments ended bar magnets ) r repel (When their dipole moments are opposite to each other), just like the two
freely susp .
(iii) The expression of magnetic field produced by both are similar.
(F •
t consntutes a curreniof magnitude
.--- -= -
.. - ,
ma&'!!etic field. ~"':•5:e s like a magneuc cfux>le. Let us calculate its magnetic moment.
ii',Tie be m . and ~die ch~ge of an electron revolving with speed v in a circular
I- e
- T'
orbit of radius r
496 11111111111 NOOTAN ISC p
The d · • J Jl'liit aliMfistfd~to iJ, .
- .A mi, or Joule/tesla (J r-1) •
""' - . f ,.,.,..,.,,.n magnetic 1 0
, ne urur
o moment
<O For the electron revoMng In hydrogen atom around the nucleus, the angular momentum
L•m,1JI• 2,c ..
. 1
Putting the value of vr from this In m• 2"'' I '
m• _!_(!!!!.)
2m, 2x
For n• 1, putting values of e, hand m,, -24 2
m=9.27x 10 A-m
This Is the minimum value of magnetic moment of the eleetrOn and ~ called 'Bohr-magneton'.
4 2
(10 1 Bohr-magneton. 9:21 x 10-2 A-m . , ,
'V--.. ~ ~ ,!
•IMJo-fl(,slitio,t : If the magnetic moment of a bar.-
a et of magnetic length 2 I (dis~ce between
m-- ---=-----=--=-==-::::::~~ ;r_ ~
poles) be m, then magnitude of the magnetic
,.__, . - -.,-
(Fig. 2)
B at an axial point P (Fig. 2) in air (or vacuum) at
a distance r metre from the centre of the m!&!!et is~
given by ~ :---.....
• 1' \ ""
. , B=µo 2mr NA-lm-1, ) , r{'
41t (r2 _z2)2 ~ --J. t>-, o""'-
. / ~o
.·. . . . ._
n. . . . . . )A O ~
-r r_ _/.,,. .
If the magnet is so small compar ....-:=..-- ~ be heglested in comparison to r , then
!; -P, ·.:::.__
B 'I
➔ I
The fie d · to the --.......=~ · , directed from the south pole S to the I
gnet. - . I
- ~-:..- --
":----,,..C -/~
lldWd--skle on Position' : If the point P be situated on the equatorial line at a I
tance r from the centre of the magnet (Fig. 3); then the magnitude of the T
l 'fl1 ti'
c dipole moment m replaced by electric dip0le momentp i
rnaOne. , , .1 , , . , •
. 4ll
· ~ 0r form, the above results for magnetic field in .t_..
10 vect · ➔ enu-un and broad-side-on positions are related as , .
i I • ' • Bllld-or,=-2 i
, ' brOllkitlHn, (Forsman magnet)
Nm =Am2 .• , 1.; 1
NA- 1m-1. I '• L I J
Oil When the axis of the magnet is parallel to the magnetic field, 8=Oor 180°, then t =0.
500 flllHIIIII NOOTAN 18
C Fl~
II M,.. ,.tlc Llnu of Force . . c"~
.. -~ ~ ~e ca ic field, can be represented by lines, called 'magnetic lines J ' •
. co~ ~b~ i;'~ in the magnetic field of a bar:a ~et, the ~eedle rests in a de~o
Path te ct~...:~
~---~ needle is moved in the field, its direction goes on angmg continuously. The
needle is a cuMd line whic:h:e . · from the north pole of.the magnet and tenninates
o~ the Co~
~ pole. This is •·line of force. 1b ·
es O 'force in a magnettc eld are ~ ~ - • a~
• d .... r •_- . ti . ~ / .~
. _lllllil.7)11111 ffie~ ~dra wn . I __,. ._ -
· .J • Cb) .
~hows that a solenoid and a bar-magnet (Fig.?)
· ;. . ,,
1 ~ identical in magnetic behaviow:
Properties : (i) The magnetit lines of force emerge from the north pole and, follow
in ·! • '
~ e d path,
en~ thHouth pole and reach back the nonh- le movur · · ide the ma et. Thus ·are clOSed
. •,
~ug lrth e_.oiagnet. (Erecinc es o orce are not ~osed loops.)
lllltlwo lines of force never intersect eacp other. Ifthey ever did s~,,. there would have ~n ti
ru.~ o tangents
at the eoinfof intersection, that is. two directions of roa&n@tic field at one P~
w)•tJeai fbe maguetic puleS, w~1e=frelt1 lS stronger, the ljn~s o{.force"arro
-osetGoinlS llllJ>ossi1i1e.
. the poles,the1_ield_1>emmes wealcef._~a:Jbe hoes bea\me,rne r...T hus. Jyge of lines or
fore: at a giyen ~ n g e r is that point. . . --;==, er,
(iv) In a 'uniform' magnetic field, !5 earth's magnetic field at lQlac
~ th~ es of force·~ ~ rui~ 1; ~,
- ~ ~ 8lkl
, eqntdBtanl .. '
(v)"No....lines of force will pass through neutral point.
(vi) Magnetic lines of force may enter or come out from a magnetic
pole at any angle.
like a stretched ~
_ , Between vppo:Jtepo1es (N-sl lines of force may have tendency to attract
cy to repel [Fig: S.(b)~
--con tract [Fig. 8 (a}Jaiid between simttar pales (N-N) or (:S-S) may have tenden
(Fig. 8)
D Earth's Ma
t being towards ~
Earth behaves as if a werful magnet is placed within it, the south pole of the magne
t from the follo4
earth's north pole and e north pole towards the earth's south pole. This is eviden
(i) A Freel {e; (d gnetic Needle Stays in North-sout h Direct ion : If a magnetic needle
' II
at it is fr to move in the horizontal plane, then its north pole rests pointing nor
~...,u,,e south pole pointin
. ·etd and Earth . agnetism 11111111111 501
~c fl piece eune n Earth becomes a M direction
I'". r1 iron freely-suspen d magnetic need agnet : If we bury an iron rod in earth in the a et.
~) 1- \\'pleb.~ of Neutral P · ts : On dra ~e stays, then after some time the rod becomes a m ~ts
. ~\lailabil1t~agnetic field due the magn~ the lines of force of a magnet, we get n:~~ciHad ,
r~) ~bere e no earth's magnetic Id neutral ~ctly neutralised by the earth's magne c e ·
eength of the earth's magne 'field points would not have been available. . . auss.
ttl estten at Delhi it is 0.35 ga · is typically 8 fraction of ur4 ,; that is, a trac:uon of a g
ampe, ~=rr::::-~:-- • rrtf'
. fOr e1' ur of a Magnet c e !lffi 's Surfa d Magnetic
of Earth : 'If we suspend a gnetic ~·~Poles, Mago~ Axis an . ,
that it can rotate in a vertical pl and
to different places on the earth, we d <I "'71'"'10H ,
rlS o, utrrH , •
e it needle behaves differently at diff t ~l'OU (j) • ~
t1tat tbelf we go round the earth through i
places, bical poles, then at two places the needle ~
I -~ ·
ge<>r;~s perpendi~ar to the earth's surface
t,eC • vertical) and at two other places it
(tb8~~~ the earth's surface (that is,
~ tal). At all other:places, the needle makes
b?~~t angles with th,e earth's surface. -
~ ,oylaces, , where the needle becomes . (bJ
..ere are three ele. ments of the earth's magn,etic field : (i) angl~ of #de~atio~, (ii) angl~ of dip,
(~) ~~l component of earth's magnetic field: '. · ' ·, ' · ·
t (i Angle of Decijnation : The vertical plane passing through the axis of a magnetic needle suspended
e rc>ugh ce tre of gravity and at rest under the earth's field is called the 'magnetic meridian'.
ilarly, the vertical p assing through the line joining the geographical n~~ and south poles
called the 'geographical men · '. At any place the acute angle between the magnetic meridian
· · ·· NDOTAN I
-on. .
502 1111111110
· and • ~
. Si Pl 1
at d-c-ed at the magneuc poles of the~ ·
uc:u.auauon are n c:au•
11 ■ ■-1111'11111 •
I j .
• eedl .
sb::ee-- , If a magnenc n e IS
. -J axis through
), BotJt
, · .
,nrillan II calltd the 'angle
. ,
then, in the steady state in magnetic
me1ridan. the needle dips down with respect to the horizontal. This
of needle is called th1 ti\ llle!fln th""~ ~~ (F'~leo)'
rl. '
; ; uh.rt syr, emei~ """.. WBJua ig. ,
whereas in the ■ l law~ ffie-Mlffll pole"Of ~ needlf th! . . 1:
d ;; -.«:snamdf. In this state, the angle betwee~ the_ ~ o e , , . 1,. ,
needle in the magnetic meridian and the horizontal direction JS called ___.___ ,:__ , .
the 'angle of dip'. The magnetic axis of the needle represe?ts the_ANf,f OF 8 .. g
direction of the earth's magnetic field. Hence, the angle of dip at a n
plaa ii the aP lltll u the dbldion of «uthth's ~tic fiel4 n
_...,_..,__, bt die ma,nettemeridian at at yww ,,
Af. the I ~ • II fc polcllio1lllgllelic fieJd of earth js .vertidll
1 1
( ;wht:ID*.eardi'ssurfa~ and mbaequalDI; thefiel_d is h o ~ n ~ •.
sunrate). 'Ibis is why the dip needle becomes vertical at the~ of,.dip--ona. -d. . . . . . _
the q 352 (alrglcof.dipO,. .· , , , . . _ ~
ann h~• • 7\Pl'J
('.. •• m.atal Component of&rth's Magnetic Fieid ~ -Except at the equatoi; the ~ .
field is now here horizontal. Hence, at any place, the earth's magnetic field BE. in th 8 ~
may be resolved int~ a horizontal component Bn _and a yertical component B ;f ~
1mportant in magnetic experiments. Thus, the horuon~al component is the~ . thele,s,,
&lb acwtk'jililil. in the hmuontal directi.on in. the.magnetic meridiant
In Fig. 11, ns is a dip needle. The vertical plane OPQR passing GEOGRAPHICAL ',
1 4
dirough the axis of the needle is the magn~tic meridian. The plane NORTH
OIJ,fR is the geographical meridian. The angle a between these
two planes is the angle of declination. The angle between the axis. . I •
~ :' , OQ of the dip needle and the horizontal OP is the angle of dip 8. MAGNETic~--t1..-
1be axis OQ of the needle represents the direction of the earth's NORTH
magnetic field BE. The field BE may be resolved into a horizontal ·
component of the earth's magnetic field, BH, and a vertical
component 'of the earth's 'magnetic field, Bv, From Fig.·11, we '
M~ ' .
; '
(B- ,::£BE ms fl ., : u
and ~ E .Sin IJ . .
wheret i Jfifumgle of dip} Thes equations give
. t • \ .. -
~.Jii~sl \~
. . • and
I • • • J I
~- I I .tr ' . '
. ,
.' ~ · /),o.rlj'-" . I.
r ., •• _ ~eld". It is important to not~ tha~ the variation ofthe earth's magnetic field is quite complicated..:
~· . , values o( th~ angles of.declination and dip not only change from place to place, but ~oat the
. place from nme to time irregularly.
\, ! -, .. ' . . . .
Jd and Earth's Magnetism 11111111111 . 503
C flB . . . .
.,Angle of Dip . Let the magnetic DeedJe ·
p ,entes an angle a with the magnetic DlertdJan IUSpended In ~ vertical s,,--~~o
e t11ak of earth's magnetic field Bv Will {Pfs. 12>- Then, verdcal
pent will change from BH to B cos If remain same but horizontal
(I) ent H a. true angle of dip at this place
'°,ii di J1
t,e 9,
. . ent a e of dip be 8', then .
• J
f(~ppa! ,
tan8' = By
BH cos a ••• (ii)
' I.•
ftOJJl eqs. (i) and (ii)' • / t I •
••• (ili")
(iii) If a is true angle_ of dip at a place an~ on pla g dip circle in O mutually pe .
apparent angl~s. of dIJ? be 81 and_ 82•. Let m _one case be the angle hich the dip cle ~ with the
magnetic mend1an, then other dip circle will make (9 - a.) angle the ma etic mendian. Thus
tan 8 =. &,
tan 9i = - ~ - ------.. ••• (iv)
•· Bn Bnc a
. .., ... (v)
and tan82 = Bv
. .. BH cos (90° - a)
=- - -
From eqs. (iv) and (v), I •
· 2
2 t2 cos2 a sm a 1 .
cot 81 + co 82 = 2 + 2 =
tan 8 tan 8
2 2 2
or cot 8 = cot 8 1 + cot 82•
(I) Earth's magnetic north pole has been conventionally taken towards the south pole of the hypoth
magnet representing earth magnetism and so is with earth's south pole.
(ii} Earth's geographical north pole is also called the 'true north pole' and the magnetic north pole as 'appa north pole'.
(Iii} The declination at a place Is also defined as the angle between the lines joining that place to the earth's true d apparent
north poles.
Ov} The exact cause of earth magnetism Is not yet known.
M Magnetic dip Is measured using 'dip circle'. ... .
(vi} At all points of the magnetic equator, dip= 0, so that Bv= Oand BE= BH
l~li} At poles 8 = 90° so that BH = 0 and Bv= BE-