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Kelli Kim


For a few class after the warfare , these Mary Leontyne Price remained richly .But as
European factory farm began to ameliorate , an farming slump swamped the United States
beginning in about 1923 .body politic tax tax revenue plunged , and fewer buildings were
constructed on campus after 1923 .The United States entered the Great clinical depression
in 1929 .United States President franklin D. Roosevelt established the public Works
Administration ( PWA ) in 1933 to render Federal support for public works construction as
a mean of economic stimulant .But President Atkinson was strongly opposed to Roosevelt 's
New Deal and refused to accept PWA store to expand the college .With the state ineffective
to serve , Montana nation College stagnated through the 1930s .President Atkinson resigned
in 1937 to become president of the University of Arizona .A. L. Strand , an entomologist who
had discovered ways of controlling the devastating locust invasions in Montana , was named
the newly president .filament was the first alumnus of the college to become its
chairperson .An upsurge in campus boozing occurred after the closing of inhibition , and in
1940 the Student Union Building ( now chain sum Building ) was built to supply educatee
with a gathering spot on campus that ( it was hoped ) would sustain them away from the
pub business district .chairwoman string resigned his power in 1942 to accept the
presidency of Oregon State University ( in which role he served for 19 age ) .With Montana
still not yet having emerged from the Great Depression , the college struggled to find oneself
a fresh United States President .Engineering prof William Cobleigh took over as Acting
United States President from 1942 to 1943 while a replacement for filament was
found .During Cobleigh 's year as chairwoman , college enrolment plunged as Thomas
Young military personnel entered the build up forces or left to function in war industry
plant life on the Mae West Coast .Nonetheless , Federal funding increased as the United
States department of war sought rapid , significant increases in the routine of chemical ,
engine room , and physics grad to feed the war effort .=== The Renne yr === In 1943 , the
state plug-in of mellow teaching appointed MSC economist Roland `` Rollie '' Renne to be the
Modern acting president of the college .Renne was a protege of nationally known liberal
economist Richard T. Ely and john R. Commons and a warm advocator of the New spate .He
'd learn at SM since 1930 , although he 'd taken a leave of absence in 1942 to become the
director of Montana 's Office of Price organisation and Civilian Supply ( a federal wartime
delegacy ) .Renne was named the permanent President of the college on 1 July 1944 .Renne
was president of the college for 21 days , the third-longest of any single ( as of 2013 ) .With
the passing of the G.I .bill Just eight day before his appointment and the end of the state of
war in vision , Renne realized that military man returning from the state of war were going
to glut college campuses .Renne quickly began hiring extra staff and recycled wartime
wooden buildings from around the DoS to build temporary schoolroom and housing
quad .His foresight helped the college survive the rapid rise in enrolment , which doubled
from 1,155 in 1945 to 2,014 in 1946 and then nearly doubled again in 1947 to
3,591 .Faculty numbers also skyrocketed , from 132 in 1945 to 257 in 1950 .Believing that a
college education was as much about instilling Democratic note value as teaching skills and
swop , Renne rapidly changed the syllabus to emphasize liberal arts such as anthropology ,
archeology , history , political scientific discipline , psychology , and sociology .Although the
University of Montana ( long considered the state 's `` bountiful artwork college '' , while
MSC was the `` atomic number 47 school '' ) opposed often expanding upon in this area ,
Renne successfully established a Department of Education , reconstituted the school day of
business organization , and established new undergraduate and graduate computer
program in architecture , geography , geology , military science , and other
disciplines .Throughout the 1950s , Renne worked to rapidly expand the college 's physical
plant .During his presidentship , 18 John R. Major edifice were constructed on campus —
more than double the act that had been built between 1893 and 1944 , and almost as many
as were built between 1966 and 2013 .These included the 1949 Library Building ( now
Renne Library ) , the campus ' first dedicated subroutine library ( it had previously been
housed in a few way on the endorse floor of MT Hall ) , and the 1958 Brick Breeden
Fieldhouse ( which supplemented the ageing , outdated Romney Gym ) .The building
program included a chapel ( Danforth chapel in 1950 ) , five prominent classroom buildings
( McCall Hall in 1952 , A.J.M .Samuel Johnson Hall in 1954 , Reid lobby in 1959 , Cooley
Laboratory in 1960 , and Gaines vestibule in 1961 ) , and seven residential and dining Hall
( Hannon mansion in 1954 ; Johnstone Granville Stanley Hall in 1955 ; Ely Culbertson
vestibule , President Harrison Dining dorm , Mullan Hall , and Langford manse in 1955 ; and
Hapner Hall in 1959 ) .Begun under his presidency but completed the twelvemonth after he
left were three Thomas More residential and dining manse ( Union hedge , South hedge ,
and Henry Miller Dining Hall ) .There was some criticism that Renne did not ante up full
tending to the college in the 1950s .His organisation style was somewhat authoritarian , and
his extensive absence led to leading vacuums .He agreed to consulting purpose with the
piddle imagination policy delegation , Mutual Security Agency , the nutrient and Agriculture
Organization of the United land , the United commonwealth department of State , and the
United commonwealth department of health , Education and Welfare throughout the 1950s
that often took him away from campus for weeks at a meter .He took a leave of absence
from the college to become Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for International social
occasion from 1963 to 1964 .Dr. Renne resigned as chairperson of Treasure State res
publica College in force 1 January 1964 , to run for governor of Montana .He lost the election
, 51.4 to 48.6 percent , to the incumbent regulator Tim Babcock .Campus life was not
without controversy during Renne 's tenure , either .With McCarthyism and anti-communist
tactual sensation running high in the country , Renne sought to protect the campus from
political investigations by restricting student speech and meeting place .He also restricted
the kind of speakers who visited the campus , most famously denying former First dame
Eleanor Roosevelt and literary critic Leslie Fiedler the right to verbalize on campus .other
incidents also brought ill fame to campus .On 7 March 1957 , 1,000 male students engaged
in a `` panty raid '' on Hannon manse .It turned into a drunken revelry that took all night to
control .=== University condition and campus conservativism === In Feb 1964 , Dr. Leon H.
Johnson was appointed president of MSC .A research chemist who joined the college in 1943
, he had most recently been the executive director director of the shoal 's Endowed and
Research Foundation ( at the meter , MSC 's expectant inquiry unit ) and doyen of the
alumnus Division .Deeply committed to the college 's research function , he pushed for MSC
to cost named a university — a change Renne had since the early 1950s , and which the
Treasure State state law-makers approved on 1 July 1965 .At that time , the school day
received its new epithet , Montana nation University ( MSU ) .Bachelor 's grade curriculum
in economics , English people , history , euphony , political science , and early bailiwick were
quickly established , as was the first university honors program .Johnson was a devoted
friend of the humanistic discipline , and MSU 's art and music programs blossomed .Andrew
Johnson quickly worked to end the bitter family relationship with the University of Montana
, and the two schooling began to present a united straw man to the state legislature .In 1966
, Johnson altered and enlarged the university 's administrative complex body part to serve
make out with increasing enrollment and increasing campus complexness .These changes
included creating a 12-member executive director council to apprise him .The council
included newly created frailty President of the United States — overseeing areas such as
academic affair , administration , finance , and research .Johnson was deeply conservative —
fiscally , socially , and politically .

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