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E-GP Training Manual Tendering V1.0

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E-GP Procurement Tendering Module

User Manual
April, 2021

Tendering Document
Preparation Create Standard Bidding 1.1
documents and Templates

Define Tender Specification

[content, evaluation,
endorsement, …]

Tender Evaluation Assess Tender submissions against


Awarding Process award negotiations and




Procurement Compliance
Tender Schedule
Tender Specifications Evaluation
Complaint Management
Bid Data Sheet

1. TENDERING ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Tendering features ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.1. EXPLORE INITIATION ............................................................................................................ 6
1.1.2. EXPLORE SOLICITATION........................................................................................................ 7
1.1.3. EXPLORE TENDER EVALUATION ........................................................................................... 7
1.1.4. EXPLORE TENDER AWARDING ............................................................................................. 7


 Understanding Tendering Module

The Tendering module automates the entire tendering process from live
preparation of the Standard bidding document template, invitation, solicitation,
bidding, complaint management up to evaluation; awarding and other main
courses of the procurement process.

A wholly balanced and highly efficient bid and tender management process improves the
quality of the supply chain while reducing costs and managing risks. A tender is a submission
made by a respective supplier in response to an invitation to tender/bid.

eGP portal is equipped with a module, that automates the entire tendering process from
preparation of Standard Bidding Document(SBD) to the award a contract. The ultimate
objective of this module is to simplifying the manual tendering process that pruned for
errors, less flexible, costly and lengthy process.

There are lot of activities to be processed under this module. The main processes are
explained here in brief. The first process is initiation of the tender document. The initiation
step will select the lot/s to be processed as per the annual plan and prepare tendering
documents. This initiation phase includes preparing the specific bid document that consists
of technical and financial qualification criteria, rules and regulations, instructions, pre-
assigned weights, document openers’ team, evaluation teams, team leaders and
endorsement committee members.

The next stage is solicitation. It is a process to receive a bid response from bidders. The
system is capable to enhance the process by providing online system to submit a bid
document for suppliers. The suppliers/bidder companies will use the e-GP portal system to
submit their bid document.

Once the bid documents are solicited, the next phase is opening the bid documents. As per
the team assignment during the initiation phase, the assigned team members will open the
bid documents using the system. Signing for conflict of interest, checking submitted bid
documents and opening each document are some crucial activities under bid opening stage.

The fourth stage of tendering is evaluation of the bid documents. The evaluation process has
three main types of evaluations. These are Technical evaluation, financial evaluation and due
diligence evaluations. These evaluations consist of iterative assessments by team members
and team leaders. Initially the assigned team members will perform individual evaluations.
Then, the team leader summarizes the individual results to compiled result. These results
finally approved by endorsing committee members so that the final decision is made by the
head of procuring unit.

The final stage of tendering is awarding. Once the winner bidder is identified on the
evaluation stage and the approval is made by the procurement unit head, the next stage is to
award the bid for a winner company and made a contractual agreement.

The overall process of tendering using the e-GP system is summarized on the figure below:

Figure 1. Diagrammatic representation of tendering workflow in the e-GP system

1.1. Tendering features

 Initiation
 Solicitation
 Opening
 Evaluation
 Awarding

These are the main features in the tendering module. They are sequentially linked to one
another in a way that the output of one is the input for the other. And each feature has
detail functionalities to serve its purpose.


Initiation is begun by preparation of s SBD, which is aimed to standardize the tender

documents to be prepared by difference PEs. Since the Government procurement rules and
regulations are predefined and all government agencies are abided by it, preparation of a
Standard Bidding Document is not only important but also vital in keeping everyone
following the same standard.

Table 1: below shows the activities along with the access roles as follows;

Activity Access Role

Start the standard bidding document
Create template
Create document Platform eGP
Create a section Administrator
Create package
Approve package
Initiate a package

Bid data sheet specification
Define technical criteria
Define financial criteria
Define due diligence
Define schedule of requirement
Define special conditions of contract
Define lot schedule
Pd preparation
Tender invitation
Tender revision
Tender submission
Tender approval
Pd publication


ACCESS ROLE: Platform eGP Administrator

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on eGP Platform Administrator’s home page
Click on ‘Standard Procurement Document’ tab
GET READY: To start the Standard Bidding Documents preparation, follow the following steps

Figure 2 Standard Bidding document main page

1. Click on Standard Bidding document menu and the governing rules will be enlisted, refer
figure 2
2. Choose the governing rule for the SPD to be prepared
3. Choose documents/templates to prepare the SBD from an existing list of, see figure 3

Figure3 Standard Bidding document Documents/Templates list


Templates define the building blocks of a SBD, those input elements called, Templates, are
attributes to be used later by the PE or the supplier to input details that are required through
the tendering process.

ACCESS ROLE: Platform eGP Administrator

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on eGP Platform Administrator’s home page
Click on ‘Standard Procurement Documents’ tab
Click on the ‘Governing Rule’ applicable to the bid and you will land on the
Document and Template preparation screen, see figure 3

GET READY: To create a template, please follow the below steps

1. Click on the templates tab

2. Click on the ‘New’ button and ‘New Template card will be opened up for entry, see figure

Figure4 New Template form

3. Enter the ‘Name’ of a template in Amharic and English

4. Enter the ‘Description’ of a template in Amharic and English
5. Select a ‘Widget’ for a template; a widget is a type of an input field to be added as a
6. Enter the ‘Key’ that uniquely defines a template
7. Select the ‘Mandate’ as Bidder or Procuring Entity to define who is going to enter the
value into this template later during the tendering process.
8. Select the ‘Required’ field as ‘Yes’ if it is mandatory or ‘No’ if it is optional.
9. Click on ‘Save’ button and the ‘Template Design’ Card will be visible, see figure 5

Figure5 Template Design card

10. Enter the details into the ‘Template Design’ card

11. Click on ‘Save’ button and the Template will be saved

The list of input fields to be filled in the ‘Template Design’ card is dependent on the selection
under the ‘widget’ field of the ‘Template Design’ card. The Template Design on figure 5 is
applicable for a ‘Text’ widget, we will have a set of different attributes when the widget chosen
is ‘Selection’ or the ‘Template Design’ card will be empty if the widget selected is ‘currency’ and
so on.

The ‘Template Design’ card is not applicable to predefined template widgets, the following list
summarises those template widgets.

 Administrative Compliance
 Conditional Discount
 Documentary Evidence
 Join Venture Member
 Financial Response
 Technical Responsiveness
 Qualification
 Technical Scoring


Once we prepare all the required templates/attributes to be used in the document, the
next step will be creating the Document. The following are the main activities that the
eGP administrator will do to create a SPD.

ACCESS ROLE: Platform eGP Administrator

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on eGP Platform Administrator’s home page
Click on ‘Standard Procurement Documents’ tab
Click on the ‘Governing Rule’ applicable to the bid and you will land on the
Document and Template preparation scree, see figure 3

GET READY: To create a document, please follow the below steps

1. Click on the documents tab and proceed.
2. Click on the ‘New’ button and ‘New SPD Document’ card will be opened up for entry,
see figure 6

Figure6 New Document form

3. Enter the ‘Name’ of the document
4. Enter the ‘Description’ of the document
5. Select the ‘Language’ of the document as either Amharic or English
6. Select the ‘Procurement Category’ to be Goods, Works, Consultancy Services or Non
Consultancy Services
7. Select the ‘Market Type’ to be either National or International
8. Select the Procurement Tool as Request for Bid, Request for proposal or Job
Specification which are applicable to Tendering or Request for Quotation which
applicable for auctioning.
9. Select the Contracting Method to be Single, framework or Concession contract
10. Select the Specialization Type to be Not Applicable, or if applicable, Vehicle and spare
parts, pharmaceuticals, Information Systems, …
11. Add Sections that are required in the Contract provision by clicking on + Add button
12. Click on ‘Done’ button to save the SPD basic details and a three tab SPD preparation
page will be displayed, see figure 7

Figure7 Document content creation screen


ACCESS ROLE: Platform eGP Administrator

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on eGP Platform Administrator’s home page
Click on ‘Standard Procurement Documents’ tab
Click on the ‘Governing Rule’ applicable to the bid and you will land on the
Document and Template preparation scree, see figure 3

GET READY: To create a section click on a document from the list of available documents and
1. Click on the ‘New’ Button inside the document tab
2. Enter the basic SBD details and click on save
3. Go to the Sections card to left of the screen
4. Click on the ‘+’ button and the ‘New Section’ windows will pop up, see figure 8

Figure8 New Section form

5. Enter the ‘Name’ of the section

6. Enter the ‘Description’ of the section
7. Select the ‘Tag’ as Instruction ,Technical response*Only available when a technical
response is to be evaluated] and financial response [Only available when the financial
response is opened during evaluation]
8. Select ‘Contract Provision’ if the section is required for contract provision or choose ‘Not
applicable’ if it is not required for contract provision.
9. Tick on ‘Is External Document’ under ‘Document’, if an external document is to be
added or keep it open to enter the section details on a text editor.
10. Click on ‘Save’ to save a section and a ‘Modify section’ card will be visible in the middle
of the screen
11. If a Document to be attached is not chosen, then a text editor will be available to write
the document detail [Copy and paste from an existing document if required]
12. Add templates/attributes from the right most panels to the content in the middle panel,
see figure 9
Note: The attributes to be picked up from the System/Collection Attribute card into the section
as ‘content’ are primarily the ones created as templates; refer the ‘Create Template’ topic to
see how templates are created.

Figure9 Modify Section form

13. Edit the content in the ‘Modify Section’ card in any way required, mostly the way you
edit content in a word processor.
14. Click on ‘Save’ to save the changes on a section


ACCESS ROLE: Senior Procurement Officer

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on senior procurement officer’s home page
Click on ‘Packaging’ tab

GET READY: To create a package click on the ‘New’ button and proceed.
1. Click on the New button and ‘Lots’ and ‘New Package’ cards will be displayed, see figure

Figure10 New package form

2. Select Lots from ‘Lots’ tab and click on Add[+] button to add it to the package to be
created and the lot will be added in the Lots section of ‘New Packages’ card.
3. Enter ‘Name’ of the Package
4. Enter ‘Description’ for the Package
5. Enter ‘Package reference Number’ of the package
6. Enter ‘Procurement Language’ of the package
7. Click on ‘Save’ button to save the package and ‘Evaluation Method’ Card will be
enabled, see figure 11

Figure11 Package – Evaluation Method form

8. Select ‘Envelop Type’ to be either One Envelop or Two envelop; in single/one envelope
Tender both the financial [price quotation] and technical [functional responses]
responses will be submitted in a single envelope and processed as such. Whereas in two
envelop method of tendering Financial and Technical responses of the supplier will be in
a separate envelope and managed accordingly.
9. Select ‘Package Type’ to be either ‘Single stage’ or ‘Multi Stage’; Single stage tendering
will be the one with a single cycle of evaluation before awarding a contract, whereas
multi stage will require multiple round of evaluations before the a bid is awarded to a
10. Select ‘Evaluation Method’ as Merit, if it is going quantified in some form or Compliance,
if it is going to evaluated as compliant or not compliant.
11. Select ‘Selection Method’ as Lowest price or Most economically advantageous; Lowest
price selection method entitles a bidder with the lowest price offer to be selected
whereas Most economically advantages selection method considers the technical
evaluation results into account in selecting a winner.
12. If Evaluation Method is selected as ‘Merit’,
12.1. Enter the ‘Technical weight’ in percent*out of 100%+
12.2. Enter the ‘Financial Weight’ in percent
12.3. Enter the ‘Passing Mark’ in percent
13. Select the ‘Comparison price’ as Before Taxes or After Taxes.
14. Click on ‘Save’ to save the Evaluation Method details and go to ‘Package Standard
Procurement Document Selection’ card.
15. Click on ‘Select’ on the ‘Package Standard Procurement Document Selection’ card

16. Select a standard document from a selection pop up list for the package being prepared,
see figure 11

Figure11 Package – Standard Procurement Document selection card

17. Go to ‘Technical Team Assignment’ card.

18. Expand the ‘Technical Team Assignment’ card, see figure 12
Note: Technical Team members will be responsible in preparation of Item specification and
the whole tendering document, once the package is approved by the procurement unit
head of the PE.

Figure12 Package – Technical Team assignment card

19. Click on ‘Add’ button to get the list of Employees to be assigned as a technical team
members, see figure 12
20. Select those, whom we are adding into the Technical Team, see figure 13
NB: The member of a technical team should not be less than three

Figure13 Technical Team members listing card

21. Click on ‘Done’ button to complete the technical team members selection
22. Select a Team leader by ticking on the ‘Team Leader’ column of the technical team list,
see figure 14

Figure14 Technical Team members, Leader selection screen

23. Click on ‘Save’ to save the technical team members list

24. Click on ‘Submit’ once all the cards discussed in this section above are filled in and the
package preparation will be completed.

Once a package is prepared by the senior procurement officer of the PE, the package needs to
be approved by the procurement unit head of the same PE to complete with the remaining
activities in tender document preparation.

ACCESS ROLE: Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on procurement unit head’s home page
Click on ‘Packaging’ tab

GET READY: To approve a package, please follow the below steps.

Figure15 List of available packages for approval

1. Select a package from a list of available packages for approval, see figure 15
2. Select the package to be approved from the list
NB: the status of the package will be ‘Submitted’.
3. A package will opened with all the details in ‘packages’ tab and the procurement unit
head can edit any content as required, see figure 16

Figure16 Package detail screen

4. Review the package for any changes or additions to complete the review
5. Go to ‘Packages approval’ tab and either ‘Approve’ or adjust a package, see figure 17

Figure17 Packages approval tab

NB: If the procurement unit head decides to ‘Adjust’ a package the package will be reverted back to
the senior procurement unit for adjustment and re-submission. The steps to follow is precisely the
same as the procedures we have followed for adjustment process in other document preparation
module of the eGP applications
6. Click on ‘Approve’ to approve a package and make it available for ‘Initiation’


Initiation is a process by which a technical team leader begins the actual preparation of
the detail specifications of a tendering document. Initiation can only be completed once
a package is approved by the procurement unit head. Users who are going to do the
initiation process are the ones assigned as technical team members during the package
preparation process earlier.
ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead
NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To initiate a package, please follow the below steps;

Figure18 List of packages screen

1. select a package from a list of available packages for initiation, see figure 18
2. Click on the ‘package’ to be initiated and list of Lots added to that package will be
NB: Item specification is going to be prepared for each lot inside the package
3. Click on the ‘Lot’ and the lot will opened up with menus to do ‘Tender configuration’
through ‘PD preparation’ and ‘Tender invitation’ to ‘Document publication’, see figure

Figure19 Tender configuration screen


This module is mainly used to set the specification applicable to the tender being
initiated. Major qualification requirements to bid for the tender, including but not
limited to Administrative, legal, professional and other qualifications, Evaluation
methodologies to be used, Schedule of requirement of the tender, Special conditions of
contract and the lot schedule.

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To configure the Bid data sheet specifications, please follow the below steps;

1. Go to the initiation tab and click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ menu, see figure 19

2. Click on ‘Bid Data Sheet’ menu from the side menu, see figure 20

Figure20 Bid data sheet screen

3. Read the detailed that are fetched from package preparation phase
4. Enter the source of fund
5. Select ‘Joint Venture Allowed’ check box, if the joint application for the bid is allowed
6. Click on ‘Save’ to save the ‘General Settings’ of the bid and ‘Content of Bid Document’
card will be enabled.
7. Expand the ‘Content of Bid Document’ card, see figure 21

Figure21 Content of Bid Document card

8. Select the clarification deadline [date]; clarification deadline if the final date for
bidders/suppliers to inquire on unclear contents of the tender before submitting an
9. Select the ‘Pre bid Conference Required’ check box if it is required.
NB: If this option is selected, the technical expert will be prompted to specify the below
details, that are required for an online conference. See figure 22
10. Select the ‘Pre bid Conference Schedule’
11. Enter the ‘Meeting ID’ and ‘Meeting Password’

Figure22 Pre-bid conference settings screen

12. Select ‘Site Visit Allowed’ check box if it is applicable

NB: If this option is selected, the technical expert will be prompted to specify the below
details, that are required for an online conference. See figure 23

Figure23 Site visit settings screen

13. Select ‘Site Visit Type’ as fixed, if it is going to be on specific date or Until, it is going to
happen in certain time span from some start date to an end date.

14. Select ‘Site visit Schedule’ as a specific date if the visit type is fixed or a range if the
visit type is Until
15. Enter the ‘Place’ of the site
16. Enter ‘Contact’, the contact person from the PE to be responsible in coordinating the
site visit.
17. Click on ‘Save’ to save ‘Content of Bid Document’ and ‘Preparation of Bid’ card will be
18. Expand ‘Preparation of Bid’ card, see figure 24

Figure24 Preparation of bid screen

19. Tick the ‘Bid Security required checkbox if the bidder is going to be required to submit
a bid security or guarantee.
19.1. Enter ‘Bid Security currency’, ‘Bid security Validity period’, ‘Bid security Form’
and ‘Bid security Amount’

NB: Bid security form can be a CPO, Bank Guarantee letter, Insurance Letter, SME

20. Enter ‘Contract Type’ as ‘Item based contract’, if the bidder is going to win the bid on
item by item basis or ‘Lump sum contract’, if the bidder is going to win the package as a
21. Enter ‘Bid Validity Period’ in days
22. Select a ‘Bid currency’ from list of available currencies.
23. Click on ‘Save’ to save ‘Preparation of Bid’ and the ‘Documentary Evidence’ card will
be enabled

24. Expand ‘Documentary Evidence’ card, Enter the required details
25. Click on ‘Add’ button to add a document, those are going to be documents that the
suppliers are required to submit, see figure 25

Figure25 Documentary Evidence card

26. Enter Evidence Type, like Trace License, TIN certificate, …

27. Enter Evidence title
28. Check on one of the following check boxes when applicable


Check on First Opening, This will be checked if the documentary evidence, to be

added, is going to be confirmed or evaluated before the opening of the first

Check on First Compliance, This will be checked if the documentary evidence, to

be added, is going to be confirmed or evaluated after the first envelop is opened
and the supplier is confirmed to be compliant.

Check on Second Opening, This will be checked if the documentary evidence, to

be added, is going to be confirmed or evaluated before the opening of the
second envelop.

Check on Second Compliance, This will be checked if the documentary evidence,
to be added, is going to be confirmed or evaluated after the second envelop is
opened and the supplier is confirmed to be compliant.

29. Click on ‘Done’ to add the ‘Documentary evidence’ and go to ‘Submission and
Opening’ card

NB: Repeat steps 8.1.1 to 8.1.4, to add more Documentary evidences and
Documentary evidences can be deleted using the delete button under Actions
column in the list, see figure 26

Figure26 Manage Documentary evidence card

30. Expand ‘Submission and Opening’ card, see figure 27

31. Select ‘Submission deadline’, You must specify the date and time
32. Select the ‘Opening Schedule’ You must specify the date and time
33. Click on ‘save’ to save ‘Submission and Opening’ details and ‘Evaluation’ card
will be enabled

Figure27 Submission and Opening card

34. Expand ‘Evaluation’ card and enter the required details, see figure 28

Figure28 Evaluation card

35. Select ‘Calculation error acceptance period’, this is a time span given to bidders
to correct any calculation errors they have committed in the bid they have
already submitted.
36. Select ‘Evaluation currency’, the currency that all the financial offerings are
going to be converted to and evaluated.
37. Check ‘has post Qualification’ if there are evaluations to be made after the
supplier is selected by the regular bidding process.
38. Check ‘has Price Analysis’, if a financial analysis is going to be performed after
the supplier is selected by the regular bidding process.
39. Click on ‘Save’ to save ‘Evaluation’ and ‘Awarding’ card will be enabled.
40. Expand ‘Awarding’ card and enter the required details, see figure 29

Figure 29 Awarding card

41. Enter ‘percentage quantity Increased’, in number, to specify the percentage
that the PE is entitled to increase the quantity of items beyond the one specified
in the tendering document without a change in price.
42. Enter ‘percentage quantity Decreased’, in number, to specify the percentage
that the PE is entitled to decrease the quantity of items below the one specified
in the tendering document.
43. Check ‘Has Award Negotiation’, if there is going to be a negotiation after a bid
is supplier is selected.
44. Check ‘Performance Guarantee Required’, if the supplier has to submit a
performance guarantee for a bid that he/she is awarded to, see figure 29
44.1. Select ‘Performance guarantee currency’
44.2. Select ‘Performance guarantee submission deadline’
44.3. Enter the ‘Performance guarantee form’,
NB: ‘Performance guarantee form’ can be a CPO, Bank Guarantee letter,
Insurance Letter, SME letter
44.4. Enter ‘Performance guarantee amount’
45. Click on save to save ‘Awarding’


In this sub section the Technical Team Lead is going to set the evaluation methodologies
to be applied during bid evaluation period. This is important for the PE because it will
allow them to define and the criteria for evaluation ahead of the bidding process.

This sub section is going to be used to set the technical criteria of tender evaluation


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page

Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To add administrative compliance specifications, please follow the below

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ menu then Expand ‘Evaluation Methodology’

2. Expand the ‘Administrative Compliance’ card and click on ‘Add’, see figure 30

Figure 30 Add Administrative compliance card

3. Enter the ‘Requirement’ you need to add

4. Select the Section from ‘Section Link’ to specify where this Administrative
compliance is going to be added to
5. Define the ‘Requirement condition’ as Mandatory *must have, missing it will
disqualify the bidder], required *Required but missing it won’t disqualify the
bidder will be evaluated as missing], optional and Not Applicable.
6. Click on ‘Save’ or add another


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To add Legal qualifications, please follow the below steps.

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ menu then Expand ‘Evaluation Methodology’

2. Expand the ‘Legal Qualifications’ card and click on ‘Add’
3. Enter the ‘Name’ for Legal qualification and click on add, see figure 31

Figure 31 Legal Qualifications card

4. Enter ‘Factor’, the name for the Legal criteria to be added

5. Enter the ‘Requirement’ to further explain the factor

6. ‘Single Requirement Condition as Mandatory *must have, missing it will
disqualify the bidder], Required[Required but missing it won’t disqualify the
bidder will be evaluated as missing], optional and Not Applicable.
7. Select the Section from ‘Section Link’ to specify where this Legal qualification is
going to be added to
8. Define ‘Join venture Type’ as All combined Partner, Each Partner and At least
one partner. To define how many of the joint venture member bidders needs to
qualify for the legal qualification.
9. Define the ‘Joint venture Requirement Type’ as Mandatory *must have, missing it
will disqualify the bidder], Required*Required but missing it won’t disqualify the
bidder will be evaluated as missing], optional and Not Applicable.
10. Enter any additional requirement as ‘Additional Requirement’.
11. Click on ‘Done’
12. Click on ‘Save’ or add another


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To add professional qualifications, please follow the below steps.

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ menu then Expand ‘Evaluation Methodology’

2. Expand the ‘Professional Qualifications’ card
3. Enter the ‘Name’ for Professional qualification and click on add, see figure 32

Figure 32 Professional Qualifications card

4. Enter ‘Factor’, the name for the Legal criteria to be added

5. Enter the ‘Requirement’ to further explain the factor
6. ‘Single Requirement Condition as Mandatory [must have, missing it will
disqualify the bidder], required [Required but missing it won’t disqualify the bidder
will be evaluated as missing], optional and Not Applicable.
7. Select the Section from ‘Section Link’ to specify where this Legal qualification is going to
be added to
8. Define ‘Join venture Type’ as all combined Partner, Each Partner and At least one
partner. To define how many of the joint venture member bidders need to qualify for
the legal qualification.

9. Define the ‘Joint venture Requirement Type’ as Mandatory *must have, missing it will
disqualify the bidder], required [Required but missing it won’t disqualify the bidder will
be evaluated as missing], optional and Not Applicable.
10. Enter any additional requirement as ‘Additional Requirement’.
11. Click on ‘Done’
12. Click on ‘Save’ or add another


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To add Technical qualifications, please follow the below steps.

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ menu then Expand ‘Evaluation Methodology’

2. Expand the ‘Technical Qualifications’ card
3. Enter the ‘Name’ for Technical qualification and click on add, see figure 33

Figure 33 Technical Qualifications card

4. Enter ‘Factor’, the name for the Legal criteria to be added

5. Enter the ‘Requirement’ to further explain the factor
6. ‘Single Requirement Condition as Mandatory *must have, missing it will
disqualify the bidder+, required *Required but missing it won’t disqualify the
bidder will be evaluated as missing], optional and Not Applicable.
7. Select the Section from ‘Section Link’ to specify where this Legal qualification is
going to be added to
8. Define ‘Join venture Type’ as all combined Partner, Each Partner and At least one
partner. To define how many of the joint venture member bidders need to
qualify for the legal qualification.

9. Define the ‘Joint venture Requirement Type’ as Mandatory *must have, missing it
will disqualify the bidder+, required *Required but missing it won’t disqualify the
bidder will be evaluated as missing], optional and Not Applicable.
10. Enter any additional requirement as ‘Additional Requirement’.
11. Click on ‘Done’
12. Click on ‘Save’ or add another


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To add Financial qualifications, please follow the below steps.

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ menu then Expand ‘Evaluation Methodology’

2. Expand the ‘Financial Qualifications’ card.
3. Enter the ‘Name’ for Technical qualification and click on add, see figure 34

Figure 34 Add Financial Qualifications card

4. Enter ‘Factor’, the name for the Legal criteria to be added

5. Enter the ‘Requirement’ to further explain the factor
6. ‘Single Requirement Condition as Mandatory *must have, missing it will
disqualify the bidder+, required *Required but missing it won’t disqualify the
bidder will be evaluated as missing], optional and Not Applicable.
7. Select the Section from ‘Section Link’ to specify where this Legal qualification is
going to be added to
8. Define ‘Join venture Type’ as all combined Partner, Each Partner and At least one
partner. To define how many of the joint venture member bidders need to
qualify for the legal qualification.

9. Define the ‘Joint venture Requirement Type’ as Mandatory *must have, missing it
will disqualify the bidder+, required *Required but missing it won’t disqualify the
bidder will be evaluated as missing], optional and Not Applicable.
10. Enter any additional requirement as ‘Additional Requirement’.
11. Click on ‘Done’
12. Click on ‘Save’ or add another


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To add technical scoring, please follow the below steps.

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ menu then Expand ‘Evaluation

Methodology’ menu.
2. Expand the ‘Technical Scoring’ card, see figure 35 . Technical scoring is mainly
applicable to packages with Evaluation Method SET as Merit based. The values to
specified in this section are going to be used to evaluate the bid specification from a
total measure of 100%

Figure 35 Technical scoring card

3. Click on ‘Add child’ - see figure36

Figure 36 Add Children Technical scoring card

4. Enter the ‘Requirement’

5. Enter the ‘Point’ assigned to the requirement
6. Select the section link
7. Enter ‘Requirement condition’ as Mandatory *must have, missing it will disqualify the
bidder+, required *Required but missing it won’t disqualify the bidder will be evaluated
as missing], optional and Not Applicable.
8. Enter ‘Specification’ of the requirement.
9. Enter ‘Additional Requirement’
10. Click on ‘Done’ to save the technical scoring

Note: If the Scoring added is less than 100%, then it will be possible to add ‘Parent
node’ and Edit/Delete options will be there


This sub section is going to be used to set the financial criteria of tender evaluation

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To configure the technical criteria specifications, please follow the below

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ menu

2. Expand ‘Evaluation Methodology’ side menu
3. Click on ‘Financial Criteria’ side menu and ‘Create Financial Evaluation’ card will
be displayed, the attributes to be entered are going to be peculiar to the type of
service/good or consultancy the tender is being prepared for. see figure 37

Figure 37 Create Financial Evaluation card

4. Enter the ‘comparison basis ‘, a price to be used to compare with the offer by the
bidder, so that outlier amounts are not entertained.
5. Select the ‘Incoterm type’ that is applicable
6. Click on ‘Save’ and ‘Administrative Compliance’ card will be enabled


This sub section is going to be used to set the financial criteria of tender evaluation

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To configure the administrative compliance specifications, please follow

the below steps;

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ menu

2. Expand ‘Evaluation Methodology’ side menu
3. Click on ‘Financial Criteria’ side menu
4. Expand ‘Administrative Compliance’ card and click on ‘Add’ button, see figure 38

Figure 38 Add Administrative compliance card

5. Enter the ‘Requirement’ you need to add

6. Select the Section from ‘Section Link’ to specify where this Administrative
compliance is going to be added to

7. Define the ‘Requirement condition’ as Mandatory *must have, missing it will
disqualify the bidder+, required *Required but missing it won’t disqualify the
bidder will be evaluated as missing], optional and Not Applicable.
8. Click on ‘Save’ or add another


This sub section is going to be used to set the financial criteria of tender evaluation

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To configure the preference margin, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ menu

2. Expand ‘Evaluation Methodology’ side menu
3. Click on ‘Financial Criteria’ side menu
4. Expand the ‘Preference Margin’ card and click on ‘Add’, see figure 39. This card is
used to set the preference to be given for bidders with an affirmative action privilege
[Local bidders during ICB or small enterprises in some bigger NCBs]

Figure 39 Create preference margin card

5. Enter ‘Name ‘ of the preference to be given

6. Enter the ‘Requirement’
7. Enter Margin in Per cent [15%, commonly]
8. Click on ‘Save’ and ‘Exclusion list’ card will be enabled


This sub section is going to be used to set the financial criteria of tender evaluation

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To configure the exclusion list, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ menu

2. Expand ‘Evaluation Methodology’ side menu
3. Click on ‘Financial Criteria’ side menu

4. Expand the ‘Exclusion list’ to select Items to be excluded during price calculation, TAX,
Contingency, and so on. see figure 40.

Figure 40 Set Exclusion list card

5. Select price items that are going to be excluded during price calculations
6. Click ‘Save’


This section is going to be used to define the criteria we are going to set to evaluate the
winners before awarding the contract

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To configure the due diligence specifications, please follow the following

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ side menu

2. Expand ‘Evaluation Methodology’ menu,
3. Click on ‘Due diligence’ side menu, then ‘Post Qualification Criteria’ and ‘Price
Analysis Criteria’ cards will be displayed on the main screen. see figure 40

Figure 40 Due-diligence cards

4. Expand ‘Post Qualification Criteria’ and Click on ‘Add’ , see figure 41

Figure 41 Create Post Qualification card

5. Enter the requirement

6. Enter the requirement Condition
7. Click on ‘Save’ or add another
8. Expand ‘Price Analysis Criteria’ and Click on ‘Add’, see figure 42

Figure 42 Create price Analysis card

9. Enter the requirement

10. Enter the requirement Condition
11. Click on ‘Save’ or add another


This sub module is going to help the technical team lead define the schedule of
requirements in an organized document content. To do so the user will have tabs to
define the Header content, Body content and the Footer content on three separate

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To define the schedule of requiremetns, please follow the below steps;

Figure 42 Schedule of Requirements card

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ side menu

2. Select ‘Schedule of requirements’ side menu, see figure 42
3. Click on ‘Header Content’
4. Click on the ‘Header Content tab’
5. Enter the details to the Text area in a presentable format
6. Click on “save’
7. Create A Body content

8. Click on ‘Header Content tab’ and the ‘Technical responsiveness’ and ‘Create
financial Evaluation Criteria’ cards will be displayed.
9. Expand the ‘Technical responsiveness’ card, to specify the specification for items
to be procured.
Note: Item specifications from planning will be enlisted here, see figure 43

Figure 43 Technical responsiveness card

10. Click on the ‘Add to requirement’ button and ‘Add to technical responsiveness’ windows
will pop up, see figure 44

Figure 44 Add Technical responsiveness card

11. Edit the details fetched from planning face if applicable and
12. Enter Category,
13. Enter Section link,
14. Enter Need type [ Exact or Range], Exact will allow the user to set a specific value,
whereas Range will allow us to define from – to of the span of alignment with the item
15. Define Requirement condition as Mandatory [the specification is a must have one and
missing it will disqualify the bidder+, required *Required but missing it won’t disqualify
the bidder will be evaluated as such] and Not Applicable if the specification is not going
to be usable for the item.
16. Go to ‘Detail Specification’ section to add NEW item specifications that were not there
in the list fetched from the planning phase.
17. Click on ‘Add’ button
18. Enter the specification detail as in figure xx
19. Click on ‘Save’
20. Expand the ‘Create financial Evaluation Criteria’ card, to configure financial evaluation
criteria for Items from planning phase.
21. Note: This card has two sections for ICB tendering; one labelled as ‘Goods International’
and another ‘Goods Local’. ‘Goods Local’ is applicable for NCB tendering only.
22. Go to ‘Goods International’ Section
23. Click the ‘add to requirements ‘button in front of the item in the list and the ‘add
financial detail’ windows will pop up, see figure 45

Figure 45 Add Financial Detail Form

24. Enter ‘No’, a unique Item reference number

25. Enter/Edit ‘Description of Goods or related services’
26. Enter currency
27. Incoterm type will be prepopulated as it was submitted in earlier steps.
28. Enter the unit of quantity
29. Enter quantity
30. Select Item type to be, Regular Item, Tax, Provisional Sum or Contingency
31. Expand ‘Incoterm setting’ and enter the value for each of the following Charge Types,
either in per cent or amount and define if it is going to be read-only.

32. Carriage Charges
33. Insurance
34. Destination Terminal Charge
35. Delivery to Destination
36. Import Duty Taxes Security Clearance
37. Click on ‘Save’
38. Go to ‘Goods Local’ Section
39. Do all the same as we did in ‘Goods International’ Section; except the fact that
‘Incoterm setting’ is not applicable to it.
40. Click on Save
41. Click on Footer content
42. Enter the details to the Text area in a presentable format
43. Click on “save’
44. Click on File attachments tab
45. Upload any applicable document
46. Click on save


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To define the special conditions of contract, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ side menu and select ‘Special Conditions of
Contract’ side menu.
2. Click on ‘Add’ button to add special conditions of contract and ‘Create special
Condition of Contract’ windows will pop up, see figure 46

Figure 46 Create Special Condition of Contract

3. Enter Article number

4. Enter Article category
5. Enter the Article details
6. Click on save


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To define the lot schedule, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on the ‘Tender Configuration’ side menu

2. Select ‘Lot Schedule’ side menu.
3. Set the due date for all the milestones with from ‘Bid evaluation and report
submission’ to packaging.
4. Click on Save


Procurement Document preparation is a stage where we generate a procurement

document from contents submitted during earlier stages.

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To do PD preparation, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on the ‘PD preparation tab’.

2. Click on ‘Generate’ button in the middle of the page to fetch bid document from
‘Tender Configuration’ module and a PD will be generated for edition
3. Once missing contents are added, it can be Regenerated
4. Submit to revision


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To do tender invitation, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on the ‘Tender Invitation’.

2. Enter missing elements from Package information, Lot Information, Eligibility
requirements, Source of Fund and Terms and conditions
3. Click on ‘Invite’ and the information will be saved.

4. Click on ‘Submit to Revision’ , so that other members of the technical experts can
review what the team leader have prepared


ACCESS ROLE: Technical expert – Member

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To do tender revision, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on the ‘Tender Invitation’.

2. Click on the Package to be reviewed from the list and ‘documents’ and ‘Invitation’
tabs will be opened up
3. Click on documents tab
4. The bid document will be opened for comment
5. Click on the comment button from the right corner
6. Select an attribute to be commented from the document
7. Write the commend on the selected attribute and click on comment
8. Click on ‘Invitation’ tab
9. The invitation will be opened for a review, no comment option is provided for
the Invitation, Technical expert members can only read the invitation
10. Go to actions, and choose one of the three options. Approve, Approve with
comment and ‘Adjust’ with comment
10.1. Approve – PD is approved without any comment
10.2. Approve with comments – PD is approved with comments for the team
lead to review
10.3. Adjust with comments- PD is reverted back to the team lead as the team
member is insisting on adjusting the PD content

11. This Tender Revision activity will be made by all team members
12. Once all team members approve the PD, it will be available for the team lead to
submit the tender for publication


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert – Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To do Tender submission, please follows the below activities;

1. Click on the ‘Tender Submission’.

2. Click on ‘Tender Submission tab
3. Open the package to be submitted for approval
4. A package will be opened with three tabs Document, Invitation and Approval
5. Click on Document
6. Review the content before submission
7. Click on Invitation
8. Review the content before submission
9. Click on approval status
10. See the approval status of PD from technical expert team members
11. Click on Adjust, if there is a comment from members that needs to be amended
12. Click on Submit for approval, if there is not change to be applied or the change is all


ACCESS ROLE: Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To do Tender submission, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on the ‘Tender Approval’.

2. Click on ‘Tender Approval’ tab

3. Open the package to be approved
4. A package will be opened with three tabs Document, Invitation and Approval
5. Click on Document - Review the content before approval
6. Click on Invitation -Review the content before approval
7. Click on approval
8. Enter remarks
9. Click on ‘Adjust’ to revert it back to the technical expert for a review
10. Click on ‘Approve’ to promote the PD for publishing by the technical team

PD Publication

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Experts – Team Lead

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Technical Team Lead’s home page
Click on ‘Initiation’ tab

GET READY: To do PD publication, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on the ‘PD publication’

2. Click on ‘Initiation’ tab
3. Open the package to be published
4. Go to Document Publication
5. Click on ‘Publish’ button


This is a process of seeking information, proposals, and quotations from suppliers.

While solicitations can be verbal, quality and consistency is enhanced if the process is
formalized in the form of a written electronic document, authorised and signed.



NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on supplier’s home page
Click on ‘Active Tenders’ tab

GET READY: To filter/bookmark open tenders, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on ‘Explore’
2. Available tenders will be enlisted
3. Go to the ‘Filters’ Panel to the left of the screen and apply the following filters
when appropriate
4. Market place – National or International
5. Procurement category – Goods, Works, Consultancy services and Non-
Consultancy services
6. Date published, Start Date and End date [is it going to be the bid opening and
closing date or a date range with in which the tender is published.]
7. Language
8. Procuring entities –Which Government institution have published the tender?
9. Classification – Items that are required for a purchase.
10. Click on ‘Filter’ to filter matching tenders
11. Click on ‘reset’ to re-set filter parameters

Bookmark a tender: This option is usable when the user wants to look into a tender
but not in the current session and wants to pin a tender for quick access in the
12. Go the tender to be bookmarked and click on ‘Bookmark’
13. Go to the tender you want to see the details and click on ‘Show more’
14. Go down the details and click on ‘Bookmark’


This is an option for a supplier to register for a tender that he/she is interested to participate in.


NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on supplier’s home page
Click on ‘Active Tenders’ tab

GET READY: To register for a tender, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on ‘Explore’
2. Begin the registration process by using either one of the below options.
3. From the cards on the main screen, go to ‘Active Tenders’ and click on ‘Explore’.
4. Go to the tender you want to register for and click on ‘Show more’
5. The details of the tender will be enlisted with options to ‘Bookmark’ and
6. Click on ‘Register’ button
7. OR
8. Click on ‘My Workspace’ Menu
9. Go to the side menu’s to the left of the screen
10. Go to ‘Management’ grouping in the menu list and click on ‘My Tender’
11. Select the tender from either the ‘Invitations’ or ‘Bookmarks’ tab

12. The tender details will be displayed with an option to ‘Register’
13. Click on ‘Register’ button
14. The supplier will receive a Private Key via email [A key used to secure the details that
the supplier is going to submit+. The Key to be provided can be ‘Financial Private Key’,
used to secure the financial offerings of the supplied OR ‘Financial Private Key’ and
‘Technical Private key’, used to secure the responses of the supplier to the technical
specifications on the tender.
15. The Tender now will move to ‘Registered’ tab and can be accessed from there



NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on supplier’s home page
Click on ‘Active Tenders’ tab

GET READY: To pay registration fee, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on ‘Explore’
2. Click on ‘My Workspace’ Menu
3. Go to the side menu’s to the left of the screen, under ‘Management’ group click
on ‘My Tender’
4. Go to ‘Registered’ tab and click on the Tender to pay the registration fee
5. A ‘payment order’ card will be displayed with Name, Order Number, Service
Name, Reason, service fee, Issue date, Expiry date and an option to choose a
‘Payment option’.
6. Choose a ‘payment option’
7. Click on ‘Pay’ to complete the payment.

BOOK FOR A SITE VISIT – if Applicable to a tender


NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on supplier’s home page
Click on ‘Active Tenders’ tab

GET READY: To book for a site visit, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on ‘Explore’
2. Click on ‘My Workspace’ Menu
3. Go to the side menu’s to the left of the screen, under ‘Management’ group click
on ‘My Tender’
4. Go to ‘Registered’ tab and click on the Tender
5. From the panel to the right, go to Solicitation menu group and click on ‘Site Visit’.
6. The site visit details, Lot Name, Site Place, Site contact, Visitation status, Visitation
Date and an open Text area field to write the list of visitors will be displayed.
7. Enter the list of visitors and click on ‘Save’


ACCESS ROLE: Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Procurement Unit Head’s home page
Expand the ‘More’ Menu and click on ‘Solicitation’

GET READY: To confirm a site visit, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on ‘Explore’
2. Choose the tender from a list of published tenders
3. Choose the Lot from the list of lots in that tender
4. Choose ‘Site Visit’ from the list of side menus on the left panel.
5. Choose the site visit from list of Booked site visits by different suppliers

6. Click on the site visit and select ‘Visitors were present’ check box if the visitors
were present or de-select otherwise.
7. Click on ‘Change status’ to Confirm if the site visit was successful or not.

JOIN A PRE-BID CONFERENCE [Supplier] – if applicable


NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on supplier’s home page
Click on ‘My workspace’ menu

GET READY: To Join a pre-bid conference, please follow the below steps;

1. Go to the side menu’s to the left of the screen, under ‘Management’ group click
on ‘My Tender’
2. Go to ‘Registered’ tab and click on the Tender
3. From the panel to the right, go to Solicitation menu group and click on ‘Pre-bid
4. Click on ‘Join’

JOIN A PRE-BID CONFERENCE [PE] – if applicable

ACCESS ROLE: Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Procurement Unit Head’s home page
Expand the ‘More’ Menu and click on ‘Solicitation’

GET READY: To Join a pre-bid conference, please follow the below steps

1. Choose the tender from a list of published tenders

2. Choose the Lot from the list of lots in that tender
3. Choose ‘Pre-bid conference’ from the list of side menus on the left panel.

4. Go to ‘Video conference tab’ and Click on ‘Join’


ACCESS ROLE: Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Procurement Unit Head’s home page
Expand the ‘More’ Menu and click on ‘Solicitation’

GET READY: To prepare a minute of the pre-bid conference, please follow the below

1. Choose the tender from a list of published tenders

2. Choose the Lot from the list of lots in that tender
3. Choose ‘Pre-bid conference’ from the list of side menus on the left panel.
4. Go to ‘Minutes’ tab
5. Enter agenda Item
6. Enter the decision
7. Click on ‘Add’
8. Enter more agenda items along with decisions, if applicable
9. Click on ‘Save’ to save the minute



NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on supplier’s home page
Click on ‘My workspace’ menu

GET READY: To submit a request for clarification, please follow the below steps;

1. Go to the side menu’s to the left of the screen, under ‘Management’ group click
on ‘My Tender’
2. Go to ‘Registered’ tab and click on the Tender
3. From the panel to the right, go to Solicitation menu group and click on
4. Click on ‘New’ button to the right of the screen
5. Enter the ‘Subject’ of the inquiry
6. Enter the ‘Question’ to be asked in to the text area
7. Enter the ‘reference on the tender document’
8. Enter the ‘Expected outcome’, what the demand of the supplier is.
9. Click on ‘Submit’


ACCESS ROLE: Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Procurement Unit Head’s home page
Expand the ‘More’ Menu and click on ‘Solicitation’

GET READY: To respond to clarification requests, please follow the below steps;

1. Login as a ‘Procurement Unit Head’ of the PE

2. Expand the ‘More’ Menu and click on ‘Solicitation’
3. Choose the tender from a list of published tenders
4. Choose the Lot from the list of lots in that tender
5. Choose ‘Clarification’ from the list of side menus on the left panel.
6. Select a clarification request from a list of requests under the ‘New Questions’
7. Click on View button to see the details of the clarification request
8. Click on Add [+] button to respond to the question.
9. The Question will move to the third[right most] panel with options to:

10. Remove it, move the selected Questions panel back to ‘New Questions’ Panel,
11. View the question details or
12. Respond to the questions
13. Write the response in to ‘Response’ text area.
14. Click on submit



NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on supplier’s home page
Click on ‘My workspace’ menu

GET READY: To view responses to clarification requests, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on ‘My Workspace’ Menu

2. Go to the side menu’s to the left of the screen, under ‘Management’ group click
on ‘My Tender’
3. Go to ‘Registered’ tab and click on the Tender
4. From the panel to the right, go to Solicitation menu group and click on
5. Go to the ‘Responses’ tab of the card ‘Clarification’
6. Read responses given to the clarification request if any



NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on supplier’s home page
Click on ‘My workspace’ menu

GET READY: To file a complaint, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on ‘My Workspace’ Menu

2. Go to the side menu’s to the left of the screen, under ‘Management’ group click
on ‘My Tender’
3. Go to ‘Registered’ tab and click on the Tender
4. From the panel to the right, go to Solicitation menu group and click on
5. A card with ‘Complain’ caption will be enabled with a button ‘+Complain’.
6. Click on ‘+ Complain’ button and a complain form will pop up
7. Enter complain title
8. Enter complain content
9. Click on ‘Submit’
10. The complaint will be submitted and ‘+ Complain’ button will be changed to ‘+


ACCESS ROLE: Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Procurement Unit Head’s home page
Expand the ‘More’ Menu and click on ‘Solicitation’

GET READY: To respond to a complaint, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on ‘Solicitation’ menu

2. Select the ‘Package’ on which a complaint is raised from the list of packages
3. Click on ‘Complaint’ side menu
4. Open the complaint by clicking on ‘>’ button at the end
5. Write a message in the ‘message’ text area

6. Select the audience*‘Receiver’ to the message, the massage can be to the internal
team to come up with explanation or directly to the supplier if the HOPE have a
response to share to the supplier
7. PTT [Procurement Technical Team]: If the HOPE wants to onboard the technical
team to address the complaint and get their responses
8. PUH [Procurement Unit Head]: if the HOPE wants to onboard the Procurement
Unit Head to address the complaint and share his/her response
9. Supplier: If the HOPE wants to respond to the supplier on the complaint they have
raised directly.
10. Click on ‘Send’
11. Note: The supplier, PUH, PTT and HOPE can interact in this message thread to
sort the issue out, by logging into the system and going to Solicitation menu and
the complaint sub-menu.
12. Click on ‘+ Response’ to share the final response to the complaint filed by the
13. Enter ‘Title’
14. Enter ‘Response’
15. Click on ‘Respond’ to share the final response from HOPE and the discussion
thread will be closed
16. First level complaint response will be completed



NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on supplier’s home page
Click on ‘My workspace’ menu

GET READY: To Escalate a complaint, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on ‘My Workspace’ Menu

2. Go to the side menu’s to the left of the screen, under ‘Management’ group click
on ‘My Tender’
3. Go to ‘Registered’ tab and click on the Tender
4. From the panel to the right, go to Solicitation menu group and click on
5. A card with ‘Complain’ caption will be enabled with two tabs, ‘Complain’ and
6. Click on ‘Complain’ tab
7. Click on ‘+Escalate’ button
8. The complaint will be sent to the ‘Complain Handling Board’ for further scrutiny


ACCESS ROLE: Complain Handling Board Chairperson

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Complain Handling Board Chairperson’s
home page
Click on ‘Complaint’ menu

GET READY: To respond to escalated complaint, please follow the below steps;

1. Select the Complaint to respond to from ‘Escalated complaint list’

2. ‘Complain Response’ card will be displayed with two tabs ‘Escalated Complain’
and ‘Response’. From the ‘Escalated complain’ tab, the Complaint Handling
board can review the complaint and the response given to it from the HOPE.
3. Click on ‘Response’ tab
4. Write a message in the ‘message’ text area
5. Select the audience *‘Receiver’+ to the message, the massage can be to HOPE or
to the Supplier.
6. Click on ‘Send’ and the message will be shared to HOPE and/or Supplier and
discussion will be open for each of them to respond.

7. Note: The supplier, HOPE and the Board can now interact in this discussion thread
to sort the issue out, by logging into the system and going to Solicitation menu
and the complaint sub-menu and clicking on ‘Escalate’ tab. The HOPE can engage
PTT and PUH to come up with further explanation fi the need arises
8. Click on ‘+ Response’ to share the final response to the complaint filed by the
9. Enter ‘Title’
10. Enter ‘Response’
11. Click on ‘Submit for Vote’ to share the final draft response to members of the
‘Compliant Handling Board’ for their endorsement.
Note: Compliant handling board member will not be entitled to vote on the draft


ACCESS ROLE: Complain Handling Board - Member

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on Complain Handling Board Member’s home
Click on ‘Complaint’ menu

GET READY: To vote on draft responses to escalated complaints, please follow the below

1. Click on ‘Complaint’ Menu

2. ‘Complain Response’ card will be displayed with two tabs ‘Escalated Complain’ and
‘Response’. From the ‘Escalated complain’ tab, the Complaint Handling board members
can see the discussion between HOPE, the board chairperson and the supplier and final
draft decision by the chairman.
3. Go to the card to the right captioned ‘Members’

4. Click on ‘Agree’ or ‘Disagree’ in front of the member name to either endorse or oppose
the decision.
Once Majority of the members ‘Agree’ to the draft response, it will be considered as final
response from the ‘Complaint Handling Board’



NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on supplier’s home page
Click on ‘My workspace’ menu

GET READY: To submit bid security, please follow the below steps;

1. Click on ‘My Workspace’ Menu

2. Go to the side menu’s to the left of the screen, under ‘Management’ group click on ‘My
3. Go to ‘Registered’ tab and click on the Tender
4. From the panel to the right, go to Solicitation menu group and click on ‘Bid Security’.
5. Click on the ‘+ Place new guarantee’ button from the panel to the right captioned as
‘Guarantee list’.
6. Lot information including Lot Name, Organization Name, Reference No, Minimum validity
date, submission deadline, Security amount, Security currency, Security form and Terms
and conditions will be displayed.
7. Select the guarantor organization
8. Select the guarantor branch
9. Click on ‘Save’ button
10. Enter a remark
11. Click on ‘Done’
NOW the bid security is submitted by the Supplied for endorsement by the guarantor to
the procuring entity


ACCESS ROLE: Guarantor

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system
Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and land on guarantor’s home page
Click on ‘Guarantee-request’ menu

GET READY: To endorse bid security , please follow the below steps;

1. Select the ‘Guarantee request’ to be endorsed

2. The guarantee Information will be displayed with two options, ‘Accept’ and ‘Reject’.
3. Click on ‘Accept’ to endorse the guarantee to the PE
4. Attach a file that will serve as evidence for endorsing the guarantee
5. Set the guarantee validity date
6. Click on ‘Done’ to save and endorse the guarantee


The fourth stage of tendering is evaluation of the bid documents. Tender evaluation is
the overall assessment of bid documents against the initial document instructions and
pre-defined criteria. Through the e-GP system tendering has the following three main
types of evaluations. These are Technical evaluation, financial evaluation and due
diligence evaluations.

The first evaluation process stars from technical document evaluation for two envelop
type of bids. If the bid is single envelop type of bid, the tender evaluation process starts
from financial evaluation. Technical document evaluation is the stage where the bid has
been passed through the evaluation process from the technical point of perspective.
Any bid whether single envelop or two-envelope type have to go through this kind of
evaluation. The main intent of this evaluation is to assess the bid documents and
identify whether the bidder meets the technical requirements or not. Upon successful

approval, those bidders which fulfil the technical requirements will be qualified for
further assessment of financial evaluation.

The second evaluation stage is financial evaluation. Financial document evaluation is

intended to evaluate the bidder’s price quotation for each item to be purchased. Along
with price quotation, financial administrative compliance is also assessed. The final
output of this stage is identifying the winner supplier for the given tender.

The third type of evaluation to be handled by the system is a due diligence evaluation.
This evaluation is conducted after the winner supplier is identified on the previous
stages. The main intent of this kind of evaluation is to verify the price quotations against
the predefined price estimations and assessing the winner company other parameters
like workshops and site visits.

These evaluations consist of iterative assessments by team members and team leaders.
Initially the assigned team members will fill conflict of interest agreement form before
the actual evaluation starts. Then, the team members complete individual evaluations.
Upon completion for individual evaluations, the team leader summarizes the individual
results to compiled result. These results finally approved by endorsing committee
members so that the final Go/No Go decision is made by the head of procuring unit.

As a result, the winner bidder company has been identified and awarded accordingly.
The detail of activities under technical document evaluation will presented in the next


Technical document evaluation is the stage where the bid has been passed through the
evaluation process from the technical point of perspective. This is true for all ‘two
envelop’ type of bids. If the bid is ‘single envelop’ type, there will not be technical
evaluation. In that case the tender evaluation starts from financial document

To perform the complete technical document evaluation, the process should pass
through the following four types of technical document evaluations. These are technical
administrative compliance, technical qualification, technical responsiveness and
technical scoring. All the four types of technical document evaluations conducted by
technical evaluator’s teams and compiled by their corresponding team leader.

The system is capable to assign technical evaluator teams along with their team leader.
The minimum number team members is three. Once the evaluation is completed by the
team and compiled by the team leader, the result has to be verified and approved by
technical endorsing committee. Similar procedure will be applied to approve the
technical evaluation result by the endorsing team which follows individual approval
followed by endorsement committee chairperson final suggestion.

The final decision the technical evaluation is done by the head of procurement entity.
This decision determine the next stage of the tender process which is either Go to the
next evaluation process (which is Financial evaluation in case of two envelop type of bid)
or to No Go decision of cancelling the tender.

The detail of technical document evaluation has been discussed below in the following



ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Procurement Unit Head Tendering
Click on More tab and select Administration

GET READY: To assign evaluation teams using the system, perform the steps discussed as
1. Select the tender (lot) for evaluation and click on the ‘>’ arrow at the right side and you
will land on the following form shown in the figure below

Figure 2. Technical evaluator’s assignment form

Note: Based on the envelop type, if it is “Two envelop” type we have to create two teams as
discussed above one for technical and one for financial evaluation.
2. Go to “Technical Document Evaluators” card and Click on Expand button
3. Click on Add button
4. Select the users to be added as technical document evaluators
5. Once you added all evaluators, then assign one of the evaluators as team lead. To do that
click on the check box of Team Leader column of the corresponding user row.
6. Click on Save button


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Procurement Unit Head Tendering
Click on More tab and select Administration

GET READY: To update (change the team leader) using the system, perform the steps discussed
as follows:
1. Select the tender (lot) for evaluation and click on the ‘>’ arrow at the right side and you
will land on the form shown in Figure 2
2. Go to “Technical Document Evaluators” card and Click on Expand button
3. Remove the check box (uncheck) from previous team leader
4. Click on the check box of the team leader column for newly assigned Team Leader
5. Click on Save button


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Procurement Unit Head Tendering
Click on More tab and select Administration

GET READY: To remove assigned team member using the system, perform the steps discussed
as follows:
1. Select the tender (lot) for evaluation and click on the ‘>’ arrow at the right side and you
will land on the form shown in Figure 2
2. Go to “Technical Document Evaluators” card and Click on Expand button

3. Click on Delete icon of the Action column of the corresponding user to be removed from
the evaluators team
4. Click on Save button



ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To perform conflict of interest agreement using the system, perform the steps
discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Evaluation” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
“Conflict of Interest” agreement form
3. Read the “statement of confidentiality and non- existence of conflict of interest”
statements and If you agree with that go to step 4, if not go to step 9.
4. Go to the right side of the form and click on the check box for “I agree to the terms
stated above”
5. Click on submit button
6. Copy the pass code generated for you for the authentication purpose
7. Click again on the tender (lot) and enter the pass code provided on the previous step
8. Click on “Authenticate” button
9. If you are not agreed with the “statement of confidentiality and non- existence of conflict
of interest” write the detail on the remark window and click submit button without
clicking on the check box
Note: the same has to be done by all Evaluators

INDIVIDUAL EVALUATORS ASSESSMENT-Technical Administrative Compliance
ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To perform Technical administrative compliance using the system, perform the
steps discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Evaluation” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers list window
3. Click on selected company and you will land on the Technical Administrative Compliance
form. The form has three columns/sections. At the left side there is “Assessment Criteria”
which consists of the lists of assessment criteria for technical compliance. The second
section, in the middle, consists of the attached document submitted by the supplier as
response for requests on the bid. The third section consists of the assessment part where
the evaluator mark the assessment result. This part also has an option to write any
remark and clarification requests by the evaluator for the bidder.
4. Select the assessment criteria from the left side and mark the assessment result on the
right side under “Assessment” field. There are five possible options for the assessment
result. These are Not done (if assessment is not completed), Comply (if the bidder comply
with the criteria), Do not Comply (if the bidder do not meet the criteria), Not Applicable (
if the criteria is not applicable for specific bidder, and Cannot determine ( if the evaluator
is not clear with the criteria or response)
5. Write any remark on the remark field
6. Click on Save button
7. If the evaluator has clarification requests, s/he can write the question on the
“Clarifications” field and click on Send button. So that the bidder will read and provide
answers using the same system.

8. Do the same (step 4- 7) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the technical administrative compliance assessment an
individual evaluator.
Note: the same has to be done by all evaluators for all companies (bidders).

COMPILING EVALUATORS ASSESSMENT-Technical Administrative Compliance

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Team leader

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To compile individual evaluators’ assessment result using the system, perform the
steps discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Evaluation” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers list window
3. From the right top corner, click on “Compile” button
4. While the status is changed to “Compiling”, Click on each company to open “Technical
Administrative Assessments Compilation form “ as shown below in

Figure 3. Technical administrative assessments compiling form

Note: The Technical Administrative Assessments Compilation form has three main
sections. The outer most left side shows the list of Assessment criteria for evaluation. The
middle section shows the individual assessment result for each criterion. The outer most
right section consists of a sub form that summarizes the individual assessment results.
5. Click on Assessment from the right side and set the compiled result for each criterion.
(The options are Not done (if assessment is not completed), Comply (if the bidder
comply with the criteria), Do not Comply (if the bidder do not meet the criteria), Not
Applicable (If the criteria is not applicable for specific bidder, and Cannot determine (If
the evaluator is not clear with the criteria or response)
6. If the team leader has got any issue or requires to suggest something for about the
individual evaluator, S/he can write suggestion using the following steps: (If not go to
step 10)
7. Click on the encircled questions mark in front of the individual evaluation in the middle
section of the form as shown in the above figure
8. Write the suggestion on the opened sub form and
9. Click “Suggest” button
Note: The system will notify the individual evaluator to whom the suggestion is written
for. Then the individual evaluator will respond to the suggestion and act accordingly. If
there is any change on the individual assessment as per the suggestion, the evaluator has
to re-complete the individual assessment by repeating steps from 4-8 above under “BID
10. Write remark on the remark field
11. Click on Save button
12. Do the same (step 4- 11) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the technical administrative compliance assessment
ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To perform conflict of interest agreement using the system, perform the steps
discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Evaluation” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers list window
3. Click on selected company and you will land on the Technical Qualification form.
Note: The form has four main sections. The top horizontal bar consists of the type of
Assessment criteria (Legal, Professional, Technical and Financial). From the lower three
vertical sections; the outer most left side shows the list of Assessment criteria for
technical qualification evaluation. The middle section shows the individual assessment
result for each criterion. The outer most right section consists of a sub form that
summarizes the individual assessment results. This section has also an option to write
remark and clarification requests by the evaluator for the bidder.
4. Select the “Legal” type of technical qualification criteria from the top horizontal bar
5. Select each assessment criteria from the left side and mark the assessment result on the
right side under “Assessment” field. There are five possible options for the assessment
result. These are Not done (if assessment is not completed), Comply (if the bidder comply
with the criteria), Do not Comply (if the bidder do not meet the criteria), Not Applicable (
if the criteria is not applicable for specific bidder, and Cannot determine ( if the evaluator
is not clear with the criteria or response)
6. If the evaluator has clarification requests, s/he can write the question on the
“Clarifications” field and click on Send button. So that the bidder will read and provide
answers using the same system.
7. Write any remark on the remark field (optional)
8. Click on Save button
9. Do the same (step 4- 8) for the other three types of technical qualifications (Professional,
Technical and Financial)
10. Do the same (step 4- 9) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the technical administrative compliance assessment an
individual evaluator.
Note: the same has to be done by all evaluators for all companies (bidders).

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Team leader

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To compile individual evaluators’ assessment result using the system, perform the
steps discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Evaluation” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers list window
3. From the right top corner, click on “Compile” button
4. While the status is changed to “Compiling”, Click on each company to compile individual
assessment results on the form as shown below in Figure 4

Figure 4. Technical qualification compiling form

Note: The Technical Qualification Assessments Compilation form has four main sections.
The top horizontal bar consists of the type of Assessment criteria (Legal, Professional,
Technical and Financial). From the lower three vertical sections; the outer most left side
shows the list of Assessment criteria for technical qualification evaluation. The middle

section shows the individual assessment result for each criterion. The outer most right
section consists of a sub form that summarizes the individual assessment results.
5. On the top horizontal bar, click on “Legal” button to compile legal related assessment
6. Click on individual assessment criterion from the left vertical section
7. Check the individual assessment results in the middle vertical section under the
corresponding heading of the type of technical qualification
8. If the team leader has got any issue or requires to suggest something for about the
individual evaluator, s/he can write suggestion using the following steps: (If not go to
step 12)
9. Click on the encircled questions mark in front of the individual evaluation in the middle
section of the form as shown in the above figure
10. Write the suggestion on the opened sub form and
11. Click “Suggest” button
Note: The system will notify the individual evaluator to whom the suggestion is written
for. Then the individual evaluator will respond to the suggestion and act accordingly. If
there is any change on the individual assessment as per the suggestion, the evaluator has
to re-complete the individual assessment by repeating steps from 4-8 above under
“INDIVIDUAL EVALUATORS ASSESSMENT-Technical Qualification” section.
12. Set the compiled result for each assessment criterion on the right vertical section
under the heading “Assessment”. (The options are Not done (if assessment is not
completed), Comply (if the bidder comply with the criteria), Do not Comply (if the
bidder do not meet the criteria), Not Applicable (If the criteria is not applicable for
specific bidder, and Cannot determine (If the evaluator is not clear with the criteria or
13. Write any remark on the remark field (optional)
14. Click on Save button
15. Do the same (step 5- 14) for the other three types of technical qualifications
(Professional, Technical and Financial)
16. Do the same (step 5- 15) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the technical qualification compliance assessment

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To perform Technical responsiveness assessment using the system, perform the
steps discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Evaluation” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers list window
3. Click on selected company and you will land on the Technical responsiveness assessment
Note: The form has four main sections. The top horizontal bar consists of the type of
document to be assessed which are Instruction, Technical and All. The outer most left side
shows the items to be assessed with their specification detail. .The middle section shows
the attached document that consists of the technical responsiveness request detail. The
outer most right section consists of a sub form to make the assessment of each
specification. This section also has an option to write remark and request clarification
from the bidder.
4. Select the document type on the top horizontal bar as per the evaluator interest.
Note: Document type has three options that provide for the evaluator to see specific
content of the document or All. These three options are, Instruction, Technical and All.
Depend on our choice what you will see on the middle vertical section will be varied.
5. Click on the title(name) of the item on the left-hand section to expand the list of
specifications under the given item
6. Click on the specific specification from the above list on step 5
7. Click on the Assessment options from the right-hand side section and choose the
assessment result for the specific item selected from the left side. The assessment

options are: Not done (if assessment is not completed), Comply (if the bidder comply
with the criteria), Do not Comply (if the bidder does not meet the criteria), Not
Applicable (if the criteria is not applicable for specific bidder, and Cannot determine (if
the evaluator is not clear with the criteria or response)
8. Write the remark on the remark field (Optional)
9. If the evaluator has clarification requests, s/he can write the question on the
“Clarifications” field and click on Send button. So that the bidder will read and provide
answers using the same system.
10. Click on Save button
11. Do the same (step 5- 9) for each detail specification
12. Do the same (step 4- 10) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the technical responsiveness assessment by individual
Note: the same has to be done by all evaluators for all companies (bidders).


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Team leader

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To compile individual evaluators’ assessment for technical responsiveness using the
system, perform the steps discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Evaluation” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers list window
3. From the right top corner, click on “Compile” button
4. While the status is changed to “Compiling”, Click on each company to compile individual
assessment results on the form as shown below in Figure 5

Figure 5. Technical responsiveness compiling form

5. Note: The form has four main sections. The top horizontal bar consists of the type of
document to be assessed which are Instruction, Technical and All. The outer most left-
hand side shows the items to be assessed with their specification detail. The middle
section shows the attached document that consists of the technical responsiveness
request detail. The outer most right-hand side consists of a sub form to make the
assessment of each specification. This section also has an option to write remark and
request clarification from the bidder.
6. Click on individual item from the left side to expand and see the list of specifications
7. Click on specific specification
8. Check the individual assessment results in the middle vertical section for each selected
9. If the team leader has got any issue or requires to suggest something for about the
individual evaluator, S/he can write suggestion using the following steps: (If not go to
step 12)
10. Click on the encircled questions mark in front of the individual evaluation in the middle
section of the form as shown in the above figure
11. Write the suggestion on the opened sub form and
12. Click “Suggest” button
Note: The system will notify the individual evaluator to whom the suggestion is written
for. Then the individual evaluator will respond to the suggestion and act accordingly. If
there is any change on the individual assessment as per the suggestion, the evaluator has

to re-complete the individual assessment by repeating steps from 4-10 above under
“INDIVIDUAL EVALUATORS ASSESSMENT-Technical Responsiveness” section.
13. Set the compiled result for each assessment criterion on the right vertical section
under the heading “Assessment”. (The options are Not done (if assessment is not
completed), Comply (if the bidder comply with the criteria), Do not Comply (if the
bidder do not meet the criteria), Not Applicable (If the criteria is not applicable for
specific bidder, and Cannot determine (If the evaluator is not clear with the criteria or
14. Write any remark on the remark field (optional)
15. Click on Save button
16. Do the same (step 5- 14) for each specification
17. Do the same (step 5- 15) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the technical qualification compliance assessment
ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To perform Technical Scoring assessment using the system, perform the steps
discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Evaluation” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers list window
3. Click on selected company and you will land on the Technical scoring assessment form.
Note: The form has four main sections. The top horizontal bar consists of the type of
document to be assessed which are Instruction, Technical and All. The outer most left side
shows the items to be assessed with their specification detail. The middle section shows
the attached document that consists of the technical responsiveness request detail. The
outer most right section consists of a sub form to make the assessment of each

specification. This section also has an option to write remark and request clarification
from the bidder.
4. Select the document type on the top horizontal bar as per the evaluator interest.
Note: Document type has three options that provide for the evaluator to see specific
content of the document or All. These three options are, Instruction, Technical and All.
Depend on our choice on the document type, what you will see on the middle vertical
section will be varied.
5. From the left-hand section, click on the parent evaluation to expand the list of detail
requirements under the given Parent category
6. Click on the specific detail requirement
7. Look the detail of the requirement from the attached document in the Middle section.
8. From the right-hand side, click on the Assessment text box and type the score out of ten
for selected requirement.
Note: Technical Score should be between 0 and 10 inclusive where 10 is the highest score.
Weighted Result will be automatically calculated based on the pre-defined weight for the
scored item.
9. Write the remark on the remark field (Optional)
10. If the evaluator has clarification requests, s/he can write the question on the
“Clarifications” field and click on Send button. So that the bidder will read and provide
answers using the same system.
11. Click on Save button
12. Do the same (step 5- 11) for each specific requirement
13. Do the same (step 5- 12) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the technical responsiveness assessment by individual
Note: the same has to be done by all evaluators for all companies (bidders).

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Team leader

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To compile individual evaluators’ assessment for technical scoring using the system,
perform the steps discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Evaluation” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers list window
3. From the right top corner, click on “Compile” button
4. While the status is changed to “Compiling”, Click on each company to compile individual
assessment results on the form as shown below Figure 6

Figure 6. Technical scoring assessments compiling form

Note: The Technical Scoring Assessments Compilation form has three main vertical
sections. The left-hand side section shows the list of specific requirements under the
parent requirement title. The middle section shows the individual assessment result for
each requirement. The right-hand side section consists of a sub form to set the compiled

result for the individual assessments. This section also has an option to write remark if
there any.
5. Click on parent requirement title from the left side to expand and see the list of detail
6. Click on specific requirement
7. Check the individual assessment results in the middle vertical section for each selected
8. If the team leader has got any issue or requires to suggest something for about the
individual evaluator, S/he can write suggestion using the following steps: (If not go to
step 11)
9. Click on the encircled questions mark in front of the individual evaluation in the middle
section of the form as shown in the above Figure 6
10. Write the suggestion on the opened sub form and Click “Suggest” button
Note: The system will notify the individual evaluator to whom the suggestion is written
for. Then the individual evaluator will respond to the suggestion and act accordingly. If
there is any change on the individual assessment as per the suggestion, the evaluator has
to re-complete the individual assessment by repeating steps from 5-11 above under
“INDIVIDUAL EVALUATORS ASSESSMENT-Technical Qualification” section.
11. Check the compiled average score and weighted result.
Note: For Technical scoring, the team leader will not set the compiled assessment result.
Instead, the system itself calculates the average core and weighted result for each
specific requirement. What is expected from the team leader is to check the compiled
result to avoid any irregularity.
12. Write any remark on the remark field (optional)
13. Click on Save button
14. Do the same (step 5- 13) for each specification
15. Do the same (step 5- 14) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the technical qualification compliance assessment


Once the technical document evaluation is completed for the four types of technical
evaluations, the next task is it to review the overall technical document evaluation and forward
recommendations by individual endorsement committee members. Once the individual
endorsement committee member provides its recommendation, the endorsing
committee chairperson will review the technical evaluation assessment result and
determine its final recommendation.

The recommendation might be to continue for the financial evaluation, to return the
process back for re-evaluation or to reject the tender as a whole. Then the endorsing
committee will vote based on the chairperson recommendation.

The final decision of technical evaluation whether to go for the next evaluation or cancel
the bid will be determined by the head of procuring entity.

The detail of the endorsing process has been described below.

ENDORSEMENT- Recommendation by endorsing committee members

ACCESS ROLE: Procurement endorsing committee member

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on the endorsement homepage
Click on Endorsement tab

GET READY: To perform review of the technical document evaluation and forward
recommendation by using the system, perform the steps discussed as follows:
1. On the form under the endorsement tab, click on the tender (lot) for endorsement
approval. Then you will land on a form as shown below:

Figure 7. Endorser recommendation form for individual committee member

2. Select Recommendation tab on the top section

3. On the technical endorsement section review the previous process detail that includes:

 the summary of technical evaluation

 the list of technical document evaluators
 the result for each company (bidder)
 the status of the technical document evaluation (pass/fail)
 the detail of the bid document and
 the detail of the technical assessment

4. Write the recommendation for the endorsing committee on the right-hand section under
the title “Endorser recommendation”
5. Click on “Recommended” button
Note: the same has to be done by all endorsing committee members.

ENDORSEMENT-Final suggestion by the committee chairperson
ACCESS ROLE: Procurement endorsing committee chairperson

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on the endorsement homepage
Click on Endorsement tab

GET READY: To review recommendations made by each endorsement committee member and
make the final suggestion using the system, perform the steps discussed as follows:
1. On the form under the endorsement tab, click on the tender (lot) for endorsement
2. Select Final Suggestion tab on the top section
3. Review the discussions made by endorsement committee members by looking
recommendations presented at the right-hand side of the form
Note: all recommendations written by individual committee members during the
discussion time will be visible at the right-hand side below submit final suggestion tab.
4. Write the final decision of the endorsing process by examining the recommendations
drawn by each individual committee member during the discussion period on the text
box under “Suggestions” heading.
5. On the lower part of the “Final suggestion” section, determine the next action based on
the final suggestion. The actions to be choose are:

 Go (approved for the next phase (Financial Evaluation))

 Re-evaluate (to return back to the technical document evaluation section)
 Cancel-bid (To cancel the bid as a whole)

6. Based on the final suggestion:

 If it is “GO” continue to step 8

 If it is “Re-evaluate” go to step 7
 If it is “Cancel-bid” go to step 8

7. Select Evaluation mile stone (Technical administrative compliance, Technical
qualification, Technical responsiveness, or Technical scoring)
Note: the technical evaluation will so be continued again from the milestone selected by
the endorsing committee again.
8. Click on “Submit Suggesting” button
Note: Whatever the final suggestion made by the chairperson, the final decision will be
depend on the endorsing committee majority vote.

ENDORSEMENT- Approval by endorsing committee members

ACCESS ROLE: Procurement endorsing committee member

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on the endorsement homepage
Click on Endorsement tab

GET READY: To approve the technical endorsement by using the system, perform the steps
discussed as follows:
1. On the form under the endorsement tab, click on the tender (lot) for endorsement
approval. Then you will land on a form as shown below in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Technical endorsement approval form for endorsement chairperson

2. Select Approval tab on the top section

3. Review the final suggestion on the technical endorsement section from the left side
4. Write the remark on the provided box under your name from the right side under
“Pending for Endorsing committee member” heading
5. Click on “Approve” button if the final suggestion is accepted. If not, go to step 6
6. Click on “Adjust” tab
Note: the same has to be done by all endorsing committee members.

ENDORSEMENT-Approval by the head of procurement entity

ACCESS ROLE: Head of Procurement Entity

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on the endorsement homepage
Click on Endorsement tab

GET READY: To make the final approval (Go/No Go decision) on the technical evaluation and
forward to the next stage by using the system, perform the steps discussed as
1. On the form under the endorsement tab, click on the tender (lot) for endorsement
2. Select Approval tab
3. Review the discussions made by endorsement committee members by looking
recommendations presented at the right-hand side of the form
Note: all recommendations written by individual committee members during the
discussion time will be visible at the right-hand side below submit final suggestion tab.
4. Review the final suggestion by the endorsement chairperson at the right-hand side of the
form under “Approval Decision” heading
5. Click on “Go” button if the tender is approved to continue for the next stage. If not, go to
step 6
6. Click on “No Go” button
Note: the head of procurement entity can decide to park or cancel the tender based on
different scenarios. For instance, if the final suggestion is to cancel the bid, the head of
the entity might decide to cancel the tender. On the other hand, though the final
suggestion by the chairperson is to go for the next stage, the head of procurement entity
might park or cancel the tender due to other different reasons like in case of budget
Note: Once the final Go/ No Go decision has been made by the head of procurement entity, the
tender will forward to financial document evaluation for “two envelop” type of bid. If it is single
envelop type, it will continue to the awarding stage.


Once the technical endorsement has got the approval to continue the tender for the next
stage, the financial (Pricing) document evaluation will be started for the two-envelope type
of tender

The milestone of the tender after technical document evaluation is called “Technical Stand
Still”. At this stage the bidders have the right to submit their complaint, if there any, on the
technical document evaluation period. As the allotted time for complaint has been over,
the complaint committee process any compliant and decided accordingly. If the decision
affects the current stage of the tender, the technical document evaluation can be re-
assessed again. If not, the financial document opening stage will be continued.

Financial document evaluation consists of two types of evaluations called financial

administrative compliance and financial bid price evaluations. Once, the two evaluations
completed, the final winner of the bid will be identified. However, before the award is
provided to the winner supplier, the due diligence evaluation will be conducted.

The detail of financial document evaluation is as follows:



ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Procurement Unit Head Tendering
Click on More tab and select Administration

GET READY: To assign evaluation teams using the system, perform the steps discussed as
1. Select the tender (lot) for evaluation and click on the ‘>’ arrow at the right side and you
will land on the following form shown in the Figure 9 below

Figure 9. Financial document evaluators' assigning form

2. Go to “Financial Document Evaluators ” card and Click on Expand button

3. Click on Add button
4. Select the users to be added as technical document evaluators
5. Once you added all evaluators, then assign one of the evaluators as team lead. To do that
click on the check box of Team Leader column of the corresponding user row.
6. Click on Save button


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Procurement Unit Head Tendering
Click on More tab and select Administration

GET READY: To update (change the team leader) using the system, perform the steps discussed
as follows:

1. Select the tender (lot) for evaluation and click on the ‘>’ arrow at the right side and you
will land on the form shown below
2. Go to “Financial Document Evaluators” card and Click on Expand button
3. Remove the check box (uncheck) from previous team leader
4. Click on the check box of the team leader column for newly assigned Team Leader
5. Click on Save button


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Procurement Unit Head Tendering
Click on More tab and select Administration

GET READY: To update (change the team member) using the system, perform the steps
discussed as follows:
1. Select the tender (lot) for evaluation and click on the ‘>’ arrow at the right side and you
will land on the form shown in Figure 2
2. Go to “Financial Document Evaluators” card and Click on Expand button
3. Click on Delete icon of the Action column of the corresponding user to be removed from
the evaluators team
4. Click on Save button


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To perform conflict of interest agreement for financial document evaluation using
the system, perform the steps discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Evaluation” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
“Conflict of Interest” agreement form
3. Read the “statement of confidentiality and non- existence of conflict of interest”
statements and If you agree with that go to step 4, if not go to step 9.
4. Go to the right side of the form and click on the check box for “I agree to the terms
stated above”
5. Click on submit button
6. Copy the pass code generated for you for the authentication purpose
7. Click again on the tender (lot) and enter the pass code provided on the previous step
8. Click on “Authenticate” button
9. If you are not agreed with the “statement of confidentiality and non- existence of conflict
of interest” write the detail on the remark window and click submit button without
clicking on the check box
Note: the same has to be done by all Evaluators

INDIVIDUAL EVALUATORS ASSESSMENT-Financial Administrative Compliance

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To perform financial administrative compliance using the system, perform the steps
discussed as follows:
1. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers list window
2. Click on selected company and you will land on the Financial Administrative Compliance
form. Which is as shown below in Figure 10

Figure 10. Financial Administrative Compliance assessment form for individual evaluator

Note: The form has one horizontal and three vertical main sections. On the top horizontal
section there are document types which are Instruction, Technical, Financial and All. At
the left side there is “Assessment Criteria” which consists of the lists of assessment
criteria for financial administrative compliance. The second section in the middle, consists
of the attached document submitted by the supplier as response for requests on the bid.
The third section consists of the assessment part where the evaluator mark the
assessment result. This part also has an option to write any remark and sent clarification
requests by the evaluator for the bidder.
3. Click on Financial document type on the top horizontal bar
4. Select the assessment criteria from the left side and mark the assessment result on the
right side under “Assessment” field. There are five possible options for the assessment
result. These are Not done (if assessment is not completed), Comply (if the bidder comply
with the criteria), Do not Comply (if the bidder do not meet the criteria), Not Applicable (
if the criteria is not applicable for specific bidder, and Cannot determine ( if the evaluator
is not clear with the criteria or response)
5. Write any remark on the remark field (Optional)
6. If the evaluator has clarification requests, s/he can write the question on the
“Clarifications” field and click on Send button. So that the bidder will read and provide
answers using the same system.
7. Click on Save button

8. Do the same (step 5- 8) for all assessment criteria under financial administrative
9. Do the same (step 3- 9) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the financial administrative compliance assessment of the
individual evaluator.
Note: the same has to be done by all evaluators for all companies (bidders).

COMPILING EVALUATORS ASSESSMENT-Financial Administrative Compliance

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Team leader

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To compile individual evaluator’s assessment result using the system, perform the
steps discussed as follows:
1. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers list window
2. From the right top corner, click on “Compile” button
3. While the status is changed to “Compiling”, Click on each company to open “Technical
Administrative Assessments Compilation form “ as shown below in Figure 11

Figure 11. Financial Administrative Compliance compiling form

Note: The Financial Administrative Assessments Compilation form has three main
sections. The outer most left side shows the list of Assessment criteria for evaluation. The
middle section shows the individual assessment result for each criterion. The outer most
right section consists of a sub form that summarizes the individual assessment results.
4. Click on Assessment from the right side and set the compiled result for each criterion.
(The options are Not done (if assessment is not completed), Comply (if the bidder
comply with the criteria), Do not Comply (if the bidder do not meet the criteria), Not
Applicable (If the criteria is not applicable for specific bidder, and Cannot determine (If
the evaluator is not clear with the criteria or response)
5. If the team leader has got any issue or requires to suggest something for about the
individual evaluator, s/he can write suggestion using the following steps: (If not go to
step 9)
6. Click on the encircled questions mark in front of the individual evaluation in the middle
section of the form as shown in the above figure
7. Write the suggestion on the opened sub form and
8. Click “Suggest” button
Note: The system will notify the individual evaluator to whom the suggestion is written
for. Then the individual evaluator will respond to the suggestion and act accordingly. If
there is any change on the individual assessment as per the suggestion, the evaluator has
to re-complete the individual assessment by repeating steps from 1-7 above under
“INDIVIDUAL EVALUATORS ASSESSMENT-Financial Administrative Compliance “ section.
9. Write remark on the remark field
10. Click on Save button
11. Do the same (step 3- 10) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the technical administrative compliance assessment

INDIVIDUAL EVALUATORS ASSESSMENT-Financial bid price evaluation

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage

Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To perform financial bid price evaluation using the system, perform the steps
discussed as follows:
1. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers list window
2. Click on selected company and you will land on the financial bid price evaluation form as
shown below in Figure 12

Figure 12. Financial bid price evaluation form for individual evaluator

Note: The form has three main sections. The top horizontal bar consists of the Document
type (Instruction, Technical, Financial and All). From the lower two vertical sections; the
left hand side shows the supplier’s bid document. The right hand side section consists of a
sub form that used to insert the bid price evaluation result. This sub form has a field for
preference margin that provides 15% value based on the criteria set before. (For example
if the supplier is domestic or some small scale enterprise we can give a preference margin.
On the lower part of this section, there is a field called Price schedule for goods and
related services. Here the price provided by the supplier, the applied preference margin
and conditional values are summarized and presented after auto adjusted by the system
after saving the adjustment.
3. Go to the left side and review the supplier document

4. Go to the right side of assessment window to find the financial assessment detail
5. Add a preference margin if it is applicable for that specific supplier
6. Click on “Save Margins”
7. Add a conditional discount if it is applicable for that specific supplier
8. Click on “Save Discounts”
9. Review the suppliers price quotation under Price schedule for goods and related services
and then
10. Click on “Save assessment”
Note: The bid price summary will be visible for successful completion.
11. Do the same (step 2-10) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the financial bid price evaluation by the individual evaluator.
Note: the same has to be done by all evaluators for all companies (bidders).
COMPILING EVALUATORS ASSESSMENT- Financial bid price evaluation
ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Team leader

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To compile individual evaluator’s assessment result using the system, perform the
steps discussed as follows:
1. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers list window
2. From the right top corner, click on “Compile” button
3. While the status is changed to “Compiling”, Click on each company to open “Financial bid
price evaluation form as shown below in Figure 13

Figure 13. Financial bid price evaluation compiling form

Note: The Financial bid price compilation form has two main sections. On the left side,
individual evaluators bid assessment is presented. On the right side there is a sub form to
compile the individual results together.
4. Go to the left lower side and review the individual evaluators assessment for each
5. Go to the right side of assessment window to set the compiled results
6. Add a preference margin if it is applicable for that specific supplier
7. Click on “Save Margins”
8. Add a conditional discount if it is applicable for that specific supplier
9. Click on “Save Discounts”
10. Click on “Save assessment”
11. Do the same (step 3-10) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the financial bid price compilation by the team leader.
12. Do the same (step 3- 10) for all companies and finally, click on “Complete” button at the
right top corner to finalize the technical administrative compliance assessment
Note: once this process completed, the financial document evaluation will be over and the
winner supplier will be identified. Then, the next process is to perform price analysis and
post qualification assessments on the winner supplier (company).


After technical and financial document evaluations, the winner supplier will be identified.
Hence, the next stage will be awarding the bid for the winner bidder. However, before
awarding, two further evaluations will be conducted. They are Price analysis and Post
qualification assessments which are considered as due diligence qualifications.

Price analysis is a process conducting to assess the winner’s financial bid price against the
budget amount and other additional parameters like comparing with similar previous
tenders and market prices. This will help the organization make some adjustments before
the award is provided to the supplier if significant variance are observed.

On the other hand, the organization might be interested to perform further evaluations like
site visits, workshops, stores, stock availabilities, professional expertise and so on before
providing the award to the winner company. Such kinds of evaluations will be performed
under the category of post qualification assessments.

Both post qualification evaluations are conducted by similar approach like financial
evaluations using team members for individual evaluators and compiled by a team leader.



ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To perform price analysis using the system, perform the steps discussed as follows:
1. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers window where only the winner company is presented

2. Click on the winner company and you will land on the Price analysis evaluation form as
shown below in Figure 14

Figure 14. Price analysis form for individual evaluator

Note: The form has four main sections one horizontal and three vertical sections. The top
horizontal section consists of the Document type (Instruction, Technical, Financial and
All). The outer left hand side section consists of the list of assessment criteria to be
checked. The middle vertical section shows the document detail. The right hand side
section consists of a sub form that used to insert the price analysis assessment at
individual level. This section also consists of fields to write remark and send clarification
request to the supplier.
3. Go to the left side and Click on the assessment criteria for Price analysis
4. Go to the right side of assessment window and set the assessment result against the
criteria. The assessment options are: Not done (if assessment is not completed), Comply
(if the bidder comply with the criteria), Do not Comply (if the bidder does not meet the
criteria), Not Applicable (if the criteria is not applicable for specific bidder, and Cannot
determine (if the evaluator is not clear with the criteria or response)
5. Write any remark on the remark field (optional)
6. If the evaluator has clarification requests, s/he can write the question on the
“Clarifications” field and click on Send button. So that the bidder will read and provide
answers using the same system.

7. Click on Save button
8. Do the same (step 3-7) for all assessment criteria items
9. Click on “Complete” button at the right top corner to finalize the price analysis
compliance assessment by individual evaluator.
Note: the same has to be done by all evaluators


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Team leader

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To compile individual evaluator’s price analysis assessment using the system,
perform the steps discussed as follows:
1. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
winner suppliers list window
2. From the right top corner, click on “Compile” button
3. While the status is changed to “Compiling”, Click on the winner supplier company to
open Price Analysis compilation form as shown below in Figure 15

Figure 15. Price analysis compiling form

Note: The Financial bid price compilation form has three main vertical sections. On the
left side, the assessment criteria is presented. On the middle section, the individual
evaluator’s assessment result is presented. The third section consists of sub assessment
form to compile the individual evaluators. It has also field to write remark.
4. Go to the assessment criteria and click on each criterion
5. Go to the right side of assessment window and set the assessment result against the
criteria. The assessment options are: Not done (if assessment is not completed),
Comply (if the bidder comply with the criteria), Do not Comply (if the bidder does not
meet the criteria), Not Applicable (if the criteria is not applicable for specific bidder,
and Cannot determine (if the evaluator is not clear with the criteria or response)
6. Write any remark on the remark field (optional)
7. If the team leader has got any issue or requires to suggest something for about the
individual evaluator, s/he can write suggestion using the following steps: (If not go to
step 11)
8. Click on the encircled questions mark in front of the individual evaluation in the middle
section of the form as shown in the above figure
9. Write the suggestion on the opened sub form and
10. Click “Suggest” button
Note: The system will notify the individual evaluator to whom the suggestion is written
for. Then the individual evaluator will respond to the suggestion and act accordingly. If
there is any change on the individual assessment as per the suggestion, the evaluator has
to re-complete the individual assessment by repeating steps from 3-9 above under
11. Click on Save button
12. Click on Complete button


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage

Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To perform Post qualification using the system, perform the steps discussed as
1. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
suppliers window where only the winner company is presented
2. Click on the winner company and you will land on the Post qualification evaluation form
as shown below in Figure 16

Figure 16. Post qualification assessment form for individual evaluator

Note: The form has four main sections one horizontal and three vertical sections. The top
horizontal section consists of the Document type (Instruction, Technical, Financial and
All). The outer left hand side section consists of the list of assessment criteria to be
checked. The middle vertical section shows the document detail. The right hand side
section consists of a sub form that used to insert the Post qualification assessment at
individual level. This section also consists of fields to write remark and send clarification
request to the supplier.
3. Go to the left side and Click on the assessment criteria for Post qualification
4. Go to the right side of assessment window and set the assessment result against the
criteria. The assessment options are: Not done (if assessment is not completed), Comply
(if the bidder comply with the criteria), Do not Comply (if the bidder does not meet the

criteria), Not Applicable (if the criteria is not applicable for specific bidder, and Cannot
determine (if the evaluator is not clear with the criteria or response)
5. Write any remark on the remark field (optional)
6. If the evaluator has clarification requests, s/he can write the question on the
“Clarifications” field and click on Send button. So that the bidder will read and provide
answers using the same system.
7. Click on Save button
8. Do the same (step 3-7) for all assessment criteria items
9. Click on “Complete” button at the right top corner to finalize the Post qualification
compliance assessment by individual evaluator.
Note: the same has to be done by all evaluators


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Team leader

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To compile individual evaluator’s Post qualification assessment using the system,
perform the steps discussed as follows:
1. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
winner supplier’s list window
2. From the right top corner, click on “Compile” button
3. While the status is changed to “Compiling”, Click on the winner supplier company to
open Post qualification compilation form as shown below in Figure 17

Figure 17. Financial bid price compiling form

Note: The Financial bid price compilation form has three main vertical sections. On the
left side, the assessment criteria is presented. On the middle section, the individual
evaluator’s assessment result is presented. The third section consists of sub assessment
form to compile the individual evaluators’ result. It has also field to write a remark.
4. Go to the assessment criteria and click on each criterion
5. Go to the right side of assessment window and set the assessment result against the
criteria. The assessment options are: Not done (if assessment is not completed),
Comply (if the bidder comply with the criteria), Do not Comply (if the bidder does not
meet the criteria), Not Applicable (if the criteria is not applicable for specific bidder,
and Cannot determine (if the evaluator is not clear with the criteria or response)
6. Write any remark on the remark field (optional)
7. If the team leader has got any issue or requires to suggest something for about the
individual evaluator, s/he can write suggestion using the following steps: (If not go to
step 11)
8. Click on the encircled questions mark in front of the individual evaluation in the middle
section of the form as shown in the above figure
9. Write the suggestion on the opened sub form and
10. Click “Suggest” button
Note: The system will notify the individual evaluator to whom the suggestion is written
for. Then the individual evaluator will respond to the suggestion and act accordingly. If
there is any change on the individual assessment as per the suggestion, the evaluator has

to re-complete the individual assessment by repeating steps from 3-9 above under
“INDIVIDUAL EVALUATORS ASSESSMENT- Post qualification” section.
11. Click on Save button
12. Click on Complete button

Once the financial document evaluation is completed for the two types of financial
document evaluations and the post qualification assessments, the overall process has to be
approved by financial endorsing committee.

The endorsement committee members then review the assessments and provide their
recommendations. Upon their individual recommendations, the chairperson will determine
the final suggestions to go or no go to the next stage.

This final suggestion will be later approved or declined by the endorsing committee
members vote. The final decision of awarding the bid or not will be determined by the head
of procuring entity.

The detail of the endorsing process has been described below.

FINANCIAL ENDORSEMENT- Recommendation by endorsing committee members

ACCESS ROLE: Procurement endorsing committee member

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on the endorsement homepage
Click on Endorsement tab

GET READY: To perform review of the financial document evaluation and forward
recommendation by using the system, perform the steps discussed as follows:
1. On the form under the endorsement tab, click on the tender (lot) for endorsement
approval. Then you will land on a form as shown below in Figure 18

Figure 18. Financial endorsement recommendation form for individual evaluators

2. Select Recommendation tab on the top section

3. On the financial endorsement section review the previous process detail that includes:

 the summary of financial evaluation

 the list of financial document evaluators
 the result for each company (bidder)
 the status of the financial document evaluation (pass/fail)

4. Write the recommendation for the endorsing committee on the right-hand section under
the title “Endorser recommendation”
5. Click on “Recommend” button
Note: the same has to be done by all endorsing committee members.

FINANCIAL ENDORSEMENT-Final suggestion by the committee chairperson
ACCESS ROLE: Procurement endorsing committee chairperson

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on the endorsement homepage
Click on Endorsement tab

GET READY: To review recommendations made by each endorsement committee member and
make the final suggestion using the system, perform the steps discussed as follows:
1. On the form under the endorsement tab, click on the tender (lot) for endorsement
2. Select Final Suggestion tab on the top section
3. Review the discussions made by endorsement committee members by looking
recommendations presented at the right-hand side of the form
Note: all recommendations written by individual committee members during the
discussion time will be visible at the right-hand side below submit final suggestion tab.
4. Write the final decision of the endorsing process by examining the recommendations
drawn by each individual committee member during the discussion period on the text
box under “Suggestions” heading.
5. On the lower part of the “Final suggestion” section, determine the next action based on
the final suggestion. The actions to be chosen are:

 Go (approved for the next phase (Financial Evaluation))

 Re-evaluate (to return back to the financial document evaluation section)
 Cancel-bid (To cancel the bid as a whole)

6. Based on the final suggestion:

 If it is “GO” continue to step 8

 If it is “Re-evaluate” go to step 7
 If it is “Cancel-bid” go to step 8

7. Select previous evaluation milestone to which the evaluation has to be revised

8. Click on “Submit Suggesting” button
Note: Whatever the final suggestion made by the chairperson, the final decision will be
depend on the endorsing committee majority vote.

FINANCIAL ENDORSEMENT- Approval by endorsing committee members

ACCESS ROLE: Procurement endorsing committee member

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on the endorsement homepage
Click on Endorsement tab

GET READY: To approve the technical endorsement by using the system, perform the steps
discussed as follows:
1. On the form under the endorsement tab, click on the tender (lot) for endorsement
2. Select Approval tab on the top section and you will land on a form as shown below in
Figure 19

Figure 19. Endorsing committee members approval form

3. Review the final suggestion on the financial endorsement section on the left side

4. Write the remark on the provided text box under your name from the right side under
“Pending for Endorsing committee member” heading
5. Click on “Approve” button if the final suggestion is accepted. If not, go to step 6
6. Click on “Adjust” tab
Note: the same has to be done by all endorsing committee members.

FINANCIAL ENDORSEMENT-Approval by the head of procurement entity

ACCESS ROLE: Head of Procurement Entity

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on the endorsement homepage
Click on Endorsement tab

GET READY: To make the final approval (Go/No Go decision) on the technical evaluation and
forward to the next stage by using the system, perform the steps discussed as
1. On the form under the endorsement tab, click on the tender (lot) for endorsement
2. Select Approval tab
3. Review the financial endorsement details from the left side section under the financial
endorsement heading
4. Review the final suggestion by the endorsement chairperson at the right-hand side of the
form under “Approval Decision” heading
5. Click on “Go” button if the tender is approved to continue for the next stage. If not, go to
step 6
6. Click on “No Go” button
Note: the head of procurement entity can decide to park or cancel the tender based on
different scenarios. For instance, if the final suggestion is to cancel the bid, the head of
the entity might decide to cancel the tender. On the other hand, though the final
suggestion by the chairperson is to go for the next stage, the head of procurement entity
might park or cancel the tender due to other different reasons like in case of budget


The final activity performed using tendering module is awarding process. Upon the
successful completion of tender evaluations and approval from head of procuring unit, the
next step is to award the tender to the winner bidder.

Based on the initial document preparation stage decision, if the tender is not enabled for
negotiation, then the offer of awarding will be given directly. If the tender is enabled for
negotiation, we have to assign the negotiators. This is done through the administration
process. Then the negotiators will negotiate with the winner bidder using the procedures
describe in this sections


As it is mentioned above, if negotiation is required before awarding, the negotiators have to

be assigned start negotiation.

The detail of the negotiation procedures explained below.



ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Procurement Unit Head Tendering
Click on More tab and select Administration

GET READY: To assign negotiators’ team using the system, perform the steps discussed as
1. Select the tender (lot) for evaluation and click on the ‘>’ arrow at the right side
2. Go to “Award negotiators” card and click on Expand button
3. Click on Add button

4. Select the users to be added as negotiators
5. Once you added all evaluators, then assign one of the negotiators as team lead. To do
that click on the check box of Team Leader column of the corresponding user row.
6. Click on Save button
Note: “has agreed” and “is evaluating” fields show the status of the negotiator after the
assignment. Initially these fields have “Not yet” and “No” values for all negotiators
respectively. Once the negotiator confirmed for conflict of interest agreement, “has
agreed” will be changed to Yes. When the negotiator completed negotiation, “Is
evaluating” field value will be changed “Yes”.


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Procurement Unit Head Tendering
Click on More tab and select Administration

GET READY: To update (change the team leader) using the system, perform the steps discussed
as follows:
1. Select the tender (lot) for evaluation and click on the ‘>’ arrow at the right side
2. Go to “Award negotiators” card and click on Expand button
3. Remove the check box (uncheck) from previous team leader
4. Click on the check box of the team leader column for newly assigned Team Leader
5. Click on Save button


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Procurement Unit Head

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password

Click on Login button and you will land on Procurement Unit Head Tendering
Click on More tab and select Administration

GET READY: To remove already assigned team member using the system, perform the steps
discussed as follows:
1. Select the tender (lot) for evaluation and click on the ‘>’ arrow at the right side
2. Go to “Award negotiators” card and click on Expand button
3. Click on Delete icon of the Action column of the corresponding user to be removed from
the negotiators team
4. Click on Save button


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To perform conflict of interest agreement using the system, perform the steps
discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Awarding” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for technical evaluation and you will land on the
“Conflict of Interest” agreement form
3. Read the “statement of confidentiality and non- existence of conflict of interest”
statements and If you agree with that go to step 4, if not go to step 9.
4. Go to the right side of the form and click on the check box for “I agree to the terms
stated above”
5. Write remark on the remark field (Optional)
6. Click on submit button
7. Copy the pass code generated for you for the authentication purpose

8. Click again on the tender (lot) and enter the pass code provided on the previous step
9. Click on “Authenticate” button
10. If you are not agreed with the “statement of confidentiality and non- existence of
conflict of interest” write the detail on the remark window and click submit button
without clicking on the check box
Note: the same has to be done by all Evaluators

ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Team leader

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To set up negotiation points and conferences using the system, perform the steps
discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Awarding” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for negotiation
3. Click on the winner company and you will land on negotiation initiating screen as shown
below in Figure 20

Figure 20. Negotiation initiation form

4. Click on “Call for Negotiation” tab on the top horizontal section

5. Under Negotiation points click on “Add” button to add new negotiation points
6. Got to the right side and click on “Negotiation Conference Schedule” and expand the
card if call conference is required.
7. Click on Save button
8. Go to the left side and click on “Call for negotiation” tab to start the negotiation


ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To negotiate with the winner company in negotiation room using the system,
perform the steps discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Awarding” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for negotiation
3. Click on the winner company and you will land on form as shown Figure 20
4. Click on “Negotiation Room” tab on the top horizontal section and you will land on the
form as shown in Figure 21

Figure 21. Negotiation room for discussion and conclusion

5. Click the negotiation point from the left side

6. Write the negotiation request on the text box under “Correspondence” field
7. Click on Send button

Note: The supplier representative will respond using the system for each
correspondence requests.

8. If call conference is scheduled, the team leader can imitate the call by clicking on the
camera icon
9. Once, the correspondence over between the negotiators and the bidder for a single
negotiation point, the team leader will briefly write the discussion summary on the text
box under the “discussion” text box in the middle section of the form
10. Repeat the same for all negotiation points
11. Write Conclusion under conclusion box
12. Click on Submit button
ACCESS ROLE: Technical Expert, Team leader

NAVIGATION: Land on the login page of the system

Enter a valid username and password
Click on Login button and you will land on Technical Expert Homepage
Click on More tab and select Evaluation

GET READY: To complete negotiation using the system, perform the steps discussed as follows:
1. On bid Opening and Evaluation form, click on “Bid Awarding” tab
2. Select and click on the tender (lot) for negotiation
3. Click on the winner company and you will land on form as shown Figure 20

4. Click on “Complete Negotiation” tab on the top horizontal section and you will land on the
form as shown in Figure 22

Figure 22. Negotiation completing form

5. Go to the left side section and write remark if there any (optional)
6. Click on Negotiation status combo box and select the overall negotiation status. (The
options are either “Successful” or “Not Successful”.
7. Click on Submit button
8. Then, all negotiator team members including the team leader as a team member have to
login to the system as team member and confirm the negotiation process and its result.
To do that, they have to follow the following steps:
9. Repeat step 1-4
10. Go to the right side of the form
11. Write any remark on the remark field (this remark is mandatory)
12. Check on the check box for confirming the negotiation result on the “I agree to the
terms stated above”
13. Click on submit button
Note: The supplier (winner bidder) also has to confirm the negotiation result through the


Once the negotiation part completed successfully, the system will automatically send the

awarding notice for the winner company. The winner company then received the notice

through the portal and act accordingly. In this stage, the winner company has two options,

either accepting the award or rejecting.

For successful acceptance of the award, the tender process will pass to the next phase

called contracting, which will be covered in the next module. If the winner company reject

the award for any case, the system will send the notice to the second supplier and the same

negotiation steps will be conducted with the new company similarly.

On the other hand, if negotiation is not enabled for the bid, the award notice will be sent to

the winner company up on successful completion of financial evaluation. The same will be

happened as described above.

Note: All activities conducted by the supplier regarding to negotiation part and award

acceptance have been described in separate module.


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