Maternal Midterm Transes
Maternal Midterm Transes
Maternal Midterm Transes
-Spotting, cervix closed, viable pregnancy Corpus luteum of the ovary continues to function as
STAGE 2 – INEVITABLE if the implantation were in the uterus so no
-Vaginal bleeding, cervix open, mild cramps menstrual flow occurs
-Heavy abdominal bleeding, cervix open, lower abdomen pain, foetal nausea and vomiting, +Pregnancy test for hCG
tissue in canal
STAGE 4 – COMPLETE diagnosed by ultrasound/MRI 6 to 12 weeks of
-Cervix closed, No foetal tissue present pregnancy
Zygote grows large enough. That it ruptures the
slender fallopian tube
Interstitial-rupture can cause severe intraperitoneal
Ampullar-the distal third), where the blood vessels
are smaller and hemorrhage is less
serious continued bleeding in ruptured ectopic
pregnancy regardless of site
Scant vaginal spotting, sharp, stabbing pain in one of
her lower abdominal quadrants at the time of
Products of conception from the ruptured tube +
ECTOPIC PREGNANCY blood expelled into the pelvic cavity rather than into
the uterus
progesterone secretion will stop
1. Interstitial Pregnancy – embryo in the interstitial
department (2-3%) uterine decidua will begin to slough,
2. Isthmic Pregnancy – in the isthmic department more vaginal bleeding
(12%) -hypotensive from blood loss, light-headedness and
a rapid pulse, signs of hypovolemic shock. ruptures during pregnancy
Oral administration of methotrexate -advantage tube ASSESSMENT/MANAGEMENT
is left intact, no surgical scarring that could cause a • Fetal outline palpable through the abdomen; directly below
second ectopic implantation; treated until a negative the abdominal wall, not inside the uterus.
hCG titer
•Woman not be as aware of movements
hysterosalpingogram or ultrasound to assess that
the pregnancy is no longer present and also whether - experience painful fetal movements and
the tube appears fully patent abdominal cramping with fetal movements.
Hemoglobin level, typing and cross-matching, and - sudden lower quadrant pain earlier in the
possibly the hCG level pregnancy, no external bleeding.
IVF using a large-gauge catheter to restore • An ultrasound or MRI will reveal the fetus outside the
intravascular volume uterus.
Fetus, cord, amniotic membrane are absent. -Weeks 12 to 14, purse-string sutures are placed in the
cervix by the vaginal route under regional anesthesia;
Paternal chromosomes only. 46 XX. McDonald or a Shirodkar procedure the sutures serve to
diploidy strengthen the cervix and prevent it from dilating until the
end of pregnancy
Fertilization of an egg by two sperms
Some placental villa swollen
Fetus, cord, amniotic membrane are present
Paternal and maternal 69XXY
Slow dilatation
Attach external monitoring equipment to record
Intrapartum hemorrhage fetal heart sounds and uterine contractions – an
Increased incidence of operative interference internal monitor for either fetal or uterine
assessment is contraindicated
Postpartum hemorrhage
Hemoglobin, hematocrit, prothrombin time, partial
thromboplastin time, fibrinogen, platelet count, type
ASSESSMENT and cross-match, and antibody screen will be
P – Painless bright red bleeding assessed to establish baselines, detect a possible
clotting disorder, and ready blood for replacement if
R- Replace blood loss necessary.
E- Evident in lower segment Monitor urine output frequently, as often as every
V-Vitals indicate shock hour, as an indicator her blood volume is remaining
adequate to perfuse her kidneys. Administer
I-Inspect FHR
intravenous IVF as prescribed, preferably with a
A-Avoid vaginal exams large-gauge catheter to allow for blood replacement
through the same line.
•Placenta prematurely separates from uterine wall
- Partial or complete tear
•Excessive pain
•Rigid abdominal wall
•Attached placenta
•Minimal vaginal blood flow; dark
1. Partial – Placenta does not completely detach from
the uterus - Large-gauge IV catheter inserted for fluid
2. Complete or Total – Placenta completely detaches
from the uterine wall - oxygen by mask to limit fetal anoxia.
4. Concealed – Little to no visible vaginal bleeding - record maternal vital signs every 5 to 15
minutes to establish baselines and observe
- The baseline fibrinogen determination will
be followed by additional determinations
up to the time of birth
• POSITIONING – Lateral Position and surgical wounds, and organs
- prevent pressure on the vena cava and
additional interference with fetal
- Not to disturb the injured placenta any
•do not perform any abdominal, vaginal, or pelvic
• pregnancy must be terminated fetus cannot obtain
adequate oxygen and nutrients.
•If vaginal birth does not seem imminent, cesarean birth is
the birth method of choice
Signs and Symptoms
•Occurs in 5% to 7% of pregnancies.
-Escape of watery discharge per vaginum
•Cause of the disorder is unknown,
-“A sterile per speculum examination to demonstrate
•Highly correlated with the antiphospholipid syndrome or
the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies in maternal
•Tends to occur most frequently in:
-Women of color,
-Those with a multiple pregnancy,
-Primiparas younger than 20 years or older than 40 years of
-Low socioeconomic backgrounds (perhaps because of poor
-Have had five or more pregnancies,
-Have hydramnios, overproduction of amniotic fluid
-Have an underlying disease such as heart disease, diabetes
with vessel or renal involvement, and essential hypertension
•Vasospasm – sudden constriction of blood vessel reducing
its diameter and flow rate -Urine output should be over 30 ml/hr and respiratory rate
SYMPTOMS OF GESTATIONAL HYPERTENSION over 12 breaths/min. Serum magnesium level should remain
below 7.5 mEq/l.
-Observe for central nervous system (CNS) depression and
hypotonia in infant at birth and calcium deficit in the mother.
-It is a disorder that pregnant women experience in which
blood pressure of the patient increases a lot and urine
contains protein.
- lasts up to 1 minute. placental separation has occurred will
probably appear first on the fetal heart
record; vaginal bleeding will strengthen the
During the postictal stage, a woman cannot be
roused except by painful stimuli for 1 to 4 hours.
-Extremely close observation to assess for uterine
-if labor begins during this period, the woman will
be unable to report the sensation of contractions.
-the painful stimulus of contractions may initiate
another seizure.
-Be certain to keep the woman on her side so
secretions can drain from her mouth
-Give her nothing to eat or drink.
-Remember that with coma, hearing is not
• Third postictal stage: necessarily lost, so be certain conversation is limited
-will enter an hour long unconscious to those things you would say if she were awake.
Continue to check for vaginal bleeding every 15
- cannot be roused except by painful stimuli for 1 to 4 hours.
-Postpartum hypertension may occur up to 10 to 14 days
after birth, although it usually occurs within 48 hours after -subcapsular liver hematoma, hyponatremia, renal failure,
birth and hypoglycemia from poor liver function.
monitor BP every health care visits -at risk for cerebral hemorrhages, aspiration pneumonia, and
hypoxic encephalopathy.
being alert for eclampsia, which can occur as late as
2 weeks post birth, are essential to detect this - Fetal complications can include growth restriction and
residual hypertension preterm birth
Rh incompatibility
•Coomb’s test
-Direct: tests infant’s blood for antibody-coated. RBCS
spermatozoa (possibly not from the same sexual partner).
-Double-ova twins have two placentas, two chorions, two
amnions, and two umbilical cords.
-The twins may be of the same or a different sex It is
sometimes difficult to determine by ultrasound or at birth
whether twins are identical or fraternal because the two
fraternal placentas may fuse and appear as one large
•Dizygotic twins showing two placentas, two chorions, and
two amnions.
•Monozygotic twins with one placenta, one chorion, and two
-Multiple gestation is suspected early in pregnancy, when the
uterus begins to increase in size at a rate
-Faster than usual. Elevated AFP levels.
-At the time of quickening, flurries of action at different
portions of abdomen rather than at one consistent spot (e. g.,
where the feet are located). On auscultation, multiple sets of
fetal heart sounds can be heard
-If one or more fetus has his or her back positioned toward a
woman’s back, only one fetal heart sound may be heard.
-An ultrasound can reveal multiple gestation sacs early in
•Multiple gestation is considered a complication of
pregnancy – a woman’s body must adjust to the effects of
more than one fetus. -Early ultrasound examinations reveal multiple Amniotic
-Fraternal (ie, dizygotic, nonidentical), the result of the
fertilization of two separate ova by two separate
Complications •Increased amount of fluid will cause increased weight gain.
•Susceptible to complications of pregnancy such as MANAGEMENT
gestational hypertension, hydramnios, placenta previa, 1. BEDREST -Maintaining bed rest helps to increase
pretermlabor, and anemia uteroplacental circulation and reduces pressure on
•Following birth, they are more prone to postpartum the cervix, which may help prevent preterm labor
bleeding because of the additional uterine stretching that 2. STOOL SOFTENER -Straining to defecate could
occurred. Usually ends before term, 25% of LBW increase uterine pressure and cause a rupture of
•There is a higher incidence of velamentous cord insertion membranes constipation alone is ineffective
(the cord inserted into the fetal membranes) with twins-rick encouraging her to eat a high fiber diet. Suggest of
of bleeding at the time of birth from a torn cord is increased stool softener alone is ineffective
if monozygotic twins share a common vascular 3. VITAL SIGNS -Assess vital signs; lower extremity
communication, it can lead to overgrowth of one fetus and edema frequently (the extremely tense uterus puts
undergrowth of the second (a twin-to-twin transfusion) unusual pressure on both the diaphragm and the
resulting in discordant vessels of the pelvis
•If a single amnion is present, there can be knotting and 4. AMNIOCENTESIS/NEEDLING -Remove some of the
twisting of umbilical cords, causing fetal distress or difficulty extra fluid to prevent placental separation or
with birth. rupture of membranes; thin needle is inserted
•Twin pregnancy needs closer prenatal supervision than a vaginally to pierce to allow slow, controlled release
woman with a single gestation to detect these problems as of fluid to prevent prolapse of the cord.
early as possible. 5. LABOR AND NEWBORN- contractions begin,
•More than two fetuses is at greatest risk. tocolysis is may be necessary to prevent or haft
pretem labor. Infant in must be assessed carefully
for factors that may have interfered with the ability
HYDRAMINOS to swallowing utero, such as a gastrointestinal
-Amniotic fluid volume at term is 500to 1,000 ml blockage
Hydramnios occurs when there is excess fluid of more than
2,000 ml amniotic fluid index above 24
- Hydramnios can cause fetal malpresentation
-Refers to a pregnancy with less than the average amount of
the additional uterine space can allow the fetus to amniotic fluid
turn to a transverse lie.
-Part of the volume of amniotic fluid is formed by
lead to premature rupture of the membranes from
-The addition of fetal urine, this reduced amount of fluid is
the increased pressure leads to the additional risks
usually caused by a bladder or renal disorder in the fetus
of infection, prolapsed cord, and preterm birth.
that is interfering with voiding. Occur from severe growth
-Suggests difficulty with the fetus ability to swallow or restriction (because of the small size, a fetus is not voiding as
absorb, or excessive urine production. much as usual).
Inability to swallow occurs in infants who are Fetus is so cramped for space
anencephalic who have tracheoesophageal fistula
muscles are left weak at Birth, lungs can fail to
with stenosis, or who have intestinal obstruction
develop (hypoplastic lungs)
-Excessive urine output occurs in the fetuses of diabetic
women (hyperglycemia in the fetus causes increased urine Possibly leading to severe difficulty breathing After
production). birth
distorted features of the face occur (termed Potter
•First sign of hydramnios unusually rapid enlargement of the
•The small parts of the fetus difficult to palpate, the uterus is •Oligohydramnios is suspected during pregnancy when the
unusually tense. uterus fails to meet its expected growth rate.
•Difficulty in auscultating the FHR-depth of the increased •Confirmed by ultrasound when the pockets of amniotic
amount of fluid surrounding the fetus. fluid are less than average.
Goal of Management
•Overall health and medical history
•Extent of the condition
•Tolerance for specific medications, procedures or therapies
•Expectations for the course of the condition
•Opinion or preferences
1. Continuous monitoring of FHR with an electronic
monitor to help identify changes in the heart rate
due to low oxygenation.
2. The baby may need suctioning and special care after
delivery, pass meconium (the first stool) during
labor, the risk of meconium aspiration is increased.
3. Amnioinfusion is sometimes used during labor if
there is very little amniotic fluid or the fetus is
compressing the umbilical cord sterile fluid is
instilled with a catheter (hollow tube) into the
broken amniotic sac to help replace the low levels of
fluid and cushion the fetus and cord.
4. CS-if labor does not progress or there is fetal
5. Very large babies may have difficulty at delivery,
and forceps or vacuum-assisted delivery may be
-Pseudocyesis (false pregnancy), nausea and vomiting,
amenorrhea, and enlargement of the abdomen occur in
either a nonpregnant woman or a man
-There are several theories regarding why the phenomenon
Wish-fulfillment theory suggests a woman’s desire
to be pregnant actually causes physiologic changes
to occur
Conflict theory suggests a desire for and fear of Assessing the Pregnant Woman Over 40 Years of Age for
pregnancy create an internal conflict leading to Complications
physiologic changes, depression theory attributes
the cause to major depression.
-On assessment, an ultrasound will confirm the absence of a
-Fetus has died early in intrauterine life – miscarriage
-If a fetus dies in utero past the point of quickening, a woman
will be very aware that fetal movements are suddenly
-Begins painless spotting, gradually accompanied by uterine
contractions with cervical effacement and dilatation.
-fetus is born lifeless and emaciated
- induced through a combination of prostaglandin gel such as
misoprostol (Cytotec) applied to the cervix to effect cervical
ripening and oxytocin administration to begin uterine
• Do not take medicine in the dark, so you can clearly read
the label.
• Avoid working to a point of fatigue, as fatigue lowers
• Avoid long periods of standing, because this can lead to a
drop in your blood pressure, causing you to feel dizzy and
•Always use a seat belt while driving or as a passenger in an
• Refuse to ride with anyone in an automobile who has been
drinking alcohol or whose judgment might be impaired in
some other way.
• Do not overload electrical circuits (it is difficult for a Preterm premature rupture of membranes
pregnant woman to escape a fire because of poor mobility). Preterm birth (PTB)
• Do not smoke, so falling asleep with a cigarette will not be a Uterine rupture
Cesarean delivery -Preventing you from seeing your family or friends or from
going to school or work
Placental abruption
-Ridiculing your beliefs ambitions or friends
- Placental abruption is major contributing factor in foetal
death -TELLING you he or she IS the only one who really care
about you
-Usually 1 in 3 pregnant women admitted to the hospital for
trauma will deliver during her hospitalization. -BRAINWASHING you to Feel worthless
FACTORS FOR TRAUMA IN PREGNANCY -Making you MISS work, school or interview,
1. IMPROPER SEAT BELT USE -test or competition by starting a fight
2. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE -Having a MELTDOWN or getting sick
3. DRUG USE -Breaking up with you or hiding your keys, wallet, textbooks
or phone STEALING your belongings.
-Making you feel GUILTY for his or her behavior
-Blaming the world or you for his PROBLEMS
-Emotional manipulation always saying this is your FAULT”
-Excessive charm
-LYING to cover up insecurities
-OVERREACTING to small problems
-Needing to win you over your friends and family
-Frequently losing control violent OUTBURST
- OVER THE TOP gestures that seem too much too soon
-Having severe mood swings
-BOMBARDING you with too much text and emails in a short
time -Drinking or partying
-Behaving obsessively insisting that you get serious -Excessively when upset Making THREATS, picking
IMMEDIATELY -FIGHTS Having a history of violent behavior and making
you feel AFRAID
-Responding IRRATIONALLY when you interact with other PUNCTURED WOUND
people •Results from the penetration of a sharp object such as a nail,
- becoming ANGRY when. You speak with the opposite sex splinter, nail file, or knife.
-Persistently ACCUSING you of flirting/cheating Resenting •Puncture wounds bleed little an advantage in terms of
your time with friends and family minimizing blood loss but not in terms of wound cleaning
-DEMANDING to know private details of your life •not sutured because suturing would create a sealed,
unoxygenated cavity below the sutures or a space where a
tetanus bacilli infection could grow.
•If a woman has had a tetanus immunization within the past
-TELLING how to wear your hair, when to speak and what to 10 years, tetanus toxoid (Tdap) is administered.
•If a woman has not had a tetanus immunization within 10
-Showing up UNINVITED in your home/school/job years (the usual condition), both tetanus toxoid (Tdap) and
-CHECKING your cellphone, emails, facebook immune tetanus globulin (Tig) are administered.
-Sexually coercing you •Puncture wounds are usually frightening because it’s
difficult to tell how deep they Are; associated with of
- Making you FEEL BAD about yourself violence.
-Going through your belongings •Knife wounds cause deep penetration puncture wounds
and are often directed into the abdomen.
3. ISOLATION •Paring knife may easily reach the depth of the uterus,
possibly directly cutting the fetus.
-INSISTING you only spend time with him or her making you
emotionally and psychologically DEPENDENT •Most stab wounds of the abdomen, occur in the upper
quadrants of the abdomen above the uterus, and are more
apt to strike the liver or pancreas
•Laceration (e.g., a jagged cut) may involve only the skin •Can occur unintentionally, from inadequately refrigerated
layer or may penetrate to deeper subcutaneous tissue and or Undercooked foods or if a woman wakes at night and
even tendons. attempts to take medicine in the dark
-Generally bleed profusely; halt bleeding by putting pressure •also the possibility a woman might poison herself as a self-
on the edges of the laceration; harm attempt.
-This may be difficult to achieve in the lower extremities •Managed the same as in a nonpregnant woman
because venous pressure is so greatly increased in the legs
during pregnancy. • state she is pregnant and what she unintentionally
swallowed oral activated charcoal is safe during pregnancy
-After cleaning, the area is then sutured through each layer and so is the drug of choice to neutralize stomach poison
of tissue involved to approximate the edges – local
anesthetic such as lidocaine (Xylocaine) is necessary for
suturing. Choking
•Exceptionally harmful during pregnancy extreme
vasoconstriction can severely compromise placental
circulation, leading to PREMATURE separation of the
placenta which then results in preterm labor or fetal death
• Infants born to cocaine-dependent women can suffer the
immediate effects of intracranial hemorrhage and an
abstinence syndrome of tremulousness, irritability, and
muscle rigidity.
•Learning and social interaction defects are suspected
•Methamphetamine (ie, speed) is a cheaper neurostimulant
and neurotoxin that has a effect similar to cocaine
•ice, a rock type of methamphetamine that is smoked, can
produce high concentrations of the drug in the maternal
•Women develop blackened and infected teeth.
•Newborns whose mothers used the drug show jitteriness
and poor feeding at birth and may be growth restricted
Phencyclidine (PCP)
-Was developed in the 1950s as an intravenous anesthetic; it