FPFComposite JPCSA4 R1
FPFComposite JPCSA4 R1
FPFComposite JPCSA4 R1
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Abstract. In this work, we study the influence of the boundary conditions in the stress
distribution and the first ply failure of a commercially available multilayer composite pipe
using a finite element model. An ASTM D2290 standard test was performed to determine the
ultimate tensile strength and burst pressure. Also, an ASTM D3039 tension test performed on a
longitudinal strip of the pipe was used to evaluate the elastic constants. We compared the
experimental results with the numerical model to validate the material parameters used in the
approximation. Hoop and axial stresses were obtained for three different boundary conditions:
open, fixed and closed ends. Different failure criteria were considered to evaluate the first ply
failure, and a comparison of failure criteria and boundary conditions was made.
1. Introduction
During the last years, composite pipes have been successfully used in the Oil & Gas sector mostly
because their mechanical properties are very attractive, especially their weight to resistance ratio and
their resistance to corrosion [1]. Other features such as ease of installation, high durability, and ease of
maintenance make them more desirable than steel pipes. Different studies on the mechanical
properties and laboratory tests have been carried out for their mechanical characterization [2–4].
Xia et al. [5], based on anisotropic tridimensional elasticity, gave an exact solution for the stresses
and strains of an internal pressure pipe. This formulation was applied to the case of closed-end pipes,
however, it is extensible to open-end conditions. There is not an analytical procedure to determine the
stress distribution on a fixed-end boundary condition. Lekhnistskii [6] defined relations for the
problem of plane stress in a cylindrical shell. Later, Tsai [7] included the plane strain (axial force
different from zero). The material resistance was evaluated by two methods: first ply failure and last
ply failure. Kanter et al. [8] investigated an analytical tool for composite thermoplastic pipes with the
objective of correlating the results with laboratory tests such as tension, compression, internal and
external pressure.
Quintero Ortiz et al. [4] examined the effect of scratches on the surface of composite pipelines for
the transportation of hydrocarbons by experimental means. Soden et al. [9] performed rupture tests
with tubular samples of epoxy glass fibre laminates, with 60% resin and ± 55 ° winding angles. Strain-
stress curves showed nonlinear behaviour. Ferry et al. [10] showed that pipes exhibit varying types of
damaged elastoplastic behaviour depending on stress ratio axial stress/hoop stress. The extent of
damage and plastic phenomena are responsible for non-linearity on stress-strain curves. They showed
by micrographic analysis that microcracking is the main damaging process.
Numerical methods have been widely used to characterize properties and evaluate structural
integrity for standard and advanced materials [11–15]. Reutov [11] studied, using finite elements, the
multilayer pipes stress distribution for Oil & Gas applications, obtaining the equivalent stresses for
each layer, where it was determined that the middle reinforced layer presents the maximum stresses
for operation pressures. Bai et al. [16] investigated a mathematical and numerical model to analyse the
collapse of the reinforced thermoplastic pipes (RTP), the results using finite elements (FE) reflected a
minimal error percentage with respect to the theoretical analysis. Yu et al. [17] performed numerical
analysis studies on RTP with aramid fibre. The results related the buckling failure with the angles
between the reinforcement layers. De Sousa et al. [18] obtained results of stresses for the composite
pipe type Riser, containing metallic and thermoplastic layers, from theoretical and numerical models.
Anping et al. [19] performed a finite element analysis (FEA) to determine the mechanical properties of
two types of composite pipes reinforced with steel wires.
Onder et al. [20] subjected a glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) pipe to internal pressure under
closed-end condition, and burst strength is evaluated by analytical, FEA and experimental techniques.
The Tsai-Wu criterion, the maximum stress, and the maximum strain theories were used to compute
the burst failure pressure of the composite layers in a simple form. The FE method does not give an
accurate burst pressure because strength reduction is not considered, just the first ply failure. Vedvik et
al. [21] conducted an analysis for thick walled composite pipes with an isotropic liner, special
attention was given to the process of damage. The research accounted for damage in the composite
layer and plastic yielding in the isotropic layer.
In this work, the effect of the boundary conditions on the hoop and axial stresses is investigated for
a commercially available pipe of reinforced fibreglass (Fiberspar®). A first ply failure pressure is
obtained for each boundary condition according to different failure criteria. In section 2, the elasticity
model for the pipe is presented. In section 3, the failure criteria are shown, following with the
description of the experiments and the numerical models in section 4. Results and discussion are
presented in section 5 and, finally, section 6 shows the conclusions.
3. Failure criteria
Composite materials are not homogeneous, anisotropic and brittle, showing different failure modes,
some related to the failure of the constituents and other to the interface [25].
In the fibres, two different failure modes can be considered: related to a tensile load and related to a
compressive load. A characteristic of the fibre is that it does not usually show plastic deformation, the
failure is related to a phenomenon of redistribution of stresses to the neighbouring fibres. This
redistribution may cause a new fibre rupture. In the case of a compressive load, the progressive micro-
buckling of the fibres takes place until the fibres break.
In the matrix, microcracking is the main mode of failure. This is equivalent to matrix cracks
parallel to the fibre direction over the entire thickness of the ply and especially to those plies where the
reinforcement is not in the same direction as the applied load.
Another common mode of failure is the disunion, which equals a loss of adhesion and a relative
slip between the fibre and the matrix due to differences in shear stresses at the fibre-matrix interface
For the design with composite materials, it is common practice to evaluate interactive failure
criteria that take into account the interactions of the stresses.
Figure 1. Tensile test on the MTS Bionix Figure 2. Experimental and numerical
test machine for the composite pipe. model of the longitudinal strip
The normal stresses show a homogenous distribution over almost all the length, however, near the
traction surfaces the stresses are higher. This explains the zone of failure in Figure 2. To give an
example, the displacement obtained with a 2,500N load by FE was 0.372mm and experimentally it
was 0.353, just about a 5% error.
Three boundary conditions were considered: (i) open-end condition, in which it does not exist axial
stresses, this condition generally applies to pipes subjected to very elastic supports, (ii) fixed-end, in
which the axial displacements in the ends are restricted in the normal direction, this is the case of very
long pipes, and (iii) closed-end, condition known as pressure vessel condition [20]. An internal
pressure of 5.17MPa (750psi) was applied in all cases.
Closed ends 30 Closed ends
70 Open ends Open ends
Fixed ends 25 Fixed ends
Hoop stress (MPa)
30 10
20 5
10 0
0 -5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 3. Hoop stress vs. the normalised Figure 4. Axial stresses vs. the normalised
radius R. radius R.
Table 2. FPF pressure for different failure criteria failure and boundary conditions.
Failure criteria Open-end (MPa) Fixed-end (MPa) Closed-end (MPa)
Max stress 13.73 11.15 9.25
Max strain 16.13 14.97 9.96
Tsai-Hill 10.94 9.96 8.62
Tsai-Wu 10.87 10.70 9.41
Hoffman 10.48 10.06 8.82
Hashin 11.06 10.04 8.68
The maximum stress and maximum strain criteria show the highest values of FPF pressure, this is
due to the fact that they do not take into account the stress interaction, the other criteria exhibit a lower
FPF pressure and similar values between them. Regarding the boundary conditions, notice that the one
that supports the highest pressure is the open-end condition, also called pure internal pressure.
The FPF pressure is near twice as double of the nominal pressure, and half of the final burst
pressure, however, a burst pressure is not possible to obtain in this model because it does not take into
account for a material degradation model.
6. Conclusions
The composite model for the Fiberspar® pipe was numerically defined. Particular interest was given
to the definition of the fibre reinforced layer, and the model was validated through experimental tests.
The error between the results of the laboratory test according to ASTM D2290 and the tensile
numerical model is minimal. This validates the parameters used to define the computational model of
the material.
Notice that when the orthotropic pipe is subjected to a pressure greater than 10MPa the first epoxy-
fibreglass plies fails, but this does not mean that the pipe fails completely. At a burst pressure of
27.17MPa, the pipe fails on all the plies, and this point is called functional failure.
The values of the stresses on the pipe were determined for the three different boundary conditions,
when it works at its nominal pressure of 5.17MPa. It was found that the composite laminate layer is
the one that withstands the greatest stresses with a value of 62MPa for the hoop stress.
It was demonstrated that the FPF pressure for the open-end or pure internal pressure condition was
the highest, this is because, in these conditions, the axial stresses are the lowest compared to the other
ones. Additionally, the maximum strain and maximum stress criterion tend to over-estimate the FPF
pressure because they do not consider the interaction between axial and hoop stresses.
The authors acknowledge the support given by the project Capital Semilla 1742, VIE, Universidad
Industrial de Santander, and UIS-ICP Agreement 5222395, ‘Structural integrity of spoolable
composite pipes’, 2016.
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