Group Act. in Multigrade

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GROUP 4 MEMBERS: Rhea Yosorez Judy De la Cruz. Joellyn Lim

Daisy Lodor. Joper Magayanes. Joy Matamorosa Hardlen Padre
James Reagan Jacob

In managing whole class teaching, incorporating techniques that fosters engagement

among the students enhances learning experiences inside the classroom. This
technique may include interactive activities, integrating game based activities and think-
pair share activities may boost students engagement inside the classroom and
encourage student to participate during discussions.

Situation: Teacher A encourages her students to be participative during discussion. She

always observes her students having little to no interest about the subject she teaches.
So, Teacher A decided to integrate game-based activities where students learn
concepts through games.

This technique helps in managing a whole class teaching where it promotes active
participation among the students, it drives the motivation of the students to learn the
subject matter and it contributes to the overall learning outcomes.

While in managing the small group teaching, collaborative learning may be used.
Collaborative learning fosters collaboration among the students and it also promotes
peer teaching. To ensure collaboration within small groups, individual assignment could
help as every member must be part of every task they are accomplishing.

Situation: Liza belongs to the third group in their Math class, each member is assigned
with specific task. Liza was assigned to answer the activity which includes computation.
She is not yet familiar with the topic she was assigned to, so she ask for a help from
their co-member. Her co-member explained the concepts and the procedures on how to
compute for the solution.

This strategy can be appropriate in a small group. Collaborative learning involves

students in a small group to work together to achieve a common learning goals. In this
strategy, it puts the small group in a shared responsibility where each of the member is
responsible to their part to accomplish the task.

In an Individual Teaching, personalized learning plans can be one strategy. In

personalized learning plan, instructions are made or tailored base on the personal
interests, learning style and needs of the student. Activities and instructional materials
are crafted based on the diverse needs of the student.

Situation: Teacher B often sees Nathan having a hard time with reading. He decided to
make a reading intervention putting emphasis on the phonics. In monitoring the
progress of Nathan, he schedules meeting with Nathan to give feedback and set
another reading goal.

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