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Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.
Surabaya Surabaya oh Surabaya...
Kota kenangan Kota kenangan takkan terlupa... Hi friends, have you ever heard this song? What was the title of that song? Yeah, that’s right. That song was entitle Surabaya oh Surabaya. And now, we Dewi and Mayla want to tell you a story about Sura and Baya. A long time ago in East Java there were two strong animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in the sea. Actually, they were friends. But when they were hungry, they were very greedy. They did not want to share their food. They would fight for it and never stop fighting until one of them gave up. It was a very hot day. Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat. “Yummy, this is my lunch,” said Baya. “No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy! I had not eaten for two days!” said Sura. Then Sura and Baya fought again. After several hours, they were very tired. Sura had a plan to stop their bad behavior. “I’m tired of fighting, Baya,” said Sura. “Me too. What should we do to stop fighting? Do you have any idea?” asked Baya. “Yes, I do. Let’s share our territory. I live in the water, so I look for food in the sea. And you live on the land, right? So, you look for the food also on the land. The border is the beach, so we will never meet again. Do you agree?” asked Sura. “Hmm... let me think about it. OK, I agree. From today, I will never go to the sea again. My place is on the land,” said Baya. Then they both lived in the different places. But one day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise. “Hey, what are you doing here? This is my place. Your place is in the sea!” “But, there is water in the river, right? So, this is also my place!” said Sura. Then Sura and Baya fought again. They both hit each other. Sura bite Baya's tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up. He went back to the sea. Baya was very happy. He had his place again. The place where they were fighting was a mess. Blood was everywhere. People then always talked about the fight between Sura and Baya. They then named the place of the fight as Surabaya, it’s from Sura the shark and Baya the crocodile. People also put their war as the symbol of Surabaya city. Ok. Friends. That’s all of the story of Sura and baya. Thank you for your paying attention. Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb. Good bye. Assalamualaikum wr wb.. Honorable my teachers, parents and all of my friends. First of all , lets thanks to God for the almigthy, who has given as his mercy and blessings, until we can attend this meeting without obtaclest in this happy place and time. Secondly, may sholawat and salam, be with our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided as from the darkness to the englightment as well as in the next world. Thirdly, i never forget to thank SMP AL AZHAR, who has given me opportunity to deliver a speech in front of the public, standing in front of you all, and i would like to present my speech under the title “let's prevent bullying come together” Well, on this opportunity I will discuss about some form of bullying, how to deal with bullying and what should we do we do to prevent bullying. Ok, let’s talk about bullying’s definition. Do you know what does bullying mean? Ok. Bullying is a common experience shared by many children and adolescents in schools. Bullying behavior can be physical or verbal threats. Bullying consists of direct behaviors such as ridicule, threaten, criticize, beat, and robbed by one or more students to the victim or other children. Besides that bullying behavior can also be indirect, for example by isolating or someone deliberately distanced considered distinct. Both direct and indirect bullying is basically a form of bullying . The forms of bullying, among others; 1. Physical bullying: pulling hair, hitting, poking. 2. Bullying is emotional: reject, terrorizing, isolating , and any discrimination based on race, disability, and ethnicity. 3. Verbal bullying: provide the name calling, taunting, and gossiping. 4. Sexual bullying: exhibitionism, committed fornication, and sexual abuse. just look around you, a lot of bullying activities that have taken place, at school, at home, and sometimes also can occur anywhere. ok, we go on to the next topic. The second topic is how do we prevent bullying among teenagers Indonesia? did you ever see the student brawls? yes! student brawls is one form of bullying to others. how to cope with bullying activitie? There are ways : 1. follow religious activities at school! religious activity is beneficial for moral improvement. because the activities teach a lot of good things. By doing religion activities means approaching in Allah. We do Allah’s instructions, we always remember Allah, Allah always control our life. Please obey all regulations from Allah so that we are safe from dangerous. 2. The second way is you can join the extracurricular activities at school, such as OSIS , Boy Scouts, and paskibra. extracurricular activities in addition to preventing bullying activities that can also provide many benefits for us, an example of organizational fields. We should have positive activiteis. By positive activity, we are busy. We don’t thing negative thingking. We can life on good purpose. 3. The third is avoid negative activities and choose good friends. due to the good, it is not possible we hit the bullying activities. Don’t have negative thingking and activities, that’s dangerous. Please choose good friends. In our life friends have big influence in our activity every day. If you have friends who have bad behavior, you are one of them. Be careful to choose friends in modern time. Well, ladies and gentlemen. I think bullying activities can take place because the school is only concerned with learning activities, but lacking in any moral lesson. Morale is very important for today's students. because in this day and age a lot of the students in moral decline. Therefore, come on, we keep ourselves together each and also invite our friends to avoid bullying activities. Because such acts only harm us, harm our learning time, and hurt a lot of other things. Ok, ladies and gentlement. I things enough for my speech, thank you very much for your attention, see you next time, good bye and wassalamualaikum wr.wb.