What Are Machine Learning Algorithms
What Are Machine Learning Algorithms
What Are Machine Learning Algorithms
Machine learning algorithms are simple: they’re mapping methods used to learn about and
identify underlying patterns in sets of data. As Arthur Samuel put it, machine learning is “a
computer’s ability to learn without being explicitly programmed” and as computers continue to
process and sort more and more data sets, they learn more and more about the best ways to
handle said data.
We know that machine learning algorithms use past data to predict future outcomes, which can
lead to:
There are four types of machine learning methods, within which the main kinds of models fall:
supervised, semi-supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.
Supervised learning
Supervised learning sounds just like it is: machines that are fed a known data set by an expert,
with included desired inputs and outputs. From there, the machine has to decide how to arrive at
those inputs and outputs through identifying patterns in the data, making observations to arrive at
In this case, the expert corrects the machine if needed and continues to work with it until it can
guarantee high rates of accuracy. Experts using the supervised learning method can choose from
three different algorithms:
Classification: when using the classification algorithm, the program uses observed
values to sort data into given categories. To do so, it uses observational data and
improves the accuracy of its sorting as it gets more and more practice.
Regression: when using the regression algorithm, the program is asked to estimate and
understand variable relationships, using one dependent variable and other changing
variables to predict what will happen.
Forecasting: when using the forecasting algorithm, the program evaluates past and
present data to predict future outcomes; it also analyzes trends to forecast the future.
Semi-supervised learning
There’s one key difference between supervised and semi-supervised learning: in semi-supervised
learning, programs are fed both labeled and unlabeled data so that the program must take the
labeled data and draw conclusions from the unlabeled data, drawing conclusions on patterns,
trends, and future predictions.
Unsupervised learning
Just as the title suggests, unsupervised learning means the machine learning program works on
its own, without labeled data or an expert, to find patterns and trends in the data. It’s given
large data sets and organizes the information as it sees fit; as it receives more and more data, it’s
able to become better at sorting the data effectively and properly.
Two examples of unsupervised learning methods are clustering and dimensionality reduction:
Clustering: when using clustering, unsupervised learning programs will sort the data into
categories based on criteria they decide; they’ll then look for patterns and trends within
those clusters to draw conclusions.
Dimensionality reduction: to make it easier for unsupervised machine learning models
to find patterns and trends, dimensionality reduction asks it to only look at a limited
number of variables, reducing the overall requirements of the program.
Reinforcement learning
Our last category of machine learning algorithms is a bit different from the others; to help the
program learn and advance over time, the algorithm is provided with a set of actions, paraments,
and end values and from there, it’s asked to try out each and see which performs best. This helps
the program learn best practices and try out different methods.
These four ways to teach machine learning programs how to handle and analyze data are the
main ways to categorize how programs learn, but we can choose from lots of different algorithms
when it comes to actually analyzing our data.
Let’s cover some of the most popular machine learning algorithms so that you can pick the best
one for your next project.
One of the most common and preferred algorithms, linear regression identifies a relationship
between independent and dependent variables on a line, through the equation Y = a *X + b.
Here, Y represents the dependent variable, a is the slope, X is the independent variable, and b is
the intercept. Through this equation, the program is able to order and sort the data.
Logistic regression
Another common algorithm, logistic regression is used to separate specific variables from a
larger set of independent variables and is valuable when it comes to predicting the probability of
something happening. To improve the overall logistic regression model, interaction terms and
non-linear models are frequently employed.
Decision tree
The decision tree algorithm is a supervised learning algorithm that classifies data successfully,
using the data’s strongest qualities to divide it into multiple groups based on independent
variables. This is one of the most commonly used algorithms for data categorization.
To help visualize the data, the support vector machine algorithm allows you to plot your data
points on a graph (the size depends on the number of data points) and then see how things are
spread out, providing an easy way to see patterns and understand the data as a whole.
The Naive Bayes algorithm is popular because of its ability to evaluate very large data sets and
find what makes specific variables stand out from others; it’s easy to use and can help
successfully classify variables and predict outcomes.
There are so many different machine learning algorithms that we could tell you about, but we
don’t have the time! But knowing which one is right for you means you need to fully understand
the type of data you’re working with and your desired outcome.
If you’re interested in becoming more of a data expert than you already are and using data to
make quality decisions, Ironhack’s Data Analytics Bootcamp is the right place for you. What are
you waiting for? We’ll see you in class!