Applied Economics
Applied Economics
Applied Economics
4 Market Structure:
-Perfect Competition FACTORS OF PRODUCTION
-Monopolistic Competition 1. Land (La) - actual space used to create
-Oligopoly products. Basic resources within land,
-Monopoly sea, and air.
2. Labor (Lb) - any mental or physical
Horizontal Living Spaces- subdivisions. effort. Age is 16 years old and above.
Vertical Living Spaces- condominiums and Compensated with either wage or
apartments. salary. Referred as human capital.
Wage- set per hour or per day. Free-Rider Problem- market failure because
Depended on the productivity and there is an insufficient distribution of
commonly given to blue collar jobs resources. This is because some people are
(unskilled worker/ physical effort). consuming more than their fair share and
aren’t paying anything at all.
Minimum wage in the PH: 500- 537
Main Objective of Commerce: MAXIMIZE
Salary- paid on an annual basis and is PROFIT
fixed. Given to white collar jobs (mental
effort/skilled worker). ________WEEK 1- Wednesday_______
Main Branches of Economics
3. Capital (K) - man made goods used to
further transform products, commodities,
and services. The income from the product
is called interest.
-Physical Capital (buildings, factories,
machines, equipment, and human capital)
-Financial Capital (debts, equities,
loans, and company incurs)
Factors to Consider
- Labor Rate
*USE THE FORMULAS ABOVE* - Productivity of labor
- Cost of training
MP = 10 – 0 / 1 – 0 - Compulsory welfare benefits.
**old value minus present value**
Contractualization **The hats decrease in order to
- Short term employment of wage accommodate the sweaters.**
workers 25 – 29 = 4 hats
- Rich supply of unskilled workers
- Vs. hiring skilled workers Production Possibilities Curve
________WEEK 1- Friday_________ - Points ON the curve.
Production Possibilities Curve (PPC) - All resources has been used to the
Combination of two products, the fullest.
combination of two goods that a firm is able Inefficient
to produce given the amount of resources - Points BELOW the curve.
that they have. - A firm is not using all resources.
Can also be called Production
Possibilities Frontier (PPF)
- Points OUTSIDE the curve
- A firm does not have enough
PPC Shifters
1. Change in quantity and quality.
2. Change in technology
3 Key Concepts of PPC
Economies of Scale
Trade-Off- the product you chose to
1. Short Run- 1 year; consider 1
forego in order to choose another
input/resource is fixed.
2. Long Run- longer span; all resources
Opportunity Cost- actual value.
are variable.
3 Possibilities of Output
1. More than double- increasing return
to scale.
2. Double- constant returns to scale.
30 – 15 = 15
3. Less than double- decreasing returns that they want to avail. The
government is not dictating what is
available. (Ex. USA, Europe)
3. Mixed Economy- mixture of two
economy. State dictates some control
over the resources they have but it’s
still the consumers’ decision to buy
the goods. (China—used to employ
planned system and then employed
market economy., Singapore)
to scale.
“When input increases, output decreases.” Assumptions about market economy
1. Consumer Sovereignty- market
Economies of Scale economy operates on the assumption
- Happens usually in a large firms like that consumer demand is dominant.
SM. The supply will adjust to the demand.
- Large scale production and buy Profit = driving force in the system.
resources in bulk.
- Bigger firms have lower cost. 2. Forces of Supply and Demand-
- Total Cost (TC) ↑ increases when a products are produced because there
company decides to buy a machine is demand and because we have
that would help the production more insatiable needs.
efficient. This machine will have a
higher cost. It may be be expensive at
first but in the long run, Average Total 3. People are rational and consistent-
Cost (ATC) ↓ decreases. If the price is consumers by nature and rational
right. beings. (Ex. A family will choose
products with discounts).
TYPES OF ECONOMY Normal Goods = as the income
1. Planned Economy- prevalent in increases, the demand on a normal
communist and socialist types of good increases.
government. The states provide Inferior Goods = as the income
guidelines that will dictate the decreases, the demand normal goods
product and services available in the decreases.
market. The government controls.
(Ex. North Korea, Cuba) 4. Trading and Commerce are always
2. Market Economy- more predominant. good- both stimulates competition.
More countries adopt this kind of Firms outdo each other by developing
economy. The consumers exercise their product or services.
virtual autonomy on the products
5. International Trade is always good- Gross National Income
countries trade with other countries. - Includes all income earned by a
country’s residents, business, earnings
6. Mercantilism is the Anti-thesis of from foreign sources.
Globalization and International Trade- - Purpose: determine country’s
Mercantilism is the enemy of standard of living.
globalization and international trade. Purchasing Power Party
It happened back 16th and 18th Per Capita Method
Century in Europe wherein the
government would limit its imports.
They want to patronize more the local
_________WEEK 3- Friday________
Supply Curve- depicts the relationship
between the quantity supplies of a good
at different price.
Y axis- price
Factors that produce the Shift in Supply X axis- quantity
1. Industry Size- when the Categories of Elasticity Supply
industry size increases, it will shift to the 1. Perfectly Inelastic- change in the
right, and the supply goods will increase. quantity supply of the product do not
2. Technological Progress- any vary compare to the changes in the price.
technological progress will lead to an Qs = 0
increase in supply of goods.
3. Education- as the level and
quality of the education improves, the
supply increases.
4. Price of Inputs- when the price
increases, it will shift to the left, and the
supply decreases. While if the price
decreases, it will shift to the right, and the
2. Inelastic- when the changes in the
supply will increase.
quantity supply do not vary significantly
5. Price of Related Outputs- the
with the changes of its price.
increase in price leads to the shift to the
Qs < 1
right, and the supply increases.
Karl Marx
- It is an agreement between an Interrelationship of Poverty,
individual and entities that stipulates the Unemployment, Population Growth
responsibilities, payment terms, rule of Poverty means that the income level
workplace that is recognized by the from employment is so low that basic
government. human needs can’t be met.
- Laymen’s term, employment refers to Unemployment means when a person
the idea that an individual has entered some who is actively searching for employment is
form of verbal or written commitment with unable to find work. It is often used to
an entity, known as employer. measure the health of the economy.
Population Growth is the increase in
Poverty and Employment the number of individuals in a population.
- Shows the effect of employment to
poverty of an individual. __________WEEK 5- Monday_________
Population rate and Economic growth - From Latin word ‘moneto’, defined as
- Study that indicates the existence of a commodity that is generally accepted as a
long-run equilibrium relationship between medium of exchange.
economic performance and population - Bartering was one way that people
growth. exchanged goods for other goods before
- The impact of population growth money was created.
often measured through impact on the - Like gold, money has worth because
growth per capita income/output. people represent it to be valuable.
- Economic rely on the exchange of
Thomas Robert Malthus and his Theory money for products and services.
- Known for the population growth
philosophies outlined in his 1798 book “An Functions of Money
Essay on the Principle of Population”. Primary- medium of exchange;
- He theorized that populations would measure of value.
continue expanding until growth is stopped Secondary- store of value; deferred
or reversed by crisis or calamities. payments; transfer value.
- He is also known for his exponential Contingent- basis of credit; income
formula used to forecast population growth, distribution; equalize marginal utility.
which is currently known as Malthusian
Growth Model. Fiscal Policy
- Concerning the use of state treasury or
the government finances to achieve the
macro-economic goals.
- Government policy of changing its
taxation and public expenditure programs
intended to achieve its objective.
- Government uses its expenditure and - Leads to increases in money supply.
revenue program to produce desirable - Contractionary Monetary Policy, driven
effects on National Income, production and by increase in the various bas interest rates
employment. controlled by modern central banks or other
means producing growth in money supply.
Objectives of Fiscal Policy
To achieve equal distribution of wealth Objective of Monetary Policy
Increase in savings - Full employment
Degree of inflation - Price stability
To achieve economic stability - Economic growth
Price stability - Balance of payments
_________WEEK 5-Wednesday__________
Relationship between Money Supply and
Rate of Interest
Money Supply- is all the currency and - It shifts when demand for money is
other liquid instrument in a country’s equal to supply of money.
economy on the date measured. It roughly
include both cash and deposits that can be Quantity Theory of Money
used easily as cash. - It is one of the primary research for
Interest rate- is the amount a lender the branch of economic referred to as
charges for the use of assets expressed as a monetary economic.
percentage of the principal. It is typically - General Price level is proportioned to
noted on an annual basis known as annual the money supply in an economy.
percentage (APR). - M (V) = P (T)
Relationship- when there is a - M (Money Supply) - all the money in
shortage of money in bank, the interest rate the economy.
will then change. - V (Velocity of Circulation) – how
Crowding out effect; the government many times a dollar, euro, etc. is spent
is crowding out the private businesses. But if purchasing finished goods and services.
the bans have surplus liquidity, there will be - P (Price Level) – price level of all
a way on how the crowding out effect will goods and services in an economy.
be dismissed. - T (All Transactions) – all the goods
and services sold within an economy.
Equilibrium in Money Market
- Money market is the interaction - The quantity of money in an economy
among institutions through which money is has a large influence on its economic
supplied to individuals, firms, and other that activity.
demand money. - Change in money supply = either a
- Money Market Equilibrium occurs at change in price level or change in the supply
the interest rate at which the quantity of of goods or both.
money demanded is equal to the quantity of - An increase in the money supply
money supplied. result to decrease in the value of money
because an increase in money supply causes
the rate in inflation to increase.
Equilibrium in the Foreign Exchange visible. e.g. transport services, medical
services etc.
Market • Capital transfers which are concerned with
- Foreign Exchange Market- a market in capital receipts and capital payment.
which one currency is exchanged for
Components of Balance Payments
another currency. For example, the euro is 1. Current Account Balance
being bought and sold, and is being paid for o Account statements of other country
using another currency. that serves as receipt and payment in
a short period of time
- It requires interest party. In
2. Capital Account Balance
exchanging, there is an involvement of o Refers to all financial transactions
interest. 3. Overall BOP
o Total of a country’s current and
capital account
o Includes errors and omissions