1327 Brochure LPKF Protomats S Series en

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The New LPKF ProtoMat Circuit Board Plotters

Enabling the Next Generation of In-House PCB Prototyping

Solutions that Evolve
with Your Project Needs

Circuit board plotters from LPKF Laser & Electronics AG have delivered quick, accurate and easy to
use prototyping solutions for more than 30 years. The latest generation product line features additional
flexibility: all ProtoMat S series circuit board plotters can be upgraded as necessary to meet your
project needs.

LPKF equipment offers cost-effective, environmentally The ProtoMat S series features upgrade options to
friendly equipment for each stage of the prototyping handle structuring, cutting, and many other prototyping
process, from design verification to structuring and tasks for both single layer and multilayer boards.
board assembly. It allows customers to produce fully
functioning boards quickly and easily.

Flexible Solutions Powerful System Software Included
Optional features and upgrade kits increase the The new standard for PCB prototyping: LPKF
application range of LPKF ProtoMats, simplifying the CircuitPro lets you quickly implement complex
prototyping process, expanding product functionality layouts. A wide range of features, optimized
and opening the door to new forms of production. milling times and intuitive operator guidance
These features are already standard on some machines. ensure rapid success.

Automatic Tool Change

Accommodates up to 15 tools and includes drill bit
inspection and automatic milling width adjustment.
Enables automated production without manual
intervention. Standard on the S63 and S103.

Milling Width Adjustment Vacuum Table

Provides a pre-defined tool penetration depth and Secures the work piece flat across the entire work
ensures a consistent milling track width. Standard surface and eliminates substrate irregularities such as
on the S63 and S103. twisting and warping. Allows both flexible and rigid-flex
PCBs to be machined with ease. Standard on the S103.
Optical Fiducial Recognition (camera)
Significantly faster and more accurate than the front- Dispenser
to-back system. Virtually indispensible in structuring Accurately applies soldering paste onto structured
multilayer boards and double-sided PCBs. Includes PCBs with compressed air. Uses LPKF CircuitPro for
automatic drill break inspection and immediate data preparation. Standard on the S63 and S103.
measuring function. Standard on the S63 and S103. Upgrade on the S43.

Prototyping for Every Level
For more than 30 years, LPKF circuit board plotters
have provided reliable, quick and accurate in-house
Rapid PCB Prototyping. Near-series prototypes are
created within short periods, from simple circuit
boards to eight-part multilayers. The ProtoMat S
series signifies precision, performance and

LPKF ProtoMat S43

Upgrade kits available:

• ProtoMat S43 to S63/S103
• ProtoMat S63 to S103

LPKF ProtoMat S43: The Entry Level System LPKF ProtoMat S63: The All-Around System
The entry-level LPKF ProtoMat S43 system ensures The LPKF ProtoMat S63 handles virtually any in-house
quick and easy production of PCB prototypes within prototyping application with ease. Its high speed capabilities
hours and can easily handle multiple production accommodate structures as small as 100 μm. The
cycles in one day. The perfect step into the world extensive features make the S63 the perfect addition to any
of professional Rapid PCB Prototyping, the S43 is development environment.
especially well-suited for those with limited budget
or who anticipate only occasional use. The ProtoMat S63 includes all of the features of the S43 plus:
• High speed spindle (60 000 rpm)
Standard features on the ProtoMat S43 include: • Automatic tool change (15 tools)
• Speed (40 000 rpm), ultra-fine resolution (0.5 μm) • Automatic milling width adjustment
and accuracy (± 0.02 mm) • Optical fiducial recognition (camera)
• Simple quick-release tool holder • Upgradeable to S103
• Acoustic cabinet for quiet operation
• Upgradeable to ProtoMat S63 and S103

Other Accessories:
• Dust extraction Find additional information inside our
• Measuring microscope free “In-House Rapid Prototyping”
• Compressor product catalog.

LPKF ProtoMat S63

LPKF ProtoMat S103

LPKF ProtoMat S103: The Premium System The S43 and S63 ProtoMats can be upgraded
The ProtoMat S103 is the most advanced model in the all the way to the top-of-the-line S103
S series. The fully equipped system is suitable for all
applications, including multilayer and RF boards. The
non-contact pneumatic working depth limiter allows
substrates with delicate surfaces to be machined. This
reliable, easy to use system is all you need for cost-
effective, high-quality prototype production.

The S103 has all the features of the ProtoMat S63 plus:
• Highest available speed (100 000 rpm)
• Pneumatic working depth limiter An upgrade kit quickly turns the ProtoMat S43 or S63 ...
• Vacuum table

... into the ProtoMat S103!

LPKF ProtoMats are essential tools for anyone developing and producing small batches of PCB prototypes.
Moreover, ProtoMats can be used for a variety of applications besides “just” structuring circuit boards.

Structuring Circuit Boards

LPKF ProtoMats mill the PCB structure in the fully
coated substrate. High-speed spindles ranging from
40 000 to 100 000 rpm, a resolution as fine as 0.25 μm
(0.01 Mil) and extremely high repeatability ensure ultra-
fine structures. In RF & microwave applications, the
ProtoMat S103 showcases its high spindle speed to the
fullest by achieving extremely clean structuring results.

Working with Flex and Rigid-flex Depaneling
Circuit Boards When designing PCBs, multiple layouts can be arranged
Flex and rigid-flex circuit boards are difficult to secure on a substrate. LPKF ProtoMats are great for cutting
on the working surface. The vacuum table available for these circuit boards from the base material. On precut
LPKF ProtoMat systems solves this problem. RF tools panels, the ProtoMats can be used to cut break-out
are excellent for machining relatively soft material. tabs.

Engraving/Cutting Plastics and Aluminum Milling of Soldering Paste Stencils

All LPKF circuit board plotters are capable of In prototyping, milled polyimide stencils are a great
structuring, drilling mounting holes, and engraving front alternative to steel stencils. They can be produced
panels. The S63 and S103 ProtoMats are also 2.5D in-house within minutes. The milling data is designed
capable, which allows slots or deeper recesses to be in LPKF CircuitPro.
added to housing parts.

An Ideal Training Solution

The new LPKF ProtoMat E33 is perfectly suited for milling and
drilling circuit boards. This ProtoMat is especially designed for
training purposes. It’s about the size of an A3 (14.6” x 17.7”)
sheet of paper and has no upgrade options.

Technical Specifications ProtoMat S43 ProtoMat S63 ProtoMat S103
Part no. 127686 127411 127410
Max. material size and layout area 229 mm x 305 mm x 27 mm 229 mm x 305 mm x 35/22 mm 229 mm x 305 mm x 35/22 mm
(X/Y/Z) (9” x 12” x 1”) (9” x 12” x 1.4/0.9”)* (9” x 12” x 1.4/0.9”)*
Resolution (X/Y) 0.5 μm (0.02 Mil) 0.5 μm (0.02 Mil) 0.5 μm (0.02 Mil)
Repeatability ± 0.001 mm (± 0.4 Mil) ± 0.001 mm (± 0.04 Mil) ± 0.001 mm (± 0.04 Mil)
Precision of front-to-back alignment ± 0.02 mm (± 0.8 Mil) ± 0.02 mm (± 0.8 Mil) ± 0.02 mm (± 0.8 Mil)
Max. 40 000 rpm, Max. 60 000 rpm, Max. 100 000 rpm,
Milling spindle
software controlled software controlled software controlled
Tool change Manual, quick-release holder Automatic, 15 positions Automatic, 15 positions
Milling width adjustment Manual Automatic Automatic
Tool holder 3.175 mm (1/8”) 3.175 mm (1/8”) 3.175 mm (1/8”)
Drilling speed 100 strokes/min 120 strokes/min 120 strokes/min
Travel speed (X/Y) Max. 150 mm/s (6”/s) Max. 150 mm/s (6”/s) Max. 150 mm/s (6”/s)
X/Y-drive 3-phase stepper motor 3-phase stepper motor 3-phase stepper motor

Photos may also show optional accessories.

Z-drive 2-phase stepper motor 2-phase stepper motor 2-phase stepper motor
≥ 0.3 mm (0.011”) (dot), ≥ 0.3 mm (0.011”) (dot),
Solder paste dispense –
≥ 0.4 mm (0.015”) (pad) ≥ 0.4 mm (0.015”) (pad)
670 mm x 540 mm x 840 mm 670 mm x 540 mm x 840 mm 670 mm x 540 mm x 840 mm
Dimensions (W x H x D)
(26.4” x 21.3” x 33”) (26.4” x 21.3” x 33”) (26.4” x 21.3” x 33”)
Weight 55 kg (121 lbs) 58 kg (128 lbs) 60 kg (132 lbs)
Operating conditions
Power supply 90 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz, 450 W 90 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz, 450 W 90 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz, 450 W
4 bar (58 psi), 50 l/min
Compressed air supply – 6 bar (87 psi), 100 l/min (3.5 cfm)
(1.76 cfm)**
Required accessories Dust extraction Dust extraction Dust extraction

Upgrades ProtoMats S43 to S63 S43 to S103 S63 to S103

Milling spindle (rpm) 60 000 100 000 100 000
Automatic tool change
2½D milling
Fiducial recognition camera
Vacuum table –
Solder paste dispenser**
Pneumatic non-contact working
depth limiter –

Software LPKF CircuitPro Full

Included/with upgrade possible Included in upgrade kit * Value for Z without/with vaccuum table ** Only for dispenser

Worldwide (LPKF Headquarters) South Korea

LPKF Laser & Electronics AG Osteriede 7 30827 Garbsen Germany LPKF Laser & Electronics Korea Ltd.
Phone +49 (5131) 7095-0 [email protected] www.lpkf.com Phone +82 (31) 689 3660 [email protected] www.lpkf.com

North / Central America

LPKF AG, 10005722-060514-EN

LPKF Laser & Electronics North America LPKF Laser & Electronics AG sells and markets
Phone +1 (503) 454-4200 [email protected] www.lpkfusa.com products and provides support in more than
50 countries. Find your local representative
China at www.lpkf.com.
LPKF Tianjin Co., Ltd.
Phone +86 (22) 2378-5318 [email protected] www.lpkf.cn

© LPKF Laser & Electronics AG, LPKF reserves the right to modify the specifications and other product information without giving notice. Systems and products supplied by LPKF and its subsidiaries are
covered by valid or pending US and other foreign patents. Product names are only used for identification and could be trademarks or registered brand names of the companies involved.

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