PFR Oct 16th No 42 2023 v3 PDF
PFR Oct 16th No 42 2023 v3 PDF
PFR Oct 16th No 42 2023 v3 PDF
Fintech platforms
attempt to democratize
tax equity
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Power Finance & Risk
CEO, NextGen Publishing
potential for offshore wind energy generation Institutional Investor, LLC Issn# 1529-6652
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NC commerce secretary Machelle Baker Sanders said as the damages. ISSN# 1529-6652
Deal Book is a matrix of energy project finance deals that Power Finance & Risk is tracking in the energy sector.
Duke Energy closes sale of REC Solar to Arclight producer, Aera Energy’s,
is preparing first large-
Duke Energy has closed on the financial advisor for Arclight its operations and customers. scale CCS project –
sale of its entire distributed gen- while Kirkland & Ellis is serving Proceeds from both sales will CarbonFrontier.
eration (DG) portfolio, including as the company’s legal counsel. be allocated to Duke Energy’s
the operating assets, develop- Duke is still in the middle of balance sheet, avoiding hold-
ment pipeline and O&M portfolio the sale of its utility-scale com- ing company indebtedness and
of REC Solar, to Arclight. mercial renewables business to growing the company’s regulat-
The acquisition, which also Brookfield for $2.8 million, made ed businesses.
includes the distributed fuel public in June (PFR, 6/13). Duke Energy purchased REC
cell projects under Bloom En-
ergy’s management, will tran-
The sale agreement for Duke
Renewables includes 5,900MW
Solar in 2017, and its solar farms
and developments became part 20GWh
sition the employees of the DG of operating and under construc- of Duke Energy’s project portfo-
business to Arclight. tion wind, utility scale solar and lio of 5,319MW of renewable en- Batteries per year LG
Upon announcement in July, storage assets, and a 6,100MW ergy capacity (PFR, 12/2017). Energy will supply Toyota
the company stated the sale was development pipeline. In 2019, Duke Energy pur- to power its battery electric
at an enterprise value of $364 Duke Energy’s expected net pro- chased a 39-project solid oxide vehicles
million inclusive of non-con- ceeds from this transaction are fuel cell portfolio from Bloom
trolling tax equity interests, net- approximately $1.1 billion, subject Energy for $250 million, and a
ting Duke a previously approxi- to certain customary adjustments. pipeline of 30 projects at around
mated $259 million of proceeds The primary operations of the 0.2 to 2.8MW generation range
(PFR, 7/5). business will remain in Char- (PFR, 7/2019).
BofA Securities, is acting as lotte, North Carolina and the The company’s initiative is to Read more on these stories at
financial advisor and Mayer Duke Energy employees will accrue 30,000 MW of regulated
Brown is providing legal coun- transition over to Brookfield to renewable energy in its system
sel to Duke Energy. Scotia is the maintain business continuity for by 2035.
Aera Energy preps first CCS project The state’s plan for achieving
carbon neutrality by 2045 calls
Californian energy produc- after the Canada Pension Plan and accounts for nearly 25% of for the adoption of CCS to reduce
er, Aera Energy, is preparing Investment Board (CPP Invest- the state’s production. carbon emissions from industrial
first large-scale carbon capture ments) agreed to acquire a 49% “The energy landscape is processes, calling for 100 MM Mt
and storage project (CCS) – Car- stake in Aera from international transforming, and Aera’s strate- of storage per year.
bonFrontier. asset management group IKAV. gy is coexistence - ensuring Cal- Aera envisions CarbonFrontier
Once operational in the late The deal was set to “accelerate ifornians have the energy they as a cornerstone to developing a
2020s, CarbonFrontier will cap- Aera Energy’s ability to further need today as we work toward a Kern County “carbon park,” po-
ture up to 1.6 million metric tons reduce carbon intensity and sup- lower carbon future,” said Aera tentially attracting other busi-
(MM Mt) of CO2 per year from port the development of carbon Energy president and CEO Erik nesses that need storage to de-
Aera’s operations for permanent capture and storage and other Bartsch. “This strategy matches carbonize their operations. This
storage at its Belridge oil field, emerging technologies”. the state’s ambitious policy ob- follows an Aera subsidiary being
reducing Aera’s carbon foot- Aera was created as a joint jectives with our proven ability selected by the Department of
print by the equivalent of 30,000 venture between Shell and Exx- to bring innovative energy solu- Energy to study the feasibility
households. onMobil. It is California’s sec- tions on paper to operational re- of a direct air capture hub last
The move comes seven months ond-largest oil and gas producer alities in the field.” month (September 2023).
EDF pulls plug on 50MW Colombian solar farm focosta and Ecopetrol on the
development of a 25MW biomass
EDF Renewables has pulled the Girardot, in the Cundinamarca competitiveness of projects since project (PFR, 1/25).
plug on the development of a department, a project the com- the auction was held as reasons Earlier this year, Italian utili-
50MW solar project in Colombia, pany originally won together for withdrawing from the project. ty Enel Green Power suspended
due to delays in permitting and with another solar project in a The company will remain in the construction of the 205MW
environmental licenses from lo- 2021 auction (PFR, 10/27/21) that Colombia with the Bosques So- Windpeshi wind farm located in
cal entities. would have added 145MWp to lares de los Llanos 6 solar project the Colombian department of La
The French utility was de- the national grid. located in the Meta department. Guajira due to opposition from
veloping the Pubenza project EDF also cited regulatory and EDF is also partnering with envi- indigenous communities result-
located in the municipality of fiscal changes impacting the ronmental services company Re- ing in construction delays.