MCS 211
MCS 211
MCS 211
This assignment has twelve questions (80 Marks). Answer all questions. Rest 20 marks are for
your viva voce examination. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the
explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme
guide for the format of the presentation.
Q1: a) Develop an efficient algorithm to find a list of prime numbers from 100 to (2 Marks)
c) Using Horner's rule, evaluate the polynomial p(x) = 2x5-5x4-3x2+15 at x=2. (2 Marks)
Analyse the computation time required for polynomial evaluation using
Horner’s rule against the Brute force method.
d) State and explain the theorems for computing the bounds O, and . Apply (4 Marks)
these theorem to find the O-notation, Ω-notation and Θ-notation for the
function: 𝑓(𝑛)= 10𝑛3 +18𝑛2 +1
e) Explain binary exponentiation for computing the value 519. Write the right-to- (4 Marks)
left binary exponentiation algorithm and show its working for the
exponentiation 519. Also, find the worst-case complexity of this algorithm.
f) Write and explain the linear search algorithm and discuss its best and worst- (4 Marks)
case time complexity. Show the working of the linear search algorithm for the
data: 12, 11, 3, 9, 15, 20, 18, 19, 13, 8, 2, 1, 16.
g) What is a recurrence relation? Solve the following recurrence relations using (2 Marks)
the Master’s method
a. 𝑇(𝑛) = 8𝑇 ( 2 ) + 𝑛2
b. 𝑇(𝑛) = 𝑇 ( 4 ) + 1
b) What is the purpose of using Huffman Codes? Explain the steps of building a (4 Marks)
huffman tree. Design the Huffman codes for the following set of characters and
their frequencies: a:15, e:19, s:5, d:6, f:4, g:7, h:8, t:10.
c) Expalin the Partition procedure of the Quick Sort algorithm. Use this procedure and (4 Marks)
quick sort algorithm to sort the following array of size 8: [12, 9, 17, 15, 23, 19, 16,
24]. Compute the worst case and best case complexity of Quick sort algorithm.
d) Explain the divide and conquer apprach of multiplying two matrices of large size. (4 Marks)
Also, explain the Strassen’s matric multiplication algorithm. Find the time
complexity of both these approaches.
e) What is the use of Topological sorting? Write and explain the Topological sorting (4 Marks)
algorithm. Also, compute the time complexity for the topological sorting algorithm.
a) Write the Kruskal’s algorithm and Prim’s algorithm to find the minimum cost (4 Marks)
spanning tree of the graph given in Figure 1. Show all the steps of computation.
Also, compute the time complexity of both the algorithms.
b) In the Figure 1, find the shortest path from the vertex ‘a’ using Dijkstra’s shortest (4 Marks)
path algorithm. Show all the steps of computation. Also, find the time complexity
of the algorithm.
c) What is dynamic programming? What is the principle of Optimality? Use the (6 Marks)
dynamic programming approach to find the optimal sequence of chain
multiplication of the following matrices:
Matrix Dimension
A1 5 × 10
A2 10 × 20
A3 20 × 15
A4 15 × 8
A5 8 × 10
d) Make all the possible Binary Search Trees for the key values 25, 50, 75. (2 Marks)
e) Explain the Knuth Morris Pratt algorithm for string matching. Use this algorithm (4 Marks)
to find a pattern “algo” in the Text “From algae to algorithms”. Show all the steps.
What is the time complexity of this algorithm.
Q4: a) What are decision problems and Optimisation problems? Differentiate the decision (4 Marks)
problems and Optimisation problems with the help of at least two problem
statements of each.
b) Define P and NP class of Problems with the help of examples. How are P class of (4 Marks)
problem different from NP class of Problems.
c) What are NP-Hard and NP-Complete problem? What is the role of reduction? (4 Marks)
Explain with the help of an example.