Teacher - S Guide 7.6

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MODULE 6 Exercise 1.
Page 1: Answers: ​Answers can vary.
Area: Foreign Language/Lengua extranjera
Subject:​ English/Inglés Exercise 2.
Grade:​ 7 Teacher's tip: ​Make sure that the students use
English during the whole game. The point of this
Lesson Title: Careers exercise is to help them improve their
vocabulary and speaking skills.
Grammar and vocabulary content

● First Conditional Tense Page 3: Reading

● Occupations and professions Exercise 1.
● Pronunciation: key words, this/think; Answers: ​Answers can vary.
Interdisciplinary learning
Exercise 2.
● Historical occupations; future
professions Answers:
● Physics: marble run Correct order of the paragraphs: 4, 3, 1, 5, 2
● Discipline Exercise 3.
● Responsibility Teacher tip: ​Help the students notice the time
expressions at the beginning of the paragraphs.
These expressions are key in ordering the
Page 2: Communication and Cultural paragraphs correctly. You can also make a
Awareness timeline with these expressions.
Occupation vs. Profession
Exercise 1. Exercise 4.
Answers: ​Answers can vary. Answers
In the morning, the plasterer goes to work. He
carries plaster and a ladder to do his work. At
Exercise 2. lunchtime, the plasterer takes a break to eat
something. All afternoon, the plasterer covers
Answers: ​(as they appear in the modules) the walls and ceilings with plaster. Late in the
afternoon, the plasterer goes back home to have
Electrician, driver, gardener, artisan, mechanic, supper. At night, the plasterer goes to sleep. He
hairdresser, salesperson, farmer. is happy that the house is covered with plaster.

Exercise 3. Exercise 5.
Answers: ​Answers can vary. Answers: ​Answers can vary.

Exercise 4. Page 4: Reading

Answers: ​Answers can vary. Exercise 1.
Answers: ​Answers can vary.
Exercise 3. Exercise 3.
Answers: ​Answers can vary. Answers: ​Answers can vary.

Page 5: Language Through the Arts Exercise 4.

Teacher tip: ​Read the steps to draw a family Answers: ​Answers can vary.
tree together with the students. While you do so,
draw your own family tree on the board. Then
give each student a piece of paper so they can Page 9: Oral Communication
draw their trees. When they finish them, they
can present their work to the class. Exercise 1.
Answers: ​Answers can vary.
Page 6: Language Through the Arts
Exercise 2. Exercise 3.
Answers: ​possible answer: Script:
The problem was that the shoemaker didn't
know who had finished making the pair of Journalist: Hi,everyone ! Welcome to our
shoes. program. I have Alex, a wonderful, dedicated
teacher in my studio today.
Alex: Hello, it’s a pleasure to be here.
Exercise 3. Journalist: Where do you work?
Answers: ​Answers can vary. Alex: I work at an elementary school in Ambato.
I teach 7th​ ​ grade.
Journalist: Why did you choose to become a
Page 7: Oral Communication teacher?
Alex: I love this profession. It is nice to see how
Exercise 1. your students learn many different things.
Answers: ​Answers can vary. Journalist: What is your daily routine like?
Alex: I teach from 7 am to 1 pm.
Journalist: Wow! That seems like a great
Exercise 2. schedule to have all the afternoon free for you!
Answers:​ Answers can vary. Alex: Mmm… not at all, many people think we
only teach, but there is more than that. After I
finish my classes I have to grade homework and
Exercise 3. plan my classes. I always like to read about new
ideas in education. Being a teacher is a lot of
Answers: ​Answers can vary. work
Journalist: That sounds very interesting! Thank
you Alex for coming today.
Exercise 4.
Alex: You're welcome.
Answers: ​Answers can vary.
Answers: ​Answers can vary.

Page 8: Communication and Cultural

Awareness Exercise 4.
Exercise 1. Answers: ​Answers can vary.
Answers: ​(as they appear in the module)
Economist, firefighter, police officer, architect,
teacher, doctor, nurse, lawyer.
Exercise 5. 3. The temperature in the mine is over 35°
Answers: ​Answers can vary. 4. They are very small.
5. They work 12 or more hours.
6. The leaves help the workers to not feel
Page 10: Language Through the Arts hungry.
Exercise 1.
Exercise 4:
a. firefighter
b. mechanic Answers: ​Answers can vary.
c. pilot
d. hairdresser
e. mailman Page 13: Writing
f. policeman
g. teacher Exercise 3.
h. doctors
i. plumbers Teacher's tip: ​Motivate the students: let them
j. engineers know that their work can help make a change in
k. judges their community.
l. lawyers
m. chefs
n. waiter Page 14: Assessment
Exercise 2. Listening
Answers: ​Answers can vary. Script:
Hi, my name is Dr. Pedro Moreno. I am a doctor
Page 11: Oral Communication and I work in a big hospital in Ambato. I love
my job because I like to help people. I have some
Game 1. free days ,but they are always different.
Sometimes I work even on weekends and
Teacher tip: ​For this game, you need to make holidays. In fact, hospitals never close; there are
some cardboard or paper cards with words from emergencies all the time. Sometimes I work in
the chart on the bottom of the page. the mornings but most of the time I work in the
evenings or at night.
Page 12: Reading
1. He is a doctor.
Working in a Mine
2. In a big hospital in Ambato.
Exercise 1.
3. Because he likes to help people.
Answers: ​Answers can vary.
4. Because there are emergencies all the time.
5. No, he works in the mornings but most of the
Exercise 2. time he works in the evenings or at night.
1. Answers can vary. Writing
2. silver
3. In Cerro Rico/Potosí/Bolivia. Answers: ​Answers can vary.
4. He works as a miner.

Page 15: Assessment

Exercise 3.
1. It is in Potosí, Bolivia.
2. Silver is extracted in Cerro Rico. a. He wanted to be a police officer.
b. He thought they were kind because they Page 19: Language Through the Arts
helped people but at the same time they
were brave because they fought against Exercise 1.
c. Tony changed his mind when he went to Teacher tip: ​Make sure to go over the
high school. instructions of the game carefully so that the
d. He wanted to become a veterinarian. students understand how to play the game.
e. He can't be a vet because he's allergic to
some animals.
f. Now he is going to choose the best Page 20: Oral Communication
profession for himself.
Exercise 2.
Answers: ​Answers can vary.
Answers: ​Answers can vary.
Exercise 3.
Page 16: Communication and Cultural
Awareness Hi everyone, I am Peter Williams from the BBC
radio, talking to you today from my radio
Exercise 1. program “Extraordinary Things Around the
World.” Welcome to the program!
Answers: ​Answers can vary.
Today, we are going to talk about extraordinary
jobs. You all know what a doctor, a teacher, an
Exercise 3. engineer, or even an astronaut does; but have
you ever heard about a Gumologist, or a
Answers: ​(as they appear in the module) waterslide tester or even a pets’ food tester.
Today we are going to learn about these jobs.
Seamstress, librarian, photography processing
technician, shoemaker, watchmaker. First pets’ food testers; this is what Mr Gooley
does. He eats dog food. He says: “if it is not
good for you, don’t give it to your dog!”
Page 17: Oral Communication Second, our gumologist, Mr. Chicle. Creating
the perfect chewing gum isn’t easy;chewing gum
Exercise 1. factories pay people to taste chewing gums and
Answers:​ Answers can vary. create the perfect combinations and texture.
Would you like to be a gumologist?
And finally, our waterslide tester, Ms. Slippery,
Exercise 2. who seems to also have an extraordinary job.
Imagine your working day slipping down water
Teacher tip: ​You can use the questions included slides. What is better is that you get paid to do
in the exercise to interrupt and ask questions so that!
you can show the students how to use these
expressions. Answers: ​(as they appear in the module)
Waterslide tester, gumologist, pets’ food tester.
Page 18: Reading
Sweet Dreams Exercise 4.
Exercise 1. Answers:
Answers: ​Answers can vary. Answers can vary.

​Exercise 4.
Answers: ​Answers can vary.
Exercise 5. and I like to help them, I can be an excellent
nurse. So, I became a nurse.
Son: I love to hear your stories mom.
Thank, thanks, thanksgiving, tale, tablespoon,
tablecloth, table, task. Answers: ​(as they appear in the module)
She saw the beautiful clothes her grandma made
and wanted to become a seamstress.
Page 21: Writing
She wanted to become a teacher.
Some of the Strangest Jobs!
She wanted to become a soccer player.
Exercise 1.
She is a nurse.
Teacher tip: ​You can ask the students “What
are some of the weirdest jobs you can think of?”
and write their answers on the board.
Answers: ​Answers may vary.
Exercise 2.
They have to test if a deodorant is good or not.
They have to smell 60 armpits an hour.
a. (T)
They have to collect a snake's poison by hand.
b. (F)
Snake's poison is used as a drug to treat
illnesses. c. (T)
d. (F)
Exercise 3.
Answers: Page 23: Assessment
Answers can vary. Grammar/Vocabulary
Will be, you are, engineer, can, vet, teacher.
Page 22: Assessment
Listening Writing
Script: Answers: ​Answers can vary.
Son: Mom, what did you want to do when you
were a little girl?
Page 24: Project
Mom: My grandma was a seamstress. I loved to How Could You Make a Marble Run?
see the beautiful skirts, dresses and pants she
sewed and I wanted to do the same. Teacher tip: ​Make sure to go over the
Son: And …? instructions very carefully with the students so
they understand what to do. Ask them to draw a
Mom: Later I went to school and I loved my design of the marble run they are going to make
English teacher so I wanted to be a teacher but before they actually start making it.
everything changed when I went to high school.
I learned to play soccer and ...
Son: Let me guess, you wanted to become a
soccer player.
Mom: That’s right, but later I took life more
seriously and I said to myself that if I like people

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