The Pondoland Square - 2017
The Pondoland Square - 2017
The Pondoland Square - 2017
Square Description
YARN: Elle Yarn Family Knit DK 100% Acrylic
approx. 1 x 50g of each colour.
SKILL LEVEL : Intermediate ( “Challenging” – The Testers! )
SC = Single Crochet
DC = Double Crochet
HDC = Half Double Crochet
HDCFP = Half Double Crochet Front Post
CH = Chain
YO = Yarn Over
DC V-stitch = Double Crochet, CH1, Double Crochet
TR = Treble ( yo hook x 2 )
TRFP = Treble Front Post
DBLTR = Double Treble ( yo hook x 3 )
DBLTRFP = Double Treble Front Post
PUFF = smaller version ( yo x 4 )
BOBBLE = smaller version ( 4 DC’s )
FINISHED SIZE: 16”-17” x 16”-17” or 42-44cm x 42-44cm
Important Note
Begin in any SC with a PUFF stitch ( yo x 4),
CH 1 to close the PUFF. Do this in every SC.
Slip stitch into top of first PUFF to close.
Fasten Off. = 8 PUFFS ( yo x 4)
Begin this round with a CH 3 into any space
You can just see the 4 HDC’s peeping from behind the Blue
“leaves” and the SC over the top of the “embellishment” from
RND 7.
Begin with a SC into 2 middle strands be-
hind the 4 HDC’s from previous round.
*CH 2. Now make a HDCBP around the
1st DC ( between the 2 CH 3’s from RND
9). CH 2, 1HDCBP around the 2nd DC, CH
2, HDCBP around 3rd DC. CH 2. 1 SC into
2 strands behind the 4 HDC’s from previ-
ous round. *.
Repeat * to * until you have completed
this round. Slip stitch into 1st SC. Do not fasten off.
= 8 SC’s, 32 CH 2’s, 24 HDCBP’s.
To begin this round you will have slip
stitched into beginning SC from previous
round. Now CH 5 and slip stitch back into
that same SC, creating a CH 5 LOOP.
*CH 1 over the CH 2’s and the 1st HDCBP
from previous round.
Then make 5TR’s into the next CH 2 space, skip over the next
HDBP, and TR 5 into the next CH 2 space. CH1, skip over the last
HDCBP and CH 2, slip stitch into the 1 SC, CH 5 and slip stitch back
into the same SC. *
Repeat * to* . To end this round slip stitch into the base of your
1st LOOP. Fasten off.
= 8 CH 5 LOOPS, 16 CH1’s, 80 TR’s
Begin this round with a HDCBP around
the “leg” at the base of the CH 5
LOOP. This will be where the SC ( RND
11) and the SC (RND 12) meet.
*CH 1. Now do a HDCBP around each
post of the 10 TR’s. CH 1 and make a
HDCBP around the “leg” below the CH
5 LOOP.*
Repeat * to * until this round is
= 88 HDCBP’s, 16 CH 1’s.
To close, slip stitch into 1st HDCBP and fasten off.
Begin with a SC into any CH 1 before a
HDCBP ( RND 13). CH 1 and *skip over
the 1st HDCBP. 1 SC into the next space,
CH 1, skip over the 2nd HDCBP, SC into
next space ( you’re working 1 SC be-
tween each HDCBP, separated by a CH 1).
Continue thus until you reach your last
CH 1 over HDCBP #10, then SC into CH 1
space, CH2, 1 SC into next CH1 space.*
Repeat * to *.
= 88 SC’s, 8 CH 2’s, 80 CH 1’s
Slip stitch into 1st SC to close. Fasten off.
Begin this round by making a PUFF stitch
*( yo x 4 ) into the CH 5 LOOP (RND 12).
You’ll be working this PUFF into the LOOP
and also over the CH2’s(RND 14) behind
the LOOP. CH 1 to close your PUFF, CH 1,
skip over 2 SC * then *1 SC into next CH 1 space, CH 1, skip over
SC and SC 1 into next CH 1 space*
Repeat * to * until you have 8 SC and 7 CH1’s.
CH 1, skip over 2 SC’s and make another PUFF * to *
Repeat the instructions until you have,
= 8 PUFF’s (yo x 4)
72 CH1’s
64 SC’s
To close this round slip stitch into top of your 1st Puff. Fasten off.
Begin this round with 2 CH (=1HDC) +
2HDC’s INTO the top of any PUFF from
previous round. Now make 1 TRFP
around the left “leg” of the CH 5 LOOP
(RND12). Skip over the 1st SC from previ-
ous round and 1 SC into next CH 1 space, *CH 1, skip over next SC
and 1 SC into next CH 1 space. Do this until you have 7 SC’s and 6
CH1’s. Now 1 TRFP around the “leg” of the CH 5 LOOP (RND 12),
then 3 HDC’s into the top of the next PUFF. 1 TRFP around the
“leg” of the CH 5 LOOP (RND 12 ), skip 1st SC ( previous round )
and SC into next CH 1 space.*
Repeat * to *= 58 SC’s, 48 CH 1’s, 16 TRFP’s,8 sets of 3 HDS’s.
To close, slip stitch into beginning chains. Fasten off.
ROUND SEVENTEEN ( INTO = literally into
the stitch )
Begin in a space directly after a “ left leg”
TRFP ( from previous round ) with a CH 3
= 1DC. *Now IDC INTO the 1st SC, 1 DC in-
to the CH 1 space, 1 DC INTO the next
2nd SC, 1 DC into the next CH 1 space = 5
DC’s. Now, make a DC V-stitch ( 1DC, CH1,
1 DC ) INTO the next SC. Skip over the CH
1, and 1 DC V-stitch INTO next SC, skip
over CH 1, 1 DC V-stitch INTO next SC.
Then 1 DC next CH1 space, 1 DC INTO next
SC, 1 DC into CH 1 space, 1 DC INTO SC.
The last 1 DC is into that space just before your next TRFP. Now
TRFP2TOG over the TRFP’s and 3 HDC’s ( previous round) . 1 DC
into next space ( before 1st SC ).*
Repeat * to * until you have = 24 DC V-stiches and 80 DC’s, 8
To close this round slip stitch into
your first chains. Fasten off.
ROUND EIGHTEEN ( Making Bobbles!)
**Note: this a slightly smaller version of
the BOBBLE which normally is DC5TOG.**
Begin by turning your work WS ( wrong
side ).
Now * work a BOBBLE stitch into the 1st
DC V-stitch on your right. To make the
BOBBLE. CH3 (=1 DC) then DC3TOG and 1
SC back into the V-stitch. CH3. Work an-
other BOBBLE stitch into your next V-
stitch, CH 3, work another BOBBLE stitch
into your last V-stitch. After the last SC
back into the V-stitch, pull yarn through
and snip off. Leave a few inches of tail to
work in later. * Do this into each of the V-stitches ( 8 sets of three
V-stitches ).
16 CH 3’s.
Begin this round on the RS (right side) of
your work. You’ll be working a DC V-
stitch over those CH 3’s from the previ-
ous round.
Start in the space beneath the 1st CH3
which is where your V’s from RND 17
join. CH 3 = 1DC, CH 1 and 1 DC ( = 1DC
V-stitch ). Now make another DC V-
stitch over the next CH3’s and into the
joining space of the previous V’s ( RND
17). *Now work 1 DC between the next
5 DC’s from RND17. Begin in the space
before the 1st DC (RND 17). There will be
1 DC post left at the end. Skip over this
DC and make a SCFP around the top of
the TR2FPTOG’s (RND 17). Then skip
over 1st DC , 1 DC between next 5 DC’s.
Skip over BOBBLE and make a 1 DC V-
stich over the CH3’s and joining space ( RND 17). Skip over next
BOBBLE , 1 DC V-stitch over CH 3’s and joining space (RND 17).*
Repeat * to * until you have 16 DC V-stitches, 80 DC’s, 8 SCFP’s.
To close this round slip stitch into the beginning chains. Fasten off.
This is the 2nd BOBBLE ROUND.
Repeat the BOBBLE instructions
from RND 18. You’ll be making 1
Bobble into each 1 DC V-stitch,
with a CH 3 space between them.
Then you’ll fasten off leaving a tail
to work in later.
You should end this round with 16
BOBBLE stiches and 8 Ch3’s.
Begin between the 2 BOBBLES from previous round with a CH 3
=1 DC + 1 CH + 1 DC ( = I DC V-stitch ), over the CH 3 and joining
space ( RND 19 ). DC 2 into space before 1st DC, *DC 1 between
next 4 DC’S. Skip over last DC , 1 SC into very next space before
the SCFP (RND 19). Make a SC2TOG over the SCFP. Your SC’S will
fall either side of the SCFP. * 1 DC between next 4 DC’s, skip over
last DC , DC 2 into that space. Skip over BOBBLE, 1 DC V-stitch
over the CH3 and joining space ( RND 19 ). Skip over next BOB-
BLE, DC 2 before 1st DC. Skip over last DC post.*
Repeat * to * until you have 8 DC V-stitches, 96 DC’s, 8 SC2TOG.
To close, slip stitch into the beginning chains. Fasten off.
Into the final DC V-stitch make 1 BOBBLE stitch as per pre-
vious instructions. Leave a tail to work in later.
Begin with a CH3 = 1 DC + 2DC * into the space before the 2 DC
( RND 21) , 1 DC between the next 2 DC’s, then 1 DC between the
next 4 DC’s. Skip over last DC post. Work a SC2TOG ( as before )
over the SC2TOG ( RND 21 ), skip over first DC, 1 DC between next
4 DC’S , 1 DC between the next 2 DC’s, skip over last DC post, and
DC 3 into next space. Skip over last BOBBLE, DC 3*.
Repeat * to * until you have 128 DC’S, 8 SC2TOG’s.
To end this round slip stitch into beginning chains,
Do not fasten off.
1 SC back into the joining space between 3DC’s ^ 3DC’s.
* 1 SC between the next 6 DC’s, there will be 2 remaining DC’s.
1 DBLTRFP ( double treble front post ) around the LEFT TRFP
( RND 19), 1 SC between the remaining 2 DC’s, skip over last DC
post, SC2TOG’s over the SC2TOG’s (from previous round).
Place the 1 SC’s in the space after last and before first DC’s.
1 SC between next 2 DC’s then 1DBLTRFP under the 1st DBLTRFP
and around the TRFP ( RND 19 ). They will cross over each other.
1 SC between next 6 DC’s and 3 SC into the joining space be-
tween the 3DC’s ^ 3DC’s.*
Repeat until you have 8 SC2TOG’s, 80 SC’s, 16 DBLTRFP’s.
To close this round, make 2 SC into that joining space between
the 2 sets of DC3’s. Slip stitch into the 1st SC. Fasten off.
Begin this round with a PUFF stitch ( yo x 4 ). See image ( RND 23)
where to place this PUFF.
CH 1 to close the PUFF. Now *skip over the 1 SC from previous
round then make 1 SC into the BACK LOOP of the DBLTRFP
( RND24 ). This counts as your 1st SC. Now 1 SC into the BACK
LOOPS of the next 14 stitches, 1 SC into the BACK LOOP of the
next DBLTRFP. = 16 SC’s.
Skip over the 1 SC from previous round, make a PUFF between
the SC2TOG (RND 23). CH 1 to close PUFF.*
Repeat * to * until you have 8 PUFFS ( yo x 4 ), 128 BLSC’s.
To close this round, slip stitch into the top of the 1st PUFF stitch
and fasten off.
Begin this round with CH3 =1DC + 5DC’s into that teeny hole at
the top of any PUFF. = 6DC’s.
*Skip 2 back loop SC’s then SC 1 between the next 13 stitches.
There will be 2BLSC’s at the end. Skip over the 2BLSC’s and make
6DC’s into the top of your next PUFF. *
Repeat * to * until you have 8 x 6DC’s, 104 SC’s.
To end this round slip stitch into the top of your beginning CH3.
Begin with a *1 SC into the space between the first and se-
cond SC’s after a 6dc fan. Now 1 SC between the next 11 st. =
12 SC. Skip over the last SC. Now make 1 SCFP around each of the
6DC’s. Skip 1 SC ( from previous round) and 1SC between next 12
stitches = 12 SC’s. *
Repeat * to * until you have 8 x 6SCFP’s, 96 SC’s.