2008 Volume 45, No. 1
2008 Volume 45, No. 1
2008 Volume 45, No. 1
American institute of steel Construction
Editorial staff
Editor: Cynthia J. Duncan
Associate Editor: Bo Dowswell
Research Editor: Reidar Bjorhovde
Managing Editor: Keith A. Grubb, P.E., S.E.
Production Editor: Areti Gertos
Rex I. Lewis, Chairman
Puma Steel, Cheyenne, WY
David Harwell, Vice Chairman
Central Texas Iron Works, Inc., Waco, TX
Stephen E. Porter, Treasurer
Indiana Steel Fabricating, Inc., Indianapolis, IN
Roger E. Ferch, President
American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago
David B. Ratterman, Secretary & General Counsel
American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago
John P. Cross, Vice President
AISC Marketing, LLC., Chicago
Louis F. Geschwindner, Vice President
American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago
Roberta L. Marstellar, Vice President
American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago
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American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago
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As you may have noticed, since the completion of the 2005 AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings and publication
of the 13th Ed. AISC Steel Construction Manual, we have had issues of the Engineering Journal containing articles providing
background and discussion of topics contained in those AISC documents. This quarter there is one additional article that will
provide background and insight into the provisions for composite columns and beam-columns in Chapter I of the 2005 AISC
Specification. This article entitled, “Limit State Response of Composite Columns and Beam-Columns, Part II: Application of
Design Provisions for the 2005 AISC Specification” is a sequel to Part I published in the 4th Q 2007 issue. As before, we have
identified this article with the header, Spec/Manual Reference.
Cynthia J. Duncan
BACKGROUND: CODE TREATMENT UNTIL 2005 and φRn = φ[0.6 Fu Anv + Fy Agt ] (2b)
In 1978, destructive tests on coped beams with bolted web where, in addition to the symbols in Equation 1,
connections were performed with some exhibiting what has φ = 0.75
become known as block shear as the failure mode (Birkemoe Fy = specified minimum yield strength
and Gilmor, 1978). They proposed a design equation in which Agv = gross area subject to shear
the ultimate shear strength is applied to the net shear area Agt = gross area subject to tension
and ultimate tensile strength to the net tension area. Block
shear occurs when the web, for this case, develops its ulti-
mate strength along the perimeter bolt holes and a “block”
of this web begins to fracture. Figure 1a shows this block
shear path for a coped beam. The equation that Birkemoe
and Gilmor proposed was:
Fig. 3. 1998 LRFD vs. 2005 (with Ubs = 0.5) block shear treatment for tested angles.
Vc =
I n 1991 an AISC task group endorsed the uniform force
method (UFM) as the preferred method for determining the
forces that exist at gusset interfaces. Since that time it has
P (1d)
been included in the AISC Manual of Steel Construction.
The UFM provides a standardized way to obtain economical,
(α + e ) + ( β + e )
2 2
r= (2)
statically admissible force distributions for vertical bracing c b
Vc β ⎡ eb ⎛ tan(θ)(e b + β) − ec⎞ ⎤
Hc eb ⎢⎣ β ⎜⎝
α ⎟⎠ + 1⎥
(5) ∑ M = 0 = H (e c b )
+ β − P cos( θ )ec (9)
= ⎜
Vb eb ⎛ tan( θ ) ( eb + β − ec ⎞ (6) To satisfy the requisite geometry for the beam-to-gusset and
α ⎟
H c ec ⎝ ⎠ beam-to-column forces, the following must be true:
H b = P sin( θ ) − H c (12)
Force Distribution
Vc = P cos( θ ) − Vb (13)
Having established the geometrical constraints required to
eliminate moments at all connection interfaces, the forces at
Fig. 5. Gusset free body diagram. Fig. 6. Column free body diagram.
( )
M b = H b eb − Vb − ∆Vb α (14)
Summing moments on the beam about the beam control
point produces:
{ ( (
M c = max Vc ec , Vc ec − H c eb + β ))} (15)
An Example
The forces on the connection shown in Figure 7 will be
calculated to demonstrate the new formulation. Fig. 7. Example.
( ) ( )
tan( θ ) β +eb − ec = tan(55o ) 6.5 + 12 − 7 = 19.4 ≠ α
For completeness the vertical coordinate of the column con-
Having eliminated the geometrical constraints on gusset size
trol point can be calculated as:
from the UFM, attention can be turned to other steps that can
be taken to reduce the gusset profile.
( )
⎛ tan( θ ) eb + β − ec ⎞
yccp = eb ⎜ ⎟
⎝ α ⎠ The Whitmore Section
The Whitmore section is commonly accepted to be an area,
( )
⎛ tan(55o ) 122 + 6.5 − 7 ⎞
= (12) ⎜ which extends at a 30o angle from the edges of the brace-
⎟ = 16.2 in.
⎝ 14.375 ⎠ to-gusset connection along the length of the connection.
The area beyond this section is assumed to be ineffective in
terms of gross tension yielding and compression buckling
It may be noted that for this case the term Vb is significantly of the gusset. It is common practice to try to include all of
larger than would be obtained using the traditional UFM. As the allowed Whitmore section within the gusset, but it is not
is the case with the traditional UFM, a ∆Vb can be introduced a requirement to do so. By allowing the edges of the gusset
to manipulate the distribution of vertical force. Taking ∆Vb plate to encroach on the Whitmore section, the profile of the
equal to 13.1 kips produces the same distribution of vertical gusset can be reduced.
force that is obtained from the UFM when all parameters
except α are held constant. Weld Size
As can be seen from Table 1, which presents a comparison
It is common practice to attempt to limit fillet weld sizes to
of the traditional UFM to the modified UFM, each can be
those that can be applied in a single pass, usually c in. This
modified to produce identical results. This is to be expected
greatly enhances connection economy, since the number of
since each must satisfy equilibrium. The primary advantage
passes required to complete a weld increases disproportion-
to the new formulation is that it eliminates the need for the
– and β–. Also the new formulation makes it easier ately with the leg size. To maintain a single pass weld, the
modifiers α
gusset plate dimensions, particularly at the beam-to-gusset
to overcome the perceived limitations of the UFM.
connection, are often increased. The gusset profile can be
reduced by allowing multiple pass welds to be used, but only
with increased fabrication costs.
Fig. 2. Interaction diagrams based on the stress distributions shown in Figure 1d through 1f.
second curve is for a concrete strain of approximately 0.005 limited ductility required for the steel to yield significantly
at the same location (Figure 1e). In the latter case, the effect (εs > 0.005) while the concrete compressive strength has not
of the unconfined concrete has been eliminated and only the decreased below that given by an assumption of a uniform
confined concrete core is contributing. Figure 2 also shows stress of 0.85f c′ for SRCs and rectangular CFTs (0.95f c′ for
the corresponding strength envelope assuming bilinear rigid- circular CFTs) over an effective depth similar to that used in
plastic stress-strain curves for the materials and calculated conventional reinforced concrete design. These assumptions
only for the position of the neutral axis at four discrete points are well within those made in Section 10.2 and 10.3 of the
(Figure 1f) rather than continuously. The latter corresponds ACI Code (ACI, 2005), and thus this approach is deemed to
to the simplified approach (plastic stress distribution meth- satisfy both the current steel and concrete design specifica-
od) used in the 2005 AISC Specification. tions. Note that the AISC Steel Construction Manual (AISC,
It should be noted that the strain-compatibility method dis- 2005b) indicates that the 0.95 factor for circular CFTs is
cussed here is the only one currently applicable to cases with for the uniform compression case only. However, the cali-
biaxial loading if one wants to generate interaction points in brations were conducted assuming 0.95 for any interaction
addition to the anchor points on the coordinate axes of the condition and thus that value is used in this paper for all cal-
interaction diagram. For that case the procedure is analogous culations for circular CFTs (Kim, 2005). The confinement
to that described in Figure 1, except that the section will not resulting from hoop stresses in circular tubes could justify a
be aligned along its principal axes as currently shown in Fig- larger factor in many practical cases, but other checks on the
ure 1a but at some other angle. The calculations will become column slenderness and the eccentricity of the load would be
more laborious and there are only approximate solutions required. The 0.95 factor was selected as a reasonable lower
available for the case of CFT columns, which can be treated bound value that would not require such further checks.
as reinforced concrete columns with distributed reinforce- The simplified or plastic stress distribution method is anal-
ment and distance between extreme bar layers equal to the ogous to the strain-compatibility method used to determine
section depth. However, the use of the interaction equations the strength of a reinforced concrete column, but rather than
of AISC 2005 Specification Chapter H (AISC, 2005a), dis- solving for a large number of points along the interaction
cussed below, provides an alternative procedure in which diagram, it relies on linear interpolation between four points
only the anchor points on the coordinate axes of the interac- for major axis bending for encased composite sections or
tion diagram need to be computed. five points for minor axis bending of encased composite sec-
The procedure discussed here is meant for monotonic tions and all filled composite sections (Figure 3). Aside from
loading cases; for seismic design further attention to con- these anchor points, the remaining points are approxima-
finement and local buckling phenomena will be needed to tions to the exact interaction curve. Designers can use the
sustain the strength envelopes shown in Figure 2 under large strain-compatibility method to check the plastic stress dis-
cyclic deformations. The strain compatibility method is now tribution method, but similar results will only be obtained if
embedded in a number of commercial structural analysis and the assumed stress-strain curves for the strain compatibility
design software packages for reinforced concrete sections method are the same as those for the plastic method.
and is accessible to most engineers. Thus the 2005 AISC
Specification explicitly endorses the use of these advanced
design tools. However, this approach is time-consuming and
not always useful for preliminary design.
The plastic stress distribution method proposed in Chap-
ter I of the 2005 AISC Specification is based on the plastic
stress distributions shown by the dashed lines in the material
properties in Figure 1. This method is intended to provide a
design-oriented approach that captures the essential features
of the strain compatibility one, but without the associated
complexities (Roik and Bergmann, 1992). This approach is
described in detail in this paper, which begins with a discus-
sion of the axial compressive strength of different composite
cross sections and then moves on to the design of composite
beam-columns. The materials are assumed to be elasto-plas-
tic, with no attempt to include deformation capacity (ductili- Fig. 3. Interaction diagrams for composite beam-columns:
ty) in the calculations. The assumption is that the confinement a) encased composite sections, strong axis,
required by the AISC Specification for encased shapes and and filled composite sections; and
that provided by the tubes in CFTs is sufficient to provide the b) encased composite sections, weak axis.
PRELIMINARY SIZING OF COMPOSITE SEC- may be used in the last term instead of 0.85 to account
TIONS FOR AXIAL COMPRESSION for the effects of confinement [see Equation (AISC
2005 I2-13)]. For encased sections and rectangular
For systems in which the composite columns are assumed to
concrete-filled tubes (RCFTs), an approximation of
carry primarily gravity loads, or for in assessing composite
Equations (AISC 2005 I2-4) and (AISC 2005 I2-13)
beam-column strength, the design process outlined below
can be used to find the preliminary size of the column as
as per the plastic stress distribution method may be used to
follows (and a similar formula is shown for circular
compute the design axial compressive strength. This may
concrete-filled tubes):
be used with the required strength, Pu, to assess the axial
strength of the member.1 See Leon, Kim and Hajjar (2007) Po
for a summary of all design equations discussed in this pro- Ag ≈ ((SRC and RCFT)
cedure. φ β ρFy + 0.3ρFyr + 0.8P5 fc′(1 − 1.3ρ
Ag ≈ ((SRC and RCFT)
1. Select the steel shape and reinforcing bars yield strengths,
Ag ≈ φ
β ρFoy + 0.3ρFyr + 0.(SRC
8 5 fc
′ (1and
− 1RCFT)
. 3ρ )
Fy and Fyr, respectively, and the concrete compressive
strength, f c′. φcβ ρFy + 0.95 fc′Po(1 − ρ )
Ag ≈ (CCFT) (CCFT)
2. Select a steel ratio, ρ, for the column. This ratio refers to
φcβ ρFy + 0.95 fc′ (1 − ρ
the area of the steel shape only, As, to the gross area of
concrete, Ag. The influence of the rebar will be ignored 5. Assume a preliminary section size and reinforcement
in this design procedure because the AISC Specification based on Ag calculated above and begin the checking
does not consider them in the calculations of the steel procedure. For filled composite sections, first check local
area. For encased composite sections in gravity systems, buckling of the steel tube as per AISC (2005a).
reasonable and economic sizes result from assuming ρ is
in the range of 8 to 12%. For filled composite sections, 6. Determine the coefficient C1 or C3 from Equation (AISC
the range for ρ is typically 6 to 10%. 2005 I2-7) for encased composite sections or Equation
(AISC 2005 I2-15) for filled composite sections:
3. Select a slenderness ratio for the column. Most com-
posite columns are not very slender, so the reduction in As
the nominal axial strength due to length effects is often C1 = 0.1 + 2 (AISC 2005 I2-7)
Ac + As
smaller than that for regular steel columns of the same
length. Most composite columns in gravity frames will ≈ (0 .1 + 2ρ) ≤ 0.3
have a slenderness parameter λ = Po Pe between 0.5
and 1.0 (corresponding to reductions for length effects As
of 80 to 65%). This reduction value will be termed β and C3 = 0.6 + 2 (AISC 2005 I2-15)
Ac + As
a value of 0.7 is recommended for initial trial designs.
≈ (0 .6 + 2ρ) ≤ 0.9
4. Calculate the required gross area of the concrete based on
Equation I2-4 from ANSI/AISC 360-05 (AISC, 2005a) 7. Compute the equivalent stiffness (EIeff ) from Equation
[termed in this paper Equation (AISC 2005 I2-4)]: (AISC 2005 I2-6) for encased composite sections or
(AISC 2005 I2-14) for filled composite sections:
= As Fy + Asr Fyr + 0.85 Ac fc′ , kips (kN)
φc β EIeff = EsIs + 0.5EsIsr + C1EcIc, kip-in.2 (N-mm2)
(AISC 2005 I2-4)
(AISC 2005 I2-6)
In the design of SRCs, one can assume that for this cal-
culation As ≈ ρAg, Asr ≈ 0.3ρAg and Ac = (1 − 1.3ρ)Ag. EIeff = EsIs + 1.0EsIsr + C3EcIc, kip-in.2 (N-mm2)
For circular concrete-filled steel tubes (CCFT), assume
(AISC 2005 I2-14)
As ≈ ρAg, Asr = 0, and Ac = (1 − ρ)Ag. For CCFTs, 0.95
For a complete set of notations, see Appendix A.
8. Compute the elastic Euler buckling load, Pe, from Equa- Fy = 50 ksi, Fyr = 60 ksi and f c′ = 8 ksi. Assume the column
tion (AISC 2005 I2-5) for buckling about the axis that is continuously braced about the minor axis. In Examples 1
provides the lower buckling strength: through 3, all the material and similar limitations in AISC
Sections I1.2, I2.1a and I2.2a are satisfied. Checking of
Pe = π2(EIeff) / (KL)2, kips (kN) (AISC 2005 I2-5) those limits will be illustrated in Example 4.
9. Calculate the squash load for the columns from Equa- 1. Select an initial steel ratio, ρ, of 10% for the column.
tion (AISC 2005 I2-4) or (AISC 2005 I2-13), where C2
2. Assume β = 0.7.
is 0.85 for rectangular tubes and 0.95 for circular pipes:
3. Calculate the required gross area:
Po = As Fy + Asr Fyr + 0.85Ac fc′ , kips (kN)
Po 4, 000
(AISC 2005 I2-4) Ag ≈ =
φcβ ρFy + 0.3ρFyr + 0.85 fc′(1 − 1.3ρ ) (0.75)(0.7) (0.1)(50) + 0.3(0.1)(6
Po = As Fy + Asr Fyr + C2 Ac fc′ , kips (kN) Ag ≈ 599 in.2
Po Po 4 , 0 00 4, 000
Ag ≈ A =
≈ =
(AISC 2005 I2-13) )
φcβ ρFy + 0.3ρFyr + 0.85 fc′(1 − 1.3ρ g φ(0cβ.75
c )
0.3f (′0(1.1−)(160
ρ)(F0y.7+) 0(.30ρ.1F)(yr50+)0+.85 . 3)ρ+(0.85
( 0).(75
.7))(0.1)(50) + 0.3(0.1)(6
This load corresponds to Ag the stress
≈ 599 in.2distribution shown in Ag ≈ 599 in. 2
Pn = Po 0.658 e , kips (kN)
(AISC 2005 I2-2)
(b) When Pe < 0.44Po:
Pn = 0.877Pe, kips (kN) (AISC 2005 I2-3)
Design Examples
necessarily be continuous through the joint due to the 8. Calculate the squash load for the column from Equation
presence of framing beams. In this example, only the (AISC 2005 I2-4):
four corner bars, located at a distance of 9.63 in. from the Po = As Fy + A sr Fyr + 0.85 Ac fc′
column centerline, will be assumed as continuous and
= (62.0)(50) + (33.16)(60) + (0.85)(511)(8)
used in the strength calculations [Asr = 4(0.79 in.2)]. For
this section: = 6,760 kips
As = 62.0 in. 2
5. Determine the coefficient C1 from Equation (AISC 2005 = 4,170 kips (LRFD) > 4,000 kips o.k.
The associated ASD strength is:
As 62.0 Pn /Ωc = (5,560 kips/2.00) = 2780 kips (ASD)
C1 = 0.1 + 2 = 0.1 + 2 511 + 62.0 = 0.316 but C1 ≤ 0.3 so C1 = 0.3
A + A s This should be compared to the required strength based
62.0 on ASD load combinations.
= 0.1 + 2 511 +
62. 0 = 0.316 but C1 ≤ 0.3 so C1 = 0.3
The final design is shown in Figure 4.
6. Compute the equivalent stiffness, EIeff, from Equation
(AISC 2005 I2-6) for encased shapes: Example 2: Circular Filled Concrete Column (CCFT)
7. Compute the elastic Euler buckling load, Pe, from Equa- 3. Calculate the required gross area:
tion (AISC 2005 I2-5):
Po 1, 500
Ag ≈ =
Pe =
π EIeff
π 121 × 10
2 6
) = 14, 400 kips
φcβ ρFy + 0.95fc′(1 − ρ
( 0). 75 )( 0 .7
7 )
( 0 . 08)(42) + 0.95(5)(0.92)
( KL ) ) )
( 24 (12
2 2
Po πDD 2 1, 500
Ag ≈ A ≈ 370 in. 2
= P ⇒ D = 21.7 in. 1, 500
Ag = ≈ (0.75)(0.77) 4(o0.08)(42) + 0=
φcβ ρFy + 0.95fc′(1 − ρ g φ
) c
. 95 (
5 )( 0 . 92 )
β ρFy + 0.95fc′(1 − ρ (0.75)(0.77) (0.08)(42) + 0.95(5)(0.92)
πDD 2
Ag ≈ 370 in.2 = ⇒ D =A21.7 ≈ in. in.2 = πD
⇒ D = 21.7 in.
4 g
4. The computed D exceeds the largest diameter avail- 9. Adjust for length effects:
able for circular hollow sections of 20 in. Assuming the Pe 10, 700
same ρ and D = 20 in., the required steel area is =
Po 2, 290
As ≈ 25.1 in.2 This is about halfway between the areas for
a HSS 20.00 × 0.500 and a HSS 20.00 × 0.375. Select = 4.67 > 0.44 use ANSI/AISC 360-05 Equation I2-2
the HSS 20.00 × 0.375 and check. For this section: Po 2, 290
= = 0.214
As = 21.5 in.2 Pe 10, 700
Is = Ix = 1,040 in.4 Po
A careful choice of the location of the neutral axis leads • Point C: intermediate case, with the neutral axis located
to the rapid generation of an interaction surface very close at a distance hn below the centroid. This approach as-
to the more refined one described above through the use of sumes that the interaction diagram (Figure 3a) is roughly
the expressions in these tables. The location of those points symmetrical about the axial load at the balance point
is shown in Figure 3, corresponding to the positions in Table (Point D) up to a moment equal to the plastic strength
1. Because of the concavity in the curve between Points A of the section (Point B). Thus Point C has been selected
and B for the case of minor axis bending of SRC sections, an as an arbitrary but convenient point given that it has the
additional Point E is used. same moment as Point B and twice the axial strength
The four points in Figure 3a and Table 1 correspond to: of the balance point. This choice considerably simplifies
calculations without appreciable error for symmetrical
• Point A: pure axial load case, with the cross-section un-
der uniform compression corresponding to εc = 0.003.
• Point D: balance point, or point of maximum moment,
• Point B: pure flexure case, with all steel in tension and
corresponding to the neutral axis at the centroid as this
compression yielding, ignoring concrete tensile contri-
gives the largest flexure contribution from the concrete
bution, and εc = 0.003. The neutral axis is located at a
distance hn above the centroid.
Fig. 5. Calculation of axial load and flexural strength for a given position of the NA.
Fig. 6. Axial strength at Point C obtained by adding cases (b) and (c) from Table 1.
The fifth point (Point E), used for SRC bent about its weak compression area can be represented by a rectangular
axis and concrete-filled tubes (Figure 3b), is computed by distribution across the entire section, simplifying the
selecting an arbitrary position of the neutral axis between calculation of the axial force:
Points A and C. For SRC bent about the weak axis, this point
PC = 0.8 5 fc′(h1h2 − As − Asr ) = 0.85 fc′(h1h2 − As − Asr )
is usually taken with the neutral axis at the flange tips.
In the computations that follow, as with the prior exam-
ples, the materials are assumed as rigid perfectly-plastic and 3. The axial force at Point D corresponds to one-half of that
assumed to have reached high strains so that the elastic con- at Point C, as the stress blocks corresponding to Point D
tribution is small. The design does not include any explicit will result from subtracting an area equal to hn h2 from
checks to ascertain that these large strains can be achieved. the axial force at Point C. Subtracting an additional hn
It is assumed that the requirements for local buckling and h2 from Point D will lead to Point B, in other words, the
transverse reinforcement implicitly satisfy this requirement. zero axial load case. Thus:
All the steel is assumed to be yielding in tension or com- PD = 0.425 fc′(h1h2 − As − Asr ) = 0.425 fc′Ac
pression and strain hardening is ignored. The concrete is as-
sumed to reach its strength at a strain of 0.003, and its non- PB = 0
linear stress distribution is assumed to be well-represented
by an equivalent rectangular block with a stress at 0.85f c′ . 4. The moment at Point D corresponds to the summation
There is currently some discussion of whether this is the best of all plastic section moduli times their yield stress, with
representation for high strength concrete, but this assump- the exception that the concrete contribution is halved be-
tion has provided reasonable results for composite columns cause only the portion in compression contributes. The
with concrete strengths up to approximately 10 ksi. The dif- moment at Point D is thus:
ferences in performance between confined and unconfined
concrete are ignored, except that for the case of concrete- )
M D = Z s Fy + Z r Fyr + 2 Zc ( 0.85 fc ′
filled circular pipes, where the stress can be increased from
0.85 f c′ to 0.95f c′ as mentioned earlier. where
(d − 2t f ) t w2
Steel Reinforced Concrete (SRC) Major Axis Bending Zs = + b f t f (d − t f ), or as given in Parrt 1 of the AISC Manua
The development of the unfactored interaction diagram for a (d − 2t4f ) t w22
(Rd − 2t f ) t w + b f t f (d − t f ), or as given in Parrt 1 of the AISC Manua
= given
Z s as
SRC column bent about its major axis (Table 2) requires the or
Zrs == ∑
Z Asr ein
4i , Part
bof t the
(d AISC ),Manual
− t f al or asbe
r of binarPar
s rt 1 of the AISC Manua
fR fis the tot num
i 4
following steps (Roik and Bergmann, 1992): i =1
Zr = ∑ R 2
h1h2A e , wherre R is the total number of bars
sri i where R is the total number of bars
1. Point A is the squash load for the column, Po, obtained = ∑
Z rc = 1 As−
Z i =
i =4
1 2
ei , wh
ri Z
− Zerrre R is the total number of bars
by setting all the materials at their plastic axial strength. hh
Thus: Z c = h11h222 − Z s − Z r
Zc = 4 − Z s − Zr
P A = Po = As Fy + Asr Fyr + 0.85 fc′Ac
In these formulas Asri is the area of reinforcing bar i and
2. The axial force at Point C is obtained next by adding ei is its distance from the plastic neutral axis.
the stress distributions from Cases (b) and (c) in Table
1 and integrating the resulting stresses across the cross 5. To calculate the moments at B and C, another mathemat-
section. The summation is purely a mathematical artifice ical trick is used. The stress distribution for Point C is
to obtain the axial load at C, since Case (b) corresponds subtracted from that of Point B. Most of the forces can-
to the case of no axial load while Case (c) corresponds cel out, leading to the stress blocks shown in Figure 7.
to the axial load needed for Point C. The resultant stress Because these remaining stress blocks result in a zero
blocks from this sum are shown in Figure 6. net moment about the centroid, the moments at B and C
must be equal. In addition, since we know from Step 2
As can be seen from Figure 6, all the forces in the steel (above) what the value of PC is, the distribution shown
section and reinforcing bars cancel each other out when in Figure 7 allows the value of hn to be calculated. In the
computing the resultant axial force, leaving only the con- calculations for Figure 7, the steel stress is decreased by
crete portions as the axial force resultant. As only axial 0.85f c′ for consistency with the uniform stress used in
force is to be computed using this diagram, it is possible Step 2. In addition, one must check that hn < (d/2 – tf )
to move the concrete compression block from Case (b) to insure that the location of hn is within the web of the
to a location below that of Case (c). Thus the concrete steel section. Finally, note that there are no reinforcing
bars within the 2hn zone near the middle of the 8. Finally, if the location of hn is outside the steel shape, the
beams; if there were, the force in those bars, equal to expressions for hn and Zs become:
Asr(2Fyr -0.85f c′ ), must be subtracted from the numerator
of the expression for hn. Thus: hn =
0.85 fc′( Ac + As − 2Fy As
2 0.85 fc′ h1 )
Z sn = Z sx
PC = 0.85 fc ′A (from Step 2)
( )
PC = 2hn 0.85 fc′h1 + t w (2 Fy − 0.85 fc′ ) (from Figure 7) Steel Reinforced Concrete (SRC) Minor Axis Bending
0.85 fc′h1h2 d The procedure for determining the axial load-flexure interac-
hn = ≤ − tf
2(0.85 fc′h1 + t w (2 Fy − 0.85 fc′ )) 2 tion diagram for minor axis bending is the same as that for
major axis bending with two exceptions:
6. Once hn has been obtained, the moments at B and C can 1. There are only two possible locations of hn (either within
be calculated using either of the given stress distributions. or outside the steel section – see Table 3).
Alternatively, this moment can be obtained by subtract-
ing the contribution of the portions within the central 2hn 2. Another location of hn is needed to determine Point E.
region from the maximum moment (MD). Thus: A convenient location to choose is the tip of the flanges.
This is the case shown in Table 3 as Point E. The ex-
M C = MB = M D − Z sn Fy − 2 Zcn (0.85 fc′ ) pressions derived for the cases where the plastic neutral
axis is within the steel section (Points B and C) are valid
Z sn = t w hn 2
for the calculation of the values at Point E, except that
Z cn = h1hn 2 − Z sn hn = bf /2.
Z = ∑As r ei , where N is the numbeer of bars within 2hn
r i =1
Rectangular Concrete-Filled Steel Tube (RCFT)
7. If step (5) resulted in the location of hn not being in The procedure for determining the axial load-flexure interac-
the web, the next assumption is that it will be within tion diagram for rectangular concrete-filled tubes is similar
the flange. For this case, the expressions for hn and Zs to that described above for SRC, and the resulting values are
become: shown in Table 4.
hn =
( )
0.85 fc′ Ac + As − db f − 2 Fy As − db f( ) Circular Concrete-Filled Steel Tube (CCFT)
( )
2 0.85 fc′ h1 − b f + 2 Fy b f
The resulting values for CCFT sections are shown in Table 5.
Note again that in the definitions of θ and Zs for Point B,
Z sn = Z s − b f
2 (− hn
2 )( d
+ hn , − t f ≤ hn ≤
changes have been made to correct errors in the table that
appear in the AISC 13th Ed. Steel Construction Manual CD
Companion accompanying the AISC Manual (AISC, 2005b).
Fig. 7. Moment at Points B and C: stress resultants corresponding to the subtraction of cases
(b) and (c) in Table 1 and leading to the calculation of hn.
Stability Considerations Pr
(b) For < 0.2
Once the cross-sectional strength has been established, this Pc
interaction surface needs to be reduced to account for: (a) sta-
bility effects and (b) design strength as opposed to nominal Pr M rx M ry
+ + ≤ 1.0 (AISC H1-1b)
strength. To account for stability, the usual column formula 2Pc M cx M cy
has been used in conjunction with an equivalent moment of
inertia. This is straightforward, although it results in a sub- where
stantial difference in the approach to stability from that given, Pr = required compressive strength, kips (N)
for example, in ACI 318 (ACI, 2005) for composite columns. Pc = available compressive strength, kips (N)
The next step, the reduction from nominal to design loads, Mr = required flexural strength, kip-in. (N-mm)
is not so simple due to the fact that as the failure shifts from Mc = available flexural strength, kip-in. (N-mm)
tension yielding at low axial loads to compression at loads x = subscript relating symbol to strong axis bending
above the balance point, it will seem that the overall factor y = subscript relating symbol to weak axis bending
for the member should change. In reinforced concrete design
For this case, the safety and resistance factors from Section
this is achieved by changing the resistance factor from 0.90
I4 are applicable:
to 0.65 as the strain in the extreme tensile fiber goes from
0.0005 to the yield strain of the steel. This factor is applied to φc = 0.75 (LRFD) Ωc = 2.00 (ASD)
both the moment and axial force components. AISC has cho-
φb = 0.90 (LRFD) Ωb = 1.67 (ASD)
sen not to use that approach and to retain separate resistance
factors and safety factors for axial loads and flexure. This, Similar equations may be used for the case of axial tension
and the desire to provide simplified approaches for design, plus flexure.
has resulted in three separate approaches to checking the
strength of a composite beam-column: (1) an approach based Method 2: Full Plastic Strength Approach Based on
on the use of the existing interaction formulas in AISC 2005 Polygonal Interaction Envelope
Specification Chapter H (AISC, 2005a); (2) a more complex
This approach requires the calculation of the full interaction
approach based on the complete polygonal interaction dia-
diagram or a reduced set thereof (for example, the four or five
gram; and (3) a simplified version of the polygonal approach
points shown in Tables 2 through 5). The axial load values
that uses only one intermediate point. A description of these
approaches follows.
are then reduced to take into account stability effects and Pcb = axial compressive strength at balanced moment,
also reduced by the following safety and resistance factors: Mcb, kips (N)
Mr = required flexural strength, kip-in. (N-mm)
φc = 0.75 (LRFD) Ωc = 2.00 (ASD)
Mc = available flexural strength, kip-in. (N-mm)
φb = 0.90 (LRFD) Ωb = 1.67 (ASD) Mcb = balanced moment, kip-in. (N-mm)
x = subscript relating symbol to strong axis
The corresponding interaction diagram is shown in Figure 8, bending
where the subscript d indicates that the values are the design y = subscript relating symbol to weak axis bending
ones (in other words, including a slenderness reduction and
the resistance factor). The number of checks and equations Similar equations as those given for Method 1 may be used
needed increase substantially as the number of points used to for the case of axial tension plus flexure.
define the envelope increases. The complete set of equations One issue with using a different set of resistance and safety
needed for the case of checking the resistance between the factors for flexure and axial force is the possibility that upon
five points is too lengthy to be included here and thus only a the application of the stability reduction coupled with the
simplified case will be illustrated. For a possible polygonal resistance or safety factors, the resulting available strength
approach to the interaction diagram using Points A, B, and D envelope may fall outside the cross section strength envelope
only, the checks then become: in the area immediately below the balance point (Figure 9).
A simple way has not yet been determined for including this
If Pn < PD added strength without encountering this potential uncon-
servative design area within the context of accounting for
M rx M ry stability using the current AISC Specification.
and if ≤ 1 and ≤ 1 then
M cx M cy
Method 3: Simplified Approach Based on Polygon
M rx M ry
+ ≤1 (1) Values
M cx M cy
To maintain some of the substantial strength gains from the
strain compatibility approach but to simplify the design pro-
M rx M ry cess, a third approach has been proposed. In this approach,
otherwise if > 1 and ≤ 1 then
M cx M cy a third anchor point, Cd, is used in addition to points Ad and
Bd as seen in Figure 10. The new Point Cd is derived from the
Pr M cbx − M rx M ry
+ + ≤1 (2) flexural design strength of the member (Mn from Point B)
Pcb M cbx − M cx M cy and the corresponding axial strength from Point C (See Fig-
ure 3), with appropriate reduction taken to account for slen-
M rx M ry derness effects and resistance or safety factors as per Leon
otherwise if ≤ 1 and > 1 then et al. (2007). Similar equations as those given for Method 2
M cx M cy
may be used for the case of axial tension plus flexure.
Pr M rx M cby − M ry
+ + ≤1 (3)
Pcb M cx M cby − M cy
M rx M ry
otherwise if > 1 and > 1 then
M cx M cy
Pr M cbx − M rx M cby − M ry
+ + ≤1 (4)
Pcb M cbx − M cx M cby − M cy
If Pr ≥ Pcb
Pr − Pcb M rx M ry
+ + ≤1 (5)
Pc − Pcb M cbx M cby
Pr = required compressive strength, kips (N)
Pc = available compressive strength, kips (N) Fig. 9. Possible breaching of ultimate strength envelope
by design envelope due to application of resistance
and stability reduction factors.
Note that if buckling had not been prevented about the minor
axis, the Is to be used in the computation of Ieff would have
been Iy rather than Ix.
π 2 EI eff π 2 (20.4 × 10 6 )
Pe = = = 2, 430 kips
( kL )2 (24 × 12)2
Po 1,630
= = 0.67 < 2.25
Pe 2,430
Pe 2, 430
= = 1.49 > 0.44
Po 1,630
Before computing Mb, MD must be computed:
( 0.67)
Pn = Po 0.658 e = (1,630 kips) 0.658
( )
= 1,230 kips M D = Z s Fy + Z r Fy r + 2 Zc 0.85 f c′
2( 0.85 ( ( ) ) ) )) )
2 ( 0.853.0( 3.018(18 = 5,650 kip-in.
= −6.41 in. < 6.90 in., so hn is not outside the steel φbMB = (0.90)(5,650) = 5,090 kip-in.
section MB/Ωb = (5,650/1.67) = 3,380 kip-in.
Fo hhn within the flange
2)2) For ( 2
− t f < hn ≤
d or 6.31 in.< h ≤ 6.90 in.
2 n Point C (MC = MB; PC = 0.85 fc′Ac)
Fo hhor 6.31in.<0h.8n5≤fc6.90
2) Fo
hn =
( ((
′ Acin.
22 s f )) )
+ −A (
− tt−f d<b<hf hnn−≤≤2 Fy Ad d or
s 6.31
in.<hhnn ≤≤66.9.900P
b f in.< )
inin..= A ( 0.85 f ′
C c c
hhnn ==
(( 2 0 . 85 ())
f ′ h
− b +
00.8.855fcf′c′ AAc c++AAs s −−ddcbbf f −1−22FFyfy AAs s −−dydbbff f 2 F
( ) ) )
= 308 in. ( 0.85 ( 3.0 ksi = 7785 kips
(3ff)′c(′ 308
.585 c ))
bf f .1++−22(F1Fy3ybb.f8f)(8.03 φPC = 0.75(785)(0.658)0.67 = 445 kips
308++14 2 0 . 85 (
3 ) ( 1
14.1.1−−(1(133.8.8)()(88.0.033 8 −
8 .)03 + 2 (5 0 )( 8 . 03)
Cd Ω = (784)(0.658)
P 0.67
2.00 = 296 kips
2200.85 )) .03 ++22((5500)()(88.03.03))
M C = M B = 5, 6650 kip-in.
φM C = φM B = (0.9)5, 650 kip-in. = 5,0090 kip-in.
2(550) (14.1 − (13.8)(8.03)
) M C Ω = M B Ω = 5, 650 1.67 kip-in. = 3,3880 kip-in.
2 0.85(3) (18 − 8.03 + 2(50)(8.03)
Point D
= 6.16 in., so hn is in the web
PD = c
A ( 0.85 fc′
Since h n is within the web and thus no rebars are present 2
Since hwithin
is w h nin(Athsre=w0):
ith eb an d t hus no re ba rs
r ar e p re se nt w ith in h(
( A sr
= )
0) : ) =
308 in.2 ( 0.85 ( 3.0 ksi
0.85fc′ Ac 2
hn =
2 0.85fc′ ( h1 − t w + 2 Fy t w = 393 kips
0.85 ( 3 (3308) φPD = 0.75(393)(0.658)0.67 = 223 kkips
2 0.85(3) (18 − 0.340 + 2(50)(0.340) PD Ω = (393)(0.658)0.67 2.00 = 148 kips
I g = I s + I c = 7,8850 in.4 c
φbMB = (0.9)(6,870) = 6,180 kip-in.
If Pe > 0.44 Po , Pn = 0.658 e Po = 2,190 kips
MB/Ωb = (6,870/1.67) = 4,110 kip-in.
From definitions of Point B in Table 5: Slenderness reductions on the axial strength and application
of resistance and safety factors to axial and flexural strength
K c = fc′ h 2 = 1,860 kips should be taken as per Example 4 and Leon et al. (2007).
K s = Fy rm t = 144 kips
Point D in Table 5
0.0260 K c − 2 K s ( 0.0260 K + 2K s ) 2
+ 0.857 K c K s
0.0848 K c
0.0848 K c
= 2.19
PD =
( 0.95 f ′) A
c c
= 696 kips
0.0260 K c − 2 K s
( 0.0260 K c
+ 2K s ) 2
+ 0.857 K c K s
= 2.19
Z c = h 3 6 = 1, 200 in.3
0.0848 K c 0.0848 K c
= 2.19 rad ( )
Z s = d 3 6 − Z c = 133 in.3
Z cB =
h 3 sin 3 ( θ 2 ) = 842 in. 3
M D = Z s Fy +
) = 8,440 kip-in.
Z c ( 0.95 fc′
6 2
d −h
3 3
Z sB ≈
sin( ) ( θ 2 = 116 in.3
4 /3
) Slenderness reductions on the axial strength and application
of resistance and safety factors to axial and flexural strength
should be taken as per Example 4 and Leon et al. (2007).
M B = Z sB Fy +
Z cB 0.95 fc′ ) = 6,870 kip-in. The results are summarized in Figure 13.
Leon, R.T., Kim, D.K., and Hajjar, J.F. (2007), “Limit State
Response of Composite Columns and Beam-Columns:
Formulation of Design Provisions for the 2005 AISC
Specification,” Engineering Journal, AISC, No. 4, 4th
Quarter, pp. 341–358.
Roik, K. and Bergmann, R. (1992),. “Composite Columns,”
in Constructional Steel Design, Dowling, P., Harding, J.E.
and Bjorhovde, R. (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers,
New York, pp. 443–470.
Viest, I.M., Colaco, J.P., Furlong, R.W., Griffis, L.G., Leon,
R.T., and Wyllie, L.A., Jr. (1997), Composite Construc-
tion: Design for Buildings, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Patch load assuming: (a) a uniform stress distribution and (b) a triangular stress distribution.
⎣ (
Pp = ⎡⎢ α t f + tbp ) + 2k ⎤⎦⎥ 2t F
1 p yp (4)
α = constant which depends on the slope of the
stress gradient assumed through the flange Fig. 3. Effective area of steel post for calculating
tbp = thickness of the base plate of the post the ultimate post load.
Fig. 4. Experimental setup with a timber post and steel beam Fig. 5. Force displacement curve for HP14×73 beams:
with blocking and an eccentricity between (a) concentrically loaded with no blocking and
the centroid of the beam and post. (b) concentrically loaded with blocking.
Fig. 6. Comparison of ultimate force observed due to flaking Fig. 7. Comparison of calculated ultimate force to experimental
on the flange and ultimate force calculated at a 50% reduction ultimate force based on a 50% reduction in stiffness.
in initial stiffness from force displacement curve.
⎛ 1 1 ⎞
Pu < ⎜ + ⎟ (6a)
⎝ φRnf φPnp 2 ⎠
φRnf = design strength of the flange including
φPnp = design strength of the post
The design strength of the flange, including blocking (when
used), is given by
φb = resistance factor for flange bending, equal to
0.90 (AISC, 2005)
φc = resistance factor for compression in the block-
ing, equal to 0.90 (AFPA, 1996)
λ = time effect factor, equal to 1.0 for a typical
falsework duration
The design strength of the post is given by
18t f2 Ff where
Fcb′ Ab
Fcf = + (7b) R = applied force in the post
Ap Ap
The allowable stress in the post including blocking is given
Ff = allowable flange stress, equal to 22 ksi for A36 ⎛ ⎞
0.3Fcb′ Ab
steel or 30 ksi for A572 Gr. 50 or A992 steel Fcpb = Fcp ⎜ 1 + ⎟ (9c)
beams if the allowable stress safety factor (1.67) ⎜
⎝ Fcp ⎣ (f bp )
⎡ 5 t + t + 2k ⎤ 2 t ⎟
1⎦ p⎠
is applied as defined by the AISC Specification
(AISC, 2005) where
F c′b = allowable compression stress in the timber Fcp = 28 ksi for an A500 Gr. B round hollow steel sec-
blocking (AFPA, 2001) tion based on an allowable stress safety factor of
F′cp = allowable stress in the post, due to post com- 1.50, as for web yielding (AISC, 2005)
pression over a short length of the post, with ap- F′cb = allowable stress in the timber blocking (AFPA,
plicable modification factors, is taken directly 2001)
from the ASD specifications (AFPA, 2001)
Design Strength with a Steel Post
The capacity of the beam-post joint region for an unstiffened
The design capacity of the flange-post bearing joint region beam supporting or supported by a timber or steel post, simi-
with a steel post can be most accurately determined using the lar to those found in bridge falsework, may be governed by
effective bearing area. Therefore, using the LRFD format, a combination of flange bending and post crushing or yield-
design of the flange-post region should ensure that ing. A series of experiments and finite element analyses were
conducted to investigate potential failure mechanisms and
Pu < φRn (8a) to quantify the flange-post joint capacity. Also considered
in the study was the effect of: i) blocking placed between
where the top and bottom flanges, and ii) eccentricity between the
Pu = factored applied load centroids of the beam and post. Accordingly, the following
φRn = design strength of the post in bearing, including observations were made:
the strength provided by blocking 1. The ultimate capacity of the joint is defined at a point
φRn is given by where the stiffness of the force-displacement curve re-
duces to 50% of the initial stiffness. This definition of the
ultimate capacity provided consistent correlation with
⎣ ( )
φRn = φcp ⎡5 t f + tbp + 2 k1 ⎤ 2t p Fyp + φcb 0.3Fc′Ab (8b)
⎦ the experimental observations; namely onset of flange
2. Depending on the size of the beam, timber blocking
φcp = resistance factor for compression in the post,
is found to increase flange-post joint capacity by 20
which, to be consistent with that used for web
to 70%.
yielding, equal to 1.00 (AISC, 2005)
φcb = resistance factor for the blocking, equal to 0.90
While this procedure may, in some cases, result in proper (a) (b)
capacity design of boundary elements, there is an inconsis- Fig. 2. Conceptual difference between: (a) SPSW subject
tency with respect to equilibrium. In step 4 the procedure to lateral load and (b) SPSW boundary frame
requires that forces equal to the expected yield strength of subject to only infill plate yield forces.
The local bending moments in the VBE due to tension field Objective
action in the web shall be multiplied by the amplification As discussed above there are two rather simple linear pro-
factor, B. cedures for capacity design of SPSW VBEs given in the
This procedure relies on elastic analysis of a strip model commentary of The Provisions. However, those methods, for
(or equivalent) for the design seismic loads, followed by different reasons, do not necessarily achieve the goal of VBE
amplification of the resulting VBE moments by the factor capacity design. Furthermore, the nonlinear static analysis
B. Therefore, it produces moment diagrams and SPSW de- procedure, which results in a more accurate estimation of the
formations that are similar in shape to what one would ob- capacity design demands for VBEs, is tedious for broad use
tain from a pushover analysis. Similarly, the determination in design. Therefore, a need exists to develop a reasonably
of VBE axial forces from overturning calculations based on accurate and relatively efficient method for estimating the
the design lateral loads amplified by B results in axial force demands in VBEs when full yielding occurs in web plates
diagrams that are of the proper shape. However, the amplifi- for SPSW. This method should preferably involve only lin-
cation factor used in both instances is found only for the first ear computer analyses without development of the complete
story and does not include the possibly significant strength strip model, and should account for the strength of surround-
of the surrounding frame. This leads to estimates of VBE ing framing (in other words, include the strength demands
demands that are less than those required to develop full associated with hinging at the HBE ends).
web yielding on all stories prior to development of hinges The procedure proposed below to estimate VBE design
in VBEs. For example, it is conceivable that the ratio of web loads to ensure capacity design of SPSWs combines a linear
thickness provided to web thickness needed for the design elastic beam model and plastic analysis. A model of the VBE
seismic loads is larger on the upper stories than on the lower on elastic supports is used to determine the axial forces in the
stories. In these situations, the indirect capacity design ap- HBEs and a plastic collapse mechanism is assumed to estimate
proach would significantly underestimate the VBE design the lateral seismic loads that cause full web plate yielding and
loads for the upper stories and capacity design would not plastic hinging of HBEs at their ends. A simple VBE free body
be achieved. Additionally, frame members for SPSW may diagram is then used to determine the design VBE axial forces
Proposed VBE Design Procedure These are found from resolving the plate yielding force,
occurring at an angle α from the vertical, into horizontal and
Free Body Diagrams of VBEs
vertical components acting along the VBEs and HBEs as
Assuming that the web plates and HBEs of a SPSW have demonstrated for a VBE in Figure 5. In that figure, ds is an
been designed according to The Provisions to resist the incremental plate width perpendicular to the tension field,
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. SPSW Collapse Mechanisms: (a) Uniform Yielding Mechanism and (b) Soft-Story Mechanism.
∑ Fi Hi = ∑ M prli +∑ M prri
i =1 i=0 i=0
HBE Reduced Plastic Moments and Corresponding ns
Shear Forces (
) ( )
+ ∑ t wi − t wi+1 Fyp LH i sin 2α i
i =1 2
Once the HBE axial forces have been estimated it is pos-
sible to determine the plastic moment that will develop at where
the HBE ends for the assumed collapse mechanism, reduced Fi = applied lateral load at each story to cause the
for the presence of axial load. Note that it is conservative mechanism
to assume that this reduction is negligible; however, since Hi = height from the base to each story
substantial axial loads may develop in the HBEs, resulting
in significantly reduced plastic moment capacities, it can be and other terms are as previously defined. Note that the indi-
advantageous to account for the reduced plastic moments at ces for the HBE plastic moment summations begin at zero so
the left and right HBE ends, Mprl and Mprr, respectively. that the bottom HBE (denoted HBE0) is included.
The intermediate and top HBEs will have free body dia- To employ Equation 12 in calculating the applied lateral
grams similar to that shown in Figure 8, except that there loads that cause this mechanism to form, it is necessary to
will be no plate forces acting above the top HBE. For the assume some distribution of those loads over the height of
bottom HBE, the axial forces at the HBE ends will be in the structure; in other words, a relationship between F1, F2,
the opposite direction to those shown in Figure 8 and there etc. For this purpose, a pattern equal to that of the design
will be no plate forces acting below the HBE. The reduced lateral seismic loads from the appropriate building code may
plastic moment capacity at the HBE ends, given here for the be used. This is an approximation that is simple and that has
left end, can be approximated by (Bruneau, Whittaker and been observed to provide reasonable results for SPSW. It
Uang, 1998): would also be appropriate to use the deformation pattern of
the first mode of vibration of the structure for this purpose
⎛ P ⎞ ⎛ P ⎞ (obtained from a modal analysis), but this more sophisticat-
1.18 ⎜ 1 − bli ⎟ Z xbi Fyb if 1.18 ⎜ 1 − bli ⎟ ≤ 1.0 ed approach is unnecessary given that the code specified dis-
⎝ Fyb Abi ⎠ ⎝ Fyb Abi ⎠
tribution of lateral seismic forces vertically on a lateral force
⎛ P ⎞ resisting system is meant to simulate first mode characteris-
Z xbi Fyb if 1.18 ⎜ 1 − bli ⎟ > 1.0 tics. Once a load pattern is assumed and a relationship be-
⎝ Fyb Abi ⎠
tween the applied collapse loads at each story is determined,
Equation 12 may be used to solve for those collapse loads.
where The base shear force, V, for the collapse loading is found
Fyb = HBE yield strength by summing the applied lateral loads. Horizontal reactions at
Abi = HBE cross-sectional area for story i the column bases, RxL and RxR, are then determined by divid-
Zxbi = HBE plastic modulus for story i. ing the collapse base shear by 2 and adding the pin-support
reaction from the VBE model, Rbs, to the reaction under the
Using the reduced plastic moment capacities and the HBE
left VBE and subtracting it off the reaction under the right
free body diagram shown in Figure 8, the shear forces at
the left and right ends of all HBEs, Vbl and Vbr can be found
M prri + M prli
Vbri =
+ ω ybi − ω ybi +1 ) L2 (10)
Vbli = Vbri − ω ybi − ω ybi +1 L ) (11)
Fig. 8. HBE free body diagram.
(a) (b)
1 4811 4862 -5 71
2 4242 -622 -563 -622 -622 4095 4095 28 28
3 4242 -537 -563 -537 -537 4864 4864 33 33
4 19235 -277 -281 -770 216 68030 71500 915 34
same pattern of distribution as the design lateral loads given in Figure 9. Note that SPSW strength and VBE demand are
above. Resulting lateral loads, F, are given in Table 3 and proportional to the bay width, L, and in the case considered
Table 4 gives the corresponding base shear, V, and base reac- here the bay width is large. Lower SPSW overstrength and
tions, Rxl, Ryl, Rxr, and Ryr, for each of the example walls. VBE demands may be achieved by reducing the bay width,
Axial, moment and shear force diagrams for the VBEs of however, the aspect ratio of the bay, L/h, must be greater than
the two SPSWs are shown for the left VBE of SPSW-C in 0.8 and less than or equal to 2.5, as specified in The Provi-
Figures 10a, 10b and 10c, respectively. The resulting forces sions Section 17.2b.
at the bases of the columns, where they are a maximum, are
given in Table 5 for both SPSWs. Assuming lateral brac- Comparison with Current Procedures
ing of the columns at each story, the moment-axial capac-
ity interaction equation values, given by Equation H1-1 of To judge the adequacy of both the current and proposed ap-
the AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC, proximate procedures for determining VBE design loads,
2005a), were 0.96 and 1.0 for the VBE sizes for SPSW-C and nonlinear static analysis of strip models of SPSW-C and
SPSW-V respectively, considering the VBE sections shown SPSW-V are used. The strip models had tension only strip
2 367
3 541
4 597
Height (in)
Height (in)
0 0 0
0 1500 3000 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1000 −500 0 500 1000
Left VBE Axial (kip) Left VBE Moment (k−in) x 10
5 Left VBE Shear (kip)
Fig. 10. Force diagrams for the VBE of SPSW-C: (a) axial, (b) moment, and (c) shear.
Height (in)
Base Shear (kip)
Proposed Procedure
Pushover Analysis
0 −3000 −2000 −1000 0 1000 2000 3000
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 VBE Axial Force (kip)
Roof Drift (%)
Fig. 12. Comparison of VBE Axial Forces from Various Methods
Fig. 11. Pushover Curves for Example SPSW. for SPSW-C.
462 462
Height (in)
Height (in)
312 312
162 162
Proposed Procedure Proposed Procedure
Pushover Analysis Pushover Analysis
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 −1 0 1 2 3
Left VBE Moment (k−in) x 10
5 Right VBE Moment (k−in) x 10
(a) (b)
Fig. 13. Comparison of VBE moments from various methods for SPSW-C.
Height (in)
Proposed Procedure
Pushover Analysis
−3000 −2000 −1000 0 1000 2000 3000
VBE Axial Force (kip)
Fig. 14. Comparison of VBE axial forces from various methods for SPSW-V.
612 612
462 462
Height (in)
Height (in)
312 312
162 162
Proposed Procedure Proposed Procedure
Pushover Analysis Pushover Analysis
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 −1 0 1 2 3
Left VBE Moment (k−in) x 10
5 Right VBE Moment (k−in) x 10
(a) (b)
Fig. 15. Comparison of VBE Moments from Various Methods for SPSW-V.
Fig. 1. Column flexure due to the axial load, P, acting through Fig. 2. AISC specified allowable erection tolerances for building
imperfections δ0 (out-of-straightness) and ∆0 (out-of-plumbness). frames.
Fig. 3. Transfer of forces and moments due solely to initial nonverticality (out-of-plumbness).
Fig. 5. Imperfection sensitivity versus ΣP/ΣH, Fig. 6. Imperfection sensitivity due to leaning loads,
strong-axis bending, α = 1, Ks = 0. L/r = 20, Ks = 0.
Fig. 8. Sensitivity of fixed-guided columns to exclusion Fig. 9. Portal frames used in the verification
of imperfection in addition to horizontal load, H. of the direct analysis approach.
The frame designations indicate whether they are symmet- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
ric or unsymmetric (S, U), pinned or restrained at the base
For the engineer engaged in design of steel frames, a ba-
(P, R), oriented in weak or strong axis bending (W, S), have
sic understanding of how initial imperfections affect frame
infinitely rigid (G0) or flexible beams (G1 or G3), and the
strength and behavior is beneficial, particularly when inter-
level of leaning column load (α). Only the most critical
preting the stability design provisions of the AISC Specifica-
frame studies were recreated (For complete results of the
tion. The discussed studies of columns and framing systems
original study, the reader is directed to Maleck and White,
considering the effects of nonverticality and a careful assess-
2003). The only variation from the initial study is that
ment of the current AISC provisions suggest the following:
error was only measured for interaction values where
B2 < 1.5. The highest unconservative error was reported in 1. The ultimate strength of most practical building frames
the UP_W40_G1_α1 and SP_W60_G0 frames; both frames will not be sensitive to initial nonverticality.
Fig. 10. First-order normalized interaction curves for Fig. 11. First-order normalized interaction curves for
UP_W40_G1_α1 frame P-δ (rigorous) analysis. UP_W40_G1_α1 frame, P-∆ analysis.
2. The parameters that have the greatest effect on imper- design may be significantly impacted by the moment
fection sensitivity include gravity-load to horizontal- amplification due to the imperfection.
load ratios, frame symmetry, and amount of leaning One point to consider is: When using the direct analysis
load. However, the primary cause of initial imperfec- approach in Appendix 7, is it easier to modify the geometry
tion sensitivity in frames is the mode of failure and or calculate notional loads than to perform the calculations
whether that failure is initiated by instability of a col- necessary to determine whether the imperfection effects can
umn rather than yielding in a beam. be neglected? Consider that if a direct second order analysis
algorithm is used (that is, if B1 and B2 factors are not being
3. Frames for which imperfection effects are negligible
separately calculated), a separate first-order analysis is still
are not easily identified quantitatively, as no single
required to determine if the imperfection can be ignored. If
parameter controls the sensitivity.
the imperfection effect is small enough to neglect, inclusion
4. The provision of AISC Specification Appendix 7, in of the notional load will have a negligible effect on the final
which the effects of imperfections may be neglected in design. In short, if the impact of including imperfections is
lieu of higher lateral loads when B2 < 1.5, is shown to negligible, economy will not be lost by including these ef-
produce a maximum unconservative error of 8%. This fects, and this requires less effort than determining whether
error occurred in a highly stability-critical portal frame they can be neglected. It is also more rational, since the no-
laterally supported by a weak axis column only. When tional load represents a potential physical phenomenon that
a less rigorous P-∆ analysis is used, the maximum un- is independent of the load case.
conservative error was 10%. For practical frames, this Currently the maximum permissible imperfection is in-
maximum unconservative error will be significantly corporated into the design provisions. There is a lack of data
smaller. Most practical frames will not be governed on measured nonverticality in constructed facilities to warrant
by the behavior of a weak-axis, unbraced, laterally a reduction of this imperfection. There are very few pub-
resisting column. lished studies that include surveyed measurements of a con-
structed building (Bridge, 1998; Beaulieu and Adams, 1978).
5. If neglecting imperfections in the presence of a larger Bridge concluded that many individual columns exceeded
lateral load per Appendix 7, the engineer should be construction tolerances; however, story and global imperfec-
careful to consider the “special” cases where the beam tion tolerances were met by compensating imperfections.
Fig. A.7. Frame 5B1S-PSH2 (oversized beams). Fig. A.8. Frame 8B1S-PSH.
Fig. 2. Linear moment distribution used in computational example Fig. 3. Values of Cb for the IPE 500 example beam
(courtesy of M. Serna). (courtesy of M. Serna).
Fig. 4. Self-centering frame with replaceable shear fuses Fig. 5. Full-scale frame test at the E-defense facility
(courtesy of J.F. Hajjar). near Kobe, Japan.
The following abstracts summarize papers published by others on the subject of steel design and construction that may be of
interest to Engineering Journal.
Reidar Bjorhovde, Research Editor of the AISC Engineering Journal, prepared the following abstracts from the Journal of
Constructional Steel Research.
From Volume 63, Number 8, 2007 of the Journal of Con- Effect of Shear Force on the Initial Stiffness of Top and
structional Steel Research (JCSR) published by Elsevier, Seat Angle Connections with Double Web Angles
Ltd.: F. Danesh, A. Pirmoz and A.S. Daryan
Extensive 3D numerical modeling of a variety of connections
Strength Design Criteria for Steel Members at Elevated
has been performed, using realistic material properties and
member and connection details. Effects such as connection
Jiro Takagi and Gregory G. Deierlein
slip, bolt pretension and friction forces have been incorpo-
Design equations for steel members at fire-level temperatures rated in the models. A large number of connection tests have
are evaluated by comparisons with nonlinear finite element also been conducted, in good agreement with the analytical
simulations. The AISC and Eurocode 3 equations for lateral- results. The effect of the shear force is examined for several
ly unsupported W-shape columns, beams and beam-columns levels of load, and it is shown that the shear force reduces
are evaluated for temperatures between ambient and 800 oC the initial stiffness. An equation is developed that reflects the
(1,472 oF). It is shown that the Eurocode provisions are ac- influence of the shear force on the stiffness.
curate to within 10 to 20% of the finite element results. The
AISC equations predict capacities that are as much as 100 Experimental Behavior of High Strength Steel End-Plate
percent unconservative (i.e. the design capacities are twice Connections
as large as the finite element solutions). The differences are Ana M. Girão Coelho and Frans S. K. Bijlaard
particularly large for members with intermediate slender-
Addressing issues such as high steel strength, limited ductil-
ness and for temperatures above 300 oC (572 oF). Modifi-
ity and connection rotation capacity, a large number of tests
cations are proposed for the AISC equations that improve
and analyses of end-plate connections has been conducted.
the accuracy to within 20 to 30% of the nonlinear finite
The columns and beams in the test specimens were of the
element findings. The paper also discusses the limitations
steel grade S355 (355 MPa = 50 ksi specified minimum
of member-based design criteria and examines research and
yield stress); the steel grade S690 (690 MPa = 100 ksi yield
development needs for structural fire engineering.
stress) was used for the end plates. The major contributions
of the study are: (i) the characterization of the nonlinear be-
From Volume 63, Number 9, 2007 of the Journal of Con-
havior, (ii) the validation of the use of Eurocode 3 criteria
structional Steel Research (JCSR) published by Elsevier,
for such connections, and (iii) the ductility analysis of such
high strength steel connections. The connections that were
tested satisfy current design provisions for stiffness and
Capacities of Headed Stud Shear Connectors in Com-
strength, and they exhibit reasonable rotation capacity. [It is
posite Steel Beams with Precast Hollow-Core Slabs
noted (Bjorhovde comment) that Eurocode 3 currently does
Dennis Lam
not have provisions for steel with yield strength larger than
The author observes that almost all shear connector tests have 460 MPa (65 ksi)].
been performed with either solid slabs or with slabs on steel
deck. However, hollow-core slabs have become very com-
mon in composite construction. A push-out test for use with
hollow-core slabs is developed, and a very large number of
tests have been conducted. A number of tests have also been
performed with solid slabs, to verify the proposed push-out
procedure. Design equations for studs in hollow-core slabs
are also presented.
Revise the author affiliation for Tony C. Bartley on page Revise the equation in the lowest box of Fig. 9 (cont’d) on
255 as follows: page 262 as follows: