GR 10 Business Studies 3 in 1 Extracts TAS
GR 10 Business Studies 3 in 1 Extracts TAS
GR 10 Business Studies 3 in 1 Extracts TAS
Business Studies
Alex Pinnock
Grade 10 Business Studies 3-in-1 CAPS
This Grade 10 Business Studies 3-in-1 study guide uses comprehensive notes, clear, easy-to-follow explanations, carefully
selected questions and answers, to lead you effortlessly through the Grade 10 CAPS curriculum. As you work through this
study guide at your own pace, you’ll notice a steady and marked improvement in your understanding and exam technique.
Key Features:
• Comprehensive notes per term
• Exam questions per topic
• Answers to all questions
• Exam paper and memo
Business Studies
CAPS Alex Pinnock
To be To be No further To be To be To be
registered registered registration registered registered registered
with the with the localof CCs is with Registrar with
with Registrar
local authority allowed, of Companies Registrar
of Companies
authority (taxation) however of
(taxation) those already Memorandum Memorandum Companies
A partnership registered of of
No agreement can continue Incorporation Incorporation A meeting
document required operating. needed needed needs to
of business
required be held
Notice of Notice of before a
Incorporation Incorporation co-
by a non-profit company by a co-operative. needed needed
Business owners are more likely to take business risks if they have a limited
amount of money that they stand to lose.
If business owners stand to lose their personal savings and assets, they are less
likely to promote change, innovation and entrepreneurial risks.
Copyright © The Answer Series: Photocopying of this material is illegal 42
The tax that the business must pay will differ depending on the business’s form
of ownership.
The form of ownership will also affect how a business is managed. 2
Sole Partnership Close Profit Non-profit Co- Sole Partnership Close Profit Non-profit Co-
proprietor corporation company company operative proprietor corporation company company operative
The owner Partners A close Companies The The co- The owner Partners There is often The Board of The co-
pays tax in pay tax in corporation have more organisation
operative has a have a more than company trustees and operative
a personal their pays tax at a opportunities is is personal personal one manager, has directors directors. appoints its
capacity. personal fixed rate, and to pay less responsibleresponsible interest in interest in depending on elected to own
This may capacity on has more tax. for paying for paying the the the number of manage the manage-
lead to the profits opportunities tax. tax and business. business. members. company. ment: the
long-term earned from to pay less This is must follow chair-
cash-flow the tax and claim achieved However, it the The owner Therefore Different These are person,
issues. partnership. expenses. through can apply for guidelines will ensure they ensure members can specialists vice chair-
allowances tax of the form that there is that the contribute to who are person and
The high tax This could and so on, exemption of good business is different likely to lead others.
rates may lead to the and this may (where the ownership manage- well aspects of the company
lead to greater lead to the company that it ment and managed. management. successfully.
financial success of success of doesn’t pay chose to that the
hardship, the business. the any tax). operate Management business
with. However, However, this However,
and the company. performs. partners are could also the directors
partners’ However, not cause conflict. do not have
personal more However, specialists a personal
Taxation lives may compliance is the owner in manage- interest in
suffer as a required. may not ment and the company
result of have all of entrepre- and this
their failure the neurship, could lead to
to meet the A close
corporation is necessary which could failure.
business’s skills to take lead to the
tax also required
to have an the under-
obligation. business performance
officer. forward. of the
This business.
tax may
Taxation Income tax Income tax due Income tax due Income tax due Income tax due
due (28%) (28%) (28%) (28%) (28%)
A profit company is Liability Limited liability Limited liability Limited liability Limited liability Limited liability
set up with the A non-profit company does
intention of earning a not have profit as its main Continuity Unlimited until Unlimited until Unlimited until Unlimited until Unlimited until
profit for its owners. liquidated or liquidated or liquidated or liquidated or liquidated or
aim, but rather serves a public closed closed closed closed closed
purpose or good cause.
Management 3 or more 1 or more 1 or more 1 or more 3 or more
directors directors directors directors directors
5. Allocate resources
4. Decide to implement the strategy
Decide on what caused the problem.
2 Identify alternative
Identify all the different possible
solutions options that could solve the problem.
If the problem Many of us use our indigenous knowledge to solve problems and make
Look at all the different possible
has not been decisions. These are knowledge systems that are embedded in us as
3 Evaluate solutions and the advantages entirely this is how our families have traditionally solved certain problems. For example,
alternatives and disadvantages of each. solved, many people use a stockvel system to save money rather than putting it in a bank.
re-evaluate Business opportunities can also develop from indigenous knowledge. For example,
the situation a herbal formula may be used in a particular community to solve the problem of skin
and start at rashes. If someone thought this formula could meet the needs of more people then
Choose the best Identify which solution will be the beginning that person might identify a business opportunity in bottling it and selling it.
alternative the best for the problem. of the process
Problem-solving techniques
There are many different problem-solving techniques that can be used in
Implement the decision-making, such as:
5 Carry out the solution.
decision Force-Field Analysis
The team lists all of the concepts from each of the pictures
It is called the nominal group technique as, while it is a group technique, there is
little discussion between participants.
The Delphi Technique is a systematic technique Each participant must write down his/her own solution
1 Think of ideas
for solving problems that uses anonymity to to the problem.
encourage experts to make daring suggestions.
There are seven steps in the normal brainstorming process. Mind maps allow people to jot down all their ideas on a particular issue in a
visual and logical way.
1 Define and agree on the objective.
A mind map has four main elements:
2 Brainstorm ideas with an agreed time limit. There is a central focus (a picture or some key words).
Various branches, representing different themes and concepts, come off
the central focus.
3 Categorise, condense, combine and refine the suggested ideas.
These branches have numerous, thinner branches, which can be seen as
4 Assess and analyse effects or results.
The sub-themes branch off into even thinner branches, which contain
more detail.
5 Rank options in order of appropriateness.
When using mind maps, remember the following points.
6 Agree on the action and time scale.
brochures Threats
Problems at Pablo’s Pizzas
Bedouin tents
website Pablo’s pizza restaurant needs to make changes to increase sales.
Strong competition becoming
from makers of fashionable
dome tents
Following the SCAMPER Technique, here are a few questions its
manager could ask:
What can I substitute for existing toppings?
What can I combine with pizzas on our menu?
What can I adapt in the production process?
Who? What can I put more emphasis on in advertisements?
Costs How can I use the kitchen and restaurant area for other uses?