Book 7
Book 7
Book 7
Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting: Advances
and Open Problems
Angelo Casolaro † , Vincenzo Capone † , Gennaro Iannuzzo † and Francesco Camastra *,†
Department of Science and Technology, Parthenope University of Naples, Centro Direzionale Isola C4,
80143 Naples, Italy; [email protected] (A.C.);
[email protected] (V.C.); [email protected] (G.I.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: A time series is a sequence of time-ordered data, and it is generally used to describe how
a phenomenon evolves over time. Time series forecasting, estimating future values of time series,
allows the implementation of decision-making strategies. Deep learning, the currently leading field
of machine learning, applied to time series forecasting can cope with complex and high-dimensional
time series that cannot be usually handled by other machine learning techniques. The aim of the
work is to provide a review of state-of-the-art deep learning architectures for time series forecasting,
underline recent advances and open problems, and also pay attention to benchmark data sets.
Moreover, the work presents a clear distinction between deep learning architectures that are suitable
for short-term and long-term forecasting. With respect to existing literature, the major advantage
of the work consists in describing the most recent architectures for time series forecasting, such as
Graph Neural Networks, Deep Gaussian Processes, Generative Adversarial Networks, Diffusion
Models, and Transformers.
of our knowledge, there are several reviews on deep learning for time series forecasting
(e.g., [37–43]), but they have the following major shortcomings: they lack a description of
Transformer and its variants; they do not provide a clear distinction between models for
short-term and long-term forecasting, there are no sections on short-term and long-term
forecasting benchmarks; they do not cover the most recent deep learning strategies for
short-term forecasting (e.g., Graph Neural Networks, Deep Gaussian Processes, Generative
Adversarial Networks, and Diffusion Models). The aim of this work is to provide a comprehen-
sive survey of recent deep learning approaches for time series forecasting, underlining the
advances and the open problems for each reviewed deep learning architecture. Specifically,
the survey focuses on works about machine learning applied to time series forecasting that
are not older than 2016, for the sake of length. The paper is organised in the following
sections: in Section 2, the foundations of deterministic time series are introduced; Section 3
describes deep learning architectures for short-term forecasting, i.e., Convolutional Neural
Networks, Temporal Convolutional Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Graph Neural
Networks, Deep Gaussian Processes, Generative Adversarial Networks, and Diffusion Models;
Section 4 discusses long-term forecasting architectures, i.e., the Transformer architecture
and its time series-based variants; Section 5 reviews other heterogeneous architectures for
both short-term and long-term forecasting; benchmarking for short-term and long-term
time series forecasting is presented in Section 6; in Section 7, some conclusions are drawn
and future possible developments are discussed; finally, in the appendix are reported the
main mathematical notation used in the work and a description of the main diffusion
model foundations.
x t + p = f ( x t −1 , . . . , x t − q ) + e t + p ∀ p ∈ [0, P] (1)
where f (·) and q are called skeleton and model order of time series, i.e., how many past
samples are required to model the time series adequately, respectively, and et+ p represents
an indeterminable part originated either from unmodeled dynamics of the process or from
real noise. P defines the prediction length, i.e., how many future samples should be predicted.
Figure 1 gives a graphical representation of an autoregressive model.
X0 .
. Xt-2 Xt-1 Xt
f + ε
X0 .
. Xt-2 Xt-1 Xt Xt+1
If P = 0, the autoregressive model defines the so-called one-step ahead forecasting, other-
wise, a prediction length P > 0 specifies a multi-step ahead forecasting problem. Moreover,
multi-step ahead forecasting can be further divided into short-term and long-term forecasting.
In the literature, the typical threshold value of prediction length P between short-term and
long-term forecasting ranges between 2 and 48 [44]. Finally, for the sake of clarity, in this
work, one-step ahead forecasting is included in short-term forecasting.
y(t) = (w ∗ X )(t) = ∑ w( a)X (t − a) ∀t ∈ [1, . . . , L] (2)
It is worthwhile to remark that in the autoregressive approach, the kernel size q corresponds
to the model order, generally fixed using model selection techniques (e.g., cross-validation) [46].
Moreover, CNN can stack different convolutional layers in order to transform the input
data (i.e., the past time series values) into a more suitable higher-level representation for
the forecasting task. CNN time series forecasting applications are described in Table 1.
Figure 2. An example of Convolutional Neural Network applied to time series forecasting. The red,
the blue and the green boxes represent CNN’s convolutional layers.
Information 2023, 14, 598 4 of 35
Output Length
Kernel (size=3)
Input Length
Figure 3. Example of 1D convolution using a kernel with size k = 3. The scalar product is denoted by
•. The yellow boxes denote the learned kernel.
Table 1. Recent applications on time series forecasting using Convolutional Neural Networks.
A dilated 1D convolution (see Figure 5) differs from a 1D convolution due to the in-
troduction of a dilation factor d. The dilation, applied to convolution, is equivalent to
considering a fixed step between two adjacent kernel elements. In particular, dilated causal
1D convolution can be defined as:
y(t) = (w ∗ X )(t) = ∑ w(a)X (t − d · a) ∀t ∈ [1, . . . , L] (4)
a =1
Information 2023, 14, 598 5 of 35
(n − 1)(b − 1)
g = logb +1 (5)
( q − 1)
where b is the logarithmic base of the dilation factor di for the i-th convolutional layer (namely,
di = bi ). TCN time series forecasting applications are reported in Table 2.
Figure 4. Causal 1D convolution with a kernel of size q = 3. Zero padding elements are added at the
beginning of the input sequence in order to have an output sequence with the same length as the
input sequence.
Output Sequence
Zero ConvLayer1
Input Sequence
Figure 5. Example of a dilated causal 1D convolution with three layers using a dilation base b = 2
and a kernel size q = 3. Zero padding is used to preserve the input sequence length.
TCNs share with CNNs most shortcomings (see Section 3.1.1), with the only exception
of the Euclidean kernel.
Information 2023, 14, 598 6 of 35
and so on. The basic recurrent layer, often called a vanilla cell, works like a fully connected
layer with a fixed number of units, jointly applied to the current input ~xt and the last
output ~ht−1 :
~ht = g V~xt + W~ht−1 + ~b (8)
In this case, the set of parameters of a recurrent layer is ω = {V, W,~b}, where V is the
input-recurrent weight matrix, W is the recurrent-recurrent weight matrix, and ~b is the bias
vector. In Equation (8), g(·) is a nonlinear activation function, usually a hyperbolic tangent.
ERNN time series forecasting applications are summarised in Table 3.
Among the most successful approaches are reservoir computing methods, e.g., Echo State Net-
works [59] (see Section 3.2.3), and gated cells, e.g., Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cells [60]
and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) [61]. A gated cell controls how much input information
flows through the layer and prevents derivatives from vanishing or getting large.
xt it
ht-1 ct
xt gt
Input Gate ct-1
xt ft
Forget Gate
xt ot
Output Gate
Table 5. Cont.
~ut = σ Wu~xt + Uu~ht−1 + ~bu (16)
where σ(·) is the logistic function and the rest of the parameters have the same meaning as
the LSTM (see Section 3.2.4). Furthermore, an intermediate output ~h0t is given by:
~h0t = tanh W~xt + U (~rt ~ht−1 ) + ~b (17)
where {W, V,~b} is an additional set of parameters and is the element-wise product.
Finally, the output ht of the GRU layer is given by the sum of ~h0t and ~ht−1 , weighted
element-wise by the update gate:
where ~e is a column vector whose elements are all equal to 1. GRU time series forecasting
applications are described in Table 6.
Update Gate
xt ut ht
ht-1 h't
Reset Gate tanh
Figure 7. Architecture of a GRU cell. The column vector~e is composed of elements that are all equal to 1.
Information 2023, 14, 598 10 of 35
Table 6. Applications on time series forecasting using GRU-based Recurrent Neural Networks.
OUT Layer OUT Layer OUT Layer OUT Layer OUT Layer OUT Layer
Figure 8. The red path in the recurrent model denotes the flow that information about an input
sample (x20 ) must follow before reaching an output layer (y60 ) that might require it.
Supposing that the output element at position t = 60 has a strong dependency on the
input at position t = 20, information about the input sample x20 is useful to predict the
output sample y60 . The output sample yt is predicted starting from ht , a lossy summary
of the past inputs yielded by the recurrent layer; hence, the only way for the output layer
to know about x20 is through h60 . The recurrent layer first captures information about
x20 through h20 , which has to pass by many steps and then aggregate information about
many other input elements, before achieving h60 . There is no guarantee that after so many
recurrent steps, adequate information about x20 is preserved into h60 . In fact, h60 may just
contain information about the most recent samples and have no information about x20 at all.
The short-term memory of recurrent networks is one of their major drawbacks and one of
the main reasons why attention mechanisms and Transformers were originally introduced
in deep learning (see Section 4.1).
Table 7. Applications in time series forecasting using variants and hybrids of common deep neural
networks. The symbol ‘+’ denotes a combination of multiple models or methodologies. GARCH and
ANN acronym stand for Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity [105] and Artificial
Neural Networks, respectively.
where ~hku−1 is the feature vector of the u-th neighbouring node of v, yielded by the previ-
ous GNN layer k − 1, and ~hkN (v) is the aggregated information. The latter combines the
aggregated information ~hk with the feature vector ~hkv−1 of the current node v:
N (v)
When k = 1 the aggregate operator is not defined, whereas the combine operator reduces to:
~hG = readout(~hK
v : v ∈ V) (22)
In the case of multivariate time series forecasting, GNNs have been successfully applied as
feature selection mechanisms. It is important to remark that GNNs could also be applied to
spatio-temporal time series forecasting which is not the object of the survey. GNN time series
forecasting applications are described in Table 8.
Figure 9. Deep Gaussian Processes. In the figure X , Y represent the data set and the desired output,
respectively, f (i) is the latent function to be estimated and mi , k i represent the mean and covariance
function of i-th layer.
min max V ( D, G ) = E~x∼ px (~x) [log D (~x )] + E~z∼ pz (~z) [log(1 − D ( G (~z)))]. (23)
where, ~x is a real data point, sampled from the real data distribution p x (~x ); ~z is a noise
vector, sampled from a distribution pz (~z), a priori fixed; D (~x ) is the probability distribution
estimated by the discriminator; G (~z) is the sample produced by the generator, starting from
the noise ~z. GANs can be implemented by any neural architecture for the generator and
the discriminator. For instance, G and D can be implemented by MLPs [67], as originally
proposed in [140], CNNs (see Section 3.1), with some architectural constraints to stabilise
the training procedure [141], or LSTM (see Section 3.2.4) networks [142].
Information 2023, 14, 598 14 of 35
where [t0 , T ] is the prediction length. The Equation (24) can be reformulated considering the
lower bound:
Ek,x0 ,e [δ(k)||e − eθ ( ãk xt0 + 1 − ãk e, ht−1 , k)||2 ].
p p
The parameters θ are estimated during the training, minimising the negative log-likelihood
objective function with a stochastic sampling. Furthermore, future time series samples are
generated with a step-by-step procedure. The observation for the next samples at time
T + 1 is predicted in a similar way as DDPM (see Appendix B). Similarly, the ScoreGrad
model [178], based on the same target distribution of TimeGrad, defines a continuous
diffusion process using SDEs (see Appendix B). ScoreGrad consists of two modules: the
former is a feature extraction module (e.g., an RNN) almost identical to TimeGrad, or an
attention-based network, e.g., Transformer (see Section 4.1), for computing the hidden state
Information 2023, 14, 598 16 of 35
with Lt (θ ) being:
It is worthwhile to remark that, in Equation (27), the general formulation of SDEs has been
used for the sake of simplicity. Recently, time series research has paid attention to avoiding
model overfitting phenomena in the forecasting of short time series. D3 VAE [179], tries to
address the problem of short time series, applying a coupled diffusion process for time series
data augmentation, and then it performs a bidirectional autoencoder (BVAE), as a score model.
Moreover, D3 VAE takes into account the decoupling of latent variables by reducing total
correlation to improve prediction interpretability and stability. Furthermore, the objective
function of D3 VAE includes the mean square error (MSE), which highlights the requirement
of supervision, among the forecast and current samples in the prediction window. Unlike
TimeGrad, D3 VAE injects noises separately into the previous samples (context) x1:t 0
0 −1
the prediction window xt0 :T by the coupled diffusion process:
k 0
p p
x1:t 0 −1
= ãk x1:t 0 −1
+ 1 − ãk e, (28)
q q
xtk0 :T = a˜0 k xt00 :T + 1 − a˜0 k e, (29)
where e indicates the standard Gaussian noise. Short time series forecasting benefits the
simultaneous improvement of the context and prediction window provided by the diffusion
process. The B process is made up of two steps. The former forecasts xtk0 :T with a BVAE
model, considering the context x1:t . The latter denoises the output x̃tk0 :T of BVAE with a
0 −1
denoising score matching module, as follows:
where E( x̃tk0 :T ; e) is the energy function. The objective function of D3 VAE is composed of
four losses, that can be written as follows:
where λ1 , λ2 , λ3 are the regularisation parameters of divergence between target distribution and
distribution of prediction window, denoising score matching objective, and total correlation among
latent variables, respectively. Diffusion models for time series forecasting are summarised in
Table 11.
described and attention mechanisms are presented (Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2). Furthermore,
the main limitations of Transformers are discussed (Section 4.1.3) and variants of Transformer,
properly designed to cope with long-term time series forecasting tasks, e.g., Informer,
Autoformer, FEDFormer and Crossformer, are presented (Section 4.1.4).
4.1. Transformers
The Transformer [181] is a deep-learning architecture borrowed from Natural Lan-
guage Processing. It can be described as: “a model architecture eschewing recurrence and relying
entirely on attention mechanisms to draw global dependencies between input and output” [181].
The Transformer architecture was proposed to overcome the main drawbacks of recurrent
models (see Sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.6) with sequence modelling tasks:
1. The output state ht of a recurrent layer at time t depends on the state ht−1 , produced
at the previous time step. This inherent sequential nature prohibits the intra-sequence
parallelism of recurrent networks.
2. Recurrent networks cannot generally learn relationships between sequences of distant
samples, since information must first pass through all data samples in between (see
Figure 8).
The standard Transformer follows a general encoder-decoder architecture for sequence-
to-sequence transduction, as shown in Figure 10.
In time series forecasting, the Transformer’s input is a time-ordered sequence of past
samples X = [~x1 , ~x2 , . . . , ~x L ] where L is the sequence length and ~xi ∈ Rd is the i-th sample of a
d-dimensional multivariate time series. Due to the use of attention mechanisms, Transformers
make no assumption on any intrinsic temporal or spatial ordering of input elements, namely
inputs are seen as a set of samples rather than ordered sequences of samples. If there is a
relevant input ordering for the modelling task, e.g., time series forecasting, the ordering
should be encoded in the input embedding. In Transformers, this is commonly achieved by
summing a positional embedding E pos to the main sample embedding F (X ) [181]:
where the matrix (Differently from what appears in some machine learning papers, the
more precise tensor product notation is used in the whole work for representing matrices)
F (X ) ∈ R L ⊗ RD represents a projection of the input sequence in a higher D-dimensional
space (D > d). In time series forecasting, a 1D convolutional layer is commonly used
with D learned kernels, as described in Section 3.1, in order to extract a D-dimensional
representation for each sample in X [181–184]. E pos can either be a learned embedding or
a fixed embedding. A naive solution, yet effective, consists of using a sinusoidal position
encoding [181]. However, in time series forecasting, other positional embeddings can be
used as well, e.g., temporal-based embeddings [182–184]. The encoder and the decoder can
have two different separated embeddings, or they can share the same embedding if input
and output samples belong to the same set. In time series forecasting, the encoder input is
the complete sequence of past samples X , while the decoder input is commonly composed
of the most recent part of X (e.g., the second half of X , i.e., [~x L/2 , ~x L/2+1 , . . . , ~x L ]) and a
zero-vector whose length is equal to prediction length P, see Equation (1). The encoder
and decoder are composed of Ne and Nd stacked layers, respectively (see Figure 10). The
output of a layer is the input for the next layer. Each encoder layer has two sublayers: a
self-attention layer, that relates each input sample with the rest of the samples, and a shallow
feed-forward dense layer, shared along the sequence axis, that works as a nonlinear projection
layer. To foster gradient propagation and training, each sublayer’s input is added to its own
output with a residual connection [185], and layer normalization [186] is used to normalise
the samples of the resulting sequence into a normal distribution with a learned mean and
standard deviation. Each decoder layer follows the same overall structure of a generic
encoder layer, but it has one additional sublayer. The first sublayer implements a particular
kind of self-attention mechanism, the so-called causal (or masked) self-attention [181]. It works
Information 2023, 14, 598 18 of 35
similarly to the encoder layer’s self-attention, as each input sample is related to the others
in the decoder’s input sequence, but it also uses masking to prevent future samples from
being considered when the processing of the current sample occurs. Furthermore, the
output of the causal self-attention sublayer is related to the encoder’s hidden representation
(that is, the output of the final encoder layer) by a cross-attention layer. As in encoder layers,
a Multi-Layer Perceptron [67] with one hidden layer is used for projecting nonlinearly the
output of cross-attention. Moreover, each sublayer is wrapped by a residual connection
followed by layer normalization. Finally, the output of the last decoder layer is fed to a final
prediction layer.
Output Probabilities
Dense Layer
Positional Positional
+ Encoding
D-dimensional D-dimensional
Embedding Module Embedding Module
Encoder Input xi,1 xi,2 xi,3 xi,L1 xi,1 xi,2 xi,3 xi,L2 Decoder Input
Sequence Sequence
Figure 10. Transformer architecture. On the left side, the encoder processes an input sequence,
producing a hidden representation. On the right side, the decoder uses the encoder’s output to generate
the output sequence. The decoder works in an autoregressive way, consuming past generated samples
as additional inputs to generate the next output sample.
The attention output Y ∈ R M ⊗ RDv is a matrix whose i-th row contains the output vector
for the i-th query. Note that the softmax in Equation (33) is applied row-wise to its input
matrix. Where do these queries, keys and values come from? First of all, keys and values are often
the same vectors, i.e., a value vector coincides with its key. Furthermore, as described in
Section 4.1, the Transformer performs attention in two ways, self-attention and cross-attention.
Information 2023, 14, 598 19 of 35
In self-attention, queries and values are the same vectors; in cross-attention queries come
from the previous decoder sublayer, while key and value vectors are given by the encoder’s
hidden representation.
MatMul Project
Softmax Concatenation
Masking H
(only for causal self-attention) Attention
Scaled Dot-Product Attention Heads
In MHA, keys, values and queries are linearly projected H separate times, by three
learned projection matrices, onto spaces of dimensions Dk , Dv and Dk respectively. Fur-
thermore, a scaled dot-product attention is applied to each of these projections and the
results are concatenated together and re-projected onto the previous layer space. Each
projection-attention pair defines a so-called attention head hi . For the sake of simplicity,
keys, values and queries are assumed to have the same dimension D. Each attention head
hi has three learned matrices: WiK ∈ RD ⊗ RDk , WiV ∈ RD ⊗ RDv and WiQ ∈ RD ⊗ RDk ,
used to project keys, values and queries, respectively. Each attention head applies a scaled
dot-product attention (see Equation (33)) to the projected keys, values and queries (see
Section 4.1.1):
hi = Attention(KWiK , VWiV , QWiQ ) ∀i ∈ [1, H ] (34)
Finally, the attention output Y is given by:
where the outputs hi from all attention heads are concatenated into a single R M ⊗ R HDv
matrix and then re-projected linearly to the original D-dimensional space via an additional
projection matrix W o ∈ R HDv ⊗ RD .
series forecasting [188]. Furthermore, Transformers suffer of memory bottleneck, i.e., Trans-
formers’ space complexity is O( L2 ) with sequence length L [188]. Similarly, Transformers
also have the same time complexity, limiting their application to the long-term forecast-
ing. These shortcomings are faced by some of the Transformer variants described in the
following section.
Given an input past sequence and the corresponding target sequence, the main idea is to
apply one of the above-mentioned Transformer models, multiple times at multiple time
scales. At a given scale si , the input to the encoder is the original look-back window but
downsampled by a factor si using average pooling; the input to the decoder is given by the
model forecast at the previous scale si−1 , but upsampled by a fixed factor s through linear
interpolation. To mitigate error propagation and distribution shifts that are due to repeated
upsampling operations, the encoder and decoder’s inputs are first normalised using Cross-
Scale Normalization. Finally, a loss function, based on an adaptive loss, is applied at each
time scale between the model forecast and the target sequence, which is also downsampled
by a factor si via average pooling. The Triformer [195] proposes a particular architecture that
integrates attention mechanisms and recurrent units to ensure high efficiency and accuracy.
The former is achieved by a patch attention mechanism with linear complexity; the latter is
obtained by using variable-specific parameters. The patch attention mechanism splits the input
sequence in P patches of length S and assigns a learnable pseudo-timestamp Tp to each patch.
When patch attention is applied, each pseudo-timestamp Tp is considered as a query Q for its
patch only. Moreover, variable-specific parameters are introduced by factorising the projection
matrices (i.e, W K and W V ) into three matrices: left variable-agnostic matrix L ∈ RD ⊗ Ra ,
middle variable-specific matrix B ∈ Ra ⊗ Ra and right variable-agnostic matrix R ∈ Ra ⊗ RD ,
where a D. Finally, to cope with the limited temporal receptive field that is due to
the patch mechanism, recurrent units are used to aggregate and control the information
for all pseudo-timestamps of each layer before the final prediction. All above-mentioned
variants of Transformer share the over-stationarization problem that consists in the inability
to generate distinguishable attention scores when trained on stationarized series [196]. The
Non-stationary Transformer [196] proposes a generic framework to overcome the problem of
over-stationarization. This framework is composed of two interdependent modules: Series
Stationarization and De-stationary Attention. The former attenuates the non-stationarity of
the time series considered, using two sequential operations: Normalization module, which
computes the mean and the variance for each input time series in order to transform it
into a stationary time series, and a De-normalization module, which transforms the model
outputs back into a non-stationary time series, using the mean and variance computed in
the previous module. The latter is a novel attention mechanism, which can approximate
the attention scores that are obtained without stationarization and discover the particular
temporal dependencies from original non-stationary data. Transformer variants for time
series forecasting are described in detail in Table 12. Further details on each Transformer
variant, can be found in the original paper that presents the architecture.
Table 12. Recent variants of Transformer architecture for time series forecasting.
Table 13. Multivariate long-term forecasting benchmarks among variant of Transformer architectures with different prediction lengths P ∈ [96, 192, 336, 720]. The
input length considered for ILI data set is 36 and 96 for the others. A lower MSE or MAE indicates a better prediction. The best results, for each data sets, are
highlighted in bold.
Models Crossformer PatchTST Non-Stationary Pyraformer FEDFormer Autoformer Informer LogTrans LSTM TCN
96 - - 0.149 0.198 0.173 0.223 0.354 0.392 0.217 0.296 0.266 0.336 0.300 0.384 0.458 0.490 0.369 0.406 0.615 0.589
192 - - 0.194 0.241 0.245 0.285 0.673 0.597 0.276 0.336 0.307 0.367 0.598 0.544 0.658 0.589 0.416 0.435 0.629 0.600
336 0.495 0.515 0.245 0.282 0.321 0.338 0.634 0.592 0.339 0.380 0.359 0.395 0.578 0.523 0.797 0.652 0.455 0.454 0.639 0.608
720 0.526 0.542 0.314 0.334 0.414 0.410 0.942 0.723 0.403 0.482 0.419 0.428 1.059 0.741 0.869 0.675 0.535 0.520 0.639 0.610
96 - - 0.360 0.249 0.612 0.338 0.684 0.393 0.562 0.349 0.613 0.388 0.719 0.391 0.684 0.384 0.843 0.453 1.438 0.784
192 - - 0.379 0.256 0.613 0.340 0.692 0.394 0.562 0.346 0.616 0.382 0.696 0.379 0.685 0.390 0.847 0.453 1.463 0.794
336 0.530 0.300 0.392 0.264 0.618 0.328 0.699 0.396 0.570 0.323 0.622 0.337 0.777 0.420 0.733 0.408 0.853 0.455 1.479 0.799
720 0.573 0.313 0.432 0.286 0.653 0.355 0.712 0.404 0.596 0.368 0.660 0.408 0.864 0.472 0.717 0.396 0.500 0.805 1.499 0.804
96 - - 0.129 0.222 0.169 0.273 0.498 0.299 0.183 0.297 0.201 0.317 0.274 0.368 0.258 0.357 0.375 0.437 0.985 0.813
192 - - 0.147 0.240 0.182 0.286 0.828 0.312 0.195 0.308 0.222 0.334 0.296 0.386 0.266 0.368 0.442 0.473 0.996 0.821
336 0.323 0.369 0.163 0.159 0.200 0.304 1.476 0.326 0.212 0.313 0.231 0.338 0.300 0.394 0.280 0.380 0.439 0.473 1.000 0.824
720 0.404 0.423 0.197 0.290 0.222 0.321 4.090 0.372 0.231 0.343 0.254 0.361 0.373 0.439 0.283 0.376 0.980 0.814 1.438 0.784
24 3.041 1.186 1.319 0.754 2.294 0.945 5.800 1.693 2.203 0.963 3.483 1.287 5.764 1.677 4.480 1.444 5.914 1.734 6.624 1.830
36 3.406 1.232 1.579 0.870 1.825 0.848 6.043 1.733 2.272 0.976 3.103 1.148 4.755 1.467 4.799 1.467 6.631 1.845 6.858 1.879
48 3.459 1.221 1.553 0.815 2.010 0.900 6.213 1.763 2.209 0.981 2.669 1.085 4.763 1.469 4.800 1.468 6.736 1.857 6.968 1.892
60 3.640 1.305 1.470 0.788 2.178 0.963 6.531 1.814 2.545 1.061 2.770 1.125 5.264 1.564 5.278 1.560 6.870 1.879 7.127 1.918
96 - - 0.166 0.256 0.192 0.274 0.409 0.488 0.203 0.287 0.255 0.339 0.365 0.453 0.768 0.642 2.041 1.073 3.041 1.330
192 - - 0.223 0.296 0.280 0.339 0.673 0.641 0.269 0.328 0.281 0.340 0.533 0.563 0.989 0.757 2.249 1.112 3.072 1.339
336 - - 0.274 0.329 0.334 0.361 1.210 0.846 0.325 0.366 0.339 0.372 1.363 0.887 1.334 0.872 2.568 1.238 3.105 1.348
720 - - 0.362 0.385 0.417 0.413 4.044 1.526 0.421 0.415 0.422 0.419 3.379 1.388 3.048 1.328 2.720 1.287 3.153 1.354
Information 2023, 14, 598 23 of 35
Table 14. Recent applications on time series forecasting using other deep learning architectures.
Industry: 37 16 - 16.2%
Industry: 10017 - 20.9% Macro: 3903 - 17 .0%
Demographic Finance Industry Macro Micro Other Demographic Finance Industry Macro Micro Other
Table 16. Long-term forecasting benchmark data sets. The data set size (·, ·, ·) refers to the car-
dinality of training, validation and test set, respectively. The columns dim, pred len and time res
refer to the dimensionality of time series, the number of predicted future samples and the time
resolution, respectively.
7. Conclusions
The paper has reviewed deep learning architectures for time series forecasting, un-
derlining their advances. Nevertheless, four major problems remain open. The first one
resides in the inability of most deep learning methods, with the exception of Deep Gaussian
Processes, to estimate a confidence interval for the time series prediction. In principle, all
deep learning architectures quoted in the survey can be properly modified using Bayesian
training strategies [206] in order to provide the uncertainty of the model prediction, but, to
the best of our knowledge, it has not been performed yet. The second problem resides in
Information 2023, 14, 598 25 of 35
the development of more and more complex deep learning architectures. This makes them
subject to overfitting, a problem that can hardly be faced by deep learning architectures.
Therefore, the development of deep learning architectures for time series forecasting that
are robust w.r.t. overfitting is becoming more and more relevant. The third problem consists
in the need for adequately long time series. In particular, some deep learning architectures,
e.g., Transformers, require the estimation of millions of parameters, implying, in this way,
the necessity of adequately long time series for estimating them. The problem seems to
be partially addressed by data augmentation but the proposed solutions are not fully
adequate, yet. Finally, the last problem emerges in most of the reviewed deep learning
models. They assume the dynamical stationarity of time series, implying that the dynamic
system generating time series is stationary over time. When the aforementioned assump-
tion is violated, a concept drift phenomenon [207] in time series is observed, consequently
leading to a dramatic decrease in the prediction accuracy of deep learning models for time
series forecasting.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.C., V.C. and F.C.; methodology, A.C. and V.C.; valida-
tion, A.C., V.C. and F.C.; formal analysis, F.C.; investigation, A.C., V.C. and G.I.; resources, A.C., V.C.,
G.I. and F.C.; writing—original draft preparation, A.C., V.C. and F.C.; writing—review and editing,
A.C., V.C. and F.C.; visualization, A.C., V.C. and F.C.; supervision, F.C.; project administration, F.C.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is
not applicable to this article.
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for the useful comments.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Table A1. Table of the most commonly used mathematical operations with their respective description.
Symbol Definition
Y = w∗X Convolution between a kernel w and a sequence X . The result is a new sequence Y .
Element-wise product between two vectors ~u and ~v. The result is a vector ~y such
~y = ~u ~v
that yi = ui vi .
V ⊗W Tensor product between two vectors V and W, the result is a matrix.
I The Identity matrix.
where K is the finite number of noise level of forward process, ak ∈ (0, 1) for k = 1, 2, . . . , K
are hyperparameters indicating the variance of the noise level at each step, N (·, ·) is the
Gaussian distribution, and I is the identity matrix. The Gaussian transition kernel q(·|·)
has a fundamental property that allows obtaining x k directly from original sample x0 :
where a˜k = ∏ik=1 ai . In DDPM, the reverse transition kernel pθ (·|·) is designed by a deep
neural network:
pθ ( x k−1 | x k ) = N (µθ ( x k , k), Σθ ( x k , k)), (A3)
where θ indicates learnable parameters of deep neural networks. In order to compute the
parameters θ such that samples estimated by pθ ( x0 ) are almost identical to observed data
x0 , a maximum likelihood estimation method is performed, minimising the variational lower
bound of the estimated negative log-likelihood E[− log pθ ( x0 )]:
" #
p θ ( x k −1 | x k )
E[− log pθ ( x )] = Eq(x0:K ) − log p( x ) − ∑ log
0 K
, (A4)
k =1 q ( x k | x k −1 )
where x0:K indicates the sequence x0 , . . . , x K . A simpler objective function [174] can be
provided, as follows:
assuming the covariance matrix equal to Σθ ( x k , k ) = σk2 I, where σk2 controls the noise level
(1− a k )2
and may vary at different reverse steps, and δ(k) = 2σk2 ak (1− ãk )
Subsequently, the ALD algorithm is used for the sampling phase. The algorithm is
initialised with a sequence of increasing noise levels σ1 , . . . , σK and a starting sample
x K,0 ∼ N (0, I). For k = K, K − 1, . . . , 0, x k is updated with N iterations that compute:
z ← N (0, I) (A7)
x k,n ← x k,n−1 +ψk sθ ( x k,n−1 , σk ) + ψk z,
where n = 1, . . . , N and ψk represent the step of update.
Information 2023, 14, 598 27 of 35
where w and w̃ are standard Wiener processes [212]. It can be proved [176] that the sampling
from the probability flow ordinary differential equations (ODE) yields the same distribution of
the time-reverse SDE:
dx = [ f ( x, k) − g( x )∇ x log qk ( x )]dk, (A11)
where f ( x, k ) and g(k) are the drift and diffusion coefficients for the diffusion process, re-
spectively, and ∇ x log qk ( x ) is the Stein score that can be learned with similar methods as
in SGMs (see Appendix B.2). At this point, it can observed that the DDPMs can be refor-
mulated in terms of SDEs, that generally known as variance preserving (VP) SDE [176]. The
same reformulation can be done for the forward process of SGMs, where the corresponding
SDE is known as variance exploding (VE) SDE [176]. After having learned the score model
sθ ( x, k), the samples are generated by solving the time-reverse SDE or the probability flow
ODE with ALD techniques.
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