Auer 1969
Auer 1969
Auer 1969
The osmotic, sedimentation, arid diffusion coefficients of sonicated sodium DNA i n
aqueous solutions which were rendered rigorously free of salts have been obtained iii
order to study the polyelectrolyte effect on these parameters. Both native and heat-
denatured DNA’s were studied. All three parameters were forind to be independent
of concentration between 2 and 10 mmole/l. The osmotic coefficient gives the fraction
of counterions not immobilized by the polyelectrolyte potential, under conditions of
equilibrium. The value (ca. 0.18) obtained for this fraction agrees very well with that,
predicted by a theory of rodlike polyelectrolytes. A simplified model that permits the
computation of fractions of mobile ions from sedimentation and diff iision coefficients,
when applied to the experimental data, showed t,hat tinder these conditions of flow be-
tween 0.5 to 0.9 of counterions are not, immobilized. The experimental dat,a also showed
that for native DNA the translation frictional coefficient seems to have different values
in sedimentation and diffusion, which agrees with a finding reported for another salt-
free polyelectrolyte. For denatured DNA, however, the valiies were found to be equal;
no satisfactory explanation coiild be found for this difference of behavior.
The solution properties of polyelectrolytes, in contrast to the usual
electrolytes, are very much affected by the pronounced asymmetry of the
component ionic species. The polyion is of an extended (often variable)
shape and bears numerous charges, fixed to the macromolecular chain,
while electroneutrality is assured by the presence of the stoichiometrically
equivalent number of oppositely charged counterions of low valency.
Ideal behavior would be observed if the polyion and each counterion were
independent kinetic units, free of the influence of the other particles
present. Due to the intense electrostatic interactions between them
however, such is not the case.
The first to study the thermodynamic parameters of polyelectrolyte
solutions was Kern.’ He concluded that the osmotic coefficient 4 of salt-
free solutions of poly(acry1ic acid) neutrnlized to various extents with
sodium hydroxidc decrc:Lsed strongly :LY the linear charge density on the
* Research Fellow of the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation. Present Address:
Department of Biochemistry, The University of Itochester School of hledicirie and
Deiitistry, Rochester, New York 14620.
chain increased and was considerably less than one, the value correspond-
ing to ideal behavior. I n addition, Kern found that was almost inde-
pendent of molecular weight and concentration. While the osmotic
coefficient for a polyelectrolyte may be determined from osmotic-pressure
measurements and from light-scattering studies, the counterion activity
coefficient (which may be considered thermodynamically identical to the
osmotic coefficient2) may be derived from measurements of half-cell
potentials and membrane potentials. It is generally found that values of
4 obtained from these various techniques agree one with another. Further-
more, patterns of behavior similar to that found by Kern for polyacrylate
solutions are followed by all polyelectrolytes. The osmotic coefficient
thus constitutes a valuable parameter, characteristic of the linear charge
density of a given polyelectrolyte and determining its behavior under a
variety of equilibrium experimental conditions.
A number of theoretical calculations, based upon solutions of the
Poisson-Boltzmann equation governing the polyelectrolyte potential, have
sought to describe the equilibrium properties of polyelectrolytes. Lifson
and Katchalsky3 derived an exact expression for for the case of a rodlike
polyelectrolyte, since for this model an analytical solution to the differ-
ential equation could be found. Subsequently, the predictions of the
theory were applied to many polyelectrolytes possessing varying degrees
of flexibility.2 It was invariably found, however, that the values of inter-
charge distance corresponding to the fully-extended state of the chain had
to be severely reduced in order to bring the calculated values of 4 into
accord with experiment. At the time, osmotic coefficients of a truly
rodlike polyelectrolyte were not available for unequivocal comparison
with theory.
When a polyelectrolyte is introduced into a system of electroneutral
translational flow, the polyion and counterion components migrate to-
gether. The observed frictional coefficient f may be expected to be com-
pounded of additive contributions from the polyiori and the z (monovalent)
counterions, so that to first approximation
Calf thymus DNA from Worthirigton Biochemicals, Inc. was dissolved
i u standard saline citrate (SSC, 0.15M KaCl arid 0.015M trisodium
citratc) and further deproteinized by a few extractions with ch1oroform:iso-
arnyl alcohol (24 :1) solutiori." The DXA was precipitated with isopro-
paiiol, washed, arid immcdiatcly redissolved i n 0.05M sodium phosphate
buffer, pH 6.5, containing 0.002M EDTA. The DNA concentration was
2 mg/ml.
Sonic irradiation of 3540 ml of the buffered DNA were carried out
under an atmosphere of in :L Raytheori 10 KHz sonic oscillator.
The sample cup was cooled by circulating ice water. Sorlication was for
pcriods of 10 inin, a t 0.9 to 1.1 A. The pH's and spectrophotometric
illeltirig curves a t 259 mp before and after soriicatiori were essentially
Molecular Weight
JIolecular weights of the sonicated DNA samples were determined b y
measuring the intrinsic viscosity in SSC a t 25.00 f 0.04"C. The Cannon-
Ubbelohde viscometer used had a solvent efflux time of 24s sec. The
double-logarithmic curve of intrinsic viscosity versus molecular weight of
Eigner and Doty13 provided values for the molecular weight of the soni-
cated samples. These were corrected according to the recalibration of this
curve for low molecular weights implicit in the work of Cohen and Eisen-
berg.14 The molecular weight average finally obtained is, in general, more
complex than the weight average, which light s ~ a t t e r i n g ' ~yields,
, ~ * sincc
intrinsic viscosity is involved in the determination.
I n Table I the corresponding average numbers z of monomer residues per
molecule are set out for the various DKA samples. Samples IT-1 and D-1
represent cases where the products of two runs in the sonic oscillator,
having almost identical molecular weights, were combined and treated as a
single homogeneous sample, since the variance of the distribution of
molecular sizes produced by sonicationl* is much greater than the dif-
ference in molecular weights of the sonication runs so combined. Samples
D-1 and D-2, are, in fact, the same material: after performing one set of
diffusion and sedimentation runs on sample D-1, the entire batch was
recovered, concentrated, and redialyzed and was designated D-2.
Physical Characteristics of Sonicat,ed DNA Samples
Intrinsic z x 10-18
Native sonicated DNA whose molecular weight had been determined was
dialyzed a few times against deionized water to remove most of the salt
present. The DNA, in the dialysis sac, was heated to 95°C for 1 hr,
cooled to room temperature over about 3 hr, and dialysis continued as for
samples of native DNA.
Salt-Free Solutions
Salt-free solutions of extreme purity were required. If the DNA solu-
tion is lO-*M in monomer residues, and if at equilibrium the value of 4 is,
say, 0.2, then the concentration of osmotically active ions is 2 X 10-3M.
I n order to introduce less than 1% error by the presence of extraneous 1-1
electrolyte, the acceptable limit of contamination is 1 x lO-"dI salt.
The solutions of sonicated DNA in 0.05Jl sodium phosphate were con-
centrated to one-half or one-third the original volume. Ordinary cellulose
dialysis tubing was extracted \vith byarm sodium bicarbonate solution,
then with warm ethanol and finally Lvith warm distilled water. The con-
centrated DNA solution was encased in a dialysis sac, an air bubble also
being incorporated to ensure thorough mixing. The sac was introduced
into a capped Lucite cylinder holding about 300 cc and set to tumble a t
about rps a t 4°C. The dialysate was refreshed with cold distilled
deionized water, whose conductivity was less than 1 X reciprocal
ohm-cm-l. To check the efficiency of the dialysis procedure, sodium
chloride was introduced into the sac and its loss followed both conducti-
metrically and by means of chloride analysis on the dialysates. The limit
of detection of chloride was 0.04 pmole. The decrease in titratable chloride
paralleled the decrease in specific conductivity. The conductivities of the
last dialysates, which were equilibrated for 24-43 hr, were essentially
identical t o that of deionized water, and no detectable chloride was found.
Thus the salt concentration in the dialysate was always lower than 5 X
10-6M and should have been even less in the DKA solution itself due to the
Donnan effect. Imbibition of water considerably reduced the concentra-
tion of DNA during the course of the dialysis.
Proper caution was exercised to prevent contamination of the DNA by
salt subsequent to dialysis. All vessels, which were preferably of plastic,
were thoroughly rinsed with deionized water. All transfers arid manipula-
tions were carried out in the cold.
The concentration of the solutions of salt-free DNA was determined
spectrophotometrically, by using volumetric dilutions of the DNA into
cold SSC. An extinction coefficient, based on moles phosphate, of 6.53 X
lo3was employed.'j The DKA obtained upon completion of dialysis was
shown t o be fully native by carrying out melting curves on such dilute
solutions in SSC.
Dilute solutions of salt-free DNA were prepared by delivering cold
deionized water to the salt-free DNA produced by dialysis. A motor-
driven micrometer syringe fitted with a fine polyethylene capillary added
water at the rate of 2 pl/sec, while the DNA, maintained a t O"C, was being
rapidly stirred. Dilutions to about 1.5 to 2 X 10-3n'l were routinely made
and intermediate concentrations could then be prepared by appropriate
mixtures of the concentrate and dilution. Aliquots of the resulting salt-
free dilutions were transferred into SSC, on which melting curves were
carried out t o make sure that no denaturation had occurred.
Thermal Stability
Thermal stability of salt-free DNA was examined by conducting spectro-
photometric melting experiments between 0 and 40°C on salt-free DNA
solutions, in the absence of added salt. A set of quartz spacers provided
Temperature, “ C
Fig. 2. Thermal denaturation of sample N-1 in salt-free solution meawred by irirrease
of relative absorbance: ( 0 )1.0 X 1 0 P mole P/L; ( 0 )11.5 X mole P/l.
path lengths of 1.0, 0.2, or 0.05 mm, as required, for the highly concen-
trated solutions. Two representative melting curves are presented in
Figure 2. As expected, the solution of higher concentration undergoes
thermal denaturation a t a higher temperature than does the solution of low
concentration. This is presumably a manifestation of a self-protectivc
effect due to the increased “ionic strength” provided by the higher con-
centration of free counterions a t the higher DXA concentration, and is in
direct analogy to the increased protection to thermal denaturation afforded
by increasing concentrations of added salt. 16*
Since a t 5°C a DYA solution with a concentration as low as 1 X 10-36f
remains completely native (Fig. 2), all our experimental determinations
were conducted a t this temperature on solutions of concentration greater
than this limiting value.
Diffusion measurements were made on an instrument which had been
constructed in our laboratory by ;\Iohan18 according to the outlines of
L o n g s ~ o r t h ,employing
~~ Rayleigh interference optics with the 5461 A
mercury line. The temperature was maintained a t 5.3 =t 0.01”C. To
prevent denaturation of native DNA by diffusion into distilled water, the
solvent side n-as filled with dilute D S A solution. Solutions of denatured
DKA, however, were allowed to diffuse into distilled water.
Diffusion coefficients D were calculated by two methods designed to
examine the dependence of D on concentration c. Both were programmed
for electronic computation. First, the method of BoltzmannZ0permits the
determination of D as a function of c from single experiments:
D(c) = (- 1/2t)(rZx/tlc),
/r: xdc‘
Here, x is distance (in centimeters) in the cell, while c is evaluated from the
number of fringes and the refractive increment, dn/cZc.
* Our results disprove the unexpected finding” that higher concentrations of DNA
are more susceptible to denatiuatioii ripon removal of salt than are low cwnceritratiotis.
Osmotic Pressure
Osmotic pressure was measured by the concentration osmometer tech-
n i q ~ e . ~ I5n this procedure, a n unknown polymer solution is made to
undergo osmosis against a series of concentrations of a standard polymer of
known osmotic pressure. Interpolation to the point where zero volume
flow between chambers occurs yields that concentration of the standard
with the same osmotic pressure as the unknown solution.
The polymer used as ultimate osmotic standard was a poly(ethy1ene
glycol) sample, Carbowax 6000, of the Union Carbide Chemical Co.
C,gm / 100 ml
The experiments were carried out in the cold room, a t 3-Ti"C. (The
concentration osmometer method is little affected by temperature changes
if the temperature remains the same on both sides of the membrane.) The
osmometers were gently agitated during the runs, which took about 1 day
with the Loeb membranes, and about 4-6 days with the cellophane mem-
Material reclaimed from diffusion experiments (made saline, recon-
centrated, and redialysed to the salt-free state) was subsequently em-
ployed in the osmometric runs. Thereafter, however, it had to be dis-
carded due to the possibility of contamination by the Carbowax standards.
Osmotic Coefficients
The results of the osmometric experiments are presented in Table 11.
The third column gives the concentration of Carbowax 6000 which was
isoosmotic with the DNA sample. (In the osmometry of sample N-3, the
standard polymer employed was sample D-2.) The osmolality of the
DNA solution is then known by reading off the curve of lcigure 3, and the
osmotic coefficient 4, given in the fourth column, is the ratio of this con-
centration t o the stoichiometric monomolar concentration of DNA present.
I n addition to the standard deviations given in Table 11, an estimated error
Osmotic Coefficients of Native and Heat-Denatured DNA at 5°C
Concn of
DNA Conc. standard,
Sample M x 103 g/100 ml 6 (A std. dev.)
of 37, arising from the calibration of the standard polymer must be added.
It should be noticed that, in the ranges examined, 4 is in effect independent
of concentr:~tioti (up to about 9 X 10-3Al), and, for native DNA, of
apparent molecular \\eight. This is in agreement n-ith the general be-
havior of polyelectrolytes discussed earlier.
Diffusion Coefficients
Both of the computational methods employed to examine the relation-
ship between the diffusion coefficient and concentration showed that D, is
independent of c over the entire range in question. The numerical results
of the two methods were in excellent agreement. They are set out in
Table 111. The concentrations of the two solutions on either side of the
boundary are indicated in the second column. The values of D, for
native DNA are seen to be independent of apparent molecular weight.
The value of D, for sample K-2 was determined from a synthetic boundary
run in the ultracentrifuge under conditions of negligible centrifugal flow.
It is seen to differ slightly from the other values obtained for native DNA.
Iliffrisiori Coefficients of Native and Heat-Denatured DNA at 5.3"C
D, X lo6, cm2/sec
Sample Concri range, M X 103 ( f std. dev.)
Sedimentation Coefficients
The sedimentation boundaries were formed by means of a synthetic
boundary cell. I n some cases, for native DNA, the boundary was formed
between two solutions of different concentrations. The sedimentation
coefficient then determined was actually a differential sedimentation
coefficient,24 which is strictly valid a t the arithmetic mean of the two
concentrations. The remainder of the runs with native DNA were made
with boundaries formed against water. As a result, a small amount of
denatured DNA formed at the centripetal edge of the boundary, due to
diffusion into water. This was visible as a small peak. The denatured
DNA, however, sediments more slowly than does the native DNA and so
does not penetrate the boundary. Furthermore, the motion of the peak
in sedimentation describes the flow in the entire plateau region.28 Conse-
quently the denaturation has no effect on the value of s,. All the runs
with denatured DNA were carried out by forming a synthetic boundary
against water. The values of the sedimentation coefficients obtained,
Sedimentation Coefficients of Native and IIeat-Denat wed I)NA at 5.3%
s,, X loL3,sec
Sartiple COIICII, ill x 103 (fstd. dev.)
corrected to 5.3"C, are given in Table IV. For the differential sedimenta-
tion runs, the concentrations of both solutions are indicated in column 2.
The value of s, for every sample is found to be independent of concentra-
tion of polyelectrolyte, in the range examined. I n addition, there is no
dependence of the s, values of native DNA on the apparent molecular
weight of the sample. The result that in the absence of salt both L), arid
s, show negligible dependence on concentration agrees with prediction.
Osmotic Coefficients
The osmotic coefficients of native and denatured DKA which appear in
Table I1 are depicted in Figure 4. Also shown for the sake of comparison
are the activity coefficients of the sodium counterion in solutions of sodium
DNA, as determined from measured membrane potentials by Ascoli
06 -
- - - - oO . O
t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c, M I I 18'
4 = (1 + B2)/2X (3)
Here, p is an implicit function of X (for higher A, p2 < 0) and of the volume
fraction of polymer. X characterizes the linear charge density, and is
given by X = e2/DbkT, where e is the unit electronic charge, D is the
macroscopic dielectric constant of the solvent, b is the distance between
the fixed charges, and k is Boltzmann? constant.
12or native DKA, b is taken as 1.7 A, while the radius of the molecular
cylinder, needed to evaluate the volume fraction, is taken as 9.7 A.33 The
\ ,
M,(l - iip)D,
where A f p , ill,,,,and 8 are, respectively, the molecular weight, the residue
weight, and the partial specific volume of the neutral polyelectrolyte, p is
the density of the polyelectrolyte solution, s, and D, are the apparent
sedimentation coefficient and the apparent diffusion coefficient, respec-
tively, of the polyelectrolyte. b?r/dm, is the derivative of the osmotic
pressure with respect to the molar concentration. For a salt-free x-valent
polyelectrolyte, of osmotic coefficient 4, b?r/brn,is equal to RT&. x is of
course also the number of residues per macromolecule, so that M , = M,,/x.
For the sodium salt of DNA, M,,, = 331. I n salt-free solution the values
for B are, for native DNA, 0.499 cc/g f 1%,15 and for denatured DNA,
0.494 cc/g f 3%.
Since the values of the three experimental parameters +, D,, and s, for
each sample of DNA are independent of concentration, the values of RsD
determined from them are likewise not dependent on solute concentration.
This of course applies to that range of concentration in which all three
parameters have been obtained, which in practice is delimited by the con-
centration range for +. Since D, and s,, were determined over more ex-
tensive concentration ranges than 4 and were found to be independent of
concentration, we may suppose that 4, and therefore RSD, will also be
independent of concentration for the entire concentration range studied.
I n Table V, the value of R s D as calculated for each sample by eq. ( 5 ) is
presented, together with the concentration range defining its applicability.
It is seen that for every sample of native DNA, the ratio of frictional
coefficients is greater than one, beyond the limits set by experimental
error. We wish especially to emphasize the results for sample N-3. The
range of rigorous applicability is broad. The derived value of RSDis very
for~ Native and Heat-Denat rired DNA Calciilated from
Values of f i s ~
Osmotic Pressure, Free Diffnsion, arid Sedimentation Velocity
large, 1.52, while the estimated error is low, 8%. We conclude, then, that
the frictional coefficient of native DNA in salt-free solution in sedimenta-
tion is greater than it is in free diffusion, over a fairly extensive range of
polyelectrolyte concentration.
In contrast to the behavior of native DKA, the values of R s D for the two
samples of denatured DNA are unequivocally equal to unity. (Since
samples D-1 and D-2 are actually the same preparation, the values of 4 for
D-2 were used to compute R s D for D-1.) We conclude from the results
that the frictional coefficient of denatured DKA in salt-free solution in
sedimentation is experimentally indistinguishable from that in free diffusion.
Could these findings be explained by a variation, with the system of flow,
of the counterion immobilization? According to the simplified model, the
friction of a polyelectrolyte molecule in the absence of salt is taken to be
additively compounded of the polyion and mobile ion frictions, so that
[see eqs. (1’)and (4)]
RSD= (fp- + eszfNa+)/(S,- + edzfNa+) (6)
Here fp- is the frictional coefficient of the DNA polyion and fNa+ of the
sodium ions, while 0, and & are the fractions of the mobile counterions in
sedimentation and diffusion, respectively. Daniel and Alexandrowicz,s
while discussing their work on salt-free polylysine hydrochloride (PLHCl),
have hypothesized that R ~ may D differ from unity for the following
reason. The application of an external field, as occurs in sedimentation
but not in diffusion, possibly modifies the degree of counterion immobiliza-
tion. If so, 8, is expected to be larger than e d , while Od and the osmotic
fraction 4 might be taken as equal one to the other, since both are repre-
sentative of the random motion of the ions, with no external force applied.
Thus, from the data for es and 4 in PLHCl one calculates RSD5 2 (only
an upper bound can be given since f p + of salt-free PLHCl is only known to
be larger than or equal to the value found in the presence of salt). This
prediction fully agrees with the value of R s D = 1.8 found experimentally.8
Now the main contribution to the friction of both native and denatured
DKA is due to the counterions, since 0zfN.c >>fp- (see the following section).
Therefore, R S Dis in effect given by the ratio &/&[eq. (S)]. Hence, adopt-
ing the hypothesis just described, we take e d = 4 and estimate R s D from the
ratio es/4 (see next section for evaluation of the 0’s presented in Table VII).
This gives R s D equal to about 3-4, for both native and denatured forms of
DNA. Experimentally, however, we find the much lower value R S D=
1.3-1.5 and the absolutely unaffected value R S D= 1, for the native and
denatured forms, respectively!
One could argue, of course, that the modification of the frictional
coefficient of :L salt-frec polyelectrolyte molecule depends on its shape.
We suppose here that native DKA is rodlike, denaturcd DXA is coillike,
and I’LHC1 presumably consists of very stiff, short coils.8 However, it is
difficult to envisage a mechanism for modifying the frictional coefficient
by which the most rodlike molecule, native DNA, would constitute the
intermediate case, giving an R ~ valueD larger than unity but much smaller
than computed from Os/tp.
Let us continue to speculate on the possible origins of this apparent
anomaly. We observe that any mechanism producing an alteration in
the frictional coefficient might well arise from an orientation of the poly-
electrolyte molecules in salt-free solution, under the influence of an external
field. If so, fs, and hence s,, should depend on the centrifugal field in-
tensity. We have therefore studied the effect on s, of varying angular
velocity, using a new sample of sonicated native DNA. Unfortunately
the experimental conditions of our original study could not be reproduced,
and only some preliminary low-accuracy experiments have been carried out.
The results are set out in Table VI. Tentatively fitting the results with a
straight line dependence of s, upon the relative centrifugal field (using
least squares and omitting a suspect value s, = 1.637), we find that as the
field decreases toward zero, s, tends to about 0.7 X sec. Recalcu-
lating RsD accordingly [eq. (31, we find R S D 2 at low field intensity.
The result, if credible, shows that in the absence of an orientation effect,
RsD of native DNA approaches more closely the value expected from
Os/& ( = es/tp). This is generally analogous to what has been found with
I’LHC1. Clearly, however, this still does not answer the question why R S D
is equal to one with denatured DKA. Summing up: the contradictory
evidence gathered so far for RSDin salt-free polyelectrolyte systems remains
baffling, unless of course it is attributable to experimental error. Let it be
added that determining s, and D, in salt-free solutions is very difficult and
admittedly of little practical importance, as opposed to determinations in
the presence of salt which permit the molecular weight to be evaluated.
Still, because of the great theoretical importance attaching to a possible
variation of frictional coefficients with flow, further study of the unanswered
questions is certainly needed.
Counterion Immobilization in Flow (e)
In the preceding section the presentation of the experimental frictional
coefficients was purely phenomenological (R ~ Dand
) the simplified model of
Dependence of the Sedimentation Coefficient of Native DNA on
Relative Centrifugal Field
Fractions of Free Counterions for Native and Heat-Denatured DNA in
Sedimentation (&), Diffusion (ed), and by Osmotic Pressure (6)
way of contrast. The results are also added to the plot of 0 versus 4 for
various polyelectrolytes (Fig. 1) and are seen to essentially follow the
general behavior. (Not entirely, for with PLHCl 0, was founds to be
distinctly larger than &, both having been determined from slopes in the
presence of salt, while e d turned out t o be equal to 4 ; i.e., es > & 'V 4 was
found. Here, however, we find 0, > > 4 and 0, N > 4 with the
native and denatured DNA, respectively. This difference in behavior
reflects however what we have already discussed in connection with R ~ D . )
For comparison we have also evaluated 0 of a high molecular weight
native Na DNA. Applying the method of Wall and co-workers4 to their
electrical transference data, Inman et aL40 found 0 N 0.40; applying the
method of slopes in the presence of salt8 to the sedimentation data of Stern
and Atlas4' (using points a t 1.0, 0.2, 0.1, and 0.0lM NaCl but discarding
the point a t 0.00lM) we find 0 N 0.50. All these values, which agree
roughly in their magnitudes but lack detailed consistency, prove the
approximate validity of the simple model used in treating sedimentation
and diffusion data in this section. Let the finding be stressed that the
frictional contribution due to the mobile counterions, e Z f N n k , exceeds by a t
least ten times the contribution due to the polyion, f P - , arid accordingly,
that S , and 1/D, in salt-free solution are an order of magnitude smaller
than in the presence of salt. Hence the description accorded by this
simple model, even if approximate, affords an explanation for very large
We wish to thank Professor Aharotr Katchalsky for his active aiid coritiriried interest
this investigation. I h . G. R. Mohaii's iriterisive instruct,iori in the art, of diffitsiometry
coiisiderably facilitated much of the work. Mr. Ariel Lustig's generous assistance in
some of t,he sedimentat,ion atialyses is greatly appreciated.
We wish to thank Mr. Yeheskiel Haik for performing measiiremeiits of fi of denatured
IINA in identical fashion w in ref. 15.
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