Evaluation Rubric For Promotional Video
Evaluation Rubric For Promotional Video
Evaluation Rubric For Promotional Video
ACTIVITY Exemplary Proficient Partially Proficient Incomplete S
Has a clear picture of what Has a fairly clear picture of Has brainstormed their Little effort has been spent
they are trying to achieve. what they are trying to concept, but no clear on brainstorming and
Adequate description of achieve. Can describe what focus has emerged. refining a concept. Unclear
what they are trying to do they are trying to do overall Goals/final product not on the goals and how the
and generally how his/her but has trouble describing clearly defined. project objectives will be
work will contribute to the how his/her work will met.
final project. contribute to the final
The storyboard illustrates The storyboard includes The thumbnail There is no evidence of a
the video presentation thumbnail sketches of each sketches on the storyboard or script.
structure with thumbnail video scene and includes storyboard are not in
sketches of each scene. text for each segment of the logical sequence and
Notes of proposed presentation, descriptions of do not provide
transition, special effects, background audio for each complete descriptions
sound and title tracks incl: scene, and notes about of the video scenes,
text, color, placement, proposed shots and audio background, or
graphics, etc. Notes about dialogue. notes about the
proposed dialogue/ dialogue.
narration text are
Student met and had Students met and had Only a couple of team Meetings were not held
discussions regularly. All discussions regularly. Most meetings were held. and/or some of the team
students on the team of the students on the team Most of the students on members did not
contributed to the contributed to the discussion the team contributed at contribute at all to the
discussion and were part and were part of the final some level, but a project. Low levels of
of the final project. Team project. Team members majority of the work respect were evident
members showed respect mostly showed respect with was done by one or within the team.
with each other. each other. two.
Final Score