870868-DL-DC-SDCC-02 The Dog Days of Solamnia v1.2

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Ser Huey’s beloved pet has been kidnapped and is being held for ransom –
can you save it?
A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 2.

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Project Leads: Chris Lindsay, Chris Tulach, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks
Writer: Belinda Baldwin
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Editor: Shu Qing Tan
Graphic Design: Belinda Baldwin
Cover Illustrator: Belinda Baldwin / Midjourney AI
Interior Illustrators: Belinda Baldwin / Midjourney AI
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DL-DC-SDCC-02 The Dog Days of Solamnia v1.2 2
“Every dog must have his day.”
― Jonathan Swift

This adventure is designed for three to seven 1st – 4th- Part 3: Wrap-Up. The party returns Bear to Ser Huey.
level characters and is optimized for five characters with
an average party level (APL) of 2. Characters outside this
level range cannot participate in this adventure. ADVENTURE HOOKS
This adventure occurs in the world of Krynn in the
province of Hinterlund, in the nation of Solamnia. The As budding adventurers, there are many ways they could
adventure takes place in 321 AC, prior to the events in have found themselves working with Ispin. Here are a
Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen and the death of couple of suggestions.
Ispin Greenshield.
Childhood Friend. Characters may have grown up in
Kalaman and have known Ispin since childhood. Perhaps
BACKGROUND they are influenced by Ispin and his wild antics to follow
him on his adventures, or perhaps they are equally
Before retiring to the village of Vogler, ISPIN
GREENSHIELD traveled across ANSALON as a teacher,
Knight of Solamnia. As a squire of Solamnia, the characters
trader, and adventurer. Along the way, he forged
find themselves answering a call for aid from a Knight of
friendships with other adventurers. Ispin took his name
the Rose in the Hinterlunds. Joining them in this quest is
from a distinctive green shield he found early in his
a group of adventurers.
adventuring career.
The young Ispin has been approached by the noble, SER
HUEY UTH MARIMON, of the town of BRIGHT HART at the
foot of the VINGAARD MOUNTAINS. Their beloved pet dog,
a Pomeranian named BEAR, has been kidnapped and held
for ransom by a tribe of goblins from the Vingaard
Mountains. Because they don’t deal with terrorists, they
employ Ispin and his adventuring party to rescue Bear and
bring them home safely.

The adventure’s story is spread over 3 parts and takes
approximately 2 hours to play. The adventure begins with
a Call to Action scene.

Call to Action: A Man’s Best Friend. The adventure opens

in a castle outside of the town of Bright Hart in the
Hinterlunds. The castle belongs to Ser Huey uth
Marimon, Knight of the Rose. Ser Huey’s beloved
companion, Bear the Pomeranian, has been kidnapped by
a tribe of goblins. Ser Huey would like the party to rescue
their beloved pet.
Part 1: Rescue Mission. The party tracks the goblin
kidnappers to their camp site. Along the way, they may
notice strange signs of fire use such as burnt tree trunks
or burnt goblin belongings. When the party arrives at the
camp, they find the goblins outside their camp, afraid to
go in. They ask the adventurers to deal with a wicked,
nasty beast that shoots fire from its eyes that has taken
over their camp.
Part 2: Look at the Bones! The party enters the camp to
deal with the beast and rescue Bear, only to discover they
are one and the same! Bear’s new collar has given it the
ability to cast firebolt at will from its eyes. The party
must secure the Pomeranian without harming it and
return to Ser Huey to claim their reward.

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DL-DC-SDCC-02 The Dog Days of Solamnia v1.2 3
Estimated Duration: 20 minutes

The adventure opens in a castle outside of the town of Lighting. The summer sun shines down on the garden, but
Bright Hart in the northern Hinterlunds. The castle belongs the courtyard is covered, providing a respite from the
to Ser Huey uth Marimon, Knight of the Rose. Ser Huey’s heat.
beloved companion, Bear the Pomeranian, has been Sounds. The occasional trill of birdsong and the buzzing of a
kidnapped by a tribe of goblins. Ser Huey would like the bee flying by can be heard.
party to rescue their beloved pet.
CASTLE MARIMON Ispin is part of the party, controlled by the DM.
Ispin kicks off the meeting by asking what Ser Huey can
Ispin and his current adventuring party are responding to a tell them about how the kidnapping occurred. Once Ser
retired knight’s call for aid. Their sponsor, Ser Huey uth Huey provides this information, Ispin looks to the party as if
Marimon, invites the party to meet them at Castle Marimon, to encourage them to ask questions.
a castle situated outside the town of Bright Hart in the
north of the Hinterlunds. ISPIN GREENSHIELD
NG human (he/him) bard
HINTERLUND Ispin is a good-natured human adventurer from Solamnia. He is 30
The province of Hinterlund is situated in the northern part of the years old, with short, wavy red hair shaved on the sides and
realm of Solamnia. Hinterlund is bordered by Nightlund and the brown eyes.
Plains of Solamnia to the south, the Northern Wastes to the north, What He Wants. Ispin is driven by his desire to do good and
and the province of Palanthas in the west. travel across Ansalon.
Verdant grasslands cover the majority of Hinterlund, although Storyteller. Bighearted Ispin loves telling tall tales of his travels
the grass dies off to the north as they approach the Northern to anyone who will listen.
Wastes. The capital of Hinterlund is the city of Maelgoth, which is
What Ser Huey Knows. Here’s what Ser Huey can tell the
located in the southern central part of the province, along the
party about the kidnapping:
Vingaard River.
 Three days ago, Ser Huey was on a walk with their
beloved Bear (off leash) when Bear suddenly
The imposing structure of Miramon castle comes into view, started barking and ran into the woods. By the
rising majestically against the backdrop of the towering arid time Ser Huey made it to the tree line, Bear was
Vingaard Mountains. The keep stands tall, made of sturdy gone.
stone, with its formidable walls and battlements displaying a  Bear is a Pomeranian, well-groomed with a
sense of strength and fortitude. gorgeous new collar that is accented with a ruby
The interior of the keep is a foil to its imposing exterior. You pendant.
are led through a Romanesque house with a checkered  Bear is very smart and knows many tricks, like
hallway and marble statues into a lush garden and shaded, come, heel, rollover, lie down, shake, and go to
tiled courtyard. bed.
Waiting at a table, enjoying a cup of hot tea is your patron,  In the evening of the day that Bear disappeared, a
Ser Huey uth Miramon. They are large and fashionably note was shot on a crude arrow into the garden
dressed, with matching make-up. Their greying hair is pulled demanding that Ser Huey leave 500 gp under a
up into a messy bun. Ser Huey stands as you approach and nearby bridge or they would never see their dog
smiles broadly. “Welcome Ispin and team! I am delighted that again.
you agreed to rescue my darling Bear from those despicable  Ser Huey does not believe in negotiating with
bandits,” they exclaim in a husky voice. terrorists, so they decided to hire the party to
recover their dog instead.
 Ser Huey offers to pay each party member 25 gp
Ser Huey offers seats and tea to the party, asking each of each to return Bear to them alive and unharmed. If
them for an introduction. After their introductions, award the party wants to negotiate, a successful DC 15
everyone inspiration. Charisma (Persuasion) check will convince the old
knight to pay 50 gp each, instead.
AREA INFORMATION  The goblin bandits have infested the Vingaard
The courtyard has the following features. Mountains for decades. Every time the local
authorities send soldiers to eliminate them, the
Dimensions and Terrain. The courtyard and garden are a goblins hide and avoid capture.
picturesque oasis of tranquility and elegance. Enclosed  The goblin camp must be nearby, in the foothills of
by stately walls, they serve as a private sanctuary within the mountains.
the castle.

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DL-DC-SDCC-02 The Dog Days of Solamnia v1.2 4
LG human (they/them) Knight of Solamnia Many celebrated heroes have risen from the Knights of Solamnia,
Ser Huey is a retired Knight of the Rose. At 62, their fighting days the most storied knighthood in Ansalon. The knighthood began
are far behind them. They are a little over 6 feet tall and heavyset, over a thousand years ago, during the reign of the Ergothian
with shoulder-length greying hair and grey eyes. They dress in the Empire in western Ansalon.
latest men’s fashions and coordinate their outfits with colorful eye Before the Cataclysm, Solamnia was a beacon of peace and
makeup and lipstick. prosperity. The knights established great cities and castles across
What They Want. To have their beloved pet dog, a Pomeranian the Plains of Solamnia, including Solanthus, Castle Brightblade,
named Bear, returned to them safely. and Dargaard Keep. The people of Solamnia attributed their
NPC Snapshot. Ser Huey is larger than life and well-loved in the prosperity to the wise and just rulership of the knights.
Bright Hart community. They serve on the town council and advise In the wake of the Cataclysm, faith in the knighthood has
on matters of defense. soured to suspicion. Rumors spread that the knighthood had
possessed the power to avert the Cataclysm and either failed to or
chose not to.
Today, the knights still try to defend the realm as their duty
demands, but their numbers are small and generations of dogma
limit what they can accomplish.

Once the party is done asking questions, proceed to Part 1.

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DL-DC-SDCC-02 The Dog Days of Solamnia v1.2 5
Estimated Duration: 45 minutes

The party tracks the goblin kidnappers to their camp site. experience an encounter from the Negative Encounter
Along the way, they may notice strange signs of fire use Table.
such as burnt tree trunks or burnt goblin belongings. When Along the way, the party members with passive
the party arrives at the camp, they find the goblins outside Perception of 13 or higher notice the following:
their camp, afraid to go in. They ask the adventurers to deal
with a wicked, nasty beast that shoots fire from its eyes that As you hike deeper into the foothills, you glimpse scorch
has taken over their camp. marks on tree trunks along the trail.

TRACKING THE GOBLINS If the party stops to investigate, they can learn the
Ser Huey takes the party to the location where they were
 With a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Nature) check,
walking Bear, when the Pomeranian was abducted. The
the character can tell that the scorch marks are
area is open with short, dry grass. The woods are a quarter
not from a natural fire.
of a mile from the path.
 With a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana)
Characters who succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
check, they can deduce the scorch marks are from
check find small humanoid tracks at the edge of the woods
a lower level fire spell, like fire bolt or produce
near where Bear went missing. A successful DC 14 Wisdom
(Survival) check reveals that these tracks were made by
four goblins. If the characters fail the Perception check, they  A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check
do eventually find the tracks, but it takes the party an hour reveals a burnt leather vest sized for a small
to do so. humanoid discarded in the bushes nearby.
The tracks lead through the woods and into the arid
Vingaard Mountains. The Vingaard Mountain range is the
most dominant physical feature in the nation of Solamnia,
and one of the largest mountain ranges in Ansalon.

The goblins’ tracks lead through pine and spruce woods up

into the foothills of the Vingaard Mountains. The arid foothills
feature vast expanses of rocky terrain, interspersed with
scattered shrubs, cacti, and hardy desert plants. The landscape
varies from gently sloping hills to steep, rugged slopes,
providing breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and
mountain ranges.

The foothills have the following features.

Dimensions and Terrain. The trail traverses steep ascents

and descents, loose rocks, and occasional obstacles like
fallen trees or boulders.
Lighting and Weather. The summer sun shines brightly,
with occasional light cloud cover. The day is very hot and
even keeping to the shade of the trees doesn’t temper it.
Sounds. As the party travels, they hear snatches of birdsong
and the wind whistling through the valleys and mountain
To track the goblins, the party needs to make a DC 14 group
survival check. The goblins are wily, and since they know
the mountains very well, they are hard to follow. If the
party succeeds, they track the goblins to the goblin camp in
a couple of hours and have a single encounter from the
Positive Encounter Table. If the party fails the check, it
takes them 4 hours to track down the goblins and they

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DL-DC-SDCC-02 The Dog Days of Solamnia v1.2 6
d4 Roll Event d4 Roll Event
1 Refreshing Spring. The party comes upon a cool, 1 Chasm Crossing. Blocking the party’s path is a 60-
verdant hollow. Several small streams feed a pool of foot-wide chasm. A large fallen tree spans the
water so clear that the pebbles at the bottom are chasm, allowing the party to cross. The chasm floor
visible. This area is blessed by Majere, the god of is 50 feet below. To safely cross, each party member
contemplation. If a party member meditates near, must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
drinks the water from, or bathes in the pool, a deep check or risk falling. If a party member falls, have
peace comes over them and they gain the benefit of them make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a
bless for the remainder of the day. success, they manage to catch hold of a limb to
2 Hippogriff Pair. Overhead, two hippogriffs, a mated avoid falling. On a failure, they take 25 (5d10)
pair, flit about in the sky, casting dancing shadows bludgeoning damage from the fall.
on the ground below. The bright sun only allows the If the party decides to backtrack to find a safer way
party to see them as dark forms. Occasionally, they across, it takes an hour. Additionally, they will need
screech mating calls to each other, which echo to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check to find the
across the valleys. They eventually fly off. goblin tracks again. On a failure, they lose another
3 Wise Hermit. The party stumbles across a small hut two hours relocating the tracks.
made of mud brick and pine, shaded by scraggly 2 Cliff Face. The goblin tracks lead to a cliff’s edge,
trees. Gardening outside the hut is an old human which drops 100 feet to the ground below. It
named Brorstel TreeDreamer. He is a hermit and a appears that the goblins climbed down, and the
druid, dedicated to Habbakuk, the god of animal life party will need to as well to continue to follow the
and natural balance. If any of the party members is a tracks. Backtracking to find another way down will
druid, or follower of Habbakuk, or if Brorstel believes take the party an hour and they will risk not being
the party is respectful of nature, he will impart the able to find the goblin tracks afterwards.
following warning to them: To climb down, the party will need to make two
“Beneath flames' signs, secrets entwined, successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) checks. If a
A wicked beast, beloved combined. character fails the check, they slip, fall 10 feet and
Collar's power binds them as kin, take 5 (1d10) bludgeoning damage before
Secure with care, lest chaos begin.” continuing their climb.
4 Ancient Ruin. The party spies the remains of a keep If the party decides to backtrack to find a safer way
perched at the top of a high cliff. Finding a path to across, it takes an hour and need to make a DC 15
the ruins is a two-hour round trip out of their way, Wisdom (Survival) check to find the goblin tracks
but if they decide to scale the cliff, they can reach it again. If the check is unsuccessful, they lose another
in 20 minutes. The cliff is 100 feet high but has two hours relocating the tracks.
plenty of handholds. It takes two successful DC 12 3 Hippogriff Pair. Unbeknownst to the party, they
Strength (Athletics) checks to make it up the cliff. If a have come too close to a hippogriff nest. A pair of
character fails the check, they slip, falling 10 feet and hippogriffs shriek in warning, swooping down on the
take 5 (1d10) bludgeoning damage before party, hoping to herd the party away from the nest.
continuing their climb. The hippogriffs chase the party 100 feet before
Once the party reaches the ruins, they find the keep flying away.
is an empty shell of its former self. Searching the If a player succeeds at a DC 12 Intelligence (Nature)
area, the party finds rusted weapons and armor, or DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check, they understand
skeletons of various humanoids, and ruined that the hippogriffs are protecting their nest.
furniture. Have the party make a Wisdom If the party holds their ground, combat ensues. The
(Perception) check, the party member with the hippogriffs will only fight while they have most of
highest number finds a tarnished silver triangle holy their hit points. Once a hippogriff drops below 50%
symbol in the hand of one of the skeletons. This is a of its hit point maximum, it uses a disengage action
holy symbol of Paladine, god of good dragons, and flees.
guardians, and rulers. A creature that wears the 4 Sunstroke. After hiking for several hours in an area
holy symbol is granted a +1 bonus on AC and Saving with little shade, the heat from the harsh sun causes
Throws for the rest of the day. Once the day is over, sunstroke. Have the party members make a DC 12
the magic of the holy symbol fades. Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
character gains a level of exhaustion. Read the
following aloud:
“You have been traveling on a trail that offers little
shade for hours, the sun's rays relentlessly beat
down from a cloudless sky. An intense sensation of
thirst, dizziness, and disorientation comes over you.
However, drinking water and sitting in the shade
provides no relief. “

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DL-DC-SDCC-02 The Dog Days of Solamnia v1.2 7
MEETING THE GOBLINS If the party attacks, the goblins use Nimble Escape to take
The goblin tribe has set up camp very near to the town of the Disengage action and run away in the first round,
Bright Hart – they are less than a day into the Vingaard yelling, “Run away!” in Goblin. Then, in the second round,
Mountain foothills. they use Nimble Escape to take the Hide action before
Depending on how well tracking the goblins went, the moving and dashing.
party either arrives in the early afternoon or in the early
NE goblin (he/him)
Gnyr is an adult goblin with grey-green, pock-marked skin, red
Cresting a hill populated by scrub brush and pine trees, you eyes, and black, slick hair that is parted in the middle. His scalp has
hear the muttering of a conversation before you see them. Six been died blue and the blue is visible in the part and on the edges
shabbily dressed goblins have their backs turned to you as of his hairline.
they watch something beyond your vision. What He Wants. To take their camp and tribe back from the
Obtuse. Gnyr always talks in a whisper and is obtuse in his
AREA INFORMATION responses to questions, leading those talking to him to have ask
The area has the following features. for more information or clarification.

Dimensions and Terrain. The trail crests a lightly wooded

hill. At the top, is a small clearing that the goblins have LASHER QULM THE SECOND-SIGHTED
turned into a makeshift camp from which they watch NE goblin (she/her)
their main camp below. Qulm is an adult goblin with brown-green scarred skin, black eyes,
The main camp is in a valley on the other side of the hill. and black hair pulled into a top-knot. Her nose is long and hooked.
Lighting and Weather. If it is early afternoon, the summer What She Wants. To take their camp and tribe back from the
sun shines brightly, with occasional light cloud cover. The beast.
day is very hot and even keeping to the shade of the trees Smart and Perceptive. Qulm is the brains of the operations and
doesn’t temper it. If it is early evening, the sun is low in the plan to kidnap the noble’s pet was her idea. She is also
the sky and there is a slight chill in the air as the exceptionally perceptive and insightful, giving her the nickname
temperature starts to drop. second-sighted.
Sounds. As the party crests the hill, they hear muttering in
goblin. If a party member speaks Goblin, they overhear What Gnyr and Qulm can tell the party. The goblin
snatches of conversation, like “I don’t see it. Do you?”, leaders entreat the party to free their tribe and
“There’s Yelb, the traitor!”, and “They’re eating the leg! encampment from the beast. They are very apologetic for
That’s not even done curing yet!” stealing the hound of the noble. If the party ask for more
information, here is what Gnyr and Qulm can tell them:
 A beast that can shoot fire from its eyes has taken
Four goblins, Zoiz, Brukz, Kubs, Xuk, and two goblin over their tribe and encampment.
bosses, Gnyr, and Qulm, have hidden themselves up here to  When the beast came to the tribe, it demanded
watch the main goblin camp in the valley below. They don’t submission and the tribe Booyahg, Grinda,
notice the party until the main group crests the hill. Anyone claimed the beast was a new god.
approaching stealthily needs to succeed at a DC 12  There are 12 tribe members that remained to
Dexterity (Stealth) check to remain unnoticed by the follow Booyahg Grinda and beast.
goblins as they approach.  The goblins brought the beast to the camp 3 days
The goblins do not want to fight the adventurers. In fact, ago.
they are thrilled that the adventurers have arrived and seek  The beast has taken the main tent (area 04) as its
their aid in rescuing the camp. Gnyr and Qulm are the own.
leaders of the tribe and speak Common.
 Qulm will gift the adventurers with a Javelin of
Lightning if they deal with the Booyahg and the
beast without killing their tribe members.

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DL-DC-SDCC-02 The Dog Days of Solamnia v1.2 8
Estimated Duration: 45 minutes

The party enters the camp to deal with the beast and rescue AREA INFORMATION
Bear, only to discover they are one and the same! Bear’s
new collar has given them the ability to cast firebolt at will Temple locations are marked on the DM’s map in Appendix
from their eyes. The party must secure the Pomeranian A. The camp has the following features.
without harming them and return to Ser Huey to claim their
reward. Dimensions and Terrain. The goblin camp is in a small
valley surrounded by lightly wooded hills. The animal-
skin tents are of various sizes and shapes but are sized
THE GOBLIN CAMP for their goblin residents. Medium or larger creatures
need to crouch to enter the tent. As the tents are only 4
The goblin camp is a simple community with a handful of feet tall, Medium and Larger creatures are squeezed tight
tents and a central fire pit. A simple lean-to near the fire pit when inside. Refer to the sidebar titled “Squeezing into a
seems to be a food preparation area, and a couple of Smaller Space” for more information.
midden piles have formed in camp. Twelve goblins and the Lighting and Weather. If it is early afternoon, the summer
Booyahg remain in camp as followers of “the beast,” who is sun shines brightly, with occasional light cloud cover. The
Ser Huey’s Pomeranian, Bear. day is very hot and even keeping to the shade of the trees
While being kidnapped by Gnyr, Qulm, Yelb, and Ugdi, doesn’t temper it. If it is early evening, the sun is low in
Bear barked and snapped furiously at the goblins, but could the sky and there is a slight chill in the air as the
not get them to understand or let them go. In their temperature starts to drop. The fire is lit in preparation
frustration, Bear howled a wish. Bear wished that they for dinner.
could be understood by their captors and had the power to Sounds. The goblins are going about their business. The
free themselves. Unbeknownst to Ser Huey, Bear, or the characters can hear the sounds of camp life and snatches
goblins, the ruby on Bear’s new collar was a powerful spell of goblin conversation.
gem imbued with the wish spell. Once Bear’s wish was
granted, the gem lost its magical properties.
Immediately, fire bolts began shooting from Bear’s eyes, SQUEEZING INTO A SMALLER SPACE
striking trees and Ugdi, setting Ugdi’s vest aflame. Bear A creature can squeeze through a space that is large enough for a
insisted on their freedom, and the goblins quickly complied. creature one size smaller than it. Thus, a large creature can
Gnyr and Qulm, fearful of the power of the little beast, but squeeze through a passage that’s only 5 feet wide. While
also still hoping to obtain the ransom from the human squeezing through a space, a creature must spend 1 extra foot for
owner, offered Bear meat, water, and a large tent to rest in every foot it moves there, and it has disadvantage on attack rolls
once they reached their camp and promised to take Bear and Dexterity saving throws. Attack rolls against the creature have
back the next day. Bear agreed, and the group returned to advantage while it’s in the smaller space.
At camp, things did not go according to plan for Gnyr and 01. CENTRAL CAMP
Qulm. As the goblins fed Bear and shared the story of the
kidnapping with the rest of the tribe, Booyahg Grinda saw
the chance to usurp Gnyr and Qulm by insisting that ‘the Cautiously approaching the goblin camp, you find yourself
Beast” was a small god and that the tribe should worship entering a lightly wooded valley, its serenity marred by the
and follow it. At first, Bear was surprised and only wanted presence of the mischievous creatures. The camp sprawls
to go home, but it didn’t take long for Bear to realize that before you, a cluster of makeshift tents crafted from animal
they were now the “Master.” Why ever would they want to skins. The tents stand no taller than four feet, allowing some
go back to being the pet? of you to see over the tops of them.
Since that fateful night, Gnyr, Qulm, and their most loyal As you draw nearer, the sounds of goblin life grow louder.
were ejected from the camp and Booyahg Grinda has ruled Snippets of conversation reach your ears, spoken in a guttural
through “the Beast” for the past two days. language. The goblins move about with a restless energy,
engaging in various activities. Some gather firewood, their
footsteps crunching on twigs and dry leaves, while others
prepare meals or tend to crude equipment strewn about the

Four goblins are in the central camp area when the party
approaches. The goblins are Yelb, Sidjik, Meb, and Louse.
They are in the process of preparing for the evening meal.
The group is loyal to the Booyahg and “the Beast,” but they

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DL-DC-SDCC-02 The Dog Days of Solamnia v1.2 9
are cowardly. A show of force by the party with a successful Grinda is an old goblin with wrinkled, grey-green skin and spiky,
DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation) check will convince them short grey hair. She is thin and bent with a small pot belly. Her
that they should run while the running’s good. small hands are scarred from years of shamanic cutting.
If the party tries to parlay and convince them that they What She Wants. To keep her power over her tribe through her
should abandon their leaders, they will protest loudly, influence of Bear.
which will draw the attention of Booyahg Grinda (a Knows it All. Grinda tends to agree with only herself unless
kobold scale sorcerer reskinned as a goblin) and her two someone else's opinion sounds like she can benefit from it. She
goblin helpers from area 02. Booyahg Grinda does not want hated that Gnyr and Qulm didn’t defer to her in all decisions when
the party to take their small god from them, so she orders they took over leadership of the tribe from the previous Lasher.
the goblins to attack and defend “the Beast.”
Here are some suggestions for adjusting this scene (adjustments This tent is made of animal skins. The interior is cramped,
are not additive): dark, and smells strongly of body odor and leather.

 Very Weak: Remove a goblin and use the goblin stat block for
Booyahg Grinda. 04. LASHER TENT
 Weak: Remove 2 goblins.
 Strong: Add 2 goblin bosses from area 7. The Lasher’s tent is the largest, most lavish tent in the
 Very Strong: Add 2 goblin bosses from area 7. encampment. Like the others, it is made of leather and cloth,
but with finer quality materials.
02. BOOYAHG’S TENT Once inside the tent, you see a Pomeranian on a threadbare
velvet pillow being attended to by four goblins. The dog’s fur is
The Booyahg's tent stands out amidst the goblin camp. Made slightly matted and dirty, but its golden collar and ruby
from a combination of tanned animal hides and intricately pendant still gleam beautifully.
woven fabrics, the tent's exterior bears mystical markings and “Bow strangers! Who are you, and why have you come?”
symbols. the little dog asks in a high-pitched voice. Their little black eyes
Entering the tent, you find yourself in a small and dimly lit glow red in warning.
space, the atmosphere heavy with the scent of incense and
dried herbs. The interior is decorated with feathers, bones, CREATURE INFORMATION
and crystals dangling from strings, swaying gently with every
movement, casting shimmering reflections in the subdued Bear is here with four goblin servants. Bear has quickly
light. adapted to being “Master”, not realizing that Booyahg
Grinda is the one in charge. When the party first speaks to
Bear, they are initially not interested in returning home, but
The tent is small, cramped, and dark. It acts as a living they can be convinced. Have the party roleplay convincing
space, workspace, and storage for the Booyahg. Bear to return to Ser Huey and then have one party member
make a DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If the party
TREASURE mentions the love that Ser Huey has for Bear, or the
comforts of home (comparing the quality of living out in the
If the party searches the tent, they find two small, corked
wilderness versus the plush quality of living in the manor),
gourds filled with a pungent liquid hanging amongst the
add 2 to the number rolled. Ispin will aid in the persuasion,
feathers and bones. These are potions of healing.
giving the character making the roll advantage.
If Booyahg Grinda is present, she protests the party’s
CREATURE INFORMATION logic and believes that Bear will choose to stay with the
If Booyahg Grinda (a kobold scale sorcerer reskinned as goblin tribe, where they can continue to be the “Master”.
a goblin) and her two goblin helpers were not drawn If the party successfully convinces Bear to return home
outside when the party entered the camp, they will be with them and Grinda is present, or if the party attempts to
encountered here. take the Bear by force, combat breaks out. Bear only joins in
Booyahg Grinda can speak Common. She realizes that she combat if the party tries to take them by force. On initiative
is outnumbered if encountered in her tent, so she will offer count 10, a firebolt shoots from their eyes (attack +4, 5
to take the party (with her helpers) to see “the Beast, O (1d10) fire damage) at a character of the DM’s choice.
Great and Terrible.” If the party threatens her, she attempts
to flee with her helpers to area 04, Lasher’s tent. ADJUSTING THE SCENE
She plans to attack the party once she has them in the Here are some suggestions for adjusting this scene (adjustments
Lasher’s tent with Bear and Bear’s four goblin servants. are not additive):
 Very Weak: Remove 2 goblins and replace the kobold scale
sorcerer with a goblin to represent Booyahg Grinda.
CE goblin (she/her) booyahg
 Weak: Remove 2 goblins.
 Strong: Replace 2 goblins with goblin bosses.

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 Very Strong: Replace 2 goblins with goblin bosses.
This tent is made of animal skins. The interior is cramped,
dark, and smells strongly of body odor and leather.


This large tent is used for weapon and armor creation and
storage. Inside the dim tent, you see various materials for
weapon and armor creation, large and thick branches, animal
jaw bones, hides, leather straps, and scavenged broken
weapons and armor.
Two goblins sit in the center of the tent building spears.

This is the tent that Gnyr and Qulm said the javelin made of
lightning could be found, but the party must contend with
the occupants before they can claim it.

The gobins sitting in the center of the tent are Zrark and
Fatteeth, two goblin bosses. They are the most skilled
hunters and weaponsmiths in the tribe. Neither goblin is
overly interested in the politics of the tribe. They believe it’s
BEAR, A.K.A. THE BEAST best to focus on what they are good at regardless of who is
N dog (they/them) in charge.
Bear is a compact and dainty dog, standing at around 7 inches tall If the party tries to parlay with them, Zrark and Fatteeth
at the shoulder. Despite their small size, they possess a lively and only have a rudimentary grasp of Common. They can be
confident demeanor that commands attention. Bear’s plush convinced that the party is working for Gnyr and Qulm, the
orange-sable fur creates a fluffy and almost teddy bear-like tribe’s previous Lashers with a successful DC 12 Charisma
appearance. (Persuasion) check, but they will not allow the party to take
What They Want. To be loved, adored, and pampered. the javelin until Qulm and Gnyr are returned to power.
Conflicted. Though Bear enjoys being the Master of the goblin
Ispin is against killing or harming the goblins to obtain
tribe, they also miss the comforts of Castle Marimon and the love
the javelin, saying, “We struck an honorable bargain with
of Ser Huey.
Lasher Gnyr and Lasher Qulm. Let us honor it.”
Regardless of how the scene ends, proceed to Part 3.
05. GOBLIN SLEEPING TENT Most of the weapons and armor here are rudimentary and
of poor quality. All of it is sized for a goblin and of little use
This tent is made of animal skins. The interior is cramped, to the party. Against the back wall of the tent is a weapon
dark, and smells strongly of body odor and leather. rack that holds javelins and spears, one of which is made of
a strong metal that is a blend of shades, ranging from deep,
rich grays to shimmering silvers, with occasional hints of
celestial blue or purple hues. This is the javelin of lightning
the Lashers promised the party.

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Estimated Duration: 10 minutes

OUTCOME 1: THE PARTY SUCCESSFULLY Returning to Castle Marimon with Bear, you find Ser Huey
eagerly waiting at the front steps. At the sight of Ser Huey,
CONVINCES BEAR TO RETURN HOME Bear barks in anger, “No! No! I am not a pet!” Bear leaps out
of your arms and runs off into the wilderness.
If, in Part 2, the party convinces Bear to return to Ser Huey
Ser Huey looks surprised and dismayed. “Did Bear just
with them, Gnyr and Qulm return to power as the goblin
speak? Did they insist that they are not my pet?” Ser Huey
tribe’s Lashers. Booyahg Grinda was either killed by the
party or run out of the tribe by Gnyr and Qulm. asks sadly.
As long as at least half the tribe is still alive at the end of Ispin sighs, “I am afraid a great magic was wrought while
the adventure, Gnyr and Qulm honor their promise, and Bear was kidnapped, and it changed them dramatically. We
reward the party with the javelin of lightning. tried to do as you asked, but it seems little Bear did not want
to come home.”
Returning to Castle Marimon with Bear, you find Ser Huey
eagerly waiting at the front steps. At the sight of Ser Huey, Ser Huey sadly thanks the party for their efforts and agrees
Bear barks with joy, their little tail wagging furiously as they that payment is due, but the party can see that the old
leapt from your arms and into the waiting arms of Ser Huey. knight is heart-broken at the loss of their beloved pet.
“Master, master! I am so glad to be with you again,” Bear
exclaims in their high-pitched voice. TREASURE
Ser Huey holds Bear out and looks at them in surprise. “You The party receives 25 gp each from Ser Huey, or 50 gp each
speak? What magic is this! Please, do not call me ‘master’. Call if they negotiated a higher sum in the Call to Action, and
me Huey. You are my beloved companion and I missed you so the javelin of lightning.
Ispin smiles and laughs at the sight of the happy reunion,
“Come, my brave adventurers, let us go inside and let them
have their moment.” BEAR HOME
If in Part 2, the party fails to return Bear to Ser Huey with
After the reunion, Ser Huey emotionally thanks the party
them, they do not earn the reward.
for the rescue of Bear. They then pay what they promised to
Depending on how they resolved Part 2, Gnyr and Qulm
the adventurers.
could be returned to power, or Booyahg Grinda could have
secured her power, or the tribe could have been wholly
TREASURE defeated and scattered.
The party receives 25 gp each from Ser Huey, or 50 gp each
if they negotiated a higher sum in the Call to Action, and the Returning to Castle Marimon, you find Ser Huey eagerly
javelin of lightning. waiting at the front steps. At the sight of you returning
without Bear, Ser Huey’s face drops in dismay. “What
OUTCOME 2: THE PARTY FORCES BEAR happened,” Ser Huey asks sadly.
Ispin sighs, “I am afraid a great magic was wrought while
TO RETURN HOME Bear was kidnapped, and it changed them dramatically. We
tried to do as you asked, but we were not able to bring little
If in Part 2, the party forces Bear to return to Ser Huey with
Bear home to you.”
them, Gnyr and Qulm return to power as the goblin tribe’s
Lashers. Booyahg Grinda was either killed by the party or
run out of the tribe by Gnyr and Qulm. TREASURE
As long as at least half the tribe is still alive at the end of
the adventure, Gnyr and Qulm honor their promise, and If the party returns Gnyr and Qulm to power while leaving
reward the party with the javelin of lightning. half the tribe alive, or if the party defeats the tribe, they
obtain the javelin of lightning.

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At the end of the session, the characters receive rewards based upon their accomplishments.


The characters earn the following rewards: For running this adventure, you earn a DM Reward. See the
Adventurers League Dungeon Master’s Guide for more
ADVANCEMENT information.
A character participating in this adventure gains one level.

If found during the adventure the following items are
converted to gold and added to any coins found during the
adventure. The gold is split among the party members. If
someone wants to keep an item in particular that character
can either take it as part of their share, or pay for it with
their own gold. Mundane items are not duplicated nor
included in this.
Item Gold Value
Reward per player 25 gp each
Maximum reward 50 gp each
per player

If found during the adventure, the characters can keep the
following magic items; these items are described in
Appendix B:

 Javelin of lightning
 Potion of healing

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The following creatures appear in this adventure.


Tiny Beast, True Neutral Small Humanoid (Goblinoid), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 7 (2d6) Hit Points 27 (5d6 + 10)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

7 (−2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 2 (−4) 10 (+0) 4 (−3) 7 (−2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 9 (−1) 14 (+2)

Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Skills Arcana +2, Medicine +1, Stealth +6
Languages -- Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Languages Draconic
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Keen Smell. Bear has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks

that rely on smell. Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on an attack roll against a
creature if at least one of the kobold’s allies is within 5 feet of the
Pack Tactics. Bear has advantage on an attack roll against a creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
creature if at least one of the rat's allies is within 5 feet of the
creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kobold has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.
Spellcasting. Grinda’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4
DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following bard
(1d4 +2) piercing damage.
spells prepared:
Bear uses the giant rat stat block with the following modifications:
At will: mage hand, prestidigitation
Bear has an intelligence of 9, does not have darkvision, and can
2/day: charm person, fog cloud, levitate
speak common.

Multiattack. The kobold makes two Dagger or Chromatic Bolt
attacks. It can replace one attack with a use of Spellcasting.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Chromatic Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, range 60 feet, one
target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) of a type of the kobold’s choice: acid, cold,
fire, lightning, poison, or thunder.
Booyahg Grinda uses the kobold scale sorcerer stat block with the
following modifications: remove sunlight sensitivity and pact
tactics traits and add the goblin’s nimble escape trait and speaks
common and goblin (instead of draconic).

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Small Humanoid (Goblinoid), Neutral Evil Small Humanoid (Goblinoid), Neutral Evil

Armor Class15 (leather and shield) Armor Class 17 (chain shirt and shield)
Hit Points 7 (2d6) Hit Points 21 (6d6)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

8 (−1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (−1) 8 (−1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (−1) 10 (+0)

Skills Stealth +6 Skills Stealth +6

Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages Common, Goblin Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action
as a bonus action on each of its turns. as a bonus action on each of its turns.

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Multiattack. The goblin makes two attacks with its scimitar. The
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage. second attack has disadvantage.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Redirect Attack. When a creature the goblin can see targets it
with an attack, the goblin chooses another goblin within 5 feet of
it. The two goblins swap places, and the chosen goblin becomes
the target instead.

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Large Monstrosity, Unaligned Expert;
Medium Humanoid (Human), Neutral Good
Armor Class 11 (natural armor)
Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3) Armor Class 14 (studded leather)
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft.
17 (+3) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 2 (−4) 12 (+0) 8 (−1) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
Skills Perception +5
Senses passive Perception 15 Saving Throws Dex +4
Languages -- Skills Acrobatics +4, Performance +4, Persuasion +4, Sleight of
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Hand +4, Stealth +4
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Keen Sight. The hippogriff has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
checks that rely on sight.
Helpful. Ispin can take the Help action as a bonus action.

ACTIONS Tools. Ispin has proficiency with thieves’ tools and a lute.

Multiattack. The hippogriff makes two attacks: one with its beak
and one with its claws.
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage. Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

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If found during the adventure, the characters can keep the following magic items; it’s suggested that you print off enough copies
of this page to be able to give one to each of your players (crossing out rewards they didn’t receive during the session):

Weapon (Javelin), Uncommon

This javelin is a magic weapon. When you hurl it and speak

its command word, it transforms into a bolt of lightning,
forming a line 5 feet wide that extends out from you to a
target within 120 feet. Each creature in the line excluding
you and the target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 4d6 lightning damage on a failed save, and
half as much damage on a successful one. The lightning bolt
turns back into a javelin when it reaches the target. Make a
ranged weapon attack against the target. On a hit, the target
takes damage from the javelin plus 4d6 lightning damage.
The javelin's property can't be used again until the next
dawn. In the meantime, the javelin can still be used as a
magic weapon.
Proficiency with a javelin allows you to add your
proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make
with it. This item is found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Crafted from a unique alloy forged from meteoric iron,
this weapon possesses a striking appearance that sets it
apart from any mundane javelin. Its metallic surface bears a
mesmerizing blend of shades, ranging from deep, rich grays
to shimmering silvers, with occasional hints of celestial blue
or purple hues. When held, it crackles with lightning.

Potion, Common

You regain 2d4+2 hit points when you drink this potion.
This item is found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
This small, corked gourd filled with a pungent liquid is a
potion of healing crafted by Booyahg Grinda.

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To DM an adventure, you must have 3 to 7 players—each to restrict item use or ask them to use a standard ability
with their own character within the adventure’s level range score array.
(see Adventure Primer). Characters playing in a hardcover Point players to the D&D Adventurers League Players
adventure may continue to play too, but if they play a Guide for reference. If players wish to spend downtime days
different hardcover adventure, they can’t return to the first and it’s the beginning of an adventure or episode, they can
if they level beyond its level range. declare their activity and spend the days now, or they can
do so at the end of the adventure or episode. Players should
NEW TO D&D ADVENTURERS LEAGUE? select their characters’ spells and other daily options prior
to the start of the adventure, unless the adventure specifies
http://dnd.wizards.com/playevents/organized-play otherwise. Feel free to reread the adventure description to
help give players hints about what they might face.
To determine whether you should consider adjusting the
adventure, add up the total levels of all the characters and
PREPARING THE ADVENTURE divide the result by the number of characters (rounding .5
or greater up; .4 or less down). This is the group’s average
Before you start play, consider the following: party level (APL). To approximate the party strength for
 Read through the adventure, taking notes of anything the adventure, consult the table below.
you’d like to highlight or remind yourself of while
running the adventure, such as a way you’d like to DETERMINING PARTY STRENGTH
portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to use in a combat. Party Composition Party Strength
Familiarize yourself with the adventure’s appendices and 3–4 characters, APL less than Very Weak
handouts. 3–4 characters, APL equivalent Weak
 Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you in 3–4 characters, APL greater than Average
running this adventure—such as notecards, a DM screen, 5 characters, APL less than Weak
miniatures, and battlemaps. 5 characters, APL equivalent Average
5 characters, APL greater than Strong
 Ask the players to provide you with relevant character
6–7 characters, APL less than Average
information, such as name, race, class, and level; passive
6–7 characters, APL equivalent Strong
Perception score, and anything the adventures specifies
6–7 characters, APL greater than Very Strong
as notable (such as backgrounds, traits, and flaws).

Players can play an adventure they previously played as a

player or Dungeon Master but may only play it once with a SAFETY TOOLS
given character. Ensure each player has their character’s Safety tools ensure that players aren’t pushed beyond their
adventure logsheet (if not, get one from the organizer) with comfort levels. They let your players know that you want them to
their starting values for level, magic items, gold and have a positive experience. Some common safety tools are
downtime days. These are updated at the conclusion of the provided below—each with a summary of how they work. Make
sure you discuss them with your players before the game.
session. The adventure information and your information
There are a broad range of safety tools available for you and
are added at the end of the adventure session—whether
your players online, but for more information reach out to your
they completed the adventure or not.
Event Organizer or to [email protected].
Each player is responsible for maintaining an accurate
logsheet. If you’ve time, you can do a quick scan of a
player’s character sheet to ensure nothing looks out of
order. If you see magic items of very high rarities or strange
arrays of ability scores, you can ask players to provide
documentation for the irregularities. If they cannot, feel free

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