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Miller - Chart - Fixed Flow Adpater

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Issued Oct. 2023 • Index No. GE/31.

Fixed-Flow Adapters Gas Equipment

and Surge Protectors
fixed-flow adapter H1400 Series Fixed-Flow Adapters
Designed for welding operations or other applications requiring fixed inert gas flows. Installs in
regulator outlet or pipeline outlet without regulator. Set regulator at the desired pressure and be
assured of the correct gas flow. Inlet filter protects orifice from debris. Female thread size 5/8"-18 UNF,
male thread size 1/4-inch NPT — ideal for directly connecting to pipeline outlet.

15001 Series Surge Protectors

Fixed-flow surge protectors designed for MIG welding
applications eliminate sudden surges of shielding gas into
15001-30 the wire feeder. Female thread size 5/8"-18 UNF, male thread
surge protector size 5/8"-18 UNF — ideal for directly connecting to welder
or wire feeder.

Surge protector

H1400-20 Fixed-Flow Adapter and 15001-20 Surge Protector H1400-30 Fixed-Flow Adapter and 15001-30 Surge Protector
0.026 Orifice Diameter 0.032 Orifice Diameter

Pressure Gas Flow (scfh) Pressure Gas Flow (scfh)

(psig) CO2 Air Argon Helium Nitrogen (psig) CO2 Air Argon Helium Nitrogen
5 9 11 9 29 11 5 13 16 14 44 17
10 11 13 12 36 14 10 17 21 18 56 21
15 13 16 14 43 17 15 20 25 21 67 25
20 16 19 16 51 19 20 23 29 25 78 30
25 18 21 19 58 22 25 27 33 28 89 34
30 20 24 21 65 25 30 30 37 32 100 38
35 22 27 23 72 28 35 33 41 36 111 42
40 24 29 26 79 31 40 37 45 39 122 46
45 27 32 28 87 33 45 40 49 43 133 51
50 29 35 30 94 36 50 43 53 46 144 55
55 31 37 33 101 39 55 47 58 50 156 59
60 33 40 35 108 42 60 50 62 53 167 63
65 36 43 37 116 44 65 53 66 57 178 68
70 38 45 40 123 47 70 57 70 60 189 72
75 40 48 42 130 50 75 60 74 64 200 76
80 42 51 44 137 53 80 63 78 68 211 80
85 44 53 47 144 56 85 67 82 71 222 84
90 47 56 49 152 58 90 70 86 75 233 89
95 49 59 51 159 61 95 73 90 78 244 93
100 51 61 54 166 64 100 77 95 82 256 97

Note: To determine the gas flow (scfh), set the regulator or pipeline to the desired pressure (psig, blue column).

Miller Electric Mfg. LLC Equipment Sales US and Canada MillerWelds.com

An ITW Welding Company Phone: 866-931-9730
1635 West Spencer Street FAX: 800-637-2315
P.O. Box 1079 International Phone: 920-735-4554
Appleton, WI 54912-1079 USA International FAX: 920-735-4125
H1400-40 Fixed-Flow Adapter and 15001-40 Surge Protector H1400-50 Fixed-Flow Adapter
0.037 Orifice Diameter 0.042 Orifice Diameter

Pressure Gas Flow (scfh) Pressure Gas Flow (scfh)

(psig) CO2 Air Argon Helium Nitrogen (psig) CO2 Air Argon Helium Nitrogen
5 17 21 18 57 22 5 22 28 24 74 28
10 22 27 23 72 27 10 28 34 29 93 35
15 26 32 27 86 33 15 34 41 35 111 42
20 30 37 32 100 38 20 39 48 41 130 49
25 35 43 36 115 44 25 45 55 47 148 56
30 39 48 41 129 49 30 51 62 53 167 63
35 43 53 46 143 54 35 56 69 59 186 70
40 48 59 50 158 60 40 62 76 65 204 77
45 52 64 55 172 65 45 67 83 71 223 84
50 56 69 59 186 71 50 73 90 77 241 91
55 61 75 64 201 76 55 79 96 82 260 98
60 65 80 68 215 82 60 84 103 88 278 105
65 69 85 73 229 87 65 90 110 94 297 112
70 74 91 77 244 93 70 95 117 100 315 119
75 78 96 82 258 98 75 101 124 106 334 126
80 82 101 87 272 103 80 107 131 112 353 133
85 87 107 91 287 109 85 112 138 118 371 140
90 91 112 96 301 114 90 118 145 124 390 147
95 95 117 100 315 120 95 123 152 130 408 154
100 100 123 105 330 125 100 129 158 135 427 161

Note: To determine the gas flow (scfh), set the regulator or pipeline to the desired pressure (psig, blue column).

Ordering Information
Equipment Stock No. Description Qty. Price

H1400 Series Fixed Flow Adapters H1400-20 0.026 orifice diameter

Female thread size 5/8"-18 UNF, H1400-30 0.032 orifice diameter
male thread size 1/4-inch NPT H1400-40 0.037 orifice diameter
H1400-50 0.042 orifice diameter

15001 Series Surge Protectors 15001-20 0.026 orifice diameter

Female and male thread size 5/8"-18 UNF 15001-30 0.032 orifice diameter
15001-40 0.037 orifice diameter

Medium-Duty Regulators 30-150-580 For argon, nitrogen and helium

30-150-320 For CO2
30-100-540 For oxygen

Inert Gas Hose 7294-1 6-foot (1.8 m) length, 1/4-inch (6 mm) diameter with 5/8"-18 RH male connections

Date: Total Quoted Price:

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© 2023 Miller Electric Mfg. LLC

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