Cover Letter Eva-16

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[email protected]

JL.KP.SETU NO.45 RT.08 RW.01

The Lady Behind The Content

Education PROFILE
A fun-loving informatic engineering
graduate that is hard working, has
high discipline and always eager to
2006-2009 Senior high school learn. Passionate in communications,
SMA Yadika 9 I am an active student in the academic and non-academic. event planner, music, art, social
Active as member OSIS, Assistant Coach Choir Yadika 9. activities, digital marketing, writing,
craft, gardening,and travelling.
2009-2014 Informatic Engineering
Gunadarma I am a student who was active in academic and non-academic.
University Awarded as the blogger most active in 2009, became treasurer SKILLS
in the set of engineering students of informatics. Active as
speaker for internal and national seminar held BEM FTI
Universitas Gunadarma. ONLINE

2012 Creative Team

Merry riana Joined as Merry Riana Campus Ambasador where we were Digital Marketing
campus ambasador given teaching for public speaking and branding, network,
and also team work.

Work Experience

2016-2019 Marketing communication Public Relation

Wisma Sehati Manage relationship with media partner, create content plan-
ner, provide content ( design & wording ), handle B2B, handle
digital marketing, create newsletter, email marketing, provide
digital promotion media, writing content for magazine & seo & sem
newspaper, handle web development and content, SEO, Social
Media Ads, Google Ads. Build digital asset (mobile video tron).

2019-Oct 2019 Product Manager

Valutac Inovasi task control for programmers with Scrum method, handle
Kreasi client roadmp,create timeline,control quality product,create Languages
documentation product, create new fitur, and present the
product to client and also user.
2019-Dec 2020 Marketing Manager
PT. Elponte
Create an environment for successful continuous improve-
ment processes in all areas of service.Participate on the 75% 80% 80%
leadership team helping to define and implement the overall
business strategy.Develop relationships with partners and
suppliers in the service industry, including negotiating
supply agreements with key service providers if necessary.
Develop promotion and Campaign. Builld online transaction
first trimester of pandemic.

2021-Present Project Manager

PT. Alat Enginering Manage Project Integrator PLC HMI for Scada Project Perta-
Jaya mina OSES (SBU,NBU,CBU). control timeline project, build
software wonderware and also integrated platform to Scada
System. Collaboration with instrument team to integrate.

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