555 Online Vs Face To Face Advertising-1

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Module Title:

Module Code: FDY3004

Assignment Title: online vs Face to Face advertising

Student Number:
Word Count: 2181
Submission Deadline:
Mind Map of the Plan.................................................................................................. 3

Draft............................................................................................................................ 4



Reflection on Draft...................................................................................................5

Extended Discussion...................................................................................................6


Advantages of Online Advertising............................................................................6

Disadvantages of Online Advertising.......................................................................9

Advantages of Face to Face Advertising...............................................................10

Disadvantages of Face to Face Advertising..........................................................10


Title: Online vs Face to Face Advertising

Mind Map of the Plan

Statistics on

Real Time

Cost Aalytics
Online vs
Face to
Advertisig Less Human
Trust and Connection



Advertising has been an important part of business plan helping companies get
potential customers. In this digital age, online promotion has become a strong
alternative to old-fashioned methods that were done in person. Both online and face-
to-face advertising have their good points and bad points. This task will compare the
pros and cons of each to find the best advertising plan.

Advantages of Online Advertising:

Targeted Reach: Online ads targets customer based on location, demographics,

hobbies, and behaviour, making sure that they are seen by the most likely to convert

Real-Time Analytics: Online advertising gives marketers instant access to data and
analytics, so they can see how their campaigns are doing, change their strategies as
needed, and get the best return on investment (ROI).

Disadvantages of Online Advertising:

Less Human Connection: Online ads don't have the same personal touch and
face-to-face interaction as real shops. This might make it harder for stores and
customers to trust each other and talk to each other.

Saturation and Competition: There are a lot of ads online, and it is hard for ads to
stand out because of the competition. This ads will ot create ay value without
creative and interesting content.

Advantages of Face to Face Advertising:

Localised Audience Reach: Stores can talk to locals directly at events, pop-up
shops, and other community gatherings. This makes face-to-face advertising the
best way to reach them. The customised approach helps stores adapt their
messages to the wants and needs of customers in their area.
Building Trust and Credibility: When customers talk to retailers directly, they can
better build trust and credibility by showing they know their products, solving
concerns, and making personalised suggestions that make people feel more
confident in the brand.

Disadvantages of Face to Face Advertising:

Limitations on Reach and Scalability: Face-to-face advertising can't grow as

quickly as online advertising because stores can only talk to so many people at

Higher costs and resources Intensiveness: planning and carrying out face-to-face
advertising campaigns often requires a lot of money and people, such as staffing,
place rental, and travel costs, which can be hard for stores that are on a tight budget.


Finally, online and face-to-face advertising have pros and cons. Data-targeted online
marketing can reach more individuals, but they may lack the human touch of in-
person conversations. Face-to-face advertising can build deeper relationships but is
limited in area and may demand more resources. The business's goals, target
audience, and resources will determine the best method

Reflection on Draft

The reflection of the draft will be discussed through Gibbs' Reflective Cycle. Gibbs’
Reflective Cycle is a widely used and accepted model of reflection developed by
Graham Gibb (Adeani et al., 2020). Gibbs' Reflective Cycle consisting six stages is a
popular model for reflection, acting as a structured method to enable individuals to
think systematically about the experiences they had during a specific situation.

Description: First, I made a list of the main points I wanted to make in the opening,
body paragraphs, and conclusion. Then I went into more detail about each part,
trying to give a fair look at the pros and cons of both online and face-to-face ads.
Feelings: At first, writing a well-organized case within the word limit made me feel a
little stressed. But as I went along, I felt more sure in my ability to say what I wanted
to say clearly and concisely.

Evaluation: I wrote a clear introduction, included key information in the body

paragraphs, and ended on a clear note. Yes, I could have provided additional
examples and evidence, especially concerning the benefits and cons of each
advertising strategy.

Analysis: I wrote a clear introduction, included key information in the body

paragraphs, and ended on a clear note. Yes, I could have provided additional
examples and evidence, especially concerning the benefits and cons of each
advertising strategy..

Conclusion: I need to add more specific examples and proof, especially numbers or
statistics, to my draft in order to make my points stronger.

Action Plan: I will research more to gather relevant data and credible sources to
support my whole text. I'll also look on improving paragraph transitions and case

Extended Discussion


Digital advertising has changed a lot. Businesses must now pick between face-to-
face and internet advertising, which is rising rapidly. According to Auschaitrakul and
Mukherjee (2017), each method has pros and cons, therefore firms should examine
their goals, target audience, and resources to choose the ideal one. This
assessment will compare the pros and cons of online and face-to-face advertising,
supported by relevant evidence and statistics, and explain the reflection on this topic.

Advantages of Online Advertising

Technology-Driven Targeting Reach: According to Brick et al. (2024), online ads

utilise sophisticated targeting algorithms to present retailers' adverts to potential
consumers based on their demographics, hobbies, and behaviours, increasing the
likelihood of a sale. According to a study by Hootsuite, there were 4.95 billion internet
users in 2022, 63% of the world's population (Kemp, 2023). Businesses may reach a
broad global audience with their products or services. In today's environment,
technology is crucial, thus corporations utilise Google ads, YouTube ads, Facebook
ads, website banner ads, etc.

Figure 1:PitchGround Youtube Ad

Adapted from https://www.youtube.com/

Figure 2 shows the total spending of ads all over the world. It is increasing every
year because of its benefits.
gure 2:Digital ad spendig worldwide

Source: (Mackeviciute, 2022)

Real-Time Analytics: Real-time analytics give marketers immediate insights into

their online adverts (Jebarajakirthy et al., 2021). Thus, marketers may swiftly assess
their advertising' performance, adjust their methods, and maximise ROI. An average
person sees around 10,000 ads per day, as stated by Nadia, (2022). Real-time
monitoring of click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement levels helps
advertisers improve their adverts.
Figure 3:Search Marketing Benchmarks: Average click-through rate

Source: (Chaffey, 2023)

Figure 3 shows CTR, CPC, CR and CPL in 2023 for a wide range of business
categories: So marketers can easily make advertising decisions based on these

Disadvantages of Online Advertising

Less Human Connection: Web marketers battle for attention, making the industry
competitive. Without in-person touch, businesses and buyers can't connect. Online
retail marketing may struggle to build trust, rapport, and emotional bonds because
consumers can't have long conversations, resolve concerns, or express feelings.

Saturation and Competition: There are a lot of marketers competing for people's
attention in online marketing, which makes the field very competitive. Because there
is so much information out there, it's hard for businesses to stand out and get
people's attention. Without new ideas and interesting content, advertisers risk being
overshadowed by rivals. This means that their ads will be less visible and people will
not be interested in them, which will make their online marketing less effective

Advantages of Face to Face Advertising

Localised Audience Reach: Face-to-face advertising with a localised audience

reach lets stores directly target and interact with people in their community, which
builds a sense of community connection, as Voorveld et al. (2018) stated. 95% of
professionals believe that face-to-face meetings are essential for long-term business
relationships and face-to-face meetings have a 40% conversion rate for turning
prospects into customers, as stated by Anon, (2023).

Building Trust and Credibility: Personal interactions in face-to-face ads build trust
and credibility, which makes brand connections stronger. 82% of people think trust is
built by talking to someone in person and The American Marketing Association also
found that 72% of people believe recommendations from family and friends
according to PWC (2020). This shows how important personal connections are for
building credibility. The importance of face-to-face advertising in building trust and
confidence with customers is shown by these numbers.

Disadvantages of Face to Face Advertising

Limitations on Reach and Scalability: Face-to-face promotion can only reach a

limited number of people and can't be used on a large scale. According to
Statista(2021) even though 90% of retail sales still happen in real shops, online retail
sales are growing and will make up 21.3% of all retail sales in 2020. TV ads can
reach 88% of adults ages 18–49 once a week, while a face-to-face conversation can
only reach one person, as stated by Nielsen(2018). This trend shows how hard it is
for face-to-face advertising to reach people outside of local areas. Face-to-face
advertising is constrained by distance and resources, making it tougher for retailers
to reach more people than online advertising.

Higher costs and resources Intensiveness: Compared to digital methods, face-to-

face promotion costs more and takes more time and resources. 26 percent of B2B
marketing funds go to in-person events (Nielsen, 2018). This shows how much
money is needed for face-to-face advertising. EventMB's research also shows that,
based on a number of factors, event marketing costs can range from $5,000 to
$23,000 per event (Nielsen, 2018). These numbers show that face-to-face promotion
requires a lot of money and time, which can be hard for businesses with less money
to spend.


In the end, businesses need to carefully consider the pros and cons of both online
and offline promotion. Online ads are cheap, can be precisely targeted, and can be
analysed in real time, but they lack a personal touch and have issues like having too
many ads. There is a concern about cyber security with online advertising. From
online banking and shopping, to email and social media, it's more important than
ever to stake steps that can prevent cyber criminals getting hold of our accounts,
data, and devices, as stated byThe National Cyber Security Centre (2023). Face-to-
face interactions, on the other hand, build trust, credibility, and relationships in the
local community. However, they are limited in their reach and ability to grow, and
they take a lot more money and time. The best way for a business to advertise relies
on its goals, the people it wants to reach, its budget, and the resources it has access
to. A plan that uses the best parts of both online and offline channels may be good
for many businesses. In the end, staying on top of changing customer habits and
marketing trends is what will make advertising work best in today's fast-paced world.
Businesses can make smart choices about how to create effective, multichannel
advertising campaigns that reach their target groups and work with their operational
capabilities by carefully weighing the pros and cons. For long-term success, a deep
understanding of these two important areas of promotion is essential.


Description: For the extended full text, the first draft was turned into a series of
study papers, drafts, and final versions. After going over my draft again, I saw places
where I needed to add more information, proof, and analysis. Then I spent some
time getting facts, figures, and reliable sources to back up my main points about the
pros and cons of both online and face-to-face ads.
Feelings: My ability to build a well-rounded argument grew as I dug deeper into the
study. But I also got frustrated sometimes when I had to put together a lot of different
pieces of information within the word limit. It was always hard to find the right mix
between depth and brevity.

Evaluation: I think I was able to give a fair view by carefully looking at the pros and
cons of both advertising strategies. Using numbers and reliable sources to back up
my claims gave them more weight. Aside from that, I worked hard to make the text
move better by using smooth transitions and logical paragraph structure.

Analysis: It was very helpful for me to understand the topic better by doing in-depth
study and evaluating sources critically. But managing time and figuring out what
information is most important turned out to be big problems. I sometimes got
distracted by unrelated details or had trouble putting together long, complicated
ideas in a clear way.

Conclusion: I'm mostly happy with the quality of the increased text, but there are
some things that could be done better. The most important one is that I need to get
better at explaining complicated ideas in fewer words, without losing clarity or depth.
I also know how important it is to keep improving my study and writing skills so that I
can make well-organized, convincing arguments.

Action Plan: From now on, I will put a high priority on coming up with methods for
better time management and information prioritisation. This could mean learning
ways to find and focus on the most important things while ignoring the less important
ones. I will also actively look for ways to improve the clarity of my writing through
exercises and comments. To become good at writing clear, convincing academic
papers, I will need to keep practising and thinking about yourself.

Adeani, I. S., Febriani, R. B. and Syafryadin, S. (2020) ‘Using Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle
in Making Reflections of Literary Analysis’, Indonesian EFL Journal, 6(2), pp. 139–
148. doi: https://doi.org/10.25134/ieflj.v6i2.3382.

Anon (2023) 20 Unbelievable Statistics About Face-to-Face Networking, Display

Wizard - The UK’s Leading Supplier of Display Stands. Available at:
https://www.displaywizard.co.uk/statistics-face-to-face-networking/ (Accessed: 22
April 2024).

Auschaitrakul, S. and Mukherjee, A. (2017) ‘Online Display Advertising: The Influence of

Web Site Type on Advertising Effectiveness’, Psychology & Marketing, 34(4), pp. 463–480.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.21000.

Bick, R., Bout, S., Frick, F., Keutel, M. & Skinner, V.(2024). The tech transformation
imperative in retail. McKinsey & Company. Available from: The tech transformation
imperative in retail | McKinsey [Accessed 14 February 2024].

Chaffey, D. (2023) Average Display Advertising Clickthrough Rates | Smart Insights,

Smart Insights. Available at:
display-advertising-clickthrough-rates/ (Accessed: 23 April 2024).

Jebarajakirthy, C. et al. (2021) ‘Mobile advertising: A systematic literature review and

future research agenda’, International Journal of Consumer Studies. doi:

Mackeviciute, C. (2022) What is Online Advertising? Definition, Benefits & Examples,

Sender. Available at: https://www.sender.net/blog/online-advertising/ (Accessed: 23
April 2024).

Nadia (2022) How Many Ads Do We See a Day? (2021), Siteefy. Available at:
https://siteefy.com/how-many-ads-do-we-see-a-day/ (Accessed: 23 April 2024).

Nielsen (2018) Time Flies: U.S. Adults Now Spend Nearly Half a Day Interacting with
Media, Nielsen. Available at: https://www.nielsen.com/insights/2018/time-flies-us-
adults-now-spend-nearly-half-a-day-interacting-with-media/ (Accessed: 23 April

PWC (2020) Customer experience is everything, PwC. Available at:

future-of-customer-experience.html (Accessed: 23 April 2024).

Statista (2021) Digital marketing channels with increased investment in the UK 2021,
Statista. Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/325204/digital-marketing-
budgets-channel-split-uk/ (Accessed: 23 April 2024).

The National Cyber Security Centre (2023). Information for Self employed and sole
traders.Available from: Self employed & sole traders - NCSC.GOV.UK [Accessed 6
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