Stain Training Guide
Stain Training Guide
Stain Training Guide
Activated Charcoal Presoak in surfactants, use bleach in wash. Chewing Gum Presoak in solvents and surfactants. Freeze the gum
This soil is an inert particulate and needs high with ice first. Scrape off the frozen gum and then
levels of mechanical action. pretreat with chemicals.
Adhesive Tape Presoak in solvents and surfactants. Chocolate/Cocoa Presoak in surfactants. Use bleach in the wash.
The solvents emulsify the glue from the tape. The particulates must be emulsified.
Albumin Presoak in alkalinity, enzymes and surfactants Clay Presoak in surfactants and alkalinity. This soil is
using warm (not hot) water. an inert particulate and needs high levels of
Aluminum Presoak in solvents and surfactants and wash. mechanical action.
Then presoak in Powdered Rust Remover and Coffee Presoak in surfactants. Use bleach in the wash.
wash a second time. This metal stain is usually Concrete/Cement Presoak in Liquid Laundry Sour and Rust Remover
greasy and needs separate treatments to or Powdered Rust Remover. These stains are tough
completely remove the stain. to remove and the acid may damage the fabric.
Animal Fats Presoak in alkalinity and surfactants. The alkalinity Cosmetics Presoak in solvents and surfactants. These stains
saponifies the fats. are tough to remove if dried. Some of the newest
Asphalt Presoak in solvents and surfactants. The solvents waterproof cosmetics can be impossible to remove,
will emulsify the hydrocarbons. especially if heat dried.
Balsam of Peru Presoak in solvents and surfactants. This is an oil Crayon or Marker Presoak in solvents and surfactants. The soils must
based medicinal stain. be emulsified or bleached during the cycle.
Beer Presoak in surfactants. Use bleach in wash. Cuffs or Collars Prespot or presoak in enzymes and surfactants.
Betadine Presoak in an antichlor. The thiosulfate antichlor Prespotting usually works better.
removes the iodine stains. Diapers Presoak in enzymes and surfactants. Stains are
Blood Presoak in enzymes and surfactants in cool water. tough to remove if dried.
Blood is tough to remove if dried. The wash cycle Dye No presoaking. Wash with bleach. Bleaching may
should include a cold water flush. Hot water sets cause additional damage and dye loss to fabric.
blood stains. Egg Presoak in alkalinity, enzymes and surfactants.
Butter/Margarine Presoak in solvents and surfactants. The oils must Presoak in warm (not hot) water.
be emulsified.
Fecal Matter Presoak in surfactants, alkali and enzymes.
Carbon Presoak in surfactants. Use bleach in wash. This soil Stains are tough to remove if dried.
is an inert particulate and needs high levels of
mechanical action.
Felt Tip Marker Presoak in solvents and surfactants. Use bleach Mustard Presoak in solvents and surfactants. Use bleach
in washing. in the wash. The yellow in mustard is tumeric,
Fingernail Polish Presoak in solvents and surfactants. Long presoaks a natural yellow dye that is bleachable.
and repeat treatment are often needed as the Oil, Natural Presoak in alkalinity. Strong alkalinity and hot
polish puts layers of strong resins or polymers temperatures saponify the stain.
on the fabric. Oil, Synthetic Presoak in solvents and surfactants.
Fish Oil Presoak in enzymes, surfactants, solvents and Long presoaking times are important.
alkalinity. Fish oil is albumin and oil. Paint, Oil Based Presoak in solvents, surfactants and alkalinity.
Floor Wax/Finish Presoak in solvents, surfactants and alkalinity. The solvents are very important.
Longer soaking is needed if dried onto fabric. Paint, Water Based Presoak in alkalinity and surfactants. Also adding
The finish puts a layer of strong polymer on the solvents may help.
Paraffin (Wax) Presoak in solvents and surfactants. The solvents
Food Soils, Misc. Presoak in enzymes and surfactants. Stains are are very important.
tougher to remove if heat dried.
Perspiration Presoak in solvents, surfactants, alkalinity and
Glue, Protein, White Presoak in solvents, surfactants and alkalinity. enzymes. Wash normally.
Stain removal is poor on the stronger epoxy in
some glues. Petroleum Jelly Presoak in solvents and surfactants. The solvents
are very important.
Granulex Presoak in solvents and surfactants. Use bleach
in the wash. This is an oily, greasy soil. Red Clay Presoak in Powdered Rust Remover, rinse fabric,
then presoak in alkalinity and surfactants.
Grass Presoak in enzymes and surfactants. These stains Remember to rinse between soakings and
are tougher to remove if aged. then wash normally. Iron makes the clay red.
Grease, Food Based Presoak in alkalinity, solvents and surfactants. This soil is an inert particulate and needs high
Strong alkalinity and hot temperatures improve levels of mechanical action.
results. Rouge Presoak in solvents and alkalinity. Rinse the fabric,
Grease, Synthetic Presoak in solvents and surfactants. The solvents then presoak in Powdered Rust Remover. Remember
are very important. to rinse between soakings, then wash normally.
Hibiclens, Hibitane Presoak in Powdered Rust Remover. Chlorine bleach Rust Stains Presoak in Powdered Rust Remover or Liquid
sets Hibiclens stains, so use chlorine bleach carefully. Laundry Sour & Rust Remover. The strong acid
Ice Cream, Milk Presoak in surfactants, alkalinity and enzymes. of the sour may damage the fabric.
Enzymes are optional. Use bleach during the cycle. Salad Dressing Presoak in solvents, surfactants and alkalinity.
Ink Presoak in solvents and surfactants. Use bleach The solvents are very important.
in washing. Scorch Marks Presoak in surfactants. Use bleach in the wash.
Iodine Presoak in antichlor. The thiosulfate antichlor Finishing equipment temperatures that are too
removes iodine stains. high often cause these tough to remove stains.
Iron or Rust Presoak in Powdered Rust Remover. Fabric may Shoe Polish Presoak in solvents, surfactants and alkalinity.
need multiple treatments. The solvents are very important.
Ketchup Presoak in surfactants. Use bleach in the cycle. Shop Grease Presoak in solvents and surfactants. The solvents
This is usually not difficult to remove. are very important.
Kitchen Rags Presoak in alkalinity, solvents and surfactants. Silicone Presoak in solvents and surfactants. The solvents
Strong alkali and hot temperatures improve results. are very important.
Lacquer Presoak in solvents and surfactants. A nitrocellulose Silver Nitrate No presoaking needed. Wash with bleach. Stain
layer is put down by the lacquer. is mostly bleachable. Sometimes stain removal
is enhanced by adding table salt to the wash.
Lipstick Presoak in solvents and surfactants. Stains are
tougher to remove if dried. There are many types Smoke Presoak in solvents, surfactants and alkalinity.
of lipstick. Some of the waterproof ones are Tar and resin from the tobacco need to be removed.
impossible to remove completely. Use bleach in the cycle.
Mayonnaise Presoak in alkalinity, enzymes and surfactants. Soot Presoak in surfactants. Use bleach in the wash.
This soil is an inert particulate and needs high
Medicinal, Unknown Presoak in solvents, surfactants and alkalinity. levels of mechanical action.
Use bleach during the cycle. Another method
would be to use a Powdered Rust Remover Tannin No presoaking needed. Wash with bleach.
and then wash normally. With washing, stain is mostly bleachable.
Aged stains are much tougher to remove.
Merthiolate No presoaking, use strong chlorine bleaching
in wash. Tar Presoak in solvents and surfactants. The solvents
are very important.
Metal Stains Presoak in Liquid Laundry Sour and Rust Remover
or Powdered Rust Remover. This may damage Urine Presoak in enzymes, surfactants and alkalinity.
the fabric. Wash with a strong bleach solution.
Methylene Blue Presoak in solvents and surfactants. Use bleach Vegetable Fats Presoak in surfactants and alkalinity. The alkalinity
during the cycle. This medicinal stain is tough saponifies the fats.
to remove if dried. Vomit Presoak in enzymes, surfactants and alkalinity.
Mildew No presoaking needed. Wash with a strong solution Wash with a strong bleach solution.
of chlorine bleach. Wax (Paraffin) Presoak in solvents and surfactants. The solvents
Molasses Presoak in solvents, surfactants and alkalinity. are very important.
Use bleach during washing. Wine Presoak in enzymes and surfactants. Wash with
Mud Presoak in solvents and surfactants. Rinse fabric. a strong bleach solution.
Then presoak in Powdered Rust Remover.
Remember to rinse between soakings, then
wash normally.
Black Cigarette Ash, Mildew Blue Ink
Blue Ink, Methylene Blue
Brown Betadine, Blood (after washing),
Cosmetics, Granulex, Grease, Hibiclens
Black Cigarette Ash, Ink, Mildew, Shoe Polish (after washing), Iodine, Rust/Iron
Stain removal must also be seen in the context of the overall rewash rate for a facility. Bleach Surfactants
When the rewash rate is high, ordinary soils are not being removed. Increasing the (Chlorine Based) (Suds Products)
chemical levels alone may lower the rewash rate. In instances where small numbers
of items are coming through stained, investigation needs to be done to see if these L USC Liquid Laundry Destainer L USC Fresh and Clean Laundry
items had other uses which contributed to the difficulty of stain removal. In some cases, L NEXUS™ Destainer Detergent
disposable rags and towels can be used more cheaply than the money spent to treat L Ultra Active® Destainer + L USC Liquid Laundry Suds
and rewash these items. In other cases, rewash is more desirable. The facility manager P IND/COM® 3.7% Chlorine L USC Premium Suds
and the type of program in place will dictate what are acceptable rewash rates. Some
facilities rely on the rewash to generate the rags they need for other cleaning. Everything Bleach L USC Premium Suds EC
has a cost and it is up to the laundry specialist to help the laundry manager balance the P IND/COM® 10% Chlorine L USC Premium Enzyme Suds EC
costs for rewash with the costs for the rest of the program in place. Bleach
P IND/COM® 16% Chlorine Surfactants & Enzymes
Lastly, to aid in selecting the appropriate U S Chemical products, what follows is a list of Bleach (Specialty Suds Products)
the product types by category and the products in that category. A generic term used to
describe products with the listed active ingredients is given in parenthesis following the L Ultra Active® Suds +
active ingredients. Liquid products have a (L) before the name and powders have a (P). Bleach
(Oxygen Based)
Surfactants & Solvents
Alkalinity P USC Suds L USC Liquid Oxy Bleach II (Specialty Suds Products)
(Breaks) P IND/COM® Built Detergent L USC Liquid Oxygen Bleach
L USC Merit
P IND/COM® Suds L Ultra Active® Oxy Bleach
L USC Liquid Builder Plus L NEXUS™ Suds
P IND/COM® Oxygen Bleach
L USC Liquid Laundry Break L Ultra Active® Suds
Alkalinity, Enzymes & Surfactants
L NEXUS™ Break L Ultra Active® Prespotter
(Specialty Products) Rust/Metal Treatment Products
L USC Premium Break L USC Liquid Laundry Emulsifier
(Specialty Products)
L Ultra Active® Break P USC Re-Nu and Presoak
P IND/COM® Break P IND/COM® Enzyme Detergent L USC Liquid Laundry Sour L USC Concentrated Laundry
and Rust Remover Emulsifier
Alkalinity & Surfactants Alkalinity, Solvents & Surfactants L NEXUS™ Sour
(Built Detergents) (Specialty Products) L Ultra Active® Sour
L USC Liquid Sour Plus
L USC Compac L USC Laundry Prespotter
L USC De-Iron
L USC Blue Star
L USC Premium Sour
L USC Combo Antichlor (Specialty Product)
P IND/COM® Rust Remover
L NEXUS™ Built Detergent
L USC Liquid Antichlor
P USC All Temperature Laundry
Training Department, 316 Hart St., Watertown, WI 53094 • Phone: (800) 424-1075 Fax: (920) 206-3977
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