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Predictive factors and construction for

forecasting equations on sports-related physical

performances in professional Muay Thai

Present by
Mr. Thammason Boonyota
M.Sc. Physical therapy

Asst. Prof. Dr.Kurusart Konharn

Asst. Prof. Dr. Thiwabhorn Thaweewannakij
Dr. Atipong Phimdee
Dr. Saowanee Nakmaroeng

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ??, 2024

1 2 3

Timeline Data analysis

Data collection

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | January 29, 2024

National of Muay Thai 1

q Olympic game q Muay Thai is considered a sport that is accepted all over
the world. Because the competition is fun, exciting, and
unique to the nation.
q Muay Thai encouraged to United Nation q As a result, athletes are continuously encouraged to
participate in competitions. The number is increasing
every year. From the amateur to the professional level
which has more intense and exciting competitive games.
q In 2014, the International Amateur Muay Thai Federation
(IFMA) announced recognition from the United Nations
Number of participants in Muay Thai boxing that Muay Thai is a sport of the world community. and
preparing to push the sport of Muay Thai into Towards
Olympic level

Fun, Unique of sport, Exciting

Ref. Pacharamon 2016, Kraitus and Panya et al. 1992. Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024

Skill Related Fitness 2

Body composition Muscular strength

Muscular endurance
Muscle power
Reaction time

Flexibility Speed

Coordination Agility

Cardio-respiratory endurance Balance

q “To be successful in competitive games”, various factors or variables affect the results of that
competition Athletes need continuous training and development. One of them is “Skill related to fitness”

Ref. Thomas R. Baeche & Roger, 2000 Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024

Part 1: Factors related to muscular strength 3

Muscular Internal factors include

q The age range of 20-25 years is the period when muscle strength is
highest, and after 40 years it will begin to deteriorate or reduce muscle
Internal External strength
Factors Factors
q Gender differences are usually from the anatomy and physical structure
of males to be stronger than females
Age Nutrition q Muscle type is the difference in efficiency. Work consists of 2 main types:
muscles that contract slowly or type 1 (Muscle type 1) with high
endurance and types that contract quickly or type 2 (Muscle type 2)
Gender Environment q Fat percentage is what indicates the level of muscle clarity stored in the

Muscle type

Fat% Experience

Ref. Sian V Allen et al, 2015, Maughan et al, 1986, Michael A. Clar, 2018, Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Carlo Reggiani et al, 2020)

Part 2: Factors related to muscular strength 4

Muscular External factors include

strength q Experience is the level of accumulation of experience because it can be
organized The movement posture is appropriate to create maximum force
Internal External q Nutrition is the intake of nutrients to restore and stimulate the muscle-
Factors Factors building process. and working system Various things in the body
q Sleeping is the basis for restoring the functioning of the body and mind to
Age Nutrition the functioning of various systems. If you sleep for less than 6 hours, it will
affect the strength of the body's muscles
q The environment such as the temperature during competition stimulates
Gender Environment
the metabolism level. If the temperature is high during competition, it is
easy to sweat and lose water in the body easily to fatigue

Muscle type

Fat% Experience

Ref. Michael A. Clar, 2018, Yanbo Chen et al, 2017, Rahul Jain et al, 2022 Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024

Part 3: Factors related to muscular strength 5

Force Transition

Kinetic chain
q Force is generated from the floor and transferred from foot to fist
q Leg force, hip, and torso rotation are key

Ref. Loturco et al, 2016 Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Part 1: Type of muscle contraction 6

a) b) q Isometric contraction of a specific muscle or

group of muscles. During isometric
exercises, the muscle doesn't noticeably
change length. The affected joint also
doesn't move. Figures a) and b)

Relaxed Contracting q Isotonic contraction produces limb

movement without a change in muscle
tension. Figures c) and d)
c) d)
Muscle lengthens Muscle shortens

Ref. Pacharamon 2016, Kraitus and Panya et al. 1992. Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024

Part 2: Type of muscle contraction 7

e) f) q Isokinetic contraction is the muscular

contraction that accompanies constant
velocity limb movements around a joint. The
velocity of movement is maintained constant
by a special dynamometer. The resistance
of the dynamometer is equal to the
0o muscular forces applied throughout the
range of movement. Figures e) and f)

Knee angles

Ref. Pacharamon 2016, Kraitus and Panya et al. 1992. Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024

Part2: Overview of thesis 8

Manual muscle testing 1-RM testing

Isokinetic dynamometer

Limitations of isokinetic device

q The price of equipment
q The expertise of the person taking the measurement
q The expert can interpretation of post-test data

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Ref. Muff G et al, 2016

Part 5 : Overview of conceptual framework 9

Successful combat competition

• Develop techniques
• Promote more scoring
• 70% Reduce injury

Skill related fitness Muscle strength Effect to Boxer

-Agility -Assessment
-Balance Isokinetic testing -Training
-Body composition (Biodex 4 pro
-Cardio-respiratory endurance dynamometer) -Predict to injury
-Muscle power
-Muscular endurance
Factor-related muscle strength
-Muscular strength
-Reaction time Indicates symbols.
-Speed Equation predicts Already known
muscle strength

Need to explore

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Past 1: Literature review 10
Authors Objective Participants Methods Results

Relationship The study aimed to The study Peak knee flexion and The results indicated that peak knee
between multiple develop predictive included 134 extension torque torque production can be predicted
predictor variables models that establish healthy production were measured with statistically significant accuracy
and normal knee the relationship volunteers (70 at two angular velocities. (multiple R = 0.78-0.87). The
torque production between isokinetic female, 64 Stepwise regression predictive models generated in this
knee testing male) between analyses were used to study can be used to establish muscle
(Michael T Gross performance and the ages of 10 examine the relationship strength goals for patient
et al,1989) anthropometric and and 80 years. between torque-dependent rehabilitative programs
demographic variables and potential
variables. The study predictor variables such as
aimed to predict age, sex, side of lower
peak knee torque extremity dominance,
production based on height, weight, percentage
this variable of body fat, and thigh

q Michael T Gross et al in 1989 created the equation from a simple variable in a healthy population

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Past 2: Literature review 11
Authors Objective Participants Methods Results
A reference The aim of the study Knee extensor isokinetic -Demographic and anthropometric variables The equation was
equation for normal was to develop a tests were performed on (age, body weight, and height) were further validated in
standards for knee reference equation for 390 Brazilian older considered as independent variables for the an independent
extensor isokinetic knee extensor women aged 60-84 years, regression analysis sample of older
strength in Brazilian isokinetic strength and a separate validation -Stepwise multiple linear regression women, where it
older women standards in older sample of 110 women procedures were used to determine the showed a percent
women, as the was used. equation for peak torque (PT) predicted isokinetic
(Juscélia Cristina available equations -The assumptions of regression, such as strength of
Pereira et al, 2019) for knee extensor normality, multicollinearity, and approximately 95%
isokinetic strength homoscedasticity, were checked and met and a mean bias
were found to be -The developed equation was compared to approximately 40%
inadequate for this existing equations by Neder and Gross to lower than the other
population. assess its accuracy and suitability equations
- Bland-Altman plots were constructed to
further evaluate the performance of the
proposed equation

q Juscélia Cristina Pereira in 2019 created the equation from a simple variable in older women

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Past 3: Literature review 12
Authors Objective Participants Methods Results

New prediction The study aimed to The study included -Multivariate linear regression analysis was used -The study found that the
equations for knee develop alternative 332 healthy non- to establish prediction equations for extension PT of knee extension and
isokinetic strength in prediction athletic participants peak torque (EPT) and flexion peak torque (FPT) flexion at 60°/s showed
young and middle- equations to predict between the ages of based on body mass, age, and sex. excellent reliability, with
aged non-athletes isokinetic muscle 20 and 59, with -The reliability of the isokinetic instrument was an ICC value of 0.90.
strength at 60°/s 174 females and assessed by randomly selecting 40 participants for -The prediction equations
(Ye Zhang et al, based on 158 males retesting. developed in this study
2023) anthropometric - An additional 60 participants were used to had higher accuracy
characteristics, validate the prediction equations, and Bland compared to the equations
including body Altman plots were constructed to assess the proposed by Gross et al.
mass, height, age, agreement between predicted values and actual and Harbo et al..
and sex for young measurements.
and middle-aged

q Ye Zhang et al in 2023 created the equation from a simple variable in healthy non-athletic
Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Past 2: Literature review 13

q Over the years, research has delved into
the association between various
variables such as gender, age, height,
weight, muscle mass, circumference of
the leg, and muscle fat percentage.
q These variables were studied to construct
an equation for predicting muscle strength
in both the elderly population and the
general public. However, no studies have
been conducted thus far on Muay Thai

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Part 2: In conclusion 13

Benefit of study
q Create equations and study the relationship between various variables. Predict muscle strength
q Developing future training programs
q Cost saving
q Another form of knowing the physical fitness of Muay Thai boxers.
Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Ref. Ryoko Kawakami et al, 2021
Past Activities

Timeline Data analysis

Data collection

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | January 29, 2024
Past 1: Training instrument 14

q Highly skilled researchers have
undergone rigorous training and possess
expertise in conducting comprehensive
assessments of various tools.
q The tools' readiness has been
thoroughly tested, and every aspect,
including calibration, has been
meticulously evaluated to ensure optimal
q The researchers have left no stone
unturned in verifying the tools' efficacy and
effectiveness, achieving high confidence
in the results.

Figure 1 Isokinetic knee testing Figure 2 CPET

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Past 1: Activities 15

q Assist in recruiting volunteers for the entire
Australian team and Mr.Chia Liang's research

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Past 1: Outstanding credits 16

q Free subjects remaining 1 unit

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Past 1: Outstanding credits 16

q Free The number of credits taken in the
thesis “course is 5 credits”.

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Past 1: Online ethics training 16

q "The online ethics training has been

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
Operating Plans

Timeline Data analysis

Data collection

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | January 29, 2024
Past 1: Operation Plans 17
Action 2567 2568 2569

Write the proposal

Submits the
protocol to human
Research Ethic

Protocol approval
by the Ethics
committee on
Human research

Collecting &
Complete Thesis
Chapter I-IV
Thesis defense

Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Khon Kaen University | May ?, 2024
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