Downward-Moving Prana: Three: The Flve Elements LN Tantra

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lhe space around you.
It Is very satlsfylng to do thls practlce ln lhe mornlng upon awakenlng,
but you can do li whenever you wlsh.

Three: The Flve Elements ln Tantra l 07

Downward-moving prana
ln lhis practice the focus Is ln lhe secret chakra, behind lhe genitais. Con-
tract lhe muscles of lhe pelvic floor, lhe muscles of lhe perlneum and anus,
hold for a few moments, lhen release. Repeat. You can also. if you wish,
hold lhe brealh while contracting and releasing a few tlmes. Exhale on lhe
final release, dlrectlng lhe prana downward out oflhe body, and merge wllh
the relaxatlon that comes with the release. The relaxation makes thls a good
practlce to do when anxlous or ungrounded.


Toe secret levei of lhese practices works wilh lhe sarne five pranas as do lhe
prevlous practlces, but these practlces are dane entirely wilh the mind, lhus
lhey are • secret." They are a slmpllflcatlon of lhe tsa lung practlces that can
be done anywhere because lhey use only attentlon. not movement, to actl·
vate lhe chakras.
A shape and a color are assoclated wlth each chakra. The shape Is not
related dlrectly to lhe shape of lhe chakra. but ralher to lhe pattern made by
lhe channels of energy in lhat location. The color Is related to the qualities
oflhe elemental energy belng activated ln the chakra. Toe syllable A l"fl
Is visualized in each chakra to support and protect lhe experience.
Practlce wllh each chakra three tlmes or until it feels clear. Then evoke
ln li lhe quallty you wish to cultlvate: compasslon. peacefulness, lave, open·
ness, wisdom, generoslty. Develop the quallties you need ln your practlces
and ln your dally llfe. Thls practlce Is analogous to clearlng a roam for a
shrine and lhen maklng the altar. hanging lhe sacred images. and llghting
the incense.
Focus on the crown chakra. Visualize an umbrella shape rlslng from lhe
throat chakra and spreadlng out through the braln to lhe top of the head. The
coloris pale yellow or gold. Toe upward-moving prana, assoclated wilh lhe
earth eiement, rises through lhe throat chakra, through the braln, and up to
lhe crown chakra.
Pray that lhe flve wisdoms, the positive divlne quallties, awaken here
and that they become strong and vivid. Feel lhe opening of your crown
chakra, your connectlon to lhe highest spiritual dimensions. Visualize a lu-
minous whlte A ln lhe crown chakra. Let li intensify. It represents compas-
sion. Allow compassion and luminosity and bliss to pervade ali experience-
your entire body. every being. and every place. The compassion is lively

108 Heallng wüh Forro, Energy and Llght

and rich. nota sentimental. artificiai emotlon. It Is lhe deep compasslon that
arises spontaneously ln lhe enlightened nature.
Focus on the lhroat chakra. Allow it to open and relax. A luminous white
A Is ln the chakra. representing peacefulness. It radiates peacefulness ln
every directlon and pervades each cell in the body. It also pervades lhe
envlronment and ali belngs.
Draw your atterá••••••••••••lhe life-force prana

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