EE338 Tutorial 6

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EE 338 Digital Signal Processing, Spring 2015-2016

Tutorial 6
Instructor: Prof. Vikram M. Gadre

1. Consider two continuous time signals x1 (t) and x2 (t), with CTFT X1 (Ω) and
X2 (Ω) respectively, as shown in Fig.1(a). They are sampled at various angular
frequencies ΩS , as listed below, to generate discrete signals x1 [n] and x2 [n].
(i) ΩS = 2ΩC , (ii) Ωs = 4ΩC (iii) Ωs = 8ΩC
(a) Plot the DTFT X1 (ω) and X2 (ω) for each of above three cases.
(b) Consider two another sampled signals x3 [n] and x4 [n] having DTFTs X3 (ω)
and X4 (ω) respectively as shown in Fig.1(b). The CTFT of these two signals
are shown in Fig.1(c). Calculate the corresponding sampling frequencies used for
each of the signals x3 [n] and x4 [n].

2. (a) For the system described by difference equation,

y[n] + 0.5y[n − 1] = x[n]

i. Find the maximum value of output y[n] for input x[n] = (−1)n
ii. Find impulse response h[n] of this system. Is it BIBO stable? Is it
causal?. (Assume y[−∞] = 0)

(b) Consider another system described by difference equation

y[n] + y[n − 1] = x[n]

i. Find impulse response h[n] of this system. Is it BIBO stable? Is it

causal?. (Assume y[−∞] = 0)

(c) Now consider the modified system to improve stability.

y[n] + αy[n − 1[= x[n]

What values of α will you choose to make the system BIBO stable.

3. A discrete-time system has input x[n] and output y[n]. The Fourier transforms
of these signals are related by the following equation:

(a) Is the system linear? Why?

(b) Is the system time-invariant? Why?

(c) What is y[n] if x[n] = δ[n]?

4. Show that the output of an LTI system can be expressed in terms of its unit step
response s[n] as follows.

y[n] = (s[k] − s[k − 1])x[n − k]

= (x[k] − x[k − 1)])s[n − k]

5. Three systems A,B and C have the inputs and outputs indicated in Table below.
Determine whether each system could be LTI. If your answer is yes, specify
whether there could be more than one LTI system with the given input-output
pair. Explain your answer.

System Input Output

1 n 1 n
System A 2 4
jn/7 jn/7
System B e u[n] 3e u[n]
System C ejn/7 2ejn/7

6. Consider a stable discrete time signal x[n] whose DTFT X(ejω ) satisfies the
X(ejω ) = X(ej(ω−π) )

and has even symmetry, i.e., x[n] = x[−n].

(a) Show that X(ejω ) is periodic with a period π.
(b) Find the value of x[1].
(c) Let y[n] be the decimated version of x[n], i.e, y[n] = x[2n]. Can you recon-
struct x[n] from y[n] for all n. If yes, how? If no, justify your answer.

7. Consider the frequency response H(ejω ) of a discrete-time LTI system. Let h[n]
be the corresponding impulse response. Assume that h[n] satisfies the following
five properties:

(a) The system is causal.

(b) H(ejω ) = H ∗ (e−jω )

(c) The DTFT of the sequence h[n + 1] is real.

1 R∞
(d) | H(ejω ) |2 dω = 2
2π −∞
(e) H(ejπ ) = 0

Answer the following questions:

(i) Show that properties (a)-(c) imply that h[n] is non-zero for only a finite
(ii) Find all possible discrete signals h[n] that satisfy properties (a)-(e).

8. Let g[n] be a finite length sequence defined for N1 ≤ n ≤ N2 , with N2 > N1 . Like-
wise h[n] be a finite length sequence defined for M1 ≤ n ≤ M2 , with M2 > M1 .
Let y1 [n] = g[n] ∗ h[n] and y2 [n] = g[n] ~ h[n]
a) What is length of y1 [n] and y2 [n]?
b) What is the range of indices for which y1 [n] is defined?
c) What should be the minimum value of window length(N), so that the circular
convolution is same as the linear convolution?
(For circular shift - we perform [n mod N] where N is window length)

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