PLDI Week 03 Irs

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CS4212: Compiler Design

Week 3: Compiling Function Calls to x86;

Intermediate Representations

Ilya Sergey
[email protected]
From the Last week:
Comparisons and Conditioning

X86lite State: Flags & Condition Codes
• X86 instructions set flags as a side effect
• X86lite has only 3 flags:
– OF: “overflow” set when the result is too big/small to fit in 64-bit reg.
– SF: “sign” set to the sign or the result (0=positive, 1 = negative)
– ZF: “zero” set when the result is 0

• From these flags, we can define Condition Codes

– You can think of Cond. Codes as of additional registers,
whose value changes depending on the current flags

• E.g., cmpq SRC1, SRC2 computes SRC1 – SRC2 to set the flags
• Now we can check conditional codes:
– eq equality holds when ZF is set
– neq inequality holds when (not ZF)
– lt less than holds when SF <> OF
• Equivalently: ((SF && not OF) || (not SF && OF))
– ge greater or equal holds when (not lt) holds, i.e. (SF = OF)
– le than or equal holds when SF <> OF or ZF
– gt greater than holds when (not le) holds,
• i.e. (SF = OF) && not(ZF)

Conditional Instructions

• cmpq SRC1, SRC2 Compute SRC2 – SRC1, set condition flags

• setb CC DEST DEST’s lower byte ← if CC then 1 else 0

• jCC SRC rip ← if CC then SRC else do nothing

• Example:

cmpq %rcx, %rax Compare rax to ecx

jeq __truelbl If rax = rcx then jump to __truelbl

Code Blocks & Labels

• X86 assembly code is organized into labeled blocks:





Labels indicate code locations that can be jump targets (either through conditional branch instructions or function calls).

• Labels are translated away by the linker and loader – instructions live in the heap in the “code segment”

• An X86 program begins executing at a designated code label (usually “main”).

Basic Control Flow

Jumps, Calls, and Return

• jmp SRC rip ← SRC Jump to location in SRC

• callq SRC Push rip; rip ← SRC

– Call a procedure: Push the program counter to the stack (decrementing rsp)
and then jump to the machine instruction at the address given by SRC.

• retq Pop into rip

– Return from a procedure: Pop the current top of the stack into rip
(incrementing rsp).
– This instruction effectively jumps to the address at the top of the stack

Loop-based Factorial in Assembly

.globl _program
int program() {
movq $1, %rax
int acc = 1;
movq $6, %rdi
int n = 6;
while (0 < n) {
cmpq $0, %rdi
acc = acc * n;
je exit
n = n - 1;
imulq %rdi, %rax
decq %rdi
return acc;
jmp loop

Demo: Hand-Coded x86Lite


• Basic definitions:

• Linking with assembly: test.c

• Example program, simple output, factorial

Compiling, Linking, Running
• To use hand-coded X86:
1. Compile OCaml program to the executable
by running make

2. Run it, redirecting the output to some .s file, e.g.:

./main1.native >> prog.s

3. Use clang (or gcc) to compile & link with test.c:

clang -o test test.c prog.s

One M1/M2 (Apple Silicon) Mac, use the following flags:

clang -arch x86_64 -o test prog.s test.c

4. You should be able to run the resulting executable:


Implementing Functions &
C Calling Conventions

X86 Schematic
Processor Memory

Code & Data



Larger Addresses

Control SF ALU
rax rbx rcx rdx
rsi rdi rbp rsp
r08 r09 r10 r11 Stack
r12 r13 r14 r15

3 parts of the C memory model

• The code & data (or "text") segment Code & Data
– contains compiled code, constant strings, etc.
• The Heap
– Stores dynamically allocated objects
– Allocated via "malloc"

Larger Addresses
– Deallocated via "free"
– C runtime system
• The Stack
– Stores local variables
– Stores the return address of a function

• In practice, most languages use this model.

Local/Temporary Variable Storage
• Need space to store:
– Global variables
– Values passed as arguments to procedures
– Local variables (either defined in the source program or introduced by the compiler)

• Processors provide two options

– Registers: fast, small size (64 bits), very limited number (e.g., only 16 in x86Lite)
– Memory: slow, very large amount of space (2GB or more)
• caching important

• In practice on X86:
– Registers are limited (and have restrictions)
– Divide memory into regions including the stack and the heap

Calling Conventions
• Specify the locations (e.g. register or stack) of arguments passed to a function and returned by the function

int64_t g(int64_t a, int64_t b) {

return a + b;
f is a caller

int64_t f(int64_t x) {
int64_t ans = g(3,4) + x;
return ans;
g is a callee
• Designate registers either:
– Caller Save – e.g., freely usable by the called code
– Callee Save – e.g., must be restored by the called code
• Define the protocol for deallocating stack-allocated arguments
– Caller cleans up
– Callee cleans up (makes variable number arguments harder — the callee doesn’t know how many are those)

x64 Calling Conventions: Caller Protocol
f: …
… # set up arguments
%rip f …
callq g
lret: …

Machine state when
executing in function f.

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1 stack
%rsi arg2 space

%rdx arg3

%rcx arg4

%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

x64 Calling Conventions: Caller Protocol
f: …
… # set up arguments
%rip …
callq g
lret: …
Calling conventions:

args 1…6 in registers
as shown below.

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1

%rsi arg2

%rdx arg3

%rcx arg4

%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

x64 Calling Conventions: Caller Protocol
f: …
… # set up arguments
%rip …
callq g
lret: …
args > 6 pushed onto

the stack (from right to left)
Note: %rsp changes

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1

%rsi arg2

%rdx arg3 arg7

%rcx arg4 arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Call Instruction
f: …
… # set up arguments
%rip …
callq g
lret: …
To execute the call:

1. push the return

larger memory addresses

(here shown as lret)

%rdi arg1

%rsi arg2 lret

%rdx arg3 arg7
%rcx arg4 arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Call Instruction
g: pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
%rip subq $128, %rsp

To execute the call:

2. set rip to address g

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1

%rsi arg2 lret

%rdx arg3 arg7
%rcx arg4 arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Callee Function Prologue
g: pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
%rip subq $128, %rsp

Callee protocol:

1. store the old %rbp

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1 old %rbp
%rsi arg2 lret
%rdx arg3 arg7
%rcx arg4 arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Callee Function Prologue
g: pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
%rip subq $128, %rsp

Callee protocol:

2. adjust the %rbp to
point to the new “base” g’s
(%rbp is the “base pointer”) frame

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1 old %rbp
%rsi arg2 lret
%rdx arg3 arg7
%rcx arg4 arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Callee Function Prologue
g: pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
%rip subq $128, %rsp

Callee protocol:

3. allocate 128 bytes of
“scratch” stack space g’s

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1 old %rbp
%rsi arg2 lret
%rdx arg3 arg7
%rcx arg4 arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Callee Invariants: Function Arguments
g: pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
%rip subq $128, %rsp

Now g’s body can run...
• its arguments are accessible

either in registers or as
offsets from %rbp

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1 old %rbp
%rsi arg2 lret
%rdx arg3 16(%rbp) arg7
%rcx arg4 24(%rbp) arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Callee Invariants: Callee Same Registers
g: pushq %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp
%rip subq $128, %rsp


larger memory addresses

Callee save registers:
%rdi arg1 %rbp, %rbx, %r12-%r15
old %rbp
%rsi arg2 Their values
lret must be the same
%rdx arg3 when g returns
arg7 as when g was
%rcx arg4 called. (Ifarg8
g uses these registers,
%r8 arg5 it should save their values on the
%r9 arg6 stack and then restore them.)
%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Callee Epilogue (Return Protocol)
g: …
movq ANS, %rax
addq $128, %rsp
popq %rbp
Step 1: Move the result

(if any) into %rax.
%rax ANS frame

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1 old %rbp
%rsi arg2 lret
%rdx arg3 arg7
%rcx arg4 arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Callee Epilogue (Return Protocol)
g: …
movq ANS, %rax
addq $128, %rsp
popq %rbp
Step 2: deallocate the retq

scratch space

%rax ANS frame

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1 old %rbp
%rsi arg2 lret
%rdx arg3 arg7
%rcx arg4 arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Callee Epilogue (Return Protocol)
g: …
movq ANS, %rax
addq $128, %rsp
popq %rbp
Step 3: restore the caller’s retq


%rax ANS frame

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1 old %rbp
%rsi arg2 lret
%rdx arg3 arg7
%rcx arg4 arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Callee Epilogue (Return Protocol)
g: …
movq ANS, %rax
addq $128, %rsp
popq %rbp
Step 4: the return instruction retq

pops the stack into %rip

%rax ANS frame

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1 old %rbp
%rsi arg2 lret
%rdx arg3 arg7
%rcx arg4 arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Callee Epilogue (Return Protocol)
f: …
… # set up arguments

callq g
lret: …
Step 4: the return instruction
pops the stack into %rip

%rax ANS

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1 old %rbp
%rsi arg2 lret
%rdx arg3 arg7
%rcx arg4 arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

Back in f
f: …
… # set up arguments

callq g
lret: …
At this point, f has the result of

g in %rax. It should clean up its
stack as needed.

%rax ANS

larger memory addresses

%rdi arg1 old %rbp
%rsi arg2 lret
%rdx arg3 arg7
%rcx arg4 arg8
%r8 arg5

%r9 arg6

%rsp f ’s
%rbp frame
registers old %rbp
(not all of them)

X86-64 SYSTEM v AMD 64 ABI
• More modern variant of C calling conventions
– used on Linux, Solaris, BSD, OS X

• Callee save: %rbp, %rbx, %r12-%r15

• Caller save: all others

• Parameters 1 .. 6 go in: %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, %r9

• Parameters 7+ go on the stack (in right-to-left order)
– so: for n > 6, the nth argument is located at (((n-7)+2)*8)(%rbp)
– e.g.: argument 7 is at 16(%rbp) and argument 8 is at 24(%rbp)

• Return value: in %rax

• 128 byte "red zone" – scratch pad for the callee's data
– typical of C compilers, not required
– can be optimised away


• HW2: X86lite
• Due: Sunday, September 11 at 23:59

• Pair Programming:
• Use GitHub Classroom link to create a new team for the project or join an existing one
• Choose a funny group name!
• Submission by any group member done on Canvas counts for the group
Demo: Directly Compiling Expressions to X86lite


• Definition of compilation:

• Example programs:

• Linking with assembly: calculator.c

Directly Translating AST to Assembly

• For simple languages, no need for intermediate representation.

– e.g. the arithmetic expression language from

• Main Idea: Maintain invariants

– e.g. Code emitted for a given expression always computes the answer into %rax

• Key Challenges:
– storing intermediate values needed to compute complex expressions
– some instructions use specific registers (e.g. shift)
One Simple Strategy

• Compilation is the process of “emitting” instructions into an instruction stream.

• To compile an expression, we recursively compile sub expressions and then process the results.

• Invariants:
– Compilation of an expression yields its result in %rax
– Argument (Xi) is stored in a dedicated operand register
– Intermediate values are pushed onto the stack
– Stack slot is popped after use (so the space is reclaimed)

• Resulting code is wrapped (e.g., with retq) to comply with cdecl calling conventions

• Alternative strategy: see the compile2 in

Intermediate Representations
Why do something else?
• We have seen a simple syntax-directed translation
– Input syntax uniquely determines the output, no complex analysis or code transformation is done.
– It works fine for simple languages.

• The resulting code quality is poor.
• Richer source language features are hard to encode
– Structured data types, objects, first-class functions, etc.
• It’s hard to optimize the resulting assembly code.
– The representation is too concrete – e.g. it has committed to using certain registers and the stack
– Only a fixed number of registers
– Some instructions have restrictions on where the operands are located
• Control-flow is not structured:
– Arbitrary jumps from one code block to another
– Implicit fall-through makes sequences of code non-modular
(i.e. you can’t rearrange sequences of code easily)
• Retargeting the compiler to a new architecture is hard.
– Target assembly code is hard-wired into the translation
Intermediate Representations (IR’s)
• Abstract machine code: hides details of the target architecture

• Allows machine independent code generation and optimization.


AST IR Byte-

Optimization Arm
Multiple IR’s
• Goal: get program closer to machine code without losing the
information needed to do analysis and optimizations

• In practice, multiple intermediate representations

might be used (for different purposes)


Optimization Optimization Arm

What makes a good IR?
• Easy translation target (from the level above)
• Easy to translate (to the level below)
• Narrow interface
– Fewer constructs means simpler phases/optimizations

• Example: Source language might have “while”, “for”, and “foreach” loops
(and maybe more variants)
– IR might have only “while” loops and sequencing
– Translation eliminates “for” and “foreach”

⟦for(pre; cond; post) {body}⟧

⟦pre; while(cond) {body;post}⟧

– Here the notation ⟦cmd⟧ denotes the “translation” or “compilation” of the command cmd.
IR’s at the extreme
• High-level IR’s
– Abstract syntax + new node types not generated by the parser
• e.g. Type checking information or disambiguated syntax nodes
– Typically preserves the high-level language constructs
• Structured control flow, variable names, methods, functions, etc.
• May do some simplification (e.g. convert for to while)
– Allows high-level optimizations based on program structure
• e.g. inlining “small” functions, reuse of constants, etc.
– Useful for semantic analyses like type checking

• Low-level IR’s
– Machine dependent assembly code + extra pseudo-instructions
• e.g. a pseudo instruction for interfacing with garbage collector or memory allocator (parts of the language runtime
• e.g. (on x86) a imulq instruction that doesn’t restrict register usage
– Source structure of the program is lost:
• Translation to assembly code is straightforward
– Allows low-level optimizations based on target architecture
• e.g. register allocation, instruction selection, memory layout, etc.

• What’s in between?
Mid-level IR’s: Many Varieties

• Intermediate between AST (abstract syntax) and assembly

• May have unstructured jumps, abstract registers, or memory locations
• Convenient for translation to high-quality machine code
– Example: all intermediate values are named to facilitate optimizations that attempt to minimize stack/register usage

• Many examples:
– Triples: OP a b
• Useful for instruction selection on X86 via “graph tiling” (a way to better utilise registers)
– Quadruples: a = b OP c (RISC-like “three address form”)
– SSA: variant of quadruples where each variable is assigned exactly once
• Easy dataflow analysis for optimization
• e.g. LLVM: industrial-strength IR, based on SSA
– Stack-based:
• Easy to generate
• e.g. Java Bytecode, UCODE
Growing an IR

• Develop an IR in detail… starting from the very basic.

• Start: a (very) simple intermediate representation for the arithmetic language

– Very high level
– No control flow

• Goal: A simple subset of the LLVM IR

– LLVM = “Low-level Virtual Machine”
– Used in HW3+

• Add features needed to compile rich source languages

Simple let-based IR
Eliminating Nested Expressions
• Fundamental problem:
– Compiling complex & nested expression forms to simple operations.

Source ((1 + X4) + (3 + (X1 * 5)))

Add(Add(Const 1, Var X4),

AST Add(Const 3, Mul(Var X1,
Const 5)))

IR ?
• Idea: name intermediate values, make order of evaluation explicit.
– No nested operations.
Translation to SLL
Add(Add(Const 1, Var X4),
• Given this: Add(Const 3, Mul(Var X1,
Const 5)))

• Translate to this desired SLL form:

let tmp0 = add 1L varX4 in
let tmp1 = mul varX1 5L in
let tmp2 = add 3L tmp1 in
let tmp3 = add tmp0 tmp2 in

• Translation makes the order of evaluation explicit.

• Names intermediate values
• Note: introduced temporaries are never modified


• Using IRs:

• Definitions: ir<X>.ml
Intermediate Representations
• IR1: Expressions
– simple arithmetic expressions, immutable global variables

• IR2: Commands
– global mutable variables
– commands for update and sequencing

• IR3: Local control flow

– conditional commands & while loops
– basic blocks

• IR4: Procedures (top-level functions)

– local state
– call stack

• IR5: ”almost” LLVM IR

IR3: Basic Blocks

• A sequence of instructions that is always executed starting at the first

instruction and always exits at the last instruction.
– Starts with a label that names the entry point of the basic block.
– Ends with a control-flow instruction (e.g. branch or return) the “link”
– Contains no other control-flow instructions
– Contains no interior label used as a jump target

• Basic blocks can be arranged into a control-flow graph

– Nodes are basic blocks
– There is a directed edge from node A to node B if the control flow instruction at the
end of basic block A might jump to the label of basic block B.
Next Lecture


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