April 2006
April 2006
April 2006
ai 3/27/2006 5:33:43 PM
he best
o li d ay using t s
h et
e ideal d gadg
Plan th s, software an
a reer
I.T. C ide
Photos on TV
19 digicams tested 54
From point-and-shoot to prosumer, find yours
Create picture disks that
run on home DVD players
Fix your PC! 110
Learn to troubleshoot and repair common PC errors
92 New-age viruses
Counter threats
to your cell phone
Inside CG characters 126
Learn how the pros create stunning animations
Also available in Bangladesh
Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, U A E Creative X-Fi Elite Pro: High-definition PC audio
LG.indd 1 3/27/2006 2:09:54 PM
Undercurrents of opportunity
here reaches a time in every country’s economic history, when it reinvents itself
and experiences unprecedented growth. It’s clear that we are in the midst of such
an era. Encompassing a wide swathe of sectors, from banking to infrastructure to
entertainment and of course IT, growth figures have overshot expectations. Specifically
in the case of technology, there have been several trends simmering over the past year,
which are only now realized as being sleeping giants. I believe that the following sectors
are poised at the threshold of a quantum growth phase:
Animation and gaming: If you’re a movie buff, you probably will have got a sense of
what’s happening here. An increasing number of Indian movies are incorporating special
effects segments in their production—not just the occasional flying hero or morphing faces,
but world-class, slickly done effects that easily rival those from Hollywood studios. The face
of Indian moves is becoming more high-tech as film creators use bleeding-edge production
tools from the likes of Autodesk, Softimage etc. Another increasing trend is the outsourcing
of special effects sequences from big-ticket Hollywood movies to Indian animation studios.
The special effects sequences in several upcoming movies (for example, one starring Ben
Stiller) are being handled by an animation studio in Mumbai called Rhythm and Hues.
On the gaming front, there’s a similar trend. Be it mobile, console or PC-based gaming,
Indian development studios are signing up with big international brands to handle partial
Indian industrial or even complete production of several upcoming games. Companies such as Indiagames
sectors are now being and Mobile2Win are examples of many such companies making it big in this sector. The
recognized for their response and enthusiasm at the recently conducted FICCI Frames 2006 conference in
Mumbai was testament to the fact that the Indian gaming industry is indeed a force to
mettle in delivering
reckon with. According to a PricewaterhouseCoopers report, it is projected to grow from
world-class products its present size of 35,300 crores, to 83,740 crores by 2010.
Wireless services: As promised by the WiMAX standard, the concept of cheap wireless
broadband services for all citizens has always sounded like a dream. While the industry
has been extolling its virtues for a long time, the good news is that it’s now here. Finally.
Companies like Aperto Networks have recently received certification from the WiMAX
Forum and have announced plans to launch wireless services in the country in conjunction
with major ISPs. Even Intel has adopted the city of Pune to completely blanket it with
WiMAX coverage by 2007.
Embedded systems: Today’s entry-level cell phones now have about the same compute
power as your first PC did back in the 90s. Extending across a plethora of spaces like
automobile, consumer entertainment, home automation and communication, these
embedded processors form the core of many devices. Take the slick Motorola Razr
V3—how many know that its architecture was conceived here in India? With embedded
applications abounding, so will the opportunity for trained professionals in this area.
This much is clear—with these Indian industrial sectors now being recognized for their
mettle in delivering world-class products, demand is poised to skyrocket from both local
and foreign customers. Going ahead, it’s important that we be aware of these trends,
understand their implications, and utilize them to the fullest extent.
before gearing up to make tutorials 130 PSP Games Vantec Spectrum Fan Card, Gigabyte GO-W1601,
Canon CanoScan LiDE 25, Western Digital
with the user-friendly and free Pursuit Force takes you on a high-
Passport 120 GB, Plus U4-237
Wink software speed action-packed mission
Wipeout Pure concentrates on
futuristic racing Digital Cameras 54
UNWIND Canon PowerShot S2IS, Canon PowerShot A610
124 Games Kids Play 131 Rainbow Six: Lockdown Canon Digital IXUS 55, Canon Digital IXUS 750
Nikon Coolpix S3, Nikon Coolpix S5, Nikon Coolpix
So you thought tech toys are meant With the game engineered
L3, Kodak EasyShare V530, Kodak EasyShare
for geeks only? Wrong. Check out the specifically for the PC, you would be
C340, Kodak EasyShare P850, Sony Cyber-shot
ones that are worth the drool and mistaken if you think that it is only
DSC-S600, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W30, Samsung
are even capable of attracting geeks a port
Pro 815, Samsung DigiMax A40, Samsung
DigiMax S500, Samsung DigiMax S600, Samsung
126 The Art of Animation 132 Command and Conquer: Digimax S800
An animation expert takes you The First Decade
through the nitty gritties of creating An entire collection of all the
and animating a CG character Command and Conquer games and
expansion packs released till date
Town Square 16
Letters 18
Technology Landscape 81
Dr. CHIP 104
Creative Sound Blaster Tips and Tricks 115
X-Fi Elite Pro Game Reviews 128
…42 Last Word 140
Linux: F-Spot, PHlyMail Lite Internet: Eudora 7, Opera 8.52, The Bat!
Professional Multimedia: Dr DivX 2.0, Quintessential Media Player
Security: Foxie Suite, Latest Antivirus Definitions for NAV and McAfee
Developer: Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler
Game Demos: LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth II,
Commandos Strike Force, Sniper Elite
Videos: Basic Instinct 2, The Hills Have Eyes,
X-Men 3: The Last Stand Must-haves: Audio Coversion
Studio, AutoPatcher XP February 2006, InterVideo
WinDVD 7 Linux: Gentoo Linux 2006 Live CD
Quick Quote APRIL 2006 | VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 5
Town Square
ast month was a very special one for us, the choosing to save your changes.
reason being we had over 20,000 registered Shut down the PC and type your password
users on our web site. On the last check, the or press the hotkey you have entered to
count stood at approximately 21,200. Lots of new power on PC.
members are joining our forums everyday and “SIDSUT” has given details about new software
regular posts made by our users give us an insight called “TOTAL COPY”, which allows you to copy
into what you guys need. This is the best way to files faster. The main feature of this software is
keep us informed about the changes that need to that you can even pause and resume the file copy
be made to the magazine, the cover CDs and DVD process. It is faster since it does not read the files
as well as the web site. We are looking into your before copying. To find out of more about this
suggestions and will be implementing them shortly. software head to our web site and check
This month too there has been plenty of out the post.
activity online. Some cool tips as well as tricks have In the past month, some of our spewed fire
been posted in the ‘Tips & Tricks’ section. Two tips against those who were spamming the forums,
posted by ‘THE LAST SAMURAI’ are really good. In especially ‘Smalltalk’. The initiative taken by
the first tip, he explains how you can remove your ‘sarodeamol’ was followed by lots of members
BIOS password. If you know the password and you who requested that the guilty culprits should be
want to disable it, then enter the BIOS settings and banned. One of them ‘overdose14’ did realize his
navigate to “Set user/supervisor password” and mistake after he was banned. We would like to
leave it blank. If you have forgotten the password reiterate what we had said earlier, our forums
or don’t know the password then the procedure is are a place where all our members can help one
slightly cumbersome. The steps are as follows: another and share useful information. It is not a
Locate the CMOS battery and remove it. place for spamming. We will not hesitate to take
Leave the CMOS password jumper on the stern action against the spammers. On the topic
motherboard unplugged and powered off for of ‘Smalltalk’, ‘neo_natasha’ found a web site that
at least a minute. tells us about our past incarnation. You can visit
Put CMOS battery back in, turn on and boot up. www.thebigview.com/pastlife/, give your birth
Another tip given by ‘THE LAST SAMURAI’ tells date and find out about your past incarnation.
you how to power on your PC with the help of your When we checked our past incarnations, we were
keyboard. This can be implemented by doing the in splits after reading what has been stated about
following: our past life. Even you will like it, just head to the
Enter BIOS when the PC boots. above specified web site.
Navigate to INTEGRATED PERIPHERALS and Our disappointed lies in the fact that none of
then go to POWER ON FUNCTION, you guys posted anything about the March issue.
Choose how you want to start your PC, you While in the past, there were posts that used to
may choose between HOTKEY and PASSWORD criticize or praise the articles that were present in
functions, the magazine or the content on the cover CDs and
Depending on your choice of HOTKEY or DVD, but for the month of March there has been
PASSWORD, you will see HOTKEY POWER ON or no feedback. As we mentioned earlier, we rely on
KB POWER ON PASSWORD activated. your feedback to judge ourselves. So send us your
Enter the hotkey or password as you wish. feedback either through e-mail or post them on
Now come back to the main BIOS screen the web site. See you guys next month. ■
by pressing the “Esc” key. Exit the BIOS by | Anup Pillai
Dear CHIP, the various cyber laws prevailing in the Indian
Firstly let me congratulate you on the completion of context with descriptions on their implications.
another successful year of fruitful publishing. I have I’m interested to know if the other points in this
been subscribing to your magazine CHIP for the past list reflect the thoughts of our readers. I’d like to
two years. I have seen the gradual and successful hear from you. Feel free to either mail me or to
adaptation of the magazine to the change in post on the ‘Review IC CHIP’ forum on our web site.
interests of the readers. If you think we should go ahead with the points
I have really enjoyed reading your issues. I always of having separate sections on Dr CHIP/Tips and
wanted to communicate to you my appreciation Tricks section, or spinning off the gaming section
for designing such a magazine. I have one issue into a separate booklet, or start a new section that
though. I have not received the December 2005 deals with the nuances of programming, do write
issue. I ultimately got it from the news stand after in to me. If the feedback is indicative, we’d be more
persuading the local magazine distributor for than happy to implement some of these points!
two weeks . Cheers,
Do keep up the spirits high and continue the Marco
good work. I think CHIP is the best computing
magazine one could get his hands on. I express Hi Marco,
my heartfelt appreciation for your dedicated and I know as an editor of a reputed computing
inspired team members. magazine like CHIP, you have a lot of things on
I’d like to list some points of feedback that you your hand, but trust me, writing to you is my
could look into and perhaps use: last resort.
You could create a separate section (may be for I have been a CHIP subscriber for a long time. I
Dr CHIP or Tips and Tricks) which readers could subscribed for CHIP issues from the 2000 to 2003
take advantage of. after which I moved to Australia. I remember
A section on legal matters of copyright, utilitarian stuff like the ‘Hands On’ videos that used
educational relaxations, etc could be started. to be carried on the cover CDs! Last year, I decided
The gaming section could be a separate to renew ties and subscribe to CHIP internationally
pamphlet instead of being incorporated within (boy, it is quite beyond affordable!).
the magazine. The standard of the magazine, I must say, is top
This is a question and not a suggestion. Is there a notch as usual. But I’m sorry to say the service has
possibility of making copies or reproduction been below par.
of your CDs/DVDs. Does your organization I have still not received my copy of CHIP
permit that? for January 2006. I have been writing to your
A separate section for coding may be started subscription department every week. But I have not
which looks into the nuances of programming even received a reply from them. Even the issues
in the present times. that I have received have come to me very late, each
I implore you to look into these suggestions month. I only seem to get them after consistently
and let us know if implementations of these are reminding your subscription department.
possible. This is getting to be too much of a hassle for me,
Regards, having to chase you down like this every month.
James Please ensure that my future copies make it to me
at least by the 2nd week of the month. I only live in
Hello James, Australia—not on another planet!
Thank you for your kind words. We are glad Thanks,
that you find our magazine useful to you Umang
and we hope you continue to do so! That’s an
interesting list of points you’ve highlighted. Hello Umang,
We have addressed some of these issues within our It’s heartening to know that you’re still an ardent
magazine. For example, we have a column written by CHIP reader even though you’ve moved down
a cyber law expert each month. This column explains under! We have communicated your situation to
our subscription team and I believe they have been thousands of forums and web sites dedicated to
in touch with you. Rest assured, you will continue to this nonsense. At least this prestigious magazine’s
receive your magazine on time from now on—even web site should be spared from this malaise.
though you’re living in another hemisphere! There are several other reputed web sites in which
Team CHIP requests that encourage piracy are strictly looked
down upon. If a member ignores the warnings and
continues to repeatedly request help regarding
Dear CHIP, cracked games, the thread is closed immediately
It is with great regret that I inform you that the and in worse cases, their membership in the forum
content in the Games section of the Know How is terminated. Perhaps, you can take a cue from such
forum in www.chip-india.com might well bring web sites.
disrepute to an otherwise fantastic magazine. I hope you take a serious note of this. My
I’m extremely shocked at the kind of “discussions” intention in writing this letter to you is not to
that are encouraged in the Games section. A huge hurt anyone’s feelings, but rather to ensure that
number of threads are dedicated to discussions the fair name of this pioneering magazine is not
involving how to crack different versions of tarnished due to the acts of a few. As an avid reader
popular games or how to make the cracked of your magazine, I consider it my right and even
versions work. duty to not only praise you for your good work but
What is even more appalling is that each such also to turn your attention to some not-so-good
disgusting query receives dozens of “solutions” from happenings as well.
even experienced forum members with thousands Yours sincerely,
of posts to their credit. Piracy of software and
games is a huge problem in Asia and our country Sai Krishnan
is no exception to this. Your magazine
has also touched upon this topic Dear Sai,
on various occasions. Surely, Thank you for your concern. It is indeed sad
you cannot encourage such when a forum’s intent is tarnished when it turns
nonsense on your magazine’s toward ungainly things like promoting piracy.
web site? We’d like to reiterate to all of our readers that
I realize that you cannot control what our web site’s forums have been created with
each and every member posts on an the sole purpose of bringing like-minded folks
online public forum. That is why you have together so that they can collectively fuel their
moderators and administrators to filter out passion for various segments of technology—be it
the trash. The absence of such hardware, software, mobile or gaming. To make
a moderator is appalling. sure that none of these threads degenerate into
Yours is a reputed magazine focal points of piracy-centric exchanges, we are
published throughout the now looking into this with new vigor and will be
world and surely you cannot turn moderating our forums with greater frequency.
a blind eye to such piracy hubs in To ensure that the gaming industry flourishes
your forums. By doing so, you are and continues to provide us with the content we
indirectly helping the proliferation all enjoy, it is important that they are supported
of this scourge. When such a by us consumers. The formula is simple—if we
“request” is responded to by the don’t pay for games, they don’t make money and
forum members with reckless consequently do not find it viable to develop any
abandon, it also solves the problems more games. To prevent the detriment of this
of several other people who are too segment, it is important to collectively discourage
ashamed to post similar queries. piracy and buy legal versions of software.
Umesh Dahiwalkar As you may be well aware, there are Team CHIP
he 06-07 annual budget evoked dismal with only 14 PCs per 1,000 people. It
mixed reactions. While some have will dampen the gung-ho spirit in the IT sector
commended this budget for reflecting which believes in utilizing more and more
postive trends in the economy, others have technology for health and education and
condemned several announcements made by thereby up the economic graph in the country.
the finance minister. Overall, it seems the IT Leveraging technology for governance has
industry stands on a no loss, no gain ground. been an important criterion in the budget,
While the rationalization of the fringe reflections of which we have seen in the
benefit tax has been a decision welcomed by form of the national e-governance plan.
one and all, the imposition of 8 percent excise The government seems clear on its
duty on packaged software and 12 percent agenda on making India a hardware
duty on computers has been loathed by manufacturing hub and therefore incentives
one and all in the IT industry. This is becuase have been allocated towards the segment.
hiked prices only means blocking access But consumers who were planning to buy
to technology among the rural populace. laptops are disappointed with the hike in prices.
Currently, the rate of PC penetration is very I Pradosh Mitra
| Dr Anand Deshpande,
Vishwanath Vanjire
“The annual Budget is a “mixed bag”. For the IT industry in particular, it is a “status quo” budget with
no new taxes levied on the sector. There definitely is a thrust on the improvement of infrastructure
and education—two very important drivers for the growth of any industry. We also welcome
rationalization of FBT. So in that sense, the industry can be upbeat on the things to come.”
“Overall this budget shows confidence in “The import cost for IT hardware products has
the current strength of the economy. The been increased by around 5 percent and this
increased investment in education and the increase has to impact low-cost entry-level
emphasis on rural infrastructure are both products on which margins are already low.
good moves from a long-term perspective. As regards to laptops, consumers have been
For the IT industry, the imposition of 8 percent enjoying continuous drop in prices and this
| Javed Tapia, excise duty on packaged software | Hirji Patel, change will certainly be a bit of a shock. First
President, Red Hat, Indian Subcontinent Chairman, ACI
is a dampener and will cause an wavering and now the re-introduction of excise
increase in prices of legal software. Also, duty on PCs was a surprising move by the
the imposition of excise duty of 12 percent government and has added to the complexity
on computers needs to be studied from an of the taxation system. This addition would
impact perspective since the FM has said that also attribute towards increase in cost and
there will be no increase in cost due to this.” hence increase in street prices.”
“This is an A-grade budget driving growth and “The finance minister’s clear focus on
development. We welcome the government’s catalyzing IT uptake in the government sector
initiative to leverage technology for with the proposed national e-governance plan
improving governance. The implementation will help in delivery of effective government-
of the national e-governance plan through 25 citizen services. The initiatives led by NMCC for
mission mode projects will help the common accelerating IT adoption by the SME segment will
| Manoj Chugh man access information. I expect | Ravi Venkatesan, enable SMEs to further their overall business
President, India & SAARC, EMC Corporation Chairman, Microsoft India
that this will have a ripple effect in potential with IT. Government funding for
the creation of information infrastructure for manufacturing high-end tech products is
better governance. The continued support an encouraging step. But the imposition of
by the government in attracting FDI in additional excise duty on packaged software as
key technology areas are strong positives well as on PCs could be a severe setback to the
for EMC.” fledgling domestic software industry.”
“Though there has been no increase in the tax “It is encouraging to see a union budget aimed
rate, the crucial issue of an extension in the tax at the sustained development of the country.
holiday for ITeS firms has not been addressed. The stable tax regime will help energize the
We hoped that there would be a reduction in economy as it makes it easier for companies
FBT and are looking forward to clarification to plan ahead predictably. Funds allocated to
of IT benefits for BPO companies. As far as the overall infrastructural development will
| Ramachandra Panickar, increase in service tax to 12 percent, we | Amar Chintopanth, not only attract foreign investment but
CFO, Intelenet Global Services hope there is clarity on exemption or CFO, 3i Infotech Ltd also promote domestic industries.
refund to export oriented companies like ours With respect to the IT sector, while the
on input services. Export oriented companies incentives given to the hardware segment are
were exempt from service tax on input services positive steps in making India a manufacturing
such as telecom bills, professional service bills hub, the budget has been largely neutral to
to name a few. The amendments incorporated the software segment.”
last year have raised some doubts that need to
be clarified.”
| Nandan M Nilekani,
President, CEO and Managing Director, Infosys Technologies
“It is encouraging to see India on the growth path. At an overall level, the fiscal deficit is being reined with a lower growth in non-
plan expenditure which is a very significant aspect of this budget. Government spending will not be a strain on public savings.
The move to increase investment in the social sector is welcome. We are happy to note the enhanced focus on infrastructure
spending and the National Urban Renewal Mission. On the IT front, the budget has been neutral. However the proposed 8 percent
duty on the counter packaged software impedes IT penetration to the vast majority of the masses. The review of FBT by removing
certain genuine business expenditure from its purview is welcome. However the larger administrative issue that the industry is
apprehensive about on FBT has not been addressed.”
XXX watch
WiMAX Where has all the snow gone?
fter all that noise about WiMAX
for the last couple of years, it
seems to be here finally. India’s VSNL
M ore and more reports of global
warming are insinuating the
increasing threat facing winter sports. The
will be sold for public consumption. The
remaining 2.3 kilowatt will account for
approximately a third of the resort’s annual
and California’s Aperto Networks have change in climate is adversely affecting power consumption.
joined hands to deploy WiMAX in India. mid- and low-altitude ski resorts and many Huge investment issues are keeping this
Aperto Networks, known for their resort owners are worrying about the project from being implemented. Also an
“WiMAX forum certified”, ready-to-use problem. Some have even started bracing assessment needs to be made on whether
and cost-effective equipment, intends themselves to work out a solution. the turbines will do more harm than good.
to distribute wireless broadband service Global warming has resulted in But the fight is on to make this project
across the country with the help of unseasonably warm temperatures, and happen, as the key issue is to save the
VSNL. In fact, the company, which has therefore fewer ski days and reduced environment. Programs like “Sustainable
developed advanced WiMAX stations snow pack levels. To fight the problem, Slopes” and “Keep Winter Cool” are fuelling
and subscriber units, announced the resort owners are planning to install the momentum towards this.
establishment of an Aperto WiMAX 1.5-megawatt wind turbines capable of
Development Center in Bangalore to generating clean and cost-effective power
accelerate the process of deployment. for the resorts.
Aperto has been working closing with If the wind power can keep the resort
VSNL since 2004 on network design and running without using fossil fuel, then it
deployment. might be able to keep the snow on ground
The duo announced that VSNL has and extend skiing days.
completed deployment of Aperto’s Project costs are estimated to be at
PacketWAVE multi-service broadband $3.6 million and will generate 4.6 million
wireless systems in over 65 cities across kilowatt hours annually, half of which
India. The goal is to extend the network
to over 200 cities within a period of
12 months. Pass your resume through the web
The basic plan
of distribution
is to activate
S o you thought you got the job after
your employer screened your resume?
Wrong. Even before your CV landed
rejection. This can help the applicants work
on the factors stated in the reply.
The resume filtering technology is
the network on his table, somebody was doing the already in use to reduce the hassle of initial
structure of VSNL job of shortlisting candidates for him. screening. This saves the employer time
with the help of Your application for the job will not hit and gives him more resumes matching a
Aperto Networks’ the mailbox of the officer in charge of position.
hardware, which is recruiting before passing through an online Some companies have such programs
capable of meeting filter program. This program sorts your integrated to their corporate web sites.
point-to- resume and figures out whether you are For instance, T-Mobile has a cartoon dog
point and suitable for the job or not. named ‘Fetch’, which hunts
point-to- Based on responses to certain for prospective employees
multipoint preset parameters like flexibility and sends e-mails to the
connection requirements. of relocation, the online applicants if there is a
Their hardware set consists of resume filter application vacancy. Coca Cola, on the
equipment such as a base station and may reject a profile outright other hand, uses its web site
a subscriber unit; they also have a if the answer is found to as a kind of an online shopping
software application for monitoring be negative. Similarly, mall for job hunters. Applicants
the state of connections from the base the application assigns can go to options like ‘Add this
station. positive or negative weightage job to my cart’ or ‘E-mail this job
The Bangalore development center to certain responses, which are then to a friend’ or ‘Submit my profile’.
will be the first of the upcoming ones, evaluated to figure out whether a profile is Florida-based Vruv Technology is the first
which Aperto Networks intends to a match or not. on the list of such application providers.
establish shortly in collaboration Going forward, this program also states About 300 companies who have used
with VSNL. Plans are also there to set why a resume has been rejected. It can also the Vruv software have found it easier to
up a customer support team and a be configured to send auto reply to the employ, and more so during emergency
distribution hub in Mumbai. rejected applicants stating the reason for recruitments.
Instant Botnets HDD: Hot and happening
W XXXith more and more smart phones
inundating the market, there
T he future seems good for the hard disk
drive market. TrendFOCUS, market
analyzer for the data storage industry has
systems, digital audio/video players and
the like will also boost the manufacture
and supply of HDDs. TrendFOCUS predicts
seems to be a surge in virus attacks as given a prescient account of the shipping that by 2010 the shipment of HDDs will
well. According to recent reports, smart of 445 million hard drives in the year increase to 750 million. However, 60
phones are being affected by a botnet, 2006. Their leading market forecast tool, percent of the supply will still be for the
which comes in the form instant messages. the Storage Demand Analysis System, computing market.
At first it seems just like any other has taken into consideration issues Secondly, market acquisition will play
innocuous instant message (IM) that your like consolidation, infrastructure, and another important role in boosting the
friend might have sent to you. However, technological challenges and declared that supply. Seagate’s acquisition of Maxtor will
on opening it, you don’t get to see any the market will remain vibrant smooth-price
message, instead the botnet application and competitive till 2010. the products, which will
automatically scans the handset for credit According to act as a catalyst for more
card numbers, bank statements and secret TrendFOCUS, three main consolidation across the
passwords. factors will affect the value chain.
California-based research firm Face HDD market. Firstly, the Finally, TrendFOCUS
Time Security Lab has identified the growth in demand will zeroes on the HDD
new threat and has declared it as a high- stay for the next five industry’s transition to
risk one. years as the demand of PCs perpendicular magnetic
Messaging is the most popular mode is likely to increase in countries recording (PMR)
of communication and today it is easier like India and China and this will technology. Though this will
to chat via text messaging on the go. be complemented by the low price take some time and involve massive
Sliced prices have made this method of of notebooks across the world. Also, capital investments from the supply
communication even more popular. And as the need for hard disk drives in consumer infrastructure, it will be a milestone in
they say popularity also begets problems, electronics products like personal video the HDD industry, and will in turn up the
the increasing use of messaging as a means recorders (PVR), automobile navigation supply curve.
of interaction has also left room for the
distribution of viruses and malware.
Storing messages also play a vital Whose services do you want?
role in inviting attacks. Hackers get
access to these messages and use them
to develop malware and botnets. Face
N ew York-based ABI Research has
assessed that this year will witness
significant level of confusion in the
with their newly launched terrestrial
and satellite based Digital Multimedia
Broadcasting (DMB) services.
Time Security Lab has already identified electronics market as newer services Along with users, even the automobile
more than 40 unique files that have been of radio and multimedia broadcasting market is getting confused about which
used for attacks via instant-messaging cloud the market. This anarchy is because standard they should follow for providing
networks, including one that hides the at a time when consumers are just car audio services. Automotive suppliers
stealth application in the systray under the getting accustomed to new satellite are in a worse state, as they have to
heading “beh.exe.” radio broadcasting technologies, newer be ready with their products following
Federal authorities are investigating protocols targeting the car radio segment certain protocols to meet the demands
cases of hacking. However, industry peers have already started hitting the market. of the automakers. For the suppliers, the
feel that community and social network Forecasts from ABI Research indicated problem gets compounded as they have
building exercises through the computer is that in North America alone there will to anticipate the market demand, which
acceptable, but extending the same to the be five different operational standards is becoming next to impossible with a
mobile phone is a no-brainer. including the existing XM, Syrius and flotilla of broadcasting protocols floating
HD radio services followed by two all around.
new—namely QUALCOMM’s MediaFLO and ABI research’s new study called the
Crown Castle’s Modeo DVB-H. In Europe, “Digital Radio Automotive Markets” while
WorldSpace, ONDAS Media and Europa- examining all major digital protocols
Max are ready for the competitive battle aims at addressing the problems of
as the existing Digital Audio Broadcasting the automotive market. The objective
(DAB) services fails to offer pan-European of this study includes understanding
coverage. Not only Europe and America but standardization efforts, market issues and
Korea also is in a whirlpool of confusion opportunities for each major region.
ATI Speaks
Richard Huddy, European Developer Relations Manager at ATI
expresses his views on the overall gaming scenario in India
eing actively involved in the gaming gamers directly. This has yielded very good
industry for more than 15 years, Richard results for us and we our increasing our team
Huddy’s primary focus is helping game strength in India.
| Richard Huddy programmers to get the best from modern This year, you will see a lot more action on
European Developer Relations
Manager, ATI high-performance GPU architectures using this front.
Direct3D. Immediately before joining ATI in
2002, Richard spent four years at Nvidia setting Indian market is more value sensitive and
up and running their European Developer hence foreign brands do take a while to
Relations team. Prior to that he spent two find their feet. ATI also took some time
years at 3Dlabs working in the same area as to establish itself in a market that was
well as working on their DirectX driver. dominated by Nvidia. Please comment.
RH: The Indian market is a huge one and
What is your opinion on the PC gaming although it is value sensitive, there is a market
scenario in India? for all our products at various price/performance
Richard Huddy: The PC gaming scenario has levels. Every brand—whether Indian or
suddenly taken off in the last 18 months in international has to communicate that value
India. We’ve seen this in online gaming and to the prospective market segment. When
LAN gaming. Look at the response to gaming we entered the market in India, it was at a
tournaments these days. The youth today are nascent stage. The growth was yet to happen.
much more aware of international trends and We entered the market at the right time and
have a consuming power as well. I see more have helped it grow. And a lot of growth is yet
and more youth getting into competitive to happen in this segment. Consumers have
gaming. The demand for the latest software and appreciated ATI’s offerings at every level. So that
hardware has increased tremendously in the past is very encouraging.
few months here. The gaming scenario will get
much more competitive in the days to come. With the advent of next generation consoles,
will PC gaming suffer?
Gaming is a huge industry in Europe and the RH: The overall impact of the arrival of the
US. Do you see a similar potential in Asia, new consoles seems to be good for gaming. As
particularly India? the new hardware arrives, the newly created
RH: Undoubtedly. India is really taking off on that buzz will attract more and more people into
front. Our CEO Dave Orton was here in India at the gaming. We do anticipate a short-term shift
beginning of the year. That shows how seriously from PC gaming to consoles, but the primary
India is being taken by heads of companies. consequence of the arrival is that we have more
India is growing as a huge industry in terms of gamers who are interested in hearing about
chip development and gaming software—most what we have to offer. We saw these small
exciting area being handhelds/mobile phones. dips in PC gaming with the introduction of the
In the future, you are likely to see a lot of PlayStation 2 and the first Xbox. But fairly quickly
development on that front. the PC recovered as PC hardware continues
to improve and give new opportunities to
What role does ATI play in promoting gaming game developers to create cool new gaming
in India? experiences.
RH: In India, ATI sponsors local gaming If you take a look at the best PC games and
tournaments and supports LAN parlors. Our compare them to the best console games for the
approach for a while will be actively engaging Xbox, you can see the reason why people have
Tech-savvy vacations With summer time vibes back again, we take you through the
steps of planning your vacation the smart, tech-savvy way!
Coverstory Umesh Dahiwalkar
Pramod Jadhav
verybody deserves a bit of rest and relaxation to get
away from the rat-race and the daily grind. And what
better time to head out than summer time? Not too long
ago, when it came to vacationing, folks used to make a beeline
for their nearest travel agent to work out the nitty-gritties of
planning their holiday. While that option still exists, today’s
technology has opened up a myriad of new channels that can
help you arrive at that ideal escape. With the proliferation of the
Internet into people’s lives, greater power in mobile technology
and the numerous ways in which people can connect to one
another using SMS, blogging and voice telephony, vacation-
planning businesses are also increasingly tapping into these
avenues. Services such as web-based vacation planning and
online ticket booking have certainly simplified the process.
Team up these services with online map services, vacation
planning applications that run on your cell phone/PDA, cool
hardware that you can take with you to keep you connected
while outdoors and you can have the holiday of a lifetime, minus
all the heartache of tedious planning and missed schedules.
To enable you to get the best possible experience on your
holiday this year, we decided to explore the possibilities of
vacation planning by checking out the options available on
three fronts—the web, application software and cool mobile
gear. Over the course of the month, we spoke to several
companies that run online vacation businesses, tested out
software that can help you plan and schedule your itinerary,
and checked out web sites and tools that enable you to upload
your journal entries, photos and videos to share with folks at
home. We also took a look at the plethora of cool hardware
and gear that you can use outdoors to store your data, carry it
with you, or stay connected. What was interesting is the sheer
variety of options available in all of these segments. Having
this huge list of options, we distilled it down to a selection of
the best resources in these three segments.
So go ahead and dig right in!
| Marco D’Souza, Carol D’Costa and Pradosh Mitra
Web resources
With the world at your fingertips (literally!) you now have access
to a horde of information and the best possible combination
in terms of travel packages. A revolution in the way we book
travel is underway. It may be a bewildering time for the travel
industry, but it’s an exciting prospect for the travel consumer.
With mostly the urban, computer literate, professional middle
classes booking cruises, or suburban families seeking a two-
week holiday in Spain, turning to the Internet as a matter of
course, is increasingly gaining ground. Let’s take a look at the
options available on the Great Big Web.
1 USB drives: They’re arguably the is ideal if you are traveling in a group in
best things ever invented for personal which other laptop users need to access
data. Depending on the amount of data the Internet as well.
you plan to take with you, you can opt for Contact: Rashi Peripherals
something as small as 128 MB (for small Phone: 022-28221013
document and other such files), all the way E-mail: [email protected]
to 1 GB sticks that will help take a load of Web site: www.netgear.com
1 you digital camera in case you need to clear
space in a crunch. This is a must have. 4 Carry bags: Take a bag that has too
Price: From Rs 600 (for a 128 MB drive) to few compartments or isn’t built for a life
Rs 4,000 (for a 2 GB drive) on the road and you’d be frustrated before
Brands: Apacer, Kingston, Buffalo the first week is over! Therefore, it makes
Web site: www.buffalo.co.in plenty of sense to opt for a good carry
bag that is built to specifically provide
2 Communication devices: On the a cocoon of safety and convenience for
voice front, you need to make sure that all your portable hardware. Our favorite
your mobile phone service is enabled for brands here are LowePro and Skooba.
roaming, or you’d be left high and dry once Besides looking great, they are built using
2 you leave your city. Remember to make note hi-tech materials that keep water and
of the service providers that partner with dust away, provide tough support and
that of your home provider—manually log a conveniently large number of pockets
onto these when you’re traveling or you’d and compartments for managing all your
be paying more for your voice calls and text portable gadgets.
messaging. If you’re traveling abroad, you Brand: LowePro: Interfoto (E-mail:
could opt for one of the new country-specific [email protected]; phone: 022-
SIM cards (from brands like Matrix). Enabling 24925151, web site: www.lowepro.com)
you to buy a SIM card locally and use it in Skooba: Vantec Apical Impex (E-mail:
the country you travel to, your international [email protected]; phone: 9821349177
4 cellular bills can come down by 70 percent in web site: www.roadwired.com)
across 26 countries.
On the data front, you would need to 5 Miscellaneous must-carry stuff:
sign up for a data service for your GSM Whether you have a digital camera or MP3
or CDMA cell phone and use it to surf the player, chances are that you’ll never have
Internet in all areas that support a GPRS, enough memory while on the road. Invest
CDMA or EDGE service. If you have a laptop, in a couple of large-capacity flash cards
you can also connect your cell phone to the to make sure you don’t run out of storage
Internet either physically or via Bluetooth space in the middle of a picture-perfect
wireless. Some service providers even sell moment. You’ll also need at least four to
5 PCMCIA cards that directly allow your eight AA-sized rechargeable batteries for
laptop to access the cellular network, your equipment that uses them. Make
without the need of a cell phone. Check sure you opt for ones with capacities of
with your cell phone helpdesk for more at least 1800 mAH or they won’t have
information on using these services. the lasting power to take you through an
Brand: Matrix SIM cards entire day. Go in for branded batteries
Phone: 080-41151852 like Sony, Sanyo, Energizer, etc or you’ll be
Web site: www.matrix.in disappointed when they don’t last as long
as you imagined.
3 Instant Wi-Fi hotspot: We came Finally, make absolutely sure you invest
across this great little portable Wi-Fi in a universal power adapter—these
product some months ago. The Netgear devices are invaluable especially when
WGR101 is a 54 MBps wireless router at traveling abroad when you’re bound to
heart, which fits in the palm of your hand. face different voltage and plug standards.
It can create a Wi-Fi hotspot from almost You should be able to find all of these
any LAN-based Internet connection. This products at your local hardware store.
Top Gear
Vishwanath Vanjire
he SoundBlaster X-Fi Elite set the ratio and making no difference to the
pace for the standalone reviews. existing market. The NEC Versa notebook
The sheer computing power of the and the WD Passport external USB drive
chip combined with a fleet of features are good options for their respective
makes it a killer solution. Another product categories and add variety to the mix of
which is a killer solution in its category is products. The Epson PictureMate 100
the Vantec Spectrum VGA cooler. Though should excite the imaging enthusiasts,
it’s just a VGA cooler, the effectiveness it is a perfect companion for your digital
and perfection is praise worthy. Similarly, camera allowing you to take good quality
the Buffalo RUF2-S512 and the Sandisk prints from a compact and feature rich
m230 prove the importance of getting device. The Hitachi T7K250 is a scorcher
the basics right. These products do not of a hard drive, it is an excellent product
promise the world and deliver the exact that not only gives ample storage but also
price performance ratio for its category. stellar performance, the feature set in the
The XFX 6800XTreme belongs to the other form of SATA-II and NCQ support makes it a
end, giving a dismal price-performance very smart product.
Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro
Specifications: Signal-to-Noise Ratio 116dB, Total
Harmonic Distortion + Noise at 1kHz (20kHz Low-
pass filter) = 0.0008%, Frequency Response (-3dB,
24-bit/96kHz input ) = 10Hz to 46kHz, Frequency
Response (-3dB, 24-bit/192kHz input) = 10Hz to
88kHz (Stereo only), 64MB of X-RAM, Enhanced
SoundFont support of up to 24-bit resolution, EAX
HD 5.0, 24-bit Crystalizer
Price Rs 27,990
Contact Creative Labs Asia
Phone 9820357718
E-mail [email protected]
website www.in.creative.com
Overall Rating
Value for money
Supreme sound
C reative is back with its latest offering
for the PC audio segment. The
SoundBlaster range of multi-channel
X-Fi Elite Pro supports 24-bit analog-to-
digital conversion of analog inputs at 96
KHz sample rate, 24-bit digital-to-analog
improving the communication between
various components of the soundcard. The
result is improved efficiency and higher
soundcards from Creative has been conversion of digital sources at 192 KHz processing power.
virtually ruling the market. The X-Fi range for stereo output, and analog 7.1 speaker Final verdict: Without doubt, the X-Fi Elite
of soundcards from Creative up the output at 96 KHz. The signal-to-noise ratio Pro is the ultimate soundcard that money
ante by offering the most powerful and is rated at 116 dB, clearly better than the can buy. The sheer processing power,
feature-rich gaming soundcards in the 113 dB of the Audigy 4 Pro, which was the features and ability to handle various
market. Creative soundcards are known to best from Creative before the X-F Elite Pro. formats makes the X-Fi a formidable
be more efficient, thanks to the dedicated Support for gaming has been extended as sound solution. You will certainly need
audio processing units which take care well; the X-Fi supports EAX 5.0 advanced to match the soundcard with the highest
of all the sound processing. The X-Fi is far HD effects, the highest environmental quality of speakers to extract maximum
superior when compared to the EMU10K2 surround standards used in gaming today. performance.
chip used in the earlier Audigy series of Being the top-of-the-line variant, the The X-Fi Elite Pro is also the most
soundcards from Creative. Elite Pro comes with 64 MB dedicated expensive soundcard reviewed by us, and
We received the Creative X-Fi Elite Pro, onboard audio memory. The X-Fi audio hence is clearly meant for deep pockets.
the highest and most expensive variant of processor is more advanced and efficient However, you can very much own a piece
the X-Fi series. It comes with an external as compared to the earlier audio processors of the X-Fi sound processor by opting for
unit that offers quick and convenient from Creative. The secret lies in the 24-bit the Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeMusic, the
switching of modes, connections and crystallizer and the audio ring architecture. basic variant from the X-Fi series.
controls. The unit looks similar to the The 24-bit crystallizer improves the For: The most capable and powerful
latest slim DVD players and requires a frequency response and also cleans the soundcard; feature packed; external
fair amount of desktop space if kept sound, improving the overall sound quality. control unit with remote; 64 MB RAM.
horizontally. Thanks to the included stand, Audio ring architecture is a smart and Against: The soundcard costs as much
you can also place it vertically and save more efficient way of processing audio by as a PC!
precious desktop space. Real-time
Processor MIPs (effects)
No of transistors (million)
The package includes all the necessary
accessories and a fully featured remote Live! (EMU10k1) 1,000+ 1 2M
control that lets you control each and every Audigy (EMU10k2) 1,250+ 4 4.6 M
aspect of sound.
Features: In terms of sound quality, the Creative X-Fi 30,000+ 8 51.1 M
NEC Versa E3100
Specifications: 337(W) x 3.3(H) x 240(D) mm, 2.2 kg,
Intel Pentium M 760 2.0 GHz, 512 MB DDR2 533 MHz
RAM, 80 GB hard drive, 14-inch glossy LCD, 16:10
aspect ratio, Dual-layer DVD writer, 4-in-1 card
reader, 1 x FireWire, 4 x USB ports, 1 x PCMCIA slot,
10/100 Ethernet, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, IR
Price Rs 79,900
Contact Enkay Technologies India Pvt Ltd
Phone 9820538310
E-mail [email protected]
website www.nec-computers-ap.com
Build quality
Overall Rating
Value for money
XFX GeForce 6800XTreme
Specifications: 6800XT GPU, 8 pixel shader units,
256MB of 256-bit GDDR3 memory, S-video out,
Dual DVI
Price Rs 15,000
Contact Rashi Peripherals Pvt Ltd
Phone 022-28221013
E-mail [email protected]
website www.xfxforce.com
Overall Rating
Value for money
Hybrid graphics
T his is not about the combination of
a dedicated physics processor and a
graphics rendering chip. Rather, it is about
molex connector. It includes the S-video out
feature. The package contains an S-video
cable, DVI connector, the AI driver system of
the 6800XTreme, hoping to unmask four
pixelshader units, but that did not go well
with the card; it defaulted back to factory
the 6800XTreme from XFX. Not many are XFX and a video-editing suite, 3D Edit. settings. The card should have been ideally
perhaps aware of the 6800XT, one of the Performance: The graphs tell the story; priced near the 10k mark, bridging the gap
latest offerings from Nvidia for the mid- the 6800XT is certainly slower than the between the 6600GT and the 6800GS. For
range segment. 6800GS and the 1600XT. The performance the given price, we recommend the 6800GS
You need to keep a tab on the naming is better than the 6600GT, thanks to the over the 6800Xtreme.
conventions applied by ATI and Nvidia. The 256-bit memory interface. The card sits right For: 256 MB 256-bit memory; factory over
“XT” variant for ATI stands for the highest between the 6600GT and the 6800GS; it clocked.
version while the “XT” in Nvidia’s book could have been an interesting option if the Against: Over-priced; noisy cooler; average
stands for the lowest version or the value pricing was better. Priced at Rs 15,000, the performance.
version. So the 6800XT is the lowest of the card is as expensive as a 6800GS and hence
6800 series with just eight pixelshader units defeats the purpose.
3DMark 2005
as compared to 12 pixelshader units in the You can soon expect the 7600 series of
XFX 6800 XTreme 3933
6800. The XFX 6800Xtreme further adds its cards for the mid-range market, priced at the
Nvidia 6800GS 5657
own play to the situation by rolling out an same level as the 6800XT. The 7600 series
overclocked version pushing the clocks from of cards have better specifications and are ATI Radeon X1600XT 5235
300/700 to 350/900 MHz. The card comes obviously a better choice. We tried unlocking 0 1200 2400 3600 4800 6000
Price Rs 10,000
Contact Amarjit Singh
Phone 9321029204
E-mail [email protected]
website www.wdc.com
Build Quality
Overall Rating
Value for money
Portable wonder
T he WD Passport 120 GB portable
USB drive is one of the best looking
2.5-inch external hard drives. The top is
on Windows XP Professional SP2) in the
Explorer window. However, when we
plugged a 2.5-inch HDD with dual-headed
The manual is a single page fold out that
gives you basic information and warranty
details. We would have appreciated if it
made up of plastic while the bottom has USB cable to the laptop and powered it contained instructions for formatting the
been intelligently constructed with rubber from 2 USB ports, it worked perfectly. drive.
to assist while holding it. Grip becomes Though there is a provision for using an Performance: The drive comes with a
important for a portable hard disk which is external power supply (not provided), 5400 rpm HDD with 2 MB as buffer. The
susceptible to accidental falls. providing a dual headed USB cable would performance is good though not the best
The USB and the external power source have been better. Besides, carrying a in its category.
connectors are covered by a rubber flap, power adapter defeats the very purpose of
again a very nifty feature since external portability. It also doesn’t come with USB Everest 2006
hard drives are always susceptible to water drivers for Windows 98SE users. It seems Linear Read : 25.46 MB/s
spills and these ports are the gateway to like WD has launched this drive for a niche Linear Write : 25.6 MB/s
the interiors of the hard drive, which are segment of users with the latest hardware Random Read : 25.5 MB/s
not waterproof. The hard drive activity is and software. Random write : 24.2 MB/s
indicated by a cool blue indicator which The drive comes pre-formatted and Buffered Read : 29.4 MB/s
blinks during activity. is immediately detected as removable Average Read Access : 18.15 ms
Features: The USB 2.0 interface cable has a storage device as soon as you plug it Average write access : 8 ms
mini USB head on one end which slides into into a system with Windows XP. You can
the drive; the other end is a normal USB start using the device straightaway after Real World Tests
head. The USB 2.0 certified cable is a tad it is plugged. Linear Read : 24.38 MB/s
short and may cause difficulties for users Linear Write : 25.6 MB/s
who don’t have front USB ports. It is very Random read : 22.03 MB/s
surprising that the USB 2.0 cable is not dual Random Write : 20.37 MB/s
headed as it will be difficult to connect to
PCs which cannot provide enough power For: Good performance; excellent looks
through a single USB port. and build quality.
We connected the drive to our old IBM Against: Expensive; no dual headed USB
laptop which cannot provide the required connector cable; cable length is very short;
power through a single USB 1.1 port. no USB drivers provided for Windows 98SE
Rubber flap covering the ports
The drive did not show up (we worked users.
CanoScan LiDE 25
Specifications: 1200 x 2400 dpi, Contact Image Sensor
(CIS), Scanning bit Depth: 48-bit input / 24-bit
output, interface: USB (USB 1.1 equivalent).
Price Rs 3,995
Contact Canon India Pvt Ltd
Phone 0124-5160000
E-mail [email protected]
website www.canon.co.in
Build Quality
Overall Rating
Value for money
Budget scanner
T he CanoScan LiDE 25 belongs to the
slim breed of scanners and is also light
in weight. The scanner uses the Compact
Performance: The highlights of the
CanoScan LiDE 25 are its light weight,
compact design and low price. Apart
we observed that the color reproduction
was not accurate. Besides, the brightness
and the contrast was also not up to the
Image Sensor (CIS) technology used by from these there’s not much that you mark.
other Canon models. Such scanners are can expect from it. The performance at Our next level of test involved scanning
much slimmer than the conventional its best is average. It says it has the USB images at the maximum resolution of
flatbed ones because they use tiny LEDs interface which is equivalent to the USB 1200 dpi and used the maximum color
instead of standard lamps. LiDE stands for 1.1 standard. Though the LiDE works depth of 24 bits. Some of the images were
LED Indirect Exposure. with either a USB 2.0 or USB 1.1 interface too bright and the color gradation was not
A unique feature of the scanner is connection, it will only operate at USB 1.1 perfect.
that it uses the same USB port for data speed. It took the CanoScan LiDE 25 72 We then customized the settings by
transmission as well as to power it, which seconds to scan a full page color document making changes in the scanner driver and
means you don’t need a separate power at 300 dpi as compared to 27 seconds then found the results to be much better in
adapter to power the scanner. This avoids taken by the Epson Stylus CX 4500. That is terms of quality.
the cable clutter on your desktop; at the more than three times the time taken If you are low on budget and space,
same time, the slim and light weight design by Epson 4500. only then would we recommend to you
gives you the option to put it at places Coming to the most important the CanoScan LiDE 25. It is available for as
where space is a constraint. element of a scanner, we found the overall much as Rs 4,000. Otherwise, you would
Features and software: The scanner has image quality to be of average quality. be better off with conventional flatbed
three hot buttons on the front which We scanned a variety of pictures. After scanners, which use standard lamps. You
are pre- configured to “scan”, “copy” and scanning the pictures at default settings, could also check out the other models from
“e-mail”. These three buttons can also be Canon like the CanoScan LiDE 60, which
re-configured with the help of the bundled is much faster and equally compact as
software to perform a host of other the LiDE25.
functions. The software is simple to use. It For: Low price; the same USB port
has features that help to save the scanned powers the scanner and is also used for
document in PDF format. The software data transmission; good bundled
bundle includes an image editor, ArcSoft software.
PhotoStudio 5.5, an optical character Against: Average scan quality; takes
recognition application, and ScanSoft Pre-configured buttons for scan, copy and much longer to scan as compared to other
OmniPage SE 2.0. e-mail scanners; cannot scan transparencies.
Epson PictureMate 100
Specifications: 256(W) x 167(H) x 154(D) mm, 2.7 kg,
color LCD display, integrated card reader, CMYK
cartridge, top paper loading, support for Bluetooth,
USB Direct-Print, DPOF and PictBridge
Price Rs 11,095
Contact Tushad Talati
Phone 080-30515040
E-mail [email protected]
website www.epson.co.in
Build Quality
Overall Rating
Value for money
Plus U4-237 GO-W1616B
Specifications: Imaging unit: DLP chip, Brightness:
2000 lumens, Contrast ratio: 2000:1, Weight:
1.58 Kg, Inputs: DVI (720p, 1080i high definition),
S-Video, Composite video
Price Rs 1,45,000
Contact Plus Business Machines
Phone 080-30515040
E-mail [email protected]
website www.plus-india.com
Build Quality
Overall Rating
Value for money
DVD Writer
Gigabyte GO-W1616B
Specifications: 16x DVD+/-R, 8x DVD +RW, 4x DVD-
RW, 4x DVD+R9 DL, 48x CD-R, 24x CD-RW.
Price Rs 2,999
Contact Gigabyte Technologies (India) Ltd.
Phone 022-30616666
E-mail [email protected]
website www.gigabyte.in
Overall Rating
Value for money
Just Write!
T he Gigabyte dual layer DVD writer
belongs to the current breed of DVD
writers which are capable of burning
directions were meant for another
drive. The manual describes about the
volume button which this model of
DVD: For the 1616B, the maximum
supported speed is 16X for both the DVD+R
and DVD-R formats. For DVD+RW, the
DVD+R and DVD-R media at 16x, and are Gigabyte doesn’t have. Gigabyte doesn’t speed is 8X while for DVD-RW it is 6X.
also capable of writing dual layered discs. manufacture their own drives. Speeds of both the drives are almost
Design: We got the retail package of Performance: We compared the writer to similar and are very good.
the drive. The writer comes with a black the BenQ 1640, which has one of the best Overall, we would call it a very good CD
faceplate but it has an additional white scores. The results are evident from the reader, while we would put it on the same
faceplate supplied in the package. scores as seen in the table below. level as your regular DVD writer.
Features: The retail package includes CD/DVD reading test: It has very good For: Good CD/DVD write speeds.
two software CDs. It packs in Nero 6, the pressed CD, pressed DVD reading speed Against: Slow DVD-/+R read speeds.
burning software and Power DVD. It also but we rate it average when it comes
comes with an audio cable and mounting to reading DVD+R DVD-R and dual layer
screws. The three manuals included +R discs.
comprehensively cover all the required Note that pressed CDs and DVDs
information. We particularly liked the are those that come straight from the
manual describing how to change the front manufacturers of CDs and DVDs.
faceplate. CD/DVD recording test
One thing that we noted is that the CD: The 1616B has very good recording
speed for CD-R with an average speed of
Read Speed X (Average) 36.95X while it supports speeds up to 48X.
Gigabyte BenQ Whereas the 1640 has average speed of
Additional faceplate, Nero and Power DVD
Go-1616B 1640 36.25x and also supports speeds up to 48X. software, and audio cable
Pressed CD 36.9 36.87
CD-R 30.41 37.39 Media type Media Rated Speed Speed Time
pressed DVD 12.11 12.08 BenQ 1640 DVD+R 16x 11.47x 5:47
and plays MP3 as well as WMA file formats. tuning your favorite radio stations. You can
The size of the player is standard and tweak the sound using the built-in 5-band
it offers a blue backlit four line display. equalizer that offers some preset modes
Supporting Microsoft PlaysForSure and also allows you to apply your custom
downloads and subscriptions, the player preset mode. The music management is
comes with memberships and trial offers also well implemented, allowing you to Specifications: 512 MB flash memory, FM tuner, plays
for downloading music online. The Sansa create playlists, and also sort music on the MP3 and WMA, Hi-speed USB 2.0 support, 19 hours
m230 is high-speed USB 2.0 compatible, basis of artist, genre and album. The blue battery performance
and ensures the music is transferred backlit display could improve; it feels a bit Price Rs 3,600
to the device in a flash. It comes with a too dim and hence might not be offer ideal Contact Cosmo Digitec
sleek carry case that helps in avoiding any readability to some users. Phone 022-24918465
E-mail [email protected]
scratches, and an armband offering the Another minor issue we faced was that
website www.sandisk.com
option of wearing the player while jogging of the battery cover being a bit too lose
or working out. The player uses 1 AAA for our liking. The battery performance is
Build Quality
battery for power and the rated battery good and though it might not last for 19
performance for an AAA alkaline battery is hours, it will easily give you 12-14 hours of
19 hours! listening experience which is good enough
Performance: The Sansa m230 is a for most.
Overall Rating
good device, performing well in all the For: Good overall sound quality; feature-
Value for money
departments. Though it cannot compete rich; good quality ear plugs bundled; good
with iRiver MP3 players, it can certainly package, well priced.
give the other brands a run for their money. Against: Slightly dim display; average bass
The sound quality is good; the bundled response.
CCD: A charge-coupled device, or CCD, Image stabilization: An unsteady hand Noise: Noise is the presence of color ISO: ISO is the number indicating digital
is a light-sensitive semiconductor chip resulting in camera movement is one of speckles in a captured image where camera sensors sensitivity to light. The
used in most digital cameras. When a the major reasons for unsharp images there should be none. For example, higher the sensitivity, the less light is
picture is taken, the CCD is struck by especially while shooting using high instead of a blue sky, you will notice faint needed to make an exposure. Digital
light coming through the camera’s lens. zoom values or slow shutter speeds. pink, purple and other color speckles cameras automatically select the ISO
The CCD which comprises of thousands Image stabilization is an optical or digital amongst the otherwise blue sky. Noise but most have a setting to change it
or millions of tiny pixels converts this system which employs optical elements usually occurs when you shoot using long manually. Auto ISO generally works best
light into electrons. e resolution of the which serve to compensate for camera exposure (beyond 0.5 second) or when for bright scenes. Shooting at a lower
Vishwanath Vanjire CCD, the higher the image resolution movement. The IS feature is usually you use higher ISO values exceeding 400. ISO number requires more light than
will be. found on advanced mega- shooting at a higher number.
couple of years back, select audience. What’s interesting is
people did not think of the level of zoom rising beyond the 10x
buying digital cameras mark. All the cameras we received for
simply because they were very the comparison sport a minimum of 12x
expensive. A lot has changed, optical zoom. Also, the optical zoom engine
today digital cameras have not only has taken an upgrade, with a majority of
become more affordable but are also more the brands providing features like image
powerful and feature packed. Photography stabilization and anti-blur. Surely, the
as a hobby as well as profession has seen mega-zoom digital cameras are the most
a major rise. Thanks to digital cameras, expensive of the three categories in our
photography has become more interesting comparison, but if you were to compare
and convenient. With so much of interest the prices to that of the cameras of our
and movement in the digital imaging comparison test last year, you will not
segment providing lot of opportunities, the only notice a clear fall, but also a surge in
number of brands in the market has risen features and performance.
exponentially. To make things easier, our A common misconception about
comparison test gives a comprehensive digital cameras is that the performance
solution that clearly separates the good is judged on the megapixel count, the
from the best and provides a holistic higher the megapixel the better the
scenario of the digital camera market. quality. In reality, one cannot assume a
We have segmented the comparison linear relation between megapixels and
test in three categories, Mega-zoom, quality. It’s true that higher megapxiel
Mainstream and the Ultra-compact. The count translates into more information
mainstream and ultra-compact categories captured by the sensor but the accuracy
account for bulk of the market, while and quality of information captured by the
the mega-zoom category is a sort of a camera is equally important. The sensor
niche area. Mainstream digital cameras that captures accurate information is
aim for a perfect balance between price, better than a sensor that captures more
performance and features. They are the information with less accuracy. In other
most affordable of the lot and are most words, a 5-megapixel digital camera can
often the choice for a first time buyer who provide better results than a 7-megapixel
wants to step into digital photography. camera simply because it provides better
The ultra-compacts are sought for their image quality in terms of details and
looks, dimensions and style. These credit color reproduction. The test results of our
card-sized cameras are a fine example comparison tests further solidifies this fact.
of technological breakthrough in digital In our comparison test we have only
imaging. The size and form factor does included digital cameras using CCD
not restrict these cameras in any way; sensors. We have excluded the low-end
they match and surpass the mainstream and mainstream CMOS sensor based
cameras with respect to features, while cameras because the performance of these
having a clear advantage on looks and cameras is sub-standard and the price-
style. They surely are more expensive when performance ratio is dismal, especially with
compared to the mainstream cameras, but the CCD based digital cameras becoming
the gap is closing rapidly. The mega-zoom so very affordable.
category has few players and targets a
In addition to the resolution of the CCD,
the quality of optics (lenses), the image
compression engine, the focus capability
all go into capturing a great image. To
evaluate these characteristics, we devised
a test that challenged the cameras on the 10% Ergonomics 40% Performance
The outdoor test scene
grounds of color faithfulness, resolution, Weightage distribution for evaluation
noise response of the CCD and real-world parameters
Test Process image quality both indoor and outdoor.
Before putting the digital cameras to For outdoor test, we went to a park during construction, sturdiness of moveable parts,
grind, we categorized them based on their noontime and captured a scene which quality of the flaps, lens protection, etc.
usability and form factor. Accordingly, we featured natural colors and textures both This evaluation category accounted for 10
fixed on three categories—mega-zoom, near and afar. For indoor test, we set up percent of the camera’s overall score.
mainstream and ultra-compact. a test scene which featured rich colors,
Let’s step through each of the parameters specular highlights, textures and text. Warranty and support
that were part of the evaluation process. For unparalleled decision we shot all the It is important that the camera should be
scenes at default settings. We used flash backed by a robust warranty and support
Features only for shooting the indoor scene. The as it is an expensive investment. Here we
It is the feature set of the digital camera more faithful the captured images were logged the number of service centers in
that extends its functionality making it to real-life targets, the greater were the the country, the number of cities in which
versatile. We therefore assigned weightage points awarded to them for performance. these centers are present and the warranty
to the camera’s features and awarded The camera’s image performance being the period offered on the cameras.
greater scores to those that exhibited most important parameter, accounted for We concluded the test with the
better specifications. We noted the 40 percent of its overall score. computation of the “value for money”
resolution of the CCD, zoom, white balance index, which was derived by stacking up
settings, ISO modes, metering modes, flash Ergonomics the performance and features against the
modes and preset scenes among many A good camera is designed keeping in mind price. The greater this score, the greater is
others. To make the user experience more user comfort as the camera will spend the bang for the buck for that particular
pleasurable, a digital camera must offer most of its useful life in the hands of its camera!
a whole lot more. For instance, image owner. Having good ergonomics is essential We awarded the cameras that had the
stabilization is extremely important for as it bears a direct impact on productivity. best performance and offered the best
mega-zoom cameras. Before moving on to A camera should be easy to hold, the user value for money in each category. We
performance tests we checked the package interface should be intuitive, the buttons awarded only the best performer in the
contents—the cameras which came should be comfortable to operate and mega-zoom category as there weren’t
bundled with accessories like batteries, so on. The design of the camera should many participants here.
allow the owner to take good photographs
and have a learning curve as shallow as
possible. Such minute details differentiate
a great camera from a good one. We looked
out for these considerations and awarded
points accordingly. Ergonomics accounted
for 10 percent of the overall score.
Build quality
Since digital cameras are portable devices,
it should be sturdy and well-constructed
as it will be prone to occasional knocking
around when on the road. Here, we Presence of presets and manual modes
The indoor test scene
and IS were given weightage
evaluated the quality of the camera body’s
Mega-zoom Mainstream
Canon PowerShot S2 IS PE
Canon PowerShot A610 PE
Samsung DigiMax S500 ES
04 | 2006
E 04 |
E 04 |
2006 2006
Specifications: CCD Sensor- 5 MP, Dimensions Specifications: CCD Sensor- 5 MP, Dimensions Specifications: CCD Sensor-5.1 MP, Dimensions
(wxhxd) mm - 113x78x75.5, LCD Size - 1.8 inch, (wxhxd) mm- 105 x 66 x 49, LCD Size- 2 inch, Optical (wxhxd) mm-96.8 x 61.8 x 26.4, LCD Size- 2.4 inch,
Optical zoom - 12x, Memory type-xD/SD zoom- 4x, Memory type-xD/SD Optical zoom- 3x, Memory type-xD/SD
The Canon PowerShot S2 IS has a mammoth The Canon PowerShot A610 is packed with The Samsung DigiMax provides good
12x optical zoom lens which is one of its many powerful features that you would performance at an affordable price. It has
most prominent features. It has a 5 MP CCD generally expect to see on a high-end a 5.1 MP CCD sensor, 3x optical zoom and
sensor. Video recording is excellent at a camera. It has a 5-megapixel CCD sensor 4x digital zoom. Video recording is good at
maximum resolution of 640x480 at 30 fps. and a Canon 4x optical zoom lens. The A610 a maximum resolution of 640x480 at 30
The video is recorded in raw AVI format and can cater to a wide audience and can also be fps. It has 10 preset scene modes for easy
takes up a lot of memory. We could record used by people with little or no knowledge shooting out of which three preset scene
only 18 seconds of video at the maximum of photography. A newcomer can use the modes namely Child, Night and Portrait
resolution using a 256 MB SD memory card. auto mode where he has access to 12 pre- are instantly accessible on the dial. In
The flip open 1.8-inch LCD screen is a tad programmed scene modes. The program addition to this, it has a special “E” button
smaller as compared to that of Samsung mode is a step-up to the auto mode wherein which lets you use a photo frame, change
Pro 815’s humungous 3.5-inch LCD screen. you have more freedom to play with options color setting, etc. Navigation was not
The S2 IS is rugged having an excellent build like ISO, white balance, metering and color easy initially as we looked for preset scene
quality. Another one of its most prominent effects. The A610 is a little bigger and modes in the Menu (where it is usually);
features is its image stabilizer—the best in its heavier than the other mainstream cameras instead we found it in the options provided
class, compensating for movement of hands we tested but its stellar performance by the “E” button. Once we figured that
while taking shots especially while zooming. overshadows everything. out, navigation was a breeze. Build quality
Navigating through the menus is easy and Coming to performance, it pretty much is very good and the buttons are well
the menu design is typical Canon style. leaves every other camera behind with best spaced out and accessible.
It performed well though we won’t call it image quality and color reproduction. The performance was very good in both
exceptional like its mainstream sibling— Ergonomics is excellent—the menu indoor and outdoor tests and second in line
the Canon PowerShot A610. navigation is easy with all buttons easily to the best performer in its category—the
For: Excellent image quality; image accessible. It uses AA-sized batteries which Canon PowerShot A610. It uses AA-sized
stabilization; rugged build quality; 12x are easily available and inexpensive. batteries, a better option over Li-ion
optical zoom. For: Excellent performance; feature rich; batteries.
Against: Small LCD screen; video recording rugged built quality. For: Good overall performance.
eats up a lot of memory. Against: Slightly bulky. Against: None.
Ultra-compact | TERMINATOR
CCD: A charge-coupled device or CCD
Canon Digital IXUS 55 RFOR
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W30 ES
is a light-sensitive semiconductor chip
used in most digital cameras. When a
picture is taken, the CCD is struck by
E 04 | 2006
light coming through the camera’s lens.
E 04 |
2006 R
The CCD which comprises of thousands
or millions of tiny pixels converts this
light into electrons. The number of
electrons, usually described as the
pixel’s accumulated charge, is measured
and then converted to a digital value by
Specifications: CCD Sensor- 5 MP, Dimensions Specifications: CCD Sensor- 6 MP, Dimensions a component called the analog-to-digital
(wxhxd) mm-86x54x21.6, LCD Size- 2.5 inch, (wxhxd) mm-89x59x23, LCD Size - 2 inch, Optical converter. The higher the resolution of
Optical zoom- 4x, Memory type- xD/SD zoom- 3x, Memory type- Memory Stick Pro the CCD, the higher will be the image
Price Rs 25,995 Price Rs 15,990 resolution.
Contact Canon India Pvt Ltd Contact J J Mehta & Sons
Phone 0124-5160011 Phone 022-24326865 Image stabilization: An unsteady hand
E-mail [email protected] E-mail [email protected]
resulting in camera movement is one of
RATINGS RATINGS the major reasons for unsharp images
Features Features especially while shooting using high
Perfomance Perfomance zoom values or slow shutter speeds.
Ergonomics Ergonomics
Image stabilization is an optical or digital
Build Quality Build Quality
system which employs optical elements
Warranty Warranty
which serve to compensate for camera
Overall Rating Overall Rating
movement. The IS feature is usually
Value for money Value for money
found on advanced mega-zoom cameras
The Canon Digital IXUS 55 is a power packed The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W30 packs in a which have extremely long focal length
little monster. It has a 5 MP CCD sensor lot of punch in a small size at an affordable lenses such as the 12x lens on the Canon
and 4x optical zoom. It has an all-metal price. It belongs to the latest offering of PowerShot S2 IS.
body which exudes class. You can directly Sony’s redesigned W series. It has a 6 MP
access the ISO settings using the directional CCD sensor and Carl Zeiss 3x optical zoom Noise: Noise is the presence of color
keypad. The 2.5-inch LCD screen is placed lens. It features high sensitivity ISO setting speckles in a captured image where there
at the back of the camera. It uses a slider to up to ISO 1000 allowing you to shoot in low should be none. For example, instead of a
change between camera, movie and play light conditions. Navigating through the blue sky, you will notice faint pink, purple
modes. We found the slider a bit flimsy, a menus is simple and easy to understand. and other color speckles amongst the
let down to the otherwise excellent build We weren’t impressed with the button’s otherwise blue sky. Noise usually occurs
quality of the camera. It has an exclusive tactile response. when you shoot using long exposure
print/share button, a new addition to Coming to image quality, the W31 fared (beyond 0.5 second) or when you use
Canon’s camera range. It lights up when well in the outdoor test with above average higher ISO values exceeding 400.
connected to the PC indicating it is ready to image quality and color reproduction; it
transfer. It also lights up when connected performed very well in the indoor tests ISO: ISO is the number indicating the
to a PictBridge printer. Menu navigation is though. It uses its own propriety memory digital camera sensor’s sensitivity to
simple and is pretty much similar to that of stick format—Memory stick pro for light. The higher the sensitivity, the less
all other Canon models. external storage. light is needed to make an exposure.
The camera scored best in the outdoor test The W30 comes with 32 MB of internal Digital cameras automatically select the
because of its top notch image quality and memory, the highest across all categories ISO but most have a setting to change
color reproduction. It performed pretty well of cameras we tested. It comes with a Li- it manually. Auto ISO generally works
in the indoor tests too. Due to its compact Ion battery, owing to its small form factor. best for bright scenes. Shooting at a
form factor, the Ixus 55 uses a Li-ion battery. The battery requires an external charger lower ISO number requires more light
For: Very good image quality; all-metal (bundled) to charge it. than shooting at a higher number. Lower
body. For: Good value for money; 32 MB internal numbers result in images with the least
Against: Button size and spacing can memory. visible noise, which is desirable. Higher
improve. Against: Stiff buttons; external charger. the number, more is the noise.
| Buying guide
Now that you have seen the various options and their performance in the respective categories, it is time to make a buying decision.
The following buying guide is closely tied with the comparison test and is divided similarly into three main categories, the Mainstream,
Ultra-compact and Mega-zoom digital cameras. Considering your application, we describe what features are most pertinent, along with
the price points and models that would suit your specific needs.
Mega-zoom: Being one of the most exciting Mainstream: A mainstream user is Ultra-compact: Ultra-compacts are
and sought after categories, this one is also someone who wants an all-purpose targeted towards users looking for
the most expensive of the lot. Mega-zoom digital camera that can be used by the pocketable digital cameras. These digital
cameras offer massive optical zoom and entire family. They look for a good mix of cameras have come a long way in terms of
hence are targeted towards wild-life image quality, features and affordability. features and style. The looks, construction
photographers and nature lovers, intending They do not want to spend more money and usability are very important for these
to capture distant subjects. Cameras on the shiny ultra compact cameras or cameras. Being the smallest of all the
offering 10x optical zoom and above fall the high-end megazoom digital cameras. categories, the cameras do make some
in this category. Apart from the zoom, Mainstream digital cameras are the most compromises in terms of image quality
these cameras also offer more control over affordable of the lot and hence offer and performance. Compressing the optics,
photography by providing manual controls maximum value for the money spent. sensor and the imaging processor into
like shooting modes with aperture and One must look for the following features a small form factor brings in some very
shutter priority and many other features when deciding on a mainstream digital generic limitations. Thus, don’t expect
like better ISO range and wider aperture camera—the CCD sensor should be a the ultra-compacts to match the quality
for depth of field. Lately the mega-zoom minimum of 5 MP. Though a 5-MP CCD and color reproduction of the high-end
cameras offer IS (Image Stabilization), a might seems like an overkill, the extra digital cameras. The key factors for this
system where the camera compensates resolution helps when you need to take segment are the start-up time, optical
for the slight hand shake which causes larger prints. zoom, LCD screen size and resolution and
image blur especially when using high A minimum of 3x optical zoom is a finally the features and user friendliness.
zoom levels. The IS techniques offered by must, ensuring some degree of flexibility Ultra compacts are for those who are
various brands differ in functionality and while capturing distant objects. Some of always on the move. Hence the overall
also effectiveness. Thus one cannot simply the latest cameras offer 4x optical zoom speed and startup time is crucial. Then
depend on the IS, it is very important to which is a clear bonus. Don’t ever bank on comes the optical zoom feature, most
check the effectiveness of the IS engine the digital zoom, the results are blurry with of these cameras offer 3x optical zoom,
of the camera. The Canon S2 IS has by a lot of data loss. Presets are important but but the response of the zoom lens is not
far the best image stabilization engine don’t ignore the manual controls as these always ideal. Sluggish zoom lens results
as compared to all the cameras that we help bring in some creativity. in a lot of delay, which is the last thing
reviewed. Another important factor is the The movie recording capability of digital you want when you want a quick close-up
weight balance of the camera. If the weight cameras have come a long way; don’t settle shot. The battery performance is also very
is not balanced, the camera will tend to for anything less than 640x480 at 30 FPS. important; the ultra-compacts use lithium-
dip towards a particular end, making it Cameras using AA batteries are preferable ion batteries, which give much better
difficult to hold it steady when using the over the proprietary batteries, simply battery performance when compared to
zoom feature. These cameras are bigger because AA batteries are easily available the AA batteries. However, lithium-ion
and bulkier than the rest and hence build and hence provide a quick solution when batteries are expensive and not easily
quality is also very important. you run out of juice. available.
Recommended models: Canon Digital
Recommended models: Canon PowerShot Recommended models: Canon PowerShot IXUS 55, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W30, Nikon
S2 IS, Samsung Pro 815 A610, Nikon Coolpix L3, Samsung S800
Coolpix S3
E 04 |
| Personal Take
Soham Raninga
Category Mega-Zoom
[email protected] Name Canon PowerShot S2 IS
Contact J J Mehta & Sons
Phone 022-24326865
Talking about digital cameras, E-mail [email protected]
the most important aspect is Price Rs 29,990
image quality. But these days Overall scoring
with swanky mega-zoom cameras Features (out of 30) 21.93
Performance (out of 40) 26.81
sporting massive 12x optical
Ergonomics (out of 10) 8.89
zoom and IS engines, it is tough
Build Quality (out of 10) 10.00
not to ditch image quality for the Warranty & Support (out of 10) 7.39
mammoth optical zoom lens. For Overall (out of 100) Total: 73.52
me, the fight was between the Value for money (out of 5)
Canon PowerShot S2 IS and the Features
PowerShot A610. In the red corner CCD sensor (Megapixels) 5
Max image resolution 2592 x 1944
the S2 IS flexed its 12x optical
Dimensions (w x h x d) mm 113 x 78 x 75.5
zoom while the PowerShot A610
Weight (grams) 405
flaunted its image quality in the Zoom (Optical/Digital) 12x / 4x
blue corner. Both the cameras Focus type (Auto/Manual) ✓|✓
are ace performers in their own Macro mode (cm) 1
category and hence it was a tough White balance modes 6
decision. Ultimately, the A610 won Shutter speed (high/low) (sec) 1/3200 to 15
the competition because of its Metering modes (Matrix/Centre/Spot/Auto) ✓|✓|✓|✕
Flash modes (Auto/Red-eye/Fill/Off) ✓|✓|✓|✓
crisp image quality and fantastic
Preset modes (Auto/Av/Tv/Manual/Program) ✓|✓|✓|✓|✓
color reproduction.
Preset scene modes 7
There isn’t anything flashy about Video recording 640x480 @ 30 fps
the PowerShot A610 and that’s the Memory type xD / SD
beauty of it. The classy looks and Memory (Onboard/Bundled) MB 0 / 16
superb build quality of the camera Image type (JPEG/TIFF/RAW) ✓|✕|✕
houses one of the best optics and Image stabilization (IS) ✓
CCD sensors that we came across Included battery (AA/AAA/Li-Ion) ✓|✕|✕
Package (Batteries/Cables/Case/Carry strap/App CD) ✕|✓|✕|✓|✓
in the comparison process. The
focusing is fast and accurate,
CCD color test (out of 10) 7.19
and the 5-megapixel CCD of the CCD noise test (out of 10) 1.03
PowerShot A610 captures more Indoor scene evaluation (out of 10) 8.125
details than even the 8-megapixel Outdoor scene evaluation (out of 10) 7.5
cameras. Ergonomics
The camera has a very practical Comfortable to hold Comfortable
Menu navigation ease Intuitive
design—button spacing and
placement is good; it is easy to Buttons (Size/Spacing/Relief) Comfortably large / Well-spaced / Good
E 04 |
ST R E 04 | 2006
2 3 4 5 6
Samsung Pro 815 Kodak EasyShare P850 Canon Powershot A610 Samsung DigiMax S800 Samsung DigiMax S500
Samsung Electronics India Samsung Electronics India Samsung Electronics India
Neoteric Infomatique Pvt Ltd J J Mehta & Sons
Pvt Ltd Pvt Ltd Pvt Ltd
011-41511234 022-39828600 022-24326865 011-41511234 011-41511234
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Rs 54,990 Rs 26,999 Rs 18,000 Rs 22,990 Rs 12,990
7 8 9
Category Mainstream
Name Samsung Digimax S600 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-S600 Nikon Coolpix L3
Contact Samsung Electronics India Pvt Ltd J J Mehta & Sons J J Mehta & Sons
Phone 011-41511234 022-24326865 022-24326865
E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Price Rs 14,990 Rs 13,990 Rs 15,000
Overall scoring
Features (out of 30) 14.66 15.18 13.49
Performance (out of 40) 22.39 19.92 25.46
Ergonomics (out of 10) 5.72 5.06 5.17
Build Quality (out of 10) 10.00 10.00 9.17
Warranty & Support (out of 10) 8.33 6.00 1.78
Overall (out of 100) Total: 61.11 Total: 56.16 Total: 55.06
Value for money (out of 5)
CCD sensor (Megapixels) 6 6 5.1
Max image resolution 3072 x 2304 3072 x 2304 2592 x 1944
Dimensions (w x h x d) mm 96.8 x 61.8 x 26.4 100 x 52 x 36.8 91 x 61.5 x 26
Weight (grams) 136 133 120
Zoom (Optical/Digital) 3x / 5x 3x / 2x 3x / 4x
Focus type (Auto/Manual) ✓|✕ ✓|✕ ✓|✕
Macro mode (cm) 5 2 1
White balance modes 7 6 6
Shutter speed (high/low) (sec) 1/1500 to 8 1/2000 to 1 1/2000 to 4
Metering modes (Matrix/Centre/Spot/Auto) ✓|✕|✓|✕ ✓|✕|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕|✕
Flash modes (Auto/Red-eye/Fill/Off) ✓|✓|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✓
Preset modes (Auto/Av/Tv/Manual/Program) ✓|✕|✕|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕|✕|✓ ✓|✕|✕|✕|✕
Preset scene modes 5 5 8
Video recording 640x480 @ 30 fps 640x480 @ 30 fps 640x480 @ 30 fps
Memory type xD / SD Memory Stick xD / SD
Memory (Onboard/Bundled) MB 20 / 0 32 / 0 23 / 0
Image type (JPEG/TIFF/RAW) ✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕
Image stabilization (IS) ✕ ✕ ✕
Included battery (AA/AAA/Li-Ion) ✓|✕|✕ ✕|✓|✕ ✓|✕|✕
Package (Batteries/Cables/Case/Carry strap/App CD) ✕|✓|✕|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✕|✓|✓ ✕|✓|✕|✓|✓
CCD color test (out of 10) 8.43 7.18 4.99
CCD noise test (out of 10) 3.81 3.57 2.44
Indoor scene evaluation (out of 10) 5.75 4.625 7.5
Outdoor scene evaluation (out of 10) 5 5 7.5
Comfortable to hold Comfortable Comfortable Comfortable
Menu navigation ease Intuitive Some reference required Intuitive
Average / Reasonably spaced /
Buttons (Size/Spacing/Relief) Comfortably large / Well-spaced / Good
Average / Reasonably spaced / Good
E 04 |
10 11 12 13 14
Samsung DigiMax A40 Kodak EasyShare C340 Tech-Com DSC-512X Plus Tech-Com DSC-524X Plus Canon Digital IXUS 55
Samsung Electronics India
Neoteric Infomatique Pvt Ltd Tech-Com Tech-Com Canon India Pvt Ltd
Pvt Ltd
011-41511234 022-39828600 011-26428541 011-26428541 0124-5160011
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Rs 9,999 Rs 12,499 Rs 7,990 Rs 8,490 Rs 25,995
4 5 5 5 5
2272 x 1704 2592 x 1944 2592 x 1944 2592 x 1944 2592 x 1944
105.5 x 56.8 x 32.2 91.9 x 65.3 x 35.3 108 x 56.5 x 38 100 x 55.4 x 35.3 86 x 54 x 21.6
120 145 142 140 140
3x / 4x 3x / 5x 3x / 5x 3x / 5x 4x / 3x
✓|✕ ✓|✕ ✓|✕ ✓|✕ ✓|✕
5 13 1 1 3
7 5 7 7 7
1/2000 to 8 1/1400 to 4 1/1000 to 8 1/1000 to 8 1/1500 to 15
✓|✕|✓|✕ ✕|✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✓|✕ ✓|✕|✓|✕ ✓|✓|✓|✕
✓|✓|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✓
✓|✕|✕|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕|✕|✕
5 6 0 0 7
640x480 @ 30 fps 640x480 @ 13 fps 640x480 @ 24 fps 640x480 @ 30 fps 640x480 @ 30 fps
xD / SD xD / SD xD / SD xD / SD xD / SD
10 / 0 16 / 0 32 / 0 32 / 0 0 / 16
✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕
✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕ ✕|✕|✓
✕|✓|✓|✓|✓ ✕|✓|✕|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✕|✓|✓
223 20 15 15 125
152 20 15 15 100
1 1 1 1 2
04 | 2006
15 16 17 18 19
Category Ultra-compact
Name Canon Digital IXUS 750 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W30 Nikon Coolpix S3 Nikon Coolpix S5 Kodak EasyShare V530
Contact Canon India Pvt Ltd J J Mehta & Sons Inter Foto India Pvt Ltd J J Mehta & Sons Neoteric Infomatique Pvt Ltd
Phone 0124-5160011 022-24326865 022-24925151 022-24326865 022-39828600
E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Price Rs 29,995 Rs 15,990 Rs 17,900 Rs 20,000 Rs 15,999
Overall scoring
Features (out of 30) 18.17 15.29 19.79 16.08 15.70
Performance (out of 40) 26.65 25.73 22.98 20.75 16.09
Ergonomics (out of 10) 7.22 6.00 4.89 6.28 5.44
Build Quality (out of 10) 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.17
Warranty & Support (out of 10) 7.39 6.00 1.78 1.78 2.40
Overall (out of 100) Total: 69.43 Total: 63.02 Total: 59.44 Total: 54.89 Total: 48.81
Value for money (out of 5)
CCD sensor (Megapixels) 7 6 6 6 5
Max image resolution 3072 x 2304 2592 x 1944 3072 x 2304 3072 x 2304 2592 x 1944
Dimensions (w x h x d) mm 89.5 x 57 x 27.4 89 x 59 x 23 89.9 x 57.5 x 19.7 93 x 59 x 20 92 x 50 x 22
Weight (grams) 170 123 118 165 130
Zoom (Optical/Digital) 3x / 4x 3x / 2x 3x / 4x 3x / 4x 3x / 4x
Focus type (Auto/Manual) ✓|✕ ✓|✕ ✓|✕ ✓|✕ ✓|✕
Macro mode (cm) 5 2 4 4 5
White balance modes 6 4 5 5 6
Shutter speed (high/low) (sec) 1/2000 to 15 1/2000 to 1 1/350 to 2 1/500 to 2 1/1448 to 8
Metering modes (Matrix/Centre/Spot/Auto) ✓|✓|✓|✕ ✓|✕|✓|✕ ✓|✓|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✓
Flash modes (Auto/Red-eye/Fill/Off) ✓|✓|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✕|✓ ✓|✓|✕|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✓
Preset modes (Auto/Av/Tv/Manual/Program) ✓|✕|✕|✓|✓ ✓|✕|✕|✕|✓ ✓|✓|✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕|✕|✕
Preset scene modes 8 5 8 7 8
Video recording 640x480 @ 30 fps 640x480 @ 30 fps 640x480 @ 15 fps 640x480 @ 30 fps 640x480 @ 30 fps
Memory type xD / SD Memory Stick xD / SD xD / SD xD / SD
Memory (Onboard/Bundled) MB 0 / 32 32 / 0 12 / 256 21 / 0 16 / 0
Image type (JPEG/TIFF/RAW) ✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✓ ✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕ ✓|✕|✕
Image stabilization (IS) ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
Included battery (AA/AAA/Li-Ion) ✕|✕|✓ ✕|✕|✓ ✕|✕|✓ ✕|✕|✓ ✕|✕|✓
Package (Batteries/Cables/Case/Carry strap/App CD) ✓|✓|✕|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✕|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✕|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✕|✓|✓ ✓|✓|✕|✓|✓
CCD color test (out of 10) 6.30 6.05 4.94 6.81 5.92
CCD noise test (out of 10) 1.37 6.21 2.73 4.44 4.28
Indoor scene evaluation (out of 10) 5.75 8.125 8.125 7 4.125
Outdoor scene evaluation (out of 10) 10 5 5 3 3
Comfortable to hold Comfortable Comfortable Comfortable Comfortable Comfortable
Menu navigation ease Intuitive Some reference required Intuitive Intuitive Intuitive
Comfortably large / Average / Reasonably spaced Comfortably large / Comfortably large /
Buttons (Size/Spacing/Relief) Well-spaced / Good
Average / Well-spaced / Average
/ Average Well-spaced / Good Reasonably spaced / Good
Flip-open LCD screen ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕ ✕
Build quality
Body Good Good Good Good Good
Battery/memory cover Good Good Good Good Average
Lens assembly Good Good Good Good Good
Protection (lens cover/built-in flash) ✓|✓ ✓|✓ ✓|✓ ✓|✓ ✓|✓
Warranty & Support
Number of authorised service centers 125 143 3 3 20
Number of cities where service
100 100 3 3 20
centers are present
Period of warranty (years) 2 1 1 1 1
* Prices are indicative and are subject to change, taxes extra
Vishwanath Vanjire
hile AMD’s Athlon64 was the which ATI dubbed as the Memory Ring gaming experience, as seen in SLI tests
distinct performance leader Architecture, and a very efficient dispatch using these cards.
on the CPU battlefield, in the processor. The capability of this new However, before you could experience
last couple of quarters things have been memory controller was put to good use the full potential of this card, there were
somewhat balanced on the GPU side. Last when ATI released an OpenGL performance availability issues. It turned out that Nvidia
year, Nvidia raised the bar once again with patch that utilizes the controller’s could not live up to the expectations the
the launch of their 7800GTX card and programmability to boost the performance card had generated and many criticized
promised instant product availability on of OpenGL-based games—a sector that them for not being able to keep up with the
the same day the card was released. It was was traditionally dominated by Nvidia’s demand. Fingers were pointed at Nvidia
a successful campaign and the 7800GTX graphics cards. The boost was pretty for the shortage of fast graphics memory
won the hearts of all gaming enthusiasts. significant as it managed to close the big modules, perceived as the main cause of
Under ATI’s belt there was the X1800 performance gap that existed between the whole availability issue.
(R520) which had attracted attention Nvidia’s and ATI’s cards. This patch has However, putting the availability issues
during its development. However, there been included within the Catalyst driver aside, the GeForce 7800GTX 512 MB
was an unprecedented delay in its release. since version 5.13. remained the fastest gaming card during
After months of speculation and noise, ATI With stiff competition, Nvidia surprised the entire holiday season in December last
eventually unveiled the X1800 series in everyone again with a counter offering year. Meanwhile, ATI was gearing up with
October 2005. in the form of the GeForce 7800GTX its upcoming card. Barely 14 days after this
On the performance front, it was 512 MB card. This card not only boasts a year began, they released their new card.
neck-to-neck with the GeForce bigger onboard memory capacity but an Codenamed R580, the X1900 series is ATI’s
7800GTX. It promised flexible and incredible increase in clock speed as well. attempt to stay ahead of competition in
excellent architectural and performance Crunching every pixel in its way, the card’s the graphics processor race.
enhancement headroom. This performance effortlessly restored Nvidia’s The R580 is certainly not a rushed
became possible due to its brand new position on the GPU throne. If you run the attempt by ATI to compete with Nvidia’s
programmable memory controller cards in pair, you are guaranteed a heavenly critically acclaimed 7800GTX 512 MB even
though the launch of the X1800 series workload distribution, is coordinated by the grand daddy of all shader-crunching
and this card was separated only by a this dispatch processor. The same goes monsters. It is worth noting that despite
quarter of a year. Instead, it was the delay for codes that are passed down from having such a huge number of pixel
of the X1800 series that made the R580 the vertex shader/triangle setup engine. processors, the maximum pixel output of
really look like a rushed launch. This also In short, the Ultra-Threading Dispatch the X1900 still remained the same as that
explains why the timeframe between the Processor acts as the control tower that of the X1800, at 16 per clock cycle.
introductions of the mid-range X1600 and coordinates everything that happens While comparing, the GeForce 7800GTX
X1800 series was so close. within the pixel shader engine. has 24 pixel processors and can draw a
ATI claims this implementation has maximum of 24 pixels per clock, and yet
R520 on steroids improved the pixel pipeline efficiency by due to the complexity of pixel shaders
In the past, ramping up the clock speed an almost unbelievable 90 percent. This processing, the X1900 is still theoretically
of the GPU and memory was the solution is corroborated by the fact that the R520 faster as it has twice the number of pixel
manufacturers would normally adopt to features only 16-pixel pipelines but still processors compared to Nvidia’s solution
increase the performance of their line-up performs on the same level as that of the and thus can handle pixel processing
refresh while leaving the entire GPU’s GeForce 7800GTX that has 24 pixel pipes, if workloads faster.
capability completely untouched. The R580 not better. In addition to the enhanced pixel
follows this tradition very closely. From housepower, the general purpose register
the architectural point of view, the R580 is Greater pixel horsepower arrays of the X1900 have also been
fundamentally built on the R520 blueprint. With efficiency taken care of, ATI needed to increased to 48 units in order to provide
While there is a slight clock speed increase improve the pixel horsepower in the R580. more intermediate data storage space for
in both the GPU and memory department, As more and more titles started to explore the pixel processors.
njire from 625MHz/1500MHz of the R520 to the capability of pixel shader to render Another feature that made its way into
650MHz/1550MHz, the clock speed isn’t breathtaking graphics and effects, high this new GPU is what ATI called Fetch4. It
really the primary focus point of the R58. memory bandwidth was quietly replaced is designed to accelerate the loading and
The focus is rather on the massive shader by computing power as the primary key in filtering of all the four components of a
processing power of this GPU. determining the performance of today’s single channel texture simultaneously
Firstly, on the vertex front, the R580 GPU. The architectural focus of Nvidia’s instead of running these filtering tasks one
features the same design as that of the G70 backs the trend perfectly. ATI’s at a time, which is what the X1800 does.
R520 consisting of eight shader processing latest X1000 series design is another fine
units based on Shader Model 3.0. Each example showing us the direction towards The card
of them is capable of performing one which the game developers are heading. For our tests, we used a sample card from
vector and one scalar operation per clock. In this new incarnation of the X1000 HIS which has the same architecture as
Considering the fact that today’s games family, ATI has increased the number of that of ATI’s 1900XTX reference card. It
are more pixel shader limited than vertex its pixel processors from 16 in the X1800 is one of the most expensive graphics
shader, the 8 shader model should be series to a whopping 48 units. With cards ever to reach our hands. Two PCI
sufficient to hold up for a reasonable this increment, ATI has transformed the slots were needed for installation due to
amount of time until the next slew of already-efficient R520 processor into its high profile cooling system (dual slot)
cinema-quality games.
The strength of the R580 lies in the
pixel pipelines (or pixel shader engine).
In order to improve the efficiency of
instruction scheduling, minimizing
unwanted pipeline idling and obtaining
a balanced load distribution among all
the pixel pipes, ATI has designed a special
switching unit commercially known as the
Ultra-Threading Dispatch Processor for the
entire X1000 series. This dispatch processor
watches over the texture mapping units
and all the 16-pixel processors that have
been arranged in a four-unit per block
organization (hence the name Quad Pixel Like all top-of-the-line graphics cards, ATI’s X18900XTX uses a huge cooling solution; it was
Shader Core). Any communication between reasonably quiet during operation
any of these units, as well as pixel shader
1600x1200 No AA/8xAF Quake 4 1.0.5 Beta 2 (SMP Enabled) 134.59
76 1600x1200 No AA/8xAF
55.2 1600x1200 No AA/8xAF
1600x1200 4xAA/8xAF 80.1 90.18
63.2 1600x1200 4xAA/8xAF
1600x1200 NoAA/8xAF 53.4 1600x1200 4xAA/8xAF
HDR Enabled 55.5 1600x1200 NoAA/8xAF 57
HDR Enabled
0 16 32 48 64 80 0 18 36 54 72 90
0 31 62 93 124 155
NVIDIA GeForce 7800GTX 512MB
NVIDIA GeForce 7800GTX 512MB NVIDIA GeForce 7800GTX 512MB
ATI Radeon X1900 XTX
ATI Radeon X1900 XTX ATI Radeon X1900 XTX
Call of Duty 2 v1.1 F.E.A.R. v1.2 F.E.A.R. v1.2 Serious Sam 2 Serious Sam 2
Call of Duty 2 v1.1
61 56.6
1600x1200 No AA/8xAF 1600x1200 No AA/8xAF
74 64.9
1600x1200 No AA/8xAF
44.4 31 47.7
1600x1200 4xAA/8xAF 1600x1200 4xAA/8xAF
52 51.7
1600x1200 4xAA/8xAF
35.6 1600x1200 NoAA/8xAF 32 1600x1200 NoAA/8xAF 39.7
SoftShadow Enabled HDR Enabled 49.1
0 9 18 27 36 45
NVIDIA GeForce 7800GTX 512MB 0 15 30 45 60 75 0 13 26 39 52 65
ATI Radeon X1900 XTX NVIDIA GeForce 7800GTX 512MB NVIDIA GeForce 7800GTX 512MB
and we are glad to report that the noise Pushing the card were closely tied here, Nvidia’s GeForce
operation was acceptable compared to its For our performance tests, we used a 7800 GTX 512 MB edged ahead of the
predecessors that were notorious for their combination of some of the newest games X1900XTX in the high resolution test at
overly loud fans. The build quality of the to evaluate its mettle in handling the newer 1600x1200 using no AA and with 8x AF.
card is excellent and we managed to easily graphics effects of today’s near cinema- The scores reveal that the ATI 1900 XTX
overclock it up to 700 MHz (GPU)/800 quality games. We also ran the cards at is currently the fastest single graphics
MHz (memory). However, due to limited different resolutions coupled with anti- solution money can buy. At least we can
time at hand, we couldn’t conduct a full aliasing and filtering combinations. First say so till we test Nvidia’s next card, the
overclocking finding. up, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory returned GeForce 7900GTX.
The package comes with adapters and some pretty impressive scores where the We know that a single 1900 XTX would
cable but we were disappointed to find X1900XTX clearly led the 7800GTX across still trail behind a pair of 7800GTX 512
no game bundles. For a card that costs a resolutions and AA/AF combinations. MB in SLI configuration, but please note
lot, we obviously expected a little more Far Cry v1.32, at 1600x1200 resolution that ATI also has CrossFire, their dual
than just a couple of utilities, applications with High Dynamic Range (HDR) lighting GPU solution. Now, taking the multi-GPU
and demo CDs. Nevertheless, looking at enabled, posted a fantastic score of 57 configuration off the chart, the X1900
the bright side, you receive an 18-month fps—something that Nvidia’s solution XTX’s Direct3D performance is simply
warranty coverage for this card. could not match. A similar scenario was unmatched by anything Nvidia can offer,
We tested the card against Nvidia’s observed in the Serious Sam 2 tests. Most at least for the moment.
7800GTX 512MB and as usual, the AMD impressive was its performance in F.E.A.R. The OpenGL segment is the only
Athlon64 was our platform of choice for v1.2 where the X1900XTX emerged a full weakness of the X1900 but thanks
this showdown. 66 percent faster in the test at 1600x1200, to the enhancements in the graphics
at 4x AA and 8x AF. This was clearly due to cards OpenGL processing capabilities
Testbed Setup the increased efficiency of the Pixel Shader via its programmable functionlaity, the
AMD Athlon64 FX60 overclocked to 2.8GHz unit of the X1900XTX, compared to its performance gap is no longer as significant
ASUS A8N32-Deluxe predecesors or the Nividia card. as it used to be in the past. All in all, if we
2x 1GB Corsair PC3500 Pro (2-3-2-6) However, the card lagged during were to shop for the best 3D gaming card
74GB Western Digital Raptor the Quake 4 1.0.5 Beta 2 test. Based on right now, we would unquestionably put
Cooler Master 550W PSU OpenGL, it is an area where Nivida has our money on this card. ■
traditionally excelled. While framerates | Mighty Fork
oday the Intel assigned to the first 16x PEG slot, to the
Pentium 4 platform second 16x PEG slot. This effectively
has tobogganed in halves the number of PCIe lanes assigned
its standing as a fascinating to each graphics card, resulting in an
platform chiefly because NetBurst 8x/8x dual slot configuration.
has reached the end of its lifespan. Both Nvidia’s SLI and ATI’s CrossFire
But that does not mean we are not dual graphics card implementations
going to talk about any P4-based should work just fine on this chipset.
products because we know there are Unfortunately, for now it is only ATI that
many enthusiasts who are hooked on to has agreed to sanction the CrossFire
nothing else but Intel. However, we are technology on this platform. Featuring
at a juncture where it makes sense to talk the unchanged ICH7R southbridge means
about Intel’s first dual graphics capable six more PCIe lanes are available for
desktop chipset. And we are sure all you use by any onboard components (for
Intel enthusiasts will be more than eager example, Gigabit LAN) to be laid out
to know about it. in slot configuration. In total, the 975X
The 975X chipset was introduced chipsets offers you 22 PCIe lanes for
along with the new 65nm Intel Pentium add-on cards.
Extreme Edition 955. But it does not have
any significant improvements ASUS P5WD2-E Deluxe
when compared to the In case you have any one of the ASUS
previous chipsets P5 series boards, we are sure you are a
from Intel. There is satisfied and happy owner. Based on our
neither new memory experience with the entire P5 series, we
speed support nor new think this series is without doubt one
southbridge capabilities of the best ever to come from ASUS.
to pair up with this new The boards are reliable, feature-rich and
northbridge. Maximum fun to tweak. Most importantly, on an
capacity RAM support is at 8 average, they perform faster than the
GB and 667 MHz is the fastest rest of offerings. With the launch of the
official speed it offers. You 975X chipset, it is no surprise to see the
should not have any difficulties P5 family welcoming yet another new
in running your DDR2 at the member—the P5WD2-E Deluxe.
unofficial 800 MHz, provided you This board is one of the latest fully
have modules that are capable of featured enthusiast offerings to hit the
being pushed to such speeds. The market and is here to replace the P5WD2
highlight of the chipset is, of course, (955X), which was ASUS’s previous Intel
its dual-GPU support, the first in Intel flagship board.
desktop chipsets. On the graphics front, When we compared both the
when the system detects the presence boards, we noticed that there are no
of two PCIe graphics cards in the slots, critical design differences between the
the northbridge redirects half of its 16 P5WD2-E and P5WD2 other than some
PCI Express lanes that are by default minor layout alterations made to the
975X: Take note of the dual graphics option 955X: Can you spot the difference?
| Application Performance
Winstone Business 2004 and Content Creation
2004 are system-level, application based
Winstone Business 2004 v1.0.1 Winstone Content Creation 2004 v1.0.1 benchmarks that measure a PC’s overall
ASUS P5WD2-E 20.5 ASUS P5WD2-E 27 performance when running today’s top selling
Intel D975XBX 19.9 Intel D975XBX 26.3
Windows-based applications (e.g. MS Office,
Norton Antivrus) and Windows-based multimedia
MSI 955X Platinum 20.1 MSI 955X Platinum 26.9
content creation applications (e.g. Photoshop,
MSI P4N SLI 20.9 MSI P4N SLI 26.9
Lightwave) on WinXP, respectively. It’s worth
0 4.4 8.8 13.2 17.6 22.0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 noting that some of the applications in the Content
Creation 2004 suite are multithreaded. (Score:
Higher is better)
| Gaming Performance
F.E.A.R. v1.02 Quake 4 v1.0.5 Beta 2 Farcry v1.32
ASUS P5WD2-E 98 ASUS P5WD2-E 91.1 ASUS P5WD2-E 101.52
Intel D975XBX 101 Intel D975XBX 91.7 Intel D975XBX 105.76
MSI 955X Platinum 99 MSI 955X Platinum 90.2 MSI 955X Platinum 102.03
MSI P4N SLI 100 MSI P4N SLI 94.6 MSI P4N SLI 107.34
hanks to digitization, we are able to DVD+R vs DVD-R “minus” discs and hence they are slightly
carry every form of data everywhere Both DVD+R and DVD-R discs have the more expensive than “minus” discs. DVD-R
we go. And one of the most widely same capacities. Let us find out the discs enjoys more compatibility with
used ways to carry enormous amount of difference between the two and see standalone DVD players and system DVD
data is with the help of optical media such which is better than the other. When DVDs drives as compared to DVD+R discs.
as CDs and DVDs. were being developed, there was no industry There are no physical differences
Many a time we have faced problems standard and many companies were between the two. And DVD writers
with our CDs refusing to read or skipping, competing to develop what they thought writing both the formats are available in
either because they have not been properly would be the standard of the future. There the market.
written or because the CD is of poor were two camps, the DVD-R (pronounced
quality. In the absence of devices such as as DVD dash R) which was developed by Hype about Blue-Ray and
external hard drives, most of us tend to use Pioneer and supported by Apple, Sony and HD-DVD formats
CDs and DVDs to back up data. But losing a host of other companies all part of what Twenty years back the two video tape
critical information because of a badly they called the DVD forum. The DVD+R formats—VHS (Victor Home Systems) and
written CD or DVD would be unpardonable. (pronounced as DVD plus R) was supported Betamax (Sony) fought a close battle. A
Besides, we get lost in the complex world by Philips, Dell, Sony, HP, and Microsoft. This few years after, the DVD Forum (DVD-R)
of the numerous CD/DVD formats where consortium called itself the DVD Alliance. and DVD Alliance (DVD+R) was battling it
the DVDs written on our DVD writer don’t it out. Now it is time for us to witness how
playback on our standalone DVD players. Technical difference: The “minus” discs Blue-Ray dukes it out with HD-DVD.
In this article, we educate you about can only be written in one layer on the
everything you need to know about disc’s surface as compared to multiple HD-DVD
optical media, the latest formats and how layers for the “plus” discs. Hence the plus Supported by NEC and Toshiba.
you can tweak your DVD writer to get discs can pack in a little more (a 4.7 GB disc Disc capacities of 15 and 30 GB for
the best results. cannot pack in full 4.7 GB of data) than the single and dual layer respectively.
| Different formats for blank optical media like http://www.cdrinfo.com and http://
Type Capacity Description
Brand Format Media ID Maximum speed Quality score on the media first and then used Nero CD-
DVD Speed. The Nero version that we used
Sony DVD-R SONY08D1 8x 95
was It scans the media for errors,
Sony DVD+R SONY D11 8x 89 and then gives a quality score out of 100.
MoserBaer DVD-R MBI 03RG40 16x 91 It also shows the scan. The higher the
score, the better is the quality of your
MoserBaer DVD+R MBIPG101R05 16x 95
media, and the longer it lasts. The quality
in the discs or the entire disc will get DVD+R media or letting you write dual of burning also depends on the capabilities
ruined. layer discs. Get the latest firmware from of your DVD writer, so we have tested one
Keep the outside of your DVD/CD burner the official web site of the burner that of the best DVD writers—the BenQ 1640.
clean so that dust doesn’t enter when you have bought. Unofficial firmware The Nero CD-DVD Speed shows
the tray is opened. is also available on the Internet. the disc information as Media ID or
Bit Setting/Changing BookType: Use the Some of them are really good but Code. The quality of media depends on
bit setting feature in your DVD burning newbies should stick to the official the manufacturer (many companies
software for burning DVD +R/RW media ones. Upgrading firmware is as simple don’t manufacture CDs and DVDs
with greater compatibility with older as running an executable file and the themselves), but it also depends on where
standalone DVD players and console firmware of your drive will automatically it was manufactured and the batch of
boxes like the PS2 or XBOX. When the change . manufacturing. You can decide which
booktype field is set to DVD-ROM then Make sure your DVD player is capable media works out to be the best for you
the player is fooled into thinking that of playing the formats that your DVD after you identify what works best for
the user has put in a DVD-ROM disc. burns. your burner.
DVD Decryptor is a popular software We must say that all the DVDs we
for changing the booktype. It works Optical media test tested were good in quality.
for Plextor, NEC, BenQ, LG and LITE-ON Using Nero’s CD-DVD Speed
drives. You can also use Nero, but only We tested a variety of DVD and CD media Using DvdInfoPro
the SmartStart/Express version for their quality. For testing we burnt data Another very popular tool to scan written
or the above support BitSet for changing DVDs is DVDinfo Pro fast becoming
the booktype. popular among the enthusiast community.
Upgrading your firmware: Always After finding out the PIF, PI and jitter values
upgrade your CD/DVD writer to the (these are explained subsequently), we
latest firmware. Firmware removes bugs input it into this table obtained from www.
and adds additional features to your dvd-recordable.org.
drive like increasing the writing speed of You can download the table from www.
This table is incorporated in
DVDInfoPro’s latest version V4.56. But
since it is a beta software release,
we used the above table and used
DVDInfoPro version 3.56 for scanning the
written media.
Let us now understand some of the
values obtained in the scans:
The ECMA (European Association
for Standardizing Information and
Communication Systems) standard describes
the following:
A row of an ECC Block that has at least 1
byte in error constitutes a PI error. In any of
the eight consecutive ECC Blocks the total
Nero’s CD-DVD Speed for quality testing of media number of PI errors before correction should
not exceed 280.
ith camcorders and mini DV cams are mighty powerful and are packed with a
getting cheaper by the month, users lot of features. You first need to to study the
are picking them up faster than ever. device, and ensure that you understand all you
Once you are a proud owner of a camcorder, the features of the camcorder. Experimenting
you cannot wait to shoot videos and capture all with the features while shooting a video
your magical moments. Like any other electronic is the best way to know the functionality in
gadget, a camcorder also needs to be handled real time.
in a particular manner to get the best results. For example, you must be aware of the
Without learning the basics of video shooting “nightshot” feature in your camcorder that lets
and effective use of camcorders, the results can you shoot videos in dark. The same mode used
be disappointing. Often you end up complaining during day time will ruin your video for sure. So
about the bad quality of the video recorder or check for the indication on the LCD and make sure
blaming the light conditions while the fault lies on you know what each and every icon on the LCD
the methodology and technique used to capture signifies and what modes the camcorder
the video. Here we have gathered some basic tips can operate on.
that should go a long way in helping beginners
get their act right and record good video clips. The Avoid zooming in and out too much
tips apply to all types of video recorders be it the The camcorder screams of a mammoth 20x
tape-based camcorders or the Mini DVs. optical zoom; although it surely sounds fun,
don’t get too carried away. Zooming when using
Get acquainted a digital camera is not the same as doing the
So you bought a spanking new camcorder, and same with a camcorder. When using a digital
now all you want is a great video clip to check camera, you capture the frame after you have
out the quality. Well, chances are you will be a zoomed on it and got the focus right. But in case
little disappointed because you either did not of camcorders, you are recording the video while
activate the right mode for the light conditions zooming, which means a sudden zoom can throw
or you zoomed too much, or the focusing was the video out of context, especially when the
not correct. The answer to these problems is the camcorder takes a second or two to regain its
manual, the quick setup guide or online tutorial focus on the scene. Beginner videos are invariably
that can help you get up close and personal with full of extensive zoom in and zoom out which
Vishwanath Vanjire your camcorder. Each of these video recorders makes little sense and so even if you must use it,
way is to brace yourself against something to the scene and makes the video very
like a wall, or perhaps stoop down on your impressive.
knee while filming. The videos get more Similarly, when shooting family
blurry when you use maximum zoom vacations, always look for a landmark, a
because when using max optical zoom, sign or natural monument that tells the
the lens is extremely sensitive to any kind audience where you are. For example, if you
of movement, and hence though it might are visiting the Gateway of India, it would
seem that you have captured a steady shot, make sense to first give the bigger picture
the results might hint of blur. Camcorders of the venue, the busy atmosphere and
using optical image stabilization are smarter then entering a scene where you set on a
in countering the blur, but don’t bank on sail. This way your video would give a larger
them to give you a steady shot while you picture of the setting. Engaging the subject
dance the funky chicken. Use a tripod is also very important, the videos look lively
instead for rock steady videos. if you get them to speak, smile and interact.
Ultra-mobile PCs
ocket PC devices and smart phones have a fancy lunchbox or toolbox. But we found that
put the computer in our palms and pockets. the PIC is indeed quite portable and has all the
Use any of these devices for a week and necessary ports for connecting other devices.
you’ll discover that they don’t quite match up We also saw portable media players like the
to the power and performance of a desktop PC Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) entering the grey
or notebook. Now wouldn’t it be nice to have a market. With their own storage media, built-in
device that costs less than a budget notebook screens and game pads, they offer the same thrill
but with the same computing power, and yet as that of a gaming console.
small enough to fit in a coat pocket? In fact, there I feel Intel and Microsoft want to create the
is—prototypes were recently unveiled at two PC equivalent of the Sony PSP (or other portable
industry events. media players). But for UMPC to be a hit they will
Microsoft, Intel, Samsung, Asus and Founder need to carefully address the ergonomics and
| Brian Pereira
are working on a new platform: a miniature tablet other factors. [email protected]
PC dubbed the Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC). Keypad design is important. They will have to
Microsoft tried to create some buzz through master the art of putting all the essential keys
its Project Origami initiative. In fact, it created a within a very limited space. Designers need to
teaser web site (www.origamiproject.com/1/) consider key spacing and size. A clever slide out
that generated many blog discussions. keypad or soft keypad (onscreen) might do the
Intel and
Intel also set up a web site (www.umpc.com/). trick.
It purports to pack in everything from digital Storage is another important factor. A tiny 40 Microsoft want
music to wireless Internet into this PC with a very or 60 GB hard disk is what we expect. And how to create the PC
small form factor. about slots for removable media like SD cards or
At IDF in the second week of March, Intel Compact Flash? Internal memory? At least 256 equivalent of the
unveiled UMPC designs. Samsung and others MB, but that depends on the operating system Sony PSP. But for
showed off their prototypes at the CeBit memory footprint.
technology show in Germany (March 9 -15). At A bright clear LCD display with a good
the ultra-mobile
first glance, these appear to be smaller versions resolution comes next. That’s important for PC to be successful,
of the Tablet PC. The prototypes have 7-inch computing in the outdoors.
touchscreens and standard Intel Pentium M What about battery life? The prototypes
they’ll need to
processors. They can run full versions of Windows shown at CeBIT could barely manage 3 hours. carefully address
XP tablet PC edition. New Windows Touch Pack Most of us would need a device that can run for a
factors like battery
software takes care of the touchscreen functions. full workday between charges. Ultra-low voltage
Wonderful, but is the idea of take-along PCs chips should do the trick. life and screen
entirely fresh? I recall a particular advertisement And of course, it should have bells and whistles visibility
that appeared in computer magazines in the like built-in track-pad/joystick, built-in stereo
90s. Ergo Computing (www.ergo-computing. speakers, audio-out, at least three USB ports
com) advertised a product called “The Brick”. At (one for a mouse), Video-Out (for connecting an
that time they were offering a PC with an Intel external monitor), and memory card slots.
80386 chip. Because of its small form factor, a The UMPC or mini tablet must have good
user could carry it home in his briefcase, hook pricing too. I’d say $500 (approx Rs 22,500)
it up to a monitor and keyboard and continue would be a good entry-point. That’s lower than
working late in the night. The only requirement: a laptop. And a smart phone or Pocket PC costs
two monitors and keyboards (one set installed as much. I bet you are anxious to read more about
at either destination). That was before laptops the UMPC. We’ll keep you updated if we get one in
became mainstream. the CHIP Test Center.
Last year, we got an AMD Personal Internet
The writer has been covering personal technology
Communicator (PIC) into our Test Center. With its
issues for the past 12 years
dull grey boroplast-like shell it easily passed for
Double Role
A guide to buying the right TV tuner
Low-end Mid-range High-end
Vishwanath Vanjire
Models: Compro video mate series, Pinnacle PCTV Models: PixelView PlayTV@7000,
Models: Intex TV tuner, Techcom TV tuner,
series, Pixel View Play TV series, Pinnacle Media Center 100e,
Frontech PC TV, Adcom TV Tuner
Leadtek TV Tuner Expert Compro VideoMate U3
Budget: Below Rs 2,000 Budget: Between Rs 2,000 - 4,000 Budget: Above Rs 4,000
Pramod Jadhav
Software Center
his month, we bring you a veritable and Jet Photo—a nifty little photo manager
mix of applications spanning for converting, touching up and even
the office suite, 3D visualization, uploading images from one easy interface.
multimedia and security ranges. When If you need more control over your e-mail,
it comes to bringing ideas on product Eudora 7 introduces plenty of new features
design and architecture to life, Autodesk for mail management and creation,
VIZ 2006 breaks new ground in quick 3D including built-in spam protection,
modeling and rendering. Armed with a personalities and prevention of accidental
new set of collaboration-friendly features, mailing to selected contacts. For safety
it is a must-have for product designers. on the Internet we reviewed Outpost
With WordPerfect Office X3, the new Firewall Pro featuring the entire gamut of
office suite, Corel is back in the office suite Internet protection capability including
game. Sporting features that enhance intrusion protection, script blocking and
productivity, it is a good consideration content filtering among many others—all
for general purpose home and office of this with an easy-to-configure interface.
document creation. On the multimedia Finally, for all you die-hard security buffs,
front, we reviewed Quintessential Media we tested an application that provides
Player—a free audio/video application that biometric access control for your PC. It also
offers enhanced media file management bundles the fingerprint scanner.
Price Rs 81,000
Contact Autodesk Media & Entertainment
Phone 022-56952000
E-mail [email protected]
website www.autodesk.com
Ease of use
Overall Rating
Value for money
Office Suite
Corel WordPerfect Office X3
System requirements: Windows XP/2000/98 SE, 128
MB RAM (256 MB recommended), Pentium III 466
MHz or higher, 575 MB free hard disk, SVGA display
with resolution of 800x600 or higher
Find it on CHIP CD
out of your very home PC, minus all that real-world concert halls such as the Sydney
fancy home theater equipment. WinDVD is Theater, Chicago Theater, etc. We found
an application that pioneers DVD playback these effects to be interesting, but their
on home computers with a full basket of efficacy is subject to individual taste—we
features that rivals most consumer DVD tired of them after a while and reverted
players. In its newest version, it extends its back to the standard playback mode.
System requirements: Windows XP/2000, Pentium
range of capabilities with high-definition Among the newer features, the
III 500 or higher (Pentium 4 2.4 or higher for HD
H.264 support, MPEG-4 (DivX) playback application also supports Universal PnP playback), 128 MB (256 MB recommended), 75 MB
and support for a host of audio and video (UPnP) devices by which it can access free hard disk space, normal or widescreen display,
processing technologies. audio and video content on compatible video card with 24-bit resolution and DirectX
compatibility, stereo or multi-channel soundcard
Sporting a simple interface, it is networked devices—ideal for connected
functional and allows easy access to its digital homes. WinDVD 7 can also create Price $49.95 (Approx Rs 2,150 -
Platinum version)
many features. Resembling a conventional content on mobile video playback devices
website www.intervideo.com
DVD player, the standard DVD control like the iPod, the Sony PSP, PDAs and
buttons are easily accessible as part of the mobiles. However, several of these RATINGS
Ease of use
main interface and can also be pulled out features are only available in the Gold or
to a separate panel on screen. The settings Platinum version.
menu allows access to its many audio and For: Comprehensive support for the latest
Overall Rating
video features such as the speaker controls audio and video standards.
Value for money
(ranging from stereo to 7.1-channel), Against: The more exciting features need
advanced video processing like the to be purchased. Find it on
Like its name, the Quintessential Media The application is easy to use with Price Free
Player is a nifty little tool that aims to be indicative icons and plenty of right-click website www.quinnware.com
a one-stop audio file management and functionality. Learning its capabilities is RATINGS
playback tool. Coming in at a mere 3 MB, a snap as most functions are indicatively Ease of use
it’s one of the smallest audio players you labeled. Unfortunately, there are no Features
can download. After using this player for a real help files and even the link to the Performance
while, we found it is also one of the most online web site results in a page under Overall Rating
feature-packed. Besides support for video construction.
standards like MPEG, M2V, M1V, AVI, WMV With a good collection of audio and Find it on CHIP CD
and ASF, it does everything from organizing video management capabilities, this is a
your digital audio files (MP3, WMA, Ogg, good digital audio playback application.
WAV etc) files based upon parameters For: Plenty of audio playback; ripping
such as file names, artistes, albums, genre, and management features; low system
duration, etc. It allows you to tag audio requirements; free.
files and then sort them according to any Against: Lack of help resources.
E-mail Client
Supercharged e-mail
Eudora 7 I n its newest versions, this popular
mail client from Qualcomm features
a host of interesting and very practical
example, you could create a ‘Business’
personality that could have a different
stationary and signature compared to a
features. First up, there are two modes ‘Casual’ personality. This is a good feature
in which Eudora installs—in Paid mode while sending mails to different groups of
(where it needs to be registered) and in people within your contacts list.
Sponsored mode (no registration required, The program’s options are accessed
where advertisements are displayed and through the Tools menu. From here, you
additional features like integrated Spam can access a range of categories including
protection are absent). mail checking, incoming/outgoing mail,
System requirements: Windows 98/2000/Me/XP, Mac
running OS X or later
After installing the program, a wizard composing, dialup settings, fonts, display,
steps the user through configuring a mail spell checking, etc. These sections are in
Price $49.95 for Paid mode
account for the first time. This includes the form of icons on the left, with their
(Approx Rs 2,150
website www.eudora.com
standard tasks such as setting up the individual configuration options on the right
username and password, defining the of the box, making them easy to access.
POP3 and SMTP servers for incoming and This release of Eudora Features enhanced
Ease of use
outgoing mail, etc. This done, the interface search capabilities, making it easier to locate
is almost identical to any other e-mail client content in e-mails. There is also a feature
Overall Rating
with the folder listing on the left and the called BossWatch which allows you to flag
message windows on the right. The folder important contacts to avoid accidentally
Find it on CHIP CD listing on the left has tabs at the bottom sending messages to them.
that offer access to often-used tools like For: Easy to install and configure; plenty
a file browser, signatures, stationary and of features over other free e-mail clients.
personalities. Personalities is a feature Against: Advanced features require the
that lets you define characteristics of your program to be registered; AD bar present in
mail to reflect different situations—for free version.
done, you can then decide whether you passwords for several purposes. RATINGS
want to continue using password to So forget about remembering passwords Ease of use
log on or just use the fingerprint anymore and simply log on by using your
authentication. fingerprint.
Overall Rating
The most noticeable feature of this For: Ease of use; support for multiple
Value for money
software is that if you have multiple users fingerprint authentication for different
using the same system, then it will permit user accounts. Find it on CHIP CD
each of the users to associate separate Against: You need to have biometric
fingerprint authentication with their devices from SecuGen installed on your
respective user names. So even if your system in order to use this application.
Technology on Wheels
The automobile industry is increasingly turning toward technology to enable more
powerful and effective onboard systems. These embedded systems promise ever
greater amounts of comfort and security
oday’s cars are using plenty of technology under their skin. where many of its functional units are controlled by separate
This is not only to make your ride more pleasant, comfortable onboard computers that are, in turn, linked together by powerful
and faster, but also to protect human lives. In many high-end networking systems. All of this closely resembles the functioning
commercially available cars, systems such as radar, night vision of a high-tech office where component sections work dedicatedly
and a plethora of sensors around the car process information from on specified tasks, but all of them communicate with one another
the external world and represent them inside vehicles through to enable the entire unit to orchestrate as a single, efficient entity.
dashboard screens and display systems to arm the driver with more One of the biggest challenges is to bridge these systems and to
decision-making information. These electronic systems process provide the driver with an interface that is user-friendly, intuitive,
enormous amount of data in real time and warn of impending responsive and comprehensive enough to allow access to the vehicle’s
danger or threatening obstacles outside the vehicle. If the driver systems. Using innovative tools such as jog dials and strategically
doesn’t respond in time, the vehicle is even capable of engaging placed TFT screens, today’s high-end cars allow the driver to call up
itself and intervening automatically—much like an autopilot! virtually any kind of information from mileage to engine performance
No longer fiction, these systems are already in today’s cars. The characteristics to even voice activated onboard entertainment
International Motor Show in September last year that took place and navigation systems. For example, BMW, Audi and
in Frankfurt saw the launch of the new Mercedes S-class as their Mercedes use proprietary systems such as iDrive,
flagship vehicle with several of the systems described here. MMI (Multi Media Interface) and Command
respectively. So when did technology 8
The revolution within begin to make such significant
The inevitable marriage of electronic systems with the automotive inroads
world has translated into greater fuel efficiency, lower gas into automobiles?
emission, spiffier performance and greater onboard comfort even It began during the early 1
in today’s more affordable cars. Professor Harald Heinecke of BMW 1990s when cars started
states that today’s automobile systems extend over many borders featuring the CAN-bus
This new braking system In the vehicle’s night vision With the cockpit This tilt-able display features
works with the driver to system, infrared lights management and data photo-realistic images
maintain a fixed distance supplement the low-beam system, the driver has access of various functions and
to the car ahead. If this to reveal pedestrians and to the car’s onboard systems is used to control a host
distance is reached, the car animals in the car’s path. via an intuitive rotary of driving characteristics
can automatically apply the It does so without dazzling button which is used to including maintenance,
brakes and can even bring it the oncoming traffic with scroll between menus in the navigation information and
to a complete stop. unnecessarily harsh light. embedded dashboard screen. vehicle response.
(Controller Area Network) which was a high-performance Flexray is a newly-created automotive network communication
serial interface technology used in real-time applications, as is standard that is supported by a consortium consisting of such
required in automotive applications. Developed by Bosch, this giants as BMW, Volkswagen, Daimler Chrysler, GM, Royal Philips
technology paved the way for the more advanced systems as Electronics, Freescale, etc. This system will enable x-by-wire (i.e.
are seen in today’s cars. In the past , these control systems were drive-by-wire, steer-by-wire, brake-by-wire, etc) in upcoming
implemented using copper lines, but today they have evolved cars. Yet to be implemented, it has been demonstrated as being
into fiber optic communication networks. In present-generation superior to both CAN and MOST in both price and performance.
cars, the MOST (Media Oriented Systems Transport) system is Plenty is changing—in the BMW Series 7, for example, the
a very high-performance automotive communication system onboard software totaled about 70 MB when it debuted, but
implemented in the form of a ring network using fiber optic in the last six years it has already hit the 1 Gigabyte mark in its
cables. When it comes to passenger safety, other systems like newest model. While all of these systems described here are awe-
Byteflight enable data rates of up to 10 Megabits/sec and are inspiring, be sure to see them in your next car—who knows, this
used for onboard safety applications like airbag deployment, could happen even a few months down the line! ■
seatbelt tension, etc. Among present-generation trends, | Manfred Flohr
4 7
6 11
9 10
8. Braking
This computer controls the
brakes and regulates the car’s
speed or prepares it for an
5 emergency stop. The system
can be overridden by gently
pressing on the brake pedal.
ATM stands for “Automated Teller Machine”. Even though the “M” stands for
machine, people still refer to the ATM as an ATM machine. ATM is also referred to
as “Any Time Money”. The ATM provides you 24-hour access to money.
3. PIN Authentication
Once the PIN is authenticated, it asks for the kind of
transaction—balance inquiry or a transaction statement
or cash withdrawal. For example, if you want to withdraw
cash of Rs 5,000, you enter the said amount. The ATM
then communicates with the bank’s server. If the required
amount is available in the bank account, it sends back
the authentication to the ATM and deducts the amount from
the account.
e were busy brainstorming in one of identified 12,500 unique devices—that’s almost
our many editorial meetings; it was 1,800 devices a day! The trade fair was the perfect
well past our lunchtime and some of playground to spread malicious code, overwrite
us were quite understandably getting restless. system files, SMS premium numbers et al. This
A few continued with their ideas, backing them did not happen because the honeypot was only
up with facts and figures while others took designed to identify the devices within a hundred
turns betting on the menu in the canteen that meter radius but it can be used to accept file
day. In the middle of this, one of our (hungry) transfers and scan for viruses. F-Secure hopes
reviewers received a text message. It turned out this concept will be used to scan devices at check
to be a spam message sent via Bluetooth. He had points in enterprises to curb the spread of any
forgotten to turn Bluetooth off after transferring mobile viruses. But are there so many mobile
files from his computer. Our attention now shifted viruses out there in the wild or are they just
from filling our empty stomachs to the source of being a little too paranoid? Many still discount
that trash Bluetooth message. Eliminating those the mobile phone virus scare as one that is over
who did not have Bluetooth enabled phones, we hyped. Even as the skeptics continue to voice their
finally homed in on the culprit—our unsuspecting opinions, anti-virus organizations have released
illustrator. His mobile phone was infected with products aimed at protecting PDAs (handhelds)
a Trojan that was periodically sending rubbish and smart phones (using the Symbian or Windows
messages via Bluetooth to neighboring devices. CE/Pocket PC/Mobile OS). Does this really mean
The poor old chap was quite embarrassed and that there is a cause for concern or is it just
completely at a loss as to how he managed to another ploy to feed off people’s paranoia?
contract this pest on his phone. There are many
more like him, naive and clueless of this new Evolution—a natural process
menace—mobile phone malware. If he were a The story is quite simple—ever since some
little more careful with his “connectivity settings”, brilliant scientists brought computing power from
he would not have faced this problem in the the mainframe rooms to our desktops, we have
first place. The infection was not a dangerous learnt to rely heavily on the machines. It didn’t
one—he did not lose any information but if his take time for another bunch of intelligent minds
phone could be so easily infected then it could to cook up programs that could get hold of the
be open to smarter intrusions. To drive my point personal information stored on your computer. It
home, enable Bluetooth on your phone in a public was time to turn to anti-virus software to prevent
place (a restaurant or a park) and search for more them from causing havoc on your office or
devices in the area. There will be phones that home machine. And if that weren’t good enough
might require authentication (with pass codes the next resort was installing a firewall. Next,
that can be easily guessed) or ones that will spyware made its appearance, wreaked havoc on
willingly pair up with your device! desktops with rootkits toeing the line.
F-Secure, a Finnish anti-virus company did The reason for so many attacks is the
something similar but on a much larger scale increasing number of desktop and notebook
by conducting a Bluetooth test in CeBIT (held users. A regular desktop or a notebook holds
in Hannover, Germany) this year. They built personal records, e-mails, documents, pictures,
a “Bluetooth honeypot”—a device with a etc. Handhelds being able to store the same sort
100-meter range that identified itself as a of information are being exposed to the same
phone in discoverable mode. The honeypot risks today. With convergence as the buzz word,
was capable of identifying the devices found smart phones are becoming more popular. Be
in its vicinity—ones that had Bluetooth, it a Palm Treo, a Blackberry, an O2 or a simple
enabled or not. By the end of the trade Symbian Series 60 phone, everyone wants to be
fair, which goes on for a week, it had the proud owner of these devices because of the
Vishwanath Vanjire
sheer computing power they provide in your There are some minor infections as well to
palms. But like everything else, convergence
| Different methods of protection tackle, annoying nonetheless. While some
too has its share of disadvantages. Third party software applications might send you random text messages,
The mobile world was unaffected by Installing anti-virus software made for others might wipe off all system fonts when
viruses and worms till two years back the mobile OS. Trend Micro, F-Secure, you restart your phone or replace all the
when anti-virus companies reported a Kaspersky Lab, Symantec, McAfee offer icons in the Menu with skulls. And in case
mobile phone worm that could spread via anti-virus and/or firewall solutions. you think Windows-based smart phones
Bluetooth connections. The worm names End-to-end solution are unaffected, don’t be so sure. Reports on
“Caribe” appeared on many phones as Usually used in a corporate scenario malware designed for CE/Pocket PC/Mobile
“Cabir.A”. Even though Cabir.A was written where the service provider offers secure 5.0 might be less in number but there seems
by coders who just wanted to show what connections and protection from spam in the to be enough room for intrusions, especially
could be done to any Bluetooth-enabled form of messages, mail and suspect files. with the arrival of Java-based applications.
device within a 10-meter radius. Nothing Built-in security The Mobile Anti-Virus Researchers
stopped others from taking advantage of The smart phone’s operating system is built Association has reported a new kind of
this concept and soon there were variants of with fire-fighting and preventing skills. The virus called “Crossover”. This one infects
it infecting mobile phones. phone manufacture might either use a third a Windows Pocket PC when it syncs with
Ever since then there have been cases party software to help to use its engine or the infected computer. Do not panic, this
of Trojans, worms and malware infecting create its own security layer in the OS. is another one of those concepts that
mobile phones all around the world. The demonstrates the chinks in mobile devices.
numbers might not be staggering since stealing personal information from smart The need of the hour is observing caution
their footprints are sometimes limited to a phones have been discovered by anti-virus when reading mail or opening attachments
country’s service provider or the language. companies. A lot of us store our account from unknown recipients. If the threat
The Delf Trojan, for example, infected PCs numbers, passport details, PIN codes on increases over the next few years (as more
around the end of 2004. It made use of our phones. Phones that make use of smart phones are bought), we will find
Russian text-messaging services to send more services like e-mail, voice mail, etc ourselves updating our anti-virus software
SMS to mobile phone users—another form are more susceptible to Trojans. on our phones.
of spam. In the same year the “Mosquito” Last month, a Java-based infection called | Ashutosh Desai
virus affected Symbian-based Series 60 Redbrowser.A infected Symbian-based
phones. The virus seemed to originate from Series 60 and 80 phones by posing as a WAP
pirated copies of a mobile game. The game browser that uses free text messages. It in
company took ownership of that “virus”. It fact uses only “premium” phone numbers
had been planted to send information to and continues sending random messages till
their servers (in the form of text messages) the service is terminated explicitly. The end
of the use of illegal copies. The company had result is a fat bill! Right now, it seems to have
to remove this from the game after they affected phones in Russia but the moment
received complaints. these infections start crossing network and
language barriers users will face problems.
Java-based Malware The F-CommWarrior worm, for example,
The list of infections might not be as has been reported in five countries like five
long when compared to the PC-related countries (including India) while Cabir has
attacks but there have been cases where been sighted in 24. As you can see, worms
Trojans (known as PbStealer) capable of are going international and at a rapid pace.
mong all the things this decade number of people being either too lazy,
witnessed in the Internet world, or too busy, or simply incapable of managing
one of the chief was reposing their money, it is but natural to turn to the
some of the power of the press bloggers providing first-hand account of
in the hands of the common managing their finances.
people. Weblog, more popularly known as blog Today there are hordes of young bloggers
is World Wide Web’s gift to all those in search opening their finances for all to see and learn
of a platform to express their opinion. Blogging from. MyMoneyblog.com comprises 150
defined the concept of “personal space” on the bloggers within the age group of 22 to 35 taking
web. But what started as a simple medium of the open source route to discussing personal
expression has extended to a massive podium money management. The only thing they keep
of sorts consisting of people involved in secret is their names. Once you visit his site,
discussion of issues ranging from the serious to Jonathan Ping, a 27-year old engineer tells you
the flippant and influencing public opinion at he is no financial guru, he doesn’t do seminars
the universal level. or writes books. But he is honest and open
Blogging is publishing your thoughts as about his financial life. Ping’s idea is to optimize
quickly as a whim catches your fancy or when different and unique money making ideas.
the mood strikes. The reasons for writing blogs After all everybody loves money and it affects
could be simply to communicate—to share everyone. His finances have accelerated thanks
professional and personal experiences, to give to readers and fellow bloggers; his net worth
vent to injustice (recently we have had bloggers increased by $30,000 in one year, and he says he
spewing fire at the Patiala High Court’s decision only worked for about half it. Ping puts it very
of acquitting all nine accused in the Jessica Lal succinctly, “If I mess up, you will know. If I come
murder case), to kill boredom or to basically across a neat way to make or save money, you
experience the joys of writing. And it becomes will read about it here. If others would like to
easier to post notes and comments when follow the ride, that’s just awesome. Hopefully
you are clued about where your interests lie, we’ll learn from each other and meet up in the
whether it is politics, travel, food, media and Caymans some day.”
entertainment, and the like. The most interesting thing about Ping’s blogs
is that whenever advice is sought from him
Transgressing the frivolous on a particular scenario such as how to meet
Blogging started a trend a few years back steep credit card bills, he brings the question up
encouraging the young and enthusiastic for all fellow bloggers by posting it and seeks
netizens to establish a community of sorts. suggestions from them. Only when a consensus
But it has not remained confined to being a is arrived at, he posts the solution.
hobby or a way to pass time. Blogging today The catch line that strikes you as soon
has become bigger than bloggers themselves— as you visit www.mymoneyforest.com is
what with the scope the Internet provides to “Growing money is like planting a forest”.
let each and every one part of the “blogverse” Sounds interesting? Yes, to many of the
as some call it, be voyeuristic in their respective 30-and-still-broke category of people, it would
fields of interest. The open source approach make sense. Also, getting financial advice
has seemingly become the most favored from a bunch of people who are roughly of
modus operandi in writing blogs about the same age group and who are making the
something as serious as finance. Did we ever same choices for achieving financial freedom
think the Internet would allow us to be liberal, simply by scanning through blogs is preferred
unsuspecting monetary voyeurs? With a rising as it also saves you the time from running to
financial pros. MyMoneyforest.com clearly Internet has replaced the television. And
states that the onus doesn’t rest on the
| Making news, breaking lives we are headed for an Internet demanding
owner of the site for investment losses An incident of this order cannot escape the more and more user participation. The
incurred by readers/bloggers. After all, realm of this story. That’s because it gave blogEverywhere toolbar was conceived
it is only a mechanism of picking up tips everyone in the blogosphere a big jolt. understanding this phenomenon. With
and thereby helping one another grow When Gaurav Sabnis from Mumbai posted this toolbar you will be able to post
wealthier. A look at www.adrini.com comments questioning the credibility your piece of writing on the web page.
and you have an inspiring tagline, “Our of the Indian Institute of Planning and However, it begs to differ from the other
goal: Let money work for us”. Instead of Management, a leading Indian B-school, the 27.2 million blogs all around the world.
looking to scrimping expenses, bloggers dean Arindam Chaudhary did not sit quiet. This toolbar brings “context” to blogging
are encouraging reorganizing finances to Not only did he send him a legal notice, but with the “read” and “write” buttons,
let the money tree grow faster. Blogs on in his e-mail he threatened Gaurav to make which means you don’t have to blog
Adrini are updated six days a week, where a bonfire of all IBM laptops outside the to get an audience. You can give your
bloggers talk about their experiences on IBM office in Delhi if action was not taken opinion on the topic defined on the web
real estate, stocks, how to earn money against him. IIPM happened to be IBM’s page. Users can search for and read other
sitting at home, and the latest dope on customer and Gaurav, IBM’s employee. people’s comments on any topic on the
finance from new book releases. Without wanting to put his employer BlogEverywhere site. Users will also be
But getting people to chat about in a state of crisis, Gaurav resigned able to surf the web using search engines
and share investment details on the from his job. of their choice. The toolbar is equipped
web is reflective of a nouveau pattern The incident sent shock waves across with several other features like ratings,
in stark contrast to earlier times when the bloggers’ community. They argued RSS Feed Reader, etc.
taking about one another’s incomes about the right to freedom of speech and BlogEverywhere has been designed to
and investments was a big no no. If not demanded that action be taken against the take advantage of the potential of Web
changing times, bloggers have certainly required people, and democratization of 2.0, which believes in democratization of
redefined financial behavior. opinion is restored. The incident acquired the web. Mr Bhatia reiterated, “With India
Knowing that blogs provide useful volatile proportions but it reiterated once being at the cusp of understanding the
dope on media, food, travel, etc, most again the fact that after all at the end of power of blogging, it made sense to create
people these days resort to reading up the day, it is truth that will prevail and something that will help them leverage
experiences narrated by bloggers about the Internet as a medium will only help to this in the right direction.”
a city or country before venturing out express and establish it. As kids we remember reading about
to visit them. When there’s a plethora the power of the pen, today it is certainly
of information out there, it only makes the power of the blog, and why not after
sense to cull them out and use them to Contextual blogging having brought about a paradigm shift
your own benefit. But considering the With the world going gung-ho about in communication. It remains to be seen
web is not denuded of junk, it is only blogging, how can hotmail king Sabeer now how the blog community around
better to go to recommended blogs or the Bhatia be far behind? During his recent the world wields this power in the best
most famous ones. www.vagabonding. visit to India, Sabeer Bhatia and Shiraz possible manner. Watch this space for
com rated once as the best travel blog Kanga briefed the media about their more action in this sphere... ■
on the web by forbes.com is a round- latest venture on blogging called | Sharmistha Dey
the-world travelogue created by Mike BlogEverywhere.com. Bhatia said, “About
Pugh. All of Mike’s trips through Asia and 80 percent of Fortune 200 companies
East Africa between October 2002 and have space devoted to blogs for source
November 2003 are updated on the site. of information. This means that blogging
The interesting thing is Mike updated all has moved away from being just frivolous,
the information while on the road. All the it has evolved as an important tool
travelogue, video and photo entries can in dissemination of information and
be accessed from the archives while influencing opinion around the world.
random entries fill up the home page. Ed Blogeverywhere.com will help users with
Sullivan who traveled around Central and a multi-purpose browser-based toolbar.”
South America on his bike has The idea for this blogging website, says
journals of his travels updated on Mr Bhatia, was conceived in the US and
www.edsgonesouth.com. It is useful has been developed at KPIT Cummins’
information for anybody wanting to development center in Pune.
visit these places. For today’s young generation, the
Data Forever
Will our digitized works of print be subject to the ravages of time? The question
looms large as newer ways to protect data spring up
t may be presumptuous of us to link Therefore, we need to ensure a way to
our holiday snaps with cultural works protect information forever.
of art and human history, but these Apart from storing electronic
mediums face a similar dilemma, that of publications, libraries around the world
erosion with time. After more than 20 have been scanning their written work
years, our highland landscape pictures collections. The electronic archival of
will no longer hold the lush greens, and written works or “Retro Digitization”
our prized once-in-a-lifetime snap that enables these valuable works to be
warrants artistic merit would have faded stored in a more transferable and widely
and would have lost its luster. available medium for public access. In the
In our libraries, many written works first digitization centres at Muenchen and
are vulnerable to fading, tinting and Goettingen in Germany, the Gutenberg
general wear and tear. The recent flurry of Bible, one of the oldest surviving books
media transference (to electronic backup) printed (it is also the oldest handwritten
has brought about issues of longevity work), has been scanned.
(apart from criticisms over copyright
and version/edition control). It is still The Google Book
an imprecise science to measure the
lifetime of a CD, as it would invariably be Search Library Project
subjected to wear and tear before its 100- (formerly Google Print) is a
year storage integrity can be verified. Also,
conservative estimates have narrowed the
repository of library books
longevity of CD-ROMs to between five and culled from the libraries
10 years.
Every year, the world produces more
of the universities of
than 1 million gigabytes of information Oxford, Harvard, Stanford,
stream—only 0.003 percent of which
Michigan and the New
originates from written or printed works.
A large portion of the information York Library
consists of photographs, animation,
video, audio, graphics and various Steps, such as those initiated by
amalgamations of multimedia. Many of Google and Amazon, have different
these works are of cultural importance goals. Large-scale digitization projects
and should be preserved for our future such as digitizing written works of art
generations. are mostly reliant on public support. The
According to Clifford Stoll, an American most significant project in this sphere is
astronomer and data protection specialist, “Google Book Search”. The search engine
and author of the book Silicon Snake giant has enabled indexed keyword
Oil: Second Thoughts on the Information searches within books, in addition to
Highway (1996), “Electronic media offering books in portion or in full.
does not fare well in media archiving”. Google has scanned books from
In fact, Clifford is not the lone voice of major universities. Fifteen million books
opposition in this issue. “We cannot from the University of Stanford and the
forget nor dismiss the importance University of Michigan have already
of collective information,” says Dr been digitized. The University of Harvard
Elisabeth Niggemann, Director General and the New York Public Library also
of Germany’s National Library. The contributed a portion of their book
threat of arbitrary information loss (or collection. The project is massive although
digital Alzheimers) through negligence much of it has been delayed due to the
or unavoidable data corruption would unresolved issue of copyright between
be disastrous to knowledge seekers. publishers and writers.
Automated scanning: Google employs NASA no longer has the capability to sift
manual labor scanning but research has through the information gleaned from
been made into employing robotic copiers that mission.
which can automate the task of turning And therefore the need to manage
pages and scanning. large chunks of data arised. NASA and
Apart from safeguarding the integrity Google ventured into a collaborative
of scanned data, there is also the need effort (with the onus on Google) to
to prepare the data as meaningful and manage the enormous data. Google along
searchable information. Without the with the NASA Ames Research Center set
metadata of additional information | Dr. Elisabeth Niggemann, up a new complex at NASA’s Research
regarding the writer, publisher, publication Deutscheland National Library Park in Silicon Valley.
details, keywords and other information, As long as the medium is not retired,
the origin and source of the written work the only barrier to reading data is
may be lost forever. We cannot let digital software support. Even though the bits
Here is an example of how bad digital and bytes on any media can clearly be
Alzheimers can be. By the year 2018, when
Alzheimers propogate retrieved, the lack of software support to
America sends four more astronauts to decode these data would render it as long
the moon, the initial moon landing by strings of unfamiliar ones and naughts.
Armstrong and Aldrin more than half a and renewed cataloging efforts (not to When Stephen Abrams, Digital Library
century ago would have been but mention full-scale medium transfer so Program Manager at the University of
another milestone blip in earth’s space that new hardware and software could Harvard was asked as to how many kinds
exploration efforts. read the data) would cost NASA millions of data formats are there in the library, he
NASA hesitantly disclosed the tragic of dollars and thousands of hours of time. was unable to offer a definitive answer.
reality of digital data integrity and Around 20 percent of the information This is a dilemma that bears much weight.
archival standards. In the mid-90s, 1.2 culled during the Viking mission to Mars In his seminar, Mr Abrams detailed the
million magnetic tapes filled with three in 1976 was damaged because the media problem by showcasing the national file
decades worth of space flight information that stores the data became unreadable. format registry archives, which catalogs
has been rendered unreadable due to In 1979, the data generated by the Pioneer “every format in the world”; it features
improper archival policies. Tapes were space probe on Saturn was stored in the 3,189 file format extensions.
not cataloged, unlabeled or damaged form of magnetic tapes. Even though four “This is not the end of it,” Stephen
due to humidity and floods. There was no different media was used, two decades Abrams reminded the crowd. Apart from
proper mechanism to archive these tapes of wear and tear ruined the information. exotic formats, there are many versions
The oldest available photograph from the 60s (left) is still legible
and clear even after exposure. Now we store snaps in the JPEG
format on CD-ROMs and other medium (as seen above). A corrupted
compression such as a misplaced bit error pictured above, would ruin
the photograph completely
of the same format. The PDF format Restoration of data in the future: ‘Error
consists of 60 variants, many of which are 404’ is a common stumbling block when
incompatible. searching for web sites that are no longer
“The ever-evolving industry insists on available. For John Kunze of the California
new programs that does away with legacy Digital Library, web site archival is a
data support,” comments Elmar Mittler, headache. “Only unformatted text would
Head Librarian at Goettingen regarding be readable by a computer in the future
the roadblocks faced by archivers. with as much integrity as it would be read
At Harvard, 97 percent of electronic now,” sums up Kunze.
documents have been archived in nine | John Kunze, Original web sites are backed up in
common formats such as AIFF, ASCII, GIF, California Digital Library the ASCII format. In the future, when its
HTML, JPEG, PDF, TIFF, WAVE and XML. The multimedia content will have deteriorated,
remaining 3 percent are in other, more the text would still be preserved. The other
esoteric, formats. Unformatted text is option is to scan images for archival.
There are several strategies in Document printed on paper lasts longer
reading legacy data. The simplest is data
the only data that we due to uncomplicated support. All you
migration, whereby data is converted will able to decipher in need is a source of light and you are able to
to a newer file format by emulating the decipher and comprehend the data
older hardware on new computers. A
30 years’ time printed on paper.
more effective method would be to hold In this era of digital photography, CDs
a “museum” of sorts, where old hardware and memory cards have replaced film
are (such as 5.25-inch disk drives or
Links as the media of choice. But some are
magnetic tape readers) maintained in www.langzeitarchivierung.de still drawn by the allure of film. Just as
order to read these data. The authority network for long-term photographs are subject to fading or color
To reduce the risk of data loss, these archival (Nestor). erosion, CDs are also subject to ageing.
data should be backed up to other media, According to production figures, CDs
such as magnetic tapes or CDs. The www.gutenbergdigital.de generally last for 100 years, but burning a
Internet is also a thinly-veiled black hole The Gutenberg Digital Bible CD would yield deterioration and shorten
repository, which essentially means many its longevity by less than five years. It is
sites containing useful and pertinent whatis.techtarget.com/fileFormatA/ not without just cause that professional
information would disappear as fast as 0,289933,sid9,00.html archive specialists conduct CD backups
they sprout up. An explanation of file formats available. every every years.
1 2
1) The panoramic photo of the Neuschwanstein Castle (as seen above) after being scanned by the Laser Scanner Imager which has a
resolution of 20,000 rows of pixels. The scanner swivels at 360 degrees.
2) The Laser Scanner Imager and the panoramic camera mounted on a tripod.
3) Laser scan enables zooming into the frame to capture minute details.
Digital reproduction of monuments: If increasing capacity of the media will buildings that need restoration. In such
King Ludwig II were still alive, he would continue to ensure the growth of such caes, says Michael Suppa from DLR, it
have been amazed at the phenomenon reconstructions as the one above. With becomes difficult for us to restore the
of digitally scanning and reconstructing books, documents, music and films being originality of the building . Therefore, we
Ludwig’s famous Neuschwanstein Castle. stored digitally, it is no surprise that even try to capture the image of the culture to as
With resolutions up to 5 mm, nothing buildings and monuments can be “backed detailed a level as possible.”
has remained uncaptured from the 3D up” in a similar way and reconstructed to DLR conducts its task without any
scanning camera. Even a fly on the wall their original states. excuses. The tools and methods suggested
is visible. “Usually what happens is it takes long are meant for the development of space
High-resolution cameras and the ever to discover the problems in the historical applications. The purpose of this rollout
is to allow the robots such as the ones collection of every CD released in Germany. around five years’ time to copy the whole
in planet Mars exploration to capture Around 20,000 new disks are added to the music archive. The actual start time is still
panoramic photos. collection annually. All this while, each CD yet to be decided.
Two robotic technologies are used, is merely collected, given a password, and Original CDs are now kept in the best
which include a laser scanner to record then stored in an underground location. possible condition. The underground
the slightest details of the structure and a With each passing day, even a CD may storage facility is dry and airtight with a
camera to record the texture. degrade or decay. Therefore, a backup copy constant temperature ranging from 18-19
New storage techniques: A photo has to be made for the whole archive. degrees celsius. Most of the CDs will last
consists of more than 50 million points Busted CDs: Music lovers stand to lose longer than those made during the 80s.
of geometry. The allowed capacity a great deal, especially when it comes to The manufacturers later learned from
and algorithm at this moment is not the music of the 80s. More than 1,000 their mistakes and protected the aluminum
compatible with the high resolution. A DVD albums on first-generation CDs which were layer more effectively. “The 50-100 years of
is only capable of holding a 4 GB panoramic published between 1983 and 1985 are now CD lifespan is possible as promised by the
image. slowly deteriorating. Joachim Hack from manufacturers,” according to IT specialist,
In order for computer data to outlive the German Music Archive commented Joachim Hack. Music lovers should
castle walls, optimal treatment is required. on the loss, “We refer to it as the sky filled understand that this is only applicable to
At DLR, the data is stored in the server with stars.” When such a CD is held up CDs which are stored in the archive under
and back-ups are performed regularly. All against a brightly shining light, tiny holes optimal condition.
the data has to be transferred when the can be seen clearly in it, like the stars in Burned CDs have a shorter life. If
hard disk is replaced or when the next the sky. CD-ROMs were used as a backup medium,
generation of computers emerges. The The root cause of such a problem is the archive staff would have to copy the
file format used is an “eternal” format the mixture of materials used during content into new disks every five years. If
known as VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling manufacturing the CDs back then. The you want to avoid the risk of losing data,
Language). “VRML consists of ASCII file reflector layer, improperly coated, will you are advised to do that as well.
text. Thus, no special viewer is needed to oxidize if air is allowed to penetrate the Storage media manufacturers are able
read the data,” says Michael Suppa. layer and the CDs get destroyed as a result. to give an assured shelf life of 100 years.
The importance of backup from older Fortunately, the error-correction system on However, it must be understood that these
media has been acknowledged by the most players are able to compensate for figures are achieved by performing test
German Music Archive in Berlin. The some of the damage. under special conditions.
central collection, which has been part For a temporary solution, the contents To find out which color is best for the
of the German Library since 1970, has of each CD should be copied to the hard data storage layer, the industry conducted
obtained publication rights from all media drive. This is advantageous for the Music various experiments. The tests proved that
in German. Archive users. They can easily access the gold and blue colored layers are much more
The Music Archive has a complete songs from the large collection. It will take stable when compared to green layers
Layer Structure
Protective Layer
Reflective Layer
Polycarbonate Substrate
All CD-Rs are arranged in a few layers. From the color of the layers,
it can be seen that the manufacturer uses many types of material.
Depending the combination of colors (cyanin, phtalocyanin or azo)
and the reflector (gold, silver and aluminum), the layer will display
a shining green, blue and golden color. On the production level, the
quality of every layer will be tested
Storage Media
Reference Beam
Holographic Layers
While writing, the laser beam
is split into two. The signal
containing the data will be Hologram
converted to 3D pixels by the
SLM. Later, it is combined Polar
back into the reference in the Interference
polymer media. Here, it will
create an interference pattern Spatial Light
stored on the holographic Modulator (SLM)
layers. The data will be read Classic Format—5.25 inches: This is the
through the reference beam. Signal Beam shape of the first holographic media
from InPhase, capable of storing up to
300 GB of data
Restrictive Recovery Console
Q> I have been tinkering around with
my computer for a while now. I use
Windows XP Professional. I found that
while I can access the Recovery Console
(after entering the Administrator
password), I couldn’t
change directories
very freely. I tried
to navigate to
the “Documents Use the Policy Editor to lift restrictions
imposed in the Recovery Console
and Settings”
folder but get an the folders other than the “System Root”
“access denied” is restricted. Even copying files from the
error. Why do I hard drive to the floppy is restricted. The
get this error? I reverse, however, is allowed. The System
signed in as the Root folder (default being C:\Windows)
Administrator. and its subfolders are accessible for repair.
-Nadir Even though this sounds very restrictive
The you can start/stop a device from loading
Recovery during startup, repair/reconfigure the boot
Console is used configuration/Master Boot Record and
when Windows re-format partitions.
does not boot There is a way you can try and override
properly or the restriction over folder access. This
become inaccessible has to be done from the Windows GUI.
due to missing/corrupt files. Click on Start | Run, type “gpedit.msc” and
Dinesh Desai
The console—as its name suggests click on OK. The Group Policy Editor will
—is provided to recover a problematic open. Navigate to the following folder in
operating system. The console allows you the left hand side panel of the window
Hands on
the installation and this firewall problem point WnetEnumCached Passwords could need to do—click on Tools | Preferences
are related but I still get the error that says not be located in the dynamic link library | Advanced | History. If the function has
the firewall service could not be run. How MPR.dll”- been disabled, make sure you select the
can I get my Windows Firewall to function -Jatin right settings to enable the ‘Back’ button
once again? Here is what you can do to stop this in Opera.
-Karan error from appearing and also get back to
Click on Start | Run, type “services. using your mail client in full swing. Open Connection Error
msc” and click on Ok. The Services window Windows Explorer and navigate to the Q> I decided to go in for an Internet
will appear. Locate “Windows Firewall/ “C:\Windows\system32” folder. Locate connection recently since I had just
Internet Connection Sharing(ICS)” and the “Mapi32.dll” file. If the extension(.dll) upgraded my computer (hardware and
right click on it. Select Properties and try is not visible then click on Tools | Folder software). I tried creating a connection
restarting the service (click on Stop and Options and click on the ‘View’ tab. Scroll using the “Add a network connection”
then Start). If you get the same error then to the option, “Hide Extensions for known wizard but for some reason I do not get all
try the following steps. You can also do the file types” and uncheck it. Click on Apply to the options. How I do get all the options
same from the command prompt window. save the changes and then click on Ok. Now back?
Start | Run, type “cmd” and click on OK. you will be able to view the file name with -Jeev
In the command prompt window that the extension. Select Mapi32.dll and press You did not mention what sort
appears, type the following command and [F2] (or right click and select ‘Rename’). of a software upgrade you did on your
press [Enter], Rename the file by changing the extension computer. If it involved an operating
net start sharedaccess to “Mapi32.old”. Now click on Start | Run, system upgrade then there is a possibility
If you get an error here also then you type “fixmapi.exe” and click on Ok. FixMapi that certain services have not installed
will need to edit the Registry to reset the will run (nothing will appear on your successfully. These services will need
‘SharedAccess’ values. Click on Start | Run, display, it will execute in the background) to be restarted in order to get the New
type “regedit” and click on Ok. The Registry and after that just restart the computer. Connection wizard display all the options.
Editor window will appear. Navigate to the Click on Start | Settings | Control Panel
following key, Opera History
Q> I have a very strange problem. I use
Opera as my web browser and I have
noticed that I cannot go ‘back’ to a web
page I have already visited. The ‘Back’
button does not work whenever I try to
click on the button within Opera. When I
try to access the web sites through Internet
Explorer I can use the ‘Back’ option very
easily. How can I get Opera to save the
history of web sites I have already visited? Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
Delete the Security sub-key and restart the -Feroze is listed as a system component that
computer to restore its default values The solution for your problem is is dependent on the Remote Access
Connection Manager
relatively simple and small. All you need
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ to do is open Opera and make changes to
CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\ its options. First, open Opera browser and
Security click on Opera`s History. This is what you
Delete the Security key, close the
Registry Editor and restart the computer.
Outlook Error
Q> I use Microsoft Outlook 2003 on my
computer. I use it to download my personal
as well as business mail. I also make use
of the Notes, Reminders and store all my
appointments in it. Now, I cannot access
anything I have stored in Outlook because
of an error I am confronted with every time In Opera’s preferences, ensure web address
I try to start it. It says that some “entry caching is enabled in the ‘History’ options
and specify a folder on the hard disk where plug-in (which also work for Opera) called
Need a hand with your PC travails?
all the licenses can be backed up. It is Neptune. It can be downloaded for free
Log on to www.chip-india.com/
preferable to save the licenses in a new from http://www.meadco.com/neptune/.
knowhow and post your query. Voila!
folder created on the Desktop. Click on Install the plug-in and Opera should
You’re on your way to a glitch-free
“Backup Now” to save the licenses to this automatically use Neptune to load the
new location. If backing up the licenses ActiveX page. This is achieved by running
does not work then delete the “Drmv2. the IE engine within Opera.
sst” file located in the “DRM” folder (the There are a few things you need to Info | For Accurate Diagnosis…
location which is known to you now). After do after installing Neptune (make sure
deleting this file try backing up the licenses Opera is closed when you do so). Go to 1. Mention system specifications.
again. If deleting this file does not solve the the Internet Explorer plug-in folder, which 2. Mention new hardware or software
problem then you will have to rename the is usually located at “C:\Program Files\ installed recently.
“DRM” folder (by selecting it and pressing Internet Explorer\PLUGINS\”. Look for a file 3. Note the error message, including the
[F2]) to “DRM_1” (as an example). You called “npmeadax.dll” and copy it (right action or event that triggers the error.
will have to rename this folder even if you click on it and select ‘Copy’). Paste this file For instance, the error message comes
are able to run the license backup in the into Opera’s plug-in folder, which is (by up only during startup or shutdown, or
Management dialog box. Close Windows default) located at “C:\Program Files\ when starting a particular application
Explorer and go to http://drmlicense.one. Opera\Program\Plugins”. When you open and so on.
microsoft.com/Indivsite/en/indivit.asp Opera it will associate the file to Neptune’s 4. Mention any changes you’ve made
You will have to follow a set of function (which is to emulate IE and load just before you started getting the
instructions and subsequently update the the ActiveX page). However, this method error. For instance, have you deleted
security component of the Media Player. does not work in all cases so it would be some files recently or uninstalled
After the changes are made to the Media better to just load the page in Internet some application?
Player security component open Windows Explorer for the time being.
Media Player and click on Tools | License That rules out uninstalling the theme. You
Management. Specify the folder that was Restore Missing Files could try reinstalling the theme so as to
backed up on the Desktop and click on Q> I had installed the ‘Incredible India’ replace the files that have gone missing.
‘Restore Now’ to restore all your licenses. theme that was provided on the CHIP CD. If you are not keen on going back to your
Try playing your licensed media files now. It worked perfectly, up until now. The icons original theme then all you need to do
You might be prompted to ‘migrate your that were used to denote ‘My Computer’, is select another one from XP’s Display
licenses’—click on ‘Migrate’ to do so. If after ‘My Documents’, and ‘Recycle Bin’ have Properties. Right click on the Desktop and
all this you still receive license errors then been replaced with blank icons (resembling select Properties. In the Display Properties
you will have to download the video again symbols that appear against a file with no box under the ‘Theme’ tab select ‘Windows
so as to get a fresh copy of the license. known association). I also get a message Classic’ or ‘Windows XP’. This will get rid
saying there was an error loading the of the error and the icons on your desktop
ActiveX on Opera? theme and that there are some missing will be restored. You can also delete the
Q> I use Opera as my default web browser. files too. How do I rectify this problem? custom theme (Incredible India) from your
I noticed that this browser does not load -Jheel computer by deleting the ‘custom.theme’
ActiveX scripts. Web sites that use ActiveX The Incredible India theme might file. Search for this file and delete it. ■
to display content do not execute in my not be in the Add/Remove Programs list.
browser at all. I tried to look for some
settings related to downloading and
running ActiveX scripts but came across
nothing. Is there a plug-in that I need to
ActiveX objects in a web page
are not supported by Opera. VBScript
pages are not Opera’s specialty. Pages
using JavaScript are scripted since it is
a very common language used in web
programming. There is a way (a tedious
Change your theme to the default or
one) to make ActiveX pages load in browse and choose another ‘.Theme’ file
Opera. It involves installing a Netscape
ow do you share those precious on how you can create slideshows of your
memories captured with your digital images and burn them in either VCD
digital camera with your friends or DVD format.
and loved ones? The most common way You don’t need to be an expert to create
to do it would be sharing them via CDs. separate slideshows for different occasions
But imagine flipping through hundreds of like birthday, wedding, etc on a single disc
pictures given to you by someone on a CD. or adding comments to each picture. Using
You’d probably get bored half way through. Photo2DVD Studio you can easily combine
But what if it were a DVD or a VCD having digital photos with music and text in the
fancy slideshows with stunning visual most natural and intuitive way. And you
stunning effects and awesome background wouldn’t feel any less than a professional.
music to complement it? That would be a Unlike most applications, you need not use
visual treat you would not want to miss out any other software for authoring DVDs and
on. And since it would play on any DVD or a VCDs. Photo2DVD Studio is like a ‘Swiss
VCD player, you don’t even require a PC to Army Knife’ which has all the functions
view it. Instead, you can enjoy the fun on built right into it. For your convenience, it
the large screen in your living room! has been included on the CHIP DVD.
This workshop is a step-by-step guide | Anand Tuliani
STEP 1. 1. A slideshow would be in a mess STEP 2. After launching Photo2DVD Studio, STEP 3. Time to add some eye candy! Select
if you stuff it up with all sorts of photos you will be presented with a ‘new project the photo and the transition effects from the
ranging from vacation to birthday party to wizard’. Select the type of the video disc dropdown lists. Hit the preview button to
wedding, etc. Creating a DVD or a VCD with depending on the number of images you see how the effects look like and customize
separate slideshows for different occasions have. The VCD format is more than sufficient them according to your preference. Specify
would make more sense. Hence, start for creating a one-hour long movie with more the display and the transition duration of the
off with organizing your pictures using than 100 images. However, the DVD format photos. Either select a particular effect or
separate folders for different occasions. will result in the best output quality. randomize various effects.
STEP 4. Click on the ‘Customize position STEP 5. After you’re done with the wizard, STEP 6. Now begin adding images to each
& font’ button to format the font and the create as many blank slideshows as the slideshow. Select a blank slideshow from the
position of the date and time in case your number of occasions or categories of images left pane and click on the ‘Import photos’
digital camera doesn’t have the option to depending on how you organized them. The button from the toolbar. From the dialog box
embed the date and time on the photos first slideshow exists by default. To add further which appears, browse for the relevant folder
clicked. Click on the OK button to confirm. slideshows, click the ‘New slideshow’ button at and add all the images to the slideshow.
In the next dialog box, you can choose to the base of the left pane. If you wish, you can Following this method, add images to all the
convert images to black and white. rename each slideshow to avoid confusion. slideshows.
STEP 10. Customize the main interface of STEP 11. Before clicking on the burn button,
the disc which appears as soon as you insert it make it a point to preview the disc to see how STEP 12. Click on the burn button on the
into the VCD/DVD player. Click on the ‘Menu it looks and feels. Preview each slideshow to toolbar to bring up the ‘Burn’ dialog box. Insert
designer’ button on the tool bar and select confirm whether the order of images, effects, a blank optical disc into the CD/DVD writer and
a template of your choice. Alternatively, you transitions and the background music are click on the ‘Next’ button. Hit the ‘Start now’
can even specify your own background image. fine. If not, you can revert back and make button to burn the entire slideshow on to the
Don’t forget to change the title of the disc. final changes before finalizing and burning disc. Insert the disc into the DVD player. Now
Double click on it and type a suitable title. the disc. sit back and enjoy the show!
et’s start off with a riddle. What’s the What you need
similarity between a natural calamity Make sure you have a first aid box for the
and a PC problem? Well... the answer PC which has the following tools. You’ll find
is simple. They’re both unpredictable and most of them lying around the place.
can strike anytime! A Philips screwdriver to open the case
The complexity of the various and detach cards.
components inside the PC makes it A clean lint-free cloth.
susceptible to dozens of problems. When A soft-bristled brush.
faced with any problem with your PC, the A current detector which is usually a
computer technician is like God who you small screwdriver with a tiny bulb in its
expect will eliminate all your PC troubles. handle.
Depending on the nature of the problem, Spare power cable and spike buster fuse
he may take a few seconds to a couple of Heat sink compound.
minutes to fix it. At times he may charge Don’t be surprised, but you’ll also need
you a bomb just for touching a few cables a pencil eraser. You’ll soon know why.
or tightening the connections and getting And most importantly patience and No Internet connection
your PC up and running. That’s when you confidence! Before venting your anger on your Internet
realize that you could have solved the service provider, make sure everything is
problem yourself and saved your money! Before you begin… fine on your side. It may be possible that the
This workshop will step you through Here are some ground rules that you RJ-45 clip which goes into the network card
troubleshooting some of the most should strictly follow: or the LAN socket on the motherboard has
common problems which affect PCs. Do Make sure your hands are clean and dry. come out or become loose. Reinserting or
not attempt this workshop if your PC is Remember to switch off the mains tightening the clip in the socket may solve
covered under a maintenance contract by before attacking any problem. the issue. If it doesn’t, then it’s time to give
your vendor as it may render the warranty Work in a well-lit environment. Use a your service provider a buzz.
or the contract void. torch or lamp when working in poor light.
The PC starts with ‘one long beep and three short beeps’ OR ‘one long
beep and eight short beeps’ without any display
Such a beep pattern is an indication of a fault with the graphics card which may have
become loose or damaged.
Detach the monitor’s VGA plug from the port on the graphics card and open up the
Unscrew the screw gripping the graphics card and pull it out of the AGP / PCIE slot.
Clean the contact strips at the edge of the card by gently rubbing them with an
Fit the VGA back into the slot and fasten it with a screw.
Now switch on the PC and it’ll start without any hiccups. And if the problem persists,
call up your technician to get it solved.
ost often the installation of any new actually show the mouse’s cursor moving from
software is usually followed by chaos the block of selected text to the “Bold” option on
and confusion as users struggle to get the toolbar.
to grips with it. And by the time they get used Download Wink for free from http://www.
to it, it is time to upgrade to a new version and debugmode.com/wink/download.php. The
start learning all over again! Small wonder then software is available for Windows as well as
that many people prefer using older versions of Linux. The Linux version lacks some of the options
software. A major reason for this hostility towards present in the Windows version. The download
new software is the absence of good tutorials. is in the form of a zipped file and is light enough
Usually, any new software is accompanied by to be dial-up friendly—the Windows version
documentation and manual but it is so jargon- tips the scale at a mere 1.8 MB. Installation is a
ridden that non-tech users find it difficult to breeze—just unzip the file, click on the Wink.exe
familiarize themselves with it. It’s easier to learn file and follow the instructions. As for system
with user-friendly software tutorials. All you need requirements, Wink runs on just about any PC
is some time, effort, and a freeware called Wink. that runs Windows or Linux. All it asks for is to be
run within a resolution of 800x600.
Getting ready to Wink
Developed by Satish Kumar and Bent Møller Creating a tutorial using Wink
Madsen, Wink is a freeware application designed Just as it would be insane to start making a feature
for creating presentations and tutorials for film without a script or screenplay, it would make
software products. Wink works by allowing the little sense to start building your tutorial without
user to make a series of screen captures and add having a script that outlines just what the tutorial
notes and comments to them. Wink then puts would be covering and to what extent. It would
them together in the form of a Flash movie and also be prudent to have a rough idea of the kind of
plays it in a browser (most browsers today are screenshots you would like to use. Once you have
Flash-enabled). The film can be edited any number these ready, you are all set to roll.
of times as per the needs and requirements of
different people. A neat touch is Wink’s ability to STEP 1. Setting up Wink
move the mouse cursor among different frames. To start off matters, first open the application
For instance, if you are making a file on how to for which you wish to build a tutorial. Once that’s
use MS Word and have a screenshot that shows done, start Wink and select New from the File
you highlighting text followed by another in menu. This will bring up the New Project Wizard.
which you select the “Bold” option to make the Now specify the area of the screen you wish to
selection, the Flash movie generated by Wink will capture. You can choose to capture the entire
1 The Wink New Project Wizard in which 1a The area of the screen that will be 2 Once you are through with capturing
you specify the area to be captured and captured by Wink is highlighted by screens, click on “Finish” and get to the
other details green colored corners editing mode
screen, just the application window or even text boxes (Wink terms them “Callouts”) STEP 5. Using other formats
a rectangular area as per your specifications. that highlight different aspects of the While Wink primarily generates tutorials in
As you make your choice, four green application. The Callouts can be resized the Flash format, you can also render your
colored corners will appear on the screen, and can be of different shapes and sizes, tutorial in HTML and PDF formats. To do this,
outlining the area that Wink will capture depending on your needs. You will notice open the .wnk file containing the tutorial,
in its screenshots. You can also set Wink to the mouse cursor is displayed in a darkened go to “File” and choose “Export As HTML”
continuously capture screens or to do so box in each frame– this can be moved to or “Export As PDF”, depending on your
only at your command. After specifying your a different location in the frame if you so needs. The tutorial in these formats will be
requirements, just click on ‘Minimize to tray’ wish. Finally, you can choose either to let static—the cursor will not move although
(this will reduce Wink to a small icon on the frames be displayed for a specific time on you will be able to use buttons to navigate
Windows system tray). the screen or provide for the “Next” button, back and forth if you specify it while saving
which will allow you to navigate through in the desired format. The advantages
STEP 2. Capturing screens the tutorial. of saving in HTML and PDF formats are
Having set up Wink, it is time to take the obvious—the files are much lighter and are
screenshots. This is the easiest part of the STEP 4. Movie time therefore easier to mail or transfer.
tutorial. All you need to do is keep pressing Once you have finished editing your frames
the key (generally the Pause key) whenever and determining the sequence in which To Wink or not to Wink
you wish to capture the screen. The small they will appear, save your tutorial (or Wink does have its share of shortcomings.
Wink icon on the Windows system tray “Project” as Wink calls it) by clicking on The most notable of these is its inability
will blink to confirm that a screen has been “Save” in the File menu, and specifying a to accommodate audio. Although skilfully
captured. You can also opt to sit back and name for your tutorial (you can do this at crafted text balloons can overcome this flaw
let Wink capture the screens on its own any stage of making the tutorial). This will to a certain extent, more often than not, a
by specifying the number of frames you save your tutorial in the .wnk format. To see human voice is needed to accompany the
want captured per second. When you have your tutorial in the Flash movie format, go movie or presentation to clarify matters. The
captured enough screens, simply double to “Project” and choose “Settings”. Here, software also tends to crash occasionally,
click on the “Wink” icon on the Windows specify the name of the Flash film that Wink which is frustrating especially if you are
system tray. This will bring up a box that will will construct using your screenshots and midway through editing frames. But the
tell you how many screens (Wink calls them notes. Also specify the frame rate and the developers try their best to suggest solutions
“Frames”) have been captured. Click on kind of cursor movement you prefer. That if you send them detailed information about
“Finish” to end the capturing process. done, click on “OK” and choose “Render” how and when the crash occurred.
under the Project menu or just click on the But these flaws pale into insignificance
STEP 3. On the editing table green arrow in the Wink toolbar. Your Flash when you consider what Wink delivers. It
The moment you click on “Finish”, Wink film will be ready for display. To see it, go can be used not only for tutorials but also
will display the frames it has captured. It is to “Project” and choose “View Rendered for advertisements that highlight software
now time to move to the editing mode. You Output” or just click on the icon on the Wink functionality and even presentations
can reorder the frames by simply dragging toolbar depicting a globe with spectacles. (although it is unlikely to give PowerPoint
and dropping them to different locations Your tutorial film will start playing within a run for its money). But it is its ability to
in the sequence. You can give each frame a your default browser. If you don’t like what generate tailor-made tutorials for different
title and can also add explanatory notes to you see, feel free to go back to the .wnk file users that makes Wink an important tool. ■
your screen captures. This is done through you created and make changes. | Nimish Dubey
3 While editing your tutorial, you can use 4 My tutorial with text boxes and a 5 A tutorial in the PDF format. No
text boxes to put in additional notes moving cursor—all within an Internet moving cursors here, but extremely
and highlight application features browser... handy nevertheless!
Tip of the month | Applications 8 Fedora Core 4 Installing Yum extender
9 MS FrontPage 2000 Viewing time for web pages to load
Remove duplicate audio tracks
10 SDP Multimedia Capturing video with network streaming protocol
I have a lot of music on my hard drive, which I
11 Winamp Jump directly to any song in Winamp playlist
have collected over a period of time from different
sources. My problem is I have many songs, which 12 Word Speed up rendering of Word documents
have duplicate and even triplicate entries stored in 13 Word Preventing page breaks
different folders. To make matters worse, the same 14 Word Jazz up your documents
song is saved under different names. Now there is 15 Word Switching from WordPerfect to Word 2003
hardly any space on my hard drive. Please tell me
16 Word Splitting a document into two sections
how to remove all the duplicate entries. At the same
17 Microsoft Office Expanding the menu to display all options
time I don’t want to lose any of my music collection.
For the above problem, use the software INTERNET & COMMUNICATION 120
“No Clone”. You can customize your search by 18 Browser Switching tabs in Firefox without using mouse
selecting the folder, partition or drive you wish 19 Browser Setting Firefox to open links in new window
to. It masks windows OS files while searching. 20 Browser Automatic spell-check in Thunderbird
After the search is complete, it identifies zero-size 21 Outlook 2003 Longer duration of Desktop Alert
files, same-name files, similar content files, and 22 Outlook 2003 Changing the default color
file portions. The identification of similar content 23 Outlook 2003 Detecting spam sources
files takes care of songs saved under different 24 Outlook 2003 No envelop icon with mail
names. Duplicate file groups are colorized and
can be either deleted or sent to a different folder.
This software can be used for sorting any type of
25 Mouse Tweaking PS/2 mouse performance
file. It’s a shareware and can be downloaded from
26 Digital Camera E-mailing snaps
http://noclone.net/. We have included it in the
CHIP Tool CD also. 27 Graphics Card Cool your graphics card
4 | Windows XP
Share folders quickly
How do I share folder with others in the 5 When you forget your password, create a
password reset disk to log onto your PC
quickest and simplest way possible?
It is essential for me to create web pages With the web page opens in FrontPage the proxy address and port and then click
that are light. How do I find out how much take a look at the bottom right hand corner on the ‘Protocol’ tab. Select the protocol
time the web page I create will take to of FrontPage. You will see some details you want to use to capture the streaming
download on a user’s machine? Is there a like “18 seconds over 28.8”. This means media. If you use a proxy then you might
plug-in for that in FrontPage? the page will take 18 seconds to load on be surfing the web via port 80 (HTTP).
a 28.8K connection. Click on that portion Select the HTTP port radio button or else
and you can select the kind of connection leave the settings just as they are. Set the
the user has and obtain information on the stream rates from the ‘Stream Rates’ tab
amount of time it will take to the load the and select SDP to be your default media
web page. player while running the download.
in Winamp, I directly drag the Music folder Check ‘Draft Font’. Right click and choose ‘Font’.
(which contains all the 5,000 songs) into Click ‘OK’ to close the dialog box. When the ‘Font’ multi-tabbed dialog box
the playlist window. It’s alright when I put Now click on ‘View’ and choose ‘Normal’. appears, click on the ‘Text Effects’ tab.
Winamp in the random mode and listen to Your Microsoft Word 2003 document will Now, choose from a variety of
whatever track it plays. But when I have appear in the Courier New font. Only minor effects for your text namely Blinking
to listen to a specific track I have to scroll formatting changes such as bold, italic, or Background, Las Vegas Light, Marching
through all the songs to find it or else I underlined text will appear. Note that your Black Ant, Marching Red Ant, Shimmer,
have to go to the specific folder where document has not changed on disk, only its and Sparkle Text
the song is saved and double click on it. appearance on screen Click on “OK” to close the dialog box
Is there is way by which I can look for a and apply the text effects.
particular song in the Winamp playlist 13 | Word
without having to scroll. Preventing page breaks
How I can prevent paragraphs in Microsoft
Winamp has an inbuilt feature called Word documents from splitting to
“Jump to” to directly jump to a song in a separate pages?
particular playlist. Put all the songs in the
“PlayList Editor” as you normally do. Then Your Microsoft Word 2003 document
highlight Playlist editor by clicking on it and may include a small paragraph, four
then hit the button “J” on your keyboard or five lines long, that may split onto
without the quotes. You will get a new pop separate pages. You may be working
up window with a text field. Here you can on a technical paper, containing a very
enter which ever song you are looking for in complex paragraph describing how to Spice up your documents with text
the playlist. It does a string search, so even perform a task. If this paragraph is split by effects
if you don’t remember the whole name a page break, the documentation may be
of the song, it will display all the closest confusing. In either of these cases, Word’s 15 | Word
matches and you can then select your default splitting of large paragraphs into Switching from WordPerfect to
song. Just double click on the song name of separate pages may not appeal to you. Word 2003
your choice and it will automatically play You can change this option, either on I have been using Corel WordPerfect for
without disturbing the playlist. You also a paragraph-by-paragraph basis, or quite a long time. But now I have switched
have the option “Move after current” by you can select the entire document for over to Word 2003. Can you tell me
which you can enqueue your selected song modification. how to make Word act a little more like
after the song that it is currently playing. Either right click on a paragraph, or WordPerfect so that my transition is easier?
select a group of paragraphs and then
12 | Word press the right mouse button. In order to make Word 2003 act like
Speed up rendering of Word Choose ‘Paragraph’ from the popup WordPerfect just follow these simple steps.
documents menu. Click on the ‘Tools’ menu.
I always find that whenever I read or edit When the ‘Paragraph’ multi-tabbed Select ‘Options’ and when the multi-
complex Word documents containing dialog box appears, select ‘Line and tabbed dialog box appears, click on
images or multimedia content they take Page Breaks’ ‘General’.
a significant amount of time to load. How Check ‘Keep lines together’.
can I expedite the process? Press ‘OK’ to close the dialog box.
system determines the position of your ‘Image | resize/resample’ and specify the
mouse. If you want to increase the new size of the image as a percentage of
resolution of your mouse or increase the original image size depending on the
the speed at which your mouse is size of your image. Make sure the “Preserve
tracked, you should increase this value. aspect ratio” option is checked while you
Increasing this value will make your mouse specify the new size.
more sensitive; decreasing this value will Adjusting sharpness: After reducing the
make it less sensitive. By default the value size of the image, there will be a slight
is 100. reduction in the sharpness. Use the
The third option, “Input Buffer Length” 26a Specify the resize percentage or the shortcut ‘Shift+s’ to sharpen the image
relates to the size of the input buffer before saving it.
that stores information about your Saving: Uncompressed image formats
mouse location. Increase this number the recipient to receive the mail. Further, like BMP and TIFF are bulky. Hence, it is
if your mouse behaves erratically. By you may want to make a few corrections to recommended to save images as JPG.
default the value is set to 100. the images like tweaking the color balance, Specifying the file type as ‘JPG-JPEG files’ in
The last element on the window is the brightness, contrast, sharpness, gamma, the “Save picture as” dialog box and hit the
“Fast Initialization” option. By default it etc before e-mailing them. If you don’t “Save” button to save the file in the desired
is turned on in most cases. It basically know how to use Adobe Photoshop, the location.
increases or decreases the time it simplest solution is to use IrfanView. If you’ve done everything correctly, you’ll
takes the OS to start up. If your mouse notice a significant reduction in image size.
behaves erratically (moving in random Now you won’t have to wait for ages to
directions or acting as though you have attach and e-mail images. Click send and
clicked buttons on when you actually share your memories with friends and family.
have not), clear this check box.
27 | Graphics Card
26 | Digital Camera Cool your graphics card
E-mailing snaps I have recently purchased a 6600 GT AGP
I want to e-mail snaps that I have shot
26b card. The idle temperatures are around
Sharpen the image to reduce blurriness
on my digital camera. But the images are 50-55 degrees but it goes all the way up
way too big in size for me to send them to 85-90 degrees while playing games like
as attachments. I don’t know how to Correcting images: Before resizing images, Need for Speed Most Wanted. I am looking
use professional imaging software like apply corrections such as adjusting color for coolers in the market but I have not
Photoshop. What is the easiest way to balance, brightness, contrast and gamma been able to find any. What do I do?
correct and resize images so that they can to enhance them. After loading an image
be easily attached and sent via e-mail? in IrfanView, go to ‘Image | Enhance colors’. Firstly the core slowdown threshold
In the dialog box adjust the settings to for the 6600 GT is at 140 degrees i.e. at
When sending images as correct the image as per your preference. temperatures 140 degrees and beyond, the
attachments in e-mails, it is recommended After you’re satisfied with the preview graphic core will slow and shut down to
to reduce the size of the images so that in the preview pane, click on ‘Apply to prevent core damage. It’s not recommended
they don’t exceed the overall size of the original” to apply the changes. to push your graphics card to such limits as
attachment. This way it takes lesser time Resizing images: To resize an image, go to heat reduces their life span. First of all, try
for the sender to compose the mail and ventilating your case properly. If possible
have at least a 120 mm front intake and
exhaust fan for your case. This will reduce
temperatures a bit. For example, Artic
silencer coolers are available at most
hardware enthusiast stores. Unfortunately,
Artic silencer doesn’t have a cooler for the
6600 GT AGP version because of its unusual
design. It’s mainly due to the PCIe to AGP
Rialto Bridge. We recommend the Vantec
26c Spectrum fan card instead. It helps reduce
26 Move the sliders to adjust brightness, Save image in JPEG format to keep the
temperatures to as much as 15 degrees at
color, contrast and gamma file size low
load, which is quite commendable. ■
Robosapien V2
(Price: USD 250)
(Price: USD 20)
Vishwanath Vanjire
Robot Shark (Price: USD 100)
(Price: USD 100)
The Art of Animation
What goes into bringing a three-dimensional character
to life? An animation expert breaks it down for you
hrillers like Terminator, Jurassic Park, The character’s mouth needs to have its mesh
Matrix, Sin City and games like Half Life (subdivisions) re-arranged. To form the outline of
2, Onimusha 3 have enthralled audiences the mouth, edges will need to be created. While
and gamers around the world. Incidentally, all shaping the cavity he might also have to delete
these movies and games mentioned above have some edges. To create the cavity he has to ‘push’
one thing in common. All the special effects and the polygons that lie within the periphery of the
animation have been created with the help of mouth. In this manner the mouth is created. Now
Avid’s SoftImage XSI software. comes the part where the animator begins work
To understand SoftImage XSI better, Anup on the upper half of the character’s head—the
Pillai and I met up with animation expert eye (yes, this character will sport just one eye).
Siddharth Bolurker recently. Siddharth has been Once again, a cavity needs to be made where the
in the animation industry for over 4 years now. character’s eyeball will reside. This eye socket is a
He has worked with well-known studios like lot bigger than the mouth that has been created
Paradox and Prime Focus Limited. His proficiency earlier. Making the socket is somewhat the same
in Soft Image XSI has made him a “domain wherein edges are formed around the eye rim.
expert” in Real Image Media Technologies. ■ The polygons for the forehead can be pulled
Watching him create a CG character so deftly closer to the eye making the ridge over the socket
on his notebook could fool anyone into believing thicker. The eye socket and the mouth are then
that animation is a piece of cake. ‘Sculpting’ a further sculpted to give it a beveled look.
simple CG object and animating it requires a Next on the list are the ears on the
firm grounding in 3D modeling and an in-depth character’s head. Since the animator intends on
knowledge of CG tools. Here is a sampling of how creating identical ears on either side of the head
Siddharth used SoftImage’s XSI 5.0 to create a CG he uses the ‘symmetry’ tool in XSI. This way he
character’s head. is sure that the ear he makes will be replicated
on the other side of the head, reducing his work.
Character Modeling He does this by simply deleting one half of the
Building any CG character usually head and concentrates on the ear. He pans
begins like a game of building blocks. around the character to get the right view of the
The head is first modeled from a portion from where he will create the ear. The
cube. The cube is subdivided on subdivisions (or mesh/loops) on that portion of
all faces—these subdivisions can be the head are reworked to facilitate creation of
increased as and when needed during the this part. Then with the help of the same tools,
creation process. This cube is sculpted into a ear is literally pulled or ‘extruded’ out of the
the shape of the character’s head. Characters (in character’s head. Loops at the tip of the ear are
3D) are also created from scans of illustrations once again manipulated and pushed in to give it
or reference images. At this sculpting stage an more form. The animator uses the “symmetrize”
animator can increase the subdivisions (creating function to create
a more complex mesh) on the surface. This
depends on the level of detail he intends to
incorporate into the character’s face. Tools built
into the software can be used to create more
edges on the surface of the object. Once the
animator has created the basic shape of the head
from the cube, he begins work on the lower half
of the oval—the mouth area. Before: The animator starts with a basic shape
After: The basic shape is sculpted into a form
The portion that will be shaped as the close to the character he has in mind
Pramod Jadhav
eveloper Capcom has tied up people. During this stage he comes face to
with Ubisoft to release Onimusha face with Jacques who is then shifted to
3—one of the most popular games medieval Japan through another time rift.
for the PlayStation 2-exclusively for the PC. Here Jacques come in contact with a small
All the gaming enthusiasts who couldn’t play winged spirit called Ako who will help
this game on the PS2 would now be relishing you in your quest to defeat your enemies
the second opportunity that they have got. as well as find a way back to your time. Ako
In this game the adventure takes place has a good sense of humour but at times
both in medieval Japan as well as modern you might find her presence annoying.
day Paris. The two main characters of During gameplay, you will find that
this game are Samanosuke and Jacques quite a number of useful things are hidden
who is a French commando. As the game in treasure chests that are placed around
progresses, you will switch between either the corners. These things could help you
of the characters as well as the locations. heal and extend your life or you could get
The game begins with Samanosuke and some new shield that will protect you
his small group of soldiers assaulting a during an attack. Some of the treasure
fortress in medieval Japan where warlord chests are puzzle boxes, where you’ll have a
Nobunaga has been pinned down. There set number of turns in which to slide puzzle
are no training sessions when you begin pieces around to complete a circuit. These
so you will have to figure out the controls can be pretty challenging. Most of the
soon enough so that you can survive the other puzzles aren’t very difficult though,
battle. In the middle of the fight between and the game’s linear structure means it is
Samanosuke (you) and Nobunaga, the usually pretty obvious where to go or what
former is taken to present-day Paris to do next.
through a time rift. Here he finds The controls are not difficult to master.
that the very demons called You need to carefully time your attack so
Genma that he was fighting that you can finish off your enemy without
against in his medieval home in any trouble. The advantage of this
Japan have infested the streets well-timed move is that your enemy will
of Paris and are killing innocent lose a much greater amount of soul orbs
Pramod Jadhav
than that with an ordinary move. These the developers have
souls can then be used as currency for already released
powering up your defences as well as Onimusha: Dawn of
your weapons. You can practise these Dreams for the PS2.
cool moves during the training sessions There does not seem to
that crop up in between the game. The be any reason why
developers have taken care to see that even this new game
a novice who will be playing this game for in the Onimusha
the first time will be at ease while playing series could not be
the game and won’t have to keep pressing released simultaneously for the
two to three keys simultaneously just to PC and the PS2. However, in spite of
execute one simple move. being a direct port of the PS2 game,
The sound effects and voice acting Onimusha 3 is very fast-paced. It has a
are very good. In this game most of the good story, very good sound effects and
conversation takes place in English. You allows you to perform some cool moves.
will not be hearing the original Japanese You only wish that the developers had put
voice over. At the beginning of the game, in some more effort and engineered
Jacques talks in French but later with the this game specifically for the PC so that
help of Ako both he and Samanosuke the there would be an improvement in
start speaking in English. The background the graphics.
musical score also fits in perfectly with the But if you are fan of the Onimusha
story of the game series and you want to get a first hand
But the developers have ignored one experience of how this game feels on the
important aspect that makes a game PC then go grab it quickly. ■
stand out from the rest and that is the | Anup Pillai
graphics. While the game looked awesome
on PS2, on the PC the effects are really
bland. This is because this game has not
been developed separately for the PC; it is
just a port of its console counterpart. We Vishwanath Vanjire
played this game on our rig that had 1 GB
of RAM and ATI Radeon 1900XT with 512
MB of RAM, and yet the game looked under
textured. There are options available to
change the graphic settings but even after
playing the game at the highest settings, it
failed to give the same response as that on
the PS2. Another omission in the PC version
is the cinematic introduction that was
present in the PS2 game.
We fail to understand the logic behind
releasing Onimusha 3 for the PC when
RATINGS 7.5 / 10
For: Good story; easy to master controls; good
sound effects and background score.
Against: A direct port of the PS2 game.
Publisher : Ubisoft Distributor: e-xpress Interactive Software Pvt Ltd Phone: 022-28870017 System: Windows XP/ 2000, Pentium IV 1.0 GHz or equivalent,
512 MB RAM, 8x or faster DVD drive, 3.5 GB of free hard disk space, video card with 64 MB or more memory
PSP Games
Pursuit Force
Get ready for some high-speed missions
Wipeout Pure
Junks the storyline, sticks to futuristic racing
Vishwanath Vanjire
You can ask your teammates to clear
out a closed room
he console version of Rainbow Six: that is the motion sensor will help you detect
Lockdown released in September last terrorists that are hiding behind a wall or in a
year was a huge letdown. While the closed room. The enemy artificial intelligence
earlier PC games in the Rainbow Six series in this game is quite decent. But sometimes
gained popularity for being tough tactical you will catch the terrorists unaware and
shooters, the transition to the consoles made you can finish them off quickly. As the team
the game too simple. As a result, hardcore fans leader, you can ask your team members to
of this series were left dissatisfied. However, either follow you or stay put and defend a
Ubisoft having realized this came out with a particular area. You can even command your Finish off your enemies quickly by
sniping them
new version of the game exclusively for the team members to open locked doors for you
PC. This one is a lot more tactical as well as by placing an explosive and blasting it off or by
fun to play. using the shotgun to blow off the hinges.
In Lockdown you again step into the shoes The graphics are very good. The developers
of Domingo Chavez leading a small team of have paid attention to the smallest details. The
highly trained counterterrorist specialists. game runs smoothly even on an entry-level
At the start of each mission you are briefed graphics card. However, if you do own a mid-
about your objectives. You can choose from a range or a high-end graphics card you can play
wide array of weapons namely assault rifles, the game by turning on the dynamic lightning
submachine guns, combat shotguns and pistols and shadows option. The sound effects in this
and at the same time you will be informed game are noteworthy. You can hear footsteps
about the ammo capacity, accuracy and the in quiet hallways. You will be able to hear your
Take a backseat and let your team
damage that can be caused by the weapon that own character breathing heavily if you have members do all the shooting
you have chosen. So you will have to choose been running around for quite a while.
wisely since in every mission you are likely to On the flipside, you might lose interest
encounter a large number of terrorists and if in the game after playing it for a while as in
you run out on ammo you will have to rely on almost all the missions you will be killing the
your teammates to do most of the shooting. terrorists and rescuing the hostages.
One of the most significant omissions in this But on the whole, Lockdown is a good game
game is the tactical planning portion that used with improved gameplay and graphics. The
to be the hallmark of the earlier Rainbow Six developers have made sure that this game feels
games for the PC. like a PC shooter instead of being a port. ■
For your missions you will find yourselves | Anup Pillai
in locations as diverse as the Middle East to
the Scottish Parliament building. For a major RATINGS 7 / 10
portion of the game your main objective will For: Improved gameplay; engineered
be rescuing hostages from the terrorist groups. exclusively for the PC; noteworthy
improvements in graphics and sound effects.
You will have to carefully make plans and then
execute it with the help of your teammates Against: The game tends to become
Pramod Jadhav
in order to complete your mission. A new tool predictable after a few missions.
Price: Rs 1,299 Publisher : Ubisoft Distributor: e-xpress Interactive Software Pvt Ltd Phone: 022-28870017 System: Windows XP/ 2000, Pentium IV 1.5
GHz or equivalent, 512 MB of RAM, 8x or faster DVD drive, 7 GB of free hard disk space, video card with 64 MB or more memory
ommand & Conquer, the classic real-time The old nostalgic DOS game on the disc has
strategy game took off with a bang in been ported to Windows XP.
the wee 90s offering the fans of the new The craze continued with the next version of
genre then a sci-fi world to conquer through the game called Command & Conquer: Red Alert
winning grueling missions. The series kept with improved graphics and AI. The storyline
getting bigger year after year with new releases is somewhat the same but the groups GDI and
having improved graphics engine and artificial Brotherhood of Nod have been replaced by Allies
intelligence and new universes to conquer. and Soviet. To add to the excitement, Westwood
The First Decade packs in all the Command & Studios, the original creators of the C&C series,
Conquer games and expansion packs of the offered some more meat with two expansion
decade 1995 to 2005, on a single DVD. packs ‘The Aftermath’ and ‘Counterstrike’.
Although the packaging mentions ‘12 After two further releases, C&C mutated
C&C games on a single DVD’, the reality is into a FPS game called Renegade which left
that there are only six games, the other six fans stunned after which it got back to the
being expansion packs with new missions and good old RTS genre. The final version of C&C
units. With more than a dozen missions per called Generals featured a DX 8.0 based engine
game, the entire pack translates to over 150 with spectacular visual effects. Unlike the
missions! That’s surely a lot to be commanded earlier versions of the game, Generals focused
and conquered! And to top this, with skirmish on modern warfare involving biochemical
mode the number of missions which you can weapons and air strike.
battle out are virtually countless! If you find The game ships with a DVD featuring
the computer’s intelligence an easy nut to exclusive interviews and tribute videos of
crack, you can choose to fight against human diehard C&C fans. There’s an interesting
opponents in online and multiplayer modes. interview of Louis Castle (co-founder of
The C&C fever started off in 1995 in a sci-fi Westwood Studios) speaking about how RTS
universe called Tiberium. The story was all games evolved. A small poster of the game is an
about the conflict between the Global Defense icing on the cake.
Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod. You If you’ve got all C&C titles right from the Top: The Obelisk of Light
could choose to be the good or the bad one. beginning, The First Decade doesn’t have blasting a tank in a single
The classic DOS based game featured chunky anything extra—it’s just a jumbo compilation
infantry and artillery units formed out of a of the entire series. But if you’re a fanatic and Middle: Create total
few pixels, blew people off with an extremely don’t want to miss out on the DVD and the annihilation with war tanks
addictive game play accompanied by a techno poster, go ahead and grab it! ■ and rocket launchers in Red
Alert 2
soundtrack. Lengthy levels involving capturing | Anand Tuliani
and blowing up structures and commanding Bottom: The good old first
the funny infantry units to vanquish the rival
RATINGS 8 / 10 version of Command &
last for hours. Cut scenes featuring interlaced For: Paradise for Command & Conquer fans; Conquer
excellent game play.
video before and after every mission are good
Pramod Jadhav
enough to leave people gaping at the screen. Against: Hogs 10 GB of drive space!
Price: Rs 1,999 Publisher : EA Games Distributor: Gayatri Impex Pvt. Ltd. Phone: 022-23881443 E-mail: [email protected] System: Windows
XP/ 2000, 800 MHz or faster CPU, 256 MB RAM, DirectX 8.1 compatible video card with 32 MB or more memory, 10 GB of free hard disk space
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