Learning Centers Form Skyriders
Learning Centers Form Skyriders
Learning Centers Form Skyriders
Ian- Searching for Children search for shadows while Science and Inquiry Children will be Opaque objects
Example Shadows on the playground. They mark the able to identify that block light
placement of a shadow by outlining SC 1.b Develops ability to shadows appear to
it with chalk or sticks. After 20 reason about cause and move over time by Earth’s
minutes, the children will return to effect. marking shadow movement
their markings to see if the shadow position in influences
moved or stayed in the same place. 20-minute intervals position of
Children will be asked preliminary or at different times shadow/perspec
questions like “What is a shadow?” of the day. They will tive of sunlight
and “How did the shadow move?” begin to ask
questions and
make hypotheses
about the apparent
movement of
A Paige When I Grow Each student is asked what they CO 1.a Develops the ability Students will be N/A
Russo Up… would like to be/do when they grow to recall information about able to verbally
up. Their response is written in the objects, people, and visual identify a career
blank on the handout. Students art. they are interested
illustrate what they would look like in having in the
in that role within the person outline CR 1.a Expresses ideas and future.
on the handout. feelings through visual art.
Students will be
able to illustrate a
person that has the
career they are
interested in having
in the future.
B Angy The Bakery Students will play in the classroom CR 2.a. Develops ability to Students will be N/A
Olivari bakery (home living) creating express new ideas through able to identify the
situations that show what happens imagination and inventive job that a baker
in a bakery, what a baker does, and play. performs and how
how the bakery serves our he/she serves our
community. As students play they CO 2.a. Demonstrates community by
will answer questions about what increasing ability to think engaging in pretend
they are doing and why they are symbolically play.
doing it to demonstrate their
understanding of the job of a baker. Students will be
able to express
their ideas about
what to do in a
bakery by
questions about
what they are doing
and why they are
doing it.
C Audrey Community Each student will choose a dress-up Domain: Social Studies Students will be N/A
Burns Helper outfit that models a certain able to identify what
Fashion community helper. Next, they will Strand: 1.People, roles certain
Show! create a paper that describes the Communities, and their community helpers
role of their position and where they Environment obtain and where
can find them. Then, the students they can find them.
will take turns walking down a “red Standard: 1.c. Develops
carpet” and explain to their understanding that everyone
audience the community helper that has rights and responsibilities
they chose, their role in the within a group.
community, and where to find them.
D Morgan Design Your The students will be discussing Domain: Creative Students will be N/A
Fisher Own Structure different jobs around the Development able to take
community. The materials they will Strand: Artistic Engagement different shapes of
be provided are cut-out shapes of
and Expression paper and glue
paper and glue and they will all be
building their own structures. They 1.a. Expresses ideas and them onto another
will act as a construction worker feelings through visual art piece of paper to
who is a community helper. After Domain: Social Studies build their own
the students have completed their Strand: People, Communities, building structure.
structures, they will be asked if they and their Environment
want to be a construction worker or 1.c. Develops understanding
have a different future career.
that everyone has rights and
responsibilities within a group
E Mariam Stand or Fall The students will discuss the CD. 3.a: Uses increasingly The students will be Understanding
Couri implications of bad weather on complex strategies to solve able to use problem of weather and
buildings. The students will then be problems. solving skills to extreme
tasked with building towers on a circumstances
determine the best
tray that can withstand being in which
shaken. The students will explain AL. 2.a. Develops a growth method to build the buildings can be
their reasoning for the shape and mindset. tower of blocks to harmed.
style of their tower in correlation to withstand the
its ability to withstand the shaking. shaking of the tray. Beginning
introduction to
The students will be engineering
concepts in
able to persist in
regards to
building towers until building towers
they can create a with a specific
tower that does not intent.
fall from the
simulation. The
students will be
able to demonstrate
persistence in
solving the guided
F Kaitlyn Nature The students will explore the Social Studies 1D: Indicator The students will be Understanding
Orwell Scavenger outside area by the playground. The 1: Interacts with objects in able to explore the what
Hunt students have a list of items to find surrounding environment environment outside environment is,
that make up the playground and what
their school, in the
environment, but they are able to Physical Health and Wellness different nature
collect whatever they may find. 1D: Indicator 1 = Uses playground area, items make up
Students will reflect on what they senses to explore objects and collect items the environment
found, and see what makes up the that are part of the and can be
outside environment. nature scavenger found in nature.
hunt. The students
will be able to
understand and see
what objects make
up the environment.
G Sophie Nature The students will find various nature Domain: Science Students will be The exploration
DiVito Connections! objects in the classroom and 1.a: Explores and able to answer and
explore them and later go outside investigates objects and questions about the understanding
exploring the objects in the events in the environment. aspects of nature of weather and
classroom they found on the Domain: Science they see in the the environment
playground. They will explore the 1.b: Develops ability to classroom and around them.
questions of where the objects they reason about cause and connect that to
found came from and how they got effect. what they see
there. outside.
Students will be
able to name where
each part of nature
comes from.
H Sean Lynch Farm Animals The students will read a book Domain: Creative Students will be Understanding
(Animals) describing different farm animals as development able to identify and identifying
a whole class. Students will then 1.a. Expresses ideas and animals that live on which animals
discuss their favorite farm animals feelings through visual art farms and be able live on a farm
after the reading. After the Domain: Science to represent and using visual arts
discussion, students will then be 1.a. Explores and explain these
able to draw a farm with multiple investigates objects and animals in a
animals and a habitat. events in the environment. drawing.
I Bella Animal The students will understand animal (PW) The students will be Understanding
Catanzaro habitats habitats and animals in their 1.b. Demonstrates able to draw a of animals and
community by looking at different developing control of habitat that their habitats
types of animals and talking about fundamental fine motor skills, represents the through
where they live.The students will including hand-eye animal they drew investigation.
then be able to draw a habitat that coordination. and talk about their
represents the animal of their Domain: Science (SC) photo.
choice. 1.a. Explores and
investigates objects and
events in the environment.
J Julia Animals at The students will discuss, discover, Domain: Physical The students will be Understanding
Venesile Bombeck and identify the various animals that Development and Wellness able to identify and identifying
live in the city of Dayton and outside 1.b Demonstrates developing animals in their animals that live
the Bombeck center by identifying control of fundamental fine community and in their area,
different animals, their habitats, motor skills, including draw an animal that and describing
their characteristics, and what they hand-eye coordination. lives in their different
eat. The students will then create Domain: Science (SC) community and characteristics
their own animal by drawing it and 1.a. Explores and explain their of the animals.
sticking it on “The Skyrider’s investigates objects and characteristics.
Animals” poster. The students will events in the environment.
explain what their animal is, the
animal’s characteristics, and where
they have seen it.
K Julie Placing The student will first show their Domain: Mathematics Identifying,
Schenkel animals in the knowledge on animals and the 3.b. Develops the ability to Students will be sorting and
correct characters of their environment by sort able to correctly using
environment sorting and matching the picture to identify habitats imaginative play
and using the toy animal. After completing Domain: creative and the animals to explain and
imaginative their task, students will then be development that live there describe their
play to to given a random slip with an 1.a expresses ideas and habitat and
describe the environment we just learned about feelings visual art Students will be animal
animal and they have to act as one of the able to describe
animals that lives their while their habitat with 3
students take turns guess what the clues and act out
animal is the animal they
were given
L Helen Taking Care The children will explore common Domain: Creative The students will be Understanding
Wheeler of Our Pets pets that people have in the development able to identify of pets/animals
community. They will explore 1.a: expresses ideas and ways to keep pets and their needs
pictures of various pets and choose feelings through visual art. healthy and safe. to survive.
their favorite. From there they will The students will be Understanding
draw their “dream pet” and 3 Domain: Science (SC) able to understand how it is our job
essential items that the pet will 1.a. Explores and that animals need to take care of
need to be well taken care of. investigates objects and resources to our pets.
events in the environment. survive.
M Taryn Butler Skyriders The children will discover and apply Cognitive Development 2.a. The students will be This lesson can
Skyline what buildings are essential to Demonstrates increasing able to work with relate to social
complete a community. Through ability to think symbolically. their peers sciences
purposeful discourse and creative collaboratively to because of the
expression, the children will be able Social and Emotional create a group art different roles
to conclude that there are many Development - Relationship project. The that these
types of buildings that serve skills 4.b. Develops socially students will also buildings play
different roles that are all vital to a competent behaviors with be able to identify and how people
strong community. For example, peers. different types of are the ones
buildings like, fire stations, police buildings and be working and
stations, grocery stores, able to apply that running these
entertainment buildings like the knowledge to buildings.
movie theaters, schools, and even conclude that each
their own homes, all act as pieces building is essential
of one, big puzzle which is their to a community and
community. they all work
together to produce
this said
N Lydia Make your The children will be able to show Creative Development 1.a. The children will be N/A
Carter own their knowledge on shapes by Expresses ideas and feelings able to use
construction saying what shapes the trucks in through visual art construction paper
truck the book are made out of. They will cut outs of different
be able to locate those shapes and Physical Development and shapes to create a
know how to put them together to Wellness 1.b. Demonstrates truck that they saw
represent the truck. developing control of in the book read to
fundamental fine motor skills, the.
including hand-eye
O Claire Create your The students will first be shown a Domain: Creative The students will be N/A
Raison own Building! PowerPoint of a real and clip art Development able to create a
building side by side. These include Strand: Artistic Engagement building from
buildings you see in everyday life and Expression the materials given
(example: houses, hospitals, post Statement: 1.a. Expresses
offices, hotels, banks, schools, ideas and feelings through
libraries). The kids will share what visual art. The student will be
they might know about these able to engage in
buildings, whether it is just the Domain: Language and back in forth
name or what it is used for. I then Literacy conversations with
will pull them into small groups to Strand: Language and peers and the
construct/ build their own building! It Communication instructor
can be one they saw in the Statement: 1.d. Participates
PowerPoint or something they want in conversations with
to make up! increasing application of
turn-taking skills.
Domain: Approaches to
The student will
Strand: Engagement and persevere and
Persistence rebuild their tower
when it falls over.
Standard Statement: Persists
in completing a task with
increasing concentration