SST-R-34 Permiso para Trabajo Eléctrico V2

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style="top: 1231px; left: 1097px; width: 0px; height: 946px; overflow:
visible;"><div class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70);
width: 1px; height: 947px; z-index: 32766; display: none; visibility: hidden;"><svg
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absolute; width: 1px; height: 947px; top: 0px; left: 0px;"><svg overflow="hidden"
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div"><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="none" stroke-miterlimit="8" stroke-
width="0.666667" stroke="#4472C4" d="M0.500053 0.500053 0.500157
946.5"></path></g><title xmlns="">Conector, Conector
recto</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 1291px; left: 3px; width: 19px; height: 14px; overflow: visible;"><div
class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); width: 20px;
height: 15px; z-index: 32766; display: none; visibility: hidden;"><svg
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stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
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xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 19px; top: 7px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
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z-index: 73; position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 15px; top: 0px; left:
0px;"><svg overflow="hidden" id="33" xmlns:xlink=""
xmlns="" height="15" width="20" draggable="false"
class="ewa-fo-svg" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"><g class="ewa-fo-svg-group-
div"><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke-miterlimit="8" stroke-
width="1.33333" stroke="#BFBFBF" d="M0.500053 0.500053 19.5001 0.500053 19.5001
14.5001 0.500053 14.5001Z"></path></g><title xmlns="">Forma,
Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 1274px; left: 3px; width: 19px; height: 14px; overflow: visible;"><div
class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); width: 20px;
height: 15px; z-index: 32766; display: none; visibility: hidden;"><svg
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height="100%" width="100%" version="1.1"><rect height="100%" width="100%"
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style="z-index: 32767; left: 10px; top: 0px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 0px; top: 7px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 10px; top: 14px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 19px; top: 7px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-svg-div" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); visibility: visible;
z-index: 72; position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 15px; top: 0px; left:
0px;"><svg overflow="hidden" id="32" xmlns:xlink=""
xmlns="" height="15" width="20" draggable="false"
class="ewa-fo-svg" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"><g class="ewa-fo-svg-group-
div"><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke-miterlimit="8" stroke-
width="1.33333" stroke="#BFBFBF" d="M0.500053 0.500053 19.5001 0.500053 19.5001
14.5001 0.500053 14.5001Z"></path></g><title xmlns="">Forma,
Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 1261px; left: 3px; width: 19px; height: 14px; overflow: visible;"><div
class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); width: 20px;
height: 15px; z-index: 32766; display: none; visibility: hidden;"><svg
style="overflow: visible; position: absolute;"
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height="100%" width="100%" version="1.1"><rect height="100%" width="100%"
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style="z-index: 32767; left: 10px; top: 0px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 0px; top: 7px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 10px; top: 14px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 19px; top: 7px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-svg-div" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); visibility: visible;
z-index: 71; position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 15px; top: 0px; left:
0px;"><svg overflow="hidden" id="31" xmlns:xlink=""
xmlns="" height="15" width="20" draggable="false"
class="ewa-fo-svg" style="width: 100%; height:
100%;"><g class="ewa-fo-svg-group-div"><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF"
stroke-miterlimit="8" stroke-width="1.33333" stroke="#BFBFBF" d="M0.500053 0.500053
19.5001 0.500053 19.5001 14.5001 0.500053 14.5001Z"></path></g><title
xmlns="">Forma, Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 1194px; left: 356px; width: 27px; height: 16px; overflow:
visible;"><div class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70);
width: 28px; height: 17px; z-index: 32766; display: none; visibility: hidden;"><svg
style="overflow: visible; position: absolute;"
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height="100%" width="100%" version="1.1"><rect height="100%" width="100%"
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style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 0px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 0px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 16px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 27px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-svg-div" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); visibility: visible;
z-index: 70; position: absolute; width: 28px; height: 17px; top: 0px; left:
0px;"><svg overflow="hidden" id="30" xmlns:xlink=""
xmlns="" height="17" width="28" draggable="false"
class="ewa-fo-svg" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"><g class="ewa-fo-svg-group-
div"><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke-miterlimit="8" stroke-
width="1.33333" stroke="#BFBFBF" d="M0.500053 0.500053 27.5001 0.500053 27.5001
16.5001 0.500053 16.5001Z"></path></g><title xmlns="">Forma,
Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 1160px; left: 356px; width: 27px; height: 16px; overflow:
visible;"><div class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70);
width: 28px; height: 17px; z-index: 32766; display: none; visibility: hidden;"><svg
style="overflow: visible; position: absolute;"
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height="100%" width="100%" version="1.1"><rect height="100%" width="100%"
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style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 0px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 0px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 16px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 27px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-svg-div" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); visibility: visible;
z-index: 69; position: absolute; width: 28px; height: 17px; top: 0px; left:
0px;"><svg overflow="hidden" id="29" xmlns:xlink=""
xmlns="" height="17" width="28" draggable="false"
class="ewa-fo-svg" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"><g class="ewa-fo-svg-group-
div"><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke-miterlimit="8" stroke-
width="1.33333" stroke="#BFBFBF" d="M0.500053 0.500053 27.5001 0.500053 27.5001
16.5001 0.500053 16.5001Z"></path></g><title xmlns="">Forma,
Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 1139px; left: 356px; width: 27px; height: 16px; overflow:
visible;"><div class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70);
width: 28px; height: 17px; z-index: 32766; display: none; visibility: hidden;"><svg
style="overflow: visible; position: absolute;"
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height="100%" width="100%" version="1.1"><rect height="100%" width="100%"
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style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 0px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 0px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 16px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 27px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-svg-div" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); visibility: visible;
z-index: 68; position: absolute; width: 28px; height: 17px; top: 0px; left:
0px;"><svg overflow="hidden" id="28" xmlns:xlink=""
xmlns="" height="17" width="28" draggable="false"
class="ewa-fo-svg" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"><g class="ewa-fo-svg-group-
div"><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke-miterlimit="8" stroke-
width="1.33333" stroke="#BFBFBF" d="M0.500053 0.500053 27.5001 0.500053 27.5001
16.5001 0.500053 16.5001Z"></path></g><title xmlns="">Forma,
Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 1118px; left: 356px; width: 27px; height: 16px; overflow:
visible;"><div class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70);
width: 28px; height: 17px; z-index: 32766; display: none; visibility: hidden;"><svg
style="overflow: visible; position: absolute;"
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height="100%" width="100%" version="1.1"><rect height="100%" width="100%"
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style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 0px;"><svg
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xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 16px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 27px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-svg-div" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); visibility: visible;
z-index: 67; position: absolute; width: 28px; height: 17px; top: 0px; left:
0px;"><svg overflow="hidden" id="27" xmlns:xlink=""
xmlns="" height="17" width="28" draggable="false"
class="ewa-fo-svg" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"><g class="ewa-fo-svg-group-
div"><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke-miterlimit="8" stroke-
width="1.33333" stroke="#BFBFBF" d="M0.500053 0.500053 27.5001 0.500053 27.5001
16.5001 0.500053 16.5001Z"></path></g><title xmlns="">Forma,
Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 1196px; left: 87px; width: 27px; height: 16px; overflow: visible;"><div
class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); width: 28px;
height: 17px; z-index: 32766; display: none; visibility: hidden;"><svg
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height="100%" width="100%" version="1.1"><rect height="100%" width="100%"
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style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 0px;"><svg
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stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
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version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle stroke="black" stroke-width="1"
fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div class="ewa-fo-connection-point"
style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 16px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 27px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-svg-div" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); visibility: visible;
z-index: 66; position: absolute; width: 28px; height: 17px; top: 0px; left:
0px;"><svg overflow="hidden" id="26" xmlns:xlink=""
xmlns="" height="17" width="28" draggable="false"
class="ewa-fo-svg" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"><g class="ewa-fo-svg-group-
div"><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke-miterlimit="8" stroke-
width="1.33333" stroke="#BFBFBF" d="M0.500053 0.500053 27.5001 0.500053 27.5001
16.5001 0.500053 16.5001Z"></path></g><title xmlns="">Forma,
Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 1162px; left: 87px; width: 27px; height: 16px; overflow: visible;"><div
class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); width: 28px;
height: 17px; z-index: 32766; display: none; visibility: hidden;"><svg
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height="100%" width="100%" version="1.1"><rect height="100%" width="100%"
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style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 0px;"><svg
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stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 0px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 16px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 27px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-svg-div" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); visibility: visible;
z-index: 65; position: absolute; width: 28px; height: 17px; top: 0px; left:
0px;"><svg overflow="hidden" id="25" xmlns:xlink=""
xmlns="" height="17" width="28" draggable="false"
class="ewa-fo-svg" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"><g class="ewa-fo-svg-group-
div"><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke-miterlimit="8" stroke-
width="1.33333" stroke="#BFBFBF" d="M0.500053 0.500053 27.5001 0.500053 27.5001
16.5001 0.500053 16.5001Z"></path></g><title xmlns="">Forma,
Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 1141px; left: 87px; width: 27px; height: 16px; overflow: visible;"><div
class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); width: 28px;
height: 17px; z-index: 32766; display: none; visibility: hidden;"><svg
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height="100%" width="100%" version="1.1"><rect height="100%" width="100%"
class="ewa-fo-chrome-div"></rect></svg></div><div class="ewa-fo-connection-point"
style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 0px;"><svg
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stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 0px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 16px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 27px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-svg-div" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); visibility: visible;
z-index: 64; position: absolute; width: 28px; height: 17px; top: 0px; left:
0px;"><svg overflow="hidden" id="24" xmlns:xlink=""
xmlns="" height="17" width="28" draggable="false"
class="ewa-fo-svg" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"><g class="ewa-fo-svg-group-
div"><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke-miterlimit="8" stroke-
width="1.33333" stroke="#BFBFBF" d="M0.500053 0.500053 27.5001 0.500053 27.5001
16.5001 0.500053 16.5001Z"></path></g><title xmlns="">Forma,
Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 1120px; left: 87px; width: 27px; height: 16px; overflow: visible;"><div
class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); width: 28px;
height: 17px; z-index: 32766; display: none; visibility: hidden;"><svg
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stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 0px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 14px; top: 16px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 27px; top: 8px;"><svg
xmlns="" version="1.1" overflow="visible"><circle
stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="black" r="3"></circle></svg></div><div
class="ewa-fo-svg-div" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70); visibility: visible;
z-index: 63; position: absolute; width: 28px; height: 17px; top: 0px; left:
0px;"><svg overflow="hidden" id="23" xmlns:xlink=""
xmlns="" height="17" width="28" draggable="false"
class="ewa-fo-svg" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"><g class="ewa-fo-svg-group-
div"><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke-miterlimit="8" stroke-
width="1.33333" stroke="#BFBFBF" d="M0.500053 0.500053 27.5001 0.500053 27.5001
16.5001 0.500053 16.5001Z"></path></g><title xmlns="">Forma,
Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
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visible;"><div class="ewa-fo-sel ewa-hidden" style="border-color: rgb(33, 115, 70);
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z-index: 62; position: absolute; width: 28px; height: 17px; top: 0px; left:
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00001C000000}" style="top: 1008px; left: 249px; width: 27px; height: 16px;
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hidden;"><svg style="overflow: visible; position: absolute;"
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Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 729px; left: 81px; width: 27px; height: 16px; overflow: visible;"><div
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Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 690px; left: 81px; width: 27px; height: 16px; overflow: visible;"><div
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Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 670px; left: 81px; width: 27px; height: 16px; overflow: visible;"><div
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connection-point" style="z-index: 32767; left: 27px; top: 8px;"><svg
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Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
style="top: 650px; left: 81px; width: 27px; height: 16px; overflow: visible;"><div
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Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
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xmlns="">Forma, Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
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Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
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Rectángulo</title></svg></div></div><div class="ewafo"
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id="UnavailabilityToastText">Compruebe la conexión.</span></div></div><div
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header"><div id="UnavailabilityToast" role="alert" style="display: flex;
visibility: visible; padding: 12px 16px; background-color: rgb(255, 244, 206);
color: rgb(72, 70, 68); font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0,
0, 0.2) 0px 4px 8px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19) 0px 6px 10px 0px; border-radius: 4px;
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Neue&quot;, sans-serif; user-select: none; pointer-events: auto; border: 2px solid
transparent;"><span id="UnavailabilityToastIcon" style="display: inline-block;
height: 20px;
width: 20px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-image: url(&quot;data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg%20width
8px;"></span><span id="UnavailabilityToastTitle" style="font-weight: 600;margin-
right: 8px;">¡Bienvenido de nuevo!</span><span id="UnavailabilityToastText">Estamos
volviendo a cargar los datos.</span></div></div><div
id="UnavailabilityToastWrapper" class="toast-wrapper toast-wrapper-without-
header"><div id="UnavailabilityToast" role="alert" style="display: flex;
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transparent;"><span id="UnavailabilityToastIcon" style="display: inline-block;
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%3E&quot;);margin-right: 8px;"></span><span id="UnavailabilityToastTitle"
style="font-weight: 600;margin-right: 8px;">Por favor, espere…</span><span
id="UnavailabilityToastText">Volveremos en un momento.</span></div></div><div
id="UnavailabilityToastWrapper" class="toast-wrapper toast-wrapper-without-
header"><div id="UnavailabilityToast" role="alert" style="display: flex;
visibility: visible; padding: 12px 16px; background-color: rgb(255, 244, 206);
color: rgb(72, 70, 68); font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0,
0, 0.2) 0px 4px 8px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19) 0px 6px 10px 0px; border-radius: 4px;
font-family: &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Web (West European)&quot;,
&quot;Segoe UI&quot;, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, &quot;Helvetica
Neue&quot;, sans-serif; user-select: none; pointer-events: auto; border: 2px solid
transparent;"><span id="UnavailabilityToastIcon" style="display: inline-block;
height: 20px;
width: 20px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-image: url(&quot;data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg%20xmlns
8px;"></span><span id="UnavailabilityToastTitle" style="font-weight: 600;margin-
right: 8px;">Intentando reconectar.</span><span
id="UnavailabilityToastText">Compruebe su conexión a
id="UnavailabilityToastWrapper" class="toast-wrapper toast-wrapper-without-
header"><div id="UnavailabilityToast" role="alert" style="display: flex;
visibility: visible; padding: 12px 16px; background-color: rgb(255, 244, 206);
color: rgb(72, 70, 68); font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0,
0, 0.2) 0px 4px 8px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19) 0px 6px 10px 0px; border-radius: 4px;
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&quot;Segoe UI&quot;, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, &quot;Helvetica
Neue&quot;, sans-serif; user-select: none; pointer-events: auto; border: 2px solid
transparent;"><span id="UnavailabilityToastIcon"><div id="UnavailbilitySpinner"
style="border-width: 1.5px; border-style: solid; border-color: gray black black;
border-image: initial; border-radius: 100%; font-size: 12px; width: 20px; height:
20px; animation: 1.2s linear 0s infinite normal none running spin; margin-right:
7px;"></div></span><span id="UnavailabilityToastTitle" style="font-weight:
600;margin-right: 8px;">Estamos trabajando en ello...</span></div></div><iframe
id="SharedAuthFrame" name="SharedAuthFrame" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-
origin allow-forms allow-popups" src="cid:frame-
[email protected]" style="height: 0px; width: 0px;
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20); }

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242, 241); }

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1 auto; }

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Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; padding: 0px 12px 0px 8px; }

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weight: 400; font-family: "Segoe UI", "Segoe UI Web (West European)", "Segoe UI", -
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space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; }

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padding-top: 1px; }

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4px; box-sizing: border-box; }

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BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; color: rgb(97, 97, 97);
white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; }

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en OneDrive"; }

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"Guardado"; }

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173); }

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Segoe, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Tahoma,
Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
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block; font-family: HeaderPlaceholderIcons; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400;
speak: none; }

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.VNextHeaderPlaceholderDarkMode .SearchBox-135 { color: rgb(173, 173, 173); }

.chevronDown-136::before { content: ""; }

.ModernUXHeaderPlaceholder .chevronDown-136 { color: rgb(97, 97, 97); }

.VNextHeaderPlaceholder .chevronDown-136 { color: rgb(97, 97, 97); }

.VNextHeaderPlaceholderDarkMode .chevronDown-136 { color: rgb(173, 173, 173); }

.SaveStatus-137::before { content: ""; }

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border-box; display: flex; }

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color: rgb(34, 34, 34); flex-wrap: nowrap; justify-content: flex-start; align-
items: center; outline: transparent dashed 2px; border: 1px solid rgb(255, 255,
255); border-radius: 3px; transition: width 0.2s ease-out 0s; background-color:
rgb(243, 242, 241); opacity: 0.8; margin: 8px 20px; line-height: 32px; }

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top: 2px; }

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default; }

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right: 3px solid rgb(33, 115, 70); background-color: transparent; position:
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right: 3px solid rgb(16, 124, 65); background-color: transparent; position:
absolute; z-index: 53; height: 0px; width: 0px; pointer-events: none; }

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5px); }

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0px -1px; }

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15px; margin-right: 15px; }

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rgba(230, 230, 230, 0.4); backdrop-filter: grayscale(1); z-index: 51; pointer-
events: none; margin: -0.5px; padding: 0.5px; }

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padding: 0px; }

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all, .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-cell-selection-highlight-all-after-fluent, .ewr-
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all, .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-cell-selection-highlight-all-after-fluent, .ewr-
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filldragborder, .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-selection-filldragborder-after-fluent
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background-color: rgb(16, 124, 65); margin: 0px; width: 8px; height: 8px; border-
width: 2px; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -
50%); }

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action: none !important; }

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pointer-events: none; }

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106, 199) 75%, rgb(255, 255, 255) 25%), linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(50, 106, 199)
75%, rgb(255, 255, 255) 25%), linear-gradient(0deg, rgb(50, 106, 199) 75%, rgb(255,
255, 255) 25%), linear-gradient(0deg, rgb(50, 106, 199) 75%, rgb(255, 255, 255)
25%); background-position: left top, left bottom, left top, right top; background-
repeat: repeat-x, repeat-x, repeat-y, repeat-y; background-size: 10px 1px, 10px
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none; z-index: 6; border: 2px solid rgb(50, 106, 199); margin: -1px -2px 0px;
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highlight, .ewr-chartfoilstatic-value-highlight { position: absolute; pointer-
events: auto; outline: rgb(127, 127, 127) solid 2px; margin: 1px 0px 0px 1px;
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rgba(188, 47, 52, 0.15); z-index: 6; }

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color: rgba(124, 83, 172, 0.15); z-index: 5; }

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rgba(0, 108, 190, 0.15); z-index: 4; }

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color: rgba(252, 88, 190, 0.15); z-index: 3; }

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title-handle, .ewr-chartfoil-value-handle { position: absolute; width: 4px; height:
4px; outline: rgb(255, 255, 255) solid 1px; cursor: crosshair; pointer-events:
auto; }

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background-color: rgba(168, 100, 205, 0.15); z-index: 4; }

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box-sizing: border-box; }

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@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active), (forced-colors: active) {

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fluent { forced-color-adjust: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }
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fluent, .ewr-deselection, .ewr-discontinuous-selection, .ewr-discontinuous-
selection-after-fluent { border: 2px solid rgb(255, 255, 255); }
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data-cleansing-selected-cell-highlight, .ewr-deselection, .ewr-discontinuous-
selection, .ewr-discontinuous-selection-after-fluent, .ewr-findall-highlight, .ewr-
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marquee-selection-highlight { background-color: transparent; }
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green; background: 0px 0px; padding: 0px; }
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padding: 0px; border: 2px solid green; }
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highlight .ewr-intelligentmetadata-measure-highlight { background: 0px 0px
transparent; padding: 0px; }
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rgb(63, 242, 63) solid 2px; margin: 1px 0px 0px 1px; background-color: transparent;
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fluent, .ewr-deselection, .ewr-discontinuous-selection, .ewr-discontinuous-
selection-after-fluent { border: 2px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); }
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rgb(0, 0, 0) solid 2px; margin: 1px 0px 0px 1px; background-color: transparent; z-
index: 6; touch-action: none !important; }

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colhdrcontainer, .ewr-presentMode-transition.ewr-namedsheetview .ewr-grdblk-
background-color, .ewr-presentMode-transition.ewr-namedsheetview .ewr-
namedsheetview-background-enabled, .ewr-presentMode-transition.ewr-
namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewr-grdblk-background-color, .ewr-presentMode-
transition.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-grdblk,
.ewr-presentMode-transition.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewr-
grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-rowhdrcontainer-brdr, .ewr-presentMode-transition.ewr-
namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-grdblk, .ewr-
presentMode-transition.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewr-grdcontarea-
rtl .ewr-rowhdrcontainer-brdr, .ewr-presentMode-transition.grid-visual-
refresh .ewr-grdblk-background-color, .ewr-presentMode-transition.grid-visual-
refresh .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-grdblk, .ewr-presentMode-transition.grid-visual-
refresh .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-rowhdrcontainer-brdr, .ewr-presentMode-
transition.grid-visual-refresh .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-grdblk, .ewr-presentMode-
transition.grid-visual-refresh .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-rowhdrcontainer-brdr
{ transition: background-color 0.4s linear 0s; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .clp .slclp { left: 0px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .clp .slclp { right: 0px; }

.cv-nwc, .cv-nwf, .cv-nwj, .cv-nwl, .cv-nwr, .cv-wc, .cv-wj, .cv-wl, .cv-wr

{ letter-spacing: -0.02em; }

.cv-nwc, .cv-nwf, .cv-nwj { white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; }

.cv-nwl { white-space: nowrap; padding-left: 2px; overflow: hidden; }

.cv-nwr { white-space: nowrap; padding-right: 2px; overflow: hidden; }

.cv-wc, .cv-wj { white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: break-word; overflow:

hidden; }

.cv-wl { white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: break-word; padding-left: 2px;

overflow: hidden; }

.cv-wr { white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: break-word; padding-right: 2px;

overflow: hidden; }

.af, .cf { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; margin: inherit; border: 0px none;
padding: inherit; }
.grd { width: 100%; height: 100%; padding-bottom: 1px; padding-left: 1px; top: 0px;

.db { inset: 0px auto; margin: 1px 1px 2px; }

.dbbdr { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; }

.sl { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; border: 0px none; padding: inherit;
display: block; margin: -1px 0px 0px -1px; }

.ci { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; margin: inherit; border: 0px none;
padding: inherit; display: block; }

.isb { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; margin: inherit; border: 0px none;
padding: inherit; display: block; bottom: 2px; }

.ist { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; margin: inherit; border: 0px none;
padding: inherit; display: block; top: 2px; }

.isvcs { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; margin-right: inherit; margin-

bottom: inherit; margin-left: inherit; border: 0px none; padding: inherit; display:
block; top: 50%; margin-top: -6px; }

.isvcm { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; margin-right: inherit; margin-

bottom: inherit; margin-left: inherit; border: 0px none; padding: inherit; display:
block; top: 50%; margin-top: -8px; }

.isvcl { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; margin-right: inherit; margin-

bottom: inherit; margin-left: inherit; border: 0px none; padding: inherit; display:
block; top: 50%; margin-top: -12px; }

.isl { left: 2px; }

.isr { right: 2px; }

.ishcs { left: 50%; margin-left: -6px; }

.ishcm { left: 50%; margin-left: -8px; }

.ishcl { left: 50%; margin-left: -12px; }

.ewr-rotated { transform: rotate(-90deg); display: inline-block; }

.ewr-hdrcornercontainer, .ewr-rowhdrcontainer { width: 2.75em; }

.ewr-colhdrcontainer, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer { height: 1.45em; }

.ewr-colhdrcontainer, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer, .ewr-rowhdrcontainer { color:

rgb(94, 94, 94); padding: 0px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-grid:not(.ewr-all-native-scroll) .ewr-colhdrcontainer, .ewr-

grdcontarea-grid:not(.ewr-all-native-scroll) .ewr-hdrcornercontainer, .ewr-
grdcontarea-grid:not(.ewr-all-native-scroll) .ewr-rowhdrcontainer { overflow:
hidden; }

.ewr-namedsheetview .ewr-colhdrcontainer, .ewr-namedsheetview .ewr-

hdrcornercontainer, .ewr-namedsheetview .ewr-rowhdrcontainer { color: rgb(255, 255,
255); }
.ewr-rowhdrcontainer { margin-top: -2px; padding-top: 2px; }

.ewr-cell-selection-highlight-cols, .ewr-cell-selection-highlight-rows, .ewr-

colhdrcontainer-brdr, .ewr-rowhdrcontainer-brdr { cursor: pointer; }

.ewr-colhdrcontainer-brdr { border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(187, 187, 187); width:

inherit; height: inherit; position: relative; top: -1px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-rowhdrcontainer-brdr { border-right: 1px solid rgb(187,

187, 187); width: inherit; height: inherit; position: relative; left: -1px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-rowhdrcontainer-brdr { border-left: 1px solid rgb(187,

187, 187); width: inherit; height: inherit; position: relative; right: -1px; }

.ewr-hdrcornercontainer { border: 0px solid rgb(223, 223, 223); position: relative;

background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); z-index: 1; cursor: cell; }

outlines { border: 0px solid rgb(223, 223, 223); }

.ewr-hdrcornerwidget { width: 0px; height: 0px; bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 4px;

border-top: 12px solid transparent; position: absolute; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-hdrcornerwidget { border-left: 12px solid rgb(225, 225,

225); margin-left: 4px; left: 0px; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-hdrcornerwidget { border-left-color:

rgb(183, 183, 183); }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-hdrcornerwidget { border-right: 12px solid rgb(225, 225,

225); margin-right: 4px; right: 0px; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-hdrcornerwidget { border-right-

color: rgb(183, 183, 183); }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-hdrcornercontainer, .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-

hdrcornercontainer.ewr-with-corner-triangle-background .ewr-corner-triangle-
background, .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-hdrcornercontainer.ewr-with-corner-triangle-
background.ewr-header-with-column-outlines { border-width: 0px 1px 1px 0px; margin:
-1px 0px 0px -1px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-hdrcornercontainer, .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-

hdrcornercontainer.ewr-with-corner-triangle-background .ewr-corner-triangle-
background, .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-hdrcornercontainer.ewr-with-corner-triangle-
background.ewr-header-with-column-outlines { border-width: 0px 0px 1px 1px; margin:
-1px -1px 0px 0px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-hdrcornercontainer.ewr-with-corner-triangle-
background, .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-hdrcornercontainer.ewr-with-corner-triangle-
background { border-width: 0px; margin: 0px; }

.ewr-column-header-gutter-background { height: 11px; width: calc(1px * var(--

ewaScroll-width,0)); background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); position: absolute;
pointer-events: none; top: 0px; }

.ewa-grid-ltr .ewr-column-header-gutter-background { right: 0px; }

.ewa-grid-rtl .ewr-column-header-gutter-background { left: 0px; }

.ewr-column-header-gutter-background, .ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewr-
column-header-gutter-background.ewr-header-with-column-outlines { display: none; }

.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewr-column-header-gutter-background
{ display: block; }

outlines .ewr-corner-triangle-background { display: none; }

.ewr-hdrcornercontainer.ewr-with-corner-triangle-background .ewr-corner-triangle-
background { width: 100%; height: 18px; position: absolute; background-color:
rgb(245, 245, 245); bottom: 0px; border: 0px solid rgb(223, 223, 223); }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-hdrcornercontainer.ewr-with-corner-triangle-
background .ewr-corner-triangle-background { left: 0px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-hdrcornercontainer.ewr-with-corner-triangle-
background .ewr-corner-triangle-background { right: 0px; }

.ewr-freezePanesHdrCornerDragHandleHorizontal { justify-items: end; height: 2px;

background-color: rgb(189, 189, 189); z-index: 100; cursor: grab; grid-area: 2 /
1 / 2 / 2; margin-top: -2px; }

.ewr-freezePanesHdrCornerDragHandleVertical { justify-items: end; width: 2px;

background-color: rgb(189, 189, 189); z-index: 100; cursor: grab; top: 0px; grid-
area: 1 / 2 / 2 / 2; margin-left: -2px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-freezePanesHdrCornerDragHandleVertical { margin-left:

0px; margin-right: -2px !important; }

.ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewr-grdblk, .ewr-rowhdrcontainer

.ewr-grdblk, .ewr-rowhdrcontainer .ewr-grdblkflow, .ewr-rowhdrcontainer .ewr-
grdblkflowclip, .ewrch-row-cellsel, .ewrch-row-nosel, .ewrch-row-sel { width: 100%;

.ewr-colhdrcontainer .ewr-grdblk, .ewr-colhdrcontainer .ewr-grdblkflow, .ewr-

colhdrcontainer .ewr-grdblkflowclip, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewr-grdblk, .ewrch-
col-cellsel, .ewrch-col-nosel, .ewrch-col-sel { height: inherit; }

.ewr-colhdrcontainer div.ewr-col-named .ewr-chc { white-space: pre; padding: 1px

0px; text-indent: 2px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-colhdrcontainer .ewr-col-named .ewr-chc { text-align:

left; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-colhdrcontainer .ewr-col-named .ewr-chc { text-align:

right; }

.af-f, .af-fsa, .af-fsd, .af-sa, .af-sd, .ewr-col-named .af-img { position:

absolute; bottom: 0px; }

.ewr-chc { height: inherit; position: relative; text-align: center; overflow:

hidden; }

.ewr-rhc { width: 100%; position: absolute; bottom: 0px; text-align: center;

padding-bottom: 1px; max-height: 100%; overflow: hidden; }

.ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewrch-col-nosel, .ewrch-col-sel, .ewrch-empty, .ewrch-row-

cellsel, .ewrch-row-nosel, .ewrch-row-sel { position: absolute; cursor: pointer;
border: 0px solid; }

.ewrch-col-nosel, .ewrch-row-nosel { border-color: rgb(223, 223, 223); }

.ewrch-col-sel, .ewrch-row-sel { border-color: rgb(207, 207, 207); background-

color: rgb(211, 240, 224); }

.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-col-sel, .ewr-namedsheetview.grid-

visual-refresh .ewrch-row-sel { background-color: rgb(87, 124, 104); }

.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-col-nosel { background-color:

rgb(54, 54, 54); }

.ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewrch-row-cellsel { border-color: rgb(191, 191, 191);

background-color: rgb(225, 225, 225); }

.ewrch-row-cellsel, .ewrch-row-nosel, .ewrch-row-sel { border-bottom-width: 1px; }

.ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewrch-col-nosel, .ewrch-col-sel { display: inline-block; min-

height: 12.75pt; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewrch-col-

nosel, .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewrch-col-sel { border-right-width: 1px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewrch-col-

nosel, .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewrch-col-sel { border-left-width: 1px; }

.ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewrch-col-sel, .ewrch-row-cellsel, .ewrch-row-sel { color:

rgb(33, 115, 70); font-weight: 700; }

.ewr-namedsheetview .ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewr-namedsheetview .ewrch-col-sel, .ewr-

namedsheetview .ewrch-row-cellsel, .ewr-namedsheetview .ewrch-row-sel { color:
rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-col-cellsel, .grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-row-cellsel

{ background-color: rgb(218, 216, 214); }

.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewr-

namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-row-cellsel { background-color: rgb(105,
121, 109); }

body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-hdrcornerwidget:hover { border-right:

12px solid rgb(191, 191, 191); }

body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-hdrcornerwidget:hover { border-left:

12px solid rgb(191, 191, 191); }

body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewrch-col-cellsel:hover, body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewrch-col-

nosel:hover, body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewrch-col-sel:hover, body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewrch-
row-cellsel:hover, body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewrch-row-nosel:hover, body:not(.ewa-
ipad) .ewrch-row-sel:hover { background-color: rgb(159, 213, 183); }

body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewr-namedsheetview .ewrch-col-cellsel:hover, body:not(.ewa-

ipad) .ewr-namedsheetview .ewrch-col-nosel:hover, body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewr-
namedsheetview .ewrch-col-sel:hover, body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewr-
namedsheetview .ewrch-row-cellsel:hover, body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewr-
namedsheetview .ewrch-row-nosel:hover, body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewr-
namedsheetview .ewrch-row-sel:hover { background-color: rgb(111, 120, 114); }
.ewrch-col-pre-sel, .ewrch-row-pre-sel { border-color: rgb(207, 207, 207); }

.ewrch-col-pre-cellsel, .ewrch-row-pre-cellsel { border-color: rgb(191, 191,

191); }

.ewrch-row-hidden-pre { border-bottom: 3px double rgb(212, 212, 212); }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewrch-col-hidden-pre { border-right: 3px double rgb(212, 212,

212); }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewrch-col-hidden-pre { border-left: 3px double rgb(212, 212,

212); }

.ewrch-col-pre-sel.ewrch-col-hidden-pre, .ewrch-col-sel.ewrch-col-hidden-
pre, .ewrch-row-pre-sel.ewrch-row-hidden-pre, .ewrch-row-sel.ewrch-row-hidden-pre {
border-color: rgb(207, 207, 207); }

.ewrch-col-cellsel.ewrch-col-hidden-pre, .ewrch-col-pre-cellsel.ewrch-col-hidden-
pre, .ewrch-row-cellsel.ewrch-row-hidden-pre, .ewrch-row-pre-cellsel.ewrch-row-
hidden-pre { border-color: rgb(191, 191, 191); }

.ewrch-row-hidden { margin-top: 1px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewrch-col-hidden { margin-left: 1px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewrch-col-hidden { margin-right: 1px; }

.ewr-autodetect-column-ltr .clip16x16, .ewr-autodetect-column-rtl .clip16x16

{ transform: scale(0.9); position: absolute; cursor: pointer; bottom: 0px; margin-
left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; }

.ewr-autodetect-column-ltr .clip16x16 { right: 0px; }

.ewr-autodetect-column-rtl .clip16x16 { left: 0px; }

.ewr-autodetect-column-ltr .clip16x16:hover, .ewr-autodetect-column-

rtl .clip16x16:hover { background-color: rgb(110, 150, 128); }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active), (forced-colors: active) {

.ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewrch-row-cellsel { forced-color-adjust: none; background-
color: highlight; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }
.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewr-
namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-row-cellsel { background-color:
highlight; color: highlighttext; }
.ewr-hdrcornerwidget { border-top: 12px solid transparent; }
.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewr-hdrcornerwidget { border-left: 12px solid windowtext; }
.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-hdrcornerwidget { border-right: 12px solid
windowtext; }
.ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewrch-col-nosel, .ewrch-col-sel, .ewrch-row-cellsel
{ border-bottom: 1px solid windowtext; }
.ewrch-col-cellsel { border-right: 1px solid windowtext; }
.ewr-freezePanesHdrCornerDragHandleHorizontal, .ewr-
freezePanesHdrCornerDragHandleVertical { background-color: windowtext; }

.ewr-presentMode-on .ewr-colhdrcontainer, .ewr-presentMode-on .ewr-rowhdrcontainer

{ color: rgb(161, 159, 157); }

.ewr-presentMode-on-headers-off .ewr-rowhdrcontainer { width: 3px !important; }

.ewr-presentMode-on-headers-off .ewr-colhdrcontainer { height: 3px !important; }

.ewr-presentMode-on .ewr-colhdrcontainer-brdr, .ewr-presentMode-on .ewr-

grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-rowhdrcontainer-brdr, .ewr-presentMode-on .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl
.ewr-rowhdrcontainer-brdr { border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(50, 49, 48); border-right:
1px solid rgb(50, 49, 48); }

.ewr-presentMode-on.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewr-presentMode-

on.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-col-nosel, .ewr-presentMode-on.grid-visual-
refresh .ewrch-col-sel, .ewr-presentMode-on.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-row-cellsel,
.ewr-presentMode-on.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-row-nosel, .ewr-presentMode-on.grid-
visual-refresh .ewrch-row-sel { border-color: rgb(50, 49, 48); background-color:
rgb(50, 49, 48); }

.ewr-presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-col-
cellsel, .ewr-presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-col-
nosel, .ewr-presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-col-
sel, .ewr-presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-row-cellsel,
.ewr-presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-row-nosel, .ewr-
presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-row-sel { border-
color: rgb(0, 0, 0) !important; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) !important; }

body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewr-presentMode-on .ewrch-col-cellsel:hover, body:not(.ewa-

ipad) .ewr-presentMode-on .ewrch-col-nosel:hover, body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewr-
presentMode-on .ewrch-col-sel:hover, body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewr-presentMode-
on .ewrch-row-cellsel:hover, body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewr-presentMode-on .ewrch-row-
nosel:hover, body:not(.ewa-ipad) .ewr-presentMode-on .ewrch-row-sel:hover
{ background-color: rgb(72, 70, 68); }

.ewr-presentMode-on .ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewr-presentMode-on .ewrch-col-sel, .ewr-

presentMode-on .ewrch-row-cellsel, .ewr-presentMode-on .ewrch-row-sel { color:
rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ewr-presentMode-on .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewr-presentMode-

on .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewrch-col-cellsel { border-color: rgb(50, 49, 48); }

.ewr-presentMode-on .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr, .ewr-presentMode-on .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl

{ border-color: rgb(50, 49, 48); background-color: rgb(50, 49, 48) !important; }

.ewr-namedsheetview.ewr-presentMode-on .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr, .ewr-

namedsheetview.ewr-presentMode-on .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl { border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0)
!important; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) !important; }

.ewr-presentMode-transition .ewr-colhdrcontainer, .ewr-presentMode-transition .ewr-

grdcontarea-ltr, .ewr-presentMode-transition .ewr-grdcontarea-rtl, .ewr-
presentMode-transition .ewr-rowhdrcontainer, .ewr-presentMode-transition .ewrch-
col-cellsel, .ewr-presentMode-transition .ewrch-col-sel, .ewr-presentMode-
transition .ewrch-row-cellsel, .ewr-presentMode-transition .ewrch-row-sel, .ewr-
presentMode-transition.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-col-cellsel, .ewr-presentMode-
transition.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-col-nosel, .ewr-presentMode-transition.grid-
visual-refresh .ewrch-col-sel, .ewr-presentMode-transition.grid-visual-
refresh .ewrch-row-cellsel, .ewr-presentMode-transition.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-
row-nosel, .ewr-presentMode-transition.grid-visual-refresh .ewrch-row-sel
{ transition: background-color 0.4s linear 0s, color 0.4s linear 0s; }

.ewa-resizerbackground { position: absolute; inset: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;

border: 0px; z-index: 97; touch-action: none; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
opacity: 0; }
.ewa-colresizer, .ewa-rowresizer { position: absolute; border-style: dotted;
border-color: rgb(86, 117, 140); background-color:
transparent; z-index: 98; touch-action: none; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewa-colresizer { cursor: col-resize; border-width: 0px 1px;

width: 0px; margin-left: -1px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewa-colresizer { cursor: col-resize; border-width: 0px 1px;

width: 0px; margin-right: -1px; }

.ewa-rowresizer { cursor: row-resize; border-width: 1px 0px; height: 0px; margin-

top: -1px; }

.ewa-moderncolresizer, .ewa-modernrowresizer { position: absolute; border-style:

dashed; border-color: rgb(16, 124, 65); background-color: transparent; z-index: 98;
touch-action: none; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewa-moderncolresizer { border-width: 0px 2px 0px 0px; width:

0px; margin-left: -2px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewa-moderncolresizer { border-width: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width:

0px; margin-right: -2px; }

.ewa-modernrowresizer { border-width: 0px 0px 2px; height: 0px; margin-top: -2px; }

.ewa-highlight-resizedcolumn, .ewa-highlight-resizedrow { position: absolute;

border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(16, 124, 65); background-color: transparent;
z-index: 98; touch-action: none; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewa-highlight-resizedcolumn { cursor: ew-resize; border-

width: 0px 2px; width: 0px; margin-left: -2px; }

.ewr-grdcontarea-rtl .ewa-highlight-resizedcolumn { cursor: ew-resize; border-

width: 0px 2px; width: 0px; margin-right: -2px; }

.ewa-highlight-resizedrow { cursor: ns-resize; border-width: 2px 0px; height: 0px;

margin-top: -2px; }

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cl7, .ewrol-cmax6 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-cl7, .ewrol-rmax0 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl0, .ewrol-
rmax0 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl1, .ewrol-rmax0 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl2, .ewrol-rmax0 .ewrol-
btn.ewrol-rl3, .ewrol-rmax0 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl4, .ewrol-rmax0 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-
rl5, .ewrol-rmax0 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl6, .ewrol-rmax0 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl7, .ewrol-
rmax1 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl2, .ewrol-rmax1 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl3, .ewrol-rmax1 .ewrol-
btn.ewrol-rl4, .ewrol-rmax1 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl5, .ewrol-rmax1 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-
rl6, .ewrol-rmax1 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl7, .ewrol-rmax2 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl3, .ewrol-
rmax2 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl4, .ewrol-rmax2 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl5, .ewrol-rmax2 .ewrol-
btn.ewrol-rl6, .ewrol-rmax2 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl7, .ewrol-rmax3 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-
rl4, .ewrol-rmax3 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl5, .ewrol-rmax3 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl6, .ewrol-
rmax3 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl7, .ewrol-rmax4 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl5, .ewrol-rmax4 .ewrol-
btn.ewrol-rl6, .ewrol-rmax4 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl7, .ewrol-rmax5 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-
rl6, .ewrol-rmax5 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl7, .ewrol-rmax6 .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl7
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rl4, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl5, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-
btn.ewrol-rl6, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl7 { bottom: 0px; top:
auto; margin-top: 0px; font-weight: 400; border-color: rgb(222, 223, 224); }

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hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-btn.ewrol-cl4, .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-
hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-btn.ewrol-cl5, .ewr-grdcontarea-ltr .ewr-
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ctl .cui-keytip { top: -16px; }

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bottom: 0px; margin-right: -4px; border: 0px; }

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124, 65); color: rgb(16, 124, 65); }

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transparent; }

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important; }

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background-color: transparent; border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); border-
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background-color: rgb(68, 68, 68) !important; border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255,
0.3) !important; }

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7px; }

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line-height: 16px; text-align: center; border-radius: 0.8em; vertical-align:
middle; font-size: 13px; border: 1px solid rgb(8, 82, 41); }

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{ background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(8, 82, 41); outline: transparent
dashed 2px; }

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.AppRtl .cui-cg, .AppRtl .cui-tt { float: right; margin-left: auto !important;

margin-right: 5px !important; }

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solid 2px; }

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2px !important; }

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padding-right: 1px; }

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transform: capitalize; }

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outline: transparent dashed 2px !important; }

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important; }

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.usehover .cui-cg-or .cui-tt-a:hover { outline: transparent dashed 2px; color:

rgb(193, 80, 0) !important; }

.cui-cg-or .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-a { outline: transparent solid 2px; color: rgb(193,
80, 0) !important; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important; }

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transparent dashed 2px; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240) !important; }

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.cui-cg-gr .cui-tt-a { background-color: rgb(242, 249, 242); }

.usehover .cui-cg-gr .cui-tt-a:hover { color: rgb(6, 112, 6) !important; }

.cui-cg-gr .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-a { outline: transparent solid 2px; color: rgb(6,
112, 6) !important; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important; }

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transparent dashed 2px; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240) !important; }

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.cui-cg-yl .cui-cg-i { border-color: rgb(255, 251, 230); background-color: rgb(255,

251, 230); }

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.cui-cg-yl .cui-tt-a { background-color: rgb(255, 251, 230); }

.usehover .cui-cg-yl .cui-tt-a:hover { outline: transparent dashed 2px; color:

rgb(133, 99, 0) !important; }

.cui-cg-yl .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-a { outline: transparent solid 2px; color: rgb(133,
99, 0) !important; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important; }

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transparent dashed 2px; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240) !important; }

.cui-cg-pp { background-color: rgb(246, 241, 252); }

.cui-cg-pp .cui-cg-i { border-color: rgb(246, 241, 252); background-color: rgb(246,

241, 252); }

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.usehover .cui-cg-pp .cui-tt-a:hover { outline: transparent dashed 2px; color:

rgb(124, 63, 193) !important; }

.cui-cg-pp .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-a { outline: transparent solid 2px; color: rgb(124,
63, 193) !important; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important; }

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transparent dashed 2px; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240) !important; }

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.cui-cg-mg .cui-cg-i { border-color: rgb(252, 240, 247); background-color: rgb(252,

240, 247); }

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.cui-cg-mg .cui-tt-a { background-color: rgb(252, 240, 247); }

.usehover .cui-cg-mg .cui-tt-a:hover { outline: transparent dashed 2px; color:

rgb(163, 60, 122) !important; }

.cui-cg-mg .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-a { outline: transparent solid 2px; color: rgb(163,
60, 122) !important; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important; }
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transparent dashed 2px; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240) !important; }

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14px; }

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{ display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100%;
padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; }

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initial; }

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mediumlabel, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-TabRowRight a.cui-ctl-medium .cui-ctl-
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a.cui-ctl, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-TabRowInline a.cui-ctl-
medium, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-TabRowRight a.cui-ctl, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
TabRowRight a.cui-ctl-medium { box-sizing: border-box; height: 100%; display:
inline-flex; align-items: center; padding-top: 0px !important; padding-bottom:
0px !important; }

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.AppRtl .cui-toolbar-buttondock.alignright { left: 0px; right: auto; }

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bottom; text-align: right; }

.AppRtl .cui-toolbar-buttondock .cui-tb { text-align: left; }

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padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; text-align: center; }

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2px; }

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{ padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; }
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bottom; position: relative; }

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0px !important; }

.AppRtl .cui-toolbar-button-right { margin-left: 0px !important; margin-right:

4px !important; }

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{ margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 8px; }

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hidden; overflow-wrap: normal; }

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medium.CommentsButton, .cui-topBar2 .cui-ctl-medium.DocumentActionButton { box-
sizing: border-box; margin: 3px 5px; border: 1px solid rgb(225, 223, 221); border-
radius: 2px; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; font-size: 13.5px; font-
weight: 600; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(16, 124, 65); height:
24px !important; padding: 0px 8px !important; }

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ctl-medium.CommentsButton .cui-ctl-mediumlabel, .cui-topBar2 .cui-ctl-
medium.DocumentActionButton .cui-ctl-mediumlabel { color: rgb(16, 124, 65); height:
auto; }

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TabRowRight .CommentsButton:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
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TabRowRight .ChangesButton:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
TabRowRight .CommentsButton:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
TabRowRight .DocumentActionButton:hover { border-color: rgb(225, 223, 221) !
important; background-color: rgb(225, 223, 221) !important; }

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TabRowRight .ChangesButton.cui-ctl-active:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
TabRowRight .CommentsButton.cui-ctl-active:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
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transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl-medium, .cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI .cui-
ctl.SkypeButton { border: 0px; margin: 0px 5px 0px 4px; cursor: pointer; position:
relative; background-color: inherit !important; color: inherit !important; padding:
15px 16px !important; }

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transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl::after { content: ""; right: -5px; background:
rgb(255, 255, 255); height: 20px; width: 1px; bottom: 15px; position: absolute;
opacity: 0.3; }

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transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl-medium, .AppRtl .cui-topBar1-
transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl.SkypeButton { margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 5px; }

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topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl::after { left: -5px; right: initial; }

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*, .usehover .cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl:hover * { cursor: pointer;

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transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl.SkypeButton:focus, .cui-topBar1-
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transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl-medium:hover, .usehover .cui-topBar1-
transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl.SkypeButton:hover, .usehover .cui-topBar1-
transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl:hover { background-color: rgb(45, 156, 95) !
important; }

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transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl.SkypeButton.activated, .cui-topBar1-
transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl.SkypeButton.cui-ctl-active, .usehover .cui-topBar1-
transistionalHeaderUI .cui-ctl-active:hover { background-color: rgb(23, 80, 48) !
important; }

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iconContainer:focus { outline: rgb(255, 255, 255) dotted thin; }

.cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI #btnToggleRibbon_Header .toggleButton-label

{ display: inline-block; height: 18px; padding: 1px 0px; vertical-align: top;
margin-left: 10px; cursor: initial; }

.AppRtl .cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI #btnToggleRibbon_Header .toggleButton-

label { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; }

.cui-viewerchrome .cui-topBar1 { position: relative; }

.cui-viewerchrome .cui-topBar2 { height: 40px; text-align: center; }

.cui-viewerchrome .cui-jewel-container { height: 40px; }

.cui-viewerchrome .cui-topBar2 .cui-jewel-jewelMenuLauncher { margin-top: 0px; }

.cui-toolbar-singledock { width: auto; }

.cui-viewerchrome .cui-herobar-toolbarContainer { width: auto; position: absolute;

display: inline-block; right: 0px; height: 40px; }

.AppRtl .cui-viewerchrome .cui-herobar-toolbarContainer { right: auto; left: 0px; }

.cui-toolbar-singledock .cui-toolbar-buttondock { position: static; }

.cui-toolbar-singledock .cui-toolbar-buttondock a.cui-ctl-medium { padding-top: 6px

!important; padding-bottom: 6px !important; }

.cui-herobar-documentTitleContainer { display: inline-block; height: 40px; }

.cui-herobar-MobileDocTitleContainer { display: inline-block; height: 40px; font-

size: 13pt; pointer-events: none; user-select: none; }

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padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; line-height: 20px; }

.cui-herobar-breadcrumbContainer { position: absolute; left: 0px; display: inline-

block; height: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; }

.AppRtl .cui-herobar-breadcrumbContainer { left: auto; right: 0px; margin-left:

auto; padding-right: 15px; }

.cui-herobar-breadcrumbContainer .BreadcrumbItem { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); line-

height: 20px; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; }

.cui-herobar-breadcrumbContainer a.BreadcrumbItem:focus { outline: rgb(68, 68, 68)

dotted thin; }

.cui-herobar-breadcrumbContainer .BreadcrumbItem.FolderSeparator { padding-top:

0px; padding-bottom: 0px; }

.AppBrandSeparator { display: inline-block; background-color: rgb(68, 68, 68);

width: 1px; height: 12px; margin-right: 6px; margin-top: 4px; }

.AppRtl .AppBrandSeparator { margin-right: auto; margin-left: 6px; }

.BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbAppBrand { margin-right: 6px; }

.AppRtl .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbAppBrand { margin-right: auto; margin-left:

6px; }

.cui-viewerchrome .cui-herodock .cui-ctl-mediumlabel, .cui-viewerchrome .cui-

toolbar-toolbar .cui-ctl-mediumlabel { line-height: 20px; margin-left: 4px; margin-
right: 0px; }

.AppRtl .cui-viewerchrome .cui-toolbar-toolbar .cui-ctl-mediumlabel .AppRtl .cui-

viewerchrome .cui-herodock .cui-ctl-mediumlabel { margin-left: 0px; margin-right:
4px; }
.cui-viewerchrome .cui-herodock a.cui-ctl, .cui-viewerchrome .cui-herodock a.cui-
ctl-medium, .cui-viewerchrome .cui-toolbar-singledock .cui-toolbar-buttondock
a.cui-ctl, .cui-viewerchrome .cui-toolbar-singledock .cui-toolbar-buttondock a.cui-
ctl-medium { height: 20px; border: 0px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;
margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-left: 2px; padding-top: 5px !important;
padding-bottom: 5px !important; margin-right: 2px !important; }

.cui-viewerchrome .cui-herodock, .cui-viewerchrome .cui-toolbar-singledock .cui-

toolbar-buttondock { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; }

.cui-herodock .cui-ctl { vertical-align: middle; }

.cui-tabBody#tabApps .cui-ctl-largelabel { width: 75px; max-width: 75px; overflow:

hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; }

.cui-viewerchrome .cui-emphasized { background-color: rgb(16, 124, 65); }

.usehover .cui-viewerchrome .cui-emphasized:hover { outline: transparent dashed

2px; background-color: rgb(8, 82, 41) !important; }

.cui-viewerchrome .cui-emphasized.cui-fa-dropped, .usehover .cui-viewerchrome .cui-

emphasized.cui-ctl-active, .usehover .cui-viewerchrome .cui-emphasized.cui-ctl-
active:hover { outline: transparent solid 2px; background-color: rgb(6, 64, 32) !
important; }

.cui-viewerchrome .cui-emphasized .cui-ctl-mediumlabel { color: rgb(255, 255, 255);


@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active) {

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disabled:focus, .cui-TabRowInline .cui-ctl.cui-disabled:focus:hover, .cui-
TabRowInline .cui-disabled .cui-img-cont-float, .cui-TabRowInline .cui-
disabled .cui-img-container, .cui-TabRowRight .cui-ctl-medium.cui-
disabled:focus, .cui-TabRowRight .cui-ctl-medium.cui-disabled:focus:hover, .cui-
TabRowRight .cui-ctl.cui-disabled:focus, .cui-TabRowRight .cui-ctl.cui-
disabled:focus:hover, .cui-TabRowRight .cui-disabled .cui-img-cont-float, .cui-
TabRowRight .cui-disabled .cui-img-container, .cui-disabled .cui-keytip, .cui-
topBar1 .cui-ctl.cui-disabled:focus, .cui-topBar1 .cui-ctl.cui-
disabled:focus:hover, .cui-topBar1 .cui-disabled .cui-img-cont-float, .cui-
topBar1 .cui-disabled .cui-img-container, .usehover .cui-TabRowInline .cui-ctl-
medium.cui-disabled:hover, .usehover .cui-TabRowInline .cui-ctl.cui-disabled:hover,
.usehover .cui-TabRowRight .cui-ctl-medium.cui-disabled:hover, .usehover .cui-
TabRowRight .cui-ctl.cui-disabled:hover, .usehover .cui-topBar1 .cui-ctl.cui-
disabled:hover { opacity: 1; color: graytext !important; }
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important; }
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disabled:focus, .cui-TabRowInline .cui-ctl.cui-disabled:focus:hover, .cui-
TabRowRight .cui-ctl-medium.cui-disabled:focus, .cui-TabRowRight .cui-ctl-
medium.cui-disabled:focus:hover, .cui-TabRowRight .cui-ctl.cui-
disabled:focus, .cui-TabRowRight .cui-ctl.cui-disabled:focus:hover, .cui-
topBar1 .cui-ctl.cui-disabled:focus, .cui-topBar1 .cui-ctl.cui-disabled:focus:hover
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active, .SkypeUCBBackground:hover, .cui-TabRowInline .cui-ctl-active, .cui-
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TabRowInline .cui-fa-dropped, .cui-TabRowRight .cui-ctl-active, .cui-
TabRowRight .cui-ctl-medium:focus, .cui-TabRowRight .cui-ctl:focus, .cui-
TabRowRight .cui-fa-dropped, .cui-jewel-jewelMenuLauncher:focus, .cui-jewel-
jewelMenuLauncher:focus .cui-jewel-label, .cui-topBar1 .cui-ctl-active, .cui-
topBar1 .cui-ctl-medium:focus, .cui-topBar1 .cui-ctl:focus, .cui-
topBar1 .usehover .cui-ctl-active:hover, .cui-viewerchrome .cui-emphasized.cui-fa-
dropped, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-TabRowRight .DocumentActionButton.cui-
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TabRowRight .DocumentActionButton:hover, .usehover .SkypeButton.cui-ctl-
active:hover, .usehover .cui-TabRowInline .cui-ctl-active:hover, .usehover .cui-
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ctl:hover, .usehover .cui-TabRowRight .cui-ctl-active:hover, .usehover .cui-
TabRowRight .cui-ctl-medium:hover, .usehover .cui-TabRowRight .cui-
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ctl.SkypeButton:hover .SkypeUCBBackground, .usehover .cui-jewel-
jewelMenuLauncher:hover, .usehover .cui-jewel-jewelMenuLauncher:hover .cui-jewel-
label, .usehover .cui-topBar1 .cui-ctl-active:hover, .usehover .cui-topBar1 .cui-
ctl-medium:hover, .usehover .cui-topBar1 .cui-
ctl.SkypeButton:hover, .usehover .cui-topBar1 .cui-ctl:hover, .usehover .cui-
viewerchrome .cui-emphasized.cui-ctl-active, .usehover .cui-viewerchrome .cui-
emphasized.cui-ctl-active:hover, .usehover .cui-viewerchrome .cui-emphasized:hover
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color: inherit !important; }
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disabled .cui-img-container, .cui-TabRowRight .cui-disabled .cui-img-cont-
float, .cui-TabRowRight .cui-disabled .cui-img-container, .cui-topBar1 .cui-
disabled .cui-img-cont-float, .cui-topBar1 .cui-disabled .cui-img-container
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s > .cui-tt-a:focus, .cui-cg-mg .cui-tt-a:focus, .cui-cg-mg .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-
a, .cui-cg-mg .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-a:focus, .cui-cg-or .cui-tt-a:focus, .cui-cg-
or .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-a, .cui-cg-or .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-a:focus, .cui-cg-pp .cui-
tt-a:focus, .cui-cg-pp .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-a, .cui-cg-pp .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-
a:focus, .cui-cg-yl .cui-tt-a:focus, .cui-cg-yl .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-a, .cui-cg-
yl .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-a:focus, .cui-tt-a:focus, .cui-tt-s > .cui-tt-
a, .usehover .cui-cg-gr .cui-tt-a:hover, .usehover .cui-cg-or .cui-tt-
a:hover, .usehover .cui-cg-pp .cui-tt-a:hover, .usehover .cui-cg-yl .cui-tt-
a:hover, .usehover .cui-tt-a:hover, usehover .cui-cg-mg .cui-tt-a:hover
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color: inherit !important; }

.ModernUXFastViewHeader .AppAndBrandContainer, .ModernUXFastViewRibbon,

div#AppHeaderPanel .ModernUXFastViewHeader .AppAndBrandContainer { background-
color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.SharedUXDarkModeFastViewRibbon.oneLineRibbonLowerWithAnimation, .SharedUXDarkModeF
div#AppHeaderPanel .SharedUXDarkModeFastViewHeader, div#AppHeaderPanel
.SharedUXDarkModeFastViewHeader .AppAndBrandContainer { background-color: rgb(37,
36, 35); }

.cui-group { display: inline-block; height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; list-
style-type: none; text-align: center; }

.cui-touch .cui-group { height: 103px; }

.cui-groupContainer { position: relative; display: inline-block; height: 100%; }

.cui-groupBody { height: 71px; display: block; padding: 0px; text-align: center; }

.cui-touch .cui-groupBody { height: 85px; }

.cui-singlerowlayout .cui-groupBody { height: 20px; }

.cui-cs { padding-top: 8px; margin: 0px; }

.cui-cs-title { margin: 8px 0px; }

.cui-cs-body { margin: 0px 15px 0px 22px; }

.cui-groupTitle { display: inline-block; text-align: center; color: rgb(102, 102,

102); cursor: default; white-space: nowrap; padding: 2px 5px 0px; }

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right: 1px solid rgb(225, 225, 225); display: inline-block; }

.AppRtl .cui-groupSeparator { border-left: 1px solid rgb(225, 225, 225); border-

right: 0px none; }

.cui-touch .cui-groupSeparator { height: 94px; }

.cui-singlerowlayout .cui-groupSeparator { height: 34px; margin: 0px 4px; }

div#RibbonContainer label { cursor: default; }

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a.cui-ctl-menu { border: 1px solid transparent; display: inline-block; cursor:
default; }

.cui-ctl, .cui-ctl *, .cui-ctl-large, .cui-ctl-large *, .cui-ctl-medium, .cui-ctl-

medium *, .cui-ctl-thin, .cui-ctl-thin * { touch-action: none; }

.cui-shortcut-container { overflow: auto; }

.cui-shortcut-hint { float: right; }

a.cui-shortcut-container span.cui-shortcut-hint { padding: 0px; }

.AppRtl .cui-shortcut-hint { float: left; }

.cui-ctl { margin: 0px 1px; display: inline-block; }

a.cui-ctl { padding: 2px; cursor: default; }

.cui-touch .cui-row-threerow a.cui-ctl, .cui-touch .cui-row-tworow a.cui-ctl

{ margin-left: 1px; margin-right: 10px; }

.AppRtl .cui-touch .cui-row-threerow a.cui-ctl, .AppRtl .cui-touch .cui-row-tworow

a.cui-ctl { margin-right: 1px; margin-left: 10px; }

.cui-touch a.cui-ctl { padding: 4px 5px; }

.cui-touch .cui-row-tworow a.cui-ctl { padding: 6px 5px 7px; }

.cui-touch a.cui-ctl.cui-fa-sm { margin-left: 1px; margin-right: 2px; }

.AppRtl .cui-touch a.cui-ctl.cui-fa-sm { margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 1px; }

.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-smalllabel { padding: 6px 3px 7px; vertical-align: top; float:

left; }

.AppRtl .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-smalllabel { float: right; }

.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-small24label { padding: 1px 2px; vertical-align: top; float:

left; }

.AppRtl .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-small24label { float: right; }

.cui-touch .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-smalllabel { padding-right: 0px; }

.AppRtl .cui-touch .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-smalllabel { padding-left: 0px; padding-right:

3px; }

.cui-touch .cui-fa-sm .cui-img-16by16 { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 5px; }

.AppRtl .cui-touch .cui-fa-sm .cui-img-16by16 { margin-left: 5px; margin-right:

0px; }

.cui-ctl-small .cui-ctl-a2 .cui-img-5by3, .cui-ctl-smalllabel .cui-img-5by3

{ display: block; }

.cui-ctl, a.cui-ctl-medium { white-space: nowrap; }

.cui-ctl-iconContainer { width: 16px; height: 16px; display: inline-block; float:

left; }

.cui-ctl-large16IconContainer { width: 16px; height: 16px; display: block; margin:

auto; }

.cui-ctl-spinner { display: table; margin: 16px auto; }

.AppRtl .cui-ctl-iconContainer { float: right; }

.cui-ctl-iconContainer14 { width: 14px; height: 14px; display: inline-block; float:

left; margin: 1px; }

.AppRtl .cui-ctl-iconContainer14 { float: right; }

a.cui-ctl-medium { margin: 0px 1px; padding: 2px; }

.cui-touch a.cui-ctl-medium { padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom: 4px; }

.cui-touch .cui-row-tworow a.cui-ctl-medium { padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom:

7px; }

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mediumlabel { display: inline-block; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 0px; }

.AppRtl .cui-toolbar-toolbar a.cui-fslb .cui-ctl-mediumlabel, .AppRtl a.cui-ctl-

medium .cui-ctl-mediumlabel { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 3px; }

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medium .cui-ctl-mediumlabel:first-child { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; }
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.AppRtl .cui-ctl-mediumlabel .cui-img-5by3 { margin-left: auto; margin-right:

1px; }

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left; }

.AppRtl .cui-ctl-iconContainer20 { float: right; }

.cui-ctl-iconContainer24 { width: 24px; height: 24px; display: inline-block; float:

left; }

.AppRtl .cui-ctl-iconContainer24 { float: right; }

.cui-btn-menu-description, .cui-ctl-largelabel, .cui-ctl-mediumlabel, .cui-ctl-

menulabel { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); }

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.cui-ctl-medium20.cui-ctl-medium .cui-ctl-a1 { height: 22px; padding-top: 4px; }

.cui-ctl-medium20.cui-ctl-medium .cui-ctl-a1Internal { height: 30px; }

.cui-ctl-medium20.cui-ctl-medium .cui-ctl-a2 { height: 17px; padding-top: 6px; }

.cui-ctl-medium20.cui-ctl-medium .cui-ctl-mediumlabel { display: inline-block;

overflow: hidden; }

.cui-ctl-large { overflow: hidden; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;

display: inline-block; cursor: default; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }

.cui-touch .cui-ctl-large { margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; }

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largeIconContainer { margin: auto; }

.cui-ctl-large .cui-ctl-a1Internal, .cui-ctl-largeIconContainer, .cui-ctl-

menu32 .cui-ctl-iconContainer { width: 32px; height: 32px; }

.cui-ctl-menu48 .cui-ctl-iconContainer { width: 48px; height: 48px; }

.cui-ctl-large30IconContainer { width: 30px; height: 30px; }

.cui-ctl-large .cui-ctl-a1Internal, .cui-ctl-large30IconContainer, .cui-ctl-

largeIconContainer, .cui-ctl-menu32 .cui-ctl-iconContainer, .cui-ctl-menu48 .cui-
ctl-iconContainer { padding: 1px 4px; display: block; }

.cui-touch .cui-ctl-large .cui-ctl-a1Internal, .cui-touch .cui-ctl-

large30IconContainer, .cui-touch .cui-ctl-largeIconContainer { padding: 4px 6px
3px; }

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ctl-iconContainer, .cui-ctl-menu48 .cui-ctl-iconContainer { border-bottom: 1px
solid transparent; }

.cui-ctl-largelabel { height: 30px; line-height: 1.25; display: block; padding:

1px; }
.cui-ctl-largelabel .cui-img-5by3 { vertical-align: middle; margin-top: 0px; }

.cui-ctl-a1, .cui-ctl-a2 { display: block; border: 1px solid transparent; cursor:

default; }

span.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a1, span.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a2 { float: left; outline: 0px !

important; }

.AppRtl span.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a1, .AppRtl span.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a2 { float:

right; }

span.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a1 { width: 16px; height: 16px; padding: 2px; }

.cui-touch span.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a1 { padding: 6px 4px 7px 3px; }

.cui-touch .cui-row-threerow span.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a1 { padding-top: 4px; padding-

bottom: 4px; }

span.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a2 { border-left-width: 0px; border-right-width: 1px;

padding: 8px 3px 9px; }

.AppRtl span.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a2 { border-left-width: 1px; border-right-width: 0px;


.cui-touch span.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a2 { padding-top: 13px; padding-bottom: 13px; }

.cui-touch .cui-row-threerow span.cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a2 { padding-top: 11px; padding-

bottom: 10px; }

span.cui-ctl-medium .cui-ctl-a1 { width: auto; height: 16px; }

span.cui-ctl-medium .cui-ctl-a2 { height: 15px; border-left-width: 0px; border-

right-width: 1px; padding: 0px 3px 5px; }

.AppRtl span.cui-ctl-medium .cui-ctl-a2 { border-left-width: 1px; border-right-

width: 0px; }

.cui-touch span.cui-ctl-medium .cui-ctl-a2 { height: 15px; padding-top: 3px;

padding-bottom: 11px; }

span.cui-img-16by16 { float: left; }

.AppRtl span.cui-img-16by16 { float: right; }

span.cui-ctl-medium .cui-ctl-mediumlabel { padding-left: 3px; }

.AppRtl span.cui-ctl-medium .cui-ctl-mediumlabel { padding-right: 3px; }

.cui-touch .cui-row-threerow span.cui-ctl-medium .cui-ctl-a2 { padding-top: 3px;

padding-bottom: 6px; }

.cui-touch span.cui-ctl-large > a.cui-ctl-a1 { border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(225,

225, 225); }

.cui-ctl-large .cui-ctl-a2 { border-top-width: 0px; }

.ButtonOpenInClient { height: 16px; }

.cui-colorpicker-table { padding: 2px; }

.cui-touch .cui-colorpicker-table { padding: 0px; }

.cui-colorpicker-cell { width: 13px; height: 13px; padding: 4px 0px 0px 4px; }

.AppRtl .cui-colorpicker-cell { padding: 4px 4px 0px 0px; }

.cui-touch .cui-colorpicker-cell { width: 21px; height: 21px; padding-top: 9px;

padding-left: 9px; }

.AppRtl .cui-touch .cui-colorpicker-cell { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 9px; }

.cui-colorpicker-cell-large { width: 21px; height: 21px; }

.cui-colorpicker-firstrow .cui-colorpicker-cell { padding-top: 0px !important; }

.cui-colorpicker-firstcol.cui-colorpicker-cell { padding-left: 0px !important; }

.AppRtl .cui-touch .cui-colorpicker-firstcol.cui-colorpicker-cell { padding-left:

0px; padding-right: 0px !important; }

.cui-colorpicker-mcurow .cui-colorpicker-cell { padding-bottom: 4px; }

.cui-touch .cui-colorpicker-mcurow .cui-colorpicker-cell { padding-bottom: 6px; }

.cui-colorpicker-compactrow .cui-colorpicker-cell { padding-top: 0px; }

.cui-colorpicker-spacedrow .cui-colorpicker-cell { padding-top: 2px; }

.cui-touch .cui-colorpicker-compactrow .cui-colorpicker-cell, .cui-touch .cui-

colorpicker-spacedrow .cui-colorpicker-cell { padding-top: 9px; }

.cui-colorpicker-cell-a { outline: 0px; }

.cui-colorpicker-celldiv { width: 11px; height: 11px; border-style: solid; border-

color: rgb(225, 225, 225); padding: 1px; }

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width: 1px !important; }

.cui-colorpicker-cell-large .cui-colorpicker-celldiv { width: 19px; height: 19px; }

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{ border-width: 1px; }

.cui-colorpicker-compactrow .cui-colorpicker-celldiv { border-width: 0px 1px;

height: 13px; }

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celldiv { border-top-width: 1px; height: 12px; }

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{ border-bottom-width: 1px; height: 12px; }

.cui-colorpicker-cellinternaldiv { width: 9px; height: 9px; border: 1px solid

transparent; }
.cui-touch .cui-colorpicker-cellinternaldiv { width: 17px; height: 17px; }

.cui-colorpicker-cell-large .cui-colorpicker-cellinternaldiv { width: 17px; height:

17px; }

.cui-colorpicker-cell.cui-colorpicker-hoveredOver .cui-colorpicker-celldiv
{ border-color: rgb(134, 191, 160); border-width: 1px; outline: transparent dashed
2px; height: 11px !important; }

.cui-touch .cui-colorpicker-cell.cui-colorpicker-hoveredOver .cui-colorpicker-

celldiv { outline: transparent dashed 2px; height: 19px !important; }

.cui-colorpicker-cell-large.cui-colorpicker-hoveredOver .cui-colorpicker-celldiv
{ outline: transparent dashed 2px; height: 19px !important; }

.cui-colorpicker-cell.cui-colorpicker-hoveredOver .cui-colorpicker-cellinternaldiv
{ border-color: rgb(211, 240, 224); }

.cui-colorpicker-cell.cui-colorpicker-selected .cui-colorpicker-celldiv { border-

color: rgb(159, 213, 183); border-width: 1px; outline: transparent solid 2px;
height: 11px !important; }

.cui-touch .cui-colorpicker-cell.cui-colorpicker-selected .cui-colorpicker-celldiv

{ outline: transparent solid 2px; height: 19px !important; }

.cui-colorpicker-cell-large.cui-colorpicker-selected .cui-colorpicker-celldiv
{ outline: transparent solid 2px; height: 19px !important; }

.cui-colorpicker-cell.cui-colorpicker-selected .cui-colorpicker-cellinternaldiv
{ border-color: rgb(211, 240, 224); }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active) {

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celldiv, .cui-colorpicker-cell.cui-colorpicker-hoveredOver .cui-colorpicker-
celldiv, .cui-colorpicker-cell.cui-colorpicker-hoveredOver .cui-colorpicker-
cellinternaldiv, .cui-colorpicker-cell.cui-colorpicker-selected .cui-colorpicker-
celldiv, .cui-colorpicker-cell.cui-colorpicker-selected .cui-colorpicker-
cellinternaldiv, .cui-it-activeCell, .cui-it-activeCellOuter, .cui-touch .cui-
colorpicker-cell.cui-colorpicker-hoveredOver .cui-colorpicker-celldiv, .cui-
touch .cui-colorpicker-cell.cui-colorpicker-selected .cui-colorpicker-
celldiv, .cui-touch .cui-it-activeCell, .cui-touch .cui-it-activeCellOuter
{ background-color: highlight !important; color: highlighttext !important; outline-
color: inherit !important; }

.cui-ctl-on { border-color: rgb(159, 213, 183); background-color: rgb(159, 213,

183); outline: transparent solid 2px; }

.cui-ctl-unchkd img { visibility: hidden; }

.usehover .cui-ctl-a2:hover *, .usehover .cui-ctl-medium:hover *, .usehover .cui-

ctl:hover *, .usehover a.cui-ctl-a1:hover *, .usehover a.cui-ctl-large:hover
*, .usehover a.cui-ctl-thin:hover * { cursor: default; }

.WACDialogList:focus, .cui-cb-focus .cui-cb-input, .cui-cb-focus .cui-dd-arrow-

button, .cui-dd:focus .cui-dd-arrow-button, .cui-dd:focus .cui-dd-text, .cui-spn-
focus .cui-spn-arwbx, .cui-spn-focus .cui-spn-txtbx, .cui-tb-focus .cui-
txtbx, .usehover .cui-cb:hover .cui-cb-input, .usehover .cui-dd:hover .cui-dd-text,
.usehover .cui-spn:hover .cui-spn-arwbx, .usehover .cui-spn:hover .cui-spn-
txtbx, .usehover .cui-tb:hover .cui-txtbx, .usehover span:hover > .cui-dd-arrow-
button { border-color: rgb(134, 191, 160); outline: transparent dashed 2px; }

.usehover .cui-dd-arrow-button:hover { border-left-width: 1px; border-right-width:

1px; padding-right: 0px; outline: transparent dashed 2px; }

.usehover .cui-dd-arrow-button:hover { padding-left: 4px; outline: transparent

dashed 2px; }

.AppRtl.usehover .cui-dd-arrow-button:hover { padding-left: 0px; padding-right:

4px; outline: transparent dashed 2px; }

.WACZoomDialogRadioRow-highlight, .WACZoomDialogRadioRow:hover, .cui-ctl-

large:focus, .cui-ctl-medium:focus, .cui-ctl-menu-hovered-without-focus, .cui-ctl-
menu:focus, .cui-ctl-split-hovered, .cui-ctl-split-hovered-primary, .cui-ctl-
thin:focus, .cui-ctl:focus, .cui-sldr-onfocus, .usehover .cui-ctl-
large:hover, .usehover .cui-ctl-medium:hover, .usehover .cui-ctl-
thin:hover, .usehover .cui-ctl:hover, .usehover .cui-dd-arrow-
button:hover, .usehover .cui-sldr:hover, .usehover .cui-spn-
btndown:hover, .usehover .cui-spn-btnup:hover { border-color: rgb(211, 240, 224);
background-color: rgb(211, 240, 224); outline: transparent dashed 2px; }

.WACDialogCheckboxDiv:hover, .WACDialogCheckboxDivHighlight { border: 1px solid

rgb(0, 0, 0); outline: transparent dashed 2px; }

.cui-ctl-menu { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgb(211, 240, 224); }

.cui-ctl-split-hovered-secondary { border-color: rgb(211, 240, 224); background-

color: rgb(255, 255, 255); outline: transparent dashed 2px; }

.cui-ctl-on .cui-ctl-split-hovered, .cui-ctl-on .cui-ctl-split-hovered-

primary, .cui-ctl-on:focus, .usehover .cui-ctl.cui-ctl-on:hover { border-color:
rgb(134, 191, 160); background-color: rgb(211, 240, 224); outline: transparent
dashed 2px; }

.cui-ctl-active, .cui-fa-dropped, .cui-fa-dropped .cui-ctl-a1, .cui-fa-

dropped .cui-ctl-a2, .usehover .cui-ctl-active:hover { border-color: rgb(134, 191,
160); background-color: rgb(134, 191, 160); }

.cui-ctl-menu.cui-fa-dropped { border-color: rgb(211, 240, 224); background-color:

rgb(211, 240, 224); }

.cui-section.cui-fa-dropped { background-color: transparent; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-on { border-color: rgb(200, 198, 196); background-color:

rgb(200, 198, 196); }

.MLRVisualRefresh .WACZoomDialogRadioRow-
highlight, .MLRVisualRefresh .WACZoomDialogRadioRow:hover, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
ctl-large:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-medium:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
ctl-menu-hovered-without-focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
menu:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-split-hovered, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
split-hovered-primary, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
thin:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-sldr-
onfocus, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
large:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
medium:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
thin:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh
.cui-dd-arrow-button:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
sldr:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-spn-
btndown:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-spn-btnup:hover { border-color:
rgb(225, 223, 221); background-color: rgb(225, 223, 221); }

.MLRVisualRefresh .WACDialogCheckboxDiv:hover, .MLRVisualRefresh .WACDialogCheckbox

DivHighlight { border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.MLRVisualRefresh .WACDialogList:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-cb-focus .cui-cb-

input, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-cb-focus .cui-dd-arrow-
button, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-dd:focus .cui-dd-arrow-
button, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-dd:focus .cui-dd-text, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-spn-
focus .cui-spn-arwbx, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-spn-focus .cui-spn-
txtbx, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-tb-focus .cui-
txtbx, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-cb:hover .cui-cb-
input, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-dd:hover .cui-dd-
text, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-spn:hover .cui-spn-
arwbx, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-spn:hover .cui-spn-
txtbx, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-tb:hover .cui-
txtbx, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh span:hover > .cui-dd-arrow-button { border-
color: rgb(150, 150, 150); }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-split-hovered-secondary { border-color: rgb(225, 223,

221); }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-menu { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgb(225, 223,

221); }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-gallerybutton.cui-gallerybutton-
focused, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-gallerybutton.cui-gallerybutton-focused .cui-
gallerybutton-a, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-groupBody .cui-
gallerybutton:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-groupBody .cui-
gallerybutton:hover .cui-gallerybutton-a { border-color: rgb(225, 223, 221); }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-on .cui-ctl-split-hovered, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-on

.cui-ctl-split-hovered-primary, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
on:focus, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl.cui-ctl-on:hover { border-color:
rgb(121, 118, 115); background-color: rgb(200, 198, 196); }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-active, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-fa-

dropped, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-fa-dropped .cui-ctl-a1, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-fa-
dropped .cui-ctl-a2, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-active:hover { border-
color: rgb(210, 208, 206); background-color: rgb(210, 208, 206); }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-separator { visibility: hidden; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-disabled .cui-ctl-split-hovered-

primary, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-disabled .cui-ctl-split-hovered-
secondary, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-disabled:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
disabled:focus:hover { border-color: rgb(225, 223, 221) !important; background-
color: rgb(225, 223, 221) !important; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-disabled:focus .cui-img-cont-float, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-

disabled:focus .cui-img-container { background-color: rgb(225, 223, 221) !
important; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-dd-arrow-button .cui-img-8by8 { top: 1px; left: -1px; }

.AppRtl .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-dd-arrow-button .cui-img-8by8 { left: 0px; right: -

2px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a2 { padding: 1px 1px 3px 2px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-smalllabel { padding: 0px 0px 0px 3px; margin-

top: -2px; }

.AppRtl .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-smalllabel { padding-left: 0px;

padding-right: 2px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-thin { padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 2px; }

.AppRtl .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-thin { padding-right: 3px; padding-left:

2px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-thin .cui-img-8by8 { margin-top: 42px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-large .cui-img-8by8 { left: 1px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-spn-btndown, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-spn-btnup { padding-top:

0px; padding-bottom: 2px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-spn-btndown .cui-img-8by8, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-spn-

btnup .cui-img-8by8 { left: 1px; }

.AppRtl .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-spn-btndown .cui-img-8by8, .AppRtl .MLRVisualRefresh

.cui-spn-btnup .cui-img-8by8 { left: 0px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-largeFloatieIconContainer .cui-img-8by8 { margin-bottom:

8px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .PeoplesWellControl .cui-img-8by8 { top: -2px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh.cui-floatie .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a2, .MLRVisualRefresh.cui-

floatie .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-smalllabel, .MLRVisualRefresh.cui-floatie .cui-dd-arrow-
button { font-size: 12px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh.cui-floatie.cui-touch .cui-dd-arrow-button .cui-img-8by8 { top:

6px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh.cui-floatie.cui-touch .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a2 { padding-top: 6px;

padding-bottom: 7px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh.cui-floatie.cui-touch .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-smalllabel { margin-top:

0px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-touch .cui-row-threerow .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a2 { padding-top:

3px; padding-bottom: 5px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-touch .cui-row-tworow .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-a2 { padding-top:

6px; padding-bottom: 7px; }

.MLRVisualRefresh .cui-touch .cui-ctl .cui-ctl-smalllabel { margin-top: -1px; }

.tellme-flight.cui-sb { background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent; }

.tellme-flight.cui-fa-dropped, .tellme-flight.cui-sb-focus, .tellme-flight.cui-sb-

hover { z-index: 1001; background-color: rgb(167, 169, 172) !important; color:
rgb(255, 255, 255) !important; }
span.tellme-flight.cui-sb-focus, span.tellme-flight.cui-sb-hover { outline:
transparent dashed 2px; }

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.InternetExplorer.v8 .cui-disabled .cui-img-cont-float, .InternetExplorer.v8 .cui-

disabled .cui-img-container { }

.cui-disabled .cui-cb-input, .cui-disabled .cui-spn-txtbx, .cui-disabled .cui-txtbx

{ cursor: default; color: rgb(177, 177, 177) !important; background-color: rgb(240,
240, 240) !important; }

.cui-disabled .cui-cb-input, .cui-disabled .cui-dd-arrow-button, .cui-

disabled .cui-dd-text, .cui-disabled .cui-spn-arwbx, .cui-disabled .cui-spn-
txtbx, .cui-disabled .cui-txtbx { border-color: rgb(225, 225, 225) !important; }

.cui-disabled.cui-ctl-on { border-color: transparent !important; background-color:

transparent !important; }

.cui-disabled.cui-gallerybutton-highlighted { border-color: transparent !important;


.cui-disabled.cui-gallerybutton-highlighted .cui-gallerybutton-a { border-color:

transparent !important; }

.usehover .cui-disabled .cui-dd-arrow-button:hover, .usehover .cui-

disabled:hover .cui-cb-input, .usehover .cui-disabled:hover .cui-dd-text, .usehover
.cui-disabled:hover .cui-spn-arwbx, .usehover .cui-disabled:hover .cui-spn-
txtbx, .usehover .cui-disabled:hover .cui-txtbx { outline: 0px; border-color:
rgb(225, 225, 225) !important; }

.usehover .cui-disabled .cui-dd-arrow-button:hover { border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0px;

outline: 0px; background-color: transparent !important; padding-right: 0px !
important; }

.usehover .cui-disabled .cui-dd-arrow-button:hover { outline: 0px; padding-left:

5px !important; }

.AppRtl.usehover .cui-disabled .cui-dd-arrow-button:hover { border-width: 1px 0px

1px 1px; outline: 0px; padding-left: 0px !important; }

.AppRtl.usehover .cui-disabled .cui-dd-arrow-button:hover { outline: 0px; padding-

right: 5px !important; }

.usehover .cui-disabled:hover * { outline: 0px !important; }

.cui-disabled .cui-ctl-split-hovered-primary, .cui-disabled.cui-ctl-split-

hovered, .usehover .cui-disabled .cui-spn-btndown:hover, .usehover .cui-
disabled .cui-spn-btnup:hover, .usehover .cui-disabled.cui-ctl-
on:hover, .usehover .cui-disabled.cui-gallerybutton:hover .cui-gallerybutton-
a, .usehover .cui-disabled:hover, .usehover .cui-groupBody .cui-disabled.cui-
gallerybutton:hover { outline: 0px; border-color: transparent !important;
background-color: transparent !important; }

.usehover .cui-disabled.cui-ctl-thin:hover { outline: 0px; border-color:

transparent transparent transparent rgb(225, 225, 225) !important; }

.AppRtl.usehover .cui-disabled.cui-ctl-thin:hover { outline: 0px; border-color:

transparent rgb(225, 225, 225) transparent transparent !important; }

.cui-disabled .cui-ctl-split-hovered-primary, .cui-disabled .cui-ctl-split-hovered-

secondary, .cui-disabled:focus, .cui-disabled:focus:hover { outline: transparent
dotted 2px; border-color: rgb(211, 240, 224) !important; background-color: rgb(211,
240, 224) !important; }

.cui-disabled:focus .cui-img-cont-float, .cui-disabled:focus .cui-img-container

{ background-color: rgb(211, 240, 224) !important; }

.cui-touch .cui-hideInTouch { display: none; }

div#AccessibilityHelpDialogBody { margin-top: 10px; }

table.SelectableDialogTable { border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); border-

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left; padding: 5px; }

.AppRtl .SelectableDialogTable td, .AppRtl .SelectableDialogTable th { text-align:

right; }

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highlighttext; outline: transparent dashed 2px; }

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238, 238); outline: transparent dashed 2px; }

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48px; }

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64px; }

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70px; }

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transparent transparent transparent rgb(225, 225, 225); border-image: initial;
padding: 4px; vertical-align: top; overflow: hidden; display: inline-block; cursor:
default; }
.AppRtl .cui-ctl-thin { border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color:
transparent rgb(225, 225, 225) transparent transparent; border-image: initial; }

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.cui-gallery-element-Size64by48 { width: 71px; height: 55px; overflow: hidden; }

.cui-gallery-element-Size85by16 { width: 92px; height: 23px; overflow: hidden; }

.cui-gallery-element-Size85by48 { width: 92px; height: 55px; overflow: hidden; }

.cui-gallery-element-Size32by32 { width: 39px; height: 39px; overflow: hidden; }

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.cui-gallery-element-Size20by20 { width: 27px; height: 27px; overflow: hidden; }

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hidden; }

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left: 0px; margin-right: 2px; }

.AppRtl .cui-gallerybutton { margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 0px; }

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.cui-gallerybutton-Size70by48 { width: 80px; height: 58px; overflow: hidden; }

.cui-gallerybutton-Size85by16 { width: 95px; height: 26px; overflow: hidden; }

.cui-gallerybutton-Size85by48 { width: 95px; height: 58px; overflow: hidden; }

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transparent; padding: 2px; overflow: hidden; cursor: default; }

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a.cui-ctl-menu.cui-ctl-menu20 { height: 20px; padding: 10px 20px 10px 0px; }

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margin-left: 4px; margin-right: 4px; }

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block; }

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{ padding: 3px 0px; margin-right: 13px; }

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padding: 3px 0px; margin-right: 13px; }

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padding-top: 3px; white-space: normal; overflow-wrap: break-word; }

.AppRtl .cui-btn-menu-description { margin-left: 13px; margin-right: 0px; }

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radius: 17px; font-size: 120%; text-align: center; line-height: 32px; margin-left:
4px; margin-right: 4px; overflow: hidden; float: left; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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width: 1px; height: 16px; margin: 7px 7px 0px; cursor: default; vertical-align:
top; }

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12px; border: 1px solid rgb(119, 119, 119); border-radius: 50%; background:
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221); }

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white-space: nowrap; }

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.cui-tb { margin: 8px 1px; display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; }

.cui-cb-input, .cui-sb-input, .cui-spn-txtbx, .cui-txtbx { cursor: text; color:

rgb(68, 68, 68); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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48px; height: 16px; border-width: 1px 0px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; border-
color: rgb(225, 225, 225); border-image: initial; padding: 2px; background-color:
rgb(255, 255, 255); display: block; float: left; white-space: nowrap; overflow:
hidden; font: inherit; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); appearance: none; border-radius:
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255, 255); text-overflow: ellipsis; padding: 1px 1px 1px 4px !important; }

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transparent; text-overflow: ellipsis; }

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txtbx { border-left-width: 0px; border-right-width: 1px; float: right; }

.AppRtl .cui-txtbx { border-left-width: 1px; }

.AppRtl .cui-sb-input { float: right; padding: 1px 4px 1px 1px !important; }

.cui-touch .cui-txtbx { width: 90px; border-left-width: 1px; border-right-width:

1px; }
.cui-touch .cui-spn-txtbx { width: 90px; border-left-width: 1px; border-right-
width: 1px; }

.cui-dd-arrow-button, .cui-sb-image-button, .cui-spn-arwbx { height: 20px; border-

width: 1px 1px 1px 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(225, 225, 225);
border-image: initial; display: block; float: left; cursor: default; }

.cui-sb-image-button { height: 16px; padding: 1px 0px; background-color: rgb(255,

255, 255); border-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.tellme-flight.cui-sb-image-button { background-color: transparent; border-color:

transparent; border-left-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; } { float: right !important; }

.AppRtl .cui-dd-arrow-button, .AppRtl .cui-sb-image-button, .AppRtl .cui-spn-arwbx

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input::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input::-webkit-outer-spin-button { display: none;


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span.cui-fa-dropped > .cui-sb-input.tellme-flight, span.cui-sb-hover > .cui-sb-

input.tellme-flight { background-color: rgb(167, 169, 172) !important; color:
rgb(255, 255, 255) !important; }

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important; }

.cui-sb-input.cui-sb-hover::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !

important; }

span.cui-fa-dropped > .cui-sb-input.tellme-flight { color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !

important; }

.cui-sb-input.cui-sb-focus::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: transparent !

important; }

span.cui-fa-dropped > .cui-sb-input.tellme-flight:not(.cui-sb-focus)::-webkit-

input-placeholder { color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important; }

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margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px; position: absolute; width: 1px; }

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13px; height: 6px; border: 1px solid transparent; padding-top: 2px; background-
color: transparent; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: default; }

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.AppRtl .cui-dd-arrow-button { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 5px; }

.cui-cb-fill-container { display: flex; }

.cui-cb-fill-input { flex-grow: 1; }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active) {

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disabled .cui-ctl-split-hovered-primary, .cui-disabled .cui-dd-arrow-button, .cui-
disabled .cui-dd-text, .cui-disabled .cui-img-cont-float, .cui-disabled .cui-img-
container, .cui-disabled .cui-spn-arwbx, .cui-disabled .cui-spn-txtbx, .cui-
disabled .cui-txtbx, .cui-disabled.cui-ctl-split-hovered, .usehover .cui-
disabled .cui-dd-arrow-button:hover, .usehover .cui-disabled .cui-spn-
btndown:hover, .usehover .cui-disabled .cui-spn-btnup:hover, .usehover .cui-
disabled.cui-ctl-a2:hover *, .usehover .cui-disabled.cui-ctl-medium:hover
*, .usehover .cui-disabled.cui-ctl-on:hover, .usehover .cui-disabled.cui-ctl-
thin:hover, .usehover .cui-disabled.cui-ctl:hover *, .usehover .cui-disabled.cui-
gallerybutton:hover .cui-gallerybutton-a, .usehover .cui-
disabled:hover, .usehover .cui-disabled:hover *, .usehover .cui-
disabled:hover .cui-cb-input, .usehover .cui-disabled:hover .cui-dd-text, .usehover
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txtbx, .usehover .cui-disabled:hover .cui-txtbx, .usehover .cui-groupBody .cui-
disabled.cui-gallerybutton:hover, .usehover a.cui-disabled.cui-ctl-a1:hover
*, .usehover a.cui-disabled.cui-ctl-large:hover *, .usehover a.cui-disabled.cui-
ctl-thin:hover * { opacity: 1; color: graytext !important; }
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disabled:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-disabled:focus .cui-img-cont-
float, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-disabled:focus .cui-img-
container, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-disabled:focus:hover, .cui-disabled .cui-ctl-
split-hovered-primary, .cui-disabled .cui-ctl-split-hovered-secondary, .cui-
disabled.cui-ctl-on, .cui-disabled:focus, .cui-disabled:focus .cui-img-cont-
float, .cui-disabled:focus .cui-img-container, .cui-disabled:focus:hover { opacity:
1; background-color: highlight !important; color: graytext !important; outline-
color: inherit !important; }
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highlight, .MLRVisualRefresh .WACZoomDialogRadioRow:hover, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
ctl-active, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-large:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
medium:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-menu-hovered-without-
focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-menu:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
on, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-on .cui-ctl-split-hovered, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
ctl-on .cui-ctl-split-hovered-primary, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
on:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-split-hovered, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
split-hovered-primary, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
thin:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-fa-
dropped, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-fa-dropped .cui-ctl-a1, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-fa-
dropped .cui-ctl-a2, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-sldr-
onfocus, .WACDialogCheckboxDiv:hover, .WACDialogCheckboxDivHighlight, .WACZoomDialo
gRadioRow-highlight, .WACZoomDialogRadioRow:hover, .cui-cb-focus .cui-cb-
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large:focus, .cui-ctl-medium:focus, .cui-ctl-menu-hovered-without-focus, .cui-ctl-
menu.cui-fa-dropped, .cui-ctl-menu:focus, .cui-ctl-on, .cui-ctl-on .cui-ctl-split-
hovered, .cui-ctl-on .cui-ctl-split-hovered-primary, .cui-ctl-on:focus, .cui-ctl-
split-hovered, .cui-ctl-split-hovered-primary, .cui-ctl-split-hovered-
secondary, .cui-ctl-thin:focus, .cui-ctl:focus, .cui-dd:focus .cui-dd-arrow-button,
.cui-dd:focus .cui-dd-text, .cui-fa-dropped, .cui-fa-dropped .cui-ctl-a1, .cui-fa-
dropped .cui-ctl-a2, .cui-section.cui-fa-dropped, .cui-sldr-input:focus, .cui-spn-
focus .cui-spn-arwbx, .cui-spn-focus .cui-spn-txtbx, .cui-tb-focus .cui-
txtbx, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
active:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-ctl-
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ctl:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-dd-arrow-
button:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
sldr:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-spn-
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cb:hover .cui-cb-input, .usehover .cui-ctl-a2:hover *, .usehover .cui-ctl-
active:hover, .usehover .cui-ctl-large:hover, .usehover .cui-ctl-
medium:hover, .usehover .cui-ctl-medium:hover *, .usehover .cui-ctl-
thin:hover, .usehover .cui-ctl.cui-ctl-on:hover, .usehover .cui-
ctl:hover, .usehover .cui-ctl:hover *, .usehover .cui-dd-arrow-
button:hover, .usehover .cui-dd:hover .cui-dd-text, .usehover .cui-spn-
btndown:hover, .usehover .cui-spn-btnup:hover, .usehover .cui-spn:hover .cui-spn-
arwbx, .usehover .cui-spn:hover .cui-spn-txtbx, .usehover .cui-tb:hover .cui-txtbx,
.usehover a.cui-ctl-a1:hover *, .usehover a.cui-ctl-large:hover *, .usehover a.cui-
ctl-thin:hover *, .usehover span:hover > .cui-dd-arrow-button { background-color:
highlight !important; color: highlighttext !important; outline-color: inherit !
important; }
.cui-cb-input, .cui-cb.cui-cb-focus .cui-cb-input, .cui-dd-text, .cui-sb-
input, .cui-spn-txtbx, .cui-spn.cui-spn-focus .cui-spn-txtbx, .cui-tb.cui-tb-
focus .cui-txtbx, .cui-txtbx { background-color: background !important; color:
windowtext !important; }
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mediumlabel, .cui-ctl-menulabel { color: inherit; }
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important; }
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tbody tr:focus { background-color: highlight; color: highlighttext; }
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sb-hover, span.cui-fa-dropped > .cui-sb-input.tellme-flight, span.cui-sb-hover
> .cui-sb-input.tellme-flight { background-color: transparent !important; color:
windowtext !important; }
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inherit !important; }
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disabled:hover, .usehover a.cui-disabled:hover * { background-color: transparent !
important; }
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menu48 .cui-ctl-iconContainer { border-bottom: 1px solid graytext !important; }

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255); }

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ul.cui-menusection-items { margin: 0px; }

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255, 255); }

li.cui-menusection-contextmenu-title { background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240); color:

rgb(68, 68, 68); cursor: default; }

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space: nowrap; }

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hidden; }

.AppRtl .cui-menusection-separator { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 20px; }

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margin-right: 0px; }

.AppRtl .cui-touch .cui-menusection-separator { margin-left: 0px; margin-right:

20px; }

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.AppRtl .cui-menu-large .cui-menusection-separator { margin-left: 10px; margin-

right: 36px; }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active) {

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highlighttext !important; outline-color: inherit !important; }

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position: relative; overflow: hidden; text-align: left; z-index: 0; }
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.cui-img-85by48 { width: 85px; height: 48px; }

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description, .cui-jewelsubmenu .cui-mrubutton-title, .cui-jewelsubmenu .cui-
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portrait, .cui-jewelsubmenu .cui-templatebutton-label-square { color: rgb(68, 68,
68); }

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rgb(16, 124, 65); overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; }

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left: 24px; padding-bottom: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 28px !important;

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square:focus, .usehover .cui-jewelsubmenu .cui-headerbutton:hover, .usehover .cui-
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iconContainer:hover, .usehover .cui-jewelsubmenu .cui-disabled:hover .cui-ctl-
iconContainer { opacity: 1; color: graytext !important; }
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highlight !important; outline-color: inherit !important; }
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iconContainer:hover, .usehover .cui-jewelsubmenu .cui-ctl-menu:hover .cui-ctl-
iconContainer, .usehover .cui-jewelsubmenu .cui-headerbutton:hover, .usehover .cui-
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backarrowrefresh .cui-ctl-menu:focus #jbtnBackArrow-Menu32, .cui-jewelsubmenu .cui-
ctl-menu:focus, .usehover .cui-jewelmenu #jbtnBackArrow-
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btn-menu-description, .usehover .cui-jewelsubmenu .cui-ctl-menu:hover .cui-btn-
title { background-color: highlight; color: highlighttext; display: block !
important; }
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important; color: highlighttext !important; outline-style: solid !important;
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on:focus, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-statusbar .cui-ctl-on:hover { border-
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active, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-statusbar .cui-ctl.cui-ctl-active, .MLRVisualRefresh
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ctl-medium.cui-ctl-active:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-statusbar .cui-
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important; background-color: transparent !important; }

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important; background-color: transparent !important; }

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important; background-color: transparent !important; }

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important; background-color: rgb(119, 119, 119) !important; }

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disabled .cui-img-container, .cui-statusbar .cui-disabled.cui-ctl-on, .cui-
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medium:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-statusbar .cui-ctl-on, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
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active, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-statusbar .cui-ctl:focus, .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-
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ctl-on:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-statusbar .cui-ctl.cui-ctl-
active:hover, .usehover .MLRVisualRefresh .cui-statusbar .cui-
ctl:hover, .usehover .cui-statusbar .cui-ctl-medium.cui-ctl-active:hover, .usehover
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103) !important; }

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large.showBorder:hover, .usehover .cui-taskpane .cui-disabled.cui-ctl-
medium.showBorder:hover, .usehover .cui-taskpane .cui-disabled.cui-
ctl.showBorder:hover { opacity: 1; color: graytext !important; }
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medium.showBorder, .cui-taskpane a.cui-ctl-active.cui-ctl-
medium.showBorder:hover, .cui-taskpane a.cui-ctl-active.cui-ctl.showBorder, .cui-
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large.showBorder:focus, .cui-taskpane a.cui-ctl-medium.showBorder:focus, .cui-
taskpane a.cui-ctl.showBorder:focus, .usehover .cui-taskpane a.cui-ctl-
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svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2237 { fill: rgb(180, 0, 158); }

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svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2254 { fill: rgb(242, 158, 0); }

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svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2259 { fill: rgba(194, 31, 36, 0.247); }

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svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2263 { fill: rgb(16, 124, 65); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2264 { fill: rgb(196, 62, 28); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2265 { fill: rgb(119, 25, 170); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2266 { fill: rgb(0, 120, 212); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2267 { fill: rgb(75, 83, 188); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2268 { fill: rgb(3, 131, 135); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2269 { fill: rgb(175, 32, 49); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2270 { fill: rgb(188, 25, 72); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2271 { fill: rgb(248, 222, 109); }

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svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2273 { fill: rgb(230, 173, 16); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2274 { fill: rgb(215, 150, 15); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2275 { fill: rgb(208, 138, 15); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2276 { fill: rgb(200, 126, 14); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2277 { fill: rgb(52, 193, 224); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2278 { fill: rgb(131, 230, 136); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2279 { fill: rgb(55, 182, 88); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2280 { fill: rgb(8, 129, 66); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2281 { fill: rgb(9, 116, 61); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2282 { fill: rgb(10, 90, 51); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2283 { fill: rgb(10, 90, 51); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2284 { fill: rgb(10, 90, 51); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2285 { fill: rgb(229, 81, 42); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2286 { fill: rgb(187, 59, 1); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2287 { fill: rgb(134, 97, 197); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2288 { fill: rgb(4, 114, 216); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2289 { fill: rgb(12, 68, 151); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2290 { fill: rgb(32, 150, 255); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2291 { fill: rgb(86, 197, 255); }

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svg > path.OfficeIconColors_mWord0004 { fill: rgb(164, 38, 44); }

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svg > path.OfficeIconColors_MSLogoGreen { fill: rgb(127, 186, 0); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_MSLogoBlue { fill: rgb(0, 164, 239); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_MSLogoYellow { fill: rgb(255, 185, 0); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_MSLogoWithVisioBlack { fill: rgb(36, 36, 36); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_Transparent { fill: transparent; }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_mIconGray { fill: rgb(145, 145, 145); }

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svg > path.OfficeIconColors_IllustrationLightPink1 { fill: rgb(240, 216, 211); }

svg > path.OfficeIconColors_IllustrationLightPink2

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stroke: rgb(179, 179, 179); }

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svg > path.OfficeIconColors_mWhite { fill: white; }

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svg > path.OfficeIconColors_mNeutralDark { fill: rgb(36, 36, 36); }

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#185abd); }

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#185abd); }

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rgb(33, 33, 33); }

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rgb(225, 223, 221); }

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#fafafa); }

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#242424); }

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#639d54); }

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clrCommentIconStamp, #639d54); }

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clrCommentIconBorder, #242424); }
.CommentMarginEntrypoint:hover .OfficeIconColors_mCommentMarginEntrypointBorder
{ fill: var(--clrCommentIconBorderHover, #9c44a6); }

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#639d54); }

.CommentMarginEntrypoint:hover .OfficeIconColors_mCommentMarginEntrypointStamp
{ fill: var(--clrCommentIconStampHover, #9c44a6); }

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=") format("woff"); font-weight: normal; font-style:
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variant: normal; text-transform: none; line-height: 1; -webkit-font-smoothing:
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disabled="false"] a svg > path.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast { fill: linktext; }
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CommentMarginEntrypoint:hover .OfficeIconColors_mCommentMarginEntrypointBorder, .Co
mmentMarginEntrypoint:hover .OfficeIconColors_mCommentMarginEntrypointCenter
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highlight; }
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disabled="true"] svg > path.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast, [aria-disabled="true"]
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path.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast, [aria-disabled="true"] button:hover:focus svg >
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expanded="true"]:disabled svg > path.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast, button[aria-
checked="true"][aria-disabled="true"] svg > path.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast,
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disabled="true"] input[type="checkbox"][aria-checked="true"] ~ label svg >
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svg > path.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast, input:checked[type="checkbox"] ~ label
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disabled="true"] input:checked[type="checkbox"] ~ label svg >
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svg > path.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast { fill: graytext; }

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.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m27 { fill: rgb(115, 221, 131); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m28 { fill: rgb(161, 221, 170); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m29 { fill: rgb(48, 144, 72); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m210 { fill: rgb(248, 183, 96); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m211 { fill: rgb(248, 219, 143); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m212 { fill: rgb(227, 145, 35); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m213 { fill: rgb(233, 76, 79); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m214 { fill: rgb(246, 119, 128); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m215 { fill: rgb(212, 35, 20); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m216 { fill: rgb(255, 137, 45); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m217 { fill: rgb(255, 145, 45); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m218 { fill: rgb(219, 75, 4); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m219 { fill: rgb(212, 113, 216); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m220 { fill: rgb(212, 146, 216); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m221 { fill: rgb(146, 46, 155); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m222 { fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m223 { fill: rgb(0, 67, 119); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m224 { fill: rgb(131, 190, 236); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m225 { fill: rgb(234, 222, 204); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m226 { fill: rgb(112, 95, 83); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m227 { fill: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m228 { fill: rgb(0, 126, 229); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m229 { fill: rgb(216, 59, 1); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m230 { fill: rgb(8, 73, 177); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m231 { fill: rgb(0, 120, 215); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m232 { fill: rgb(125, 163, 198); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m233 { fill: rgb(43, 87, 154); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m234 { fill: rgb(183, 71, 42); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m235 { fill: rgb(237, 149, 131); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m236 { fill: rgb(33, 115, 70); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m237 { fill: rgb(110, 179, 138); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m238 { fill: rgb(119, 25, 170); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m239 { fill: rgb(221, 197, 236); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m240 { fill: rgb(255, 0, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m241 { fill: rgb(255, 255, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m242 { fill: rgb(0, 255, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m243 { fill: rgb(0, 255, 255); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m244 { fill: rgb(255, 0, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m245 { fill: rgb(255, 128, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m246 { fill: rgb(87, 210, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m247 { fill: rgb(49, 101, 187); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m248 { fill: rgb(150, 150, 150); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m249 { fill: rgb(121, 121, 121); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m250 { fill: rgb(179, 179, 179); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m251 { fill: rgb(255, 0, 255); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m252

{ fill: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m253 { fill: rgb(159, 205, 179); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m254 { fill: rgb(2, 132, 132); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m255 { fill: rgb(59, 89, 152); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m256 { fill: rgb(29, 161, 242); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m257 { fill: rgb(221, 75, 57); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m258 { fill: rgb(53, 70, 93); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m259 { fill: rgb(70, 67, 66); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m260 { fill: rgb(189, 8, 28); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m261 { fill: rgb(0, 119, 181); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m262 { fill: rgb(255, 69, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m263 { fill: rgb(0, 131, 114); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m264 { fill: rgb(0, 120, 215); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m265 { fill: rgb(0, 99, 219); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m266 { fill: rgb(255, 0, 132); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m267 { fill: rgb(205, 32, 31); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m268 { fill: rgb(255, 0, 170); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m269 { fill: rgb(245, 125, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m270 { fill: rgb(0, 191, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m271 { fill: rgb(230, 230, 230); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m272 { fill: rgb(90, 90, 90); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m273 { fill: rgb(244, 132, 11); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m274 { fill: rgb(255, 22, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m275 { fill: rgb(147, 61, 193); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m276 { fill: rgb(0, 191, 255); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m277 { fill: rgb(181, 216, 42); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m278 { fill: rgb(242, 216, 13); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m279 { fill: rgb(212, 0, 120); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m280 { fill: rgb(250, 189, 20); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m281 { fill: rgb(15, 137, 62); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m282 { fill: rgb(0, 78, 140); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m283 { fill: rgb(172, 0, 140); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m284 { fill: rgb(247, 99, 13); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m285 { fill: rgb(232, 17, 35); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m286 { fill: rgb(0, 182, 193); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m287 { fill: rgb(0, 99, 175); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m288 { fill: rgb(91, 45, 144); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m289 { fill: rgb(198, 164, 119); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m290 { fill: rgb(126, 197, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m291 { fill: rgb(0, 172, 86); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m292 { fill: rgb(0, 153, 187); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m293 { fill: rgb(193, 0, 81); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m294 { fill: rgb(132, 147, 154); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m295 { fill: rgb(16, 110, 190); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m296 { fill: rgb(238, 49, 36); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m297 { fill: rgb(28, 47, 79); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m298 { fill: rgb(28, 61, 99); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m299 { fill: rgb(28, 75, 121); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2100 { fill: rgb(28, 90, 142); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2101 { fill: rgb(28, 104, 163); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2102 { fill: rgb(30, 117, 176); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2103 { fill: rgb(31, 131, 192); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2104 { fill: rgb(37, 146, 208); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2105 { fill: rgb(69, 155, 209); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2106 { fill: rgba(50, 49, 49, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2107 { fill: rgb(0, 164, 255); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2108 { fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2109 { fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2110 { fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.298); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2111 { fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2112 { fill: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2113 { fill: rgb(164, 55, 58); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2114 { fill: rgb(49, 117, 47); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2115 { fill: rgb(7, 117, 104); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2116 { fill: rgb(57, 85, 163); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2117 { fill: rgb(142, 166, 221); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2118 { fill: rgb(0, 161, 224); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2119 { fill: rgb(0, 32, 80); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2120 { fill: rgb(255, 239, 156); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2121 { fill: rgb(99, 138, 198); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2122 { fill: rgba(99, 138, 198, 0.247); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2123 { fill: rgb(99, 190, 123); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2124 { fill: rgba(99, 190, 123, 0.247); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2125 { fill: rgb(255, 85, 90); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2126 { fill: rgba(255, 85, 90, 0.247); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2127 { fill: rgb(255, 182, 40); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2128 { fill: rgb(0, 138, 239); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2129 { fill: rgb(214, 0, 123); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2130 { fill: rgb(237, 125, 49); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2131 { fill: rgb(16, 124, 16); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2132 { fill: rgb(195, 0, 82); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2133 { fill: rgb(156, 0, 65); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2134 { fill: rgb(247, 191, 160); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2135 { fill: rgb(162, 211, 160); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2136 { fill: rgb(159, 205, 199); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2137 { fill: rgba(146, 46, 155, 0.298); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2138 { fill: rgb(0, 174, 205); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2139 { fill: rgb(66, 133, 241); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2140 { fill: rgb(50, 166, 81); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2141 { fill: rgb(251, 190, 5); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2142 { fill: rgb(234, 66, 53); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2143 { fill: rgba(146, 46, 155, 0.6); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2144 { fill: rgb(1, 130, 188); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2145 { fill: rgb(49, 47, 98); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2146 { fill: rgb(124, 188, 49); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2147 { fill: rgb(250, 250, 250); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2148 { fill: rgb(58, 58, 56); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2149 { fill: rgb(121, 119, 116); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2150 { fill: rgb(240, 125, 136); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2151 { fill: rgb(85, 171, 229); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2152 { fill: rgb(95, 190, 125); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2153 { fill: rgb(185, 192, 203); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2154 { fill: rgb(255, 140, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2155 { fill: rgb(51, 186, 177); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2156 { fill: rgb(163, 179, 103); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2157 { fill: rgb(168, 149, 226); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2158 { fill: rgb(2, 104, 2); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2159 { fill: rgb(255, 241, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2160 { fill: rgb(85, 88, 175); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2161 { fill: rgb(128, 0, 128); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2162 { fill: rgba(212, 35, 20, 0.247); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2163 { fill: rgb(104, 33, 122); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2164 { fill: rgb(43, 44, 51); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2165 { fill: rgb(0, 167, 233); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2166 { fill: rgb(0, 151, 157); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2167 { fill: rgb(251, 209, 21); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2168 { fill: rgb(0, 107, 255); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2169 { fill: rgb(35, 24, 64); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2170 { fill: rgb(158, 139, 252); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2171 { fill: rgb(243, 233, 255); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2172 { fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.298); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2173 { fill: rgb(58, 58, 56); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2174 { fill: rgb(121, 119, 116); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2175 { fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2176 { fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2177 { fill: rgb(167, 220, 213); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2178 { fill: rgb(102, 187, 188); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2179 { fill: rgb(136, 214, 214); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2180 { fill: rgb(0, 128, 133); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2181 { fill: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2182 { fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.047); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2183

{ fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.098); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2184 { fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2185 { fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.498); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2186 { fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.753); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2187 { fill: rgb(65, 165, 238); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2188 { fill: rgb(43, 124, 211); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2189 { fill: rgb(24, 90, 189); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2190 { fill: rgb(16, 63, 145); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2191 { fill: rgb(22, 56, 112); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2192 { fill: rgb(51, 196, 129); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2193 { fill: rgb(33, 163, 102); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2194 { fill: rgb(16, 124, 65); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2195 { fill: rgb(24, 92, 55); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2196 { fill: rgb(19, 74, 44); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2197 { fill: rgb(255, 143, 107); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2198 { fill: rgb(237, 108, 71); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2199 { fill: rgb(211, 82, 48); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2200 { fill: rgb(196, 62, 28); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2201 { fill: rgb(153, 49, 23); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2202 { fill: rgb(202, 100, 234); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2203 { fill: rgb(174, 75, 213); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2204 { fill: rgb(147, 50, 191); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2205 { fill: rgb(119, 25, 170); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2206 { fill: rgb(81, 21, 117); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2207 { fill: rgb(80, 217, 255); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2208 { fill: rgb(40, 168, 234); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2209 { fill: rgb(20, 144, 223); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2210 { fill: rgb(0, 120, 212); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2211 { fill: rgb(3, 100, 184); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2212 { fill: rgb(3, 88, 167); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2213 { fill: rgb(6, 80, 155); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2214 { fill: rgb(6, 74, 140); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2215 { fill: rgb(10, 39, 103); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2216 { fill: rgba(10, 39, 103, 0.498); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2217 { fill: rgb(123, 131, 235); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2218 { fill: rgb(80, 89, 201); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2219 { fill: rgb(75, 83, 188); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2220 { fill: rgb(54, 58, 126); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2221 { fill: rgb(55, 198, 208); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2222 { fill: rgb(26, 155, 161); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2223 { fill: rgb(3, 131, 135); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2224 { fill: rgb(3, 108, 112); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2225 { fill: rgb(14, 79, 81); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2226 { fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2227 { fill: rgb(248, 183, 96); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2228 { fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2229 { fill: rgb(212, 212, 212); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2230 { fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2231 { fill: rgb(59, 154, 220); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2232 { fill: rgb(102, 194, 181); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2233 { fill: rgb(250, 201, 20); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2234 { fill: rgb(233, 0, 27); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2235 { fill: rgb(168, 196, 207); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2236 { fill: rgb(110, 176, 5); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2237 { fill: rgb(180, 0, 158); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2238 { fill: rgb(200, 198, 196); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2239 { fill: rgb(102, 110, 218); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2240 { fill: rgb(65, 71, 157); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2241 { fill: rgb(224, 128, 149); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2242 { fill: rgb(201, 79, 96); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2243 { fill: rgb(175, 32, 49); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2244 { fill: rgb(136, 20, 33); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2245 { fill: rgb(102, 18, 28); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2246 { fill: rgb(232, 70, 124); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2247 { fill: rgb(210, 48, 98); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2248 { fill: rgb(188, 25, 72); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2249 { fill: rgb(140, 25, 63); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2250 { fill: rgb(123, 25, 59); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2251 { fill: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2252 { fill: rgb(200, 198, 196); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2253 { fill: rgb(134, 242, 242); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2254 { fill: rgb(242, 158, 0); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2255 { fill: rgb(216, 59, 1); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2256 { fill: rgba(216, 59, 1, 0.247); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2257 { fill: rgb(213, 85, 156); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2258 { fill: rgb(194, 31, 36); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2259 { fill: rgba(194, 31, 36, 0.247); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2260 { fill: rgb(243, 41, 64); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2261 { fill: rgba(94, 5, 0, 0.15); }

.UxDarkMode svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m2262 { fill: rgb(43, 124, 211); }

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.ewainsertshape_ShapeFlowChartPreparation16 { top: -329px; left: -319px; }

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.ewaisl_234 { top: -1px; left: -2599px; }

.ewaisl_235 { top: -1px; left: -2625px; }

.ewaisl_236 { top: -1px; left: -2651px; }

.ewaisl_237 { top: -1px; left: -2677px; }

.ewaisl_238 { top: -1px; left: -2703px; }

.ewaisl_239 { top: -1px; left: -2729px; }

.ewaisl_240 { top: -1px; left: -2755px; }

.ewaisl_241 { top: -1px; left: -2781px; }

.ewaisl_242 { top: -1px; left: -2807px; }

.ewaisl_243 { top: -1px; left: -2833px; }

.ewaisl_244 { top: -1px; left: -2859px; }

.ewaisl_245 { top: -1px; left: -2885px; }

.ewaisl_246 { top: -1px; left: -2911px; }

.ewaisl_247 { top: -1px; left: -2937px; }

.ewaisl_248 { top: -1px; left: -2963px; }

.ewaisl_249 { top: -1px; left: -2989px; }

.ewaisl_250 { top: -1px; left: -3015px; }

.ewaisl_251 { top: -1px; left: -3041px; }

.ewaisl_252 { top: -1px; left: -3067px; }

.ewaisl_253 { top: -1px; left: -3093px; }

.ewaisl_254 { top: -1px; left: -3119px; }

.ewaisl_255 { top: -1px; left: -3145px; }

.ewaisl_256 { top: -1px; left: -3171px; }

.ewaisl_257 { top: -1px; left: -3197px; }

.ewaisl_258 { top: -1px; left: -3223px; }

#Header, #Ribbon, #BusinessBar, #AdditionalBars, #NotificationBar, #StatusBar,

#KeyboardRegion, #NearPane, #NearBars, #FarPane, #EditorBars, #EditorContainer
{ display: none; position: relative; }

.Region { width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; flex: 1 1 auto; flex-direction:
column; }

#regionComposerRoot { display: grid; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%;

z-index: 1; }

@media only screen and (orientation: landscape) {

#regionComposerRoot { grid-template-rows: repeat(7, min-content) 1fr repeat(2,
min-content); grid-template-columns: repeat(2, min-content) 1fr repeat(1, min-
content); }
#Header { display: block; grid-area: 1 / 1 / 2 / -1; }
#Ribbon { display: block; grid-area: 2 / 1 / 3 / -1; }
#BusinessBar { display: block; grid-area: 3 / 1 / 4 / -1; }
#AdditionalBars { display: block; grid-area: 4 / 1 / 5 / -1; }
#NotificationBar { display: block; grid-area: 5 / 1 / 6 / -1; }
#StatusBar { display: block; grid-area: -1 / 1 / -2 / -1; }
#KeyboardRegion { display: block; grid-area: -2 / 1 / -3 / -1; }
#NearPane { display: block; grid-area: 6 / 1 / -3 / 2; }
#NearBars { display: block; grid-area: 6 / 2 / -3 / 3; }
#FarPane { display: block; grid-area: 6 / -1 / -3 / -2; }
#EditorBars { display: block; grid-area: 6 / 3 / 7 / -2; }
#EditorContainer { display: block; grid-area: 7 / 3 / -3 / -2; }

@media only screen and (orientation: portrait) {

#regionComposerRoot { grid-template-rows: repeat(7, min-content) 1fr repeat(2,
min-content); grid-template-columns: repeat(2, min-content) 1fr repeat(1, min-
content); }
#Header { display: block; grid-area: 1 / 1 / 2 / -1; }
#Ribbon { display: block; grid-area: 2 / 1 / 3 / -1; }
#BusinessBar { display: block; grid-area: 3 / 1 / 4 / -1; }
#AdditionalBars { display: block; grid-area: 4 / 1 / 5 / -1; }
#NotificationBar { display: block; grid-area: 5 / 1 / 6 / -1; }
#StatusBar { display: block; grid-area: -1 / 1 / -2 / -1; }
#KeyboardRegion { display: block; grid-area: -2 / 1 / -3 / -1; }
#NearPane { display: block; grid-area: 6 / 1 / -3 / 2; }
#NearBars { display: block; grid-area: 6 / 2 / -3 / 3; }
#FarPane { display: block; grid-area: 6 / -1 / -3 / -2; }
#EditorBars { display: block; grid-area: 6 / 3 / 7 / -2; }
#EditorContainer { display: block; grid-area: 7 / 3 / -3 / -2; }

.ewa-fb { height: 20px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(68, 68,
68); overflow: hidden; padding: 10px 8px; position: relative; margin: auto; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb { height: 32px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px;

background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); }

.ewa-fb-placeholder { color: rgb(187, 187, 187); }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb { padding-right: 4px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb { padding-left: 4px; }

.ewa-fb-text-box, .ewa-fb-presence-cover { display: inline-block; margin: 0px 0px

0px 1px; padding: 0px; height: 18px; width: 100%; z-index: 101; }

.ewa-fb-presence-cover { opacity: 0.2; position: absolute; margin: 1px 10px 0px; }

.ewa-fb-text-box, .ewa-fb-text-box-new-theme, .ewa-fb-text-box-monospace-experiment

{ overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid rgb(230, 231, 232); outline: none; resize:
none; position: relative; flex-grow: 1; white-space: pre; }

.ewa-fb-text-box:focus-within { outline: auto 1px; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-text-box { background-color: white; height: 18px;

line-height: 22px; margin: 0px; top: 4px; width: auto; position: relative; padding:
2px; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new { background-color:

white; height: 18px; line-height: 18px; margin: 0px; top: 4px; width: auto;
position: relative; padding: 2px; }

.ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new .ewa-rteTextElement { height: 18px; overflow:

hidden; margin-top: 1px; }

.ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new .ewa-rteTextElement { height:

100%; width: calc(100% - 4px); scrollbar-width: thin; scrollbar-color: rgb(177,
176, 176) rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new .ewa-rteTextElement::-webkit-

scrollbar-button:start { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); height: 18px; }

.ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new .ewa-rteTextElement::-webkit-

scrollbar-button:end { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); height: 4px; }

.ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new .ewa-rteTextElement::-webkit-

scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 10px; background-color: rgb(177, 176, 176); }

.ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new .ewa-rteTextElement::-webkit-

scrollbar { width: 6px; }

.ewa-fb-extended .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new .ewa-rteTextElement

{ overflow: hidden auto; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-text-box.not-ie
.ewa-rteTextElement > .ewa-rteLine { line-height: inherit; height: inherit; }
.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-rteTextElement > .ewa-rteLine { line-
height: inherit; }

.ewa-fb-text-box.ql-container { pointer-events: none; }

.ewa-fb-text-box .ewa-rteTextElement { pointer-events: all; }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb-text-box, .ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb-presence-cover { left:

33px; }

.ewa-root-ltr .grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-text-box { right: 4px; left: 38px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb-text-box .ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb-presence-cover { right:

33px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-text-box { right: 38px; left: 4px; }

.ewa-fb .functionbox { position: relative; top: 10px; width: 29px; height: 18px;
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px solid rgb(230, 231, 232); z-
index: 101; }

.green-fill-paths:hover path { fill: rgb(16, 124, 65); }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .functionbox { position: relative; top: 4px; height:

22px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ewa-root-ltr .grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .functionbox { margin-right: 3px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .functionbox { margin-left: 3px; }

.ewa-fb-presence-cover-internal { height: 100%; }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb-presence-cover-internal { margin-right: 50px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb-presence-cover-internal { margin-left: 50px; }

.ewa-fb .functionbox .clip13x13 { margin: 2px 8px 1px; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .functionbox .clip13x13 { margin-top: 4px; margin-

bottom: 4px; }

.ewa-fb .functionbox:hover .ewaboot_formulabar13 { margin-top: -13px; }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb.drop-down { padding-left: 3px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb.drop-down { padding-right: 3px; }

.ewa-fb .ok-cancel-buttons-container { position: relative; z-index: 101; display:

none; flex-flow: row; }

.ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb .ok-cancel-buttons-container { display: flex; order: 1;

height: 22px; border: 1px solid rgb(230, 231, 232); top: 4px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb .ok-cancel-buttons-container { margin-left:

3px; }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb .ok-cancel-buttons-container { margin-right:

3px; }
.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .ok-cancel-buttons-container { position: relative; }

.ewa-fb .okbox { position: relative; top: 10px; width: 29px; height: 18px;
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px solid rgb(230, 231, 232); z-
index: 101; margin: 0px 2px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items:
center; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .okbox { position: relative; top: 4px; height: 22px;

background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ewa-fb .cancelbox { position: relative; top: 10px; width: 29px; height: 18px;
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px solid rgb(230, 231, 232); z-
index: 101; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .cancelbox { position: relative; top: 4px; height:

22px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.ewa-fb-nb { display: flex; flex-flow: row; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-nb { background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); height:

32px; }

.ewa-fb-nb .ewa-fb.drop-down { flex: 1 1 auto; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-nb .ewa-fb.drop-down { right: 0px; height: 32px;

display: flex; flex-flow: row; }

.ewa-fb-name-box-placeholder { position: relative; width: 118px; float: left;

display: block; overflow: hidden; height: 20px; background-color: rgb(255, 255,
255); padding: 2px; align-self: center; margin: 0px 0px 0px 4px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb-name-box-placeholder { float: right; margin: 0px 4px 0px 0px;


.button-disabled { pointer-events: none; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240) !

important; }

.ewa-fb-extended .ewa-fb-expand-button-img { transform: rotate(180deg); }

.ewa-fb-expand-button-container { padding-top: 3px; position: absolute; z-index:

102; }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb-expand-button-container { padding-right: 7px; right: 0px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb-expand-button-container { padding-left: 7px; left: 0px; }

.ewa-fb-text-div-container { width: 100%; position: relative; }

.ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb-text-div-container { order: 2; }

body.ewa-fb-drag-resize * { cursor: inherit !important; }

body.ewa-fb-drag-resize { cursor: ns-resize; }

.ewa-fb-drag-handler { position: absolute; height: 6px; width: 100%; cursor: ns-

resize; z-index: 102; bottom: 0px; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new

{ height: calc(100% - 8px); box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; }
.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-refactor.ewa-fb-nb .ewa-fb.drop-down { height:
inherit; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb-text-box.not-ie .ewa-rteTextElement >

.ewa-rteLine { height: auto; overflow: hidden; white-space: pre-wrap; }

.ewa-root-ltr .grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb-text-box.not-ie .ewa-

rteTextElement > .ewa-rteLine { padding-right: 20px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb-text-box.not-ie .ewa-

rteTextElement > .ewa-rteLine { padding-left: 20px; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb .functionbox { top: 0px; order: 2;

border: none; margin: 0px; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb .okbox { top: 0px; margin: 0px;

border: none; order: 1; }

.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb .cancelbox { top: 0px; border: none;

order: 0; }

.ewr-presentMode-on .ewa-fb { color: rgb(243, 242, 241); }

.ewr-presentMode-on.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-text-box, .ewr-presentMode-on.grid-

visual-refresh .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new { background-color: rgb(60, 60,
60); border: 1px solid rgb(60, 60, 60); border-radius: 2px; }

.ewr-presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-text-box, .ewr-

presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-
box-new { background-color: rgb(41, 40, 39) !important; border: 1px solid rgb(41,
40, 39) !important; }

.ewr-presentMode-on.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb, .ewr-presentMode-on.grid-visual-

refresh .ewa-fb-nb { background-color: rgb(50, 49, 48); }

.ewr-presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb, .ewr-

presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-nb { background-
color: rgb(0, 0, 0) !important; }

.ewr-presentMode-on.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .functionbox { background-color:

rgb(50, 49, 48); border: 1px solid rgb(50, 49, 48); }

.ewr-presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .functionbox

{ background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) !important; border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0) !
important; }

.ewr-presentMode-on .green-fill-paths:hover path { fill: rgb(55, 166, 96); }

.ewr-presentMode-on .ewa-fb-refactor .ewa-fb .ok-cancel-buttons-container { border:

none; }

.ewr-presentMode-on.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .okbox, .ewr-presentMode-on .ewa-fb

.okbox { background-color: rgb(60, 60, 60); border: 1px solid rgb(60, 60, 60);
border-top-right-radius: 2px; border-bottom-right-radius: 2px; }

.ewr-presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .okbox, .ewr-

presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview .ewa-fb .okbox { background-color: rgb(41, 40,
39) !important; border: 1px solid rgb(41, 40, 39) !important; }
.ewr-presentMode-on.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .cancelbox, .ewr-presentMode-
on .ewa-fb .cancelbox { background-color: rgb(60, 60, 60); border: 1px solid
rgb(60, 60, 60); border-top-left-radius: 2px; border-bottom-left-radius: 2px; }

.ewr-presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-
fb .cancelbox, .ewr-presentMode-on.ewr-namedsheetview .ewa-fb .cancelbox
{ background-color: rgb(41, 40, 39) !important; border: 1px solid rgb(41, 40, 39) !
important; }

.ewr-presentMode-on .ewa-fb-expand-button-img { fill: rgb(225, 223, 221); }

.ewr-presentMode-on .ql-editor ::selection { background-color: rgb(96, 94, 92); }

.ewr-presentMode-on .functionbox.button-disabled { background-color: rgb(50, 49,

48) !important; }

.ewr-presentMode-on .ewa-fb-function-button-img { fill: rgb(225, 223, 221); }

.ewr-presentMode-on .functionbox.button-disabled .ewa-fb-function-button-img

{ fill: rgb(138, 136, 134) !important; }

.ewr-presentMode-transition.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-text-box, .ewr-presentMode-

transition.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new, .ewr-
presentMode-transition.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .functionbox, .ewr-presentMode-
transition.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb .okbox, .ewr-presentMode-transition .ewa-
fb .okbox, .ewr-presentMode-transition.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-
fb .cancelbox, .ewr-presentMode-transition .ewa-fb .cancelbox { transition:
background-color 0.4s linear 0s; }

.ewr-presentMode-transition .ewa-fb, .ewr-presentMode-transition.grid-visual-

refresh .ewa-fb, .ewr-presentMode-transition.grid-visual-refresh .ewa-fb-nb, .ewr-
presentMode-transition .functionbox.button-disabled { transition: background-color
0.4s linear 0s, color 0.4s linear 0s; }

.ewa-fb-nb.ewa-fb-refactor.ewa-fb-fluent { height: 24px; background-color: rgb(245,

245, 245); color: rgb(68, 68, 68); overflow: hidden; padding: 4px 8px; position:
relative; margin: 0px; gap: 8px; flex-flow: row; }

.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb.drop-down { flex-flow: row; gap: 8px; padding-left: 0px;

padding-right: 0px; }

.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb.drop-down .ok-cancel-buttons-container { display: flex;

width: 66px; border: 1px solid rgb(209, 209, 209); border-radius: 4px; flex-flow:
row; top: 0px; margin: 0px; }

.ewa-fb-fluent .functionbox { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content:

center; }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb-fluent .functionbox { border-top-right-radius: 4px; border-

bottom-right-radius: 4px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb-fluent .functionbox { border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-

bottom-left-radius: 4px; }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb-fluent .cancelbox { border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-

bottom-left-radius: 4px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb-fluent .cancelbox { border-top-right-radius: 4px; border-

bottom-right-radius: 4px; }

.ewa-fb-fluent .cancelbox:hover, .ewa-fb-fluent .okbox:hover,

.ewa-fb-fluent .functionbox:hover, .ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-expand-button-
container:hover { background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); }

.ewa-fb-fluent .cancelbox:focus, .ewa-fb-fluent .okbox:focus, .ewa-fb-

fluent .functionbox:focus, .ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-expand-button-container:focus
{ background-color: rgb(224, 224, 224); }

.ewa-fb-fluent .cancelbox.button-disabled, .ewa-fb-fluent .okbox.button-

disabled, .ewa-fb-fluent .functionbox.button-disabled { pointer-events: none;
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important; }

.ewa-fb-fluent .cancelbox.button-disabled path, .ewa-fb-fluent .okbox.button-

disabled path, .ewa-fb-fluent .functionbox.button-disabled path { fill: rgb(189,
189, 189); }

.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-div-container { display: flex; border-radius: 4px;

flex-flow: column; }

.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-expand-button-container { order: 1; height: 20px; width:

20px; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; padding: 0px; }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-expand-button-container { margin: 2px 4px 0px

0px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-expand-button-container { margin: 2px 0px 0px

4px; }

.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new { border: 1px solid rgb(209,

209, 209); border-radius: 4px; top: 0px; line-height: 16px; padding: 3px 0px 5px;
color: rgb(36, 36, 36); }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb-refactor.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-

new.not-ie .ewa-rteTextElement > .ewa-rteLine { padding-right: 10px; }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb-refactor.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box- .ewa-rteTextElement > .ewa-rteLine
{ padding-right: 10px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb-refactor.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-

new.not-ie .ewa-rteTextElement > .ewa-rteLine { padding-left: 12px; }

.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new .ewa-rteTextElement > .ewa-

rteLine { cursor: text; }

.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new .ewa-rteTextElement { height:

calc(100% - 4px); width: calc(100% - 22px); margin-top: 2px; cursor: default; }

.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new .ewa-rteTextElement::-webkit-

scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 4px; background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128);
background-clip: padding-box; }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new .ewa-

rteTextElement { padding: 0px 4px 0px 8px; }

.ewa-root-rtl .ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new .ewa-

rteTextElement { padding: 0px 4px 0px 14px; }
.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new:focus-within { outline: none;
border-width: 1px; border-style: solid solid none; border-color: rgb(209, 209,
209); border-image: initial; }

.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new:focus-within::after { box-

sizing: border-box; content: ""; position: absolute; left: -1px; bottom: -1px;
right: -1px; height: 4px; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-
radius: 4px; border-bottom: 3px solid rgb(16, 124, 65); }

.ewa-fb-fluent .ewa-fb-text-box.ewa-fb-text-box-new.ewa-fb-disabled { border: 1px

solid rgb(209, 209, 209); border-radius: 4px; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245);

.ewa-fb-fluent .cancelbox.button-disabled.ewa-fb-disabled, .ewa-fb-

fluent .okbox.button-disabled.ewa-fb-disabled, .ewa-fb-fluent .functionbox.button-
disabled.ewa-fb-disabled { background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245) !important; }

.ewa-root-ltr .ewa-fb-rtl .ewa-rteLine { padding-right: 20px !important; }

.ewa-fb-fluent .ql-editor ::selection { background: rgb(97, 97, 97); color:

rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.skel-fb-namebox-wrapper { height: 24px; width: 124px; line-height: 22px; padding:

0px 16px 0px 0px; border-color: rgb(209, 209, 209); position: relative; background-
color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; overflow:
hidden; white-space: nowrap; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: 4px; }

.skel-fb-namebox-wrapper.skel-legacy-namebox { border-radius: 0px; line-height:

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.skel-ltr.skel-root.skel-searchux .skel-app-header-panel-document-title-file-name {
padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 219.95px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-root.skel-searchux .skel-app-header-panel-document-title-file-name {
padding-left: 219.95px; padding-right: 3px; }

.skel-ribbon-placeHolder { inset: 48px 0px 0px; position: absolute; display: block;

background-color: rgb(244, 244, 244); }

.skel-collapsed.skel-ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-ribbon-
placeHolder { height: 62px; }

reactmlr) .skel-ribbon-placeHolder { height: 30px; }

:not(.skel-collapsed).skel-ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-ribbon-
placeHolder { height: 124px; }

reactmlr) .skel-ribbon-placeHolder { height: 138px; }

.skel-ribbon.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-placeHolder { height: 76px; }

.skel-ribbon.skel-slr.ResponsiveUxRibbonRegionSLR .skel-ribbon-placeHolder
{ height: var(--responsiveUxHeight); }

.skel-ribbon.skel-slr.ResponsiveUxUserTabsOnly .skel-ribbon-placeHolder { height:

36px; }

.skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr .skel-ribbon-placeHolder { height: 126px; }

.skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr.skel-reactmlrnext .skel-ribbon-placeHolder { height:

136px; }

reactmlrnext.ResponsiveUxRibbonRegionMLRNextStyles .skel-ribbon-placeHolder
{ height: var(--responsiveUxHeight); }

.skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr.ResponsiveUxUserTabsOnly .skel-ribbon-placeHolder
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.skel-uiheaderhidden .skel-ribbon-placeHolder { top: 0px; }

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rgb(237, 235, 233); border-radius: 6px; top: 5.5px; height: 19px; }

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{ top: 10px; height: 22px; }

.skel-mlr-btn-small.skel-ribbon-button { top: 10px; height: 27px; }

.skel-mlr-btn-small-second-row.skel-ribbon-button { top: 54px; height: 27px; }

.skel-mlr-btn-big.skel-ribbon-button { top: 10px; height: 71px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar-next .skel-ribbon-button { background-color: rgb(235, 235,

235); }

.skel-ribbon-topbar-next .skel-ribbon-button { background-color: rgb(235, 235,

235); }

.skel-ribbon-button-slr { top: 10px; height: 22px; }

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30px; }

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.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(1) { right: 18px; }

.skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(2) { width: 41.5px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(2) { left: 75.95px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(2) { right: 75.95px; }

.skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(3) { width: 38.52px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(3) { left: 142.47px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(3) { right: 142.47px; }

.skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(4) { width: 32.81px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(4) { left: 206px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(4) { right: 206px; }

.skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(5) { width: 44.82px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(5) { left: 263.81px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(5) { right: 263.81px; }

.skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(6) { width: 33.52px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(6) { left: 335.63px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(6) { right: 335.63px; }

.skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(7) { width: 32.88px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(7) { left: 394.16px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(7) { right: 394.16px; }

.skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(8) { width: 193px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(8) { left: 467.05px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(8) { right: 467.05px; }

.skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(9) { width: 87.7px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(9) { left: 676.05px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(9) { right: 676.05px; }

.skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(10) { width: 69.3px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(10) { right: 125.1px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(10) { left: 125.1px; }

span:nth-child(11) { width: 101.1px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(11) { right: 12px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(11) { left: 12px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar { height: 36px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(1) { width: 28.953px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(1) { left: 18px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(1) { right: 18px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(2) { width: 46.5px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(2) { left: 74.953px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(2) { right: 74.953px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(3) { width: 42.531px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(3) { left: 144.453px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(3) { right: 144.453px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(4) { width: 36.813px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(4) { left: 209.984px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(4) { right: 209.984px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(5) { width: 50.828px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(5) { left: 269.797px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(5) { right: 269.797px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(6) { width: 37.531px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(6) { left: 343.625px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(6) { right: 343.625px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(7) { width: 36.891px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(7) { left: 404.156px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(7) { right: 404.156px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(8) { width: 196px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(8) { left: 486.047px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(8) { right: 486.047px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(9) { width: 91.703px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(9) { left: 710.65px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(9) { right: 710.65px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(10) { width: 70.3px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(10) { right: 132.1px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(10) { left: 132.1px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(11) { width: 102.1px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(11) { right: 15px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-topbar span:nth-child(11) { left: 15px; }

.skel-ribbon-topbar-next.skel-ribbon-topbar { background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245);


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1px solid rgb(210, 210, 210); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); height: 94px;
top: 30px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(1) { width: 31px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(1) { left: 5px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(1) { right: 5px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(2) { width: 31px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(2) { left: 5px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(2) { right: 5px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(3) { width: 44px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(3) { left: 58px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(3) { right: 58px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(4) { width: 44px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(4) { left: 107px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(4) { right: 107px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(5) { width: 52px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(5) { left: 107px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(5) { right: 107px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(6) { width: 102px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(6) { left: 107px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(6) { right: 107px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(7) { width: 252px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(7) { left: 222.48px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(7) { right: 222.48px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(8) { width: 312px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(8) { left: 222.48px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(8) { right: 222.48px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(9) { width: 117px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(9) { left: 545.48px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(9) { right: 545.48px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(10) { width: 194px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(10) { left: 545.48px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(10) { right: 545.48px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(11) { width: 77px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(11) { left: 752.48px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(11) { right: 752.48px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(12) { width: 127.76px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(12) { left: 752.48px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(12) { right: 752.48px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(13) { width: 147px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(13) { left: 890.25px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(13) { right: 890.25px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(14) { width: 147px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(14) { left: 890.25px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(14) { right: 890.25px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(15) { width: 73.7px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(15) { left: 1050.25px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(15) { right: 1050.25px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(16) { width: 57px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(16) { left: 1127.94px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(16) { right: 1127.94px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(17) { width: 44px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(17) { left: 1201px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(17) { right: 1201px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(18) { width: 44px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(18) { left: 1251px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(18) { right: 1251px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(19) { width: 44px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(19) { left: 1301px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(19) { right: 1301px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(20) { width: 77.13px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(20) { left: 1360px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(20) { right: 1360px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(21) { width: 57.18px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(21) { left: 1360px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(21) { right: 1360px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(22) { width: 44px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(22) { left: 1457.13px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(22) { right: 1457.13px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(23) { width: 44px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(23) { left: 1507.5px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(23) { right: 1507.5px; }

.skel-touch:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-ribbon-bottombar { height:

108px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar { height: 41px; top: 36px; background-color:

rgb(244, 244, 244); }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(1) { width: 127px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(1) { left: 10px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(1) { right: 10px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(2) { width: 597px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(2) { left: 157px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(2) { right: 157px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(3) { width: 267.625px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(3) { left: 774px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(3) { right: 774px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(4) { width: 837.25px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(4) { left: 1061.62px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(4) { right: 1061.62px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(5) { width: 136px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(5) { left: 1918.88px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(5) { right: 1918.88px; }

.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(6) { width: 83.36px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(6) { left: 2074.88px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-slr .skel-ribbon-bottombar span:nth-child(6) { right: 2074.88px; }

.skel-ribbon-bottombar-next.skel-ribbon-bottombar { left: 8px; right: 8px; width:

calc(100% - 16px); background-color: white; border-radius: 8px; overflow: hidden; }

.skel-reactmlr .skel-ribbon-bottombar-next.skel-ribbon-bottombar { height: 104px; }

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.skel-ltr .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(1) { left: 15px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(1) { right: 15px; }

.skel-toolbar span:nth-child(2) { width: 70px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(2) { left: 100px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(2) {

right: 100px; }

.skel-toolbar span:nth-child(3) { width: 20px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(3) { right: 12px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(3) { left: 12px; }

.skel-toolbar span:nth-child(4) { width: 65px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(4) { right: 56px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(4) { left: 56px; }

.skel-toolbar span:nth-child(5) { width: 42.563px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(5) { right: 145px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(5) { left: 145px; }

.skel-toolbar span:nth-child(6) { width: 48.656px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(6) { right: 211.563px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(6) { left: 211.563px; }

.skel-toolbar span:nth-child(7) { width: 118.39px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(7) { right: 277.219px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(7) { left: 277.219px; }

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.skel-ltr.skel-mobile .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(1) { left: 15px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-mobile .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(1) { right: 15px; }

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.skel-ltr.skel-mobile .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(2) { right: 12px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-mobile .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(2) { left: 12px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-mobile .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(2) { left: auto; }

.skel-rtl.skel-mobile .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(2) { right: auto; }

.skel-mobile .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(3) { width: 25px; }

.skel-ltr.skel-mobile .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(3) { right: 56px; }

.skel-rtl.skel-mobile .skel-toolbar span:nth-child(3) { left: 56px; }

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color: rgb(244, 244, 244); transition: width 2s linear 0s; }

:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-
formula-bar { top: 172px; }

slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-formula-bar { top: 124px; }

slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-formula-bar { top: 186px; }

commanduihidden).skel-ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-formula-bar {
top: 138px; }

reactmlr) .skel-formula-bar { top: 78px; }

ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-formula-bar { top: 30px; }

:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-slr .skel-formula-bar { top: 124px; }

.skel-uiheaderhidden:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-slr .skel-formula-
bar { top: 76px; }

.ResponsiveUxUserTabsOnly:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-slr .skel-
formula-bar { top: 84px; }

.ResponsiveUxRibbonRegionSLR:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-slr .skel-
formula-bar { top: calc(var(--responsiveUxHeight) + 48px); }

:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr .skel-formula-bar { top:

174px; }

.skel-uiheaderhidden:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr .skel-
formula-bar { top: 126px; }

:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr.skel-reactmlrnext .skel-
formula-bar { top: 184px; }

reactmlrnext .skel-formula-bar { top: 136px; }

reactmlr.skel-reactmlrnext .skel-formula-bar { top: 84px; }

reactmlr.skel-reactmlrnext .skel-formula-bar { top: calc(var(--responsiveUxHeight)
+ 48px); }
.skel-commanduihidden .skel-formula-bar { top: -32px; }

.skel-noformulabar.skel-commanduihidden .skel-formula-bar { top: 0px; }

.skel-zindex .skel-formula-bar { z-index: 1009; }

.skel-formula-bar span:first-child { width: 122px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-formula-bar span:first-child { left: 4px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-formula-bar span:first-child { right: 4px; }

.skel-formula-bar span:nth-child(2) { width: 87px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-formula-bar span:nth-child(2) { left: 130px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-formula-bar span:nth-child(2) { right: 130px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-formula-bar span:nth-child(3) { left: 221px; right: 4px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-formula-bar span:nth-child(3) { left: 4px; right: 221px; }

.skel-formula-bar .ewa-fb-fluent .ok-cancel-buttons-container div.button-disabled

svg { fill: rgb(189, 189, 189); }

.skel-fluent-formula-bar span:first-child { width: 124px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-fluent-formula-bar span:first-child { left: 8px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-fluent-formula-bar span:first-child { right: 8px; }

.skel-fluent-formula-bar span:nth-child(2) { width: 68px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-fluent-formula-bar span:nth-child(2) { left: 140px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-fluent-formula-bar span:nth-child(2) { right: 140px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-fluent-formula-bar span:nth-child(3) { left: 216px; right: 8px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-fluent-formula-bar span:nth-child(3) { left: 8px; right: 216px; }

.skel-formula-bar-icon { height: 24px; border-radius: 4px; background-color:

rgb(255, 255, 255); top: 4px; position: absolute; }

.skel-grid-placeHolder { right: 0px; left: 0px; bottom: 23px; width: 100%;

position: absolute; display: grid; grid-template: "col-hdr col-hdr" calc(1.45em +
4px) "row-hdr grid-content" "sheet-bar sheet-bar" 42px / 2.75em auto; font-size:
10pt; }

:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-
grid-placeHolder { top: 204px; }

reactmlr) .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 172px; }

slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 156px; }

ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 124px; }

slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 218px; }

ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 186px; }

commanduihidden).skel-ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-grid-
placeHolder { top: 170px; }

commanduihidden).skel-ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-grid-
placeHolder { top: 138px; }

reactmlr) .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 110px; }

slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 78px; }

ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 62px; }

commanduihidden).skel-ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .skel-grid-
placeHolder { top: 30px; }

:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-slr .skel-grid-placeHolder { top:

156px; }

.skel-noformulabar:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-slr .skel-grid-
placeHolder { top: 124px; }

.skel-uiheaderhidden:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-slr .skel-grid-
placeHolder { top: 108px; }

slr .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 76px; }

.ResponsiveUxRibbonRegionSLR:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-slr .skel-
grid-placeHolder { top: calc(var(--responsiveUxHeight) + 48px + 32px); }

ribbon.skel-slr .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: calc(var(--responsiveUxHeight) +
48px); }

.ResponsiveUxUserTabsOnly:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-slr .skel-
grid-placeHolder { top: 116px; }

ribbon.skel-slr .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 84px; }

:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr .skel-grid-placeHolder { top:

206px; }

.skel-noformulabar:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr .skel-grid-
placeHolder { top: 174px; }
.skel-uiheaderhidden:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr .skel-
grid-placeHolder { top: 158px; }

reactmlr .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 126px; }

:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr.skel-reactmlrnext .skel-grid-
placeHolder { top: 216px; }

reactmlrnext .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 184px; }

reactmlrnext .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 168px; }

reactmlr.skel-reactmlrnext .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 136px; }

reactmlr.skel-reactmlrnext .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: calc(var(--
responsiveUxHeight) + 48px + 32px); }

commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr.skel-reactmlrnext .skel-grid-placeHolder
{ top: calc(var(--responsiveUxHeight) + 48px); }

reactmlr.skel-reactmlrnext .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 116px; }

.skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 84px; }

.skel-root:not(.skel-commanduihidden):not(.skel-ribbon) .skel-grid-placeHolder
{ top: 88px; }

.skel-uiheaderhidden.skel-root:not(.skel-commanduihidden):not(.skel-ribbon) .skel-
grid-placeHolder { top: 40px; }

.skel-commanduihidden .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 48px; }

.skel-uiheaderhidden.skel-commanduihidden .skel-grid-placeHolder { top: 0px; }

.skel-zindex .skel-grid-placeHolder { z-index: 1009; }

.skel-ltr .skel-grid-placeHolder { direction: ltr; }

.skel-rtl .skel-grid-placeHolder { direction: rtl; }

.skel-sheettabredesign .skel-grid-placeHolder { grid-template-rows: calc(1.45em +

4px) auto 47px; }

.skel-embed:not(.skel-progressbar) .skel-grid-placeHolder { bottom: 26px; }

.skel-nogridheaders .skel-grid-placeHolder { grid-template-rows: 6px auto 42px; }

.skel-sheettabredesign.skel-nogridheaders .skel-grid-placeHolder { grid-template-

rows: 6px auto 47px; }
.skel-progressbar .skel-grid-placeHolder { bottom: 50px; grid-template-rows:
calc(1.45em + 4px) auto 16px; grid-template-areas: "col-hdr col-hdr" "row-hdr grid-
content" "scroll-bar scroll-bar"; }

:not(.skel-embed).skel-sheettabredesign.skel-progressbar .skel-grid-placeHolder
{ bottom: 55px; }

.skel-embed.skel-sheettabredesign.skel-progressbar .skel-grid-placeHolder { bottom:

58px; }

.skel-embed:not(.skel-sheettabredesign).skel-progressbar .skel-grid-placeHolder
{ bottom: 53px; }

.skel-embed.skel-nosheettab.skel-progressbar .skel-grid-placeHolder { bottom: 26px;


.skel-nogridheaders.skel-progressbar .skel-grid-placeHolder { grid-template-

columns: 2px auto; grid-template-rows: 6px auto 16px; }

.skel-grid-placeHolder.skel-increased-header-size { grid-template-columns: 46.5px

auto; grid-template-rows: 30px auto 42px; }

.skel-sheettabredesign .skel-grid-placeHolder.skel-increased-header-size { grid-

template-rows: 30px auto 47px; }

.skel-progressbar .skel-grid-placeHolder.skel-increased-header-size { grid-

template-rows: 30px auto 16px; }

.skel-grid-column-header { background-color: rgb(244, 244, 244); grid-area: col-

hdr; }

.skel-grid-row-header { background-color: rgb(244, 244, 244); grid-area: row-hdr; }

.skel-ltr .skel-grid-row-header { left: 0px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-grid-row-header { right: 0px; }

.skel-grid-content-background { animation: 3s cubic-bezier(0.28, 0.08, 0.72, 0.92)

0s infinite normal none running loadingGradientAnimation; grid-area: grid-
content; }

.skel-ltr .skel-grid-content-background { background: linear-gradient(90deg,

rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(237, 235, 233), rgb(255, 255, 255)) 0% 0% / 600% 600%; }

.skel-rtl .skel-grid-content-background { background: linear-gradient(270deg,

rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(237, 235, 233), rgb(255, 255, 255)) 0% 0% / 600% 600%; }

@keyframes loadingGradientAnimation {
0% { background-position: 0% 50%; }
50% { background-position: 100% 50%; }
100% { background-position: 0% 50%; }

.skel-grid-cells-with-content { background-repeat: repeat; height: 100%;


.skel-svg .skel-grid-cells-with-content { background-image:

%3Anone'%2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E"); }

.skel-ltr .skel-grid-cells-with-content { background-position: left top; }

.skel-rtl .skel-grid-cells-with-content { background-position: right top; }

.skel-scroll-bar { background-color: rgb(244, 244, 244); grid-area: scroll-bar; }

.skel-enriched-sheet-bar { cursor: default; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245);

height: 32px; bottom: 23px !important; }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir { background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); height: 32px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-navarea { position: relative; flex-shrink: 0; top: 0px; border: 0px;

height: 27px; width: auto; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; overflow: hidden; }

.ewa-stb-ltr .sheet-tab-bar-navarea { left: 0px; }

.ewa-stb-rtl .sheet-tab-bar-navarea { right: 0px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-bar-navbutton { width: 24px; height: 24px; margin:

4px; border-radius: 2px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-bar-navbutton:not(.skel-cui-disabled):hover, .sheet-

tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-bar-tabs li:hover { background-color: rgb(225, 223, 221); }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-bar-navbutton:active { background-color: rgb(190,

187, 184); }

.ewa-stb-ltr .sheet-tab-bar-navbutton { float: left; }

.ewa-stb-rtl .sheet-tab-bar-navbutton { float: right; }

.sheet-tab-bar-contentarea { position: relative; flex: 0 1 auto; min-width: 0%;

top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; border: 0px; height: 27px; padding: 0px; margin:
0px; white-space: nowrap; }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-bar-contentarea { height: 32px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-tabarea { position: relative; top: 0px; height: 27px; left: 0px;

right: 0px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-bar-tabarea { height: 32px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-tabs { display: block; height: 27px; list-style: none; left: 0px;

right: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: scroll hidden; white-space:
nowrap; }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-bar-tabs { height: 32px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-tabs .sheet-tab-active, .sheet-tab-bar-tabs .sheet-tab-inactive
{ background-color: rgb(246, 246, 246); background-image: none; border-width: 0px
0px 0px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(171, 171, 171); border-image:
initial; padding: 0px; height: 22px; margin: 2px 0px 3px; display: inline-block;
overflow: hidden; transform: translateX(0px); transition: transform 0.2s ease 0s; }

.sheet-tab-bar-tabs .sheet-tab-active { border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(33, 115, 70);

margin: 2px 0px 3px; height: 20px; background-color: rgb(246, 246, 246); transform:
translateX(0px); transition: transform 0.2s ease 0s; }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-active, .sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-inactive

{ background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); border: 0px; margin: 0px; height: 32px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-tabs .sheet-tab-anchor-text { text-decoration: none; white-space:

nowrap; height: 22px; display: block; }

.sheet-tab-anchor-text:focus-visible { outline-offset: -1px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-anchor-text { height: 32px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-tabs .sheet-tab-text, .sheet-tab-bar-tabs .sheet-tab-content-

container { white-space: pre; font-size: 10pt; display: inline-block; text-align:
center; margin-bottom: 0px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-tabs .sheet-tab-content-container { padding: 0px 18px; margin: 0px

2px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-content-container { padding: 3px 6px; border-radius:

2px; margin: 2px 3px; font-size: 14px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-disable-scrollbar ::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; }

.sheet-tab-bar-disable-scrollbar * { scrollbar-width: none; }

.sheet-tab-bar-tabs .dark { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); white-space: pre; height: 18px;

.sheet-tab-bar-tabs .light { color: white; white-space: pre; height: 18px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-active .sheet-tab-content-container::before

{ content: ""; position: absolute; display: inline-block; inset: 0px; color:
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border-bottom: 3px solid rgb(33, 115, 70); padding-bottom: 5px;
width: calc(100% - 18px); margin: auto; transition: width 400ms cubic-bezier(0.17,
0.17, 0, 1) 0s; }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-active .sheet-tab-content-container:hover::before

{ width: 100%; }

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .skel-cui-disabled svg { fill-opacity: 0.3; }

.sheet-tab-bar-navareaextra { position: relative; flex-shrink: 0; top: 0px; border:

0px; height: 27px; width: auto; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; overflow: hidden; }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active) {

.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-active { background-color: highlight; forced-color-
adjust: none; }
@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active) {
.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-active .sheet-tab-content-container::before
{ border-bottom-color: highlighttext; }
.pageLoadSkeleton svg > path.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast { fill: highlighttext;

.pageLoadSkeleton svg >

path.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast:not([class*="OfficeIconColors_m"]) { fill:
transparent; }

.pageLoadSkeleton svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m20 { fill: rgb(250, 250, 250); }

.pageLoadSkeleton svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m22 { fill: rgb(58, 58, 56); }

.pageLoadSkeleton svg > path.OfficeIconColors_m210 { fill: rgb(222, 108, 0); }

.pageLoadSkeleton svg > path.OfficeIconColors_mWord0001 { fill: rgb(180, 180, 180);


.sheet-tab-bar-tabs .sheet-tab-cui-img-container { top: 1px; }

.sheet-tab-bar-tabs .sheet-tab-cui-img-container .just-a-test { top: 1px; }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active), (forced-colors: active) {

.pageLoadSkeleton svg >
path.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast:not([class*="OfficeIconColors_m"]) { fill:
buttontext; }
.pageLoadSkeleton svg >
{ fill: buttonface; }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active), (forced-colors: active) {

.pageLoadSkeleton svg >
path[class*="OfficeIconColors_m"]:not(.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast), .pageLoadSke
leton svg >
path[class*="OfficeIconColors_m"]:not(.OfficeIconColors_HighContrastInverse), .page
LoadSkeleton svg >
rect[class*="OfficeIconColors_m"]:not(.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast), .pageLoadSke
leton svg >
{ fill: transparent; }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active) {

.sheet-tab-bar-tabs .sheet-tab-active-text { color: buttontext; }
.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-active-text { color: highlighttext; }
.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-active { background-color: highlight; forced-color-
adjust: none; }
.sheet-tab-bar-uir .sheet-tab-active svg > path.OfficeIconColors_HighContrast
{ fill: highlighttext; }

.leave-tab-size-fixed-on-tab-hover::after { display: block; content: attr(sheet-

title); font-weight: bold; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; height: 0px; }

.sheet-tab-cui-img-cont-float, .sheet-tab-cui-img-container { margin-left: auto;

position: relative; overflow: hidden; text-align: left; z-index: 0; }
.sheet-tab-bar-tabs .sheet-tab-locked-sheet-svg-16px { margin-right: 4px; }

.skel-sheet-bar.skel-enriched-sheet-bar { border: none; }

.skel-sheet-bar { background-color: rgb(244, 244, 244); grid-area: sheet-bar;

bottom: 23px; }

.skel-embed .skel-sheet-bar { bottom: 26px; }

.skel-progressbar .skel-sheet-bar { grid-area: unset; position: absolute; height:

27px; width: 100%; }

.skel-zindex.skel-progressbar .skel-sheet-bar { z-index: 1009; }

.skel-sheettabredesign.skel-progressbar .skel-sheet-bar { display: flex; flex-flow:

row; height: 32px; }

.skel-progressbar .skel-sheet-bar.skel-ewa-stb { display: flex; flex-flow: row;

right: 0px; left: 0px; background-color: rgb(246, 246, 246); color: rgb(68, 68,
68); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; cursor: default; }

.skel-status-bar { width: 100%; height: 23px; background-color: rgb(244, 244, 244);

position: absolute; bottom: 0px; }

.skel-zindex .skel-status-bar { z-index: 1009; }

.skel-embed .skel-status-bar { height: 26px; background-color: rgb(56, 63, 68); }

.miniapp-container { overflow: hidden; z-index: 1052; grid-area: grid-content; }

.miniapp-viewport-container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; position:

relative; }

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {

.skel-grid-content-background { animation: auto ease 0s 1 normal none running
none; background: rgb(237, 235, 233); }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active), (forced-colors: active) {

.skel-ltr .skel-grid-content-background { background-image: linear-
gradient(90deg, window, windowtext, window); }
.skel-rtl .skel-grid-content-background { background-image: linear-
gradient(270deg, window, windowtext, window); }
.skel-root .skel-grid-cells-with-content { background-image:
%3Anone'%2F%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E"); }
.skel-app-header-panel-placeHolder, .skel-ribbon-placeHolder, .skel-ribbon-
button, .skel-formula-bar-icon, .skel-toolbar, .skel-grid-row-header, .skel-grid-
column-header, .skel-sheet-bar, .skel-status-bar { border: 1px solid windowtext;
box-sizing: border-box; }
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) and (-ms-high-contrast:active), (forced-
colors: active) {
.skel-grid-content-background { animation: auto ease 0s 1 normal none running
none; background: windowtext; }

.ewa-stb-ltr, .ewa-stb-rtl { display: flex; flex-flow: row; position: absolute;

right: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; background-color: rgb(246, 246, 246); color:
rgb(68, 68, 68); height: 27px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; cursor: default; }

.ewa-stb-progressbar-outer-container-flex, .ewa-stb-progressbar-outer-container-
flex-auto { flex: 0 0 22%; height: 4px; margin-top: 11.5px; }

.ewa-stb-progressbar-inner-container-flex { height: 4px; position: relative; }

.ewa-stb-ltr .ewa-stb-progressbar-outer-container-flex, .ewa-stb-ltr .ewa-stb-

progressbar-outer-container-flex-auto { margin-left: auto; margin-right: 16px; }

.ewa-stb-rtl .ewa-stb-progressbar-outer-container-flex, .ewa-stb-rtl .ewa-stb-

progressbar-outer-container-flex-auto { margin-left: 16px; margin-right: auto; }

.skel-ewa-stb { font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Thonburi, Arial, Verdana, sans-

serif; font-size: 10pt; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ewa-stb .ewa-stb-progressbar-outer-container-flex-auto { margin-

left: auto; margin-right: 16px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ewa-stb .ewa-stb-progressbar-outer-container-flex-auto { margin-

left: 16px; margin-right: auto; }

.ewa-stb-progressbar-separator { height: 27px; position: relative; bottom: 10px; }

.skel-ltr .skel-ewa-stb .ewa-stb-progressbar-separator { border-left: 1px solid

rgb(225, 225, 225); float: left; padding-right: 8px; }

.skel-rtl .skel-ewa-stb .ewa-stb-progressbar-separator { border-right: 1px solid

rgb(225, 225, 225); float: right; padding-left: 8px; }

.ewa-stb-progressbar-message { display: none; }

.ewa-stb-ltr .ewa-stb-progressbar-separator { border-left: 1px solid rgb(225, 225,

225); float: left; padding-right: 8px; }

.ewa-stb-rtl .ewa-stb-progressbar-separator { border-right: 1px solid rgb(225, 225,

225); float: right; padding-left: 8px; }

.ewa-stb-progressbar { bottom: 5.5px; position: relative; display: inline-block;

width: 16px; height: 16px; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-color:
rgb(33, 115, 70) rgb(243, 242, 241) rgb(243, 242, 241); border-image: initial;
border-radius: 50%; animation: 0.8s linear 0s infinite normal none running
SpinnerAnimation; }

.ewa-stb-progressbartrack { bottom: 10px; position: relative; display: inline-

block; width: 16px; height: 100%; background-color: rgb(231, 231, 231); }

.ewa-stb-progressbarindicator { bottom: 0px; position: relative; display: block;

width: 0px; height: 100%; min-width: 33%; background-image: linear-gradient(90deg,
rgb(237, 235, 233) 0%, green 50%, rgb(237, 235, 233) 100%); animation-duration: 2s;
animation-timing-function: ease; animation-delay: 0s; animation-iteration-count:
infinite; animation-direction: normal; animation-play-state: running; animation-
name: progressanimation; }

@keyframes progressanimation {
0% { left: -33%; }
100% { left: 100%; }

@keyframes progressanimationrtl {
0% { left: 100%; }
100% { left: -33%; }

@-webkit-keyframes progressanimationrtl {
0% { left: 100%; }
100% { left: -33%; }

.ewa-stb-headerprogressbarcontainer { height: 0px; width: 100%; display: block;

position: relative; top: 1px; z-index: 1009; }

:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .ewa-
stb-headerprogressbarcontainer { top: 172px; }

slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .ewa-stb-headerprogressbarcontainer { top: 124px; }

slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .ewa-stb-headerprogressbarcontainer { top: 186px; }

commanduihidden).skel-ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .ewa-stb-
headerprogressbarcontainer { top: 138px; }

reactmlr) .ewa-stb-headerprogressbarcontainer { top: 78px; }

ribbon:not(.skel-slr):not(.skel-reactmlr) .ewa-stb-headerprogressbarcontainer
{ top: 30px; }

:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-slr .ewa-stb-
headerprogressbarcontainer { top: 124px; }

.skel-uiheaderhidden:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-slr .ewa-stb-
headerprogressbarcontainer { top: 76px; }

:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr .ewa-stb-
headerprogressbarcontainer { top: 174px; }

.skel-uiheaderhidden:not(.skel-commanduihidden).skel-ribbon.skel-reactmlr .ewa-stb-
headerprogressbarcontainer { top: 126px; }

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reactmlrnext .ewa-stb-headerprogressbarcontainer { top: 136px; }
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.skel-noformulabar.skel-commanduihidden .ewa-stb-headerprogressbarcontainer { top:

0px; }

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.ewa-stb-headerprogressbarindicator { height: 100%; width: 0px; min-width: 30%;

background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(237, 235, 233) 0%, green 50%, rgb(237,
235, 233) 100%); animation-name: headerprogressanimation; animation-iteration-
count: infinite; animation-delay: 0s; animation-direction: normal; animation-
duration: 2.3s; animation-play-state: running; animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-fill-mode: none; position: relative; }

@keyframes headerprogressanimation {
0% { left: -30%; }
100% { left: 100%; }

@keyframes headerprogressanimationrtl {
0% { left: 100%; }
100% { left: -30%; }

@keyframes SpinnerAnimation {
0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }

@media screen and (min-width: 590px) {

.ewa-stb-progressbar-message { display: block; position: relative; bottom: 8.7px;
.skel-ltr .ewa-stb-progressbar-message { float: left; padding-right: 16px; }
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.ewa-stb-ltr .ewa-stb-progressbar-message { float: left; padding-right: 16px; }
.ewa-stb-rtl .ewa-stb-progressbar-message { float: right; padding-left: 16px; }

@media screen and (min-width: 670px) {

.ewa-stb-progressbar { background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(33, 115, 70)
30%, rgb(229, 238, 235), rgb(33, 115, 70) 70%); background-size: 300% 300%;
position: relative; overflow: hidden; border-radius:
100px; height: 100%; border: none; bottom: 0px; width: auto; display: block; }
.skel-ltr .ewa-stb-progressbar { animation: 2.5s linear 0s infinite reverse none
running progressBarAnimation; }
.skel-rtl .ewa-stb-progressbar { animation: 2.5s linear 0s infinite normal none
running progressBarAnimation; }
.ewa-stb-ltr .ewa-stb-progressbar { animation: 2.5s linear 0s infinite reverse
none running progressBarAnimation; }
.ewa-stb-rtl .ewa-stb-progressbar { animation: 2.5s linear 0s infinite normal
none running progressBarAnimation; }
.ewa-stb-progressbartrack { bottom: 0px; position: relative; display: block;
width: auto; height: 100%; background-color: rgb(231, 231, 231); background-size:
300% 300%; overflow: hidden; }
.ewa-stb-progressbarindicator { bottom: 0px; position: relative; display: block;
height: 100%; overflow: hidden; }
.skel-ltr .ewa-stb-progressbarindicator { animation: 2s ease 0s infinite normal
none running progressanimation; }
.skel-rtl .ewa-stb-progressbarindicator { animation: 2s ease 0s infinite normal
none running progressanimationrtl; }
.ewa-stb-ltr .ewa-stb-progressbarindicator { animation: 2s ease 0s infinite
normal none running progressanimation; }
.ewa-stb-rtl .ewa-stb-progressbarindicator { animation: 2s ease 0s infinite
normal none running progressanimationrtl; }
.skel-ltr .ewa-stb-headerprogressbarindicator { animation: 2.3s linear 0s
infinite normal none running headerprogressanimation; }
.skel-rtl .ewa-stb-headerprogressbarindicator { animation: 2.3s linear 0s
infinite normal none running headerprogressanimationrtl; }
.ewa-stb-ltr .ewa-stb-headerprogressbarindicator { animation: 2.3s linear 0s
infinite normal none running headerprogressanimation; }
.ewa-stb-rtl .ewa-stb-headerprogressbarindicator { animation: 2.3s linear 0s
infinite normal none running headerprogressanimationrtl; }

@media screen and (max-width: 670px) {

.ewa-stb-progressbar-outer-container-flex { flex: 0 0 calc(120px); }
.ewa-stb-progressbar-outer-container-flex-auto { flex: 0 0 auto; }

@media screen and (max-width: 590px) {

.ewa-stb-progressbar-outer-container-flex, .ewa-stb-progressbar-outer-container-
flex-auto { flex: 0 0 30px; }

@keyframes progressBarAnimation {
0% { background-position: 0% 50%; }
100% { background-position: 100% 50%; }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active), (forced-colors: active) {

.ewa-stb-progressbar { border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-color:
windowtext window window; border-image: initial; }
.ewa-stb-progressbartrack { background-color: window; }
.ewa-stb-progressbarindicator { background-image: none; background-color:
windowtext; }
.ewa-stb-headerprogressbarindicator { background-image: none; background-color:
windowtext; }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active), (forced-colors: active) and (min-

width: 670px) {
.ewa-stb-progressbar { background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, window 30%,
windowtext, window 70%); border: 1px solid windowtext; }
.ewa-stb-progressbartrack { background-color: window; }
.ewa-stb-progressbarindicator { background-image: none; background-color:
windowtext; }
.ewa-stb-headerprogressbarindicator { background-image: none; background-color:
windowtext; }

@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {

.ewa-stb-progressbar { display: none; }
.ewa-stb-progressbar-separator { display: none; }
.ewa-stb-progressbartrack { display: none; }
.ewa-stb-progressbarindicator { display: none; }
.ewa-stb-headerprogressbarindicator { display: none; }
@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) and (min-width: 590px) {
.ewa-stb-progressbar { animation: auto ease 0s 1 normal none running none;
display: inline-block; }
.ewa-stb-progressbartrack { display: inline-block; }
.ewa-stb-progressbarindicator { display: none; animation: auto ease 0s 1 normal
none running none; }
.ewa-stb-progressbar-separator { display: block; }
.ewa-stb-headerprogressbarindicator { display: none; }

@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) and (min-width: 670px) {

.ewa-stb-progressbar { background-size: 100% 100%; background-image: linear-
gradient(90deg, rgb(33, 115, 70) 55%, rgb(229, 238, 235), rgb(33, 115, 70) 95%);
display: block; }
.ewa-stb-progressbartrack { display: block; }
.ewa-stb-progressbarindicator { display: none; animation: auto ease 0s 1 normal
none running none; }
.ewa-stb-headerprogressbarindicator { display: none; }

@media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) and (min-width: 670px) and (-ms-
high-contrast:active), (forced-colors: active) {
.ewa-stb-progressbar { background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, window 55%,
windowtext, window 95%); display: block; }
.ewa-stb-progressbartrack { display: block; background-color: window; }
.ewa-stb-progressbarindicator { background-image: none; background-color:
windowtext; }
.ewa-stb-headerprogressbarindicator { display: none; }

.skeleton-shared-header-placeholder { top: 0px; background-color: rgb(16, 124, 65);

display: block; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 48px; }

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.ResponsiveUxUserHideBottomBar { display: none; }

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onMLRNextStyles { height: var(--responsiveUxHeight); }

.ResponsiveUxAutoHideBottomBar { display: var(--responsiveUxDisplay); }

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right: 0px; margin: auto; align-items: center; justify-content: center; pointer-
events: none; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.35s ease-in 0s; }

.toast-fade-and-show.toast-wrapper { transition-timing-function: ease-out; opacity:

1; }

.toast-wrapper-with-header { top: 40px; }

.toast-wrapper-without-header { top: 8px; }

.toast-wrapper-shake { animation: 1s ease 0s 1 normal none running shake; }

.toast-wrapper-shake-short-message { animation: 1s ease 0s 1 normal none running

shake-short-message; }

@keyframes shake {
0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% { transform: rotate(-0.5deg); }
10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% { transform: rotate(0.5deg); }

@keyframes shake-short-message {
0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% { transform: rotate(-2deg); }
10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% { transform: rotate(2deg); }

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {

.toast-wrapper-shake, .toast-wrapper-shake-short-message { animation: auto ease
0s 1 normal none running none; }

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important; }

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a.hyperlink:hover { color: red; text-decoration: underline; }

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table { background-color: transparent !important; }

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rl4, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl5, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-
btn.ewrol-rl6, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-btn.ewrol-rl7, .ewr-
hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-btn.ewrol-cl0, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-btn.ewrol-
cl1, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-btn.ewrol-cl2, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-
btn.ewrol-cl3, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-btn.ewrol-cl4, .ewr-
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cl6, .ewr-hdrcornercontainer .ewrol-btn.ewrol-cl7 { font-family: "Segoe UI",
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label, .ewa-dlg-button { font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Thonburi, Arial, Verdana,
sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; }

textarea.ewa-dlg-body-fullLine { font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Thonburi, Arial,

Verdana, sans-serif; }

ul li label.indeterminate { font-style: italic; color: inherit; font-size:
inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; }

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10pt; }

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text-box-new-theme.ewa-fb-text-box-monospace-experiment { font-family: Consolas,
Monaco, Menlo, "Courier New", monospace, Calibri, sans-serif, "Mongolian Baiti",
"Microsoft Yi Baiti", "Javanese Text", "Yu Gothic"; font-size: 11pt; }
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sans-serif, "Mongolian Baiti", "Microsoft Yi Baiti", "Javanese Text", "Yu Gothic";
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.ewa-lb table td { font-size: 10pt; }

.ewr-msg-ctr { font-size: 12pt; }

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weight: bold; font-size: 8pt; }

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Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 8pt; }

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Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; }

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Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; }

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Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; }

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17px; font-family: "Segoe UI", "Segoe UI Web", Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; width:
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.WACStatusBarContainer.FlexBoxLayout.regionComposer { position: relative; flex: 1 1

auto; }

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indent: 0px; }

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.prContainerHr .prGlyph { display: inline-block; }

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.prControlRtl .prFlyout ul { margin: 0px 2px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; }

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padding: 0px; }
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padding: 0px 7px; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; color: rgb(255, 255,
255); white-space: nowrap; overflow: visible; }

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space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; font-size: 10px; font-family: "Segoe UI", "Segoe
UI Web (West European)", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, "Helvetica
Neue", sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; }

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44px; max-width: 150px; text-overflow: ellipsis; text-align: left; padding: 0px
8px; box-sizing: border-box; }

.prModernFlyout.flyoutCollapsed span { position: absolute; bottom: 0px; width:

20px; min-width: 0px; max-width: 20px; padding: 0px; }

.prModernFlyout.flyoutIdle span { position: absolute; bottom: 0px; height: 6px;

width: 6px; min-width: 0px; max-width: 6px; border-radius: 6px; padding: 0px; }

.prModernFlyout.flyoutFromIdle span { transition-property: height, min-width, max-

width, width, border-radius, padding; transition-duration: 300ms; transition-
timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.8, 0, 0.2, 1); }

.prModernFlyout.flyoutFromIdle { transition: top 300ms cubic-bezier(0.8, 0, 0.2, 1)

0s; }

.prModernFlyout.flyoutExpanded.flyoutFromCollapsed span { transition-duration:

300ms; transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.8, 0, 0.2, 1); }

.prModernFlyout.flyoutExpanded.flyoutFromCollapsed.flyoutRtlDir span { transition-

property: min-width, max-width, width, padding-left, visibility; }

.prModernFlyout.flyoutExpanded.flyoutFromCollapsed.flyoutLtrDir span { transition-

property: min-width, max-width, width, padding-right, visibility; }

.prModernFlyout.flyoutExpanded.flyoutFromCollapsed.flyoutStacked { transition-
property: top; transition-duration: 300ms; transition-timing-function: cubic-
bezier(0.8, 0, 0.2, 1); animation: 300ms cubic-bezier(0.8, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s 1 normal
none running flyoutFadeIn; }

.prModernFlyout.flyoutCollapsed.flyoutFromExpanded span { transition-property: min-

width, max-width, width, padding; transition-duration: 200ms; transition-timing-
function: cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1); }

.prModernFlyout.flyoutCollapsed.flyoutFromExpanded.flyoutFromStacked span
{ transition-property: min-width, max-width, width, padding; transition-duration:
0ms; }

.prModernFlyout.flyoutFadeOut span { opacity: 0; animation: 200ms cubic-bezier(0.1,

0.9, 0.2, 1) 0s 1 normal none running flyoutFadeOut; }

span, .prModernFlyout.flyoutIdle.flyoutFromCollapsed span { transition-property:
height, min-width, max-width, width, border-radius, padding; transition-duration:
200ms; transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1); }
.prModernFlyout.flyoutIdle.flyoutFromExpanded, .prModernFlyout.flyoutIdle.flyoutFro
mCollapsed { transition: top 200ms cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2, 1) 0s; }

.prTouchTarget { visibility: visible; position: absolute; }

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top: 0px; }

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.prControlRtl .prContainerHr, .prControl .prFlyoutContainer { left: 0px; }

.prFlyoutContainer.prBackgroundSelection { opacity: 0.2; }

.prControl .prContainerHr .prGlyph { padding-left: 2px; margin: 0px; }

.prControlRtl .prContainerHr .prGlyph { padding-right: 2px; margin: 0px; }

.prControl .prContainerHr .prGlyph:first-child { padding-left: 0px; }

.prControlRtl .prContainerHr .prGlyph:first-child { padding-right: 0px; }

.prContainerV { display: block; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; position: absolute; }

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@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active) {

.prDancingDots { fill: windowtext; }

@media screen and (forced-colors: active) {

.prDancingDots { fill: canvastext; }

.prAnimateCircle-1 { transform-origin: 20px 35px; animation: 2.6s ease 0s infinite

normal both running prCircleDance-1; }

.prAnimateCircle-2 { transform-origin: 60px 35px; animation: 2.6s ease 0s infinite

normal both running prCircleDance-2; }

.prAnimateCircle-3 { transform-origin: 100px 35px; animation: 2.6s ease 0s infinite

normal both running prCircleDance-3; }

@keyframes prCircleDance-1 {
10.2941% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
17.6471% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
22.0588% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
70.5882% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
77.9412% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
82.3529% { transform: scale(1, 1); }

@-webkit-keyframes prCircleDance-1 {
10.2941% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
17.6471% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
22.0588% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
70.5882% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
77.9412% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
82.3529% { transform: scale(1, 1); }

@keyframes prCircleDance-2 {
19.1176% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
25% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
29.4118% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
47.0588% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
52.9412% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
57.3529% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
89.7059% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
94.1176% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
98.5294% { transform: scale(1, 1); }

@-webkit-keyframes prCircleDance-2 {
19.1176% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
25% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
29.4118% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
47.0588% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
52.9412% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
57.3529% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
89.7059% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
94.1176% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
98.5294% { transform: scale(1, 1); }

@keyframes prCircleDance-3 {
1.44928% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
4.41176% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
8.82353% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
33.8235% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
39.7059% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
44.1176% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
60.2941% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
66.1765% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
70.5882% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
77.9412% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
83.8235% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
88.2353% { transform: scale(1, 1); }

@-webkit-keyframes prCircleDance-3 {
1.44928% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
4.41176% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
8.82353% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
33.8235% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
39.7059% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
44.1176% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
60.2941% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
66.1765% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
70.5882% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
77.9412% { transform: scale(1, 1); }
83.8235% { transform: scale(1.15, 0.75) translateY(5px); }
88.2353% { transform: scale(1, 1); }

@keyframes flyoutFadeIn
0% { opacity: 0; }
100% { opacity: 1; }

@-webkit-keyframes flyoutFadeIn {
0% { opacity: 0; }
100% { opacity: 1; }

@keyframes flyoutFadeOut {
0% { opacity: 1; }
100% { opacity: 0; }

@-webkit-keyframes flyoutFadeOut {
0% { opacity: 1; }
100% { opacity: 0; }

input#applicationfileInput { outline: none; }

.WACButton { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); border: 1px solid rgb(138, 136, 134);
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); outline: none; }

.WACGlyph { border: 1px solid transparent; background-color: transparent; outline:

none; }

.WACButton:focus, .WACGlyph:focus { border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color:

rgb(233, 245, 238); outline: transparent dashed 2px; }

.usehover .WACButton:hover, .usehover .WACGlyph:hover { border-color: rgb(134, 191,

160); background-color: rgb(211, 240, 224); outline: transparent dashed 2px; }

.WACButton:active, .WACGlyph:active { border-color: rgb(67, 148, 103) !important;

background-color: rgb(134, 191, 160) !important; }

.WACButton:disabled { color: rgb(119, 119, 119); border-color: rgb(198, 198, 198) !

important; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240) !important; }

.WACDialogOverlay { display: none; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-

index: 998; width: 100%; background: rgb(198, 198, 198); opacity: 0.5; }

.iPad.v6up .WACDialogOverlay { overflow: scroll; }

.InternetExplorer.v8 .WACDialogOverlay { }

.WACDialogPanel { display: none; position: absolute; border: 1px solid rgb(16, 124,
65); border-radius: 8px; z-index: 999; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); min-
width: 288px; width: auto; box-shadow: 0px 14px 28px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);
outline: none; }

.WACDialogPanel.FullDocumentPanel { border: none; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow:

none; }

.WACDialogPanel.DP { left: 25%; top: 50%; max-width: 600px; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogPanel.DP { right: 25%; left: unset; }

.WACDialogPanel.DL { top: 25%; left: 50%; }

.iPad.v6up .WACDialogPanel { overflow: scroll; }

.WACDialogOverlayUnhandledError { z-index: 9998; }

.WACDialogUnhandledError { z-index: 9999; }

.WACDialogPanel img { border: 0px none; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogPanel { direction: rtl; }

.WACDialogTitleText { overflow-x: hidden; font-size: 11pt; display: inline-block; }

.WACDialogTitlePanel { padding: 10px 14px 5px; cursor: move; touch-action: none; }

.WACDialogTextPanel { padding: 9px 18px 6px; display: block; overflow: hidden; }

.WACDialogDontShowCheckboxDiv { float: left; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogDontShowCheckboxDiv { float: right; }

.WACDialogDontShowCheckboxDiv input { vertical-align: bottom; }

.WACDialogDontShowLabelDiv { font-size: 11px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right:

0px; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogDontShowLabelDiv { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 20px; }

.WACCrashDialogInput { width: 100%; padding: 5px; font-size: 14px; box-shadow:

none; box-sizing: border-box; resize: none; border: 1px solid rgb(176, 176, 176);
overflow: auto; font-family: SegoeUI-Regular-final, "Segoe UI", "Segoe UI WPC",
Segoe, Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }

.WACDialogFeedbackInput { height: 120px; }

.WACDialogContactInput { height: 27px; margin-top: 10px; }

span#WACDialogSessionInfo { font-size: 9px; }

.WACCopyPasteShortcutDialogTextPanel span { display: block; }

.WACProgressTextPanel { padding: 11px 12px 6px; display: inline-block; vertical-

align: middle; white-space: normal; cursor: default !important; }

.AppRtl wacdialogtextpanel { padding-right: 12px; padding-left: 6px; }

a.WACDialogCloseAnchor { cursor: default; position: relative; display: inline-

block; float: right; height: 16px; }

.AppRtl a.WACDialogCloseAnchor { float: left; }

.WACDialogMenuLaunchPoint { position: absolute; top: 1px; left: 1px; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogMenuLaunchPoint { left: auto; right: 1px; direction: rtl; }

.WACDialogBodyPanel { padding: 0px 14px; display: block; }

.WACDialogIcon { padding: 12px 0px 6px 6px; float: left; width: 32px; height: 32px;

.AppRtl .WACDialogIcon { padding-right: 6px; padding-left: 0px; float: right; }

.WACDialogLearnMoreLinkContainer { padding: 10px 14px 14px; margin-top: 10px;

float: left; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogLearnMoreLinkContainer { float: right; }

.WACDialogButtonPanel { padding: 10px 14px 14px; text-align: right; float: none; }

.WACDialogUnhandledError .WACDialogButtonPanel { padding: 10px 32px 18px 14px; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogButtonPanel { text-align: left; }

.WACDialogButtonNormal { padding: 3px 5px; margin-left: 10px; vertical-align:

middle; min-width: 72px; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogButtonNormal { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px; }

.WACDialogButtonNormal.WACButton.WACAlignLeftButton { float: left; margin-left:

0px; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogButtonNormal.WACButton.WACAlignLeftButton { float: right; margin-

right: 0px; }

.WACDialogButtonPanel .WACButton { margin-top: 10px; }

.WACDialogHtmlPanel { text-align: left; display: block; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogHtmlPanel { text-align: right; }

.WACDialogLabel { margin: 3px 0px; display: inline-block; cursor: default !

important; }

.WACStandardDialogLabel { display: block; cursor: default !important; }

.WACDialogInput { width: 100%; border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); margin-top: 6px;
font: inherit; }

.WACDialogCheckBox { padding: 0px; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 6px; vertical-

align: middle; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogCheckBox { margin-right: 2px; margin-left: 6px; }

.WACDialogRadio { padding: 0px; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 6px; vertical-

align: middle; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogRadio { margin-right: 2px; margin-left: 6px; }

.WACDialogCheckBoxDiv { margin-top: 15px; }

.WACDialogInputFile { width: 100%; text-align: left; }

.AppRtl .WACDialogInputFile { text-align: right; }

.WACDialogRow { padding-top: 15px; }

.WACZoomDialogRadioRow { padding: 7px 5px; }

.WACProgressRow { margin: 20px 25px; display: block; white-space: nowrap; }

.WACProgressIcon { padding: 6px; float: left; width: 24px; height: 24px; vertical-
align: middle; }

.AppRtl .WACProgressIcon { float: none; }

.WACDialogError { float: none; display: none; color: rgb(175, 0, 0); width: 100%;
padding-top: 5px; }

.WACDialogSpan { display: inline-block; }

.WACProgressButtonSection { padding-bottom: 12px; padding-right: 12px; float:

right; }

.AppRtl .WACProgressButtonSection { padding-left: 12px; padding-right: 0px; float:

left; }

.WACAltTextInput { width: 100%; border: 1px solid rgb(195, 203, 208); }

.WACDialogList { width: 100%; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); border: 1px solid rgb(195,
203, 208); margin-top: 6px; }

.WACAltTextTextArea { width: 100%; height: 180px; resize: none; font-family: Arial;


.WACAltTextDescribedBy { position: absolute; visibility: hidden; z-index: -100; }

.WACNotificationBar { z-index: 900; position: absolute; right: 32px; text-align:

right; top: 2px; height: 29px; }

.AppRtl .WACNotificationBar { right: auto; left: 32px; text-align: left; }

.WACNotificationEntry { border: 1px solid rgb(243, 226, 130); color: rgb(68, 68,
68); background-color: rgb(252, 247, 182); float: left; margin-left: 7px; cursor:
default; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; min-width: 100px; position:
relative; }

.AppRtl .WACNotificationEntry { text-align: right; margin-left: 0px; margin-right:

7px; float: right; }

.WACNotificationImage { margin-right: 7px; vertical-align: middle; }

.AppRtl .WACNotificationImage { margin-left: 7px; margin-right: 0px; }

.WACNotificationMessage { vertical-align: middle; }

.WACNotificationBottomBar { border-top: 4px solid rgb(243, 226, 130); padding: 5px

9px 5px 7px; }

.AppRtl .WACNotificationBottomBar { padding-left: 9px; padding-right: 7px; }

.WACBusinessBar { z-index: 900; display: block; width: 100%; position: absolute;

color: rgb(68, 68, 68); visibility: hidden; cursor: default; }

.WACBusinessBar.regionComposer { position: relative; }

.ShyRibbonIsPopOver .WACBusinessBar { z-index: auto; }

.ShyRibbonIsPopOver.WACBusinessBar { z-index: auto; }

.WACBusinessBarEntry { padding: 2px 0px; border-top: 1px solid transparent; border-

bottom: 1px solid rgb(215, 216, 137); overflow: hidden; background-color: rgb(252,
247, 182); position: relative; min-height: 24px; display: table; width: 100%; }

.WACBusinessBarEntry:first-child { border-top-color: rgb(215, 216, 137); }

.WACBusinessBarEntry.ReactBusinessBarEntry { padding: 0px; min-height: 30px;

border-top: none; border-bottom: none; background-color: transparent; display:
block; }

.WACBusinessBarEntry.ReactBusinessBarEntry:first-child { border-top: 1px solid

rgb(200, 198, 196); }

{ border-top: transparent; margin-top: 4px; }

.WACBusinessBarEntry.ReactBusinessBarEntry.VNextBusinessBarEntry:first-child .acui-
message-bar { border-radius: 8px 8px 0px 0px; }

.WACBusinessBarEntry.ReactBusinessBarEntry.VNextBusinessBarEntry:last-child .acui-
message-bar { border-radius: 0px 0px 8px 8px; }

.WACBusinessBarEntry.ReactBusinessBarEntry.VNextBusinessBarEntry:only-child .acui-
message-bar { border-radius: 8px; }

.WACBusinessBarIcon { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; width: 24px;

height: 24px; }

.WACBusinessBarImage { margin-left: 6px; vertical-align: middle; }

.AppRtl .WACBusinessBarImage { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 6px; }

.WACBusinessBarTitle { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; white-space:

nowrap; padding-left: 8px; }

.AppRtl .WACBusinessBarTitle { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 8px; }

.WACBusinessBarTitleBodyHolder { display: table-cell; }

.WACBusinessBarBody { display: table-cell; padding: 0px 8px; vertical-align:

middle; height: 24px; }

.AppRtl .WACBusinessBarBody { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 8px; }

.WACBusinessBarButtonHolder { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; text-

align: left; padding-left: 8px; }

.AppRtl .WACBusinessBarButtonHolder { text-align: right; padding-left: 0px;

padding-right: 8px; }

.WACBusinessBarButton { border: 1px solid rgb(171, 171, 171); background-color:

rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(68, 68, 68); cursor: default; display: inline-
block; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; margin-
bottom: 1px; padding: 3px 10px; }

.usehover .WACBusinessBarButton:hover { background: rgb(240, 240, 240); }

.WACBusinessBarButton:active { background: rgb(198, 198, 198); }

.WACBusinessBarLinkHolder { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; padding-

left: 8px; }

.AppRtl .WACBusinessBarLinkHolder { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 8px; }

.WACBusinessBarLink { white-space: nowrap; color: rgb(51, 102, 153); }

.WACBusinessBarCloseHolder { padding: 0px 5px; text-align: right; vertical-align:

middle; }

.AppRtl .WACBusinessBarCloseHolder { text-align: left; }

.WACBusinessBarClose { display: inline-block; width: 16px; height: 16px; padding:

2px; cursor: pointer; }

.ImageCaptureDialog { display: block; }

.ImageCaptureDialog > .WACDialogTitlePanel, .ImageCaptureDialog >

wacdialogcloseanchor { display: none; }

.ImageCaptureDialog > .WACDialogBodyPanel { padding: 0px; }

.ImageCaptureVideoContainer { position: relative; }

.ImageCaptureCanvasContainer { position: relative; }

.ImageDiscardButton { position: absolute; min-width: 72px; bottom: 20px; left: 50%;

transform: translate(-50%, 0px); border-radius: 2px; cursor: pointer; padding: 8px
25px; vertical-align: middle; font-size: 13px; font-weight: 600; letter-spacing:
0.06px; }

.ImageCaptureButton { position: absolute; bottom: 15px; width: 22px; height: 30px;

left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, 0px); padding: 10px 14px; background-color:
rgb(255, 255, 255); border-radius: 50%; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;
cursor: pointer; outline: none; object-fit: contain; box-shadow: rgb(138, 136, 134)
0px 0px 0px 1px; }

.ImageCaptureButton:focus { box-shadow: rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px 1px; background-

color: rgb(211, 240, 224); }

.usehover .ImageCaptureButton:hover { background-color: rgb(211, 240, 224); box-

shadow: rgb(134, 191, 160) 0px 0px 0px 1px; }

.ImageCaptureButton:active { box-shadow: rgb(67, 148, 103) 0px 0px 0px 1px;

background-color: rgb(134, 191, 160) !important; }

.CameraSwitchButton { position: absolute; display: none; bottom: 18px; width: 30px;

height: 30px; left: 90%; transform: translate(-50%, 0px); padding: 10px 6px 2px;
background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border-radius: 50%; text-align: center; vertical-
align: middle; cursor: pointer; outline: none; object-fit: contain; opacity: 0.6;
box-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 0px 0px 0px 2px; }

.CameraSwitchButton:focus { opacity: 0.75; box-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 0px 0px

0px 1px, rgb(0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px 2px; }

.usehover .CameraSwitchButton:hover { opacity: 0.75; box-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255)

0px 0px 0px 2px; }

.CameraSwitchButton:active { opacity: 1 !important; }

.ImageCaptureButton:disabled, .CameraSwitchButton:disabled { background-color:

rgb(210, 210, 210) !important; }

.InsertPictureFromCameraBox { position: relative; }

.GraphicsEditorDialog { float: left; }

.AppRtl .GraphicsEditorDialog { float: right; }

.GraphicsEditorDialog a { color: rgb(51, 102, 153); }

.OICRetryDialog { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); }

.WACDialogTitlePanel.OICDialog { background-color: rgb(16, 124, 65); height:

15px; }

.ProtocolLaunchingDialogBody { padding: 0px 11px; }

.ProtocolLaunchingDialogTitle { color: rgb(16, 124, 65); margin: 14px 3px 19px;

width: 330px; }

.ProtocolLaunchingDialogButton { display: inline-block; min-height: 20px; margin-

left: 3px; margin-right: 3px; }

.ProtocolLaunchingDialogLink { text-decoration: none; margin-left: 3px; margin-

right: 3px; margin-top: 15px; }

.ProtocolLaunchingDialogIssues { margin: 29px 3px 8px; }

.ProtocolLaunchingDialogHelpButtons { padding-top: 15px; }

.ProtocolLaunchingDialogButtonLabel { padding: 0px 15px; display: inline-block; }

.ProtocolLaunchingDialogButtonAnchor { min-height: 40px; -webkit-tap-highlight-

color: rgb(211, 240, 224); }

.ProtocolLaunchingDialogTitle.OICDialog { color: rgb(16, 124, 65); font-size: 24px;

width: inherit; }

div.OICDialog#Issues { color: rgb(16, 124, 65); }

a.ProtocolLaunchingDialogButtonAnchor.OICDialog:focus { background-color: rgb(255,

255, 255) !important; }

.OICDialog#ProtocolHandlerDialogEditInApp { border: none; }

.ProtocolLaunchingDialogImg32Container img { position: absolute; }

.ProtocolLaunchingDialogImg32Container { width: 32px; height: 32px; margin-left:

auto; margin-right: auto; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; text-align: left;
z-index: 0; display: inline-block; }

.ProtocolLaunchingDialogIconContainer { width: 32px; height: 32px; padding: 1px

4px; display: block; float: left; border-bottom: 1px solid transparent; }
a.ProtocolLaunchingDialogButtonAnchor { border: 1px solid transparent; cursor:
default; padding: 3px; margin: 1px; min-width: 75px; display: block; }

a.ProtocolLaunchingDialogButtonAnchor:focus { outline: transparent dashed 2px;

border-color: rgb(16, 124, 65) !important; background-color: rgb(211, 240, 224) !
important; }

.BreadcrumbContainer { display: inline-block; padding: 1px; vertical-align: top;

white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; text-align: left; }

.AppRtl .BreadcrumbContainer { text-align: right; margin-left: 0px; }

.AppAndBrandContainer { height: 48px; display: inline-block; margin-right: 10px; }

.AppRtl .AppAndBrandContainer { margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 0px; }

.BreadcrumbItem { vertical-align: top; display: inline-block; color: rgb(255, 255,

255); padding: 2px 0px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space:
nowrap; }

.cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI .BreadcrumbItem { animation: 500ms ease 0s 1

normal none running animateBreadCrumbItem; }

@keyframes animateBreadCrumbItem {
0% { opacity: 0; }
50% { opacity: 0.5; }
100% { opacity: 1; }

.AppHeaderIconFloat { margin: 7px 0px 7px 14px; float: left; }

.AppRtl .AppHeaderIconFloat { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 14px; float: right; }

span.BreadcrumbItem { cursor: default; }

.cui-topBar1 .BreadcrumbItem.FolderSeparator { padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom:

0px; }

a.BreadcrumbItem { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); }

.cui-topBar1 a.BreadcrumbItem, .cui-topBar1 span.BreadcrumbItem { padding-top:

15px; padding-bottom: 15px; }

.usehover a.BreadcrumbItem:hover { text-decoration: underline; }

a.BreadcrumbItem:focus { outline: rgb(211, 240, 224) dotted thin; }

.BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbTitle, .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbSaveStatus, .BreadcrumbI

tem#BreadcrumbAppModeStatus { height: 18px; padding: 15px; color: rgb(255, 255,
255); }

.BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbAppModeDash, .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbSaveStatusDash
{ height: 18px; padding: 15px 0px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

.BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbSaveStatus:hover, .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbAppModeStatus
:hover, .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbAppModeDash:hover, .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbSave
StatusDash:hover { background-color: transparent; cursor: default; }

div.BreadcrumbItem { background-color: transparent; cursor: text; }

.usehover div.BreadcrumbItem:hover, div.BreadcrumbItem:focus { background-color:
rgb(68, 68, 68); outline: transparent dashed 2px; }

div.EditableBreadcrumbItem:focus, .usehover div.EditableBreadcrumbItem:hover:focus

{ color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: transparent; text-overflow: clip; }

.OfficeOnlineBrandSwitcherSeparator, .OfficeOnlineBrandBreadcrumbSeparator
{ display: inline-block; position: relative; vertical-align: top; width: 1px;
height: 48px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); margin-top: 0px; opacity:
0.3; }

.OfficeOnlineBrandSwitcherSeparator { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; }

.AppRtl .OfficeOnlineBrandSwitcherSeparator { margin-right: 0px; margin-left:

0px; }

.OfficeOnlineBrandBreadcrumbSeparator { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 8px; }

.AppRtl .OfficeOnlineBrandBreadcrumbSeparator { margin-right: 0px; margin-left:

8px; }

.FolderSeparator { margin: 0px 6px; padding: 0px; }

.UsernameContainer { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; height: 18px;

padding: 15px 0px; background-color: rgb(225, 225, 225); }

.UsernameNameContainer { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; overflow:

hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; color:
rgb(68, 68, 68); }

.UsernameNameItem { vertical-align: top; cursor: default; }

a.SignoutLink { vertical-align: top; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;

color: rgb(68, 68, 68); }

a.SignoutLink:hover { text-decoration: underline; }

a.SignoutLink:focus { outline: rgb(68, 68, 68) dotted thin; }

a.SignInLink { display: inline-block; position: relative; vertical-align: top;

height: 18px; padding: 15px 20px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color:
rgb(68, 68, 68); cursor: default; }

a.SignInLink:hover, a.SignInLink:focus { background-color: rgb(56, 47, 45); }

a.cui-ctl-medium + a.SignInLink { color: rgb(68, 68, 68); background-color:

rgb(225, 225, 225); }

a.cui-ctl-medium + a.SignInLink:hover, a.cui-ctl-medium + a.SignInLink:focus

{ background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240); }

.UserNameSeparator { display: inline-block; width: 1px; height: 16px; padding-top:

1px; padding-bottom: 1px; background-color: rgb(198, 198, 198); }

.cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI .AppAndBrandContainer { margin-right: 0px; }

.AppRtl .cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI .AppAndBrandContainer { margin-left:

0px; }
.cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI .AppAndBrandContainer
+ .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbBrand, .cui-topBar1-
transistionalHeaderUI .AppAndBrandContainer + .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbFolder
{ position: relative; overflow: visible; margin-left: 16px; }

.AppRtl .cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI .AppAndBrandContainer

+ .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbBrand, .AppRtl .cui-topBar1-
transistionalHeaderUI .AppAndBrandContainer + .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbFolder
{ margin-right: 16px; margin-left: 0px; }

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+ .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbFolder::after { content: ""; left: -16px; background:
rgb(255, 255, 255); height: 20px; width: 1px; bottom: 15px; position: absolute;
opacity: 0.3; }

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+ .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbBrand::after, .AppRtl .cui-topBar1-
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+ .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbFolder::after { left: initial; right: -16px; }

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17px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px; height: 24px; }

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rgb(45, 156, 95); }

a.BreadcrumbItem.SwitcherDropdown:active, .usehover .cui-topBar1-
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color: rgb(23, 80, 48); }

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255); margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; }

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ctl-medium + a.SignInLink:hover, .cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI a.cui-ctl-
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inline-block; }

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important; background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240) !important; }

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119, 119); }

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none !important; -webkit-user-drag: none !important; }

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hidden; margin: -1px; padding: 0px; resize: none; }

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entFooterButton { display: none; }
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mmentDate, .usehover .Interactive .CommentContainer:hover .CommentDate, .Interactiv
e .CommentContainer:focus .CommentDate { display: inline; }

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entDate, .usehover .SaveFailure.CommentContainer:hover .CommentDate, .SaveFailure.C
ommentContainer:focus .CommentDate, .Interactive .NewOrEditComment.SelectedComment
.CommentDate, .usehover .Interactive .CommentContainer:hover.NewOrEditComment .Comm
entDate, .Interactive .CommentContainer:focus.NewOrEditComment .CommentDate
{ display: none; }

.usehover .Interactive .CommentContainer:hover, .Interactive .CommentContainer:focu

s, .CommentContainer:focus.NewOrEditComment { border-left: 2px solid rgb(134, 191,
160); padding-left: 11px; }

.AppRtl.usehover .Interactive .CommentContainer:hover, .AppRtl .Interactive .Commen

tContainer:focus, .AppRtl .CommentContainer:focus.NewOrEditComment { border-left:
none; border-right: 2px solid rgb(134, 191, 160); padding-left: 13px; padding-
right: 11px; }

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Container:focus, .Reply1.CommentContainer:focus.NewOrEditComment { border-left: 2px
solid rgb(134, 191, 160); padding-left: 31px; }

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ment { border-left: none; border-right: 2px solid rgb(134, 191, 160); padding-left:
13px; padding-right: 31px; }

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ent { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); outline: rgb(134, 191, 160) solid 1px;
border-left: 5px solid rgb(134, 191, 160) !important; padding-left: 8px !important;

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rgb(134, 191, 160) !important; padding-left: 13px !important; padding-right: 8px !
important; }

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important; }

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electedComment, .AppRtl .Reply1.NewOrEditComment { border-left-width: 0px !
important; border-right-width: 2px !important; padding-left: 13px !important;
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ainer:hover { border-left: none; border-right: 5px solid rgb(134, 191, 160);
padding-left: 13px; padding-right: 8px; }

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relative !important; }

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right; left: auto; right: 0px; display: inline-block; padding: 4px 5px; }

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0px; right: auto; }

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ellipsis; max-width: 150px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; }

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8px; color: red; }

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inline-block; }

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block; }

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darkgrey; margin: 5px 15px; padding: 0px; overflow-y: auto; }

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auto; }

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background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); }

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tle { display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; }

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overflow: hidden; }

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default; padding: 0px; }

.AppRtl .AccCheckerContentList { margin: 0px 38px 0px 0px; }

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ellipsis; }

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normal; padding: 5px; position: relative; margin: 5px 0px; }

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align: top; display: table-cell; }

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heckResult:hover { border-color: rgb(211, 240, 224); background-color: rgb(211,
240, 224); outline: transparent dashed 2px; }

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important; }

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important; }

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div.FlexPane { position: absolute; width: 305px; inset: 48px 0px 0px auto; height:
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position: absolute; top: 60px; right: 15px; z-index: 1000; }

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.SkypeToastDiv { width: 335px; height: 80px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

display: block; border: 1px solid rgb(240, 240, 240); box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0,
0.2) 0px 0px 10px 0px; }
.SkypePresenceArea { width: 70px; height: 70px; text-align: left; white-space:
nowrap; display: table-cell; }

.AppRtl .SkypePresenceArea { text-align: right; }

.SkypePresenceIndicator { display: none; }

.SkypePresenceImage { height: 80px; width: 80px; background-color: rgb(171, 171,

171); }

.SkypeNotificationArea { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); display: table-cell; width: 265px;

height: 80px; vertical-align: top; }

.SkypeNotificationTopBar { height: 50px; }

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8px; }

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"Segoe UI", "Segoe UI WPC", Segoe, Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:
13px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; height: 17px;
letter-spacing: 0.12px; line-height: normal; overflow: hidden; padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 5px; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-
overflow: ellipsis; text-shadow: none; text-transform: none; white-space: nowrap;
width: 185px; }

.AppRtl .SkypeNotificationSender { text-align: right; }

.SkypeNotificationTitle { display: none; }

.SkypeNotificationMessage { display: block; font-family: SegoeUI-Regular-final,

"Segoe UI", "Segoe UI WPC", Segoe, Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:
10px; height: 14px; letter-spacing: 0.12px; line-height: normal; overflow: hidden;
padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-
overflow: ellipsis; text-shadow: none; text-transform: none; white-space: nowrap;
width: 185px; }

.AppRtl .SkypeNotificationMessage { text-align: right; }

.SkypeNotificationType { overflow: hidden; display: table-cell; vertical-align:

top; padding-top: 5px; }

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block; font-family: SegoeUI-Regular-final, "Segoe UI", "Segoe UI WPC", Segoe,
Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; height:
30px; letter-spacing: 0.12px; line-height: 30px; text-align: left; white-space:
nowrap; }

.AppRtl .SkypeNotificationActionArea { text-align: right; }

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attachment: scroll; background-clip: border-box; background-color: transparent;
background-image: none; background-origin: padding-box; background-size: auto;
border-width: 0px; border-style: outset; border-color: rgb(221, 221, 221); border-
image: none 100% / 1 / 0px stretch; box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 114,
198); cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; font-family: SegoeUI-Regular-final,
"Segoe UI", "Segoe UI WPC", Segoe, Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:
12px; height: 30px; letter-spacing: 0.12px; line-height: 30px; max-width: 122px;
overflow: hidden; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; text-align: left; text-overflow:
ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; width: auto; word-spacing: 0px; writing-mode: lr-tb;
-webkit-writing-mode: horizontal-tb; }

.AppRtl .SkypeNotificationButton { text-align: right; padding-left: 0px; padding-

right: 10px; }

span.WACMoveArrowIcon { position: absolute; top: 3px; left: 0px; right: 0px;

margin: auto; width: 24px; }

a.AllowBrowserClick:focus { outline: rgb(0, 0, 0) dotted 1px; }

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transistionalHeaderUI, .AppHeaderPanel { border-bottom: 1px solid buttontext; }
div#highContrastDetectionDiv a#highContrastDetectionAnchor { background-image:
none !important; }
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.DisabledButton *, .StandardButtonNoImage.DisabledButton { color: graytext !
important; opacity: 1 !important; }
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transparent; opacity: 1; outline: none !important; color: graytext !important; }
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cus, .CommentContainer:focus.NewOrEditComment, .usehover .Interactive .Reply1.Comme
ntContainer:hover, .Interactive .Reply1.CommentContainer:focus, .Reply1.CommentCont
ainer:focus.NewOrEditComment, .Interactive .SelectedComment, .NewOrEditComment, .Se
lectedParentComment, .usehover .SelectedParentComment.CommentContainer:hover
{ border-left-color: highlight !important; }
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entContainer:focus, .AppRtl .CommentContainer:focus.NewOrEditComment, .AppRtl.useho
ver .Interactive .Reply1.CommentContainer:hover, .AppRtl .Interactive .Reply1.Comme
ntContainer:focus, .AppRtl .Reply1.CommentContainer:focus.NewOrEditComment, .AppRtl
.Interactive .SelectedComment, .AppRtl .NewOrEditComment, .AppRtl .SelectedParentCo
mment, .AppRtl.usehover .SelectedParentComment.CommentContainer:hover { border-
right-color: highlight !important; }
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h:hover, .WACButton:active, .WACGlyph:active, .ImageCaptureButton:focus, .usehover
.ImageCaptureButton:hover, .ImageCaptureButton:active, .CameraSwitchButton:focus, .
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essBarButton:hover, .WACBusinessBarButton:active, .ClipartSelectedImage, .ClipartCo
mmunityAttrSelected, a.ProtocolLaunchingDialogButtonAnchor.OICDialog:focus,
a.ProtocolLaunchingDialogButtonAnchor:focus, .usehover a.BreadcrumbItem:hover,
a.BreadcrumbItem:focus, .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbSaveStatus:hover, .BreadcrumbItem
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crumbItem#BreadcrumbSaveStatusDash:hover, .usehover div.BreadcrumbItem:hover,
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a.BreadcrumbItem.SwitcherDropdown:focus, a.SignoutLink:hover, a.SignoutLink:focus,
a.SignInLink:hover, a.SignInLink:focus, a.cui-ctl-medium + a.SignInLink:hover,
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a.SignInLink:focus, .StandardButton:focus, .usehover .StandardButton:hover, .Standa
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highlighttext !important; outline-color: inherit !important; }
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highlight !important; }
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important; border-color: highlighttext !important; }
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.DisabledSaveAsButton { opacity: 1 !important; border: 1px solid graytext !
important; color: graytext !important; }

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active) {

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+ .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbBrand::after, .cui-topBar1-
transistionalHeaderUI .AppAndBrandContainer
+ .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbFolder::after { opacity: 1; background-color:
windowtext !important; }
.SeparatorCaret { fill: windowtext !important; }
.cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI .EditableBreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbTitle:hover,
.cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI .EditableBreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbTitle:focus
{ background-color: transparent !important; color: windowtext !important; }
.prModernFlyout span { outline: windowtext solid 2px; }
.MsDialogLogo path.HC { fill: windowtext; }

@media screen and (forced-colors: active) {

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transistionalHeaderUI .AppAndBrandContainer
+ .BreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbFolder::after { forced-color-adjust: none; opacity: 1;
background-color: canvastext !important; }
.SeparatorCaret { fill: canvastext !important; }
.cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI .EditableBreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbTitle:hover,
.cui-topBar1-transistionalHeaderUI .EditableBreadcrumbItem#BreadcrumbTitle:focus
{ background-color: transparent !important; color: canvastext !important; }
.prModernFlyout span { outline: canvastext solid 2px; }
.MsDialogLogo path.HC { fill: canvastext; }

div#highContrastDetectionDiv, div#screenReaderDetectionDiv { background-color:

window; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: -99999px; width: 1px; height: 1px;
opacity: 0; overflow: hidden; }

div#highContrastDetectionDiv a#highContrastDetectionAnchor { background-image:

url(""); }

div#screenReaderDetectionDiv { border-bottom: 1px dashed transparent; }

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50% { opacity: 0.5; }
100% { opacity: 1; }

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0% { opacity: 0; }
50% { opacity: 0.5; }
100% { opacity: 1; }
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none running floatpanein; }

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0% { opacity: 1; }
50% { opacity: 0.5; }
100% { opacity: 0; }

@-webkit-keyframes floatpaneout {
0% { opacity: 1; }
50% { opacity: 0.5; }
100% { opacity: 0; }

.WACFloatPaneFadeOut { transition: height 1s ease 0s; animation: 1s ease 0s 1

normal none running floatpaneout; }

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none; z-index: 999; width: 0px; right: 1px; height: 0px; top: 100%; }

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right: 5px; top: 5px; }

@media (-ms-automation:all) {
div#screenReaderDetectionDiv { border-bottom-style: dotted !important; }

.SaveToAnotherLocationSpan { right: 14px; position: absolute; }

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rgb(240, 240, 240) !important; }

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.AnotherFolderTextSpan { margin-left: 4px; cursor: default; }

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.FilePickerDialog { top: 50%; left: 50%; width: 1025px; height: 627px; display:
block; margin-left: -511px; margin-top: -326px; }

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{ display: none; }

.FilePickerDialog > .WACDialogBodyPanel { padding: 0px; }

.FilePickerDiv > iframe { border: 0px; }

.FolderLocationDiv > .WACDialogLabel { white-space: nowrap; }

.SaveToAnotherFolderBreadcrumb { display: inline-block; text-overflow: ellipsis;

overflow: hidden; }

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evenodd; }
.SeparatorCaret { width: 4px; height: 12px; padding-bottom: 2px; padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px; fill: rgb(102, 102, 102); }

.SaveToAnotherLocationOne { right: 14px; position: absolute; padding-left: 6px;

width: 140px; }

.SaveToAnotherLocationTwo { display: block; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 5px;

padding-left: 6px; width: 140px; }

.SaveAsDialogRow { padding-top: 8px; }

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align: center; padding: 12px 8px 8px; line-height: 1.25; display: inline-block;
min-height: 36px; border-radius: 2px; outline: none; }

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padding: 20px 18px 18px 24px; z-index: 1053; opacity: 0; top: -40px; transition:
all 367ms cubic-bezier(0.47, 0.17, 0.15, 1.15) 0s; }

div.bookmarkCalloutContainerActive { opacity: 1; }

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div.bookmarkEdgeOffsetRTL { left: 180px; right: auto; }

div.bookmarkChromeOffset { right: 15px; }

div.bookmarkChromeOffsetRTL { left: 15px; right: auto; }

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div.bookmarkIEOffsetRTL { left: 4px; right: auto; }

div.bookmarkFireFoxOffset { right: 165px; }

div.bookmarkFireFoxOffsetRTL { left: 165px; right: auto; }

div.bookmarkCalloutBeak { position: absolute; transform: rotate(45deg); background-

color: white; height: 10px; width: 10px; top: -5px; z-index: 2000; right: 31px; }

div.bookmarkCalloutBeakRTL { left: 31px; right: auto; }

div.bookmarkCalloutBeakCurtain { position: absolute; inset: 0px; background-color:

white; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 5px 20px 0px; }

div.bookmarkCalloutLabel { position: relative; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-size:

10px; width: 133px; transition: all 367ms cubic-bezier(0.47, 0.17, 0.15, 1.15)
0s; }

div.bookmarkCalloutLabelActive { font-size: 15px; width: 150px; }

div.bookmarkCalloutDismissButton { position: absolute; color: rgb(102, 102, 102);

font-size: 13px; right: 8px; top: 3px; cursor: pointer; }

div.bookmarkCalloutDismissButtonRTL { left: 8px; right: auto; }

div.bookmarkCalloutAriaLabel { height: 0px; width: 0px; }

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0px 15px; border: none; }

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height: 100%; overflow: hidden; width: 300px; }

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.EnrichmentPaneTitle { max-width: 230px; display: inline-block; position:

relative !important; }

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right; left: auto; right: 0px; display: inline-block; padding: 4px 5px; }

.AppRtl .EnrichmentPaneCloseButton { float: left; margin: 8px 0px 0px 15px; left:
0px; right: auto; }

.obf-Toast { z-index: 900 !important; bottom: 22px !important; right: 0px !

important; }

div#FloatingContainersOuterSurface { height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0px; z-

index: 1; transition: opacity 0.2s linear 0s; }

div#FloatingContainersHost { height: 100%; width: 100%; transform: translateZ(0px);


.WACJustificationDialogMessage { padding-top: 16px; }

.WACJustificationDialogRow { padding-left: 56px; padding-top: 4px; }

.WACJustificationDialogTextAreaRow { display: flex; }

.JustificationTextArea { visibility: hidden; display: none; flex: 1 1 0%; height:

45px; }

.TouchPanOnly { touch-action: pan-x pan-y; }

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540px; padding: 30px; }

.PrivacyDialogTitle { color: rgb(16, 124, 65); }

.TrustCenterDialogInfoContainer { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198); background-

color: rgb(225, 225, 225); padding: 11px 20px 20px; }

.TrustCenterExperiencesDisabledDialogInfoContainer { border: 1px solid rgb(236,

189, 106); background-color: rgb(255, 244, 206); padding: 11px 20px 20px; }

.TrustCenterDialogExperiencesContainer { border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198);

border-radius: 4px; padding: 20px; }

.TrustCenterDialogInfoText { padding-top: 9px; display: block; }

.PrivacyNoticeDialogContainer { max-width: 560px; padding: 20px; }

.PrivacyNoticeDialogInnerContainer { padding: 20px; }

.MsDialogLogo { fill: rgb(116, 116, 116); width: 99px; height: 21px; }

.CalloutNotificationContainer { position: absolute; width: auto; height: auto;

right: 10px; z-index: 1000; border-radius: 4px; background-color: rgb(255, 255,
255); outline: none; white-space: normal; text-align: left; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0,
0, 0.1) 0px 8px 10px -2px; animation-name: wywaFadeIn, wywaSlideDownIn20;
animation-duration: 0.367s; animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.9, 0.2,
1); animation-fill-mode: both; }

.AppRtl .CalloutNotificationContainer { left: 10px; right: auto; text-align: right;


.CalloutNotificationBeak { border-width: 10px 10px 0px; border-top-style: solid;

border-top-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border-right-style: solid; border-right-color:
transparent; border-left-style: solid; border-left-color: transparent; border-
bottom-style: initial; border-bottom-color: initial; }

.CalloutNotificationContainer .CalloutNotificationBeak { position: absolute; top: -

9px; right: 33px; margin: 0px; border-width:
0px 10px 10px; border-top-style: initial; border-top-color: initial; border-left-
style: solid; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-style: solid; border-
right-color: transparent; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(255,
255, 255); padding: 0px; width: 0px; height: 0px; }

.AppRtl .CalloutNotificationContainer .CalloutNotificationBeak { right: auto; left:

33px; }

.CalloutNotificationContainerBorder { border: 1px solid rgb(225, 223, 221); }

.CalloutNotificationContainerBorder .CalloutNotificationBeakBorder { border-bottom-

color: rgb(225, 223, 221); top: -11px; }

.CalloutNotificationCloseIcon { padding: 1px; }

a.CalloutNotificationCloseAnchor { cursor: pointer; position: relative; top: 8px;

height: 16px; right: 8px; float: right; }

.AppRtl a.CalloutNotificationCloseAnchor { right: auto; left: 8px; float: left; }

.CalloutNotificationMessageContainer { overflow: hidden; float: left; width: 300px;


.AppRtl .CalloutNotificationMessageContainer { float: right; }

.CalloutNotificationTitle { float: left; margin: 14px 8px 6px 20px; clear: both;
font-size: 20px; font-family: "Segoe UI Semibold", "Segoe UI Web", Arial, Verdana,
sans-serif; line-height: 28px; color: rgb(199, 80, 51); }

.AppRtl .CalloutNotificationTitle { float: right; margin: 14px 20px 6px 8px; }

.CalloutNotificationMessage { margin: 6px 8px 18px 20px; float: left; clear:

both; }

.AppRtl .CalloutNotificationMessage { margin: 6px 20px 18px 8px; float: right; }

.CalloutNotificationMessageText { color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-size: 14px; font-

family: "Segoe UI", "Segoe UI Web", Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; display: inline;
line-height: 20px; }

.CalloutNotificationPrimaryButton { background-color: rgb(16, 124, 65); border: 1px

solid rgb(225, 223, 221); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-radius: 2px; float:
right; height: 32px; padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 8px; margin-bottom: 16px;
font-family: "Segoe UI", "Segoe UI Web", Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight:
600; font-size: 14px; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; }

.AppRtl .CalloutNotificationPrimaryButton { float: left; }

.CalloutNotificationSecondaryButton { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border:

1px solid rgb(225, 223, 221); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border-radius: 2px; float:
right; height: 32px; padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 8px; margin-left: 9px;
margin-bottom: 16px; font-family: "Segoe UI", "Segoe UI Web", Arial, Verdana, sans-
serif; font-weight: 600; font-size: 14px; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; }

.AppRtl .CalloutNotificationSecondaryButton { float: left; }

.CalloutNotificationF6Focused { border: 2px solid rgb(119, 119, 119); box-sizing:

border-box; }

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local("Calibri"), url("./calibri.woff") format("woff"), url("./calibri.ttf")
format("truetype"), url(""); }

.AgaveTaskpaneCloseButton:focus, .AgaveTaskpaneCloseButton:hover { border-color:

rgb(67, 148, 103) !important; }

.WACDialogTitlePanel.OICDialog { background-color: white !important; }

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