2nd Sounds
2nd Sounds
2nd Sounds
Use this lesson plan to introduce or review the concept of short vowel word families and rhyming words to your
kindergarten ELs. Can be used as a stand alone or support lesson for the All in a Word Family lesson plan.
Students will be able to identify and spell words with short vowels using written and visual supports.
Introduction (5 minutes)
Draw or show objects or images that rhyme with cat on the board (bat, rat, mat, etc.).
Ask students to repeat the name of each image after you say it aloud.
Model thinking aloud and saying, "All of these words have something in common. They all end with the
same sound. When words end in the same sound, we say that they rhyme. We can also say that they are
part of the same family, because they sound the same and go together. Just like the people in a family go
Say, "Today we are going to learn about other rhyming word families."
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Building Academic Language
Word (5 minutes)
Introduce the remaining vocabulary words of the lesson using the Vocabulary Cards and Glossary.
Have students turn and talk to a partner to share a word that rhymes with "chin", or another familiar
Display the new vocabulary words for students to reference.
Sentence (5 minutes)
Project or post the Words that Rhyme with Rake worksheet on the board.
Ask students to look at the different pictures and see what they notice.
Have students turn and talk to a partner to share what they notice about the pictures (e.g., they all end
with the same sound).
Invite several students to share aloud, providing the following sentence starter for support: "I notice that
the words ____."
Pass out the Wacky Word Families worksheet and have students complete them independently.
Additional EL adaptations
Practice identifying additional words that share the same ending using images or drawings on the board
in a small group.
Have students fill in the beginning sound of -in written on index cards to practice spelling and identifying
words from the -in family.
Have students practice reading and writing words from the -ub family using the Welcome to Word
Families: Ub Words worksheet.
Informally assess student understanding during the group activities. Notice if students are able to identify
words that end in the same sound and are able to spell new words containing the same ending.
Collect student work samples to formally assess if students are able to accurately sort and spell words
containing the same word family.
Close the classroom by having students share words with a partner that end in the same sound as "set."
Review the new vocabulary words and answer any additional student questions.
cub rub
sub tub
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Teach Background Knowledge
Lesson Topic:
Choose a topic from the main content
lesson that will help ELs understand the
main content lesson. Your non-ELs will
already have knowledge about this topic.
Student-Facing Language
Example: I can learn new vocabulary
using pictures and sentence frames.
Potential activities:
Creating captions for images
Carousel brainstorming
Conversations with sentence starters
Time estimate for Introduction
(3 - 5 minutes)
Explicit Instruction of
Background Knowledge
Model a learning activity that embeds
the teaching of academic language and
background knowledge.
Potential activities:
Lunch brunch discussion
Teacher-created, adjusted text and
Brief videos or visuals
Text-based instruction
Home-language connections
Pre-teach a small number of
vocabulary words
Show real-world objects
Complete word family or bilingual
Word walls or word bank creation
Guided Practice
Provide an opportunity for students (in
pairs or small groups) to practice the skill
or information taught during Explicit
Instruction, offering appropriate
scaffolds as needed.
Potential assessments:
Act out concepts
Hands on tasks
Drawings, models, or graphs
Graphic organizer completion
Captions of images
Reading response or content
area logs
Role plays
Audio or video recordings
Oral interviews
Students will be able to describe a character with adjectives using graphic organizers.
Language Grammar Support/
Function Structure Scaffold