Kazakhstan - Upr.add - WG - G2005098
Kazakhstan - Upr.add - WG - G2005098
Kazakhstan - Upr.add - WG - G2005098
General Assembly Distr.: General
24 February 2020
The present document was not edited before being sent to the United Nations translation services.
I. International obligations ................................................................................................................... 3
I. Equality and non-discrimination ...................................................................................................... 4
III. Freedom of religion or belief, expression, association and peaceful assembly, as well as
the right to participate in public and political life ............................................................................ 4
I. International obligations
9. The Republic of Kazakhstan noted the following recommendations:
139.2; 139.3; 139.4; 139.5; 139.19; 139.20; 139.21; 139.22; 139.24; 139.25.
139.24, 139.25
12. Legislation and international treaties concluded by Kazakhstan provide for a
sufficient level of protection of the rights of stateless persons and comply with international
standards. The Law on Refugees was adopted. Kazakhstan also ratified the Convention
relating to the Status of Refugees, the provisions of which also apply to stateless persons.
These circumstances confirm the country's policy towards addressing the problems of
stateless persons. The possibility of ratification will be considered upon completion of the
examination of the Conventions.
13. Currently, work is underway to determine the legal status of persons who do not
have evidence of citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other states (category of
stateless persons).
14. In matters of reducing statelessness and identifying undocumented persons,
Kazakhstan works closely with the UNHCR Office in Kazakhstan.
15. Thus, in 2019, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the High Level
Segment on Statelessness held within the 70th session of the UNHCR Executive Committee
made a commitment to improve access to birth registration procedures by amending
national legislation to ensure that every child is registered at birth.
16. The relevant legislative amendments were adopted on November 25, 2019.
17. In addition, the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved
legislative amendments on the regulation of migration processes. The draft law aims to
create favorable conditions for ethnic repatriates arriving in their historical homeland, build
an effective system of external labor migration focused on meeting the needs of the
country's economy, expand the legal framework in the field of regulating migration
processes, taking into account international best practices.
139.44, 139.45, 139.46, 139.47, 139.49, 139.50, 139.51, 139.52, 139.53, 139.54
19. The legislation provides for the principles of non-discrimination based on the
ground of sex. In this regard, and also taking into account the practice, we see no reason to
strengthen the legal framework. Kazakhstan has chosen this path of legislative
consolidation of the mechanisms for eliminating direct or indirect discrimination, taking
into account its specific characteristics in various fields.
20. In addition, the draft law on family and gender policy issues is currently undergoing
approval. The draft law aims at strengthening protection against all forms and
manifestations of discrimination on the ground of sex and at creating the necessary
conditions for the realization of the rights of women and men in all spheres of labor, public
and personal life.
139.115, 139.116
24. Kazakhstan recognizes that freedom of assembly and association is a democratic
institution of political activity of citizens, which is subject to constant development.
25. Participation or non-participation of a citizen in the activities of a public association
cannot serve as a basis for limiting his rights and freedoms.
26. They are independent in their activities from state authorities at all levels, are not
controlled by and are not accountable to them.
27. A database of non-governmental organizations is being formed in order to ensure the
transparency of their activities and to inform the public about them, as well as for use in the
framework of placing a state social order, providing grants and awarding prizes.
28. At the same time, a draft law is being developed on the activities of non-profit
29. A Working group has been created to work on proposals to further improve the rules
of administrative and criminal responsibility in relation to nonprofit organizations and
simplify the procedure for registering nonprofit organizations.
139.122, 139.123
30. The right to freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental human right.
31. All citizens, foreigners and stateless persons can practice any religion without
registration, and can also freely create religious associations.
32. The requirements of the legislation on the registration of religious associations are in
line with international standards. They are one for all and transparent at all stages.
33. In this regard, we see no reason to review the legal basis.
34. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides for legal standards that meet
international standards of the “principle of non-refoulement”.
35. Asylum seekers have the right to stay in the Republic of Kazakhstan for a period
until the end of the decision-making procedure on the application for refugee status,
including the terms of appeal and judicial protection.
36. In addition, it is forbidden to return or expel asylum seekers to the border of the
country where their life or freedom is in danger due to race, religion, nationality,
citizenship, belonging to a certain social group or political opinion.
37. Thus, it can be concluded that the existence of such a ban in the law is a guarantee of
the observance of the rights of asylum seekers.