Names and Titles of Jesus

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We will commence this study with the name Jesus Jews that He already existed at the time of Abraham
itself, which is a Greek form of the Hebrew name (CP Jn 8:24, 28, 56-58). I am is what God called
Joshua, meaning, “Yahweh (God), is salvation.” Himself when He spoke to Moses out of the burning
Jesus’ name describes His function, which is bush on Mt Horeb (CP Ex 3:13-15).
expressed in scripture by His title of Saviour (CP Mt
1:1; Mk 1:1; Lu 1:26-31 with Mt 1:18-21; Lu 2:11; Jn The clearest affirmation of Jesus’ Deity is His title of
4:42; Ac 4:10-12; 5:30-31; 13:23; Eph 5:23; Php 3:20; Lord. He is called that over seven hundred times in
2Ti 1:10; Tit 1:4, 2:13, 3:6; 2Pe 1:11; 2:20; 3:2, 18; the New Testament, denoting His sovereignty (CP Mt
1Jn 4:14). We see in the majority of those scriptures 3:3; Jn 20:24-31; Ac 2:36; Php 2:5-11). These
that Jesus is also called Christ, which means Anointed scriptures all denote the sovereignty of Jesus and it is
One. This is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word the same throughout the rest of the New Testament.
Messiah, and applies to Jesus as the anointed one of Jesus also proclaimed Himself Lord of the Sabbath
God who it was prophesied from the beginning would (CP Mt 12:1-8). The Sabbath was merely an Old
fulfil God’s plan of salvation for fallen man (CP Gen Testament shadow, or type, of which Jesus is the New
3:15; Isa 9:6-7; 11:1-5 with Jn 1:41; 4:25-26). Jesus is Testament fulfilment (CP Col 2:8-17). The Sabbath –
also called The Christ (CP Mt 16:16; Mk 14: 61-62; Jn a day of rest every seventh day for Old Testament
20:31), The Lord’s Christ (CP Lu 2:26) and The Jews – was fulfilled for New Testament Christians by
Christ of God (CP Lu 9:20). faith in Jesus (CP He 12:22-26). Jesus gives rest to all
who come to Him (CP Mt 11:28-30). The rest that
In Mt 1:1 Jesus is also called the Son of David, which Jesus gives Christians is the eternal rest that is in God,
he was by direct descent through Joseph’s line (CP Mt in contrast to only every seventh day for the Old
1:1-17). Son of David refers to the Messianic King Testament Jews (CP He 3:7 – 4:10).
promised in Old Testament prophecies as a descendant
of David. Being called the Son of David pointed to Another title ascribed to Jesus was King of the Jews.
Jesus as the one to fulfil God’s covenant with David in The Magi – wise men – called the baby Jesus that (CP
the Old Testament to establish an eternal kingdom and Mt 2:1-2). Jesus acknowledged the title as His when
bring peace to Israel (CP 2Sam 7:12, 16, 25-29; Psa questioned by Pilate on the night of His arrest (CP Mt
89:3-4; Isa 16:5, Jer 23:5 with Lu 1:31-33; Ac 13:21- 27:11; Jn 18:37). Thou sayest is an affirmative
23; Rev 3:7). David’s throne was emblematic of the response. Jesus was the King of the Jews, or Israel,
Messianic Kingdom (CP 2Sam 7:13-16; Psa 89:26- who the Old Testament prophet Zechariah prophesied
29). Jesus is also called the Son of God (CP Mk 1:1; would come riding upon an ass (CP Zech 9:9 with Mt
Ro 1:3-4). This expresses Jesus’ Deity (CP Jn 3:18; 21:4-5; Jn 12:12-16). Jesus called Himself Light, and
5:25; 9:35; 10:36; 11:4). Jesus is referred to as the the Light of the World (CP Jn 3:19-21; 8:12; 9:5;
Son of God nearly seventy times in the New 12:35, 46). Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament
Testament but these are the only scriptures in which prophecy by Isaiah that the people that walked in
He referred to Himself as such. Elsewhere He called darkness have seen a great light (CP Isa 9:1-2 with Mt
himself simply The Son (CP Mt 11:27; Lu 10:22; Jn 4:12-17). Great Light here means underived and
3:36; 5:26; 8:35-36). God called Jesus My Beloved absolute light – the opposite of all darkness. John the
Son (CP Mt 3:17; Mk 1:11; 9:7; Lu 3:22; 9:35). Peter Baptist bore witness to that Light – he went before
also called Jesus the Son of the Living God, when he Jesus to prepare the way for Him (CP Lu 1:76-79; Jn
declared Him to be The Christ (CP Mt 16:16). 1:1-9). Dayspring in Lu 1:78 means the springing up
Demons acknowledged Jesus’ Deity – they called Him of light, referring here to the coming of Jesus, the
the Holy One of God (CP Mk 1:23-26). Son of the Light of the World. Simeon declared Jesus to be a
Most High God (CP Mk 5:1-8). The angel Gabriel Light to lighten the Gentiles, when, in conforming to
referred to Jesus as the Son of the Highest (CP Lu the Old Covenant law, Mary and Joseph took the baby
1:31-32). But Jesus’ self-designated title was the Son Jesus up to the temple to present Him to God (CP Lu
of Man. This expresses His humanity (CP Mt 8:20; 2:22-32 with Isa 42:6).
Mk 2:28; Lu 5:24; Jn 3:13-14). Daniel ascribed the
title of Son of Man to Jesus in the Old Testament in Another title given to Jesus was Master (CP Mt 8:19;
his record of the prophetic vision he had of Christ’s Mk 10:17, 20; Jn 20:15-16; Col 4:1). Jesus referred to
second coming (CP Dan 7:13-14). John also ascribed himself too as Master (CP Mt 23:8-10; 26:18; Jn
the title to Jesus in the Book of Revelation (CP Rev 13:13-14). Jesus also referred to Himself as A Greater
1:10-13; 14:14). Although His Deity was veiled by than Jonah and A Greater than Solomon (CP Mt
His humanity, there are a number of scriptures which 12:41-42; Lu 11:30-32). Jesus was also a Prophet.
proclaim outright that Jesus was God (CP Mt 1:23; Jn He fulfilled Moses’ Old Testament prophecy that God
1:1; 20:28; Ro 9:5; Php 2:5-8; 1Ti 3:16; Tit 2:13; He would raise up a prophet from the midst of Israel like
1:8-12; 2Pe 1:1). In Mt 1:23 Jesus fulfilled Isaiah’s Moses, who all must obey or be punished by God (CP
Old Testament prophecy of the incarnation – God De 18:15-19 with Ac 3:22-26). Jesus acknowledged
taking on human form – (CP Isa 7:14 with Mt 1:22- Himself to be a prophet (CP Mt 13:57; Lu 13:33).
23). In Jn 1:1 Jesus was God the Word, who became Jesus was the Stone which the Builders rejected, the
flesh and dwelt among us. This also refers to the Same is become the Head of the Corner. This fulfilled
incarnation (CP Jn 1:1, 14). Jesus fulfilled Micah’s the Messianic prophecy of Psalm 118 (CP Psa 118:22
Old Testament prophecy also of the incarnation (CP with Mt 21:42 and 1Pe 2:7). Jesus is the Chief
Mic 5:2). The Governor who was to come out of Cornerstone – the Head of the Corner – in God’s
Bethlehem, whose going forth from everlasting, refers redemptive plan (CP Isa 28:16-17; Mk 12:10; Ro
to the pre-existing Jesus as God (CP 1Jn 1:1-2). Jesus 10:11; Eph 2:19-22; 1Pe 2:6). The “builders” who
Himself proclaimed His deity when He declared to the rejected the stone are the Jews who rejected Jesus (CP

A Study by Br Val Boyle 1
Names and Titles of Jesus

Ac 4:11). Unto those who believed on Him, Jesus is a Tried Stone, a Precious Corner Stone, but to
unbelievers He is a Stone of Stumbling, and a Rock of would sustain them both spiritually and eternally (CP
Offence (CP Isa 8:14-15 with Ro 9:31-33; 1Pe 2:4-8). Jn 6:32-35, 47-58).
Jesus is the Foundation Stone, a Sure Foundation (CP It should be noted here before moving on that the
Isa 28:16 with Eph 2:19-20). Jesus is also referred to expressions Jesus uses here about eating His body and
in the Old Testament as the Stone of Israel (CP Gen drinking His blood are to be understood spiritually.
49:24). They are used figuratively, not literally. In V51 Jesus
is in effect saying, “I will give this bread which
Jesus was referred to as both the Carpenter’s Son and symbolises my body given in death to save the world”
the Carpenter (CP Mt 13:54-56; Mk 6:1-3). It is (CP V51). By comparing V47-48 with V53-54 we see
obvious from Mk 6:3 that Jesus plied His trade as a that believing in Jesus is the same as eating His body
carpenter before commencing His earthly ministry. and drinking His blood. We receive spiritual life by
He alluded to Himself as the son of the householder in believing in Jesus and sharing in the redemptive
His parable of the same name (CP Mt 21:33-41). Here benefits of His death on the cross (CP V 47-48 with
Jesus demonstrates the Jewish religious leaders 53-54 and 63). Jesus teaches in V63 that even if we
response to His ministry. The householder symbolises could literally eat His body and drink His blood it
God; the husbandmen are the Jewish leaders; the would not save our souls. The life Jesus speaks of is
servants are the Old Testament prophets, and the son spiritual and eternal life, not fleshly life. Eating His
is Jesus Himself. Jesus was the Door to the Sheepfold body simply means that man must accept by faith
… the Way, the Truth and the Life (CP Jn 10:9; 14:6). what Jesus has done for him and live by obedience to
Jesus was the Good Shepherd (CP Jn 10:10-16); the God’s word, without sin (CP 1Cor 11:23-32). Paul
Great Shepherd of the Sheep (CP He 13:20); the received the revelation of the Lord’s Supper direct
Shepherd and Bishop of Your Souls (CP 1Pe 2:21-25); from Jesus Himself and it is clearly symbolic in
Chief Shepherd (CP 1Pe 5:4). Jesus fulfilled the Old nature. As the word remembrance in V24-25
Testament prophecy by Zechariah that the shepherd signifies, it is a memorial of Jesus.
would be slain and the sheep scattered (CP Zech 13:7
with Mt 26:31). This is how man’s redemption was Jesus called Himself the Resurrection and the Life (CP
purchased. Jn 11:25-26). What Jesus is saying in effect is that
whoever believes in Him has an assured future eternal
As God’s Servant and His Beloved upon whom He life in Him that death cannot conquer or diminish. He
would put His Spirit, Jesus fulfilled another Old has the power of resurrection and of life in His hands
Testament prophecy by Isaiah in Mt 12 (CP Isa 42:1-3 (CP Jn 5:21). Jesus promised believers that because
with Mt 12:15-21). This also highlights the three-in- He was resurrected and lives forever, they too will live
one Godhead of Christianity – Father, Son and Holy forever (CP Jn 14:9). Jesus also called Himself the
Spirit, which is further highlighted in Jesus’ fulfilment True Vine (CP Jn 15:1, 5). Jesus is warning Christians
of Isa 61:1-2 (CP Isa 61:1-2 with Lu 4:16-21). John here of the dangers of not bearing fruit for His
the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God, which taketh kingdom (CP V 2-6). This is a dire warning to those
away the sin of the world in Jn 1 (CP Jn 1:29, 36). who profess faith in Jesus, but are not abiding in Him.
This expression emphasised the redemptive character Every question on a Christian’s relationship to Jesus
of Jesus’ ministry. It refers back to lambs without must be equated and evaluated in the light of this
blemish, which were sacrificed as sin offerings in the passage of scripture.
Old Testament (CP Ex 12:1-3, 5-7, 12-13; Lev 4:32-
35). Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the Jesus is also called the Deliverer out of Zion, fulfilling
world signifies the substitutionary, sacrificial death of another prophecy in the Old Testament by Isaiah (CP
Jesus by which redemption and forgiveness are Isa 59:16-20 with Ro 11:26-27). In 1Cor Paul refers
accomplished. The lambs sacrificed in the Old to Jesus as the Power of God and the Wisdom of God
Testament prefigured the supreme sacrifice of Jesus in (CP 1Cor 1:24). In V30 Paul calls Jesus Wisdom, and
the New Testament (CP Isa 53:4-12 with Ac 8:32-35; Righteousness, and Sanctification, and Redemption
1Cor 5:7). Christ our Passover is Sacrificed in 1Cor (CP V 30). This emphasises even further that all we
5:7 refers to Jesus dying for our deliverance from the are and have, comes from Jesus. Jesus and the
penalty of sin, as the passover lamb died for the message of the cross is the power of God unto
deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt. salvation for all who believe (CP V 18-24). Jesus is
the Wisdom of God as the way of salvation. In Him
In the Gospel of John Jesus was called Rabbi. This is believers have a wisdom that guarantees their
a title of honour, meaning doctor, teacher, master. He salvation (CP V 25-30). As Righteousness, Jesus
was called this by His disciples and Nicodemus (CP Jn enables all who have faith in Him to be justified
1:38, 49; 3:2). Blind Bartimaeus and Mary before God (CP Ro 3:21-26; 4:5; 5:1-2). As
Magdalene called Jesus Rabboni (CP Mk 10:51; Jn Sanctification, Jesus makes holy all who live
20:16). Rabboni derives from Rabbi and is the highest according to God’s word (CP Jn 17:17-19; 1Cor 6:9-
title of honour accorded to a religious leader. It means 11). As Redemption, Jesus is the consummate
literally my Great One or my Great Master. Also in liberation from the presence and the power of sin
the Gospel of John Jesus called Himself the True which He procured by laying down His life as a
Bread from Heaven, the Bread of God, the Bread of ransom for those who love Him (CP Mk 10:45; He
Life, and the Living Bread when He explained to the 9:11-14; 1Pe 1:18-20).
Jews that the Manna Moses gave their forefathers in
the wilderness was not the true bread from heaven – it In He 9:11 Jesus is called a High Priest and is referred
merely sustained them bodily. Jesus declared to them to as such throughout the book (CP He 2:17; 4:14-15;
that He was the true bread from heaven and that He 5:10; 6:20; 7:24-26; 8:1; 10:19-21). In another place

A Study by Br. Val Boyle 2
Names and Titles of Jesus

Jesus is called the Apostle and High Priest of our a Flame of Fire, and His Feet are like Fine Brass”.
profession (CP He 3:1). Elsewhere Jesus is called a John’s description of Jesus was similar to this in 1:14-
Priest (CP He 5:6; 7:15, 17 20, 21). Also in Hebrews, 15 (CP Rev 1:14-15 with 2:18 and 19:11-12). Jesus
Jesus is called the Author of Eternal Salvation (CP He referred to Himself as “He that hath the Seven Spirits
5:9); the Author and Finisher of our Faith (CP He of God and the Seven Stars”, in Rev 3:1. The seven
12:2); the Mediator of a Better Covenant, Mediator of spirits of God denote the fullness of the Holy Spirit
the New Testament, and Mediator of the New upon Jesus, which was prophesied by Isaiah in the Old
Covenant (CP He 8:6; 9:15; 12:24). As the Mediator Testament, while the seven stars again symbolise the
of the New Testament or Covenant, Jesus fulfilled Old seven angels of the seven churches in Asia (CP Isa
Testament prophecy that God would give Messiah as a 11:2 with Mt 3:16; Jn 3:34-35 and Rev 1:4; 3:1; 5:6).
Covenant of the People (CP Isa 42:6; 49:8). In other In Rev 3:7 Jesus called Himself “He that is Holy, He
places in the New Testament Jesus is called the Last that is True, He that hath the Key of David, He that
Adam (CP 1Cor 15:45). Here the first man, Adam, Openeth and No Man Shutteth; and Shutteth, and No
who was human, is contrasted to Jesus, who is a life- Man Openeth”. The Key of David symbolises
giving Spirit (CP 1Jn 2:1). Here Jesus is referred to as Christ’s absolute power and authority when He comes
our Advocate with the Father. “Advocate” is from the again (CP Isa 22:22 with Rev 3:7; 5:5; 22:16).
same Greek word, parakletos, as “Comforter” –
designating the Holy Spirit – is derived (CP Jn 14:16). In Rev 3:14 Jesus speaks of Himself as “the Amen, the
An advocate is one who comes forward in behalf of Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the
and representative of another, and pleads their cause. Creation of God”. As the Amen, Jesus is the
Jesus pleads the cause of those who love Him, with embodiment of faithfulness and truth (CP 2Cor 1:19-
the Father (CP He 7:25). 20). And saying He is the beginning of creation, does
not mean, as some teach, that He was the beginning of
We will bring this study to a close with the names and the creation by God. It means that He began all
titles of Jesus recorded in the Book of Revelation (CP creation. In His pre-incarnate state Jesus carried out
1:5). Here John calls Jesus the Faithful Witness, the the work of creation (CP Gen 1:1-31 with Psa 90:2;
First Begotten from the Dead, and the Prince of the 102:25-27; Jn 1:1-3, 10; Eph 3:9; Col 1:16-17; He 1:1-
Kings of the Earth (CP 1:8, 11, 17; 2:8; 3:14; 21:6; 2; 11:3). In Rev 5:5 Jesus is called the Lion of the
22:13). In these scriptures Jesus calls Himself Alpha Tribe of Judah, the Root of David. Judah was the tribe
and Omega which means the beginning and the end, from which it was prophesied in the Old Testament
the first and the last. Alpha signifies that Jesus was Messiah would come (CP Gen 49:8-10; Isa 65:9 with
the one who brought all things into existence (CP Jn Rev 5:5). Root of David means metaphorically that
1:3; Ro 11:36; Eph 1:10; He 1:8-10; Rev 3:14; 4:11). Jesus is a descendant of David (CP Mt 1:1-17; Rev
Omega signifies that Jesus is the one who will bring 22:16). In Rev 5:6 Jesus is symbolised by a lamb.
all things to their determined end (CP Psa 102:25-27; This is the foremost symbol of Jesus in Revelation –
Isa 51:6; He 1:10-12; 2Pe 3:10-13; Rev 22:13). The He is depicted as such twenty-seven times (CP Rev
fact that Jesus applies the title Alpha and Omega to 5:6). The seven horns denote power (CP De 33:17;
Himself is another proof of His Deity and equality 1Ki 22:11; Dan 7:24). The seven eyes denote
with the Father (CP Jn 1:1-2; 8:56-58; 17:5; Php 2:5- Omniscience – all-seeing (CP Zech 3:8-9). The stone
8; 1Ti 3:16; 1Jn 1:1-2). Jesus’ statement, “I am Alpha here is symbolic of Messiah. The horns and the eyes
and Omega, the beginning and the ending, which is, of the lamb in Rev 5:6 denote the fullness of the Holy
and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty” Spirit upon Jesus.
in Rev 1:8 is a declaration by Jesus that He is the Lord
God Almighty who died and rose again, and will come In Rev 14:14 John refers to Jesus as One like unto the
again to defeat God’s enemies and establish His Son of Man, Jesus was wearing a crown, which
eternal Kingdom (CP Rev 1:8, 12-18 with 19:11-16). denoted His authority, and had a sickle in His hand
with which to reap the harvest of the earth (CP 14:14-
In Rev 1:11 Jesus called Himself the First and the 15). In Rev 17:14 John calls Jesus Lord of Lords, and
Last. This further confirms His Deity (CP Isa 44:6; King of Kings (CP 17:14). They that are with him are
48:12-13 with Rev 1:11, 13, 17; 2:8; 22:13). In Rev called, and chosen, and faithful refers to the saints of
1:13, which was noted earlier in this study, John God in heaven. These that shall make war with the
ascribed the title Son of Man to Jesus, which was Lamb, are the confederation of nations aligned with
Jesus’ self-designated title. In Rev 1:18 and 2:8, Jesus Antichrist who will be defeated by Jesus at the battle
refers to Himself as “I am He that Liveth, and was of Armageddon, the war they will make with Jesus,
Dead; and behold, I am Alive for Evermore” (CP Rev symbolised by the lamb (CP 19:11-21). In V 11 Jesus
1:18; 2:8). In Rev 2:1 Jesus calls Himself, “He that is called Faithful and True. In V 13 He is called the
holdeth the Seven Stars in His right hand, who Word of God. In V 16 He is called the King of Kings,
walketh in the midst of the Seven Golden and Lord of Lords. And last, but by no means least in
Candlesticks” (CP Rev 1:12-16 with 2:1). The seven Rev 22:16, Jesus calls Himself the Root and the
stars represents the angels of the seven churches in Offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star
Asia Jesus addressed through John, and the seven (CP Nu 24:17-19). Even so, come, Lord Jesus (CP
candlesticks represents the seven churches (CP Rev Rev 22:20).
1:11, 20). In Rev 2:12 Jesus referred to Himself as
“He which hath the Sharp Sword with Two Edges”.
The sword symbolises divine judgement (CP Rev 2:12
with V 16 and 19:15, 21). In Rev 2:18 Jesus calls
Himself “the Son of God, who hath His Eyes like unto

A Study by Br. Val Boyle 3

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