At the time of birth, the morphological and functional maturation of the
kidney is not yet complete (Fig, 10-1),
Weight, size and shape of the kidneys
The weight and size of the kidneys in young children is relatively larger
than in older children and adults, In « newborn, the weight of the kidneys is
1:100, and in adults it is 1:200 in relation to body weight. In children under
1 year of age, the upper and lower poles of each kidney are close together
and it resembles « round organ, and later acquires « bean-shaped shape.
Kidney topography
The relatively large size of the kidneys and the shorter lumbar spine
determine the low topographic location of the kidneys in children of the first
years of life. Their upper pole is located at the level of the XI-XII thoracic
vertebra, and the lower one is at the level of the upper edge of the IV
lumbar vertebra, i.e. below the iliac crest, This Feature disappears by the age
of 7. The difference in the position of the contralateral kidneys normally
does not exceed the height of the body of one lumbar vertebra, The kidneys
in young children are located almost parallel; at an elder age, their upper
poles come closer together.
Perinephric fiber
In young children, the kidneys are more mobile than in adults, This is
due to the poor development of their perirenal tissue, pre- and post-renal
fascia, The formation of fixation mechanisms ends by 5-8 years, From this
time on, the normal displacement of the kidneys during inspiration is not
exceeds 1.8% of the child’s body length,
Kidney structure
In the first years of life, the kidneys have « lobular structure (disappearing
by 2-5 years), the thickness of the medulla prevails over the thickness of the
cortical layer (1:4, while in adults it is 1:2). In a full-term newborn, the amount312 repcedeutics of childheed dis
(rounded orga
more mobile than h w glomer
supplied with bloodChapter 10, Urinary system 313
nephrons are the same as in adults (about 2 million), and only in very
premature infants their new formation continues for some time after birth. The
number of glomeruli per unit volume of tissue in newborns and infants is
greater than in adults, Their diameter is much smaller. In children under two
ears of age, the nephron is not sufficiently differentiated (Fig, 10-2)
Morphological maturation of the cortex ends by 3-5 years,
dd the kidneys a8 «whole by shes! ape
Functional features of the kidneys
From the moment ef birth, the kidneys begin te perform homeostatic
The filtration capacity of c newborn's kidneys is low. This is
+ Features of the histological structure of the visceral layer
glomerular capsules (cuboidal epithelium);
+ small glomerular sizes (total filtering surface
glomeruli are 5 times smaller than in adults);
+ low hydrostatic pressure (the volume of blood #lowing
through the kidney every minute in an adult is 25% of the heart :
significant release, in « newborn only 5%),
‘As the child grows, the velume of glomerular filtration increases and
approaches the level ef an adult by the end of the 1st year of life,
The processes of tubular reabsorption and secretion of various substances
are Formed gradually; in newborns they have a number of differences:
+ tubular reabsorption of electrolytes and low-molecular substances
is reduced, therefore, at this age, higher urinary excretion of amino
acids, phosphates and bicarloonates is note
+ glucose reabsorption already in the first weeks ef life is equal
to that of an adult or even exceeds it, which helps preserve energy
« genetically necessary substance for « growing organism;
+ reabsorption of sodium ions eccurs intensively during exercise
sodium chloride, the kidneys of newborns continue to
recbserb sedium ions, while in adults their chserption i
+ newborns are not capable of adequate excretion of water and
sodium chloride; their kidneys can excrete Fluid fractionally
throughout the day and 4 one-time load may be accompanied by
a lack of diuretic effect;
reduced cbility to excrete ions of potassium, calcium, magnesium, ete
es of requlctonof the acid-base state dont mature ct the
time of birth: the child's kidneys secrete 2 times less per unit time;
the pe314Chapter 10, Urinary system 315
more acid radicals; Due to the immaturity of the tubules and low enzyme
activity, the production and secretion of hydrogen and ammonium ions is
limited, and the base-saving mechanism practically dees not Function
The concentration function of the kidneys in young children
is low, which is due to insufficient formation of antidiuretic
hormone (ADH), imperfect regulatory mechanisms, short length of
+the nephron loop, functional inferiority ef the epithelium of the
distal tubules, low glomerular Filtration (and, accordingly, low
tubular filling), etc. Therefore, newborns are characterized by low
specific gravity of urine, Children’s kidneys reach a concentrating
ability similar to that of adults by 4-12 months,
The kidneys of a newborn are cble to provide homeostasis
only in conditions where the bedy is not subject to excessive stress,
Optimal homeostatic kidney function is established by the age of 2
10-11 years,
+ Children's kidneys are not able to quickly and effectively normalize
water end electrolyte disturbances due te imperfect esme- and volume
regulation, They cannet vigorously remove water when there is an excess
Pit or save fluid when there isc lack of it; they reabsorb sodium
much more actively, which is deposited in the tissues of the body,
This is why children easily experience swelling and dehydration, About
This must be remembered when performing infusion therapy.
+ Malnutrition, early transfer to artificial Feeding due te low
secretory capacity in the pestnatal period can have adverse
consequences for the child; deviation in the concentration in
+the blood ef one or another ion, which can acquire the picture
of a certain symptom complex (hyper- or hypocalcemia,
hyper - or hypokalemia, etc.),
+ The relatively lew and slow excretion of many substances
bby children's kidneys must be taken into account when prescribing
drugs (for example, antibiotics), saline solutions, etc.
+ When transferring 4 child to artificial Feeding, especially in
‘the first days of lif, the balance of acids and bases easily shifts
+o the acidic side, which is the result of an increase in protein
load and, consequently, the amount ef preducts te be remeved from
the body under conditions of physiologically low glomerular
filtration and the ability of the tubules to excrete hydrogen ions,
+ The immaturity ef the mechanisms of renal regulation of
the acid-base state also leads to the rapid development of acidosis
in young children with various diseases.316 Propaedeutics of childhood diseases
Urinary tract
The urinary tract in children of younger age groups is characterized
by insufficient development of muscle and elastic tissue in their
The renal pelvis is relatively wider than in adults, and in children
under 5 years of age is located mainly intrarenal, since the renal sinus is
poorly expressed, The ureters extend from them at right angles,
The ureters are relatively longer, wider, hypotonic, have
relatively low contractility, are more tortuous, and have kinks,
The distal section of the ureter (lying directly in the wall and
submucosal layer of the bladder) is very short; it lengthens
with age, reaching maximum by 10-12 years,
The bladder in infants is located higher than in adults (above the
symphysis); with age, it gradually descends into the pelvis, Its anterior
wall is not covered by peritoneum, but is adjacent to the anterior wall of
the abdominal cavity, The bladder has an oval shape, its mucous
membrane is thick, tender, loose, and well supplied with blood, The muscle
fibers in the area of the ureteral orifices are poorly developed, so the
ureteral orifices gape, The physiological capacity of the bladder in
a newborn is about 50 ml, at the age of 1 year - 100 ml, at 5-4 years -
150-200 ml, at 12-14 years old ~300-400 ml
The urethra (urethra) in girls at all ages is shorter and wider
than in boys, Its curvature in infants is more pronounced
than in adults, This must be taken into account when performing
bladder catheteriaction and cystosceps
Anatomical features of the urinary tract in young children
age (relatively wide, hypotonic pelvis, tortuous,
artic evers hater lear the bie chet ot
right angle, greater kidney mobility than in adults) predispose
to urodynamic disturbances, which may contribute
to the subsequent addition of microbial-inflammatory
A short intravesical segment of the ureter, poor development
of muscle fibers in the area of the ureteral orifices predispose to
the development of vesicoureteral reflux,
+ The structural features of the urethra in girls, the proximity of the latter to
the anus, create conditions for the penetration of infection from the
periurethral region into the urinary tract.Chapter 10, Urinary system 317
In healthy newborns, during the first 3 days of life, very little
urine is excreted (transient oliguria) or none at all (in the first
12. hours), which is due to the low intake of Fluid into the body, its
extrarenal losses and hemedynamic features, The absence of -
urine output during the day suggests pathology, Subsequently,
due to the intensity of metabolism and the uniqueness of the diet,
children excrete relatively more urine than adults,
The daily amount (Table 10-1) of urine in children under 10 years of age can be calculated
using the formula:
600 + 100 x (n- 1),
where nis age in years: 600 daily diuresis of « one-year-old child. When
the ambient temperature is high, less urine is released, and when the ambient
temperature is low, more urine is released,
Table 10-1, Number of urinations per day
Newborns (except the first days of life)
6 months-1 year
‘The act of urination
Emptying the bladder occurs reflexively, In newborns, there
isn voluntary urinary retention Conditioned retien
inhibition of the urge to urinate is developed for some time in the
process of raising « child, The ability to voluntarily regulate urination
develops only towards the end of the child’s first year of
life. In the second year of life, this ability becomes stable. However,
with excitement, during exciting games, involuntary urination
can be observed in children up to three years old, and in sleep - up
to5 years old318 dldhood diseases
An examination of the urinary system organs includes questioning
the child and his parents, examination, palpation, percussion, laboratory
and instrumental research methods.
When questioning the child and his parents, possible complaints and
health problems should be actively identified,
+ Pain in the abdomen, in the lumbar region, It should be
noted that young children do not localize pain well, On the healthy
side, pain may be reflexive in nature
+ Dysuric disorders: Frequent or rare urination, painful
urination, urinary incontinence and incontinence, enuresis.
+ Swelling on the Face, legs. Often viewed by parents as quick
third increase in the child's weight.
+ Increased blood pressure, sometimes accompanied by headache, dizziness
pain, pain in the heart area,
+ Change in the appearance of urine (turbidity, sediment, change
in color),
- “Unmotivated” rises in temperature to febrile levels or
prolonged low-grade fever,
= Visual impairment, hearing impairment
+ Dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite,
diarrhea), thirst, itchy skin,
+ Weakness, lethargu, increased Fatigue, malaise, adynamia,
weight loss.
It is also necessary to clarify the history of life, illness, family
namnesis, You should find out:
- when the complaints appeared;
+ results of the analyzes performed:
the treatment performed and its effectiveness;
+ presence of diseases of the urinary system in close
Examination reveals many pathological signs (Table 10-2).Chapter 10. Urinary sustem 319
Sweling (or
pastiness) on
the contours
| oF the suprapubic
end lumber
| Stigma de
behavior during
a: =
10-2, Symptoms of urinary organ diseases
‘Appears due to spasm of arterioles er anemia, Waxy
paller is characteristic of renal amyloidesis,
Paleness with an icteric tint for uremia (you can
notice scratching, ecchymeses on the skin, a coated
dry tongue, smell ammonia. coming from the
patient's mouth or skin)
Swelling can be general
- distributed throughout the body (anasarca):
- with accumulation ef Fluid in cavities: abdominal (ascites), hymen
oral (hydrothorax) and in the pericardial cavity (hydropericardium),
In this case, you can see the puffiness of the Face, swelling of the
eyelids, narrowing of the palpebral fissures (facies nephritica, Fig,
10-3), smoethness of the contours of the jeints (Fig. 10-4), lumbar
lordosis, traces of pressure from clething, sheets (Fig, 10
~5). If hidden edema is suspected, the following
is performed: -McClure~Aldrich blister test:
- weigh the child daily;
5 diuresis is measured daily
The abdomen increases in volume with ascites
- when the child is in an upright position, he looks
drooping (cs Fluid Flows down) with « pretruding
navel (due te increased intra-abdeminal pressure);
- when horizontally spread out with bulging
lateral sections (“Frog belly”, Fig. 10-6),
Bulging in the suprapubic region due te bladder overflow
is observed in acute urinary retention. Newborns
and children in the First months of life are full. the
bladder may protrude above the pubis
Swelling of the lumbar region on the affected side
observed with paranephritis
Most often Found in children with genetic nephropathies,
malformations of the kidneys and urinary tract
Infants express pain when urinating by 2
crying during er immediately oPter
In the hyporeflex form of neurogenic dysfunction, urine :
cof the bledder, the act of urinction continues For « long time
time, often in several stages, te Facilitate urinctien, children
press with their hands on the anterior abdominal wall
et320 Propaedeutics of childhood diseases
Puc, 10-3, Nephi
Rice, 10-4, Smoothness of joint
Rice, 10-5, Pressure marks from clething Rice, 10-6. <>
This methed is used to detect edema and tissue pastiness
(Fig, 10-7)
The kidneys (usually the right one) can be palpated in children of
the first 2 years of life (especially with low nutrition) due to their
relatively large size and low location (Fig, 10-8). In older children, the
kidneys are not normally palpable.
Detection of kidneys during palpation in older children indicates their
enlargement or displacement, Enlarged kidneys can be palpated due to
hydronephrosis, tumor, vicarious hypertrophy of a single kidney, Sometimes it is
possible to detect kidney prolapse (nephroptosis), c dystopic kidney, In the
absence of kidney pathology, they can be palpated in case of abnormal development .
of the muscles of the abdominal wall (aplasia, hypoplasia). Painful
sensations on palpation of the kidneys occur with pyelonephritis, paranephritis
321/465a eee ee ee
Pelpation of the abdemen
is used te identify pain or
sensitivity along the ureter,
the projections of which on
the anterior abdominal wall
are the uoper and lever ureters
points (Fig, 10-4),
Pelpation of the bladder
in the suprapubic region is
carried cut with beth hands
Before the
test, the bladder must be emptied.
The bladder, as an elastic,
Fluctuating formation,
the upper pole o which
sometimes reaches the navel, is
polpated in acute and chronic
urinary retention. A
normally full bladder can be Felt
in infants.
Rice, 10-7. Methods for detecting :
deme the ewer trom
It is necessary to press with the Angers
of your right hand in the area of the
shin abeve the tibia
Rice. 10-8, kidney palpation technique.
‘The child lies on his back with
slightly bent lege, the examiner places
bis eft hand under the patient's lower
back, resting his fingers on the angle
formed by the XII rib and the long
back muscles; places his right hand on
bis stomach and penetrates th right
hypochondrium in Front outward from
the rectus abdominis muscle, then tries
dese your hands322
Propaedeutics of childhood diseases
Rice, 10-4, Methodology for
‘The superior ureteric points are located
at the intersection of s line drown
‘through the navel with the outer
‘edges of the rectus abdominis muscles,
The lower ureteric points ave located
at the intersection of the bispinal
line with the outer edges of the rectus
Rice, 10-10, Tapping the lumbar
The examiner places his left hand on
the lumber region, first on one side,
then en the other, and epplies short,
net very strong blows to it with the
‘edge of the palm of his right hand.
Tapping oF the lumbar
region (modified Pasternatsky
symptom, Fig. 10-10)
is used to identify pain
or discomfort, sometimes
rediating te the leg or
lower abdomen,
smo ocr daring this study
(in this case, the symptom
is assessed as positive).
A positive symptom of
fFleurage ie determined by
inflammatory processes ithe
kidneys and perinephric tissue
(pyelonephritis, paranephritis),
Percussion can be used to determine
the height of the upper pele
of the Filed bladder
For this purpose, the plessis meter
finger of the left hand is placed
parallel te the pubis and percussed along
ve the pubis
the mid ofthe abdemen
from the navel down until the sound
8 dul This metho is ued if acute
rary retentions especie
Percussion alse reveals the
presence of Free fluid in the
abdominal cavity (see the method
in the chapter “Digestive system
‘auscultation of the abdomen
is carried out in the projection of
the renal vessels on both sides,
Detection of a systolic murmur in
the rene eres indicates possible damage
to the renal arteries (congenital
or acquired renal artery stenosis)
cor the corta in this ares,324 Propaedeutics of childhood diseases
General urine analysis
A general urine test includes determination of the physical properties, chemical
composition of urine and microscopy of its sediment (Table 10-3).
Method of urine collection; examine freshly released morning
urine (medium stream), collected after a thorough toilet of the
external genitalia, In newberns and infants, urine collection
of hematuria and leukecyturia, ¢ two-hundred-can sa
A general urine test gives an approximate assessment of changes in urinary
porenko's method of counting cellular elements in 1 ml of
urine; « Addis Kakovsky test - counting of cellular elements in urine
General urine test in children
Norm Features ef urine in children
m In the first week of
ty (depends on t may be
| P
latter is the
nuclei ef which many purine and
Pyrimidine bases are released; the fina
product of their metcbelism is urinary
Infants have lighter urin
than elder children and
, | lew to amber ye
Like adultserm
| (depending on
water lead) up
red blood cells 0-2 in the field c
: 0-4 in the field
| pH and other
| the
Features of urine in children
reaction in newborns is acidic (pH
din premature inf
its to « greater
On the 2-4th day of life, the pH value increases
Jing: - with breastfeed
y, the pH is
6.4 (i.e
7.8; - with artificial 5,
physiological acidosis is typica
ren has the
first weeks of
urine of ch
gravity during th
joes not exceed 1,016-1
In newborns in the first days of life, transient
used by the
proteinuria may develop,
tubules, and capillaries, In full-term
m ars on the 410th day of lif
( mature infants)
; | amount of them in the urine of children is the sam
| r\s are allowed up to 5-6 in the field of view
nent is Formed
due to excessive consumption of meat
se, Fever, hunger
slucocorttico use increased catabolism,
Oxalates are present in urine due to
excess consumption of foods rich ir
Table 10-4, Results of quantitative tests in healthy children
Sediment elements ‘The Nechyporenko method ‘Aszmple
Until vrte
[Red dae Unt 00 pt 20000
Bacteriological examination of urine
‘A.culture of morning urine collected in « sterile container is performed.
After 24 hours, qualitative and quantitative assessment of the results is
carried out, The type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs
ere identihed.
Pathological bacteriuria is considered when more than 10 microbial
bodies are detected in 1 ml of urine in newborns and young children and
more than 0.5-1.0x10 in older children,
Renal function tests
Various renal function tests are presented
The study of the Functional state of the kidneys allows us to judge
localization and severity of structural damage te their parenchyma,
‘The value of glomerular Altration increases with infusion therapy
drinking or taking large volumes of liquid orally, eating high-protein
Foods; decreases under the influence of heavy physical activity, a
change in body position from horizonta| te vertical, under the influence
Table 10-5, Renal function tests
Function under study Determination method
+ in newborns
30-50 ml/min/ 1.73 m>;
+ From year
80-120 mi/min/ 1.73 m2
leg of creatinine (medi
fixed sample
Reberg), i.e. by the amount
a)Chapter 10. Urinary system
Daily diuresis ina
healthy child is
2/3-3/boF the daily
To assess kidney function, the content of nitrogen-
containing substances (urec, creatinine, uric acid), total
protein and its Fractions, electrolytes,
Using special tests, it is possible to examine the partial functions of
individual parts of the nephron: te assess the function of proximal
tubules, the clearance of free amino acid phosphates is examined,
and renal capacity is examined to assess distal tubular Function,
excrete hydrogen ions and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chlorine ions,
phosphorus, calcium, etc.).
If necessary, an instrumental examination of the child is carried out
‘Allows you to evaluate the size (Fig. 10-12), shape, position
formation, structure of the kidneys, renal blood Flow, Functional
‘Hate ofthe kidney, cenditon ofthe bade, detity stones
inthe urinary system (Fig, 10-13), sweling in the body cavities
(Fig, 10-14)328 Propaedeutics of childhood dis
ind urinary tract, urodynam
moniter the dynamics of the pathological process
to determine the shai
assess the amount of fur
dlentify space-occupying Formations in the re
} 4
| oftheren arteries B
Fy the morphelegicel var anges in the
of the kidney |
te 08 the bledder, urethra,
and you can identity vesicoureteral reflux
(Fig, 10-16)
[ inorder to study the uredynamics of th
Itrasound ef the kidneys: « reduced size of the right kidney (wrinkled):
6 - the left kidney of the same child is of normal size
290/465+, Russian > — English330 Propsedeutics of childhood diseases,
‘Anomalies of the development of the urinary system organs
Kidney development abnormalities
Quantity changes:
accessory kidney;
ble kidney (two pelvises in one mass of renal parenchyma)
agenesis (complete absence of an organ, Fig. 10-18);
(absence of an organ in the presence of a vascular pedicle)
« horseshoe kidney (Formed when the lower or upper ends
fusion) (Fig, 10-
¢, 10-17, Kidney duplication; a, 6 scheme of options, in ultrasound; d-urogram331
of both ends:
ped kidney
(Fig, 10-20), rotation
+ simple (decrease in the relative
disruption of their structure),
ional dysplasia is « grew
with impaired differentiation
ie Rice, 10-19, Horseshoe kidney; « -
embryonic structures, diagram; 6 Uttrascund: in urogram
332/465332 Propaedeutics of childhood diseases
Rice, 10-21, Kidney hypoplasia: «333
most common cause is stenosis of the ureteropelvic segment, the
ted with imp
in embryogenesis.
Anomalies of the ureter
place) of the ostia;
retrocaval ureter,
ladder abnormalities
exstrophy (congenital cleft
of the bladder «
- diverticulum (Fig, 10-23). Rice, 10-22, Congenital! hydronephrosis
Anomalies in the development of urination
- atresia or stenosis (Fig. 10-24)
the lower part of the lower wa!
entire external opening opens in
the area of the coronary
on the lower surface of the
of the urethra).
Rice, 10-23, Multiple diverties334 Propaedeutics of childhood diseases
Changes in urine tests
Changes in urine are the most
cad somtimas the
only sign of damage to the urinary
Urinary syndrome. Urinary syndrome
is understood es the appearance
of pathological changes in urine
in the Form of proteinuria, hematuria,
leukocyturia, cylindruria,
the urinary sediment, These changes
‘Change in urine color, The
color of urine changes in
many pathelogical conditions,
taking certain medications,
and also in healthy children
Rice. 10-24, Urethral
efter ecting certain Feeds
ewe (Fig, 10-25).
Leukecyturia - an increase in the
content of leukocytes in the urine above
= Neutrophilic type of urine urecytegram is noted in microbial
inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract
(pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, tuberculosis and other infections),
as wel asthe external genitalia
= Mononuclear and lymphocytic types of urocytogram
are characteristic of damage to the tubulointerstitial tissue
of the kidneys in glomerulonephritis, interstitial and lupus
Hematuria (detection of more than 2 red blood cells in the field of view in the
morning urine), According to the degree of severity, macro- and microhematuria
are distinguished. renal and extrarenal in origin, Causes of hematuria in
children, see Fig. 10-26.
Other possible changes in urine are presented in table, 10-7,ckground336
Propaedeutics of childhoed diseases
Glomerular eceurs
-glomerulonephritis =
progressive, chronic)
1 A-nephropathy
~ diseases of thin
+ idiepathic mixed
-lipopreteins, 8-globulins)
glomerular when the properties of the glomerular
basement membrane are damaged er changed;
tua sir hi ipo nth
ability of the kidney tubules to reabsorb
protein From primary urine;
+ prerenal is caused by increased education
loss of low molecular weight proteins (light
chains of immunoglobulins, hemoglcbin,
myoglobin), which are filtered by normal
‘glomeruli in quantities exceeding the capecity oF
‘tubules te reabsorption (preteinuria
“ovrtow338 Propaedeutics of childhood diseases
Table 10-7, Changes in urine tests
change Incomplete transparency of urine occurs whon ther
The urine becomes cloudy due te the presence of
bacteria and a large amount of salts in it, cloudy if there is
drops of fot
Ghange'in ‘An acidic urine reaction can occur in children after an
urine reaction overload of meat Food, with glomerulonephritis, and diabetic
An alkaline urine reaction is observed with a vegetable diet,
consumption of alkaline mineral water, due to vomiting (due to
loss of chlorine ions), with inflammatory diseases of the
urinary tract, hypokalemia, in the presence of phosphate, with
the disappearance of edema, with bacterial fermentation in the
Change Relative density fluctuations below 1,010
hatig They indicate 4 violation of the concentration Function
relative density | of the kidneys: this condition is called hypesthenuri,
om The presence of a constant relative density of uri
corresponding to the density of primary urine (1,008-1,010)
is called isosthenurie, A decrease in the relative
density of urine occurs when urine is diluted or its concentration :
is impaired, which occurs in chronic glemerulonephritis
with severe damage to tubulointorstitial tissue,
interstitial nephritis, congenital and hereditary kidney
diseases, chronic pyelonephritis in the stage of sclerosis
‘An increase in the relative density of urine, hypersthenuria
(specific gravity above 1,030) is observed in the presence of sugar,
protein, and salts in it
Cylinder| | | Cylindruria is associated with protein precipitation in
+the tubular lumen, Casts in the urine appear under
hyaline casts during physical exertion, Fever, orthostatic
proteinuria, nephretic syndrome, ete.; granular in
severe degenerative lesions oF the tes; ving with
lesions ef the tubular epithelium, nephrotic syndrome;
er daeneratve changes in the tubes
with glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome;
erythrocytes for hematuria of renal origin; leukocytes
for leukocyturia oF renal originMay eccur with excess sugar consumption, infusion
‘theropy with glucose solutions, and dichetes, In the
chsence of these Factors, glucosuria indicates « violation
of glucose reabsorption in the proximal nephron
(tubopathy, interstitial nephritis)
Characteristic of acetonemic vomiting, diahetes
Epithelial cells appear in large numbers in the urine
under various pathological conditions: squamous
epithelium (upper layer of the epithelium of the
bladder) - in acute and chronic cystitis, columnar or
‘cuboidal epithelium (epithelium of the tubules, pelvis,
ureter) - in inflammatory diseases, dysmetabolic
A precipitate of uric acid and its salts is observed in children with
urinary acid diathesis and in a number of kidney diseases
leading to disruption of the Formation oF ammonia by the
‘tubular epithelium, Tripelphosphates and cmorphous phosphates
‘are Found in the urine in microbial inflammatory diseases oF
‘the kidneys and urinary tract, as welll as in primary and secondary
‘tubulepathies against the background of hyperphosphaturia
‘end impaired acidegenesis and ammonicgenesis, Oxalates are
found in urine during extrarenal uid loss, in some tubulepathies,
65 well as in oxalosis (c hereditary disease characterized by
impsired metabolism of oxalic acid precursors)
Polyuria Increased daily
mere diuresis. Convergence of edema.
‘than 2 times compared to the use of osmotic diuretics
nd the norm of scluretics,
(in older children, severe renal dysfunction
(renal age, a Failure in the ee phase).
1500 ml/m? per dau) DiabetesMay be due to impaired renal function
in patients with glomerulonephritis,
limiting Fluid intake;
increase in cardice edema
Transient cliguria is observed in new
born in the first 3 days of life
Urine dees not enter the bladder due to
a violation of its formation in the kidneys
(true anuria) or due te obstruction
oF the everying urinary tract.
‘True anuria can be a sign of acute
renal failure, occur when the bloed supply
to the kidneys is impaired (shock, acute
blood loss), exposure to toxic Factors,
acute inflammation of the renal
parenchyma (acute glomerulonephritis)
Occurs when there is a disturbance in the
‘the bladder, Ischuria can eccur acutely when
nom traumatic rupture or stone
obstruction of the urethra or persist
For « long time with severe atony
presence of residual urine) is
‘observed in the presence of an cbstruction
at the level of the bladder neck or
strictures of the urethra, stones
‘and tumers of the beer, ureterecele,
etc,). For incomplete chronic delay
intermittent urine stream, deed urinetien,
urinction in 2 stages, which is mere
‘often observed with bladder diverticulum,
urethrohydronephresis, vesicoureteral‘ 341
| Kidney disorders, A tendency te nocturia
is characteristic of various kidney
s characteristic
diseases, and noctur
Edema is a common symptom of various kidney diseases,
he development of edema may be due to
concentration of proteins, mainly albumins, in the blood
increased capillary permeability cs result of increased.
activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, which determines
an increase in the reabsorption of sodium and
water; » decreased glomerular filtration,
Edema is observed in acute and chronic glomerulonephr tis,
Nephrotic syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome is a symptom complex including: +
+ severe proteinuria. (more than 50 mg/kg per day);
hypopreteinemia. (hypoallbuminemia)
Clinical forms of nephrotic syndrome:
complete - the presence of the entire symptom complex
incomplete in the absence of edema or one of the laboratory symptoms
ptomov nephrotic syndrome;
Rice, 10-27, Nephrotic syndrome (anasarca)342 Propaedeutics of childhood diseases
+ pure, net accompanied by hematuria or hypertension:
+ mixed with hematuria. or hypertension.
Nephrotic syndrome can be primary or secondary (Table 1(0-4).
Table 10-9, Causes of nephrotic syndrome in children
Primary nephrotic syndrome Secondary nephrotic syndrome
Congenital and infantile nephro- For intrauterine infections
tic syndrome, (toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus
For glomerulonephritis: infection, congenital syphilis,
~ sith winimal hongesin the ete).
= For infectious diseases tuberculosis,
= focal segmental glomerus ( hepatitis B and C, HIV.
lesclerosis (hyalinosis): suphiis, ete)
- membranous; For systemic diseases of connective
“ mesangioproliferative; tissue and systemic vasculature,
- meergiceplen ck
- extracapillary with crescents; With structural dysembryogenesis
~ Hroplestic Kidney tue
For metabolic diseases.
For renal vein thrombosis,
For hereditary diseases
For chromosomal diseases
Nephritic (acute nephritic) syndrome
Nephritic syndrome is a symptom complex including:
+ extrarenal symptoms (edema, hypertension, possible changes in
cardiovascular system, central nervous system);
+ rencl symptoms (oligurie, homcturie, proteinuri, cylindruria)
The occurrence of acute nephritic syndrome is most typical
for acute glomerulonephritis. It can also be observed during primary
nal and secondary (for example, with SLE, Henoch-Schénlein disease,
Wegener's granulomatosis, Goodpasture's syndrome) glomerulonephritis. Appearance
nephritic syndrome clwcys indicates an increase in activity
these diseces,
Dysuric syndrome
Dysuric syndrome is a syndrome ef impaired urination (Table
10-10), «sigh of pathology oF the lower urinary tract,Table 10-10, Urinary disorders
‘Observed in children with « hyperetlex
bladder: with significant loss of Fluid due
Increased urination May occur in healthy children during cooling
(pollaiuria) denia. and when suimming in salt water.
Pollakiuria in combination with pain
during urination is a characteristic sign
of cystitis: pollakiuria, more pronounced
during the dey, aggravated by
rmevements, is characteristic of stones in
‘the bladder; painless pollakiuria is
observed with a hyperreflex bladder, In
addition, pellckiuric cam occur with
urethritis, prostatitis, with reflex effects
rom the intestines (anal fissures,
True urinary incontinence is characteristic
incontinence are ectopia of the ureteric
orifices into the urethra or vagina,
Most often develops with pathology of the
nervous system, with mental disorders, as well
4 pathelepy of the lever urinary tract,344 Propaedeutics of childhood diseases
Pain syndrome
Pain syndrome in kidney diseases can be caused by three main
reasons: stretching of the kidney capsule, inflammatory sweling
of the mucous membrane and/or stretching of the renal pelvis,
spasm of the urinary tract.
Stretching of the kidney capsule occurs in parenchymal kidney
diseases (glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis, etc,) and in patients
with congestive plethora in heart failure, The pain in this case is
usually mild, dull, and constant, At the same time, with « kidney
infarction, pain can occur acutely and be very pronounced, If
* the pelvis is affected (pyelonephritis), the pain can be intense -
mi growing,
+ Acute, paroxysmal, very intense pain in the lower back or
along the ureter (renal colic) is characteristic of urolithiasis,
during urination in the lumbar region and in one of the hollows
abdominal veins appear with vesicoureteral reflux, Pain in
the bladder area is caused by its pathology and occurs with
cystitis, the presence of 4 stone, or urinary retention, Pain in
the area of the urethra can be caused by inflammation,
‘Arterial hypertension
Hypertension in children with kidney disease develops quite often,
When the renal parenchyma is damaged or vasoconstriction occurs, blood
ircation in the kidneys is disrupted, which leeds to activation of the
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, As a result, general peripheral
vascular resistance increases, sodium and water ions are retained, which causes
There is an increase in cardiac eutput and circulating blood volume,
+ Parenchymal renal hypertension occurs with diffuse damage to
the renal parenchyma: with acute and chronic glomerulonephritis,
interstitial nephritis, congenital kidney anomalies, amyloid
dose, kidey tomer, kidrey injury, ee
+ Vasorenal hypertension is caused by renal artery stenosis, the presence
of multiple renal arteries, anomalies of the renal veins, thrombosis
or aneurysm of the renal artery or vein, aortoarteritis or
juvenile polyarteritis with damage to the renal arteries, ete,
Kidney failure
Renal failure is a condition in which the kidneys reduce the
‘uaretion of various substances From the body: water, petessim fons,
sodium, nitrogen-containing substances (creatinine and urea), medium
molecular *
345/465Chapter 10. Urinary system 345
Clinically, renal failure is manifested by symptoms:
+ overbudretion;
+ hyperkalemia;
The basis of renal failure is the interaction of three factors:
+ decreased blood perfusion through the renal vessels,
+ disruption and blockade of microcirculation in
* them, replacement of renal structures with connective tissue.
Partial transient renal failure is characterized by « significant
ecrese nthe oaretonet abn (ay wee te
kidneys, associated with « decrease in renal blood flow or impaired
bloed flow through the renal glomeruli, This state of development -
- hypovelemic conditions (high physical activity, diabetes
rhea, vomiting, fever);
- decreased pumping function of the heart;
5 vasoconstriction during hypertensive crises;
. increcsed bled viscosity during parapreteinemia,
Acute renal failure is « disorder of kidney function caused by Ee
damage to nephrons, clinically characterized by cliguria, This condition
develops with immune diseases, disseminated intravascular coagulation
syndrome against the background of sepsis and severe infections,
hemolysis, shock, burns, Frostbite, massive blood transfusions, etc.,
with thrombosis and thromboembolism of the renal vessels; exposure
to nephrotoxic substances; in case of obstruction of the ureter.
Chronic renal failure is « condition caused by irreversible loss
of Functioning nephrons and ether kidney tissues, while diuresis
depends on the stage of the disease and can be adequate, excessive, -
and in the terminal stage olige- er enuria develeps, Chronic
renal failure develeps with rapidly progressive and chronic
glomerulonephritis, with chronic pyelonephritis against the background
of abnormalities of the kidney structure, with nephritis in patients
with systemic connective tissue diseases, amylcidesis, ete,
Fragment of medical history
When examining, pay attention to the color of the skin, the presence of stigmata
of dysmorphogenesis, edema (pasty) of the eyelids, Face, torso, extremities,
changes in the size and shape of the chdomen, the contours of the suprapubic,
lumbar regions, the child's behavior during [ll urination time, Palpation
reveals swelling (pasty) in the lower extremities, Blood pressure
is measured,